HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY99/00-03/04 Approved CIP CIP Technical Committee Review Team Mr. Rick Huff, Deputy County Executive Ms. Roxanne White, Assistant County Executive Mr. Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance Mr. A1 Reaser, Director of Building Services (School Division) Mr. Bill Mawyer, Director of Engineering & Public Works Mr. Bill Nitchmann, Member, Albemarle County Planning Commission Mr. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning & Community Development Mr. David Benish, Chief of Community Development Mr. Bill Fritz, Senior Planner Ms. Anne Gulati, Management Analyst Table of Contents Table of Contents & Calendar Table of Contents Capital Improvements Program Calendar Introduction Introduction 1 Technical Committee Recommended Changes to FY00-04 CIP Project Costs 7 Technical Committee Recommended Changes to FY00-04 Debt Service Revenues 8 Technical Committee Recommended Changes to FY00-04 Debt Service Expenditures 8 Board of Supervisors' Changes to Tech. Cttee. Recommended FY00-04 CIP Revenues 9 Board of Supervisors' Changes to Tech. Cttee. Recommended FY00-04 CIP Project Costs 9 Board of Supervisors' Changes to Tech. Cttee. Recommended FY00-04 Debt Svc. Revenues 10 Board of Supervisors' Changes to Tech. Cttee. Recommended FY00-04 Debt Svc. Exp. 10 Summary Information Total Revenue Summary - All Funds Total Expenditure Summary - All Funds Fund Detail Operating Budget Impact - All Funds General Government CIP Fund General Government CIP Fund Revenues General Government CIP Fund Expenditures Summary of Mandated/Committed Projects Summary of Maintenance/Replacement Projects Summary of Unfunded Projects Summary of "Out Year" Projects General Government Projects by Type General Government CIP Fund Project/Expenditure Summary General Government CIP Fund Cumulative Net Operating Budget Impact General Government CIP Fund Project Descriptions Administration/Court Projects Public Safety Projects Highway & Transportation Projects Library Projects Parks & Recreation Projects Utility Improvement Projects Tourism Fund Tourism Fund Summary Tourism Fund Capital Project Revenues Tourism Fund Capital Project Costs Tourism Fund Five,Year Project/Expenditure Summary Tourism Fund Cumulative Net Operating Cost Impact 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 28 29 39 49 61 65 83 85 86 87 88 90 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 FY 99/00 - FY 03/04 CIP Calendar 1998-99 June 98 S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 I? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 98 S MT WT F S I 2 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August 98 S MT WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 I0 1] 12 13 14 15 16 [7 18 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 98 ! S MT WT F S [ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [0 lI I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October 98 S MT WT F S [ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June I Instructions for Completing CIP Requests Sent to School Division 12 Instructions for Completing CIP Requests Sent to Departments July 27 Draft School CIP Presented to School Board 31 Departments' CIP Requests Due to County Executive's Office August 3 County Executive's Office Reviews Requsts for Accu- racy & Completion ] 0 School CIP Approved by School Board 14 CIP Request Materials Sent to Technical Committee September 3 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CIP Tech- nical Committee Meets to Review Projects 4 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM CIP Tech- nical Committee Meets to Review Projects Labor Day Holiday 7 8 County Executive's Office Begins to Determine Prelim- inary Available Revenues Planning Begins to Evaluate and Prioritize Projects Selected Project Requests Ret- urned for Revision &/or Correction 25 Prioritized Projects and Revis- ed Requests Due to Tech- nical Committee October 2 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Committee Meets to Final- ize Recommendations (if needed) 5 County Executives' Office Begins to Prepare Draft CIP Document 23 Technical Committee Receives Draft Document for Review 30 Changes/Revisions to Draft Document Due to County Executive's Office November 2 County Executive's Office Finalizes Recommended CIP Document 10 7:00 PM CIP Document Sent to Planning Commission 17 7:00 PM Planning Commis- sion Holds Work Session on Recommended CIP December 2 9:00 AM Board of Supervisors Holds Work Session on Recommended CIP February 3 Board of Supervisors Workses- sion on CIP 17 7:00 PM Board of Supervisors Holds Public Hearing on Recommended CIP April 14 7:00 PM Board of Supervisors Adopts FY 99/00 CIP Board Approves FY 99/00- 03/04 CIP December 98 S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1_1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 l 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 l I 27 28 29 30 31 January 99 S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [5 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 February 99 S MT WT F S t 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 March 99 S MT WT F S [ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [0 II 12 13 14 15 16 [7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April 99 I S MT WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 November 98 S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [0 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October ] 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Committee Meets to Priori- tize Projects Within Avail- able Revenues Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 May 99 S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 [8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Introduction The five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) serves as the planning guide for County expenditures for major capital facilities and equipment. It is based on the "physical needs" of the County identified in the Capital Facilities Plan, which is a section of the County's Comprehensive Plan. The five year plan for capital projects first is reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and then is recommended to the Board of Supervisors for their approval. The Board of Supervisors subsequently approves the five-year Capital Improvements Plan, as well as the annual CIP budget for projects funded in the next fiscal year. The first year of the Capital Improvement Program is called the Capital Budget, and is appropriated in the same manner as the annual operating budget of the County. Funds for projects are appropriated on an annual basis; projects scheduled for subsequent years are approved for planning purposes only and do not receive expenditure authority until they are part of the capital budget. Although approved in concept, each project is re-evaluated annually to ensure that all aspects of the project are still valid. Capital Improvement Program Policies General Guidelines In October 1994, the Board of Supervisors approved Financial Management Policies (see Appendix), which set guidelines for the Capital Improvement Program, funding for maintenance and replacement projects, and target limits for the County's indebtedness and debt service levels. In ali~a,nent with the approved policies, the Capital Improvement Program now is coordinated with the operating budget process. Summaries of all general government and school division projects show associated operating costs that will be reflected in future operating budgets. Additionally, the County is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing its capital stock. The Financial Managemen! Policies state that: "The County will maintain a system for maintenance, replacement and enhancement of the County's and School Division's physical plant. This system will protect the County's capital investment an~ minimize future maintenance and replacement costs." In accordance with these approved policies, the CD target,~ available revenues to both general government and school division maintenance and repair projects. Over the year CIP, approximately $3.9 million is approved for general government maintenance and repair projects, and $6.'. million is approved for school maintenance/replacement projects. However, the approved FY 99/00 - FY 03/04 CIP represents a shift in established practice with respect to policie: related to "pay-as-you-go" capital financing and target levels of indebtedness. For the past several years, tigh operating budgets have !.'malted both the number and size of capital improvement projects the County has been abl to undertake annually. For FY 99/00 - 03/04, approximately $22.0 million in general government projects, an, $10.5 million in school projects were requested in excess of projected cash revenues and previously approved del~ levels. To address these needs, the Board of Supervisors is recommending that the County borrow additional funds t complete all of the requested school projects, as well as $21.1 million of the "unfunded" general govemme~ projects. The additional debt service on the school projects would be paid for by re-allocating $4.2 million of tl:. General Fund transfer used for school repair and maintenance projects to debt service. The additional govemme] debt, if apprOved in a bond referendum by County voters, would be funded by an increase in the real property t~ rate. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 As a result, the County has departed tempOrarily from its goals of"increas[ing] incrementally the percentage of its capital improvements financed by current revenues," and of remaining within target levels of indebtedness. The approved Financial Policies state that the County should attempt to fund a "significant portion of capital improvements on a cash basis and increase incrementally the percentage of its capital improvements financed by current revenues," with the goal of dedicating a minimum of 3% of annual General Fund revenues to the CIP. Although the County transferred approximately 3% of General Fund revenues to the CIP in FY 96 and FY97, the percentage of capital projects financed by current revenues has declined since then to a low of 2% in FY 99/00, due to operating budget constraints and the shitt of current revenues to school debt service. The Financial Policies also recommend that long-term debt and associated debt service levels remain within certain target limits. Specifically, the Policies recommend that long-term debt not exceed 2% of the assessed value of taxable property, or $1,000 per capita. The maximum amount of debt service is set at 10% of General Fund revenues. Although annual debt loads for FY 99/00 - 03/04 remain within the target 2% of assessed values, per capita debt and debt service levels will exceed the County's recommended maximums. As evident from the summary information chart on page 115 of this document, the highest ratio of debt to assessed value over the five year period is 1.23% in FY 01/02, which is well below the 2% maximum. Net debt per capita, however, increases to $1,127 in FY 01/02, which exceeds the recommended maximum of $1,000. The ratio of debt service expenditures to General Fund revenues rises to 10.5% in FY 02/03, also above the 10% maximum. The ClP Process The CIP Technical Committee In 1993, a Technical Committee was created to review department and agency requests. The Committee is comprised of representatives from the County Executive's Office, Planning and Community Development, Engineering and Public Works, Finance and the School Division, plus one designated representative from the Planning Commission. The on-going task of the committee is to thoroughly analyze project costs, to estimate the impact of capital projects on the operating budget and to determine the accuracy of and need for each project. The ClP Technical Committee made several specific recommendations for FY 99/00 - 03/04: Recommended expenditures shall not exceed available resources. As previously mentioned, limited resources restrict both the number and size of capital improvement projects the County is able to undertake each year. Based on available cash revenues, and previously approved levels of debt and debt service for school division projects, the Technical Committee had recommended that $22.0 million in requested general government projects, and $10.5 million in requested school projects be deferred from the five-year CIP. However, to meet both school and general government capital needs, the Board of Supervisors is recommending that additional funds be borrowed to fund all of the unfunded requested school projects, and to finance approximately $21.1 million of the unfunded general government projects. The borrowed funds for school projects would come from VPSA bonds, while the additional general government debt would take the form of general obligation bonds issued at the approval of County voters. The additional debt service on the school projects would be funded by re-allocating $4.2 million in current revenues used for school maintenance/repair projects, to debt service. The additional government debt, if approved in a referendum, would require additional resources in the form of a tax rate increase in FY 02/03. Additionally, the Board approved the Committee's recommendation that several capital projects remain outside the five-year plan, in an undesignated "out year" beyond FY 03/04. These "out year" projects either do not have an identified funding source, do not have a defined funding year, or represent additional expenditures Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2005/2004 expected to be incurred beyond the five-year plan. General government "out year" projects total $4.5 million and include a $3.09 million project to continue Phase II of the Meadow Creek Parkway, a $0.2 million project to landscape Ivy Road, a $0.5 million project to continue the development of County athletic fields, and $0.5 million in continued funding for closure costs and groundwater improvements at the Keene landfill. School Division "out year" projects total $10.2 million and include $8.1 million in anticipated Monticello High School Addition costs, $1.4 million in maintenance and repair projects, and $0.4 million in continued funding for the Scottsville Elementary library addition project. Debt service payments on general government projects have been separated from capital project revenues and expenditures. Previously, debt service on the Juvenile Detention facility and 800MHz Communication System projects (both approved in FY 98/99) were paid with current revenues transferred to the General Government CIP, and reflected as expenditure items of the CIP. To establish a clearer audit trail, however, the Board approves the Committee's recommendation that these and other general government debt service expenditures be removed from the CIP and reflected as expenditures of the General Government Debt Service Fund only. To reflect this change, the previously approved General Fund transfer.to the General Government CIP was reduced by $773,654 to fund the debt service on the 800MHz project. These revenues, and their offsetting debt service expenditures, have been transferred to the General Government Debt Service Fund. Debt service on the Juvenile Detention Facility also was transferred to the Debt Service Fund. However, since these costs could be absorbed within the debt service fund due to a reduction in the budgeted interest rate on school division bond issues, additional CIP or operating budget revenues were not required. The County shall continue to fund as many maintenance/replacement projects as it can out of current revenues, and bond only those projects projected to have a useful life of 20 years or more. Although current revenues were unable to fund all of the requested School Division maintenance and repair projects, which total $6.5 million, the approved CIP allocates approximately $1.6 million in current revenues to school division maintenance projects over the 5-year period. (This allocation is less than the $5.2 million originally proposed by the Technical Committee, due to the re-allocation of approximately $4.2 million in capital outlay to school debt service.) All general government maintenance/replacement projects are funded with current revenues. The County shall continue to fund computer/technology purchases with current revenues, instead oj borrowed fUnds. Since technology purchases typically have a useful life of 3-5 years, funding these purchase,~ through the sale of 20-ye.ar bonds is not fiscally prudent. As such, both the Technical Committee and Boar¢ of Supervisors continue to recommend that technology needs be funded only with current revenues, or other non-borrowed sources of funding, such as state revenues (when available), or other local funds. Over the hex five years, $2.32 million in school technology projects are approved, using funding available from curren revenues such as interest earned and fund balance. All general government technology projects are funded witl current revenues. Additional recommendations of the Technical Committee also have been incorporated into the CIP Process Greater Emphasis on the 5-Year Plan In past years, departments and agencies were allowed to request new projects in any year of the CIP, making Ion range forecasting over a 5-year period eXtremely difficult. Now, all departments and agencies are instructed to pla their projects out for the five-year period, and submit new requests in the fifth year of the CIP plan. On] emergency projects, new projects aimed at clearly identified critical needs, or unanticipated technology needs m-' be submitted in the first four years, thus providing a more accurate projection of what the County actually plm Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 to finance over the next 5 year period. Establishment of Evaluation Criteria Project evaluation criteria have been established and are used by the Technical Committee to rank new and expanded projects. Mandated, committed and maintenance projects are not ranked, but are automatically fimded as number one priorities. (Committed projects are defined as ongoing p~ojects that already have received funding in a prior year, but which require additional funding for completion. Projects included in the approved five-year plan that have not received any prior year funding are not considered committed projects.) Consistent with the policy of restricting new projects to the 5th year, projects in the first four years already have been evaluated under these same criteria. If there have been no significant changes, the projects in the first four years willreceive the same ranking. (See Appendix for these criteria and for current project rankings.) Separation of Maintenance and Replacement Projects As stated in the financial policies, the goal of the County is to fund maintenance and repair projects with current revenues, rather than through borrowed funds. It also is the County's goal to insure that maintenance and repair projects are funded before new projects are undertaken, which is why they are considered a higher priority than new or expanded projects. Individual maintenance, repair and replacement projects are not presented as separate CIP projects, but are submitted by departments as one line item for each year of the five-year period. Public Works, Parks and Recreation, the Library and the School Division all submitted maintenance requests. As previously mentioned, although current revenues were unable to fund all of the proposed School Division maintenance and repair projects, which total $6.5 million, the approved CIP allocates approximately $1.6 million in current revenues to school division maintenance/repair projects over the 5-year plan. General government maintenance and replacement projects total $3.9 million. Five-Year Projection of Revenues To implement a more realistic plan of projects to be completed in the next five-year period, the County Executive's Office provides the Technical Committee with a forecast of available revenues over the next five years. Although revenue estimates may vary in either direction, the general revenue parameters are used by the Committee to prioritize and stage the projects over the five-year period. In the first step, all projects are prioritized and funded within the 5-year period; the second step involves either reducing project amounts, or moving several projects to the third, fourth and fifth years, since most projects have a tendency to be bunched up in the first two years and exceed available revenues for those years. Evaluation of School Division Projects within Debt Service Levels Because the Technical Committee and the Planning Commission have questioned their role in evaluating and prioritizing school division projects, including new and expanded facilities and repair and maintenance projects, the prioritizing function for school projects has been given to the School Board, whose members are more knowledgeable about school needs and priorities. Although the Technical Committee reviews all school projects for accuracy and financial impact, the Technical Committee no longer evaluates or prioritizes individual school division projects. Rather, the Committee recommends a debt service level and an annual maintenance transfer from general revenues within which the School Board may determine its priorities and the staging of facilities. General Government CIP Fund, School Division CIP Fund, Stormwater Fund & Tourism Fund Projects Based on the auditor's recommendation, general government and school division capital projects have been divided into separate and distinct funds which set out a clearer audit trail for educational funding, VPSA bonds, debt 4 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 service, etc. Therefore, in the approved CIP, a portion of the general fund transfer is seen in each fund and VPSA funds are shown as a resource only in the School Division CIP Fund. Likewise, interest accrued on VPSA funds is shown as a revenue .only in the School CIP Fund. As a clarification issue, the Technical Committee also recommended that stormwater projects be shown in the CIP analysis and appropriation process as a separate fund, since stormwater projects always have been transferred at a later time into a separate fund to account for developer fees. Additionally, in FY 97/98, a tourism fund was established for the purpose of funding tourism-related expenditures, including capital projects that promote tourism in the County. Two projects currently funded by tourism revenues are the Rivanna Greenway Access and Path project, and the Ivy Road Bike Lanes project. The Board approved a third project for funding with tourism revenues, River Access Improvements, since this project would make improvements to river access points county-wide, including the Warren Ferry on the James River, a popular tourist destination. The total cost of capital projects approved for funding with tourism revenues over the next five years is $445,500. Greater Emphasis on Debt Service Finally, the FY 00-04 CIP continues to present associated debt service revenues and expenditures in a separate section. The purpose of presenting debt service in this manner is to highlight the impact that borrowed funds have on debt service obligations and to ensure that sufficient revenues are available to fund any additional debt service costs incurred. Approved FY 99/00 - 03/04 CIP The approved FY 99/00 - 03/04 CIP totals $80.8 million and presents a fimding scenario in which the majority ot School Division projects are funded with VPSA bonds in the amount of $40,895,563, and approximately $21.1 million in general government projects are funded with general obligation debt. School Division The approved CIP funds all of the School Division's requested capital improvement program, which totals $44.~ million. This request includes funding for one new project, the Scottsville Library Addition ($75,000), adds $8_( million in construction costs for the Southern Urban Elementary School, and funds significant cost increases i~ several existing projects. These increases include the following: a $4.6 million increase in the cost of the Burlel Addition/Renovation project (to enlarge the capacity of the school from 436 to 616 and bring everything from th annex into the main building), a $2.4 million increase in the Jouett Addition/Renovation project (to increase th capacity of the school from 511 to 690 students), a $2.4 million increase in the Northern Area Elementary projec (to expand the planned capacity of the school from 400 to 600 students), and $3.5 million in additional Souther Elementary School costs. The $40.9 million in approved School VPSA bonds represent an increase of $14. million over the $26.2 million originally proposed by the CIP Technical Committee. The debt service on thcs additional borrowed funds would be paid by re-allocating the School Division's $4.2 million five-year CIP transf{ to debt service. The approved School Division CIP also includes a $100,000 transfer to the school operating budget for operation expenditures. This transfer, approved as an addition to the Technical Committee's recommendation, is reflecte as an expenditure of the School CIP Fund and is funded by adding $100,000 in fund balance revenues, for a tot of $600,000 in School Division CIP fund balance revenues for FY00. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 General Government Approved general government projects total $35.4 million, an increase of $19.7 million over the Technical Committee's original recommendation. This increase includes $15.0 million for the new City/County courthouse complex, $4.6 million for a new public safety facility, and $1.53 million for a new urban gymnasium. It also reflects the net impact of removing the $1.5 million Juvenile Detention Facility project from the FY00 capital budget, because the Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Commission now has the financial authority to borrow and expend funds for the facility. General Government borrowed funds total $21.1 million, and fund the courthouse, public safety facility, and urban gym. General obligation bonds issued in FY02 would fund these facilities, contingent upon approval by County voters in a referendum. If approved, the increased debt service on these borrowed funds could require a tax rate increase of approximately $0.03 in FY 03. Debt service "reserves" of $200,000 have been budgeted in the FY 99/00 operating budget toward these anticipated potential debt service costs. Similar annual contributions are planned in FY 01 and FY 02.) The approved CIP also adds a $37,236 project to renovate the Piedmont Virginia Community College's main academic building. It is funded by an increase in the General Fund transfer to the General Government CIP. Finally, due to funding limitations, approximately $0.8 million in general government projects remain "unfunded," or deferred from the five-year plan. An additional $4.7 million in general government and stormwater projects are reflected in an undesignated "out year" beyond FY 03/04, either because appropriate funding sources have not yet been found, because project timing still is undetermined, or because additional related expenditures are expected beyond this five-year CIP. The School Division CIP contains $10.2 million in additional "out year" projects. A d~tailed listing of Technical Committee recommendations and Board of Supervisors' approved changes is presented on the following pages. 