HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-15 FY 2004/2005 Financial Plan Operating and Capital Budgets Budget Work Session Schedule Room 235 Monday. March 15. 2004: 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. · Budget Overview o Budget Goals o General Fund Revenue Trends and Impact o General Fund Expenditures o Compensation/Benefits Review o General Government Baseline Budgets · Administration · Judicial/Courts · Public Safety · En.gineering/Public Works · Human Development · Parks, Recreation & Culture · Community Development/Housing · General Government Strategic Initiatives o Business Plan Overview · Long-Range Financial Overview o Capital Improvement Program Amendments o Out-Year Projected Revenues o Out-year Projected Expenditures - Operating and Capital Budgets Wednesday. March 17. 2004: 1 :00 - 5:00 p.m. · General Government Budget Issues (continued) · School Division Budget - Diantha McKeel, Gordon Walker, Dr. Castner (3:00 - 4:00) · Joint meeting with School Board on Compensation and Medical Benefit Issues (4:00 - 5:00) Monday. March 22. 2004: 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. · Continuing Issues from Prior Work Session · Board Discussion Wrap Up Wednesday. March 24. 2004: 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. · Board discussion and Wrap Up (if needed) · Approve Proposed Budget for Public Hearing · Set 2004 Tax Rates for Public Hearing Finance 40% Strategic Mgmt. Voting Equipment Computer Maintenance HR - County-wide Benefits HR - Transfer to Schools 35,094 45,650 1 3/15/2004 Board of Supervisors (G-3) County Executive (G-5) % Human Resources (G-7) County Attorney {G-9} Finance (G-11) Information Technology (G-13) Voter Registration {G-15} 2 3/15/2004 Juvenile Court- (15.2%) FY 04/05 3 3/15/2004 4 3/15/2004 15 vehide$ being ($330,000) $13B.328 * $92.000 decrease in total overtime wages 69.6% ($12,540 to $3,800) reduction in the Community Services a 5 v¡¡hicles being replaced through Replacement Fund ($150,000) 5 :3/15/2004 Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail (ACRJ) - (1-3) Fire/Rescue (1-6) Oth¡¡r Fire/Rescue (i-9) . Inspections and Eluildìng Codes (1-11 ) 7 3/15/2004 Reflects realignmentofexpendítures Development Departments of the $2Q,000 Îocrease in $22,000 increase for Bulky Waste Amnesty Day OtherQper13ting Increases reQuead from $(jOO,OOO 8 3/15/2004 Rent Offs¡¡! by new revenues Computer.Maintenance .. AU Other Operating (30,631 ) 9 3/15/2004 PVCC 10 3/15/2004 Majer Funding Cta Towe Park transfer nges 1 8,950 ~e~:e:;:~Wve:i:::' "T' b"kefu,II, Computer Maintenance 11 3/15/2004 12 3/15/2004 Central Operations Planning Gepgraphic Data $ervicesIE.911 Planning Current Development & ZOning InspectionS and 8uilding Codes' Restored funding for Zoning Plans R"vievver and Senior Planner positions frozen inFY 03/04 Additional $15,000 to complete framework pl;:,¡n fQr second Neighborhood Master Plan 13 3/15/2004 NQ Significant Changes Minor Operating Agency- 12.3% Unfunded Agencies Central Virginia Small Business Development Center 'II! Questions? Depertmems . . Community Development (M-3) . Office of Housing (M-6) Extension 14 " 3/15/2004 15 Jefferson-Madison Regional Library 201 East Market Street · Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-5287 (434) 979-7151 · FAX (434) 979-0278 Office of the Dirt:ctor Mr. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 March 11,2004 12-03-0 L¡ F' ~¡ (~ : 1',~ .: Dear Mr. Dorrier: I am writing on behalf of the Trustees of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to declare our extreme disappointment with the County's proposed budget for FY 2005. Though the budget document claims to support "high quality of education," and "quality oflife," the budget itself would force the library to reduce library services in Crozet and Scottsville. Unless the Board of Supervisors takes action to amend our budget as proposed by the County Executive, we will be forced to reduce the library service hours in Crozet and Scottsville by approximately 25%, a reduction that will place each of those communities well below the state's recommended minimum standard for public libraries of 40 service hours per week. The budget the Library Board of Trustees submitted to the