HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA199000003 Action Letter
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~"' ZMA
Dept. of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-45%
(804) 296-5823
October 15, 1992
Eppa Hunton, Esquire
8100 Three Chopt Road
P. o. Box K-1
Richmond, VA 23288
RE: ZMA-90-03 Barclay Development
Tax Map 55, Parcel 66 and 66A
Dear Sir:
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on
October 7, 1992, approved ZMA-90-03 as proffered in letters dated
April 12 and April 23, 1990, addressed to Mr. William D. Fritz,
Senior Planner, County of Albemarle, from Mr. R. E. Bargamin,
Jr., President, Barclay Development Corporation (copies
attached) .
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-
noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ow .
V. Wayn~mber
Director of Plan i
& Community Development
cc: Amelia Patterson
Jo Higgins
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RICHMOND, VA 23220-3719
April 12,1990
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APR 1 6 1990 ~.~ .
Mr. William D. Fritz, Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596
Dear Mr. Fritz:
We have received a copy of your staff notes reo ZMA-90-03. In an effort to
better advise the county of our intentions for development of the 19.2 acre
parcel, we plan the following:
In that the property is now wooded we regard the natural setting and mature
growth as an asset. As such, we will endeavor to retain as many trees and
existing growth as possible. Certainly the roads, driveways, house
foundation sites, and water flow pipes will need to be cleared. In areas where
plantings can reasonably be restored, we expect to do so. For the
homeBites backing to Jarman~s Gap Road and the sites which border the stream
at the rear of the property, we will incorporate deed restrictions which
prohibit the removal of healthy trees. We trust this commitment will
satisfactorily comply with the county~s Comprehensive Plan page 269.
As each of the phases of this proJect nears completion, we will provide
hard surfaced roads with curbs and gutters.
Housing types to be offered will be traditionally styled, single family
detached homes.
When fully developed we will endeavor to adhere as closely as possible to
schematic site plan rev.3/30 as submitted.
Thank you for your continued assistance in our development plans. We trust
this correspondence will be sufficient to satisfy the Planning Department and
that you can now reccommend approval of our proJect. If you have any further
concerns, please contact us as soon as possible.
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President, Barclay Development Corp.
Will Smith, Dewberry and Davis
Eppa Hunton, Atty.
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RICHMOND, VA 23220-3719
April 23,1990
Mr. Bill Fritz, Senior planner
County o£ Albemarle
DQpart~ent of Planning and Commun1ty Deyelopm.nt
<401. McInt.ire Rd.
Charlottaeville, VA 22901-~823
Ref: ZMA-90-03 Tax Hap ~5, parcela 66 & GGA.
De~r Mx', Fritz:
In 'ord~r to clarify my earlier pro££$r, plea.. under.tand thot I do agree not
to diaturb livQ veg.t.ation lying within 100 feet of the _treambed running
~¡on9 the back of our propoaed d.~Qlopment except aa neoeaaary to conatruct
waetewðtar lineä.
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R.E. Bargamin, Jr.
PreBident/Owner Barclðy Development Corp.
cc: Will Smit.h
Eppe Hunton
Frederick W. Payne
Attorney at Law
412 East Jefferson Street
Suite B
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
ilt. ~
MAY 9 1990
(804) 977-4507
May 9, 1990
(804) 977-6574
Mr. William D. Fritz, Planner
Department of Planning and Community Development
for Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
File 239-90--Barclay Development Corporation--ZMA 90-3
Dear Bill:
In response to our telephone conversation of
order to clarify the conditions proffered with
captioned application, I submit the following:
Monday, in
the above-
(1) There shall be no disturbance of live vegetation within
100 feet of the streambed running along the back (northerly
boundary) of the proposed development, except to the extent that
such disturbance may be necessary for the installation and/or
maintenance of stormwater and/or wastewater lines. The substance
of this condition will be reflected in deed restrictions binding
the affected lots.
(2) Development of the site will be substantially as shown
on a schematic site plan by Dewberry & Davis, dated 2/19/90,
revised 3/27/90, previously filed with the Department of Planning
and Community Development; subject to the approval of appropriate
agencies of Albemarle County for compliance with the Subdivision
Ordinance at the time of subdivision review.
Let me emphasize that the foregoing is intendeã to clarify
the proffers which have been made previously and is not intended
as new matter.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Sincerely yours,
~ "'7---
Frederick W. Payne
cc: Mr. Robert E. Bargamin, Jr.
Eppa Hunton, Esquire