HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200400021 Approval - County 2005-02-09 . . . t. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5823 Fax (434) 972-4126 February 22, 2005 McKee Carson c/o Sri Ravali Komaragiri 301 E. High Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ZMA-2004-00021. Delta Kappa Epsilon at UV A (TMP 76A-OC5) Dear Mr. Komaragiri: The Board of Supervisors approved your rezoning application on February 9, 2005. Your rezoning from Unzoned to R-6, Residential, was approved in accordance with the attached proffers dated February 3, 2005. A plan of development dated February 1, 2005 was approved as part of the rezoning. Please refer to these documents for any future applications and requests on this property. Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes compliance with: . Compliance with applicable PROFFERS; and . approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. If you have questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact Keith Lancaster at 296-5832. Sincerely, Uv V. Wayne ilimberg Director of Planning Planning Division /aer · · · C: Delta Kappa Epsilon Renovation Assoc POBox 400218 Charlottesville, VA 22904 ZMA 2004-021 Delta Kappa Epsilon at UVA Page 2 February 22, 2005 DKE Renovation L TD Partnership c/o Page Henley 1564 Heathrow Lane Keswick, VA 22901 Cc: Amelia McCulley Biii Fritz Tex Weaver Chuck Proctor Steve Allshouse Keith Lancaster · · · Original Proffer YES Amended Proffer (Amendment # ~ PROFFER FORM Date: Februarv 9.2005 ZMA # ZMA-04-021 DKE Expansion Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) TMP 76A-OC5 0.22 Acres to be rezoned from NOT ZONED to R-6 Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property, ifrezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. 1) Permitted uses of the property, and/or uses authorized by special use permit, shall include only the following section(s) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance in effect on February 9, 2005, a copy of the section(s) being attached hereto and will be in conformity with the site plans prepared by McKee Carson and the architectural drawings prepared by Dalgliesh, Eichman, Gilpin & Paxton dated February 1,2005: 1. Sec. 2) Each outdoor luminaire on the structure containing a lamp that emits three thousand (3,000) or more maximum lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire as provided in Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section 4.17, in effect on February 9, 2005, a copy of the section being attached hereto. Delta Kappa Epsilon Renovation Limited Partnership February 3. 2005 bv the DKE Corporation General Partner Vice President R. Page Henlev Jr. ~1:J~ Printed Names of All Owners \-<. '?o.(\~ \-\ ~ Y\ \ ~1 ~t" Date ::2./31os / J OR Signature of Attorney-in-Fact (Attach Proper Power of Attomey) Printed Name of Attorney-in-Fact · Sections: Ï6.Ï 16.2 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.3 16.-1 16.-1.1 16.-1.2 16.-1.3 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 AL/5EMARI-E COUNTY CO/)E CHAPTERIH ZONING SECTION 16 RESIDENTIAL - R-6 T'I\.P'T'T:'1\.TT '1.T1...rVD1:" D17D1\¡fT'T"T17fi 11'1 J. r..l-'.1, yy .1.l.&.:...1'\.L..r .I. ........."-!'......... JL A...UJ PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT AREA AND BULK REGULA TIONS BONUS FACTORS (REFERENCE 2.-1) ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS LOW AND MODERATE COST HOUSING CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT OPTION REGULATIONS (Amended 8-1-1-85) BUILDING SEPARATION RECREATIONAL AREA REQUIREMENTS HEIGHT REGULATIONS 16.1 INTENT, WHERE PERMITTED · R-6 districts are hereby created and may hereafter be established bv amendment to the zoning map to pro\'ide a plan implementation zone that: .Pro\·ides for compact, mediLun-density residential de\'elopment: (Amended 9-9-92) -Penn its a variety of housing types: and -Provides incenti\'es for clustering of development and provision of locational, environmental and developmental amenities R-6 districts may be pennitled within community and urban area locations recommended for medium-density residential use in the comprehensive plan (Amended 9-9-92) 16.2 PERMITTED USES 16.2.1 BY RIGHT · The following uses shall be pennitled subject to the requirements and limitations of this ordinance: I, Detached single-fmnily d\\eIlings, 2, Semi-detached and attached single-famill d\\ellings such as duple:\es, triple:\l.:s. quadraplc\cs, townhouses, atrium houses and patio hOllses prm'idcd that densitl' is maintained, and pro\'ided further that buildings are k)catecJ so that cach unit could he provideu \\ ith a lot meeting all other requirements for uetached single-famill d\\cllings e:\ceptl'or side \',mls at thl.: common \\all I ~-I (,-I ¡"ning Supplemenl .~I,. 1"·I_~-j'-t AUJEMARf.E COUNTY COf)E . ~ !\'lu1l1pk-ramih d\\t:llings :,lIch as ¡¿anIeJl ~lp~lrtmenh -1 Cluster de\'eloj1ment of pennitted n:sidentialllses, 5, Rental of pennitteJ resiJential uses anJ guest cottages: pro\ïJed that yard, area anJ other requirements of this orJinance shall be met for each such Lise \\hether or not such Lise IS OJl an inJl\'iJuallot. 6, Homes for de\'elopmcntalh' JisableJ persons (reference 5,17) 7, Boardmg houses 8, Tourist loJgings (reference 51.17) 9 (Repealed 9-2-81) 10 (Repealed 9-2·81 ) I] Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, e:\cluJing to\l'er stmctures and including poles, lines, tmnsfonners, pipes, meters anJ relateJ t:1cilities for Jistribution of local ser,ice anJ owned anJ operated bv 0 public utilitv Water Jistribution anJ sewerage collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances O\llleJ anJ operated bv the Albemarle County' Ser\'ice Authority, E:\cept as other.I'ise e:\presslv pro\'iJeJ, central \\'ater supplies and central se\\erage s\'stems in confonnance with Chapter] 6 of the CoJe of Albemarle and all other applicable lHl\', (AmendeJ 5-12-9~) . 12, Public uses and buildings incluJing temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, pial' grounds and roads funded, o\\ned or operated by local, state or fedewl agencies (reference ~ 1,2,5): public \\'ater anJ se\\cr transmission, main or trunk 1mes, treatment facilities, pumping. stotions and the like, o\\ned and/or operated bv the RI\'aI1l1a Water anJ Se\\er AuthorÌ!v (reference ~ 1.2,5: 5,1 121 (Amended 11-1-89) 13, Temporary construction uses (reference 5] ,18) 14, Accesso~' uses and buildings including home occupation, Class A (reference 5,2) and storage buildings, ] 5 Stonnwater management facilities ShO\\11 on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat (Added 10-9-02) ] 6, Tier 1 and Tier II personal wireless ser.·icc facilities (reference 5,] 40), (Added 10-13 -04 ) (,§ 20-16,2,1, 12-10-80: 9-2-81: 11-1-89: 5-12-93: Ord, 02-18(6), 10-9-02: Orù, 0-1-18(2), 10-13-0-1) 16.2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT The follm\"Íng uses shalJ be pennitted onlv bl' special Llse permit apprm'ed bl' the hoarù of supeI\'isors pursuant to section ~ 1,2-1' ), Community center (reference 5,) ,0-1) 2, Clubs, lodges, ci\'ic, fratemaL patriotic (reference 5.1,(2) .', Fire and rescue squaJ stations (reference 5,),09) -- ..) S\\im, golf. tennis or sil11i1ar athktlc facilities (reference 5 I I (>¡ 1:--\-1 (,·2 ¡¡"Iill:.' .';uppL.:-mcJJI-:.':'(J. )I)~ ,'".:._¡I~ . Sections: ALBE/vIARLE COUNT}' CODE CHAPTER 18 ZONING SECTION 4 GENERAL REGULATIONS 4.0 GENERAL REGULATIONS 4.1 AREA AND HEALTH REGULATIONS REL,HED TO UTILITIES (Amended 6- 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 . 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 . 