County in December 2003 was not padded and asked only for what is necessary to keep up with growth in service demands. The County Executive's proposed budget is $139,795 less than the amount we requested and $63,613 less than the bare minimum needed to maintain current services and staffing. That is, to avoid service cuts the library budget needs to be supplemented by at least $63,613. As you may remember, the library faced a similar situation last year. In fact, each of the past three budgets proposed by the County Executive would have required library service reductions. Last year, in good faith, the Library Board agreed to use nearly $25,000 of reserve funds to cover a projected shortfall during a difficult year. We cannot continue to sustain such annual under funding without incurring long term damage to the vitality and quality oflibrary services enjoyed by County residents. A recent survey of regional and county libraries in the United States serving communities the same size as ours showed that we have the highest public use in the nation and the lowest financial support. In Virginia, compared to 15 other regional libraries, Jefferson-Madison Regional Library has the lowest staffing level. On a per capita support basis, Albemarle County's support for public libraries ($25.88) is well below most other communities, including the neighboring communities of Waynesboro ($50.07) and Staunton ($41.14). In short, our public libraries' funding has sunk to last place in support, even though our public's use remains the highest. The Ivy Group completed a random telephone survey oflocal residents in late 2003. Among other findings, the survey found that 92% of area residents (library users and non-users) support improved and expanded library services even if they have to pay higher taxes. Serving Charlottesville, Albemarle County, Greene County, Louisa County, and Nelson County We feel the County's proposed budget is inconsistent with the wishes of our residents and the stated objectives of the Board of Supervisors. Therefore, as your appointed representatives, we request that you revise the Executive's proposed budget, and restore our budget to the originally requested level; to do less than this runs counter to the County's goals ofincreasing its residents' quality of life. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, J~ d ~~~ Tim F. 1. Tolson Jefferson·Madison Regional Library Trustee Cc: Robert Tucker, County Executive Roxanne White, Assistant County Executive COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of County Executive 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296-5841 FAX (434) 296-5800 March 1, 2004 The Honorable James L. Camblos, III Commonwealth Attorney County of Albemarle 410 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Dear Jim: I'm writing in response to your February 11, 2004 letter regarding salary increases for FY 04/05. In addition, this letter will serve as a record of what we discussed regarding the amount of funds provided in the proposed budget to begin moving your staff toward the target salary identified by Human Resources in the salary study for your office. Regarding the proposed budget, funding is included in FY 04/05 for a six percent raise for those employees in your office determined to be behind market. This does not include funding for the new Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney recently hired at the market midpoint or for yourself. This funding is in addition to the three percent merit pool funding also available in the coming fiscal year. Together, this will allow the employees in your office to receive as much as a nine percent raise or more, depending on how you utilize the merit pool. The six percent increase is designed to provide the first phase of a two year phase in of the salary survey to move your staff toward what the market is paying. As we previously discussed, we would propose the remainder of the increases to be included as part of the baseline budget in the next fiscal year. I think it's also important to point out that we have recently revised the original salary study to more accurately recognize the total years of experience of your staff. As you are aware, this results in a higher target for