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So -< ~ ~ - "' Vi '" ~ -< ~ n Vi 'ij 52% ects 24,825,419 $2 % 9.1% 5.1% 4.2% 3.2% -29.2% FY 05/06 PROPOSED G ERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $176,599,527 Miscellaneous 0.5% Capital 4% Human Development 8% Parks & Recreation 3% Community Development 4% FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 05/06 FY 05/06 $ % L REVISED REQUEST RECOMM PROPOSED PRO·AD? PRO/AD? ¡ Administration $7.363,743 $8,$92,745 $8,703,447 $9,305,775 $9,112,372 $9,315,938 $723,193 8.4% Judicial 2,613,789 2t 4,843 2,975,320 3,139,118 3,040,716 3,041,920 127,077 4.4% Public Safety 17,541,900 19, 79,744 19,835,432 22,988,861 21,615,264 21,912,850 2,433,106 12.5% Public Works 2,784,681 2,~61 ,830 3,071,975 3,576,493 2,982,365 3,109,005 147,175 5.0% Human Development 12,284,397 13, 80,126 13,199,446 14,663,894 13,966,136 14,320,931 1,240,805 9.5% Educatio n 22,060 122,060 22,060 22,060 22,060 22,060 ° 0.0% Parks & Recreation 4,394,510 4.1168,994 4,869,666 5,390,898 5,280,679 5,280,679 411 ,685 8.5% Community Developmel 5 6 8474349 7,457,747 7,253,518 894,870 14.1% SUBTOTAL $52 $58 $59,295,564 $67,561,448 $63,477,339 $64,256,901 $5,977,91 1 10.3% 1 Tr to Schools $68,878,473 $74,&68,604 $74,868,604 $80,861.241 $80,86 ¡ ,241 $81,190,788 $6,322,184 8.4% Tr to De bt Se rvice 12,193,621 12,~89,91 5 12,514,146 12,942,970 12,942,970 12,942,970 553,055 4.S% Tr to Capital Projects 6,350,019 7, 25,797 7,925,797 7,1 54,581 7,154,581 7,594,985 (330,812) -4.2% Trto Vehicle Repl ° ~00,518 642,518 289,115 289,115 289,115 (311,403) -51.9% Revenue Sharing 7,726,021 8,Q04,461 8,004,461 9,742,748 9,742,748 9,742,748 1,738,287 21.7% Refunds 183,190 1125,000 125,000 137,000 137,000 137,000 12,000 9.6% Salary Reserve ° r'oo~ 1 50,000 425,000 240,000 240,000 90,000 60.0% Reserve - Work Session ° ° ° ° 1 01 ,943 101,943 Board Reserve ° 1[04,375 104,375 317,341 317,341 103,077 (1,298) -1.2% Reassessment Reserve ° . ° ° 2 892,834 2 892 834 ° ° SUBTOTAL $95,331,324 $104,1168,670 $104,334,901 $114,762,830 $114,577,830 $112,342,626 $8,173,956 7.8% I TOTAL GENERAL $178,055169 $176 599 527 $14151867 8.7% - ..,,1, 'JED ¡,'~'r BfJS f\.i~C¿ ~ ~ ",,__ "~J/d5 _ ,."",._ ~~""-' ",_ Un') L ¿ . ~.I ,.y.-/ j.., h',;HH tð'". .....r -f', :,..c...".....~ _..._....., " ';;:.';-.',:_..?~._.......... CI1Y OF CHARLOTIESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: March 7, 2005 Action Required: Approval of Process and Resolution Staff Contacts: James E. Tolbert, AICP, Director Reviewed By: Gary O'Connell, City Manager Title: Meadow Creek Parkway Interchange Project Background: The Virginia Department of Transportation has agreed to provide funding for preliminary engineering for the design of a grade separated interchange at the intersection of the proposed Meadow Creek Parkway and the U. S. 250 Bypass. Preliminary engineering includes the range of design from concept development, through the completion of biddable construction documents. VDOT has also agreed to allow the City of Charlottesville to administer this project. A draft Request for Proposal has been prepared and the City is ready to move to solicit design services. Discussion: City Council discussed design services for the Meadow Creek Parkway approximately 18 months ago. At that time, City Council indicated that it desired for the preliminary drawings prepared by Will Rieley to be the basis for the preliminary engineering designs that were solicited. The draft RFP directs a successful engineering firm to use the Will Rieley report as a beginning point for the consideration of alternatives for the design. Changes suggested by City Council on February 7,2005 have been incorporated. Council also asked that the December 11, 2000 letter from Mayor Caravati to VDOT be updated and forwarded again to VDOT and the County Board of Supervisors. Attached to this memo is a revised letter with new status and/or comments shown in bold italics. Budgetary Impact: The VDOT Six-Year Plan includes $1,551,000 for engineering for this project. It is not anticipated that the design will cost that full amount as budgeted. The City share of the cost will be no more than 2% of the contract amount. Recommendation: Staff recommends that City Council take the following steps to move the interchange project forward: · Approve the Request for Proposals. · Appropriation Ordinance Approval. · Adopt the Programming Resolution (attached) and authorize the City Manager to sign the Project Agreement authorizing the City to manage the preliminary engineering phase of this project. · Approve the Steering Committee for the project and appoint members (Can be done at a later date). Attachments: · Draft Request for Proposal · Programming Resolution · Appropriation Ordinance PROJECf PROGRAMMING RESOLUTION WHEREAS, in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation construction allocation procedures, it is necessary that a request by council resolution be made in order that the Department approve an urban highway project in the City of Charlottesville; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to award an urban system highway project for the Route 250 Bypass Interchange (Project Number 250-104-103, PEIOI, RW201, C501, B604, UPC 60234). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Charlottesville hereby agrees to pay its share of the total cost for preliminary engineering, right of way and construction of this project in accordance with Section 33.1-44 of the Code of Virginia, and that, if the City of Charlottesville subsequently elects to cancel this project, the City of Charlottesville hereby agrees to reimburse the Virginia Department of Transportation for the total amount ofthe costs expended by the Department through the date the Department is notified of such cancellation. Adopted this _ day of City of Charlottesville, Virginia ,20_ A TrEST BY MayorlManager Clerk of Council .. r March 22, 2005 Mr. Phil Shucet Mr. Leo Rutledge Virginia Department of Transportation 140 I East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-1939 Mr. Dennis Rooker Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 40 I McIntire Road Charlottesville, V A 2290 I RE: Mcintire Road Extension (Meadow Creek Parkway) VDOT Project UOOO-I04-102:0631-002-128 City ofCharlottesviUe Gentlemen: Set forth below using the same numbering system that was utilized initially are all 12 points of the City's position, as revised (paragraphs that contain revisions when compared to the December 11th shown are shown in bold italics). This update and revision to the letter is based on action taken by the City Council on March 21, 2005 to move this project forward. I. Design Speed. Each and every member of Council opposes the roadway design speed proposed by VDOT of 70 kmIhr. Instead, Council asks that the Meadow Creek Parkway be designed for a maximum speed of60kmlhr or 37.2S MPH. In conjunction with its suggestion to lower the road's design speed, Council also asks that the proposed road be sized and aligned in a manner consistent with the Rieley Report so that the road will be ''blended as gracefully as possible into the existing land fonn." This should help to reduce the project's impact on McIntire Park. (VDOT's amended plans have responded to this comment by lowering design speed). 2. Number of Lanes. Council requests that two (2) primary (north-south) motor vehicle travel lanes, rather than four (4), together with bike lanes and pedestrian paths, be constructed (between the 250 By-pass and Rio Road). The footprint for the Parkway acquisition must have a centerline, curves, and size to match approximately the "2-U Study Alignment" (2-Lane Undivided) identified on Page 6 in the first Rieley Report (dated April 27, 1999) entitled "Alternative Alignments and Profiles." VDOT's amended plans comply with this request. 3. Sufficient Right-ol-Way for Two (2) Lanes. Right of way for only two (2) lanes of motor vehicle travel, bike lanes and pedestrian paths should be acquired at the outset as part of the current project. Right-of-way plans shqw road right-of-way sufJlcient for two lanes only. 4. The Intersection at Route 250. / (a) Proper design of this intersection is critical if this project is to succeed without ~¡~J,l~!~erab~e.da~a~~~J~'1lg~lark. In our opinion, any final design has to include a .....'...." ·.i" ''''i'''>'I',~· Access for pedestrians and bicycle travel to McIntire Park at the proposed intersection also must be accommodated in an effective manner for the intersection to work as we desireqnd in acc,ordwith thesecondR.ieley Re ort /datedAu t 31,2000, co o"which is enclosed!. :~ji.£fΡ¡;;~~~;¡¡{!j.tJì¡ø~jlll'lii~;:iL:;f¡;t.1LïiW~.~¡¡¡¡¡L"'.J:..oeL!.;.;; P I' gus 'PY rJ '/ ~~~;~W,~'~J':!f;.f)~~~",.A"O¡"W'.~ (b) While the approval process, design and construction of the Parkway project goes forward, Council is committed to seeking VDOT funding and approval for a second project - one that results in a tight urban interchange which replaces the intersection described in section 4a. Council's commitment is based in part on recommendations contained in an October 2000 report of Rieley & Associates, and in part on a belief that such an interchange will operate more efficiently, allow for saft pedestrian and bicycle access to the Park, provide aesthetically pleasing access to the Ci , and hel address Ion term tra c movement needs between the 250 b - ass and the Parkway. / " To further underscore a desire on the City's part to facilitate this second project, the City is willing to perform design, bid, and construction phases of this second project - aI/ within the required oversight parameters for this type of process. Council has approved the release of an RFP for engineering services for the design of this project 5. Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel. Council endorses the construction of dedicated "on road" bicycle lanes on each side of the Parkway's north-south travel lanes to serve high speed cyclists. In addition and in accord with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (the MPO) recommendation, Council also supports construction of a shared pedestrianlbicycle path much like the one proposed by the VDOT design, but eight rather than five feet in width. Current plans show a five foot shared pedestrianlbike path. This should be eight feeL 6. A New Lake or Pond for the Park. Combination of the stonn water management facilities into one pond or "lake", as in the Rieley report, is essential. The City will do everything within reason to expand this concept in cooperation with VDOT. Everyone will benefit, park and outdoors enthusiasts, and motorists using the Parkway. The current pond design is acceptable to the City. 7. Additional Park Land. The City's approval for the Meadowcreek Parkway design shall be and is contingent upon the acquisition of replacement park/and and green space by the City, the County, and VDOT to create a greater contiguous Park, for the use of our citizens throughout the region and confirm the status of this new road as a true Parkway. This new park land and green space is intended to replace the land lost to the Parkway as well as the loss of use imposed on some of the remaining portions of Mcintire Park. It is also intended to serve as a community asset for Park/Rio and its environs, and to protect the view shed surrounding the Parkway and Park/Rio Road While an expert evaluation could be provided by a third party, such as the Va. Department of Conservation and Recreation, we suggest that 50 acres of land, contiguous to the existing park would be an appropriate replacement amount. The City believe ~~:!e~~:~q~~~::~::::¿~ ;;o~::.~~!i3;;t;?è'¡¡.~.¡;¡¡¡d wlJl support the 8. Cell Towers. To supplement its revenues, VDOT has begun leasing portions of the public rights-of-way that VDOT now "owns" - property originally acquired solely for traditional road system purposes. Such leases transfer long term use of various sites to private companies who then construct wireless telecommunication towers ("Cell towers") on the sites along our highways. Cell towers are just as unsightly as billboards, perhaps more so, because they are larger or taller or both. Yet, construction of these towers continues to proliferate in Virginia. This new cell tower- highway program has occurred without any local government zoning or land use oversight or pennission, and without any meaningful opportunity for the public to participate in deciding where the next tower will appear. For these reasons, the City is opposed to any construction of such towers anywhere along Phase I of this project without the express pennission of this Council and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County. We wish to see VDOT's agreement to this local government involvement memorialized in a fonnal document as the project moves forward. No change in our position. 9. Limited Access. Council endorses the concept ofa limited access Parkway for this roadfor its entire length, I from the 250 bypass to Rio Road, except for the single intersection of Melbourne Road It should be engineered for passenger traffic only, and signed to prevent truck traffic. Council chooses not to recommend fencing the right of way as is conventional in many limited access highways. As the Rieley Report indicates, "with the lower speed design and I the objective of making this roadway as much a part of the park as is possible" fencing is not "necessary or desirable". The plans address this concern. 1 o. Regional Transportation and The Eastern Connector. While the Council supports construction of a two lane version of the Meadow Creek Parkway as described in this letter, Council has no interest in this Parkway's becoming a de facto "eastern connector", i.e., being used by the public to travel from Route 29 North to Pantops-Route 20 North. The Parkway should be viewed as only one small part of the regional transportation solution. To this end. the City's .¡ approval of the Meadowcreek Parkway is contingent upon receipt of a commitment within six months from the date of this resolution from Albemarle County and the University of Virginia. in cooperation with the MPO and VDOT, to develop a new regional transportation network plan which, among other things, will minimize increases in automobile traffic in City and County neighborhoods through the year 2015. Development of this plan shall include focus on reviewing all data that has been created The goal of the plan shall be to develop new regional solutions to our current and future traffic problems, without adverse I im ctin existin Ci and Coun residents or businesses or overl de letin our re ion's natural resources. .