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.9 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3 4.11 3-81 ) CRITICAL SLOPES BUILDING SITE REQUIRED BUILDING SITE AREA AND DIMENSIONS (Amended 10-17-01) LOCATION OF STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS (Amended 11-15-89; 10- 17-01) LOCATION OF SEPTIC SYSTEMS (Amended 11-11-87) MODIFICATION OR WAIVER EXEMPTIONS (Amended 10-17-01) TREE CUTTING FILL AREAS, WASTE AREAS VISIBILITY CLEARANCE AT INTERSECTIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDOMINIUMS LOT REGULA TraNS FRONT AGE AND LOT WIDTH MEASUREMENTS (Amended 7-20-88) LOTS, DETERMINATION OF LOT FRONT (Amended 10-3-01) LOTS AND YARDS ADJACENT TO STREETS, ALLEYS AND SHARED DRIVEWAYS REAR YARDS ON INTERIOR LOTS SIDE YARDS ON LOTS LOT ACCESS REQUIREMENTS LOT COVERAGE BY BUILDINGS REGULATIONS GOVERNING OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE, INTENT USES PERMITTED IN OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE, DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Amended 11-15-89) OWNERSHIP OF OPEN SPACE USES--GENERALL Y DETERMINATIONS CONCERNING UNSPECIFIED USES TEMPORARY INDUSTRIALIZED BUILDINGS (Amended 10-3-01) HOUSES DISPLAYED FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES (Repealed 3-18-81) (Repealed 3-18-81) HANDICAPPED ACCESS (Amended 10-3-01) HEIGHT OF BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCTURES INTENT FIRE AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FIRE PROTECTION AERIAL NA VIGA TION HEIGHT LIMIT A TION--EXCEPTIONS EXCEPTIONS--EXCLUDED FROM APPLICATION EXCEPTlONS--LIMITED PARAPET WALLS, CORNICES, ETC. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS USES AND STRUCTURES PERMITTED IN REQUIRED YARDS 18-4-1 Zoning Supplement ii 19, ~-6-0~ . 4.1 1.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 4.12 4.12.] 4.12.2 4.12.3 ... 1"\ .4 "t. 1 .L."t 4.12.5 4.12.6 4.12.6. ] . 4.12.7 4.13 4.13.1 4.13.2 4.]3.3 4.]4 4.]4.] 4.]4.1.2 4.]4.2 4.]4.2.] 4.] 4.2.2 4.]4.3 4.]4.4 4.]4.5 4.]4.6 4.]4.7 4.14.8 4.]5 4.15. ] 4.]5.2 4.15.3 4.] 5.4 4.15.5 4.15.6 . 4.]5.7 ALBEMA.RLE COUNT}' CODE COVERED PORCHES, BALCONIES, CHIi\INEYS AND LIKE FEATURES STRUCTURES IN REQUIRED YARDS ACCESSORY STRUCTURES PUBLIC TELEPHONE BOOTHS FENCES, MAILBOXES, AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES REDUCTION OF BUILDING SEPARATION AND SIDE YARDS (Added 1-1-83) OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS PURPOSE APPLICATION LOCATION OF PARKING COOPEP,.A TI\rE PA..RK!NG A V AILABILITY PARKING AREA DESIGN SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS INTERNAL CIRCULATION MINIMUM IMPROVEMENTS LIGHTING PARKING SPACE SIZE (Amended 10-3-0]) REQUIRED NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR UNSPECIFIED USES (Amended 10-3-01) SCHEDULE OF SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED OFF-STREET LOADING SPACE PARKING AND STORAGE OF CERTAIN VEHICLES PARKING, STORAGE, OR USE OF MAJOR RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS LIMITATION ON PARKING/STORAGE OF INOPERATIVE MOTOR VEHICLES (Amended 6-]0-87) LIMITATIONS ON PARKING OF TRUCKS AND CERTAIN RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS NOISE (Amended 6-]4-00) (Repealed 6-]4-00) (Repealed 6-]4-00) VIBRATION METHOD OF MEASUREMENT MEANING OF TERMS GLARE AIR POLLUTION WATER POLLUTION RADIOACTIVITY ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE CERTIFIED ENGINEER REPORT SUBMITTAL SIGNS (New ordinances adopted 7-8-92 and 5-9-0]; old ordinances repealed at the same time) PURPOSE AND INTENT (Amended 5-9-01) DEFINITIONS (Amended 5-9-01) SIGN CONTENT (Amended 5-9-0]) SIGNS AUTHORIZED BY SIGN PERMIT (Amended 5-9-0]) SIGNS AUTHORIZED BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT (Amended 5-9-01) SIGNS EXEMPT FROM THE SIGN PERMIT REQUIREMENT (Amended 5-9- 01) PROHIBITED SIGNS AND SIGN CHARACTERISTICS (Amended 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) 1 8 -4- 2 Zoning Suppl<?l11ent" I~, :-6-0: . 