HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700068 Review Comments Architectural Review Board Approval 2017-07-31ARB2017-68 Three Roses Brewery
HNM 7/31/17
Structures located 750' or more from an Entrance Corridor,
where the structure is no more than 5 stories tall
If impact of topography would result in
OK: The structure is 4 stories tall (48' from
structure appearing taller than 5 stories,
grade), although the elevator tower/roof access
the proposal will be forwarded to the
extends 4.5' above the top of the parapet
(which marks the 48' from grade height).
Therefore, total height = 52.5'
The wall plane must vary every 150';
OK: The wall plane varies, but the maximum
projections should have a minimum
depth is 3.5'
de th of 101.
Roof form
If false parapets, gables, pediments or
The depth of the roof element or feature
OK: The renderings depict a flat roof with
similar features are used, the depth,
should suggest a functional interior space
overhanging eaves; the elevations suggest the
overall size, and proportion of the feature
parapet extends above the roof floor
must be coordinated with the architecture
approximately F
of the overall building.
Earth tones in the range of. brown, gray,
Use of bright white is limited to trim and
OK: Colors = two gray tones (stucco), basalt
green, clay, yellow.
decorative elements; nontraditional,
black (ceramic tile), and honey -colored
muted earth tones may be appropriate for
cementitious wood
accent colors.
EC planting guidelines 33 — 38 apply
See below.
(see below).
Any mechanical equipment 5'-10' tall
Planting alone may be considered based
OK: The roof -mounted HVAC units will rise
should be a dark color or screened with
on size and location of the accessory
1.5' above the parapet; however, given the
elements, if the size and spacing of plant
building's distance from the EC, visibility of
material would provide full screening
the HVAC units presumed to be minimal.
within 5 years.
Standard mechanical note in Gen Notes, C 1.0
Mechanical equipment taller than 10'
should be screened with a fence or wall.
Walls and/or fencing should be used to
See criteria for fences.
OK: Dumpster enclosure detail provided; no
screen: loading areas, service areas,
other site features
refuse areas, storage areas, and above-
ground utilities.
Buildings need not be oriented parallel to
ARB2017-68 Three Roses Brewery
HNM 7/31/17
the EC street.
Blank walls
Blank walls require relief.
Planting alone may be appropriate
OK: The walls are differentiated by minimal
instead of architectural detailing.
relief, color, and materials. Balconies create
additional visual differentiation
Landscaping along interior roads:
All trees = 1.5"-1.75" caliper. The trees must be at least 2.5" caliper.
a. Trees should be planted parallel to all interior roads. Such trees
should be at least 21/2 inches caliper (measured six inches above the
Trees on Ashlar Avenue (interior road) are 40' o.c. = OK
ground) and should be of a plant species common to the area. Such
trees should be located at least every 40 feet on center.
Landscaping along interior pedestrian ways:
Trees to the north and east of the parking area, along the pedestrian
a. Trees should be planted parallel to all interior pedestrian ways.
ways, are 1.5" — 1.75" caliper and average 40' o.c. The trees must be
Such trees should be at least 21/2 inches caliper (measured six
2.5" caliper
inches above the ground) and should be of a species common to the
area. Such trees should be located at least every 25 feet on center.
Landscaping of parking areas:
Parking = 48 spaces, so 5 trees required on interior; only 3 provided
a. Trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, located 40 feet
on interior. 2 more trees in parking area needed which shade the
on center. Trees should be planted in the interior of parking areas at
parking area and not the perimeter sidewalk.
the rate of one tree for every 10 parking spaces provided and
should be evenly distributed throughout the interior of the parking
Trees must have 2.5" caliper and be evenly spaced
b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should measure 21/2
Shrubs not provided in parking area.
inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground); should be
evenly spaced; and should be of a species common to the area.
Such trees should be planted in planters or medians sufficiently
large to maintain the health of the tree and shall be protected by
c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize the parking
area's impact on Entrance Corridor streets. Shrubs should measure
24 inches in height.
Landscaping of buildings and other structures:
Shrubs provided on east elevation of building, but as the building
a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the front of
occupies a corner lot, the applicant should plant shrubs along the
long buildings as necessary to soften the appearance of exterior
building's north elevation as well.
walls. The spacing, size, and type of such trees or vegetation
ARB2017-68 Three Roses Brewery
HNM 7/31/17
should be determined by the length, height, and blankness of such
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and other
structures; dumpsters, accessory buildings and structures; "drive
thru" windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs should measure at
least 24 inches in height.
Plant species:
The quantity listed in the plant material schedule does not
a. Plant species required should be as approved by the Staff based
correspond with what is drawn. This must be corrected.
upon but not limited to the Generic Landscape Plan Recommended
Species List and Native Plants for Virginia Landscapes (Appendix
The proposed plant species meet approval as per the Generic
Landscape Plan Recommended Species List and Native Plants for
Plant health:
OK: Note provided
a. The following note should be added to the landscape plan: "All
site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be
maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited.