HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400038 Approval - Agencies 2015-08-31Virginia Department of Envpomnnen1a| Quality
For Municipal Sewage Collection, Treatment, and/or Reclamation Svmteonm
See Instructions. oonot submit pbnpand snedUoaUonm.Submit I copy of this form with all attachments. Form will expand as you enter information.
Project Title: (as it appears on plans) Emerson Commons Site Development Plan
P.E. Seal Date on Cover: John T. Neel -04-13-15
Specifications Title and Date: n/a
Location of Project: Crozet, VA CountvlCitv: Albemnrlp (niinty_
Receiving Wastewater Collection System(s): ACSA
Receiving Sewage Treatment Plant(s)/Reclamation System:
Owner Contact Name: Peter Lazar
Name: John Neel
Title: Mana
Companv Name: GaV and Neel, Inc.
Address: 1730 Sage Lane Blacksburg VA 24060
Address: 1260 Radford Street Christiansburg VA 24073
Phone: 540-260-3261
Phone: 540-381-6011
Owner Signature and date: 4/21/2015
Peter Lazar, Manager, Sheeflee LLC
For Sewage Treatment Works and Sewage Collection Systems:
—Attach Project Description
—Attach Letter(s) of Acceptance from Receiving Facility/Utility for sewage collection system projects
-Attach Reliability Class: (1) For Pump Stations attach Reliability Class Worksheet. (2) For Sewage Treatment Plants note
the Reliability Class rating from the VPDES or VPA permit and method of meeting reliability classification requirements.
For asewage treatment plant project, provide the VPDESmVPApermit number:
Design Sewage Flow (Sewage P1anA: (a) average daily flow (MBD):____(b)peak daily flow (yWGO):____
Design Sewage Flow (Pump SbaUon): (a)average daily flow (MGD):lX)48(b)peak hour flow (W1GD):l}72
Please check the appropriate components ofyour
Gravity and/or Vacuum Sewer ........................ M New Sewage Treatment Plant. .'.—.'---...—...... F-1
Pump Sta(ion(s)............................... ......... Modification of Existing Sewage Treatment P|and—'--.[]
Force W1oin(a).............................................. Expansion ofExisting Sewage Treatment Plant ......... —LJ
For Reclamation orSatellite Reclamation System, Attach Page 2: Page 2Attached? Yes Fl No Fl
................. ............��.... .........
The following statement must besigned and sealed bythe Virginia licensed design engineec
in sybstantial compliance with Part
I// - Pilanyal of Practice For Sewerage Systems and Treatment Works, of the seny2age Colloction and Treatniont
Lic No.O357BO
-^J )
and original seaY (signed an
ODesign exceptions and justifications are attached maccordance with oVAC �0-240.o.
For DEQuse only:
|naccordance with the Code ofVirginia i050.aoamended, Title 82.1.Section G21-44.10.this form, signed bythe
appropriate DEQ representative, constitutes your Certificate to Construct. This Certificate iavalid for aperiod offive years
from the date ofissuance. Other permits and authorizations may benecessary. Please contact your Regional DEC}Office
ifyou have any questions.
=Name Signature Date
Department ufEnvironmental Quality Authorized Representative
Note: Once the project |scomplete, an application for aCertificate toOperate must be submitted ^othe appropriate oB]Regional nMine,
Page 03/11/2010
Kiracofe, Brandon (DEQ
From: Kevin Conner
Sent: Friday, August 28, 20151112AM
To: K]nauofe, Bnandon(DEQ)
Cu: Tom Sproul; PebarLazar
Subject: 2015_08_28_1770.TC ProjectDeschpUon.pdfJN177O.3
Attachments: 2O15_O8_28_177O.3_CTCProject DeocripUon.pdf
Updated Description for the CTCedEmerson Commons iaattached. | believe the additional information should cover
what you needed. IF there is anything additional, please let me know. Thanks
Emerson Commons
Project Summary
The project consists ofthe development ofa6.lS7acre parcel toserve asthe site for aJGdwelling
planned LID community. Clustered dwellings will include Saffordable units, acommunity center and
preserved open space for recreation and leisure.
