HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE PUBLIC DEFENDER OFFICE Minrnth 434 (Work) Thomas von Hemert 434296-2441 (Work) RauzeHe J. Chair 434 9244469 (Work) Hunter E. Craig 434 9744500 (Work) 434 Board of Supervisors 2005 of RauzeUe lam and I at I am speaking salary pay of IS public earn 60% more salary should be it comes to they are defenders the justice system to ensure are and We that are a must Albemarle County supplemented to ensure now county should do public It new as the in the and IS . more than S are S 60% to cases m JAMES HINGELEY Public Defender VANESSA HICKS NICHOLAS REPPUCCI ANDREA LANTZ LLEZELLE DUGGER JAMES BEARD Assistant Publíc Defenders ELIZABETH MURTAGH Senior Assistant Public Defender 409 THIRD Analyst of Management & 401 McIntire Charlottesville, VA 22902 Year 2006 Mr. the Public appropriations from both compensation public Commonwealth's Attorneys both localities provided has to existing pay in the criminal justice the same. For three By advancement. more than current 45% more than an assistant prosecutors and and public should be treated year adopted the enclosed). number a/VI INIA ALBERT LAFAVE Sentencing Advocate VERNON LEE Investigator Tel 434.951.6300 Fax 434.951.6444 November 2004 Room 120 Albemarle County and Charlottesville, I am to supplement public salaries. staff far the compensation of their in Char10ttesville and Albemarle County. years, supplements to state but until now local salaries. are fundamentally unfair people performing demanding whose skills, and are assistant prosecutors previously worked as fun-time to dramatically improved pay and all fonner assistant public earn substantially counterparts, including one County who makes defender with the san1e number years experience. defenders make important to of should not as class Public with prosecutors the criminal of the which a Public System (copy to this requested appropriation. Hearing 1.800.828.1140 TEXT TELEPHONE: 1.800.828.1120 Anal yst 2004 2 salary by probation Public is part of a newly took the place of on July 1, 2004. officially commenced November 2004. on November 9, sources, this is the time it very much you would submission deadlines. as pay equity proposal is a their between enclosed a summary of local Pay the of equivalents Albemarle County salaries and the dollar amount of the differences are employees the for current he salary difference difference between current next step on public state is unavailable. of employees in The advocate, was calculated would be making if in local coming to the public the second investigator, was calculated as the and the salary he would were promoted to the salary is currently qualified promotion, but you can see, for these two employees are public The second table of defender office with Charlottesville to be used twice, so enclosed proposal compares attorneys in both the Plttorney ll1ake is not a misprint on the table. of attorneys the County and one While experience is an should also be taken into County's Commonwealth's would with me. Jim day day out on the factor in compansons. I Jim Camblos, ifthe sees public working criminal cases, and I anl sure he would support this pay equity Analyst I indicated, I am County. I am on Apportionment on Albemarle this equity proposal to both Charlottesville and that local appropriations be apportioned two handled 2004. Charlottesville to 60% equity $145,464.00. My Additionally, total amount public defender and prosecutor County request is 40% costs 19.97%, as rrom County to is or 185.60. enclosed summary, would Any local take the form of a direct payment to Indigent would apply the as directed by the locality, costs connection with local public The locality would not incur any Thank you very much pay proposal your consideration. I look forward to the budget process this with you as the Sincerely, cc: Lindsey County 401 McIntire Road VA ct. W CJ ~N Ie W ... IeCJrt) ß~N ~ ;Sœœ r:t. 0.. W ~W> 0..-'0 o..ct. 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