salary increases than was originally agreed to. Regarding your recent letter, you make reference to the County agreeing to add your staff to the County pay system and your concern about the timeline for moving your staff to market pay. As we discussed at the time that this change was being planned, there were really two primary pay benefits to adding your staff to the County pay system. The first and most concerning at the time, was that your employees previously were not receiving that same pay increases on an annual basis as County employees. Until this fiscal year, your staff only received what the State provided, which has been almost non existent for the last several years. As a result of the changes made this fiscal year, your staff has received the same pay raise as all other County employees for the first time. This amounts to a 3.8 % increase in the current fiscal year and a planned 3.0 % raise in the coming fiscal year. While it's unlikely that the State will provide the increased revenue needed to offset these raises, the Board agreed to fully fund your pay increases regardless. This 6.8 % increase over two years far exceeds what the state will have provided and is a significant improvement for your office. The second pay benefit resulting from your decision to join the County's pay system is the commitment by the County to move your staff to market pay. When this commitment was made, it was clearly communicated that the results of the salary survey and movement of your staff to market pay would need to be phased in over more than one budget year. This is a similar process to what is used in other departments. It is important to note, that the results of the salary study were not available until after the FY03/04 Proposed Budget was developed last year. Due to the difficult budget situation we were in at Mr. James L. Camblos, III March 1, 2003 Page 2 of 2 the time and the fact that the information was not available when the budget was developed, we were unable to begin the process of phasing in the increases in the current fiscal year. We were very clear from the beginning of this process that the salary changes would need to be phased in. Again, while the State will not participate in the cost of moving your staff to market, the Board agreed to fully fund your pay increases regardless. While I recognize that you believe the County should fully fund the changes in your office in the coming fiscal year, it's important to point out that phasing in of pay changes has been a fairly standard practice. In fact, the school system is in the same situation with their proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. They have recognized the need to plan beyond one fiscal year in spite of the survey data, and have proposed a multi-year phase in of teacher salaries increases to achieve their salary target. Although you describe this as an "ugly picture and one of which the County should be ashamed", as has always been the case, there are limits to the County's resources in anyone given year. Contrary to your statement that "everyone else in the County is being paid their proper salaries", it simply isn't the case. In spite of that, the County has made significant progress over the past several years in moving our staff to market pay. Your decision to join the County pay system now means that your staff will share in the benefits of that County goal. The challenge of achieving that goal remains and will be an ongoing process. While we plan to achieve that with your staff over the next two budget years, we will need to continually monitor the market and other changes within your office to ensure that they don't again fall behind. As you are aware, budget work sessions will be held during the month of March. The funding included in the proposed budget is simply staffs proposal at this point. As always, you can discuss your concerns further with the Board in the month ahead. Please feel free to give me a call if you need any additional information. Sincerely, J~C-~ Thomas C. Foley Assistant County Executive TCF/dbm 04.001 pc: ~marle County Board of Supervisors Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Ms. Roxanne W. White OFFICE OFTHE COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY for the COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE JAMES L. CAMBLOS, III COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY March 9, 2004 RICHARD E. MOORE DEPUTY PHONE: (434) 972-4072 FAX: (434) 972-4093 DARBY G. LOWE RICHARD A. DELORIA CYNTHIA R. MURRAY ASSISTANTS Mr. Lindsay G. Dorrier Jr., Chairman .