Pump Station / Force Main
Number ofPumps: 2Zoeller 61HDseries pumps
Force Main size and length: 860 LF of 4" C900 DR18 PVC pipe
Reliability Classification
Worksheet for Sewage Pumping Stations
Pump Station Name: Sheeflee Cohousing
Location: Albemarle County, Virginia
Complete Part | and Part Uofthis form, and submit this form with your CTCapplication. All assessments are based on
the average daily design flow of the pump station (not peak flow or current flow).
Pad(. Reliability Classification Assessment
1. |othe station located inthe Dulles Watershed (0VAC 25-4O1)orinthe OocoquanWatershed (AVAC 25-41O)?
/fyes, STOP - Reliability ioClass | with special construction requirements (see 8VAC 25-481 and/or410).
Ej |fno, proceed toQuestion 2.
2. The default Reliability Classification for all other pump stations within Virginia is Class i Is the pump station to be
constructed to meet Reliability Class (?
|fyes, STOP - Reliability iaClass i
[] |fno, proceed hoQuestion 3.
8. Is the design average daily flow to the pump station greater than or equal to 0.5 MGD?
If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class |.
LJ |fno, proceed hoQuestion 4.
4. Is the pump station located inthe any of the following localities? Counties ofAccomeck.Charles City, Essex,
Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews,
Middlesex, New Kent, Northomphon, Nudhumbmdond, Rk:hmond, Southampton, Surry\VVeatmoro|and or York; or
Cities of Chesapeake, Fnank|in, Hamphon, Newport News, Norfn|k, Poquuaon, PoAnmouth, Sufho|k, Virginia
Beach nrWilliamsburg.
Ifyes, STOP - Reliability iaClass i
n If no, proceed to Question 5.
|aupublic water supply surface water intake within 5miles downgradimrdufthe pump station orwithin 1tidal
cycle upstream ofthe pump station?
[Contact the appropriate field office ofVDH'oOffice ofDrinking Water
. P/ovideVDH with latitude/longitude information for the pump
station and the average and peak design Dowa.]
If no, proceed to Question 6.
If the pump station were to overflow, is there high probability of public contact with the wastewater? [Is the station
close to residential/commercial/institutionaI areas and/or recreational areas (boat landings, posted
swim m ing/f ishing/boating areas, parks) such that an overflow would likely present a public health hazard?]
|fyes, STOP - Reliability iaClass i
LJ If no, proceed to Question 7.
7. Is average daily design flow to the pump otation<20OOgpd?
Fj If yes, STOP- Reliability iaClass U.
LJ |fno, proceed hoQuestion 0,
8. Is there a perennial surface water located within 1500 ft downgradient of the facility? (Perennial stream defined as
usolid blue line onUSGSquad map ordetermined from field inveuUgaionj
If no, STOP - Reliability is Class U,
LJ Uyes, proceed huQuestion 0.
Reliability Classification Assessment kxn Pump amuunv
Q. Does the perennial surface water considered in Question 8 above provide less than a 10:1 dilution (7Q1 0
receiving water flow to average daily design flow); OR is the perennial surface water a 303d listed impaired
segment? [See for location and list
nfstream gauges and 7Qi0information, and for 3U3dlistings]
|fyes (oeither mfthe questions, STOP ' Reliability iuClass i
[] |fno, STOP - Reliability iyClass U.
Based onthe Part /assessment, the designated reliability classification for this pump station is
Note that DEQ has determined that Reliability Class I I I is not protective of water quality and is not a valid classification for a new pump
Part \[ Method ofComplying with Reliability Classification
For this pump station, select your method ofcomplying with the reliability class requirements.
Reference 0VAC 25'7AO-3QUthrough 420.
Reliability Class k
�] Option A: Emergency generator with automatic transfer switch ordual electrical feeds. C|unn | must monitor main
power supply, auxiliary power supply, failure of pump to discharge, and high liquid level in wet/dry wells; a test function
must also be provided. On -site audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day.