~"t;iJí~ 'Côiintj. 11. The MPO Meadow Creek Parkway Design Advisory Committee. This Committee is commended by Council for its extensive work on the preliminary Parkway designs heretofore put forward by VDOT. We urge VDOT to continue to work with this Committee to ensure "that the road is compatible with the community's natural and built environment, and enhances the multi- modal mobility for area residents". To the extent that the Advisory Committee needs assistance in the future from the City in these continuing efforts, the City may hire a technical consultant to monitor design and construction, and seeks VDOT cooperation in addressing legitimate concerns of this Council and City staff as the process moves forward. The Committee artici ated in this e ort and achieved a success ul desi n 0 the TO 'eeL j 12. Vietnam War Memorial. As final design plans evolve, proper measures must be taken by VDOT in cooperation with the City to protect, preserve, and care for the War Memorial which currently is located on a hill in McIntire Park near the proposed intersection of the Parkway and the 250 By-Pass. No change in our concern. The foregoing items . one by one· are each in their own right important, crucial, elements in any final design that the City and this Council will support. These components were coupled together in order for Council to build a consensus. To the extent that the City has any right, by law or practice, to approve the final design, we ask and expect that VDOT will remember this linkage. Finally, if there are questions that VDOT or the County have about Council's position as stated in this letter, please let us know, through contact with City staff or with me. We stand ready to cooperate in moving this project from the proverbial drawing board to construction. Sincerely yours, David Brown Mayor cc: Board of Supervisors APPROPRIATION State Funds for Design Engineering - Meadowcreek Parkway $1,551,000 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $1,551,000.00, to be received from the Commonwealth of Virginia (VDOT), is hereby appropriated to account code 26-280-051692, for design engineering services related to the proposed Meadowcreek Parkway Project. The total cost of said engineering services shall not exceed $1,551,000. This appropriation is conditioned upon reimbursement from VDOT of 98% of the total cost of the design engineering services. CIlY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF CHARLOTIESVILLE, VIRGINIA Agenda Date: March 21, 2005 Action Required: Approval of Steering Committee Staff Contacts: James E. Tolbert, AlCP, Director Reviewed By: Title: Gary O'Connell, City Manager Meadow Creek Parkway Steering Background: At the last City Council meeting on March 7, 2005, you approved a twelve member Meadow Creek Parkway Steering Committee composition. The composition was approved as shown on the attached list of members. Discussion: Eleven of the twelve spots outlined in the composition are representatives of different groups. We would assume that you want those groups to nominate representatives rather than you making selections for them. We also understand that you desire that Locust Grove and North Downtown be the two represented neighborhoods on the Steering Committee. If our assumptions are correct, the only appointment that does not represent a group is the Planner/Architect/Landscape Architect. You will need to appoint someone to fill that position and you will need to select a City Council member to serve on the Committee. The other item that must be decided is the charge of the Committee. The two options we understand Council was considering were: A. This committee will only be involved in the design of the interchange and its tie into the Meadow Creek Parkway at the 250 Bypass. B. The Committee will oversee the design of the interchange, but will also work to advise Council on design issues associated with the overall design of the parkway including the County section. The Steering Committee includes County representation. Budgetary Impact: There will be no budgetary impact from the appointment of the Steering Committee. Recommendation: Staff recommends that we move ahead and ask these groups for representatives to serve on the committee and that Council make its appointments. Attachments: Steering Committee Composition Meadow Creek Parkway Steering Committee Composition Approved by Council March 7, 2005 1. Neighborhood Representative - 2. Neighborhood Representative- 3· City Council Member - 4· Chamber of Commerce 5· Rivanna Trails Foundation 6. 