\.lbemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virgmia 22902 VIA FAX: 296-5800 Dear Mr. Dorrier: .\.s :;ou are a\vare, the Commonwealth's "\., ttorneys Office transferred to Albemarle County's pay plan on July 1, 2003. However, none of the salaries for the tïve staff members affected by this change were adjusted to reflect what the pay plan set forth as proper salaries. With this letter, r am asking that my staff be placed on "\.lbemarle County's pay plan at the salaries that would han been m effect as of July 1, 2003, with all increases that ,vent into effect in 2003 and that are proposed for 2004. I would also request that this matter be placed on the agenda so that may make a presentation to the full Board of Supervisors at its next regularly scheduled meeting. I look fot\vard to hearing from :'ou or a member of your staff to coordinate this request. r thank "ou for vour time and consIderation. . . Very truly yours, j=[~ JLC,III/ ceh cc: Ella \'7. Care\', Clerk 410 EAST HIGH STREET, CHARLOTIESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 .. c: .2 ãi 'C c: ., E E o u ., 0:: ~ to ii (J) ,., ., E o == < .:: .. CD ~ c: o E E o U §jjjjj OCLQ.a..Q..a. CD E >->->->->. S C !~!!~ ~ : EEEÊE LL. . ::1 :J :::J :J :::J ~88888 .5..41)." . II CD CIS CD 11111 (J)(J)(J)(J)(J) c .2 ; '0 C · E E o ¥ et::..... -·:k~:~ E "'.0_ <'!. 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" · Õ f - · ,., c o '0 · · - ~ -' -' Ï .... ::J .... ~ w .... < ü o (J) (J) < w o iL u. o è '" o Iii '" ,., ãi u .. ~ .5 c: ~ '" '" .. .. I!! u .5 lID ,.; '" == '5 o .:: ~ 8:gs:!8~ OM (51t.1 Õ ~mf8~~t .. '" ~ ãi (J) ~: "8 ~~5S¡ 00::'00 ...J"E.~ ~:I: >'«I~t)1> ~~~ê~ 00::0<0 (¡ 'iU a ~ :it E ( ) .= as "0 c: ( ) 0) <1: (ß) ""Ri :;; :5 þ~ -¡;:; o Ü .. o o N iñ ¡;¡ / Mar 16 04 11:08a p. 1 .. ,h -{'\I'...j' ELL.,.,,", '2/Gi & .- 5&' 00 ALBEMARLE COUNTY -¡:'.{Z. 'r.ls-/~,&t¡;'"l,,·l FY 2005 OPERATING BUDGET -rD:'; I ( U¡u BUDGET FORM #7 _ STRATEGIC INITIATIVE' ' S1.-..!t¡{..Vt$è..·r)f:S DEPARTMENT: PRIORITY: Voter Registration and PROGRAM: Elections 1 OF 3 Voter Registration STRATEGIC GOAL: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NEED: FUNDING TOTAL INCREASED EXP; TOTAL INCREASED REV: NET LOCAL TAX FUNDING: Critical need for an additional staff person to staff office 33,428 o 33,428 POSITIONS TOTAL FTE INCREASED: POSITION TITLE: GRADE: 1 Assistant Registrar 6 1. Summary of Request 2. Justification of Enhancement Requested. a. Descñbe the enhancement requested and why it is needed. This is a repetition of a request for an additional staff person for the Department of Voter Registration and Elections. There have been several times over the past year where our service has been truly compromised due to lack of staff coverage. Over the last 5 election cycles (20 years), Albemarle County has averaged a 12% growth in registration during a Presidential Election year. Absentee voting is normally 5 times heavier during a Presidential year than in the next highest turnout election. Need for voter outreach is increased during this time, as well. These factors, along with many others, make this request. critical in FY 05. However, because registration levels continue to steadily rise and other legislative issues have increased local responsibilities, the need for this position will be sustained beyond the Presidential Election into Mure years. This is the most critical need of this department and is necessary to maintain an acceptable level of service to voters and other customers of this department. b. Specify what is actually being enhanced, by whom, when, & where. This request is for one FTE Assistant Registrar to be located in the Office of Voter Registration in the OMV Building. Due to space shortages within the office, the position will most likely be situated at the co~location (voter registration) desk within the DMV lobby. The DMV has provided phone lines, computer lines, and desk space. c. How does this request relate to the County's mission, goals, strategic objectives, and specific long~term strategies (identify which ones) in the County Strategic Plan? This request relates to the County's mission of serving the public efficiently and effectively. 