[l Opiion8: Permanently installed engine -driven emergency pump. Wet well storage above the high water alarm equal tn
or greater than documented response time of owner/service provider (i.e., no overflow is allowed). Automatic transfer in
the event ofapower failure inpreferred. The emergency pump must pass the peak flow and must monitor main power
supply, failure ofpumps todischarge, and high liquid level inwet/dry wells, atest function must also beprovided. On -site
audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day. Battery or other acceptable
backup for pump controls iarequired.
OptinnC: 24 hour emergency storage. Class I must monitor main power supply, failure of pump to discharge, and high
liquid level in wet/dry wells; a test function must also be provided. On -site audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or
autodia|e/tosite manned 24hours aday. (24hour storage based onaverage daily design flovv.)
El Option D: Closing the facility to eliminate generation of sewage. On -site audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or
auhmdia|ertosite manned 24hours mday. (Only available tofacilities that will close during apower outage such an
schools, certain industries, some recreational and park anaaaj
Fl {)ptionE: Portable Equipment (e.g., pumps and generators). [Only available for facilities to be owned and operated by a
locality, utility, orservice euthorih/] Wet well storage above the high water alarm equal to or greater than documented
response time ofowner/service provider. Owner/Service Provider has sufficient portable equipment (see 9 VAC 25-790-
410 for details). Portable pump and/or portable generator hookup provided. Class | must monitor main power supply,
failure of pump to discharge, and high liquid level in wet/dry wells; a test function must also be provided. On -site audio-
visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day.
�l Option F: For facilities in the Dulles Watershed Only: In addition to complying with Reliability Class I requirements in 9
VAC 25~790.the facility also complies with DVAC 25-40i'30.D.
[] OpUonG: For facilities inthe OouoquanWatershed Only: |naddition 0ocomplying with Reliability Class |requirements
inQVAC 25-7UO' the facility also complies with AVAC 25-410-20'F.5.
Reliability Class H:
[] Option A: Portable/standby generator (manual transfer switch orquick uunnauA. On -site audio-visual high water
E] OpUunB: Emergency pump connection (and access toaportable pump). On -site audio-visual highwaha alarm.
El OphonC: Closing the facility (o eliminate generation of sewage. On -site audio-visual high water alarm. (Only available to
facilities that will close during a power outage such as schools, certain industries, some recreational and park areas.)
Form to be completed and signed by n
Form completed b(signature)
Printed name Kevin Conner
Reliability Classification Assessment for Sewage Pump Stations
February 10, 2015
Gale and Neel, Inc.
Attn: John T. Neel, P.E.
1260 Radford Street
Christiansburg, Virginia 24073
Re: Emerson Commons Site Development Plan
Dear Mr. Neel:
The plan, entitled "Emerson Commons Site Development Plan" dated
February 2, 2015, is hereby approved for construction. One set of the approved
plan is enclosed for your records. Any previously approved plans are voided with
this approval. This approval is for basic compliance with the General Water &
Sewer Construction Specifications of the Albemarle County Service Authority
(ACSA) and does not relieve the contractor from responsibility for his work as it
relates to the plan and specifications.
The ACSA requires that a copy of the approved construction plan be on the
job site. The contractor is responsible for marking up a copy of the approved
construction plan showing as -built information and provide this data to your client at
the completion of utility installation. The final as -built plan shall be submitted in a
format of one paper copy and one mylar copy.
A preconstruction conference shall be scheduled with the project manager to
ensure coordination and answer any questions. This will be a short meeting to
review the project, materials, test methods and schedule, in order to expedite
construction. Please have the proper party call me at 977-4511 to schedule the
meeting. All offsite easements must be acquired before a preconstruction
conference will be scheduled.
This approval is valid for a period of 18 months from this date. If
construction is not in progress at the end of this time period, the approval shall be
The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation
regarding brass fittings that is in effect (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe
Drinking Water Act).
168 Spotnap Road ® Charlottesville, VA 22911 - Tel (434) 977-4511 e Fax (434) 979-0698
If you have any questions or if we can be of assistance, please give us a call
at (434) 977-4511.