5 C's Representative 7· City Planning Commission 8. County Planning Commission 9· Planner/Architect/Landscape Architect 10. CHART Representative 11. Parks Advisory Board Member 12. County Board of Supervisor Member STAFF Angela Tucker Tony Edwards Mike Svetz Leo Rutledge - VDOT and other VDOT staff as necessary Ken Keena Will Reiley , County Planning Staff · '. ~ CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA Agenda Date: March 21, 2005 Action Required: Approval ofVDOT Letter Staff Contacts: James E. Tolbert, AICP, Director Reviewed By: Gary O'Connell, City Manager Title: Council Letter to VDOT referencing Meadow Creek Parkway Conditions Background: In both 1999 and 2000, Council forwarded letters to the Virginia Department of Transportation regarding its position on the Meadow Creek Parkway. These twelve point letters have served as the basis for Council's approval and direction that this project move forward. At your March 7, 2005 meeting, Council reviewed a new draft of the letter that provided an updated statement of the Council position and asked staff to make changes. Discussion: Attached is an updated draft of the letter to VDOT. Several areas have been revised per Council discussion. They are as follows: · Page One, second paragraph. Two alternative sets of language have been included in the letter for your consideration. The language in Alternative "A" would indicate that the points of this letter are conditions under which the City will move the project forward, thereby providing notice that without these conditions being met, the City will not support the project. Alternative "B" states that these are essential conditions that would allow the Council to support the project, but does not specifically state that they are conditions under which Council will move the project forward. Both of these positions were discussed by Council members at the March ¡th meeting and two alternatives are provided so that Council can choose the tenor of the letter. City Council Agenda Merna Council Letter ta VDOT , · Page Two, Section Four, (a) language has been added to state that any final design must include a grade separated interchange rather than a 17-lane at-grade interchange. · Page Two, Section Four (b), language has been added that indicates Council desires to see a unified effort with the County and VDOT for a unified project that builds the interchange and the parkway at the same time. · Page Four, Item 10. Language has been added indicating that the Council desires VDOT and the County to indicate their commitment to the eastern connector by providing funding for a location study that will be done within the next twelve months and indicates Council's funding support for the location study. Additionally a second paragraph is added which stresses the importance of the southern parkway and asks for a commitment to funding for that project. · Page Four, Item 11. The change here indicates that Council has appointed a Steering Committee to oversee the interchange project and that Council is desirous of expanding the responsibilities of this committee to include review of design issues associated with the entire Meadow Creek Parkway Project. The other item that must be decided is the charge of the Committee. The two options are: A. This committee will only be involved in the design of the interchange and its tie into the Meadow Creek Parkway. B. The Committee will oversee the design of the interchange, but will also work to advise Council on design issues associated with the overall design of the parkway including the County section. Budgetary Impact: None. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the letter be finalized so that design of the project can begin. Attachments: Draft letter. City CouncilAgenda Memo Council Letter to VDOT FY06 Surplus from Recurring FY 05 Fund Funds Balance Schools Starting Balance @ 76¢ Reassessment Reserve 2,909,490 FY 05 Projected Fund Balance 3,489,324 Schools - Original Share of New Revenues 5,992,637 Impact of Tax Rate Change @ 74¢ (2.369.842) (1,184,920) SUBTOTAL 539,648 2,304,404 5,992,637 Tax Relief for the Elderly & Disabled (200,000) Impact on Capital Transfer 209,596 SUBTOTAL 549,244 2,304,404 5,992,637 Transfer to Capital (209,596) School One-time Allocation (119,951) 119,951 Balance 219,697 2,304,404 6,112,588 Board Reserve with Adjustments 295,915 BOARD INITIATIVES Recurring Fund Balance Net Balance 51 5,612 2,304,404 6,112,588 Initiatives Retiree Health Insurance (contingency) (200,000) Scottsville/Monticello Rescue Squad (183,386) (114,200) Transfer to ACE (650,000) Director of General Services (93,678) Custodians (32,962) Family Support (154,795) CTS· 10% increase 204,229 Sheriff Deputy (contingency) (37,234) Sheriff Office Associate (contingency) (29,709) Public Defender (contingency) (35,000) Recommended Budget Use of Fund Balance (681 ,205) (562,535) (1,445,405) Ending Balance (46,923) 858,999 Recommendation Use of FY 05 Fund Balance 1 50,000 (150,000) Revised Ending Balance/Board Reserve 103,077 708,999