2. What factors have caused the request for this enhancement in this budget cycle? Piease use data (such as workload measures, service levels and growth factors) to support your justification for this request. If applicable, provide a graph or table to better communicate. your data-supported justification of this request. __ ~ _M a r 1 S 04 1 1 : 08 a p.2 .. Albemarle County Registered Voters: 1980-2003 - ___ - d' # f'ot::J¿, '0":1# In ":I~'..('\ .... ~'J' ~ ~~ > # ~. # ~# ~~# n'o' ..#~ ~. .. _. - _. ._ .n. . - .. ._ n_ _ _ .__ _ --- -- '..- ..- ,,- _. ..._- ... --. ._.." -.. .. ..- -..-- -..'- .. ,-- .--'. .- o.) (,.) ~ tJ\ m .... 01 to ___ __ ... _ __ -Jo. -:a. ..,.Jo o ..... o.) (.oj .þ. UI C> .... ..... ..... o.) ( ) (¡) 0 ~ ~ o.) o.) Co) .þ. Year . The above chart illustrates the steady increase in the client base of the department. The plateau experienced in 2003 was due to a large purge of non-eligible voters, resulting in the voter rolls in Albemarle County having one of the lowest percentages of "inactive" voters in the Commonwealth. This type of list maintenance is essential to the fair administration of elections, but requires significant staff resources. . Presidential Election years always produce an influx of activity for the department. As mentioned earlier, the average growth in the registrant base in a presidential year is just over 12%. This is a net growth figure and reflects the result of additions to and deletions from our registration rolls. . As a centrally-located registration agency, our staff performs voter registration transactions for many of our surrounding localities as required by law. . Budgetary and policy changes have increased the overall workload of the department. Many tasks previously managed by the State are now delegated to local offices. 4. What impact or value-added will this enhancement bring to services provided to the County? How win this enhancement improve your deparb11ent's ability to provide improved customer service? Please specify how clients would be better served if implemented. Describe the benefits or results to be obtained from this requested item. We have had to deny requests for staff to assist in local voter registration drives or to speak to organizations regarding voting and elections, due to lack of staff availability. Regular1y scheduled activities periodically leave the department staffed by a single individual who must cover in-person visitors and 4 incoming phone lines. The addition of this staff position will reduce waiting times for registration, absentee voting, candidate processing and other in-office activities. The position will also free the time of senior staff to provide voter education services as required by §24.2-114, section 2. Sa. (For Non-Position Requests) Have you tried alternative methods of implementing this program (i.e., out-sourcing, lease purchases, technology investments, or other implementations?) If so, what are they and why do you feel the requested program is a better solution? 5b. (For Position Requests) If this is a position request, have you looked at ideas such as process improvements, level- setting the workload (cross-training staff), or a re-organization of resources as alternatives to a new position. If so, what are they and why do you feel the requested position is a better solution? Mar 16 04 11:08a p.3 .. .. We have exhausted all efforts to administer the workload of this department with the limited staff available to us. As a department manager, I spend much more of my time performing "frontline" duties than administrative ones. These is little to no time available for planning, budgeting, organizing and directing this department due to these workload requirements. There is no feasible alternative to adding a staff person. 5c. (For Position Requests) Will the program/department need more space after this enhancement? If 50, how much. and what is the potential cost of the reorganization/renovation? The immediate plan is to station the additional staff person at the DMV co-location desk, which was built by DMV for use by voter registration. The desk was designed for two workstations and is pre- wired for computer/phone hook~up. We will need to provide a computer, phone, chair and basic office supplies. The cost will be minimal. 6. What would be the impact of not funding this enhancement? Would not funding this request affect current basic services or cream a liability issue, etc.? Not funding this position will result in decreased voter services to the community I significant wait times for absentee voting, voter registration processing and candidate processing. 7. Will additional revenues be generated as a result of this enhancement? If so, how will these revenues be generated and what assumptions are you using to estimate the potential revenue increase? Will the revenue be continuing muhi-year revenue? No 8. Identify the budget impact of this request in future fiscal years (e.g., FY 2005 thru 2008). For example, ;s this a one-time item to be funded only in FY 2004; OR will it continue to need funding at the same level for the next 2 to 5 years, OR will it will require X amount of increase tJr decrease from FY 200S thru 2oo8? Provide the following information for each requested item: Projected Annual Fundina Need (in $OOO's) FY OS Imoact FY 06 Imoad FY 07 ImDaCf 33,428 30,610 31,375 FY 04 Reauest FY 08 Imoact 32,160 9. Explain the basis for the projected annual funding need in each fiscal year. 10. If this request includes more than one cost center, please summarize the costs associated with each one. (NOTE: Include a separate Excel spreadsheet for each cost center). Cost Incr. Incr. Net Local Tax Center No. Expense $ Revenue $ Fundina $ Incr. FTE position Title Grade 13020 33428 0 33428 1 Asst. Reg 6 " 30610 0 30610 " .. " " 31375 0 31375 " " .. .. 32160 0 32160 .. " " 0 3/15/2004 &. General government & Revenue Trends Expenditure Trends Department/Agency E¡aseline o Capital Improvement Budget Business Plan Wednesday, 3/1'1 General Gov€lrnrn€l.nt (continued) Long-Range Projections · School Division (3;00 - 4;00) ~ Compensation and Heaith Insurance Discussion with School B09rd (4:00~ 5:00) M«.mday, 3/22 Continuing discussion from prior meetings · Wrap-up and flnali~e budget, if possiþle · Approve Prpposed Budget for Public Hearing Set Z004 TaxRates for pubiic Hearing Wednesday, 3/24 · SCheduiedmeeilng, if necessary 1 3/15/2004 for "RAND TOTAl. :UB.4 237.8 B.II% 2 3/15/2004 N¡¡w Construction Value· Personal Property - million (7.9%) $2.0 Stafford Roanoke Loudoun Chesterfieid Spotsylvania Fauquier Arlingtoo Henrico York 311,700 102,700 87,700 295,800 270,700 103,800 58,900 194,300 271.700 58,800 H!storlcalR<uls.sessffillntfMfaall6S ~1iS"mimí.Y<l8r 3 3/15/2004 4 3/15/2004 5 3/15/2004 6 3/15/2004 7 3/15/2004 Available One~ Time Funds cent tax reduction One..Yime Funds $2,41:11,882 -$1,11110,000 $1,491,882 $300,0(1(1 8 3/15/2004 Ii . Rf11Iinstates 8 positions fr'o,*en in FY 03m4 I 1.8% Salaryinet·. ase 2003 . I.ne IU..d.. f11Is29... vf11lhie If11Is. iden~t fled for rf11lplaeement over last tw . years Ii Partially restores departm nt operational budgets I I 9 3/15/2004 3/15/2004 FY $5/fj6 FY 04/05 · One-Time CDst" $453,000 ·çost allocation to departments" gallon offuel " Enterprise Agr~ement · Total cost:: $71,OQQ · Cost allocation to departments" per computer · Multi·yearbenefitsJincreased $1 p¡¡r $140 11 3/15/2004 12 .. Tourism Use Reserves Interest Eªrned Borrowed Funds - General Govt State Technology Grant State ConslructionFunding VPSA Ba nds - Schools Courthouse Maintenance Funds Reimbursements d Re a ment 2 the planning streamlined project for window. 2. Monticello Visitor Cenier Improvements 3. Hea!!h'Oeparlme-nt HVAC 3 JUVENH.E COURT EXPANS¡ONIRENOV MONTICELLO VISITOR CENTER IIiIiPROVEMEIHS: HEALTH DEPARTMENT HVAC $1,IIH,OO.{I HII8,!I{lO U.5,nOO ~1,.631<000 COUNTY OFFICE SUILOI¡'¡G CENTRAL (PHASE I) NEIGHSOR-HOOD PLAN TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COUNTYI/T. SPKSE $140.000 ¥FD FIRE & EMS APPARìUS REPUMAUIT ORGINAL FY 04105 CII> AMENOED FY·04/GS CIP $;1.1,450.4,0-00 STORMWA TER $400,000 $2,700,000 $11 $51,894,000 5CHOOLS 4 " "* 3/15/2004 1 \1!" 3/15/2004 2 " 3/15/2004 3 3/15/2004 4 \. 3/15/2004 5