4.15.8 4.15.9 4.15.10 4.15.11 4.15.12 . 4.15.13 4.15.14 4.15.15 4.15.16 4.15.17 4.15.18 4.15.19 4.15.20 4.15.21 4.15.22 4.15.23 - 4.15.24 4.16 4.16.1 4.16.2 4.16.3 4.17 4.17.1 4.17.2 4.17.3 4.17.4 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE RA, VR, R-l AND R-2 ZONING DISTRICTS (Amended 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE R-4 AND R-6 ZONING DISTRICTS (Amended 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-ûi) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE R-I0, R-15 AND PRD ZONING DISTRICTS (Amended 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE PUD ZONING DISTRICT (Amended 5- 9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE C-l AND CO ZONING DISTRICTS (Amended 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE HC, PD-SC AND PD-MC ZONING DISTRICTS (Amended 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE HI, LI AND PD-IP ZONING DISTRICTS (Amended 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) (Repealed 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE IN THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT (Added 5-9-01) REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN SIGN TYPES (Added 5-9-01) DETERMINING SIGN AREA (Added 5-9-01) DETERMINING SIGN HEIGHT (Added 5-9-01) DETERMINING SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE (Added 5-9-01) DETERMINING STRUCTURE FRONTAGE (Added 5-9-01) DETERMINING SIGN SETBACK (Added 5-9-01) SIGN MAINTENANCE (Added 5-9-01) SIGN ALTERATION, REPAIR OR REMOV AL; WHEN REQUIRED (Added 5-9- 01) NONCONFORMING SIGNS (Added 5-9-01) RECREATION REGULATIONS MINIMUM AREA MINIMUM FACILITIES ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OUTDOOR LIGHTING PURPOSE APPLICABILITY (Amended 10-17-01) DEFINITIONS (Amended 10-17-01) STANDARDS (Amended 10-17-01) 18-4..3 Zoning SlIpplell1èlll ;f 19, 2-h-02 . ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE -1.16.3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 4 16,3,1 Equipment specifications shall be approved by the Jirector of planning anJ community development on advice of the Jirector of parks and recreation, 4, I 6,32 Recreational equipment and facilities shall be maintaineJ in a safe condition and replaced as necessary, Maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property O\mer if rental units or a homeowners' association if sale units, 4, I 6,33 Recreational facilities shall be completed when fifty (50) percent of the units han received L;ertifïcates ûf ûccupnncy. ..U 7 OUTDOOR LIGHTING Outdoor lighting regulations are set forth in sections 4 17, I, 4, 17,2, 4, I 7.3, 4. 174, 4,17.5 and 4, I 7,6, These regulations are in addition to the perfÒnnance standard pertaining to glare set forth in section 4,14,3 of this chapter. (Ord, 98-18(1),8-12-98) -1.17.1 PURPOSE . The purposes of these outdoor lighting regulations are to protect dark skies, to protect the general welfare by controlling the spillover of light onto adJacent properties, and to protect the public safety by preventing glare from outdoor luminaires, To effectuate these purposes, these regulations regulate the direction of light emitted from certain luminaires, and limit the intensity of light on certain adjacent properties, as provided herein, (Ord, 98-18(1).8-12-98) 4.17.2 APPLICABILITY Except as provided in sections 4,17.4,b and 4, I 7.6, these outdoor lighting regulations shall apply to each outdoor luminaire installed or replaced after the date of adoption of these regulations which is: (Amended 10- J7-0l) a. Located on property within a commercial or industrial zoning district, or is associated with a use for which a site plan is required by section 32.0, and is equipped with a lamp which emits three thousand (3,000) or more maximum lumens; or (Amended 10-17-0 I) b, Located on property within a residential or the rural areas zoning district and is associated with a use for which a site plan is not required by section 32.0, and is equipped with a high intensity discharge lamp, regardless of its maximum lumens. (Amended 10-17-0 I) (Ord, 98-18(1), 8-12-98; Ord. 01-18(8),10-17-01) -1.17.3 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the implementation and enforcement of these outdoor lighting regulations: Decorative [liminaire lFitll fitl[ clIt(!f/optics, (Repealed 10-17-(1) - FlIll ClItOj{ [liminaire, The tenn '"full cutoff luminaire" means an outdoor light fi:-.:ture shielded in such a manner that all light emitted bv the fi:-.:ture. either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the tìxture, is projected below Ù1e horizontal plane, 18-4-52 Zoning Supplement" 17. JO·]7·() 1 ALBEMARJ.E COUNTY CODE . High in/ensil1' discharge lamp, The tenn "high intensity discharge lamp" means a merCLlIY vapOL metal halide, or hig.h pressure sodium lamp, and for purposes of this section 4,17, a low pressure sodium lamp, Ini/iallllmens, (Repealed 10-17-(1) Lamp, The tenn "lamp" means the component of a luminaire that produces light. A ¡amp is also commonly referred to as a bulb LlImen, The term "lumen" means a standard unit of measurement of luminous !lux, LlIminaire, The tenn "Iuminaire'" means a complete lighting unit consisting. of a lamp or lamps together with the components designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply, A huninaire is also commonly referred to as a fixture, Oll/door lllminaire, The tenn "outdoor lumina ire"' means a ILUninaire which is pennanenllv installed outdoors including, but not limited to, devices used to illuminate any site, structure, or sign, except that it does not include an internally illuminated sign (Ord, 98-18(1), 8-12-98; Ord. 01-18(8). 10-17-01)) 4.17.4 STANDARDS The following standards shall apply to each outdoor luminaire: . a. Except as provided in section 417,6, each outdoor luminaire subject to these outdoor lighting regulations shall be a full cutoff lLUninaire, (Amended 10-17-(1) I, For each outdoor lumina ire subject to these outdoor lighting regulations pursuant to section 4.17 ,2,a, whether a lamp emits three thousand (3,000) or more maximum lumens shall be detennined from the infonnation provided by the manufacturer of the lamp including, but not limited to, infonnation on the lamp or on the lamp's packaging materials. (Amended 10-17-01) 2, For each outdoor luminaire subject to these outdoor lighting regulations pursuant to section 4.17.2.a, the following rated lamp wattages shall be deemed to emit three thousand (3,000) or more maximum lumens unless the zoning administrator detennines, based upon infonnation provided by a lamp manufacturer, that the rated wattage of a lamp emits either more or less than the three thousand (3,000) maximum lumens: (Amended 10-17-01) a, Incandescent lamp: one hundred sixty (160) or more watts, b. Quartz halogen lamp: one hlmdred sixty (160) or more watts, c, Fluorescent lamp: thirty-tin (35) or more watts. d. Mercury vapor lamp: seventy'-five (75) or more watts, e, Metal halide lamp: forty (40) or more watts, f. High pressure sodium lamp: forty-five (45) or more watts, g, Lo\\' pressure sodium lamp: twenty-tive (25) or more watts, i. 3 If a lLlll1Înaire is equipped \\'ith Inore than one lalnp: the ltnnens of Ù1e Ifunp \\'ith the highest maximum lumens shall detem1Íne the lumens emitted (Amended 10-17-0 I ) 18-4-53 Zoning Supplement" ] 7, 1O·17-()] I ; I I I I , , I , I I I I , ~ - ? - " ;::, ,. s- ..0-- f I I I , i I IR I I I I I I L , I I STORM ">:C VL SEWER -10- - - -X-X-x-x- 10 ~ 434-979- 7 522 I I I