HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA199200014 Action Letter
ZMA q2- (+
Dept. of Planning & Community Developmer.t
401 Mcintire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296-5823
July 21, 1993
United Land Corporation
Attn: Wendell Wood
P. O. Box 5548
Charlo~tesville, VA 22905
RE: Z!1A-92-14 Wendell Wood
Dea::::- Mr. Wood:
The Al~emarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on July ~1
14, 1993, approved the above-noted request to rezone
approximately 57 acres from Rural A::::-ea to R-15 (proffered).
Please note that this approval is subject to the following
1. The mobile hame pa~k is proffered for a period of net less
than fifteen years from the start of development in accor-
dance with the Comprehensive Plan. During that period of
time, the property shall not be available to any other R-lS,
Residential uses except nothing contained herein shall
prohibit the Zoning Administrator from authorizing uses
deemed accessory and subordinate to the mobile home park.
In the event the conditions of SP-93-13 are not met, or at
the time of expiration of SP-93-I3 in accordance with
Section of the Zoning Ordinance, the applicant
shall permit the property to be rezoned ·to RA, Rural Areas,
by the Board of Supervisors and thereafter the property
shall enjoy all RA uses. For.the purposes of this proffer,
the term "start of àevelopment" is defined as the date of
issuance of the first mobile home building permit. Nothing
herein shall prohibit the Board of Supervisors from granting
an extension of the expiration date of SP-93-l3 in
accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance.
United Land Corporation
Page 2
July 21, 1993
2. The frontage of Route 29 containing Tax Map 32, Parcels 43A,
43, 42E, 42D, 42B, 42C, 42A and Tax Map 46, ParcelS, shall
contain not more than three entrances. The County may
require closure of any existing entrances at the time of
establishment of any new entrance such that the total number
of entrances does not exceed three.
3. An access road between the mobile home sales area and mobile
home park shall be developed at the time of establishment of
the mobile home sales use. This access road shall be used
only for the movement of mobile homes between the two uses
and for emergency access.
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above
noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me.
, '"
¿{uJ~ rJß-¿~)
v. Wayne iilimberg
Director of Plannin~' & C unity Development
~li'¡C/j cw
'-- .
Amelia HcCulley
Jo Higgins
Torn Muncaster
, ·'1
& II
! I
~____,______.______.-I_ I
I 338 Rio Road
I Charlottesville,- VA
A.'1: u n cas t e r
July 6, 1993
JUl 0 7 1993
Planning Dept.
Mr. William D. Fritz, Senior Planner
Department of Planning & Community Development
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Re: Airport Mobile Home Park (ZMA-92-14, ZMA-93-06)
Dear Mr. Fritz:
The following proffers supersede all previous proffers and are
offered in regard to this rezoning request:
1. The mobile home park is proffered for a period of not less
than 15 years from the start of development in accordance
with the Comprehensive Plan. The start of development is
defined as the date the first building permit is issued.
2. The mobile home sales lot use will be limited to mobile home
sales and the existing gr,::.cery stc,re and gas.::.line sales.
3. The mobile hc.me sales lot entrance will be closed or altered
if required by the future plan of development for the
remaining area designated office and regional service in the
Comprehensive Plan.
4. The frontage on Route 29 containing Ta~;; Map 32, Parcels 43A,
43, 42E, 42D, 42B, 42C, 42A and Ta~J;; Map 46 Parcel 5 shall
contain not more than three entrances. The County may
require ,:l,::.sure ,::.f any e~dsting entran.:es at the time '';If
establishment of any new entrance such that the total number
of entrances does not exceed three.
5. The site plan for the mc.bile home sales lot will not be
signed until the site plan f,::.r a minimum clf 100 mobile home
units is signed.
6. An access road between the mobile home sales area and the
ml::.bile home park shall be developed at the time of
establishment of the mobile home sales use. This access road
shall be used only for the movement of mobile homes between
the two uses and for emergency access.
~in;;~el~. +f
~J. ,1 ..~
w. Thomas Muncaster, Jr., P.E.
Engineering &
338 Rio Road
Charlottesville~ VA 22901 I I
July 14, 1993
JUt 1 4 1993
Planning Dept.
Mr. William D. Fritz, Senior Planner
Department of Planning & Community Development
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Re: Airport Mobile Home Park (ZMA-92-14, ZMA-93-06)
Dear Mr. Fritz:
The following proffer is offered as a substitute to proffer #l in
my letter of July 6, 1993 regarding this rezoning request:
The mobile home park is proffered for a period of not less
than 15 years from the start of development in accordance
with the Comprehensive Plan. During that period of time, the
property shall not be available to any other R-15,
Residential uses except nothing contained herein shall
prohibit the Zoning Administrator from authorizing uses
deemed accessory and subordinate to the mobilhhome park. In
the event the conditions of SP-93-l3 are not~ met, or at
the time of expiration of SP-93-13 in accordance with
Section of the Zoning Ordinance, the applicant shall
permit the property to be rezoned to RA, Rural Areas by the
Board of Supervisors and thereafter the property shall enjoy
all RA uses. For the purposes of this proffer, the term
"start of development" is defined as the date of issuance of
the first mobile home building permit. Nothing herein shall
prohibit the Board of Supervisors from granting an extension
of the expiration date of SP-93-13 in accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance.
w. Thomas Muncaster, Jr., P.E.
. WTM/