Alexander J. Morrison, EIT
Civil Engineer
cc: Sheeflee, LLC
ACSA, Alexander J. Morrison
State Health Department
Current Development, Bill Fritz
Bldg. Codes & Zoning Services
Soil Erosion Inspector
050601 EngUrEmersonCommons021015
Kiracofe, Brandon (DEQ)
From: Timothy Castillo [TCastillo@rivanna.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 8:15 AM
To: Kiracofe, Brandon (DEQ)
Subject: FW: Emerson Commons Site Development Plan
Attachments: Sheeflee Co -Housing Flow Acceptance Letter 5 23 2014.pdf
Following up with this issue, we were aware and attached is acceptance letter. Sorry for delay in responding. Tim
Timothy E. Castillo
Waste Water Manager
Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, Va 22902
434-977-2970 Ext 112
From: Jennifer Whitaker
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 11:17 AM
To: Timothy Castillo
Cc: Richard W. Gullick; Victoria Fort
Subject: RE: Emerson Commons Site Development Plan
Yes, this project used to be called Sheeflee Co -Housing and I have attached the Flow Acceptance Approval Letter to
From: Timothy Castillo
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:23 PM
To: Jennifer Whitaker
Cc: Richard W. Gullick
Subject: FW: Emerson Commons Site Development Plan
Have we been made aware of this development or approved for capacity? DEQ wishes to know. Thanks
Timothy E.Castillo
Waste Water Manager
RkmnnaWater & Sewer Authority
G95Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VaZ29O2
434-977-2970 Ext1lZ
From: 0racofeBrandon (DBQ)
Sent Wednesday,April 29,2U151:SOPK8
To: Timothy Castillo
Subject: Emerson Commons Site Development Plan
Here is the Emerson Commons Site Development Plan.
BmndonD. Kiraoofe
Water Permits & Compliance Manager
DEO-Valley Regional Office
4411 Early Road, Harrisonburg, VA
Harrisonburg, \0A228O1
Office: (S40)574-78A2 FAX: (54O)574-7878
Web: vmwwdeqxipginia.gov
K8ei|: P.O. Box 3000. Harrisonburg, \4\22801
R1 -- TEL: 434.977.2970
FAX: 434.293.8858
Date: May 20,2O24
Project: SheeMeeCo'HoVo|n8
To: Albemarle County Service Authority
The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) has reviewed a written request from the ACSA to accept
op to 7,0I0 gallons average daily wastewater flow with a point of connection to the RVVS4 Crozet
Interceptor at manhole CZ('MH-149. The increased wastewater is proposed by the ACSAtn serve the
Sheeflee Co -Housing project, which is comprised of 26 single family residential units. These lots will be
developed over a2-yearperiod beginning inthe fall of2O14.
VVehave reviewed the average daily flow nfthe RVVSA that wxouk1reca�eth�Uowasproposed,
and reviewed the appropriate design factors specified under` the Virginia SCAT Regulations (9VAC25'
790). On the basis of these reviews, under present average daily flow conditions, RVVSA agrees to
accept the additional wastewater flow aaspecified above.
Please be advised that RWSA does not reserve capacity in its system for a specific project, and this letter
should not be interpreted in any way as a reservation or allocation of flow or the granting of regulatory
approval related to other agencies. Substantial changes in future average daily flow to the RVVSA
systems, changes in regulations, or other future factors could result in changes in RVVSA'o capability to
accept additional flow. We strongly request that ACSA update RWSA on the status of this project on an
annual basis, and further require that a new request for flow acceptance be made for all or any portion
or phase of the above request for which sewer extension design has not been approved under a
Certificate to Construct by the appropriate regulatory authority and is under construction within twenty-
An updated review for flow acceptance shall be requested if the project's scope, time frame or
connection point as initially specified changes Please note that under no circumstances can a direct
connection be made into RVVSA's interceptor system without the written approval and physical
inspection bvthe RVVSAEngineering Department.
Respectfully yours,
Jennifer A.Whitaker, P.E
Chief Engineer