6 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Technical Committee Recommended Changes to FY 99/00- 03/04 CIP PrOject Costs: Beginning Project Expenditures (Five-Year Total) - All Funds Unfunded/Reduced Project Costs: ADA Changes - Schools County Athletic Field Study/Development County Facilities Maintenance/Replacement Court Square Maintenance/Replacement Courthouse Space Needs Study/Construction Fire/Rescue Management Sol,rare Greenbrier/Hydraulic Rd. Streetlights Neighborhood Plan Implementation Program New Urban Area Gymnasium Public Safety Facility - Construction Only Revenue Sharing/Traftic Calming - Traffic Calming in FY00-02 School Division Capital Projects - To Meet Available Revenues Sidewalk Construction Program Subtotal Reduced Funding 83,003,698 Ending Project Expenditures Request Recomm. Change 72,295 0 -72,295 814,000 758,599 -55,401 2,960,000 2,884,160 -75,840 450,000 400,000 -50,000 15,000,000 0 -15,000,000 42,500 0 -42,500 17,500 0 -17,500 270,000 155,000 -115,000 1,530,000 0 -1,530,000 4,630,000 30,000 -4,600,000 2,500,000 2,200,000 -300,000 44,695,563 34,220,019 -10,475,544 375,000 225,000 -150,000 63,356,858 40,872,778 -22,484,080 50,519,618 Recommended General Gov't. Borrowed Funding: Juvenile Detention Center Courthouse Construction Request 1,465,725 15,000,000 Recomm 1,465,725 0 Projects Moved to Another Year Due to Funding Constraints: Airport Road Sidewalk Cashier Booth Improvements Chris Greene Lake Property Purchase Georgetown Road Sidewalk Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Development New High School Community Recreation Facilities Public Safety Mobile Command Center Request FY 00 FY 00 FY 00 FY 00 FY 00 FY 01 FY 00-04 Reeomm FY 01 FY 03-04 FY 04 FY 04 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03-04 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Technical Committee Recommended Changes to FY 99/00- 03/04 Debt Service Revenues' Beginning Debt Service Revenues (Five-Year Total): Reductions to Debt Service Revenues: Transfer from General Govt. CIP Fund (funds 800MHz only) Additions to Debt Service Revenues: Addtl. Use of Debt Service Reserve (Juv. Det. Facility) Ending Debt Service Revenues Request Recomm 2,779,829 773,654 1,538,574 2,202,714 Technical Committee Recommended Changes to FY 99/00- 03/04 Debt Service Expenditures: Beginning Debt Service Expenditures (Five-Year Total): Reductions to Debt Service Expenditures: Request Courthouse Construction Project (unfunded) 1,342,035 Ending Debt Service Expenditures Recomm 47,532,003 Change -2,006,175 664,140 46,189,968 47,532,003 Change -1,342,035 46,189,968 8 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Board of Supervisors" Changes to Technical Committee Recommended FY 99/00- 03/04 CIP Revenues Beginning Revenues (Five-Year Total): Additions to CIP Revenues: General Obligation Debt - General Government * General Fund Transfer to General Government CIP Fund (PVCC Facility Renov) School CIP FUnd Balance (Txfr. to Operations) VPSA Bonds - School Division Subtotal Additional Revenues 50,519,618 Reductions to CIP Revenues: General Fund Transfer to School Division CIP Fund (re-allocate to debt service) General Govt. Borrowed Funds - Juvenile Detention Facility (removed fr. CIP) Subtotal Reduced Revenues Recomm Approved Change 0 21,130,000 21,130,000 12,716,346 12,753,582 37,236 1,300,000 1,400,000 100,000 26,238,61,1 40,895,563 !4,656,952 40,254,957 76,179,145 35,924,188 Ending CIP Revenues Reeomm Approved Change 4,181,408 0 -4,181,408 1,465,725 0 -1,465,725 5,647,133 0 -5,647,133 Proposed general obligation debt on new courthouse complex, public safety facility and urban gym (FY contingent upon voter approval in a referendum. 80,796,673 01/02) is Board of Supervisors' Changes to Technical Committee Recommended FY 99/00- 03/04 CIP Project Costs Beginning Project Expenditures (Five-Year Total): Additional Projects/Expenditures: City/County COurthouse Complex (moved from Om-Year) * Public Safety Facility (moved from Out-Year) * Urban Gymnasium (moved from Out-Year) * PVCC Facility Renovation (new project) Transfer to School Operations (new - in operating budget) School Division Capital Projects (moved from Unfunded) Subtotal Additional Project Costs/Expenditures Recomm 0 0 0 0 0 34,220,019 34,220,019 Reductions to Projects/Expenditures: Juvenile Detention Facility (removed from CIP) Subtotal Reduced Project Costs/Expenditures Recomm 1,465,725 1,465,725 Ending CIP Project Costs/Expenditures * Contingent upon voter approval in a referendum. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Approved 15,000,000 4,600,000 1,530,000 37,236 100,000 44,695,563 65,962,799 Approved 0 50,519,6H 15,000,00~ 4,600,001 1,530,00 37,23 100,00 10,475,54 31,742,78 Change -1,465,7~ -1,465,7~ 80,796,6' Board of Supervisors' Changes to Technical Committee Recommended FY 99/00- 03/04 Debt Service Revenues Beginning Debt Service Revenues (Five-Year Total): Additional Debt Service Revenues: General Fund Txfr. to School Debt Service (Add'tl. Schl. Projs.) General Fund Txfr. to Gen. Govt. Debt Service * Use of General Government Debt Service Reserves * Subtotal Additional Debt Service Revenues Recomm 42,450,000 773,654 43,223,654 Reductions to Debt Service Revenues: Use of School Debt Service Reserves Subtotal Reduced Debt Service Revenues Recomm 2,202,714 2,202,714 Ending Debt Service Revenues Approved 46,631,408 5,364,629 594,235 52,590,272 Approved 1,070,888 1,070,888 46,189,968 Change 4,181,408 4,590,975 594,235 9,366,618 Change -1,131,826 -1,131,826 54,424,760 Board of Supervisors' Changes to Technical Committee Recommended FY 99/00- 03/04 Debt Service Expenditures Beginning Debt Service Revenues (Five-Year Total): Additional Debt Service Expenditures: School Division Debt Service General Government Debt Service - General Obligation Debt * Gen. Govt. Debt Service Reserve Contribution (from op. budget) Subtotal Additional Debt Service Expenditures Ending Debt Service Expenditures · Contingent upon voter approval in a referendum. Recomm Approved 43,988,574 47,038,156 0 4,585,210 ~ 600,000 43,988,574 52,223,366 46,189,968 Change 3,049,582 4,585,210 600,000 8,234,792 54,424,760 10 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 FY 99/00- FY 03/04 Approved CIP Total Revenue Summary - All Funds General Fund Transfer 16% Other Localities 1% Interest 1% Tourism Revenues 1% Fund Balance 2% Approved CIP Revenues $80,796,673 Courthouse Maintenance Funds State <1% 3% Gen Govt Borrowed Funds 26% VPSA Bonds 50% FY 9g/o0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 City Reimbursements 0 Courthouse Maint. Funds 41,200 Fund Balance 620,000 General Fund Transfer 2,157,930 Gen. Govt. Borrowed Funds 0 Interest Earned 150,000 State Construction Funds 400,000 State Reimbursements 25,000 Tourism Revenues 55,000 UVA Reimbursements 0 VPSA Bonds 2.835.805 GRAND TOTAL 14,500 18,000 127,400 405,000 44,000 46,800 49,600 52,400 220,000 223,128 200,000 200,000 2,357,930 2,447,312 2,801,952 3,098,458 250,000 7,375,000 7,375,000 6,130,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 0 0 0 0 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000 0 10,000 35,000 405,000 11,947,640 8,782,695 7,793,830, 9,535,593 6,284,935 15,409,070 19,709,435 18,957,782 20,435,451 Total Out Year 564,900 234,000 1,463,128 12,863,582 21,130,000 750,000 2,000,000 25,000 420,500 450,000 40,895,563 80,796,673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 FY 99/00 FY 03/04 Approved CIP Expenditure Summary - All CIP Funds Approved CIP Expenditures $80,796,673 Stormwater <1% Admin. & Courts 24% 55% Public Safety 10% Hwys. & Trans. 4% Ubrary <1% Parks & Rec. 5% Utility Imp. 1% Tourism 1% General Govt. Admin. & Courts Public Safety Hwys. & Trans. Libraries Parks & Rec. Utilities Subtotal Tourism Fund Rec. Schools Stormwater GRAND TOTAL FY 99/00 FY O0/Ol FY 0~/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 1,074,160 900,000 8,195,000 8,375,000 835,000 245,384 296,332 420,000 770,000 6,323,376 475,000 576,000 530,000 600,000 660,000 123,953 62,500 33,000 13,500 100,600 275,633 691,598 692,240 580,452 2,121,882 75,000 100,000 .100,000 100,000 .100,000 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,140,858 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 fl 110,000 0 fl O_ 6,284,935 15,409,070 19,709,435 18,957,782 20,435,451 Total 19,379,1613 8,055,092 2,841,000 333,553 4,361,805 475,000 35,445,610 445,500 44,795,563 110,000 80,796,673 Unfunded 125,840 0 582,500 0 127,696 836,036 0 0 836,036 Out Year 0 0 3,316,900 0 700,000 500,000 4,516,900 0 10,156,153 200,000 14,873,053 12 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 FY 99/OO FY 03/04 Approved CIP Fund Detail Proj .ects/Revenues FY 99100 FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 02/03 FY 03104 Total 00-04 Summary of Total Available Revenues by Type of Revenue - All Funds: General Government Projects 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,140,858 35,445,610 Tourism Fund Projects 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000 445,500 Stormwatar Projects - 110,000 - 110,000 School Projects 3,935~805 .12,647 640 9,482,695 8~493,830 10,235~593 44 795,563 Total Projects 6,284,935 15,409,070 19,709,435 18,957,782 20,435,451 .80,796,673 Aooroved Revenues: General Fund Transfer to CIP 2,157,930 2,357,930 2,447,312 2,801,952 3,098,458 12,863,582 CIP Fund Balance 620,000 220,000 223,128 200,000 200,000 1,463,128 Tourism Fund Revenues 55,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 . 59,000 420,500 Interest Earned 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 City Reimbursements 14,500 18,000 127,400 405,000 564,900 UVA Reimbursements - 10,000 35,000 405,000 450,000 Courthouse Maintenance Funds 41,200 44,000 46,600 49,600 52,400 234,000 State Construction Funding 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 .2,000,000 State Reimbursements 25,000 .... 25,000 Borrowed Funds - Gen. Govt. 250,000 7,375,000 7,375,000 6,130,000 21,130,000 V'PSA Bonds - Schools 2,835,805 11~947,640 8,782~695 7,793,830 9,535,593 . 40,895,563 Total Revenues 6,284,935 15,409,070 19,709,435 18,957,782 20,435,451 80,796,673 Excess Revenue/(ShoRfall) . , .. Cumulative Shortfall - Unfunded Gen. Govt. Projects {475,635) (216,630) (100,000) (43,771) (836,036} Unfunded School Projects - . CIP Fund Detail: Revenue Summary - General Govt. Capital Improvement Fund ~.vailable Resources: Borrowed Funds - Juvenile Det. - ~orrowed Funds - Courthouse - 250,000 7,375,000 7,375,000 - 15,000,000 Borrowed Funds - Pub Sar Facility 4,600,000 4,600,000 Borrowed Funds - Urban Gym 1,530,000 1,530,000 ~,ourthouse Maintenance Funds 41,200 44,000 46,800 49,600 52,400 234,000 City Reimbursements 14,500 18,000 127,400 405,000 564,900 LJVA Reimbursements 10,000 35,000 405,000 450,000 Interest 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 ~IP Fund Balance 20,000 20,000 23,128 - - 63,128 ~eneral Fund Transfer to CIP ~ 2247.930 2.447.312 2.801 _952 3.09B.458 12.753.5B2 Subtotal Revenues 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,140,858 35,445,610 ~kpproved Projects: 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,140,858 35,445,610 Excess Revenuel(Shortfall) ~ ~umulative Shortfall - LJnfunded Gem Govt, Projects (475,635) (216,630) (100,000) (43,771) (836,036 I~evenue Summary - Tourism Fund Capital Projects ~.vailable Resources: 5'tare Reimbursements 25,000 25,000 reurism Fund Revenues 55.000 25.0(~0 2§6_500 25.000 59.000 420.500 Subtotal Revenues 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000 445,500 ~.pproved Projects: 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000 445,500 Excess Revenuel(Shortfall) - . . =umutative Shortfall - ~ Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 FY 99/00 - FY 03/04 Approved CIP Fund Detail (co~~d) Projects/Revenues FY 99100 FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 02]03 FY 03104 Out Year Revenue Summary - School Division Capital Improvement Fund ~yailable Resources: ~PSA Bonds 2,835,805 11,947,640 8,782,695 7,793,830 9,535,593 40,895,563 nterest Earned 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 2,1P Fund Balance 600,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,400,000 ~ IState Construction Funding 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 General Fund Transfer to CIP Subtotal Revenues 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 44,795,563 Approved Projects: 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,483,830 10,235,593 44,795,563 Excess Revenue/(Shorffalll - . Cumulative Shortfall - - Unfunded School Projects . Revenue Summary - Stormwater Fund Capital Improvement Projects ~_vailable Resources: General Fund Transfer to CIP 110.000 110.000 Subtotal Revenues 110,000 - 110,000 Approved Projects: 110,000 - 110,000 Excess Revenue/(Shorffall) - - - Cumulative Shortfall 14 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Operating Budget Impact - All Funds GENERAL GOVERNMENT Prior Administration & Courts Caunty C(3mputer Upgrade Ongoinc_ Subtotal 0 FY 99100 FY 0010t FY 0t102 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 Unfunded 28.000 49.000 70.000 91.000 28,000 49,000 70,000 91,000 Fire/Rescue Building & Equip. Fund 0 133,505 229,185 330,480 Fire/Rescue Management Software 0 0 0 0 0 Juvenile Detention Facility 0 0 16,500 96,522 99,418 Public Safety Mobile Crud, Ctr. 0 0 0 0 0 TransPort Vehicle for Arrests 0 0 0 3.400 3.500 Subtotal 0 0 150,005 329,107 433,398 Highways & Transportation Airport Road Sidewalk Georgetown Road Sidewalk Greenbrier Dr. PedestriaWBike Path Greenbrier/Hydraulic Rd. Streetiights Ivy Road Landscaping Sidewalk Construction Program RoutP. 29North Landscaping Subtotal Cashier Booth Imp.: CGL, MSV, WC Chris Greene Lake Property Purch. County Athletic Field Study/Dev. Crozet Park Athletic Field Dev. IW Landfill Recreation Access Dev. New High School Cmty. Rec. Facilities New Urban Area Gymnasium School Athletic Field Irrigation Scottsville community Center Imp. So. Albemarle Organization Park Dev. Towe Lower Field Irrigation Walnut Creek Park Improvements Subtotal GENERAL FUND SUBTOTAL TOURISM FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS Rivanna Greenway Access & Path River Access Improvements Subtotal SCHOOL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 0 0 5,000 5,150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,150 5,305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.000 5,150 5,305 0 10,000 t5,300 15,760 8,88 0 19,250 90 29,03 29,035 Prior 0 894,980 0 0 0 0 0 o 992,280 1,021,315 Northern Area Elementary Rec. Administrative Technology Brownsville Addition Hollymead Gym Restrms Instructional Technology Monticello High Addition Northern Elementary Bufley Library Add/Reno(Lib) Jooett Add/Reno Scottsville Library Add. ~uthern Urban Elam. Subtotal TOTAL APPROVED ClP: t12,000 0 4,500 548,160 5,305 0 5,465 0 0 0 600 620 0 0 0 0 20,630 63,045 70,370 76,960 9,395 15,210 39,760 20,495 0 13,930 14.630 15,365 16,130 19,830 20,425 21,040 21,670 22,32(3 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 10,500 10,815 1,405 6,950 7,470 11,190 11,52(3 6,825 7,125 7,485 7,855 0 0 500 515 530 Q Q 720 3.740 58,085 126,685 161,975 t68,890 182,340 86,085 335,690 576,382 709,048 8,000 9,700 11,400 13,100 14,800 13.880 14.295 14.725 15.170 21,880 23,995 26,125 28,270 46,050 FY 99~00 FY 00101 FY 0t102 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 8,920 9,370 9,835 51,033 90,000 105,000 111,050 114,330 0 0 17,200 17,715 0 0 4,100 80,000 183.993 284,372 390,452 402,165 0 0 0 0 0 0 85,000 774,050 797,270 821,190 0 0 0 66,000 67,980 0 0 0 0 38,400 0 0 0 0 131,033 358,993 1,172,342 1,391,292 1,475,71 238,998 718,678 1,774,849 2,128,610 2,380,50(3 0 3,600~em 3,600/ye; 3,600/year Unfunded Out. Year 0 5,000/year 0 0 15,000/year 0 14.000/year 34,000/year 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,620/year 0 0 0 o 34,620/year 68,620/year Out-Year 0 0 0 0 0 89,300 0 0 0 2,500 817_79o 909,590 978,210~r Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 1 General Government CIP Fund Revenues Borrowed Funds 59% Other 1% Other Localities 3% General Fund Transfer 36% Courthouse Maintenance Funds 1% FY 99/00 FY O0/Ol FY 0~/02 ~, 02/03 FY 03/04 Borrowed Funds - Juvenile Det. * 0 0 0 0 0 Borrowed Funds-Courthouse Cmplx. 0 250,000 7,375,000 7,375,000 0 Borrowed Funds - Public Safety Fac. 0 0 0 0 4,600,000 Borrowed Funds - Urban Gymnasium 0 0 0 0 1,530,000 CIP Fund Balance 20,000 20,000 23,128 0 0 City Reimbursements 0 14,500 18,000 127,400 405,000 Courthouse Maintenance Funds 41,200 44,000 46,800 49,600 52,400 General Fund Transfer to ClP 2,157,930 2,247,930 2,447,312 2,801,952 3,098,458 Interest Income 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 UVA Reimbursements 0 0 10,000 35,000 405,000 Total 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,140,858 *Project removed from CIP. The Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Commission will borrow and expend funds Total 0 15,000,000 4,600,000 1,530,000 63,128 564,900 234,000 12,753,582 250,000 450,000 35,445,610 for this facilit~ Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 General Government CIP Fund Expenditures Admin. & Courts 55% Utilities 1% Parks & Rec. 12% Public Safety Library 23% 1% Hwys. & Trans. 8% Admin. & Courts Public Safety Hwys. & Trans. Libraries Parks & Rec. Utilities Total FY 99/00 ~, 00/0'1 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 1,074,160 900,000 8,195,000 8,375,000 835,000 245,384 296,332 420,000 770,000 6,323,376 475,000 576,000 530,000 600,000 660,000 123,953 62,500 33,000 13,500 100,600 275,633 691,598 692,240 580,452 2,121,882 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,140,858 Total I.Unfunded 19,379,160~ 125,840 8,055,0921 0 2,841,000~ 582,500 333,5531 0 4,361,805i 127,696 475,0001 ~ 35,445,61~ 836,036 Out Year 0 0 3,316,900 0 700,000 500,000 4,516,900 18 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Summary of Mandated/Committed Mandated/ Committed 65% Other Projects 24% Maintenance/ Replacement 11% Projects FY 00-04 Fiscal Ar~Droved Years ADA Changes - Schools (Mandated) 0 NA Airport Road Sidewalk 126,000 FY 01 County Athletic Field Development 758,599 FY 00-04 County Com ~)uter Upgrade 1,020,000 FY 00-04 Courthouse Space Needs Study/Construction 15,000,000 FY 01-03 Crozet Park Athletic Field Development 498,930 FY 00-03 Fire/Rescue Building & Equipment Fund 1,870,092 FY 00-04 Greenbrier/Hydraulic Road Streetlights 0 NA Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Development 300,000 FY 01 Juvenile Detention Facility * 0 NA Keene Landfill Closure 475,000 FY 00-04 Library Computer Upgrade 146,453 FY 00-01 Neighborhood Plan Implementation Program 155,000 FY 02-04 Revenue Sharing/Traffic Calming 2,200,000 FY 00-04 Rt. 29 North Landscaping 0 NA Scottsville Community Center Improvements 124,665 FY 00-02 Sidewalk Construction Program 225,000 FY 01-04 Southern Albemarle Organization Park Dev. 200,000 FY 00-04 Walnut Creek Park Improvements 51,025 FY 00-01 Total 23,15(],764 Amount Unfunded 72,295 55,401 0 0 0 0 17,500 0 0 0 0 115,000 300,000 0 0 150,000 0 710,196 Out Year Amount 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 1,200,000 * Removed from CIP. Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Commission now will borrow and expend funds for this facility. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Summary of Maintenance/Replacement Projects Mandated/ Committed 65% Other Projects 24% Maintenance/ Replacement 11% County Facilities Maintenance/Replacement Court Square Maintenance/Replacement J&D Court Maintenance/Replacement Library Maintenance/Replacement Parks Maintenance/Replacement Total FY 00-04 Fiscal Approved Years 2,884,160 FY 00-04 400,000 FY 00-04 75,000 FY 00-04 187,100 FY 00-04 306,450 FY 00-04 3,852,710 Amount Unfunded 75,840 50,000 0 0 125,840 Out Year Amount 20 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Summary of Unfunded Projects* Admin. & Courts 15% Hwys. & Trans. 70% Parks & Rec. 15% ADA Changes - Schools County Athletic Field Study/Development County Facilities Maintenance/Replacement Court Square Maintenance/Replacement Greenbrier/Hydraulic Rd. Streetlights Neighborhood Plan Implementation Program Revenue Sharing/Traffic Calming Sidewalk Construction Program Total FY 00-04 Fiscal Approved Years 0 NA 758,599 FY 00-04 2,884,160 FY 00-04 400,000 FY 00-04 0 NA 155,000 FY 02-04 2,200,000 FY 00-04 225,000 FY 01-04 6,622,759 Amount Unfunded 72,29.~ 55,401 75,840 50,000 17,500 115,000 300,000 150,000 836,036~ Out Year Amount 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 * Unfunded projects are projects that have been cut or deferred from the five-year CIP due to lack of available revenues. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Summary of "Out Year" Projects* Hwys. & Trans. 74% Utility Imp, 11% Parks & Rec. 15% FY 00-04 Fiscal Amount Approved Years Unfunded County Athletic Field Study/Development 758,599 FY 00-04 55,401 Ivy Road Landscaping 0 NA 0 Keene Landfill Closure 475,000 FY 00-04 0 Meadow Creek Parkway - Phase II 0 NA 0 Seminole/Pepsi Place Connector 0 NA 0 Southern Albemarle Organization Park Dev. 200,000 FY 00-04 0 Total 1,433,599 55,401 Out Year Amount 500,000 199,000 500,000 3,090,000 27,900 200,000 4,516,900 * Out year projects are projects that remain in an undesignated "out year" beyond the scope of this five-year CIP either because appropriate funding sources have not yet been found, because project timing is undetermined, or because additional related expenditures are expected beyond this five-year CIP. 22 Capital Improvement Program FI' 1999/2000- 2003/2004 General Government Projects by Type Available General Fund Revenues: FY00-04 General Government CIP Fund: Total Prior Additional New Approved Request Request FY 00-03 FY 00-03 FY04 PHo Mandated/Committed Projects Juvenile Detention Facility (Committed) 1,254,728 210.999 100 Courthouse Spece Needs Study/Constr. 15,000,000 99 ADA Changes - Schools (Mandated) 72,295 99 Keene Landfill Closure (Mandated) 372.937 2.063 100,000 26 Revenue Sharing/Traffic Calming (Committed) 1,600,000 400,000 500.000 27 Rt. 29North Landscaping (Committed) 24 Walnut Creek Park Improvements (Committed) 51,025 - 23 Fire/Rescue Bldg. & Malnt. Fund (Committed) 1.361,716 508,376 23 Neighborhood Plan Imp. Program (Committed) 212.825 7,175 50,000 22 Scottsville Cmty. Center Imp. (Committed) 124,665 21 Crozet Park Athletic Dev. (Committed) 498,930 21 So. Albemarle Org. Park Dev. (Committed) 50.000 100,000 50,000 16 Airport Road Sidewalk 39,600 86,400 16 Sidewalk Construction Program (Committed) 150.000 175,000 50,000 15 Greenbrier/Hydraulic Road Streetiights 17,500 14 County Athletic Field Dev. (Committed) 505,720 308,280 14 Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Dev. (Committed) 300,000 8 County Computer Upgrade (Committed) 800,000 220,000 8 Library Computer Upgrade (Committed) 146,453 Subtotal Mandated/Committed Projects 7,339,644 '16,200,385 1,786,656 Maintenance/Replacement 20 Parks M/R Projects 168,630 117,820 16 Court Square MIR Projects 292,500 107.500 50,000 16 J&D Court M/R Projects 316,250 (256,250) 15.000 16 County Facilities M/R Projects 1,738,523 671,477 550,000 8 Librao, M/R Projects 86,500 100,600 Subtotal MIR Projects 2,622,403 522,727 833,420 Previously Approved 29 Meadow Creek Parkway II (Committed) 23 Ivy Road Landscaping 23 Chris Green Lake Property Purchase 22 School Athletic Field Irrigation 22 Towe Lower Field Irrigation 20 New High School Cmty. Rec. Facilites 17 Poi/ce LAN Upgrade 17 PVCC Softball Field Lighting 16 Greenbrier Dr. Pedestrian/Bike Path 16 Georgetown Road Sidewalk 14 Seminole/Pepsi Place Connector 13 Police Firing Range 12 Cashier Booth Improvements 8 Public Safety Mobile Command Center 7 Transport Vehicle for Arrests Subtotal Previously Approved Projects New Projects 22 Public Safety Facility 19 Fire/Rescue Management Software 16 New Urban Area Gymnasium PVCC Facility Renovation Subtotal New Projects 113,400 136.500 20,000 50,000 165,000 166.000 75,000 60,000 60,000 1,140,000 - 69,000 120~00 30,000 40,000 825~00 249,000 1,170,000 TOTAL PROJECTS 30.000 4,600,000 42,500 1,530,~00 30,000 42,500 ~ 10,8t7,947 17,014,612 9,920,076 Total Request FY 00-04 1,465,725 15,000,000 72,295 475,000 2,500,000 51,025 1,870,092 270,000 124.665 498,930 200,000 126.000 375,000 17,500 814.000 300,000 1,020,000 146,4~ 25,32~685 306,450 450,000 75,000 2,960,000 187,100 3,978,550 113,400 136,500 20,000 50,000 165,000 166,000 75,000 60,000 1,200,000 69,000 150,000 4o,o,,oo 2~44,900 4.630,000 42,500 1,530,000 6,202,500 37,752,635 35,445,6t0 Total Total Approved Available Out Year FY 00-04 Revenuea FY 00-04 35,445,610 15.000,000 20,445,610 20,445,610 475,000 19,970,610 500,000 2,200.000 17,770,610 17,770,610 51,025 17,719,585 1,870,092 15,849,493 155.000 15,694,493 124,665 15,569,828 498,930 15,070,898 200,000 14,670,898 200,000 126,000 14,744,898 225,000 14,519,898 14.519,898 758,599 13,761.299 500,000 300,000 13,461,299 1,020,000 12,441,299 146.,4.53 12,294,846. 2:3,150,764 12,294,846 1~oo,ooo 306,450 11,988,396 400,000 11.588,396 75.000 11,513,396 2,884,160 8,629,236 187,100 8,442,136 3,852,7t0 8,442,136 8 ,442,136 8,442,136 113.400 8,328,736 136,500 6,192,236 20,000 8,172,236 50.000 8,122,236 165.000 7,957,236 166,000 7,791,236 75,000 7,716,236 60,000 7,656,236 7,656,236 1,200,000 6,456,236 69,000 6,387,236 150.000 6,237,236 40,000 6,197.23.6. 2,244,900 6,197,236 4,630,000 1,567,236 1,567,236 1,530,000 37,236 37,236 6,197,236 - 35,445,610 3,090.000 199,000 27,900 3,316,900 4,516,900 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 This page is intentionally blank. 24 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 FY 1999/2000 2003/2004 General Government CIP Fund Project/Expenditure Summary (Continued on Next Two Pages) Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Total Other Net County FY 00-04 TyDe Project Cost Fundin_o County Prior Total 26 Rev Rev Rev Rev Rev Rev New Rev Rev Cont Rev Rev Cont GENERAL GOVERNMENT ClP FUND Administration & Courts County Computer Upgrade County Facilities Maintenance/Replace. Court Square Maintenance/Replace. Couthouse Space Needs Study/Const. J&D Court Maintenance/Replace. Subtotal Public Safety_ Pro_iects Fire/Rescue Building & Equip. Fund Fire/Rescue Management Software Juvenile Detention Facility Police Firing Range Police LAN Upgrade Public Safety Facility Public Safety Mobile Command Center Transport Vehicle for Arrests Subtotal Highways & Trans0ortation Rev Airport Road Sidewalk Cont Georgetown Road Sidewalk Rev Greenbrier Drive Pedestrian/Bike Path Cont Greenbrier/Hydraulic Rd. Streetlights Cont Ivy Road Landscaping Cont Meadow Creek Parkway - Phase II Rev Neighborhood Plan Implementation Pgm Rev Revenue Sharing / Traffic Calming Rev Route 29North Landscaping Cont Seminole/Pepsi Place Connector Rev Sidewalk Construction Program Subtotal Rev Library Computer Upgrade Rev Maintenance/Replacement Projects Subtotal Rev Rev Cont Rev Cont Cont Cont New Cont Cont Cont Rev Cont Cont Rev Rev Parks. Recreation & Culture ADA Changes - Schools Cashier Booth Imp.: CGL, MSV, WC Chris Greene Lake Property Purchase County Athletic Field Study/Dev. Crozet Park Athletic Field Development Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Dev. New High School Cmty. Rec. Facilities New Urban Area Gymnasium PVCC Softball Field Lighting PVCC Facility Renovation School Athletic Field Irrigation Scottsville Community Center Imp. So. Albemarle Organization Park Dev. Towe Lower Field Irrigation Walnut Creek Park Improvements Maintenance/Replacement Projects Subtotal Ongoing 0 Ongoing Ongoing 0 Ongoing Ongoing 0 Ongoing 30,110,000 15,055,000 15,055,000 Ongoing 75.000 Ongoing Ongoing 15,130,000 Ongoing Ongoing 0 Ongoing 42,500 42,500 4,747,430 4,148,820 598,611 1,240,000 0 1,240,000 165,000 0 165,000 4,630,000 0 4,630,000 150,000 0 150,000 40.000 0 40,000 11,0t4,930 4,148,820 6,866,1tl 252,000 126,000 126,000 120,000 60,000 60,000 75,000 0 75,000 19,250 0 19,250 199,000 0 199, D00 4,299,060 1,100,000 3,199,060 Ongoing 0 Ongoing Ongoing 0 Ongoing 691,000 673,000 18,000 557,000 529,100 27,900 Ongoing 0 Ongoing 6,212,310 2,488,100 3,724,210 850,000 596,768 0 55,000 30.000 1,631,768 1,175,000 0 598,611 40,000 0 0 0 1,813,611 0 0 0 1,750 C 109,06C 70,000 Yeady~ 18,000 0 100,000 298,810 839,166 348,275 490,891 344,438 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ong~ng 839,166 348,275 490,891 344,438 268,000 0 268,000 69,000 0 69,000 113,400 0 113,400 1,459,000 0 1,459,000 640,000 0 640,000 330,000 0 330,000 343,500 0 343,500 1,530,000 0 1,530,000 166,000 0 166,000 1,647,000 1,809,764 37,236 136,500 0 136,500 336,905 0 336,905 500,000 0 500,000 20,000 0 20,000 2,351,025 350,000 2,001,025 Ongoing 6.500 Ongoing 10,110,330 2,166,264 7,950,566 Utility_ Improvement Projects Keene Landfill Closure 2.565.808 0 2,565,808 Subtotal 2,565,808 0 2,565,808 30,742,544 24,281,459 21,597,586 TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. PROJECTS TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. REVENUES OVER/UNDER Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 195,705 145,00 141,070 30,000 293,500 0 212,240 100,000 0 1,950,000 191.000 3,258,515 1.590.808 1,590,808 8,837,950 1,020,000 2,864,160 400,000 15,000,000 75.000 19,379,160 1,870,092 0 0 1,200,000 165,000 4,630,000 150,000 40.000 8,055,092 126,000 60,000 75,000 0 0 0 155,000 2,200,000 0 0 225,000 2,841,000 146,453 187.100 333,553 0 69,000 113,400 758,599 498,930 300,000 50,000 1,530,000 166,000 37,236 136,500 124,665 200,000 20,O00 51,025 306.450 4,36t,805 475.000 475,000 35,445,610 imm FY 99100 FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 0~03 FY 03104. 185,000 170,000 225,000 220,000 220,000 824,160 375,000 500,000 635,000 550,00(3 50,000 90,000 80,000 130,000 50,00(3 Total FY 00-04 1,020,00( 2,884,160 400,000 0 15.000 1,074,160 250,000 7,375,000 7,375,000 15.000 15.000 15.000 900,000 8,195,00O 8,375,000 215,384 296,332 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40.000 245,384 296,332 420,000 500,000 508,376 0 0 O' 30,000 1,140,000' 165,000 0 4,600,000 75,000 75,000 770,000 6,323,376 0 126,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55,000 50,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 75,000 50,000 475,000 576,000 530,000 600,000 C 15,000,000 15.00(3 75.000 835,00(3 19,379,160 1,870,09; 0 0 1,200,000 165,000 4,630,000 150,0O0 40.000 8,055,092 0 126,000 60,000 60,000 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 155,000 500,000 2,200,000 0 0 50,000 225,00 660,000 2,841,000 0 146,453 100.600 187.100 t00,600 333,553 0 69,000 113,40(3 758,59~ 498,93(3 300,00(] 50,00(3 1,530,0O(3 166,00(] 37,236 136,50(3 124,66~ 200,00~ 20,00(3 51,025 306.45(] 4,361,80~ 100.000 475.00C t00,000 475,00(~ 35,445,61C 35.445.61C 98,953 47,500 0 0 25.000 15.000 33.000 13.500 123,953 62,500 33,000 13,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,847 46,153 0 0 0 0 113,400 45,000 66,575 185,160 196,355 264,509 128,000 148,000 130,930 92,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,530,000 0 0 83,000 83,000 0 18,618 18,518 0 0 0 0 0 68,250 68,250 0 12,785 67,880 44,000 0 0 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 24,500 26,525 0 0 0 21.730 39.000 59.900 68~000 117.820 275,633 691,598 692,240 580,452 2,121,882 75.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,140,858 2.269.130 2.626.~0 9.970.240 10.438.952 t0.140.858 0 0 0 0 Unfunded 75,840 50,000 125,84 17,50 C 115,00C 300,00C 582,50¢ 72,29,~ 0 55,4011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127,696 636,O3 -836,036 Out-Year 0 0 0 0 199,000 3,090,000 0 0 0 27,900 0 3,316,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 790,000 500.000 500,000 4,516,900 -4,516,600 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 General Government CIP Fund Cumulative Net Operating Budget Impact GENERAL GOVERNMENT Prior Administration & Courts County. Computer UDgrade Ongoing Subtotal 0 Public SafetT_ Pro_iects Fire/Rescue Building & Equip. Fund Fire/Rescue Management Software Juvenile Detention Facility Public Safety Mobile Crud. Ctr. Transoort Vehicle for Arrests Subtotal Highways & Transportation Airport Road Sidewalk Georgetown Road Sidewalk Greenbrier Dr. Pedestrian/Bike Path Greenbrier/Hydraulic Rd. Streetlights Ivy Road Landscaping Sidewalk Construction Program Route 2gNorth Landscer~ing Subtotal Cashier Booth Imp.: CGL, MSV, WC Chris Greene Lake Property Purch. County Athletic Field Study/Dev. Crozet Park Athletic Field Dev. Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Dev. New High School Cmty. Rec. Facilities New Urban Area Gymnasium School Athletic Field Irrigation Scottsville Community Center Imp. So. Albemarle Organization Park Dev. Towe Lower Field Irrigation Walnut Creek Park Improvements Subtotal GENERAL FUND SUBTOTAL FY99/OO FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 02/03 FY03/04 0 8,885 0 19,250 0 0 900 0 0 29,035 29,035 26.000 49.000 70.000 91.000 112.00{~ 28,000 49,000 70,000 91,000 112,000 0 0 133,505 229,185 330,480 437,655 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 16,500 96,522 99,418 102,400 01 0 0 0 0 4,500 OI 0 0 3.400 3.500 3.605 0 0 150,005 329,107 433,398 548,160 0 0 5,000 5,150 5,305 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,46 0 10,000 15,300 15,760 16,235 0 0 0 600 620 0 0 0 0 1,815 20,630 63.045 70,370 76,960 88,775 9,395 15,210 39,760 20,495 20,955 0 13,930 14,630 15,365 16,130 19,830 20,425 21,040 21,670 22,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,500 10,815 1,405 6,950 7,470 11,190 11,520 6,825 7, t25 7,485 7,855 8,095 0 0 500 515 530 0 0 720 3.740 765 58,085 126,685 161,975 168,890 182,340 86,085 335,690 576,382 709,048 858,735 Total OO-O4 350.000 350,000 1,130,825 0 314,840 4,500 10.505 1,460,670 15,455 0 20,920 0 0 20,920 57,295 1,220 1,815 319,780 105,815, 60,055i 105,285~ 01 21,315, 38,535i 37,385 1,545 5.225 697,975 2,565,940 Unfunded 0 0 0 3,600/year 0 0 O 3,600/year 3,600/year Out-Year 0 5,000/year 0 0 15,000/year 0 14.000~vear 34,000/year 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,620/year 0 0 0 0 34,620/year 68,620~ear 28 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Summary of Administration/Court Projects Admin & Courts 55% Public Safety 23% Hwys & Trans 8% Utilities 1% Parks & Rec 12% Libraries 1% .Project Name County Computer Upgrade Courthouse Space Study/Const. County Facilities Maint./Replace. Court Square Maint./Replace'. J&D Court Maint./Replace Total Admin. & Courts Projects Approved Fiscal Total Years 1,020,000 FY 00-04 15,000,000 FY 01-03 2,884,160 FY 00-04 400,000 FY 00-04 75.000 FY 00-04 19,379,160 Amount Unfunded 0 0 75,840 50,000 125,840 Out-Year Totals Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 County Computer Upgrade Project Contact: Fred Kruger, Information Svcs. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation ? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: On-Going (From FY95) Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This is an ongoing project to fund General Government technology initiatives, including Local Area Network (LAN) servers, LAN hubs, LAN disk space, Document Management/Imaging System, microcomputers and microcomputer hardware to support the networks. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project request adds $220,000 in FY 03/04 to continue the following projects: COB LAN Server with disk upgrade Document Management/Imaging Computers for Information Services staff Internet/Intranet Server COB LAN Hubs, Switches and Routers Computers for General Government staff Microcomputer Hardware for Networks PBX upgrade Printers, etc. for General Government Staff ($20,000) ($20,000) ($ 5,000) ($45,000) ($30,000) ($7o, ooo) ($1o,ooo) ($ 5,000) ($15,ooo) Although total requested funds for FY99/00- FY02/03 have not changed from previously approved mounts, funding has been re- allocated to increase expenditures for Interact installation and the new County Intranet (additional $15,000 in FY01/02), and upgrade the PBX phone system (additional $15,000 in FY02/03.) Project Justification: This request focuses upon the creation and maintenance of a high performance central LAN environment. Additionally, higher performance computers for COB staff support productivity and efficiency gains. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with Goal #9, Objective 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: Implication: Ability to manage better will be an objective not easily reached. Alternative: Continue with existing environment. Location/Site Status: County Office Building. Operating Cost Breakdown: Annual, ongoing operating costs provide for maintenance, help desk support and training. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved the project as recommended. Project TL .Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total OngOing 850,000 185,000 170,000 225,000 220,000 220,000I 1,020,000I Less: Other [ ~ NetRequest Ongoing 850,000 185,000 170,000 225,000 220,000 220,000 { 1,020,000 NetRecomm Ongoing 850,000 !85,000 170,000 225,000 220,000 220,000 1,020,000 Operating Ongoing Ongoing 28,000 49,000 70,000 91,000 112,000 350,000 * Includes Land Acquisition? N/A 30 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 -~ 2003/2004 Courthouse Space Needs Study/Construction Project Contact: R. White, Co. Exec. Office New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 7/97- 6/03 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project fimds the recommendations of a space needs study of all City/County courts (including support space and parking) and related constitutional officers. The study, which will be completed in FY 98/99, is being funded jointly by the City and County to determine whether the courts' space needs would best be met either by renovating existing facilities and/or new construction. The potential cost of this project could range from between $7,000,000 - $15,000,000 (split 50/50 with the City,) depending upon the scope of the project. A placeholder project cost of $30,000,000, phased over three years, and beginning in FY01, is requested below. Total project costs may increase or decrease, depending on final cost estimates. Since no state funding assistance is expected, it is anticipated that funding will be provided through borrowed funds. If the recommended renovations and/or new construction can not be completed on existing County-owned property, land acquisition is a possibility. Relationship to Plan: Promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complementary public facilities and human services. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to reflect funding for the consultant study, which was appropriated in FY98, and to add placeholder project costs of $30,000,000 phased over three years, beginning in FY01. (The total cost of the consultant study was $110,000, of which the City paid half.) Project Justification: Existing courthouse facilities and associated parking for jurors, witnesses, victims and law enforcement personnel are inadequate to meet current need. Continually increasing caseloads require that space inadequacies be addressed. Additionally, security concerns are an issue in the cramped quarters. Impact if Project Not Completed: Security issues dictate that some space needs be. addressed as soon as possible. If renovation of the existing facilities is not possible, increased workloads will require that the City and County seek other courtrooms and related support space/parking. Operating Cost Breakdown: Unknown at this time. Technical Committee Recommendation: Although the Technical Committee supports this project in concept, it is not recommended due to a lack of available funds with which to fund the annual debt service. Both the project and associated debt service costs are shown as "unfunded" in this document. Board Action: The Board proposed funding of $15,000,000 fo~ the County's share of this project, using general obligation debi issued in FY 01/02. This bond issue would be contingent upon approval by County voters in a referendum. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04_ ITL 00-04 ] Unfunded Project Total 30,110,000 110,000 500,000 14,750,000 14,750,000 Less: Less:Revenues Less: City 15,055,000 5,5,000 250,000 .7,3,75,000 7,375,000 Net Request ** $,055,000 '55,000 250,000 7,375,000 7,375,000 { 15,000,000 ] ....................................... Net Recomm" 15,055,000 Net Approved** 15,055,000 55,000 250,000 7,375,500 7,375,000 15,000,000 Operating Unknown 0 Unknown Includes Land Acquisition? Unknown. ** County prior is funded by $25,000 in Courthouse maintenance funds and $30,000 in juvenile court study funds, approved in FY98. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 County Facilities Maintenance/Replacement Project Contact: J. Letteri, Eng. & P. I~. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: Ongoing Revised? X Other CMO/. Need/Service? Project Description: Various maintenance/replacement projects at County facilities. A summary of these projects is presented on the next page. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to add approximately $671,500 in requested funds over the first four years of the CIP, and $550,000 in fifth year projects for a total increase of $1,221,477. The revised request reflects two major additions in FY99/00: a $600,000 project to replace two chillers at the County Office Building, and a $75,000 increase in the cost of partial window and roof replacement at the Old Crozet School. The additional funds for chiller replacement are needed because: a) the replacement of the vintage 1980 chillers and cooling towers has been moved up one year and the project cost has increased in response to recent operational problems and a subsequent engineering report; and b) the replacement of AHU #3 was incorporated into the chiller replacement project because of problems with the AHU and the cost advantages realized by including the work with the chiller project. The additional funds for window and roof replacement at the Old Crozet School reflect the architect's current cost estimate to complete the work. (The parking lot resurfacing project previously scheduled for FY99/00 was deferred to FY00/01.) Additionally, the following new projects are requested in the first four years: a new fire alarm system ($30,000), HVAC modifications ($65,000) and interior renovations at the COB ($50,000) in FY01. In FY02, air distribution modifications at the COB ($220,000) are planned. In FY03, interior renovations at the COB ($50,000) are requested, Finally, this request adds $550,000 in new fifth );ear projects: $275,000 for common area renovations and exterior painting/repairs at the COB, as well as other interior renovations at the COB ($250,000) and Old Crozet School ($25,000). Maintenance/replacement projects at the Old Jail, Old Jailer's House and Old Real Estate Building have been removed from this request, under the assumption that these buildings will be tom down as part of the new courthouse construction project, described on page 29. Project Justification: To maintain the integrity of the County facilities and preserve these facilities for continued County use. Relationship to Plan: None. Impact if Project Not Completed: Continued deterioration of County facilities, and increasing repair and maintenance costs. Additionally, the opportunity to put existing County facilities to their most efficient use will be lost. £ocatiom' Site Status: County Office Building - 410 Mclntire Road; Old Crozet School - Crozet. Technical Committee Recommendation: Following a $75,840 reduction to the FY99 funding request to meet available revenues, the Technical Committee recommended funding for this project in the annual amounts shown below: BoardAction: The Board approved these projects as recommended. Pro|ecl TL Prior. FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total Ongoing 596,768 900,000 375,000 500,000 635,000 550,000 I 2,960,000 I 0 Less:Fees Less:Revenues [ Less:Other O_ 0 '0 ~_ 0 0 0I O[ 0 NetRequest Ongoing 596,768 900,000 375,000 500,000 635,000 550,000 [ 2,960,000 [ 0 NetReeomm~ Ongoing 596,768 824,160 375,000 500,000 635,000 550,000 2,884,160 75,840 Operating * Includes Land Acquisition? No 32 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 County Facilities MaintenancelReplacement Projects: Department Name: FY 1999-00 1. C.O.B. 2. C.O.B. 3. Old Crozet School Engineering & Public Works Replace chillers, pumps, cooling towers and AHU~3 Interior renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Partial window and roof replacement Total Requested Requested Project Net County Total Cost Tech Cttee Recomm 1. C.O.B. 2. C.O.B. 3. C.O.B. 4. C.O.B. 5. C.O.B. 6. C.O.B. 7 Old Crozet School Resurface entire parking lot NE for partial roof replacement HVAC controls expansion project (digital controls) New fire alarm system Radiant heating modifications Interior renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Asbestos abatement and lead paint treatment Total Board Ap0roved 1. C.O.B. 2. C,O,B. 3. C.O.B. 4. C.O.B. 5. C.O.B. 6. C.O,B. Partial roof replacement Replace elevator cylinder A/E for HVAC replacement in FY03 Air distribution modifications A/E for window replacement project in FY03 Interior renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Total $600,000 $600,000 $524,160 $524,160 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $900,000 $900,000 $824,160 $824,160 1. C.O.B. 2. C.O.B. 3. C.O.B. 4. C.O.B. 5. Old Crozet School NE for Common area renovation Replace roof top Unit #6 Replace windows Intedor renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Interior renovations Total $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $100.000 $100.000 $100.000 $100.000 $375,000 $375,000 $375,000 $375,000 1. C,O,B, 2. C.O.B. 3. C.O.B. 4. Old Crozet School Exterior painting/repairs Interior renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Common area renovation project Interior renovations Total $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $220,000 $220,000 $220,000 $220,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $100.000 $100.000 $100.000 $100.000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50.000 $100.000 $100.000 $100~00 $100.000 $635,000 $635,000 $635,000 $635,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 S550,000 $550,000 $550,000 $550,000 $2,884,160 FY 99100-03104 GRAND TOTAL: $2,960,000 $2,960,000 $2,884,160 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Court Square Maintenance/Replacement Project Contact: J. Letteri, Eng. & P. YrS. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: Ongoing Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This ongoing project funds improvements at the Court Square Building. A summary of these projects is presented on the next page. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This revised request separates Court Square Building maintenance/ replacement projects from those at the Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court (see separate request), for better tracking of project costs. Additionally, $107,500 in requested project costs are added over the first four years, and $50,000 is requested in FY03/04, for a total addition of $157,500. New projects programmed over the five-year period include: $50,000 for site repairs to prevent storm water from entering the building (FY00); $25,000 to replace the f'ae alarm system (FY01), and an annual maintenance/repair budget of $50,000/yr in FY00 and FY01, and $20,000/year thereafter for carpet replacement, painting and lighting retrofits. Project Justification: To maintain the integrity of the County court facilities and preserve these facilities for continued County use. Relationship to Plan: None. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not completed, these Court facilities will continue to deteriorate and repair and maintenance costs will continue to increase. Location/Site Status: The Court Square Building - 501 East Jefferson Street. Operating Cost Breakdown: None. Technical Committee Recommendation: Following a $50,000 reduction in the FY99 funding request to meet available revenues, the Technical Committee recommended funding for this project in the annual amounts shown below: Board Action: The Board approved these projects as recommended. Pro[ect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 I TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total Ongoing 0 100,000 90,000 80,000 130,000 50,000I 400,000I 0 NetRequest Ongoing 0 100,000 90,000 80,000 130,000 50,000 I 450'000 I 0 Net Recomm. Ongoing 0 50,000 90,000 80,000 130,000 50,000 400,000 50,000 Operating * lncludes Land Acquisition? No 34 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Court Square Maintenance/Replacement Projects Department Name: Engineering & Public Works FY 1999-00 1. Ct. Square Bldg. Interior renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) 2. Ct. Square Bldg. Site work renovations Total 1. Ct. Square Bldg. 2. Ct. Square Bldg. 3. Ct, Square Bldg. A/E for chiller replacement Interior renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Replace fire alarm system Total 1. Ct. Square Bldg. 2. Ct. Square Bldg. Replace HVAC chiller Intedor renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Total 1. Ct. Square Bldg. 2. Ct. Square Bldg. Intedor renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Replace HVAC fan coil units Total 1. Ct. Square Bldg. Interior renovations (carpet, painting, lighting) Requested Requested Project Net County Total Cost Tech Cttee Recomm Board Ap.oroved $50,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $50.000 $50.000 $25,000 ~5.000 $100,000 $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $110.000 $110.000 $110.000 $110.000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $50.000 $50.000 $50.000 $50.000 Total $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 FY 99/00-03104 GRAND TOTAL: $450,000 $450,000 $400,000 $400,000 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 J&D Court Maintenance/Replacement Project Contact: J. Letteri, Eng. & P.W. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: Ongoing Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This ongoing project funds maintenance/repair projects at the Juvenile & Domestic (J&D) Relations Court building. A suramary of these projects ~s presented on the next page. Presently, a space study is being conducted to determine the long-term plans for this facility in conjunction with all other City/County court facilities. All renovations to the J&D Court are funded jointly by the City and County, with each locality contribution half of the project costs. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This revised request separates Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court maintenance projects from those at other court facilities (see separate request), for better tracking of project costs. Additionally, requested project costs have been reduced by $266,250 during FY00-03, and $15,000 have been added in FY03/04 for new projects. These revised project totals reflect the assumption that the J&D Court building will be tom down within the next five years and that only a minimum amount of funds ($30,000/year, or $15,000 net County) would need to be expended for building maintenance. As such, two previously- approved J&D Court projects have been eliminated: an elevator installation project previously scheduled for FY99/00 ($220,000), and a roof replacement project in FY02/03 ($100,000.) Project Justification: To maintain the integrity of the City/ County court facilities and preserve these facilities for continued use. Relationship to Plan: None. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not completed, these Court facilities will continue to deteriorate and repair and maintenance costs will continue to increase. Location/Site Status: J&D Court - 411 East High Street Operating Cost Breakdown: None. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved these projects as recommended. Pro,ect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/0,4 ITL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total Ongoing 60,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000I 150,000] 0 Less: City Ongoing 30,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 I 75,000 ] 0 Less: Other 0 0 0 O_ O_ 0 0 I O_ 0 NetRequest Ongoing 30,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 I 75,000 0 Net Recomn~ Ongoing 30,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 0 Operating * Includes Land Acquisition? No 36 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 J&D Court Maintenance/Replacement Projects: Department Name: Engineering & Public Works FY 1999-00 1. J&D Court Intedor I Exterior Painting &Misc. Renovations Requested Requested Project Net County Tech Cttee Total Cost Recomm FY 2000~1 1. J&D Court Intedor / Extedor Painting & Misc. Renovations Board 1. J&D Court Intedor / Exterior Painting & Misc. Renovations $30.000 $15.000 $15.000 $15.000 Total $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 FY 2002~3 1. J&D Court Intedor / Extedor Painting & Misc. Renovations $30.000 $15.000 $15.000 $15.000 Total $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 1. J&D Court Intedor / Extedor Painting & Misc. Renovations $30.000 $15.000 $15.000 $15.000 Total $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $30.000 $15.000 $15.000 $15.000 Total $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $30.000 $15.000 $15.000 $15.000 Total $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $150,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 FY 99100-03104 GRAND TOTAL: Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Summary of Public Safety Projects Admin & Courts 55% Utilities 1% Public Safety Parks & Rec 23% 12% Libraries Hwys & Trans 1% 8% project Name Fire/Rescue Building & Equip. Fund Fire/Rescue Management Software* Juvenile Detention Facility* Police Firing Range Police LAN Upgrade Public Safety Facility Public Safety Mobile Command Center Transport Vehicle for Arrests Total Public Safety Projects Approved Fiscal Total Years 1,870,092 FY 00-04 0 NA 0 FY 00 1,200,000 FY 02-04 165,000 FY 03 4,630,000 FY00, 04 150,000 FY 03-04 40,000 FY 02 8,055,092 Unfunded Amounts Out-Year T,,otals * Project removed from ClP. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 39 Fire/Rescue Building & Equipment Fund,, Project Contact: C. Pumphrey, Fire/Rescue New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: Ongoing Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Descn'ption: This project involves the eonlinued contribution to a sinking fund created to provide funding for the future construction of two (2) new County fire/rescue stations in designated rapid growth areas (as specified in the Community Facilities Plan) and for the purchase of fire/rescue equipment (such as pumper tracks, etc.) Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This request is revised to add $508,376 in FY03/04. This amount includes $287,592 for the purchase of a Heavy Duty Squad (Crash)/Ladder Tender vehicle. (Using an inflationary figure of 3%, this vehicle could cost approximately $325,000 by FY04.) Project Justification: Currently, volunteer fire and rescue stations are experiencing an increase in the number of calls and in the time it takes to arrive on the scene of an emergency. As a result, the number of calls to which a first response unit cannot respond and to which the second unit may take longer than is desirable to respond is increasing, especially during daylight hours. Relationship to Plan: Comprehensive Plan: Goal 9, Objectives: 5,6,7,8,9 & 10. Community Facilities Plan: P. 71 (Sect. 2A)& P, 74 (Sect 2C) Impact if Project Not Completed: If the stations are not funded, response times will rise and the number of "no- response" calls will continue to increase. These delays may cause additional losses, injuries or even deaths. Additionally, increased losses from fire will result in higher insurance premiums for citizens and businesses. Finally, the Community Facilities Plan's service objectives and recommendations relating to emergency response times and station locations will not be met. Location/Site Status: Southern or Northern Urban Area Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs reflect the cumulative cost of hiring up to a total of 9 fireflghters by FY04 to staff a new fire rescue station to be constructed in FY01. Annually, these additions are as follows: 3 ftrefighters (FY01), 2 firefighters (FY02), 2 firefighters (FY03), and 2 firefighters (FY04.) However, the number of additional fu'efighters required will depend upon whether a volunteer presence can be established on the evenings and weekends. If no volunteers are available, the station will need to be manned around-the-clock by between 15-20 full-time flrefighters. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Total Project Cost Less: Fees Less: Revenues Net County Request Ongoing 1,175,000 Ongoin 1,175,000 Net County Recomrt~ Ongoing 1~1,75~000 Operating Costs Ongolng[[ 0 99./09 FY 9-n/9~- FY 9!/9-* FY -~2/9-a FY-a3/9~. T~- 215,384 296,332 350,000 500,000 508,376 1,870,092 O 01 215,384 296,332 350,000 500,000 508,376 1,870,092[ 215384 296332 350~000 500~000 508376 1~870~092 0 133,505 229,185 330,480 437,655 1,130,825 40 Capital Improvement Program'FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Fire/Rescue 'Management. Software Project Contact: C. Pumi~hrev, Fire/Rescue New Request? X Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: July 99/00- July 01/02 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This is a project to replace the computer- based activity tracking and incident reporting systems, currently in use by the Fire/Rescue Division and the volunteer fire and rescue companies, with a central records management system that is compatible with both the Police Department's Pistol 2000 system, and the ECC's Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD.) The specific systems to be replaced include the Fire/Rescue Division's activity tracking system, and the FirePro incident reporting system used by the volunteer fire companies. The total cost of purchasing the 20-user system is $42,500. The first year cost of $23,000 (FY00) is based on an 11-user system that consists of 8 PC workstations in the Fire/Rescue office and 1 PC workstation in each of the Volunteer/Career stations. The FY01 cost of $19,500 provides for 9 additional PC workstations at the remaining voluntcer departments. Project Justification: For the past several years the Division has attempted to effectively track daily activities, utilizing a data base program written in Paradox by UVa students. The software is not supported by IS personnel, does not adequately meet the current or future needs of the Division, and is incompatible with CAD. The FirePm incident-reporting software currently used by the volunteer f'n'e and rescue companies to track calls for service and other incidents also is incompatible with CAD. This project would replace both the Paradox database and FirePro system with'a software package specifically designed to track both Division activities and to permit field personnel to directly enter their activities remotely. The software being evaluated is a module of the Police Department's Pistol 2000 software, and therefore is compatible with CAD. Additionally, the reporting and tracking capabilities of the new software would permit improved resource analysis and projection of furore needs. Additionally, by permitting field personnel to directly enter their activities ~emotely, fa'e/rescue office staff Relationship to Plan: Provide customer service through efficient enter their activities remotely, fire/rescue office staff would be free to perform other functions within the organization. government Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, th~ Fire/Rescue Division would continue to use its inadequate softwar~ program and manually track other activities. This would result extensive staff hours being expended. The fact that staff compile~ information from several different locations promotes the possibilit3 of errors and duplications. Additionally, the County would neve~ realize the benefits of allowing remote data entry into one centra location and of being able to retrieve this data with minimum will. The inability of the Fire/Rescue Division to effectively measure the demands being placed upon it may adversely affect the quality ot service it provides to the public. Location/Site Status: Fire/Rescue Division and stations Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs for FY00 include: $ 1,400 for three days Of training of Division personnel, $950 for installation and $4,890 for annual support. An additional training and installation cost of $1,510 would be incurred in FY01 for the nine additional units. Annual support for 20 units would be $8,015. Technical Committee Recommendation: Although the Technical Committee supports this project in concept, no funding is recommended due to lack of available revenues. Associated operating costs also have been eliminated. The Fire/Rescue division intends to re-request funding for this project as part of their FY 99/00 operating budget request. Board ~lction: The Board approved funding for the software as part of the FY 99/00 operating budget. Total Project Cost 42,500 Less: Revenues Less: Revenues Less: Other 0 Net Coungy Request 42,500 Net ~lpproved 42,500 Operating Costs 'Ongoing Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY' 03/04 TL 00~4 23,000 19,500 0 0 42,500 0 0 23,000 19,500 0 0 42,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unfunded 0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 41 Juvenile Detention Facility Project Contact: R. White, Asst. County Exec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 7/97- 12/99 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: Planning and construction of a new 40-bed juvenile detention facility for Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville. Total project costs are estimated to be $6,213,155, with a per bed cost of approximately $150,000. The current state reimbursement rate is 50%, with a maximum of up to $52,000 per bed for capital costs and 50% reimbursement on operating costs. As such, the state reimbursement of capital costs will be $2,080,000, with the City and County splitting the remaining $4,133,155 evenly, for a $2,064,336 contribution from each locality. (The total project cost reflected below includes the $71,574 appropriated in FY97 for the planning study.) Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: The total project cost has increased ~om $5,791,158 to $6,213,155 to reflect additional site work expenses. The net County cost therefore increases from $1,853,337 to $2,064,336, an increase of $210,999 in FYO0. Project Justification: Justification for the project is based on the "Secure Juvenile Detention Needs Assessment for the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle of the 16th Judicial District," prepared in August, 1995 by a County/City staff team and approved by the Department of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) in January, 1996. The average daily population at the current facility for City/County youths has increased 354% over the past 10 years. Citing the growing youth population, particularly in Albemarle County, the projected capacity need in the year 2000 was estimated to be between 33 to 57 beds for Charlottesville and Albemarle. The current capacity at the Shenandoah Valley Detention Home is 32 beds, a facility shared with six other localities. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the "Secure Juvenile Detention Needs Assessment for the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle of the 16th Judicial District." Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, the County will face the following alternatives: a) continue to be at over-capacity at the current facility; or b) renovate and expand the current facility, although logistical and programmatic problems are inherent in continuing to utilize this facility. Location/Site Status: To be determined. Operating Cost Breakdown: Initial costs in FY00/01 are for the County's share of a Juvenile Detention Director to oversee the construction and implement operational plans. Operating costs are based on an estimate of $37,470/bed for a 40 bed facility, or $1,498,900 /year. These costs will be reimbursed at 50% from the State, with the remaining $749,450/year shared 33/67 with City, for a total County share of $247,320. Net of the County's current payment to the Juvenile Detention Facility, the additional operating cost would be $96,522/year, beginning in FY02. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: This project was removed from the CIP because the Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Commission now has the financial authority to borrow and expend funds for the facility. Pr0]ect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 ~/02/03 FY 03/04 t TL.00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total 6,213,155 636,640 5,576,515 5,576,515 [ 0 Less: Fees 4,484 4,484 0 I 0I 0 Less:State 2,080,000 02,080,000 ]2,080,000[ 0 Less:Cit~ 2,064,336 33,545 2,030,791 I 2,030,7911 0 Net Request 2,064,336 598,611 1,465,725 . ] 1,465,725 I 0 Net Reeomm. 2,064,336 598,611 0 , 0 0 Operating Oneoing 16,500 96,522 99,418 102,400 314,840 * Includes Land Acquisition? Yes 42 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Police Firing Range Project Contact: David Shaw, Police Dept New Request? ~ Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: July 2004 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This project requests funding to construct a regional £u'ing range and training facility to be used by City, County and UVA police deparmaents for the purpose of training and qualifying police officers with various firearms. A cost and feasibility study ($40,000) was budgeted in FY98. An environmental impact study of the Keene landfill site already has been completed. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Previously, the construction component of this request was shown in an undesignated "out-year" of the CIP due to funding constraints This request moves the construction component back within the 5-year plan. Additionally, the project totals are revised to reflect City and UVA participation in the project and a phased construction schedule. Since the City and U'VA will reimburse the County for their share of the project, the County will be required to 'front' the entire construction cost of $1.2 million. As such, the City and UVA reimbursements are shown both as a reduction to the total project cost below, and on the revenue summary sheet as a revenue source. Project Justification: The current facilities used by the Police Department are inadequate for the level of training needed. The numbers of officers that must qualify are placing a strain on our current range. Many training needs are not being met due to safety restrictions and physical limitations of the current range. Relationship to Plan: Goal of quality of life promoted by public service. Impact if Project Not Completed: The Department of Criminal Justice Services requires that .our police officers qualify with firearms. We must have a site that serves all of the training needs of the Department. Without control over a range, it will not be easy and may not be possible to train and qualify properly, as required, thus raising serious liability issues. Location/Site Status: Any location within reasonable travel distance. Operating Cost Breakdown: Unknown at this time - to be determined based on size of facility. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 Fy, 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 [TL 00-04 ] Unfunded 'Project Total 1,240,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 1,140,000I 1,200,000[ Less: City** 400,000 0 10,000 10,000 380,000 I 400,000 [ Less: UI/~4'* 400,000 0 10,000 10,000 380,000{ 400,000 [ NetRequest 440,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 3S0~,000 } 400,000 ] NetRecomrn. 440,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 380,000 400,000 Operating' Unknown Unknown Unknown ' * Includes Land ~lcquisition? Yes ** City and UVA reimbursements for their share of the total project costs. These amounts are reflected on the revenue summary sheet as well. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Police LAN Upgrade Project Contact: David Shaw, Police Dept New Request? ' Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? No 'Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: September, 2002 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This is an ongoing project to upgrade the workstations, printers, file server, and software of the Police Department's Local Area Network (LAN.) The FY03 upgrade will replace or upgrade 45 workstations, 2 printers, and the file server. This project is projected to re-occur with a three to five year frequency based on future trends or changes in computer hardware and software technology. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: There have been no changes or revisions to this project. Relationship to Plan: Goal of quality of life promoted by public services. Project Justification: The Police Department's LAN system, an internal Police Department network that is connected to the County's LAN, will be five years old by September 2001. As with the County's LAN, there is a need to continuously upgrade this system to keep pace with trends in hardware and software technology. This will ensure that adequate storage space is available for police operational data, and that the system remains operationally stable within the Regional Criminal Information Network that involves the Charlottesville and University of Virginia Police Departments. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, the Police Department will continue to use LAN software and hardware that may no longer be supported by staff or vendors over time. This is likely to cause an increase in maintenance and operational costs, and an inability to communicate information with outside agencies due to ineompaffole formats or systems. Additionally, if not funded, the Police Department will have unmet needs based on trends and capabilities that will be present in future years. Location/Site Status: Police Department The Police Deparmaent plans small upgrades during the next five years from its operational budget, but there will be a need to perform a major overhaul of the system within five years. Operating Cost Breakdown: No additional operating costs are anticipated above and beyond what already is included in the Police Department budget for hardware maintenance contracts.' Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Pro|ect TL Prior FY 99/00 Fy...00/.01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 I Unfunded I 1 .00 1 ° NetReqnest 165,000 16S,000 I 165,000 I 0 Net Recomm, 165,000 165,000 , 165,000 0 I Operating 0 0 0 0 * Includes Land Acquisition? N/A Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Public Safety Facility Project Contact: David Shaw, Police Dept New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: FYO0- ? Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: The project requests funding to plan and construct a public safety facility to house the County Police and Fire/Rescue departments. This proposed new facility is needed to accommodate the anticipated growth of the public safety departments and to address current space inadequacies. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Previously, the construction component of this request was shown in an undesignated "out-year" of prior CIP's due to funding constraints. This request moves the construction component back within the 5-year plan and pushes the needs study forward one year to FY99/00. With the Jail expansion, Fire/Rescue has lost some training site space. This project is becoming increasingly urgent. Project Justification: The Police Department acquired additional office space in the north wing of the County Office Building (COB) during prior COB renovations. While this additional space has helped to alleviate some immediate shortages, short-term space needs continue to exist. Also, there is a need to provide additional space for the long-term growth of the Department. There are several critical space needs that must be addressed in the future. A few examples include: an armory for storage of weapons and other specialized equipment; basic storage space for department equipment (ammunition, traffic flares); an evidence and property section; crime lab facilities; training facilities; K9 facilities; and office space needed for anticipated growth of sworn personnel and support staff, etc. Relationship to Plan: Goal of quality of life promoted by public services. Impact if Project Not Completed: The future space need of the Police and Fire/Rescue departments are beyond th capacity of existing facility space. In addition, there is no spac available (or the space available is inadequate) for man' specialized needs (i.e., evidence unit). The lack of adequat space could adversely affect the quality of police service provided by the department. Location/Site Status: Within the County. Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no operating cost., associated with the public safety facility study. The potential costs of operating such a facility, once constructed, are unknown at this time. Technical Committee Recommendation: Although the Technical Committee supports this project in concept, the $4.6 million construction request in FY04 was not funded due to lack of available funds. Board Action: The Board restored construction funding of $4,600,000 for this project, using general obligation debt issued in FY 01/02. This bond issue would be contingent upon approval by County voters in a referendum. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 .FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 TL 00-04 Unfund. ed Project Total 4,630,000 30,000 4,600,000 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less:Other I I Net RequeSt 4,630,000 30,000 4,600,000 Net Recomra. 4,630,000 30,000 0 30,000 4,600,000 Net Approved 4,630,000 30,000 4,600,000 4,630,000 0 Operating * Includes Land.4cauisition? Yes 45 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Public Safety Mobile Command Center Project Contact: David Shaw, Police Dept New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation ? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY2003/04 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project replaces the Police Deparlment's existing mobile command center (MCC) with a new vehicle to be used jointly by the City, County and University Police Departments. Project Changes~Reasons for Revisions: Previously, the entire cost of this project was reflected in an undesignated "out- year" of prior C1P's, due to funding constraints. This request moves funding back within the 5-year plan, based on need for a replacement MCC. Additionally, the project totals are revised to reflect City and U'VA participation in the project and phased contributions from all localities. Since the City and UVA will reimburse the County for their share of the project, the County will be required to 'from' the entire cost of the vehicle ($150,000.) As such, the City and UVA reimbursements are shown both as a reduction to the total project cost below, and on the revenue summary sheet as a revenue source. Project Justification: The existing mobile command center is a converted school bus. Space on the bus is very limited, only basic equipment is installed and, as the bus ages, the potential increases that it soon will become mechanically unsound. The Police Department has used the mobile command center in many instances. Most importantly, the MCC is used at the scene of an emergency involving a number of emergency service agencies to ensure that all emergency service providers are able to communicate and work collaboratively at the scene. It also is used at disaster scenes, missing person searches, traffic and DUI checkpoints, dignitary visits, etc. As the area continues to grow, we will be faced with a growing number of emergency response situations that require this type of equipment to be ready and available. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, the existing MCC will be used as long as possible. However, this equipment may become unreliable over time and adversely affect the Police Department's response to large-scale emergencies. Relationship to Plan: Goal of quality of life promoted by public services - safety. Location/' Site Status: Police Department Operating Cost Breakdown: Ongoing operating costs of approximately $4,500/year are anticipated for insurance ($2,300), maintenance ($800), fuel ($900) and supplies ($500), beginning in FY04. Technical Committee Recommendation: Funding for this project was moved back from equal contributions of $10,000/year per locality during FY00-04, to $25,000/year per locality in FY03 and FY04, based on funding availability. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03~04 ITL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total 150,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Less:Fees Less: City* SO,O00 lO,O00 ~0,000 lO,O00 lO,O00 lO,O00 { SO,O00 { so,ooo ,o,ooo ,,o,,ooo, ,o,ooo lO,OOO lO,OOO NetRequest 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Net Recomm 50,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 Operating Ongoing 4,500 4,500 Ongoing * City and UVA reimbursements for their shares of the total project cost. These revenues are reflected on the revenue summary sheet aa well. 46 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Transport Vehicle for Arrests Project Contact: David Shaw, Police Dept. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: September, 2001 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: The prisoner transport vehicle requested is a modular body placed on a one ton chassis. The modular body is 12 feet long and houses separate prisoner compartments. This latter feature allows for the transportation of male and female prisoners or adult and juvenile prisoners at the same time. Relationship to Plan: Goal of quality of life promoted by public services. Impact if Project Not Completed: The continued use ot police sedans to transport prisoners, which jeopardizes officer safety. The modular body will be a one-time expense; as the carrier vehicle wears-out, the modular transport body can be moved to a new carrier vehicle. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: There have been no changes or revisions to this project. Project Justification: Currently, the Police Department uses police cruisers to transport prisoners. However, the Depar~ent has experienced an increase in the number of transport situations in which the addition of a prisoner transport vehicle would improve officer and arrestee safety, efficiency, convenience, ease of cleaning and effective handling of illegal behavior. Such situations include, but are not limited to: handling drunken arrests; handling combative arrests; transporting violently destructive subjects; handling multiple arrests by numbers, gender, and age; and transporting mentally dangerous subjects. Location/Site Status: Police Department Operating Cost Breakdown: Annual, ongoing operating costs of $3,400 are expected to cover insurance, maintenance, and fuel costs, beginning in FY01/02. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/0! FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ] TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total 40,000 40,000 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less: Other Net Request 40,000 40,000 { 40,000 Net Recomm. 40,000 40,000 40,000 Operating on-going 3,400 3,500 3,605 10,505 Ongoing * Includes Land Acquisition? N/A Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 47 Summary of Highway/Transportation Projects Admin & Courts 55% Public Safety 23% Jtilities 1% Parks & Rec 12% Hwys & Trans 8% Libraries 1% Proiect Name Airport Road Sidewalk Georgetown Road Sidewalk Greenbrier Dr. Pedestrian/Bike Path Greenbrier/Hydraulic Rd. Streetlights Ivy Road Landscaping Meadow Creek Parkway - Phase II Neighborhood Plan Imp. Pgm. Revenue Sharing / Traffic Calming Route 29 North Landscaping Seminole / Pepsi Place Connector Sidewalk Construction Program Total Transportation Projects Approved Fiscal .ToMl Years 126,000 FY 01 60,000 FY 04 75,000 FY 00 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 155,000 FY 02-04 2,200,000 FY 00-04 0 NA 0 NA 225,000 FY 01-04 2,841,000 Unfunded Amounts 0 0 17,500 0 0 115,0OO 300,000 0 0 150.000 582,500 Out-Year Totals 199,00C 3,090,00C 27,90C 3,316,90( Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Airport Road Sidewalk Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY O0 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds the construction of a sidewalk along Airport Road from Rt. 29 to Rt. 606. The County is required to contribute one half of the total cost of this project; VDOT will contribute the remaining half, or $126,000. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: The $172,800 increase in the total cost of this project is based on the project consultant's recent estimate for sidewalk construction. The County's share of this increase is $86,400~ Project Justification: This project will provide a safe alternative transportation system. By constructing this project in conjunction with a VDOT road project, the County's costs are reduced by approximately $126,000 (VDOT contribution), since VDOT will pay for one half of all construction costs. The project is scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2000 and take about 14 months to complete. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's objective of developing a transportation system that provides a variety of transportation modes, including the provision of sidewalks, and with the Pedestrian Obstacle Study. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, safety for pedestrians will be compromised. Location/Site Status: Airport Road Operating Cost Breakdown: Ongoing operating costs of $5,000/year (adjusted for inflation) are anticipated for maintenance/repair of the sidewalk, beginning in FY 01. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends that funding for this project be pushed back from FY99/00 to FY00/01, due to funding constraints. (Although deferred one year to FY01, the timing for this project remains still remains within the timing for the associated road project.) Associated operating costs have been deferred as well. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01102 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 TL 00-04. ] Unfunded Project Total 252,000 252,000 ] 252,000 ] 0 Less:Revenues I [ Less: V. OT 126.000 .26.000 I 6.000 I 0 NetRequest 126,000 126,000 t 126,000 [ 0 Net Recomm. 126,000 126,000 126,000 0 Operating Ongoing 5,000 5,150 5,305 15,455 0 * Includes Land Acquisition? No 50 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Georgetown.Road Sidewalk Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY O0 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project replaces existing sidewalks and constructs new sidewalk segments along Georgetown Road from Rt. 654 to Rt. 743 as part of the re-construction of Georgetown Road, consistent with the recommendations of the Georgetown Road Task Force. The overall project includes replacing the current rural cross section with urban cross section (curb and gutter). It also includes the replacement of the existing asphalt path witha sidewalk on the west side of the road and the construction of a new sidewalk, if feasible, on the east side, along with bike lanes (if feasible). The County would be required to contribute one-half of the construction cost for the new sidewalks; VDOT would contribute the remaining one-half, or $60,000. The total request is based on a preliminary cost estimate for this project. The exact scope of the project and its costs will be detcn'mined with the project design work currently scheduled for FY 99. The project currently is scheduled for advertisement in the spring of 2000, and will take about 8 months to complete. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: There are no changes to this project. Location/Site Status: Georgetown Road Project Justification: This project will provide'a safe alternative transportation system. By construction this project in conjunction with a VDOT road project, the County's costs are reduced by approximately $60,000, as VDOT would pay one-half of all constmctiun costs. Sidewalk improvements are a major recommendation of the Georgetown Task Force. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's objective of developing a transportation system that provides a variety of transportation modes, including the provision of sidewalks, and with the Pedestrian Obstacle Study. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, safety for pedestrians will be compromised. Operating Cost Breakdown: Requested operating costs ot $5,000/year (adjusted for inflation) are anticipated repair/maintenance of the sidewalk, beginning in FY 01. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends that funding for this project be pushe~ back from FY99/00 to FY 03/04, due to funding constraints. Associated operating costs have been deferred as well. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00,,~04 Project Total 120,000 0 120,000 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less: VDOT 60,000 0 60,000 Net Request 60,000 60,000 Net Recomm. 60,000 60,000 ] 60,000 Operating Ongoing 0 0 * Includes Land Acquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Greenbrier Drive Pedestrian/Bike Path Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY O1 , Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds the installation of an 8 to 10 foot wide pedestrian/bike path approximately 0.5 miles long in the general area formerly proposed for Greenbrier Drive Extended. This is an essential piece of the proposed bikeway network in the area and will link the Rio Road/Hydraulic Road bike lanes and sidewalks to Whitewood Park, surrounding neighborhoods and Route 29. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Funding for the project has been moved up from FY 00/01 to FY 99/00 to correspond to conslxuction of the Bimam Regional Detention Basin in the Whitewood Park area. These two projects are to be constructed together. Project Justification: This project will provide a safe, alternative transportation system and will provide the large residential population in the area with access to Whitewood Park and Hydraulic and Rio Road sidewalks/bike lanes. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's objective to develop a transportation system, which provides a variety of transportation modes, including the provision of sidewalks, as well as the Regional Bicycle Plan and Pedestrian Obstacle Study. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, an important link in the County's bike plan will not be constmcted and pedestrian and bicycle access will be compromised. Location/Site Status: Approximately in the prior identified alignment for Greenbrier Drive Extended. Operating Cost Breakdown: Annual, ongoing operation costs of $5,000/year (in inflation adjusted dollars) are anticipated for repair/maintenance of the sidewalk, beginning in FY 01. Technical Committee: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 [ TL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total 75,000 75,000 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less:Other 0 0 { O_ NetRequest 75,000 75,000 { 75,000I Net Recomm. 75,000 75,000 75,000 Operating Ongoing 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,465 20,920 '0 * lncludes Land ~lcquisition? No 52 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Greenbrier/Hydraulic Rd. Streetlights Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: FY 99 - FY O0 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds the construction of 10 streetlights at the Greenbrier/HydraulicfRio Road intersection. This project is timed with the Rio Road widening project. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: There are no changes to this project. Project Justification: This intersection currently is subject to high volume and multiple turning movements. As Hydraulic and Rio Roads are widened, the situation is expected to intensify. Additionally, pedestrian traffic is prevalent in this area and is increasing. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Pedestrian Obstacle Study. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles will compromised. Location/Site Status: Hydraulic Road/Rio Road Operating Cost Breakdown: Annual, ongoing operating costs of $3,600/year (in inflation adjusted dollars) will cover the electricity costs associated with the streetlight installation, beginning in FY 00. Technical Committee Recommendation: Although th~ Technical Committee supports this project in concept, nc funding is recommend, due to lack of available revenues. Associated operating costs also have been eliminated. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this projec as recommended. Project TL Prior I FY 99~00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02~03 FY 03/04 TL 00-04 [ Unfunde, Project Total 19,250 1,750 17,500 I 17,500 ] Less:Revenues [ [ N~ Recom~ 19,250 1,750 17,50~ Opera~ng Ongoing ~ * Includes Land Acquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Ivy Road Landscaping Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: Undesignated Out Year Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds railroad embankment landscaping along the Ivy Road Corridor (Route 250 West) from the City limits to the Route 250/29 Bypass, in accordance with the Ivy Road Design Study. The study recommends extensive ground cover and flowers. The trees and hedges account for approximately $69,000 of the installation costs, with the ground cover accounting for the remaining $130,000. Design costs are included as part of the installation cost. The City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia would be responsible for a similar project within the City limits. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Ivy Road Design Study and the City/County Bicycle Plan and with the Lewis Mountain-University Heights Neighborhood Study. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, an important entrance to the County's urban area and the City and University will continue to fall short of the status called for in the Design Study. Maintenance costs for the area can be expected to increase. An alternative to full funding would be funding the project in phases until completed. This project will need to be coordinated with the recommendation of the 250 west corridor study and the ultimate improvements to Route 250 west, currently not scheduled in the Six Year Primary Plan. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: There are no changes to this project. This project remains in an undesignated "out year" because it will be timed with the improvements to Route 250 west, which haven't reached the planning state yet. Also, the City project hasn't moved forward and these projects should be done concurrently. Project Justification: This project will enhance the Entrance Corridor status of Route 250 West and will help to implement the Ivy Road Design Study. Location/Site Status: Ivy Road from the City limits to the Route 250/29 Bypass. Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs of $15,000/year (adjusted for inflation) will cover landscape maintenance, after which these costs would be phased downwards by approximately 50%. These operating costs are reflected in the "out year" column. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends that this project remain in an undesignated "out-year" until improvements to Route 250 West are ready to move forward. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL P~rjor Fy, 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 t TL 00-04 [ Out Year Project Total 199,000 [ 1199,000 Less:Revenues I [ Net Reeomtm 199,000 199,000 Operating Ongoing 15,000 * Includes Land.4cquisition? No 54 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Meadow Creek Parkway - Phase II CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: Undesignated Out Year Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This project requests funding for the design component of Phase II of the Meadow Creek Parkway project, from Rio Road to Route 29. The design cost includes design, environmental assessment and impact analysis, construction administration, and base surveying. This project represents the second request for funding of Phase II of the Meadow Creek Parkway project. A previous CIP provided $109,060 in funding for an alignment study, which was completed. Prior CIP requests also provided funding for the construction of Phase I of the Meadow Creek Parkway, which will be advertised for construction in March, 1999. Although the County hopes that a bicycle/pedestrian path would be included in the second phase of the Parkway Project, that component is beyond the scope of this five-year CIP, Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: There have been no changes or revisions to this project. Project Justification: The Parkway is an essential improvement to the roadway network, which will reduce traffic on Route 29 and provide improved access between downtown Charlottesville (and areas east of the City) to the Hollymead area. The County currently is pursuing funding of the project through the use of VDOT primary road funds. However, VDOT has indicated that this project will not be funded as a primary road project. Therefore, local funding of the project may be necessary in order for the project to proceed. Relationship to Plan: This is a recommended project in the Land Use Plan, the Charlottesville Area Transportation Study (CATS), and the County's priority list for primary road improvements. Impact if Project Not Completed: The environmental assessment is an essential next step toward the ultimate construction of the road. Road plan development an~ construction cannot proceed until the study is completed- Location/Site Status: The corridor for this project is from Rio Road, just east of the Norfolk Southern Railroad and north of CATEC to Route 29, just north of Polo Grounds Road. Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no operating costs associated with this proposal. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technica Committee recommends that this project remain in ax undesignated "out-year," until an appropriate funding sourc~ can be found. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this projec as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY,00/01 FY ,0,!/02 Fy, 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 ] Out Yea, Project Total 4,299,060 1,209,060 I I 3,090,00~ Less: Fees I[ ' Less: Revenues Less: VDOT 1.100.000 1,100,000 NetRequest 3,199,060! 109,060 I I3'090'00' Net Recomm. 3,199,060 109,060 3,090,001 Operating ' 0 ' 0 ' * Includes Land Acquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Neighborhood Plan Implementation Program Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY98- Ongoing Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project provides funds for improvements identified in specific neighborhood plans, including any additional neighborhood plans that come on line after the completion of the Developmem Area Initiatives Program. Staff will work with communities to determine the specific projects for these funds. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to add $50,000 in FY03/04, as well as minor rounding adjustmems in FY00-02. Impact if Project Not Completed: Projects identified as important to the communities may not be constructed. The integrity of the Neighborhood/Community planning efforts may be compromised. Project Justification: Community/neighborhood plans are an important new component to the Comprehensive planning process. They are developed with significant input from residents and establish a neighborhood-level vision and implementation plan for neighborhoods within the Development Areas. To maintain the integrity and value of this process it is important to make a commitment to support and implement these plans. As noted above, the neighborhood/community plans are a critical "next step" after the DISC study. With the completion of these plans, neighborhood residents will have even greater expectations of the County to implement the plans. Relationship to Plan: These projects are consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. The community/neighborhood plans have been adopted as a general guide for development within these areas. Furthermore, it is anticipated that, among the recommendations coming out of the DISC Study, the County will be expected to take greater responsibility for the provision and enhancement of public facilities and spaces, such as walkways, neighborhood level (pocket) parks, street lighting, roadway landscaping, etc. These needs/improvements will likely be identified through this neighborhood planning process. The Neighborhood Planning process is part of an overall approach of implementing the growth management policy by providing a high quality urban environment in the Development Areas, thereby making them an attractive place to live. Location/Site Status: Various locations in the County. Operating Cost Breakdown: Unknown at this t/me, but may be incurred for sidewalks, signage or other projects. Technical Committee Recommendation: Although the Technical Committee supports this project in concept, no funding is recommend in FY00 & FY01, due to lack of available revenues. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Total Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ]TL 00-04 Unfunded Project Total Ongoing 70,000 60,000 55,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 [ 270,000 Less: Fees Less: Rev. Less.: Other O_ 0 0 0 0 O_ 0 { O_ NetRequest Ongoing 70,000 60,000 55,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 { 270,000 Net Recomm Ongoing 70,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 155,000 115,000 Operating * Includes Land Acquisition? No 56 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Revenue Sharing Road Program/Traffic Calming CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: Ongoing Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: Each year the County participates in the Revenue Sharing Road Program in which the state provides funds for the construction, maintenance, or improvement of secondary roads. The roads programmed for improvements during the 5-year period include: Old Ivy Road. Jarmans Gap Rd. (Rt. 691) Old Lynchburg Rd. (Rt. 631) James River Rd. (Rt. 726) Ownesville Rd. (Rt. 676) Browns Gap Rd. (Rt. 810) Proffit Rd. (Rt. 649) Dickerson Rd. (Rt. 606) FY00/01, $1,000,000 FY99/00, $400,000 FY01/02, $500,000 FY02/03, $200,000 FY03/04, $100,000 FY03/04, $100,000 FY02/03, $500,000 FY02/03, $300,000 Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This request is revised: a) to update the list of roads programmed for improvements, b) to increase the County's annual requests in FY00-03 from $400,000 to $500,000, and c) to request an additional $500,000 in the fifth year (FY04.) The annual project costs have been increased by $100,000 annually to ensure that a) the County would receive the highest award under the program, and that b) sufficient surplus funding will be available to fund Neighborhood Traffic Calming projects. (Last year, the Board approved using surplus revenue sharing road funds to fund these traffic calming projects.) The average annual award to the County is $400,000 under the revenue sharing program, leaving approximately $100,000/year available for traffic calming projects. Location/Site Status: County wide. Project Justification: This project: 1.) provides additional state funds for secondary road improvements (since VDOT will match local contributions of up to $500,000 annually); 2.) accelerates improvements to secondary road projects by up tc three years (VDOT estimate); and 3.) provides funds for road improvements currently not scheduled to receive State funding Relationship to Plan: These road improvements outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and are consistent with th~ Plan's goal of establishing a systematic and equitabl~ transportation system to insure effective provision of roa~ improvements and new construction. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, thes, projects would be constructed at a later date, thereby delayinl safety improvements to the urban roadway network. Aa alternative method of funding only through the Six Yea Secondary Plan would delay actual construction of the projec~ Operating Cost Breakdown: N/A Technical Committee Recommendation: Although the Technical Committee supports traffic calmingi concept, no funding for traffic calming is recommended i FY00-02, due to lack of available revenues. (Tlr recommendation effectively reduces the project amounts i those years from $500,000/year to $400,000/year.) Board Action: The Board approved funding for this proje~ as recommended. Total Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00.-.04 Unfund~ Project Total Ongoing Yearly 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 I 5,000,000 Less: Fees I Less: Rev. [ Less: ,Other 0 0 _0 0_. 0 0 0 I O_ Net Request Ongoing Yearly $00,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 $00,000 I 2,500,000 Net Recomm. Ongoing Yearly 400,000 400,000 400,000 500,000 500,000 2,200,000 300,0 Operating * lncludes Land Acquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/'2000- 2003/2004 Route 29 North Landscaping Project Contact: D. Benish New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) ,,tssistance Req. ? Yes Continuation ? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY 96- FY O1 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project continues funding for landscaping the median area of Route 29 North disturbed by VDOT road improvements. The first phase of the road widening project, from the City limits to the Rio Hills Shopping Center was completed in December, 1995, and the second phase, from Rio Hills Shopping Center to the South Fork Rivanna River, was completed in May, 1997. The landscaping for these two phases was completed in the fall of 1997. A de£mitive schedule for the construction of the third phase of the project from the South Fork Rivanna River to Airport Rd. has not been set, but construction is not anticipated until FY 01/02 or later. This project budgets funds to provide landscaping for Phase III of the road project. Hopefully, VDOT will fund a significant portion of the landscaping cost for Phase III, as it did for Phases I and II. At this time however, VDOT has not committed to funding this phase of the project. This CIP request assumes that VDOT will fund all Phase III landscaping costs. If VDOT decides not to contribute, however, funding would have to be borne by the County. The cost estimates are based on the cost of .the landscaping the first two phases of the project on a per mile basis. As construction plans for this phase have not been finalized by VDOT, these landscaping cost are very preliminary. Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs include $14,000/year (in inflation adjusted dollars) for landscape maintenance and phased plantings. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Funding for. Phase HI of this project has been moved to an undesignated out year, since VDOT has not fmnly committed to a construction schedule. Project Justification: This project will improve the appearance of this major traffic corridor. If not completed, grass planting and mowing will be done by VDOT. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendation for entrance corridor enhancement. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded by VDOT or the County, an opportunity to enhance the Entrance Corridor status of Route 29 North will be missed. Landscaping would consist of a grass median only. Location/Site Status: Rte. 29 North, from the City limits to Airport Road. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends that this project remain in an undesignated out year until VDOT's construction schedule and level of funding commitment are known. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Proiect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 I Out Year Project Total 691,000 389,000 I I302,000 Less.· Fees ] Less: Business 18,000 12,000'* I ] 6,000*** I LessVDOT 655,000 359,000 I I296,000 NetRequest 18,000 18,000 I I 0 Net Recomna 18,000 18,000 0 Operating Ongoing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,000 * Includes Land,~cquisition? No ** Business Contribution towards funding ofPha, ses I and II. *** Business Contribution towards funding of Phase III. 58 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Seminole/Pepsi Place Connector Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: Undesignated Out Year Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This is the extension of Zan Road (in the City) to connect to Pepsi Place at the existing cul-de-sac. (Ninety-five percent of this road alignment is within City limits.) This project formerly was named "Zan Road Extension." Relationship to Plan: Goal 9, Objective 1. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded by the County, and the City funds their portion, the road could not be built, The City's share of funding for this project is $529,100. Completion of this project is subject to City funding, which is still undetermined. No commilrnent by the City has been made to construct this project to date. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project remains an out year project. Project Justification: This connector road will allow traffic entering at Seminole Square an alternate path to Rio Road without using Route 29. This road will provide an alternative north-south facility to Route 29. Based on the traffic study, this road will not significantly relive Route 29 traffic. Location/' Site Status: Through the Pepsi property, behind the Post Office. Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no associated operating costs. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends that this project remain in at undesignated "out-year" until a funding commitment has bee~ made by the City. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this projecl as recommended. Proiect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 'FY 01/02 FY 02i03 FY 03/0.4 ITL 00-04 [ Out yea, .ojec. To.a. 557.000 I I557'°°' Net Recomrm 27,900 27,90 Operating 0 * IncludesLandAcquisition? Yes Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Sidewalk ConStructiOn Program Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY99 - Ongoing Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: The purpose of this request is to provide annual, ongoing funding for the construction of sidewalks and other pedestrian-related improvements n. ot funded in conjunction with road projects, nor identified in a particular neighborhood plan. (Projects funded in conjunction with road projects are presented separately in the CIP. Projects identified in neighborhood plans are funded under the Neighborhood Plan Implementation Program.) Projects anticipated for construction include: Avon Street (Southern Parkway to Mill Creek South); Fifth Street Extended (Old Lynchburg Road to 1-64); Old Lynehburg Road (Azalea Pk. to 5~ St.); Four Seasons Development; Hilisdale Drive; Barracks Road (Georgetown Rd. to Old Salem Apartments); Putt Putt Lane; Route 20 (Wilton Apt. to Route 250); Hydraulic Road (Rt. 29 to Georgetown); Commonwealth Drive; Rio Road (Albemarle Square to Route 29); Rio Road (Dunlora to Pen Park Rd.); Crozet "Downtown" (New and Replace) ProjeCt Changes/Reasons for RevisiOns: This request is revised to include the Hydraulic Rd., Rio Rd., Commonwealth Drive and Downtown Crozet projects (based on plan/study, public request and staff input.) Additionally, the following funds are added: $100,000 (FY00), $50,000 (FY01), $25,000 (FY00), and $50,000 (FY04.) (The additional funding in FY 99/00 reflects the need to move forward with improvements to the County walkway system, based on numerous requests from the public.) Project Justification: This project provides ongoing funding to support and improve pedestrian access opportunities. Annual funding for a general sidewalks construction program also would permit greater flexibility for planning and construction needed facilities. A new emphasis at the County (Comprehensive Plan review) and regional levels (update of CATS) is on developing a multi-modai transportation system, which includes the development of pedestrian facilities. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the DISC Study will recommend that the County take greater responsibility for the provision and enhancement of public facilities and spaces, such as walkways, neighborhood level (pocket) parks, street lighting, roadway landscaping, etc. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's objective of"developing a transportation system which .facilitates a variety of transportation modes, including the provision of sidewalks and bikeways in appropriate areas, "as well as the adopted Six Year Road Improvements Plan and the general goals and objectives of the Qualitative Components of the revised Charlottesville Transportation Study (CATS).). This specific effort is part of an overall approach of implementing the growth management policy by providing a high quality urban environment in the Development Areas, thereby making them an attractive place to live. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, opportunities to fund sidewalk improvements in a timely manner may be lost. Location/Site Status: Various locations in the County. Operating Cost Breakdown: Ongoing operating costs of approximately $5,000/year (adjusted for inflation) per sidewalk project are anticipated for repair/maintenance, beginning in FY 00. Maintenance costs may need to reconsidered in the future if asphalt sidewalks are constructed, since they have a higher maintenance cost than concrete sidewalks. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends reduced funding in FY00 (from $100,000 to $0) and FY01 (from $100,000 to $50,000), due to lack of available revenues. Associated operating costs also have been deferred. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project.TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 I TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total Ongoing 100,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 50,000I 375,000I Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less:Other 0 ~-. 0 O_ O_ 0_ O_ O] 0I NetRequest Ongoing 100,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 NetRecomm. Ongoing 100,000 0 50,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 225,000 150,000 Operating Ongoing 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,465 20,920 0 * Includes Land Acquisition? No 60 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Summary of Library Projects Admin & Courts 55% Utilities 1% Public Safety Parks & Rec 23% 12% Hwys & Tran~ Libraries 8% 1% Project Name Library Computer Upgrade Library Maintenance/Replacement Projects Total Library Projects Approved Fiscal Total Years 146,453 FY 00-01 187,100 FY 00-04 333,553 Unfunded Amounts Out-Year Totals 0 0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Library Computer Upgrade Project Contact: Ye'. Lyons, JMRL New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: FY98-FYO0 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This project replaces and upgrades Library computer hardware, telecommunications devices and other equipment/software. Installation of the computer equipment will be completed in two phases. In the first phase, 80 workstations and the supporting network environment will be installed at a total cost of $698,166. (This phase is projected to be completed either in FY 98/99 or FY99/00, pending full funding of project costs by all localities.) The second phase, projected to be completed in FY 00/01, involves the installation of an additional 66 workstations, at a total cost of $141,000. The County's share of the total project cost, $490,891, is based on circulation and on the number of computer units per location. The City's share is $216,119. Other localities are being asked to contribute a total of $132,156. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This cost of this project is revised to reflect bids received for both phases of the installation. (Previous estimates were based on projected costs in the automation consultant's report.) Phase I is estimated to cost $698,166, of which $395,891 is the County's share. Phase II will cost $141,000, of which $95,000 is owed by the County. The FY 99/00 total project cost is $284,754, which includes $214,254 to complete Phase I, plus $70,500 in partial (50%) funding for Phase II. (The County's share of the balance required to fund Phase I is $51,453.) The remaining cost of funding Phase II of the project is requested in FY 00/01. Project Justification: Telecommunications technology has undergone radical changes since the present network was installed. Client/server architecture requires PC workstations rather than the dumb terminals the Library is presently using. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with Goal 3, Objective 5 and Goal 9, Objective 9 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: The availability of library service will not keep pace with demand and growth; access to information will be limited. Location/Site Status: Various library branches. Operating Cost Breakdown: The total annual cost of maintaining/operating the system is estimated at $55,170 annually (adjusted for inflation), based on RFP reply. (With the implementation of Universal Services, however, data/telephone line costs are anticipated to be less, although actual dollar amounts are unknown at this time.) Funding for these additional operating costs are expected to come from the Library's Equipment Fund, and not jurisdictional appropriations. (Similar computer operating costs currently are paid fi.om this fund.) As such, the net additional operating impact shown below is zero. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project, as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Proiect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total 839,166 483,912 284,754 70,500 355,254 [ 0 Less: Fees I Less: City 216,119 139,474 56,142 20,503 76,645 I 0 Less: Other 132,156 0 129,659 2,.497 132,156 I 0 Net Request 490,891 344,438** 98,953 47,500 146,453 I 0 / Net Recomm. 490,891 344,438** 98,953 47,500 146,453 0 Operating 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Includes Land dcquisition? No ** Includes $44,438 in Library carry-over funds. 62 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Maintenance/Replacement Summary Project Contact: W. Lyons, JMRL CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Project Dates: Ongoing No New Request? Continuation? Revised? X IMandatedProject? Documented Project/Need? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds various maintenance and replacement projects at the Jefferson Madison Regional Library. (A suramary of these projects is presented on the next page.) Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to add the following maintenance/replacement projects in FY03/04: Repaint Interior of Gordon Ave. Branch $5,600 * Repaint Exterior of Gordon Ave. Branch $3,400 * Repaint Scottsville Library Roof $4,500 Northside HVAC Replacement $36,800 Scottsville & Crozet HVAC Replacement $54,800 Total $105,100 Costs shared 50/50 with City. Net County total is $100,600. Project Justification: Northside's entranceway is becoming a trip hazard. An interim solution is working, but a permanent solution is required. The bathrooms at the Central Library do not conform to ADA standards. The deterioration of the interior paint at Scottsville, Crozet, Northside and Central indicates a need for repainting. Caulking at the Central Library is required to prevent water damage to the interior. Additionally, the costs to maintain/repair the unrehable HVAC units at No~thside, Scottsville and Crozet will continue to increase, unless these units are replaced. In FY 98/99, $20,000 was used to replace two of the five HVAC units at Northside. The remaining three units continue to leak, causing damage to ceiling tiles and books. These original units do not meet present HVAC specifications. Records indicate that the last major rework of the HVAC units in Scottsville was in 1989. The Crozet units have never been reworked.) Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal 3, objective 5 and goal 9, objective 9 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: Deteriorating facilities. Location/Site Status: Various branch libraries. Operating Cost Breakdown: N/A. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends full funding for this project, as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Proiect TL Prior FY 99~00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 TL 00-04 ] Unfunded Project Total Ongoing Ongoing 25,000 30,000 38,000 27,000 105,100 225,100 I Less: Fees I Less: Revenues I Less: City On~oin~ Ongoing 0 15,000 5,000 13,500 4,500 I 38,000 I Net Request Ongoing Ongoing 25,000 15,000 33,000 13,500 100,600 187,100 I Net Recomm. Ongoing Ongoing 25,000 15,000 33,000 13,500 100,600 187,100 Operating 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Includes Land Acquisition. No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Library Maintenance/Replacement Projects Department Name: Jefferson-Madison Regional Library FY 1999-00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Repaint interior of Northside Library (Unchanged) Repair Northside Library Entranceway (Unchanged) Total FY 2000~1 1. Repaint Central Library 2nd Floor* (Unchanged) 2. Replace Mclntire Room Ceiling, Central Library * (Unchanged) 3. 4. 5. 6. Total 1. Rework Central Library Bathrooms to Meet ADA* (Unchanged) 2. Repaint Crozet Library Interior (Unchanged) 3. Repaint Scottsville Library Interior (Unchanged) 4. Replace Scottsville Library Circulation Desk (Unchanged) 5. Cut Doorway Behind Ciculation Desk, Scottsville (Unchanged) 6. Total 1. Waterjet and Recaulk Stonework -Central Roof* (Unchanged) 2. Paint Central Library 3rd Floor* (Unchanged) 3. 4. 5. 6. Total 1. Paint Gordon Ave. Library Interior' (New) 2. Paint Gordon Ave. Library Exterior* (New) 3. Paint Scottsville Library Roof (New) 4. Replace Northside HVAC (New) 5. Replace Scottsville & Crozet HVAC (New) 6. Total FY 99/00-03/04 GRAND TOTAL: Costs shared 50~50 with City of Charlottesville Requested Requested Project Net County Total Cost Tech Cttee Recomm Board $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $20,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $38,000 $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 $15,000 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $12,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,000 $13,500 $13,500 $13,500 $5,600 $2,800 $2,800 $2,800 $3,400 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $4.500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $36,800 $36,800 $36,800 $36,800 $54,800 $54,800 $54,800 $54,800 $105,100 $100,600 $100,600 $100,600 $225,100 $187,100 $187,100 $187,100 64 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Summary of Parks & Recreation Project Admin & Courts 55% Utilities 1% Public Safety 23% Hwys & Trans 1% 8% Parks & Rec 12% Proiect Name ADA Changes - Schools Cashier Booth Imp.: CGL, MSV, WC Chris Greene Lake Property Purchase County Athletic Field Study/Dev. Crozet Park Athletic Field Development Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Dev. New High School Cmty. Rec. Facilities New Urban Area Gymnasium PVCC Softball Field Lighting PVCC Facility Renovation School Athletic Field Irrigation Scottsville Community Center Imp. So. Albemarle Organization Park Dev. Towe Lower Field Irrigation Walnut Creek Park Improvements Maintenance/Replacement Projects Subtotal Parks & Recreation Projects Approved Fiscal Total Years 0 NA 69,000 FY 03-04 113,400 FY 04 758,599 FY 00-04 498,930 FY 00-03 300,000 FY O1 50,000 FY 02 1,530,000 FY 04 166,000 FY 02-03 37,236 FY 00-01 136,500 FY 02-03 124,665 FY 00-02 200,000 FY 00-04 20,000 FY 02 51,025 FY 00-01 306,450 FY 00-04 4,361,805 UnfUnded Amounts 72,295 0 0 55,401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127,696 Ou~Year Totals 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 700,000 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 ADA Changes - Schools Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? X CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/94- 6/00 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds the completion of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements to outdoor recreation facilities at County Schools. Improvement address: playground paving and athletic fields at Stony Point, Yancey, Stone Robinson, Walton, Brownsville, Henley, Jouett, and Barley, as well as equipment add-oh's for special needs and backfilling around accessible playground areas. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: A total of $275,000 was appropriated in prior CIP's for this project, of which $72,294 remained unspent in FY 97/98. However, this surplus was eliminated during budget reductions, following an anticipated revenue shortfall that year. This request restores these funds so that all of the ADA changes may be completed. Project Justification: The ADA required the removal of architectural barriers by January 26, 1995. This is the'final phase of a funding plan developed in FY 94-95. Relationship to Plan: To promote an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complimentary public facilities and services. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, the County will not be in compliance with the spirit or the law of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which has mandated the removal of architectural barriers in County parks by January 26, 1995. Location/Site Status: Various County School sites. Operating Cost Breakdown: None anticipated for these projects in FY00-04. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends that Parks and Recreation utilize current revenue sources to complete these improvements. As such, no additional funding is recommended. Board.dction: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior ** ~ 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 } TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total 168,000 195,705 72,295 I 72,295 ] 0 Less:Fees I I Less: Revenues [ Less: Other 0 0 0 I O_ I 0 Net Request 268,000 195,705 72,295 72,295 I 0 Net Recomrm 268,000 195,705 72,295 Operating * IncludesLandAcquisition? No ** Prior funding equals approved appropriations of $275,000 less $79,295 re-appropriated to cover revenue shortfall in FY97/98. 66 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Cashier Booth Improve. CGL, MSV, W£ Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 9/99 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project replaces the cashier booth at Chris Greene Lake (CGL), Mint Sprints Valley (MSV) and Walnut Creek parks with more substantial structures that are equipped with steel doors, service windows, and concrete floors with safes, alarm systems, and air conditioning. Project Changes/' Reasons for Revisions: This project was requested last year but was not recommended for funding by the Technical Committee because it was thought that the project could be accomplished using savings from current year capital projects. However, subsequent budget reductions due to anticipated revenue shortfalls eliminated any savings from current CIP projects. As such, Parks and Rec. is again requesting that the project be funded within the first year of the five-year CIP, due to concern for employee safety. Project Justification: The recent robbery at COL during the 1997 summer swim season heightened awareness for providing a safer working environment for park cashiers. Air conditioning will allow cashiers to keep the door closed, providing a safer, more comfortable environment. A floor safe would eliminate the need to transport money to the shop safe. This request represents one recommendation of the improvement plan jointly developed with Albemarle County Police Department. Funding for this project is requested in the first year of the fiv year CIP due to concern for the safety of department employe~ Relationship to Plan: N/A Impact if Project Not Completed: Continuation of ti current situation which is no longer adequate at this time. Location/Site Status: Chris Greene Lake, Mint Sprin~ Valley, and Walnut Creek parks. Operating Cost Breakdown: Electricity for A Conditioning: FY99/00 ($600 adjusted 3% each year) Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technic~ Committee recommends that this project be pushed back fro~ FY99/00 to FY02/03 ($22,847) and FY03/04 ($46,153), due 1 funding constraints. Associated operating costs also have bee deferred. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this proje~ as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ] TL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total 69,000 0 69,000 I 69,000 [ 0 Less:Fees ] I Less:Revenues I Less:Other 0 0 0 [ 0I _QO NetRequest 69,000 0 69,000 I 69,000 [ 0 Net Recomm 69,000 0 22,847 46,153 69,000 0 Operating Ongoing 0 600 620 1,220 * Includes Land Acquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Chris 'Greene Lake Property Purchase Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/99 - 12/99 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This project funds the purchase of a 56.7 acre property adjacent to the beach and parking areas at Chris Greene Lake Park, at the current County appraisal. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not purchased, a new owner may be able to achieve access to the property and develop or graze cattle. Project Justification: The most recent County appraisal of the property is $113,400 and staff recommends offering that amount for the property. The purchase would increase the buffer around the developed area of park and a substantial section of shoreline. Additionally, preventing the grazing o£cattle in close proximity to the beach will help to protect water quality for swimming and water supply purposes. Relationship to Plan: This project agrees with the Comprehensive Plan goal of protecting the County's surface water supplies and specifically with the objective of protecting qualityof surface water drinking supplies. It also agrees with the goal of protecting the County's natural resources. Location/Site Status: Chris Greene Lake, Ronte 850 Operating Cost Breakdown: The only operatiag cost would be to bush hog the property a few times per year, estimated at $1,000 for FY99. The property is not in land use. The annual tax loss at the eurrem appraisal is $815. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends that this project be pushed back from FY99/00 to FY03/04, due to funding constraints. Associated operating costs also have been deferred. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended: Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 I TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total 113,400 0 113,400 113,400 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less:Other0 .....o o } o_I NetRequest 113,400 0 113,400 I 113,400 ] Net Reeomm 113,400 0 113,400 113,400 Operating Ongoing 0 '~ 1,815 1,815 * ? Includes Land Acquisition. Yes 68 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 County Athletic Field Study/Dev. Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rea New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/97- 6/05 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project requests funds to implement the recommendations of the County Athletic Field Study, conducted in FY98. It represents the second phase of a two-phase project to £~rst identify potential athletic field space in the County, and then to develop the selected sites. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with fl Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard living and quality of life. This project promotes positive you development, accommodates the anticipated growth of ti County and maximizes the use of existing County facilities. In Phase I, a feasibility study was performed (FY98) to identify potential sites. Phase II, addressed by this request, budgets funds to begin implementing the recommendations of the study. Parks and Recreation has developed a priority list based on a needs survey and discussions with athletic program providers. Although fimding of these needs is shown over a six-year period, it is understood that development would occur m priority order as funds allow. The City's share of softball field lighting at Towe Park in FY02~03 costs is $83,200. Since the County must 'from' the entire FY03 project cost, the City's $83,200 reimbursement is shown both as a reduction to the total project cost below, and as a revenue source on the CIP revenue summary sheet. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to reflect FY03/04 funding for this project. (The expected completion date is FY 04/05, contingent upon an additional allocation that year of $500,000.) The total cost of the project remains unchanged. Impact if Project Not Completed: Continued and increasi~ problems with athletic field scheduling. Continued deteriorati¢ of existing fields. Prioritizing sport use according to seasons Location/Site Status: County wide Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs are calculatin at $20,630 (FY00), $63,045 (FY01), $70,370 (FY02), $76,96 (FY03), and $88,775 (FY04). These cost cover reguh mowing, fertilization, top dressing, seeding, aeration, draggin! marking, trash control etc., as well as a new mower purchase i FY01. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technic~ Committee recommends reduced funding for this project i FY00/01 (from $78,205 to $66,575) and FY03/04 (fror $308,280 to $264,509), due to funding constraints. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this projec as recommended. Project Justification: The various youth athletic leagues are in mediate need of additional space. Current school and park fields are used relentlessly. Additionally, there is a critical need to upgrade the quality of existing fields. Tota~ Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01102 FY 02103 FY 03/04 [TL 00-04 J Unfunded Out Year Project Total 1,459,000 145,000 45,000 78,205 186,160 196,355 308,280I 814,000I 500,000 Less:Fees I I I Less:Revenue i I Less: City *.* 83,200** 0 0 0 0 83,200** .0 83,200** [ 0 NetRequest 1,375,800 145,000 45,000 78,205 186,160 113,155 308,280 I 730,800 [ 500,000 NetRecomm 1,375,800 145,000 45,000 66,575 186,160 113,155 264,509 675,399 55,401 500,000 Operating Ongoing 0 20,630 63,045 70,370 '76,960 88,775 319,780 * Includes Land Acquisition? No ** City reimbursement for its share of project costs in FY03 ($83,200.) These revenues are reflected on the CIP revenue summary sheet as well. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Crozet Park Athletic Field Development Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? X ; Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/97- 6/03 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This project funds the development of athletic field space at Crozet Park to meet the need for additional athletic fields in Western Albemarle County. The funding schedule for this project is: (FY98) fields C, D, & E; (FY99) baseball field site work; (FY00) baseball field completion; (FY01) field B; (FY02) field A; (FY03) concession, press box, dugouts. Project Changes~Reasons for Revision: There have been no changes or revisions to this project. Project Justification: There is a pressing need for additional athletic field space County wide. The Board of Supervisors and the Crozet Park Board have agreed that land at Crozet Park would be made available to meet this need. (This agreement was reached as part of the funding agreement over Crozet Pool.) There is an acute need for soccer field space in the Spring due to the use of fields at Henley/Brownsville by Western Albemarle High School (WAHS) and the need to share Murray and Crozet with Baseball. SOCA has 650 participants On 41 teams and baseball has 265 players on 21 teams. Often, in Spring, three or more teams share soccer fields, and baseball and soccer will share a baseball field. There is an immediate need to replace four fields lost to WAILS at Henley/Brownsville. Baseball fields will allow Peachtree Baseball to consolidate game sites to increase convenience and concession sales. This is an excellent opportunity as the Crozet Park Board is willing to make land available for this purpose that otherwise would have to be purchased elsewhere. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life. This project promotes positive youth development and anticipated growth of the County. The project maximizes use of existing land. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, there will be continued and increasing problems with athletic field scheduling, as well as a continued deterioration of existing fields. The County may need to prioritize sport use according to season. Location/Site Status: Claudius Crozet Park Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs in the following amounts cover regular mowing, fertilization, top dressing, seeding, aeration, dragging, marking, trash control etc., as well as a new mower purchase in FY02:$8,885 (FY99), $9,395 (FY00), $15,210 (FY01), $39,760 (FY02), $20,495 (FY03), and $20,955 (FY04.) Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Pro|ect TL" Prior [FY 99~00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03~04 ITL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total 640,000 141,070 Less: Fees Less:Revenues : I [ Less:Other · 0 0_. 0 0 0 0 [ O[ NetRequest 640,000 141,070 128,000 148,000 130,930 92,000 NetRequest 640,000 141,070 128,000 148,000 130,930 92,000 498,930 Operating' Ongoing 8,885 9,395 15,210 39,760 20,495 20,955 105,813 * Includes LandAcquisition? Yes or No 70 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Dev. I Project Contact: P, Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? I Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation? XI Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/98- 6/00 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project budgets ti ds to provide access roads and parking for 5 multipurpose fields to be developed by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) as part of the closure and capping of sections of the Ivy Landfill. Parks and Recreation has worked closely with RWSA in developing this project, which is based on their plans for the landfill. The timing of this project coincides with the closing of the Ivy Landfill. Project Justification: The County currently is m need of additional athletic field space. The Ivy area is one of the areas where the field shortage is crucial. Soccer and baseball teams have to share the fields at Murray and Meriwether Lewis elementary schools. Soccer is the largest field user and has identified the immediate need for 9 additional fields. This complex of 5 fields can serve all Ivy area teams freeing the fields up at Murray and Meriwether Lewis for baseball. It also can serve as a practice site for adult soccer and traveling teams and also as a weekend game site for the house league, thus taking the load off of fields County wide. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, we wi miss a major opportunity to help meet our athletic field needs a relatively modest price. This is an opportunity to get ti maxiraum public benefit out of this publicly owned prope~ Additionally, this facility would be difficult to locate anywhel else in the County. Location/Site Status: Ivy Landfill Operating Cost Breakdown: Contractual Payment to RWS for mowing, fertilization, top dressing, seeding, aeration ar, trash control, estimated at: $13,930 (FY00), $14,630 (FY01 $15,365 (FY02), $16,130 (FY03), and $16,940 (FY04.) Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technic: Committee recommends that this project be pushed back fro~ FY99/00 to FY00/01, due to funding constraints. Associate operating costs also have been deferred. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this proje¢ as recommended. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complimentary public facilities and public and human services. This project promotes positive youth development. Proiect TL Prior FY 9.9/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 I Unfunde, Project Total 330,000 30,000 300,000 I 300,000 I Less:Revenues I I Less: Other 0 0 0 I 0 [ Net Request 330,000 30,000 300,000 I 300,000 I Net Recomm 330,000 30,000 300,000 300,000 Operating Ongoing 13,930 14,630 15,365 16,130 60,055 * Includes Land ,4cquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 New High School Cmty. Rec. Facilities Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 7/96- 6/01 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project requests funds: 1) to light and irrigate the baseball field at the New High School and to cons?met and irrigate 2 multi-purpose fields in FY97 ($275,000); 2) to equip the auxiliary gym at the high school with basketball goals, padding and volleyball equipment in FY99 ($18,500); and 3) to provide $50,000 in planning funds (FY01) to determine the feasibility of a public-private partnership in the construction ora 50 meter indoor pool facility in the County. Project Justification: Middle schools and high schools serve as district park facilities in the County. There is a tremendous need for more and better athletic fields in the County. The new high school's centralized location makes it an ideal site. Lights and irrigation are necessary to accommodate joint school and heavy community use. Additional gym space also is an urgent need, especially in a centralized urban location. Additionally, City pools are booked to capacity with a high percentage of County residents. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complimentary public facilities. The project also promotes positive youth development and agrees with the Community Facilities Plan, which calls for district park facilities at high schools. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not fimded, problems with the lack of athletic field and gymnasium space will worsen. An overcrowding of City indoor pools will result in higher rates and decreased availability to County residents. Location/Site Status: Monticello High School site, near PVCC. Operating Cost Breakdown: Annual, ongoing operating costs of $19,250/year (adjusted for inflation) are expected to cover repair and maintenance, supplies, utilities and fuel, beginning in FY 98/99. Technical Committee Recommendation: 'The Technical Committee recommends that this project be pushed back from FY00/01 to FY01/02, due to funding constraints. Board~,tction: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. · Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 ,FY 02/03 FY 03/04 TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total 343,500 293,500 50,000 , I 50,000 I Less: Fees I Less:Revenues Less: Other 0 0 0 0 Net Cost 343,500 293,500 , 50,000 50,000 I Net Cost 343,500 293,500 50,000 50,000 Operating Ongoing 19,250 19,830 20,425 21,040 21,670 22,320 105,285 *Includes Land Acquisition? No 72 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 New Urban Area Gymnasium Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Project Dates: July 03 - June 04 New Request? Continuation ? Revised? X Mandated Project? Documented Project/Need? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds the construction of a new 82' X 110' gymnasium on existing County property in the Urban Area. The total cost of $1.53 million is based on the cost of gym construction at Western Albemarle High School, and consists of: $135,000 in site work and $1,395,000 for construction. Project Justification: There is virtually no available gym space from November through March for additional or expanded evening recreation programs. Currently, there are 2,650 participants in youth basketball. However, the County only has space for 1 practice per week, although ideally 2 practices should be held. New AAU programs are competing for space along with the rising interest in indoor soccer. The success ofthe Middle School After School Program has created a scheduling conflict in the afternoons with high school athletic programs that use middle school gyms. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, the lack of gymnasium space will worsen, which will limit the expansion of current programs and eliminate the possibility of new programs. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complimentary public facilities. The project also promotes positive youth development and agrees with the Community Facilities Plan, which calls for Pa Facilities at county schools. Location/Site Status: Somewhere on existing Coun property in urban area. Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating cost are n anticipated until FY04/05. Estimated annual costs include: Water & Sewer $11,930 Custodial $5,850 Mowing & Snow Removal $2,800 Program Supervision $14,040 (1248hours ~ $11.25/hr) Total $34,620 Technical Committee Recommendation: Sin community recreational space is included in the Jack Joue Hollymead Gym and Northern Elementary School projects, additional funding for this project is recommended. Board Action: The Board approved funding of $1,530,001 for this project, using general obligation debt issued in FY 01/02. This bond issue would be contingent upon approval t County voters in a referendum. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total 1,530,000 0 1,530,000I 1,530,000I Less:Fees I I Less:Revenues I [ Less:Other 0I o_l NetRequest 1,530,000 0 1,s30,000I 1,s30,000I Net Recomm. 1,530,000 0 0 0 1,$30,000 Net Approved 1,$30,000 0 1,530,000 1,530,000 0 Operating 0 0 0 0 * Includes Land Acauisition. No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 PVCC Softball Field Lighting Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec, New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) ~lssistance Req.? X Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 10/01 - 3/03 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This project replaces athletic field lighting on two softball fields at PVCC ($146,000,) and installs a cone shaped backstop and netting along the right field line of one field ($20,000.) Project Justification: During the discussion on Monticello High School, the neighbors identified the problems with spill lighting and foul balls that they were experiencing with the current facility. The new lighting technology will minimize the spill light into the surrounding neighborhood, and address deficiencies with the existing light system. (The current lighting was installed in 1983 by a contractor not skilled in athletic field lighting; the lights are too low and have many blind spots.) The new backstop and netting would reduce the problems currently experienced with foul balls. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life. The project reduces the negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood, which will help assure the continued use of this facility. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, problems with the neighborhood residents will continue. Location/Site Status: Piedmont Virginia Community College Operating Cost Breakdown: No additional operating costs are anticipated, above what already is included in the operating budget. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Proiect TL P..r!or FY 99~00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02~03 FY 03/04 TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total 166,000 83,000 83,000 166,000I Less: Fees ~ I Less:Revenues I I Less:Other 0 .~... 0 0 I 0l NetRequest 166,000 83,000 83,000 I 166'0001 Net Recomm 166,000 83,000 83,000 166,000 Operating 0 0 0 0 0 * Includes Land'Acquisition? No 74 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 PVCC Facility Renovation Project Contact: IF. Jackameit, PVCC CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? Project Dates: 7/99- 6/01 No New Request? Continuation? Revised? X IMandatedProject? Documented Project/Need? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This is a project to renovate the main academic building at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC). The renovation will upgrade obsolete electrical and mechanical systems, renovate space vacated by the move to the new humanities and social sciences building, and modernize instructional and student support spaces. A total project cost of $1,847,000 was approved by the General Assembly, of which $1,703,000 will come from the state general fund, $53,004 from college auxiliary enterprise funding and a total of $90,996 from localities. The local conla'ibution is for site improvements, which by state policy must be funded locally. The County's share of the project is $37,236, which is based on proportional enrollment distribution. It will be paid in equal installments of $18,618 over two fiscal years, beginning in FY 99/00. Project Justification: The largest portion of PVCC's main academic building, including the electrical and mechanical systems, is 1973 construction and has never been renovated. In addition, settling problems have caused structural damage to science and technical wings. Finally, much of the space vaca by the move is highly specialized space that is not suitable permanent reassignment without extensive modifications. ~ renovation will reconfigure these spaces to provide critical instructional and student support facilities. Impact if Project Not Completed: High repair ~ replacement costs associated with maintaining the electrical I mechanical systems. Building safety and longevity would compromised if structural repairs were not completec Inefficient use of vacant space. Location/Site Status: PVCC campus Operating Cost Breakdown: None Board~lction: The Board approved funding for this projec' requested. Proiect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 TL 00-04 Project Total 1,847,000 0 923,500 923,500 1,847,000 Less: State 1,703,000 0 851,500 851,500 I 1,703,000 Less: College 53,004 0 26,502 26,502 I 53,004 Less: Localities 53,760 0 26,880 26,880 t 53,760 NetRequest 37,236 0 18,618 18,618 ] 37,236 NetApproved~ 37,236 0 18,618 18,618 37,236 Operating 0 0 0 0 0 * ? Includes Land Acquisition. No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 School Athletic Field Irrigation Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation ? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 6/02 - 8/02 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: TI~ project installs irrigation systems on the multipurpose fields at Hollymead Elementary (3 fields), Henley Middle (2 fields) and Jouett Middle School (2 fields). The price per field is estimated to be $19,500. Project Justification: The multipurpose fields at Hollymead, Henley and Jouett are the major game and practice sites for recreational sports in the County. Multipurpose fields get the most intensive use from school and commumty programs. Many complaints are received each year about the lack of field space and the condition of existing fields. Fields are used so heavily that it is impossible to keep any type of grass cover or repair damaged areas. Nor are there enough fields to take fields out of play for extended periods. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complimentary public facilities and public and human services. This project promotes positive youth development and maximizes the use of schools as community and district parks, per the Community Facilities Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, complaints about inadequate field space and the deteriorating condition of existing fields will continue. Fields will be bare for recreational and school use. The County may need to limit play or take fields out of service, causing various leagues to limit seasons or registration. Location/Site Status: Hollymead Elementary Henley Middle School Jouett Middle School Operating Cost Breakdown: Annual operating costs of $1500/field/yr (for a total of $10,500/yr for all 7 fields) are expected, beginning in FY03. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Proiect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 I TL 00-04 ] Unfunded Project Total 136,500 0 68,250 68,250 Less:Fees Less:Revenues I I Less:Other fi 0 0 0 I OI NetRequest 136,500 0 68,250 68,250 I 136'500 I Net Recomm. 136,500 0 68,250 68,250 136,500 Operating Ongoing 0 10,500 10,815 21,315 * Includes Land Acquisition? No 76 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Scottsville Communi ,ty Ctr. Improvements Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 7/98- 6/02 Revised? Other CMO/. Need/Service? Project Description: This project continues the development of the Dottier Park and Scottsville Community Center property, according to the master plan developed by the Scottsville Park Development Association. growth into designated growth areas, and is consistent wi rural/urban service level objectives in growth areas. This proje also agrees with the recommendations of the Public Faciliti Plan to provide district-level park services to Scottsville. This request funds the following improvements: $60,700 for a new baseball field (FY99 & FY00), $67,880 for a concession building and jogging path (FY01), and $44,000 for playground equipment, a rest area and landscaping (FY02.) Prior improvements to the property include shelter/restroom renovation, water fountain improvements, restoration of the town baseball field, a childrens' playground, 2 tennis courts, a basketball court, landscaping, walkways and parking areas. Project Justification: This project represents the priority needs of the Scottsville Parks Development Association and is justified by the lack of district park facilities nearby. The Association has been very active and has received a donation of a master plan for the property. The Association is staffed by volunteers through a two-day Community Center program in Scottsville. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, the lack, field space will worsen and Scottsville will hck the district-lev, park service called for in the Public Facilities Plan. Location~Site Status: Scottsville Community Center Operating Cost Breakdown: Anmlal, ongoing costs includ water, electricity and routine cleaning supplies beginning i~ FY00; ballfield mowing/maintenance beginning in FY01; time materials for concession, jogging path, and playground safeR checks starting in FY02. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technica Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board~4ction: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complementary public facilities and public and human services. The project also promotes positive youth development, directs Project .TL Prior FY 99/00 FY .00/01 FY 01/0.2 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total 336,905 212,240 12,785 67,880 44,000 I 124,665 I. Less.'Revenues [ ] tess: Other 0 0 0 0 0 [ 0 { NetRequest 336,905 212,240 12,785 67,880 44,000 { 124,665 [ NetRecomrta 336,905 212,240 12,785 67,880' 44,000 124,665 Operating 'OngOing 900 1,405 6,950 7,470 11,190 11,520 38,535 * Includes Land Acquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 77 So. Albemarle Organization Park Dev. Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? I Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: July 97/98- June 07/08 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project budgets funds for the purchase of property and development of a park to serve the needs of the neighborhoods in the Yancey School District. A 10-acre site has been selected for the park across from Yancey School. Park needs have been determined by the Southern Albemarle Organization (SAO.) Project Changes~Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to add $50,000/year in FY02-FY04, based on the estimated cost of providing the facilities desired by the SAO during a feasibility study of the property. The property will be developed as funding allows, based on SAO and community priorities. Additionally, $200,000 in 'out year' funding is projected to be needed to £mish development of the park (~ $50,000/year during FY 04/05 - FY 07/08.) Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for all County residents through a combination of mutually complementary public facilities and public and human services. This project also promotes positive youth development. This project provides facilities to supplement those at Yancey School to the standards in the Community Facilities Plan. Project Justification: On July 25, 1996, the Southern Albemarle Neighborhood Organization was formed. At its initial meeting, the Organization determined six important community needs. The need to fred land to develop a recreation facility was the top priority; currently, there is not enough land at Yancey school to meet the Community Park requirements outlined in the Community Facilities Plan. Due to transportation problems, the District Park facilities at Walton and Scottsville and the County Park facilities at Walnut Creek do not meet the needs of these neighborhoods. Impact if Project Not Completed: The needs of the community will not be addressed. Location/Site Status: The site is directly across from Yancey School on Rt. 627. It includes a portion of the Habitat for Humanity property and two adjacent parcels. The County is currently negotiating the purchase of the property. Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs will be dependent on the priority order of facilities developed. "Placeholder" operating costs ia the following amounts have been calculated: FY00 ($6,825), FY01 ($7,125), FY02 ($7,485), FY03 ($7,855), and FY04 ($8,095). These costs cover salary, fringe and operating and are projected to be ongoing. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Pro}ect TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ]TL 00-04 I Oat Year Project Total $500,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 $200,000 I $200,000 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less:Other _0 0 0 _0 0 O[ _0[ _0 Net Request 500,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 } 200,000 [ 200,000 NetRecomm. 500,000 I 100,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 Operating ' ' ' Ongoing 0 6,825 7,125 7,485 7,855 8,095 37,385 * IncludesLandAcquisition? Yes 78 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Towe Lower Field Irrigation Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation ? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/01 - 6/02 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: This project budgets funds to irrigate the little league/multi-use field at Towe Park ia FY02. This project is contingent on approximately 40% funding ($8,000) from the City. Since the County is required to 'front' the entire project cost ($20,000), the City's $8,000 reimbursement is shown both as a reduction to the total project cost below and as a revenue source on the CIP revenue summary sheet. Project Justification: Fields get heavy use by both little league and soccer. The little league/multi-purpose field is the only unirrigated field ia Towe Park. Due to heavy usage, it is impossible to keep any type of grass cover or repair damaged areas. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life. This project promotes positive youth development and meets anticipated growth of the County. This project maximizes use ofexistiag County facilities. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, it will ! impossible to keep reasonable grass cover on the field t~ playability and safety. The County may need to limit playir time ia order to maintain ~rass cover. Location/Site Status: Darden Towe Park Operating Cost Breakdown: Annual operating costs $500/year for water and electricity are expected, beginning FY02. (Operating expenses after FY02 have been adjusted fc inflation.) Technical Committee Recommendation: The Teclmica Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project a recommended. Project TL PriorFY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/,03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 I Unfunded roject otal 20,000 0 20,000 I 20,000 I Less:Revenues I I Less: City ** 8,000* .* 0 8,000** I 8,000**, ' NetRequest 12,000 0 12,000 I 12,000 ] Net Recomm 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 Operating Ongoing 0 500 515 530 1,545 * Includes Land Acquisition7 No ** City reimbursement for its share of the project is $8,000 (40%.) These revenues are reflected on the CIP revenue summary sheet as well. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 79 Walnut Creek Park Improvements Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. I New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? No I Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 7/96- 6/01 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds the construction of a picnic shelter ($75,000 ia FY97) and a children's playground ($24,500 ia FY00) at Walnut Creek Park, which are aecess~le from the main parking area near the beach and are in compliance with ADA requirements. The project also includes the renovation of the old home site ($26,525 in FY01) for an Environmental Education/Nature Center. The State has provided $350,000 ia prior year funding for this project. Project Justification: These are high priority items, which had to be cut out of the original constxuction budget. The addition of a picnic shelter and playground will provide facilities equal to those at Chris Greene and Mint Springs for residents of Southern Albemarle. The shelter is expected to generate $1,500-$2,000 in additional daily fees. Covegarden Ruritans have offered to provide labor to renovate the old house. The park consists of 525 acres and interest has been expressed in developing a program similar to ICNA. ICNA is being used very heavily. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan by promoting an adequate standard of living and quality of life for residents, equitably providing cost effective pubhc services, supporting services that promote positive youth development, and providing education to ensure protection of the County's natural and scemc resources. Impact if Project Not Completed: Not funding the shelter and playground projects would result in a lower level of service at Walnut Creek compared to Chris Greene and Mint Springs Parks. Not funding the Nature Center project would delay opportunities to supplement the program at ICNA and take full advantage of the total park acreage. Location/Site Status: Route 631 - 1/2 mile south of Route 708 intersection. Operating Cost Breakdown: Ongoing operating costs of $720/year (adjusted for inflation) are expected annually for minor repairs, painting and electrical costs for the building, beginning in FY02. Additionally, beginning ia FY03, $3,000 will be added every three years for replacement mulch on the playground. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Teclmical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Pro|ect TL Prior * FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY ½ FY 02/03 FY 03/04 I TL 00-04 ] Unfunded ProjectTotat 2,351,025 2,300,000 24,500 26,525 ] 51,025I Less: State 350,000 3.50,000 _0 0_. I 0 [ Net Rec°mm. 2,001,025 1,950,000 24,500 26,525 51,025 Operating Ongoing 0 720 3,740 765 5,225 * Prior funding equals approved appropriations of $1,985,000 less $35,000 which was re-appropriated in FY 97~98 to cover budgetary shortfalls. 80 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Maintenance/Re lacement Summary,, Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) ,,lssistance Req. ? Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: Ongoing Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This project funds various Parks and Recreation maintenance and replacement projects. A summary of these projects is presented on the next page. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the go~ of the Comprehensive Plan and Community Facilities PI related to the adequate maintenance of existing facilities. The City is expected to fund half of the ICNA Barn & Tenant House project in FYO0-O1 ($14,500) and 40% of ($9,200) of Towe Cross Country Trail in FY02-03. Since the County must 'front' the entire cost of both of these projects, the City reimbursements are shown both as an offset to the total project cost below, and as a revenue source on the CIP revenue summary sheet. Project Changes~Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to add $117,820 in projects for FY03-04:$104,320 for roof replacement at the Scottsville Community Center, and $13,500 for roof replacement at the Meadows Community Center. Project Justification: Maintenance and replacement projects generally repair and enhance existing facilities to make them more enjoyable and, in many cases, safer. Some projects reduce annual operating expenses by improving efficiency or reducing the frequency of repeated repairs. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, ~ continued deterioration of facilities will make them le functional, safe and enjoyable. Not funding the enhancemen also would result in maintenance of the status quo at best. Location/Site Status: Various locations Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no associate operating costs. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technic, Committee recommends funding for these projects as requestec Board Action: The Board approved funding for these project as recommended. Pro|ect,TL Prior FY 99/0..0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ITL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total Ongoing 197,500 21,730 39,000 59,900 68,000 117,820I 306,450[ Less: CiO; ** Oneoine 6,500 0 14,500'*. 0 9,200..**. 0[ 23,700'* [ Net Request Ongoing 191,000 21,730 24,500 59,900 58,800 117,820 ] 282,750[ NetRecomm Ongoing 191,000 21,730 24,500 59,900 58,800 117,820 282,750 Operating 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Includes Land Acquisition? No ** City reimbursements for its share of project costs in FY01 ($14,500) and FY03 ($9,200.) These revenues are shown on the CIP revenue summary sheet as well. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 81 Parks & Recreation Maintenance/Replacement Projects Department Name: Parks & Recreation FY 1999-00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bleacher Replacement at Scottsville & Greenwood Cmty. Ctrs. & Scottsville Elem. Park Enhancement (Greenwood Kitchen, Downstairs Enhancement, Totier Picnic Sites and Bridge) Total 1. ICNA Barn & Tenant House Painting & Repairs (City will reimburse 50% of cost) 2. Park Enhancements (Scottsville Community Center sidewalk) 3. 4. 5. 6. Total 1. Burley Baseball Field Repairs (Fencing, Dugouts, Bleachers) 2. Scottsville Gym Light Fixture Replacement 3. Park Enhancements 4. Scottsville / Greenwood CC Electrical Upgrade 5. Ct. Square Statue & Cannon Restoration 6. Total FY 2002-03 1. Mint Springs Maintenance Shop (Repairs & Upgrade) 2. Darden Towe Park Cross Country Trail Improvements (City will reimburse 40%) 3. Park Enhancement (Expand Swimming Dock at MSV) 4. 5. 6. Total FY 2003-04 1. Scottsville Community Center Roof Replacement 2. Meadows Community Center Roof Replacement 3. 4. 5. 6. Total FY 99/00-03/04 GRAND TOTAL: Requested Requested Project Net County Tech Cttee Board Total Cost Recomm Ap_~roved $11,730 $11,730 $11,730 $11,730 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,730 $21,130 $21,730 $21~30 $2g,000 $14,500 $14,500 $14,500 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,000 $24,500 $24,500 $24,500 $17,500 $17,500 $17 500 $17,500 $11,600 $11,600 $11,600 $11,600 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $13,300 $13,300 $13,300 $13,300 $59,900 $59,900 $59,900 $59,900 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $23,000 $13,800 $13 800 $13,800 $10,000 $10,000 $10,900 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $68,000 $58,800 $58,800 $58,800 $104 320 $104,320 $104 320 $104,320 $13,500 $13,500 $13,500 $13,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $117,820 $117,820 $117,820 $117,820 $306,450 $282,750 $282,750 $282,750 82 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Summary of Utility Improvement Projects Admin & Courts 55% Public Safety 23% Hwys & Trans 8% Utilities 1% Parks & Rec 12% Libraries 1% Proiect Name Keene Landfill Closure Total Utility Improvement Projects Approved Fiscal Total Years 475,000 FY 00-04 475,000 Unfunded Amounts Ou~Year Totals 500,000 500,000 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Keene Landfill Closure Project Contact: P. Muhlberger, Eng. & P. Ye'. New Request? Mandated Project? X CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes I Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/90- ? Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: The project is an environmental contingency fund to provide corrective action, if necessary, upon discovery of potential groundwater contaminates. Long- term monitoring of the groundwater quality is presently being provided through the operating budget. The funding projection is based upon an estimate of what "could be" required to mitigate the impact to groundwater. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to add $100,000 in additional contingency funds in FY04 to provide adequate funds for unexpected closure costs and potential groundwater problems. (This request also rounds the previously-approved FY03 project total of $97,937 to $100,000.) Additionally, long-range plans project that an additional $500,000 may be needed in FY 04/05 - 08/09, or $100,000/year. These additional funds are shown below, in the "Out Year" column. Project Justification: Completion of DEQ mandated project requirements. Relationship to Plan: Goal 9, Objective 9, Strategy D of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: Failure to proceed would be a violation of Federal and State regulations. Location/Site Status: End of State Route 704 - Map 121 & 129. Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no associated operating costs. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project, as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Pro|ect TL Prior FY 99/00 F.y 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03. F~. 03/04 } TL 00-04 ] Out Year Project Total 2,565,808 1,590,808 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000I 475,000 [ 500,000 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less:Other _0 ~. 0 O 0 0 0 0I _0I O NetRequest 2,565,808 1,590,808 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 I 475,000 [ 500,000 NetRecomna 2,565,808 1,590,808 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 475,000 500,000 Operating * Includes Land Acquisition? No 84 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Tourism Fund Summary In FY 1997/98, a Tourism Fund was established with revenue from an increase in the County's transient occupancy (hotel/motel) tax for the purpose of funding tourism-related expenditures, including capital projects that promote tourism in the County. (By state law, the proceeds of the increased lodging tax may be used only for projects that promote tourism.) Two projects currently funded by tourism revenues are the Rivanna Greenway Access and Path project, and the Ivy Road Bike Lane project. The FY 99/00 - 03/04 approved CIP includes a third project, the River Access Improvement project, to improve public river access at Warren Ferry and at river access points county-wide. A summary of recommended Tourism Fund revenues and expenditures, including capital project revenues and expenditures, are presented below. A more detailed breakout of capital project revenues and expenditures is presented on the following pages. Tourism Fund Revenues: State Reimb. (Rivanna Greenway) Transfer from General Fund (1) Total ~'Y99/00 I~00/01 FY01~02 FY02~03 FY03~0401! Total 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 684,720 680,300 704,829 729,498 753,205] 3,556,552 709,720 684,300 704,829 729,498 753,2051 3,581,552 Tourism Fund Expenditures: FY gg/o0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 Visitor's Bureau (2) Tourism Development (3) Virginia Film Festival Virginia Festival of the Book Tourism Reserve Ivy Road Bike Lanes Rivanna Greenway Access & Path River Access Improvements Total 129,250 133,128 137,121 141,235 145,472 150,000 149,908 154,405 159,809 165,003 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 330,470 356,265 136,802 383,454 363,730 0 0 231,500 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 34,000 50,000 25,000 2~,000 25,000 25,000 709,720 684,300 704,829 729,498 753,205 (1) Based on projected transient occupancy tax revenues from the Department of Finance. (2) Assumes annual increase of 3%. (3) Increases by same percentage as transient occupancy tax revenues, annually. Total 686,206 779,125 50,000 50,000 1,570,720 231,500 64,000 150,000 3,581,552 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Tourism Fund Capital Project Revenues Tourism Fund Capital Project Revenues $445,500 State Reimbursements 6% Tourism Revenues 94% State Reimb. (Rivanna Greenway) Tourism Fund Revenues Total FYgg/o0 FYO0/01 FY01~02 FY02/03 FYd3/~4011 25,000 0 0 0 55,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000~ 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000~ To~I 25,000 420,500 445,500 86 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Tourism Fund Capital Project Costs Hwys. & Trans. 52% Park & Rec. 48% Ivy Road Bike Lanes Rivanna Greenway Access & Path River Access Improvements Total FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 0'1/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 O!I 0 0 231,500 0 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000] 30,000 0 0 0 34,000~ 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,000~ To~l 231,500 150,000 64,000 445,500 Capital Improvement Program FY1999/2000 - 200:1/2004 Tourism Fund Capital Projects Five-Year Project/Expenditure Summary Total Other Net County Type Pro_iect Cost Funding Count_v Prior TOURISM FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS Rev Ivy Road Bike Lanes 287,000 0 287,000 55,500 Rev Rivanna Greenway Access & Path Ongoing 140,000 Ongoing 375,000 New River Access Improvements Ongoing 0 Ongoing 0 Subtotal 287,000 140,000 287,000 430,500 TOTAL TOURISM CIP PROJECTS TOTAL TOURISM CIP REVENUES OVER/UNDER 287,000 140,000 287,000 430,500 FY 00-04 Total 231,500 150,000 64.000 445,500 445,500 88 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 · ' 1 Tourism Fund Capita Projects Five-Year Project/Expenditure Summary (Continued) FY 99~00 FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 02~03 FY 03~04 0 0 231,500 0 0 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 30.000 Q Q Q 34.000 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,00( 80,000 25,000 256,500 25,000 59,00( 80,000 ~ ~ 25.000 59.000 0 0 0 0 0 Total FY 00-04 231,50£ 150,000 64.000 445,500 445,50C 445.50C 0 Unfunded Out-Year 0 0 0 0 -- Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2005/2004 Tourism Fund Capital Projects Cumulative Net Operating Cost Impact * TOURISM FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS Prior Rivanna Greenway Access & Path .~.!ve r .~.cce~_~_ Subtotal FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03104 8,000 !3.880 2~.880 9,700 11,400 13,100 14,800 !4,295 !4,725 !5,!70 3!.250 23,995 26,125 28,270 46,050 To~lOO~z 57,000 146,320i Unfunded Out-Year * Operating costs to be funded with tourism revenues in the Tourism Fund. 90 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 _l Ivy Road Bike Lanes Project Contact: D. Benish, Planning New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: FY 9 7_ FY 99 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need~Service? Project Description: This project constructs shared bike lanes along the Ivy Road Corridor (Route 250 West), from the City limits to the Route 250/29 Bypass. HoPefully, this project can be timed with the improvements to Ivy Road in the City. Timing for construction of that project has not been set, however, right of way acquisition is anticipated in FY 01/02. Relationship to Plan: Th~s project is consistent w~th the Ivy Road Design Study, the City/County Bicycle Plan and the Lewis Mountain-University Heights Neighborhood Study. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, safety for bicyclists and vehicles would continue to be eompror~sed. Project Changes~Reasons for Revisions: Project funding has been moved back two years (from FY00 to FY02) to coordinate with the Ivy Road improvemem project in the City. Project Justification: This project will enhance the Entrance Corridor status of Rou~e 250 West and improve the safety of the cor~dor. The large UVA student population in this area generates considerable pedestrian and bicycle traffic and the corridor is' subject to high traffic volume and multiple mining movements. The construction of these ~mprovements w~ll help to implement the Ivy Road Corridor Plan. The County will continue to pursue £maneial participation in this project from UVA, but the status of their pa~cipation is unknown at this t~ae. Location/Site Status: Route 250 West (Ivy Road) Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no associated operating costs. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Commi~ee recommends funding for this project as requested, through the County Tourism Fund. Board ~lction: The Board approved funding for t~is project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 } TL 00-04 ] Unfunde! Net Requ~t 287,000 55~500 231,500 ~ 231,~00 ~ N~ Recomm 2~,000 55,500 231,~00 231,500 Opera~n~ ' * InCludes Land Acquisition? Yes orNo Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Rivanna Greenway Access & Path Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req,? Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: January 97- ? Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This request provides funding to implement the Rivanna Greenway Plan, and is part of a two-phase project to £trst purchase and develop an accessible section of Greenway along the Rivarma Reservoir, and then to implement the Rivanna Greenway Plan. Phase I of the project, begun in FY96, funded the purchase of four acres of property to be used in conjunction with land proffers to develop an accessible section of Greenway along the Rivanna Reservoir. FY98 funding improved/relocated the existing boat ramp and provided parking for 35 car/trailers and 15 cars at the water treatment plant on the Reservoir. Phase II of the project requests funding of $25,000 per year, beginning in FY99, to implement the Rivanna Greenway Plan. These funds may be used to purchase land, easements, or fund construction, depending on the opportunities available. While the highest priority is on the development of the Rivanna Greenway, consideration would be given to developing associated greenways, such as Moore's Creek, if no progress could be made on Rivanna m a given year or if an unusual opportunity became available. The State is projected to contribute $165,000 to this project in FY99/O0. An ISTEA awarded to the City and County will be used to offset $140,000 of the total project cost in FY00, thereby reducing the County's net obligation. The remaining $25,000 in Virginia Trail Fund matching grant funds, that must be 'fronted' by the County. (As such, these funds appear both as an offset to the total cost below, and as a revenue source on the CIP revenue summary sheet.) Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: This project is revised to add $25,000 in FY03/04 for continued implementation of the Greenway Plan. Project Justification: The Rivanna Greenway is proposed along a 12-mile section of the Rivanna River from ICNA to the Milton area. Portions of the Greenway trail need to be made handicapped accessible. Boat access improvements are necessary to improve safety and provide adequate parking. The project also will provide bank- fishing access to the reservoir. Relationship to Plan: Goal of protecting surface and ground water supplies and promoting the efficient use of County resources. This project insures the preservation and use ora significant section of the Rivanna Greenway corridor. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, a decent and handicapped accessible access to the reservoir may never exist. Regular funding is necessary to make the Greenway a reality. Location/Site Status: Route 659 near Water Treatment Plant. Rivanna River Corridor. Other Stream corridors. Operating Cost Breakdown: Operating costs cover gate openings and closings, trash pick-up, safety checks, and hazard removal. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project as requested, through the County Tourism Fund. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 I TL 00-04 [ Unfunded Project Total Ongoing 375,000 190,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Less:Fees Less:Revenues Less: State ** 165,000 ** Net Request Ongoing 375,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 ] 125,000 [ Net Recomm. Ongoing 375,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Operating Ongoing Ongoing 8,000 9,700 11,400 13,100 14,800 57,000 · Includes LandAcquisition? Yes or No ** Includes $140,000 in direct cost offset and $25,000 in matching grant funds in FY00, which the County must "front" and the State reimburse. This State reimbursement is reflected on the CIP revenue summary sheet as well. 92 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 · River Access Improvements Project Contact: P. Mullaney, Parks & Rec. CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Project Dates: 7/99 - Ongoing New Request? Continuation ? Revised? X Mandated Project? Documented Project/Need? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: This request provides funding to unprove public river access in Albemarle County. FY99/00 funding includes the purchase of 5 acres of land at Warren Ferry on the James River. Also included are funds to install fencing and an access gate, as well as minor grading for the parking area. The FY03/04 request is the first year of an annual appropriation to improve other fiver access points such as Hat?on, Howardsville, Rockfish River, etc. The Warren Ferry access request was actually funded in a previous year, but those funds were eliminated in a budget reduction this year due to an anticipated revenue short fall. ProjeCt Justification: Currently the only public land at this heavily used access is a 30ft. fight-of-way to the fiver. The adjacent property owner actually disputes the existence of the right-of-way. Due to heavy use, the 30-ft. fight-of-way is not sufficient to serve all users, leading to trespassing on private property and a host of other problems. Relationship to Plan: This project is consistent with the Open Space Plan section of the Parks and Recreation element of the Community Facilities Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: Implications- The property needs to be secured in some manner for public use, ol current problems will continue. Alternatives - It is possible that a long-tern lease may be arranged with the property owner Location/Site Status: FY99/00 - Warren Ferry- James River FY03/04 and beyond: Countywide. Operating Cost Breakdown: Ongoing operating costs o~ $13,880/year (in inflation adjusted dollars) are expected beginning in FY99/00 for: salary costs associated with dail) gate opening & closing gate, trash pick-up, and polic~ coverage on busy May through September weekends; and fo~ operating costs associated with Porta Johns, parking, and ramt repairs. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Techniea Committee recommends funding for this project as requested through the County Tourism Fund. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Project TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/0i' FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ]TL 00-04 [ Unfunde Project Total Ongoing 0 30,000 34,000 [ 64,000 I Less:Fees I I Less:Revenues [ I Less:Other O_ O_ 0 0I O[ Net Request Ongoing 0 30,000 34,000 I 64,000 I Net Recomm. Ongoing 0 30,000 34,000 64,000 Operating Ongoing 0 13,880 14,295 14,725 15,170 31,250 89,320 * Includes Land Acquisition? Yes Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 School Division CIP Fund Summary As noted in the introduction, the approved FY 99/00 - FY 03/04 School Division CIP incorporates the following recommendations related to School Division capital projects: Recommended expenditures shall not exceed available resources. As previously mentioned, limited resources restrict both the number and size of capital improvement projects the County is able to undertake each year. Based on available cash revenues, and previously approved levels of debt and debt service for school division projects, the Technical Committee initially had recommended that $10.5 million in requested school projects be deferred from the five-year CIP. However, to meet school capital needs, the Board of Supervisors approved $10.5 million in additional VPSA loans to fund all of the unfunded requested school projects. The additional debt service on these school projects would be paid by re-allocating $4.2 million in current revenues used for school maintenance/repair projects to debt service. Additionally, the Board approved the Committee's recommendation to leave several capital projects in an undesignated "out year" beyond the five-year plan. These "out year" projects either do not have an identified funding source, do not have a defined funding year, or represent additional expenditures expected to be incurred beyond the five-year plan. School Division "out year" projects total $10.2 million and include $8.1 million in anticipated Monticello High School Addition costs, $1.4 million in maintenance and repair projects, and $0.4 million in continued funding for the Scottsville Elementary library addition project. The County shall continue to fund as many maintenance/replacement projects as it can out of current revenues, and bond only those projects projected to have a useful life of 20 years or more. Although currenl revenues were unable to fund all of the requested School Division maintenance and repair projects, which tota/ $6.5 million, the approved CIP allocates approximately $1.6 million in current revenues to school divisior maintenance projects over the 5-year period. (This allocation is less than the $5.2 million originally proposer by the Technical Committee, due to the re-allocation of approximately $4.2 million in capital outlay to schoo debt service.) The County shall continue to fund computer/technology purchases with current revenues, instead o borrowed funds. Since technology purchases typically have a useful life of 3-5 years, funding these purchase through the sale of 20-year bonds is not fiscally prudent. As such, both the Technical Committee and Boar of Supervisors continue to recommend that technology needs be funded only with current revenues, or othe non-borrowed sources of funding, such as state revenues (when available), or other local funds. Over the ne: five years, $2.32 million in school technology projects are approved, using funding available from curre~ revenues such as interest earned, and fund balance. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/'2000 - 2003/2004 Approved FY 99/00- 03/04 CIP The approved School CIP, which totals $44.8 m/Ilion, presents a funding scenario in which the majority of School Division projects are funded with VPSA bonds in the mount of $40,895,563. The $40.9 million in approved schOol VPSA bonds represent an increase of $14.7 million over the $26.2 million originally proposed by the CIP Technical Committee. The debt service on these additional borrowed funds would be paid by re-allocating the School Division's $4.2 million five-year CIP transfer to debt service. The approved CIP includes funding for one new project, the Scottsville Library Addition ($75,000), adds $8.9 million in construction costs for the Southern Urban Elementary School, and funds significant cost increases in several existing projects. These increases include the following: a $4.6 million increase in the cost of the Burley Addition/Renovation project (to enlarge the capacity of the school from 436 to 616 and bring everything from the annex into the main building), a $2.4 million increase in the Jouett Addition/Renovation project (to increase the capacity of the school from 511 to 690 students), a $2.4 m/Ilion increase in the Northern Area Elementary project (to expand the planned capacity of the school from 400 to 600 students), and $3.5 million in additional Southern Elementary School costs. The approved School Division CIP also includes a $100,000 transfer to the school operating budget for operational expenditures. This transfer, approved as an addition to the Technical Committee's recommendation, is reflected as an expenditure of the School CIP Fund and is funded by adding $100,000 in fund balance revenues, for a total of $600,000 in School Division CIP fund balance revenues for FY00. Finally, an additional $10.2 million in school CIP projects remain within an undesignated "out year" beyond the scope of this five-year CIP, either because an appropriate funding source could not be found, because the timing of the projects is undetermined, or because additional related expenditures were expected beyond this five-year CIP. School Division CIP Fund summary information is presented on the following pages. Descriptions of individual school projects are published separately in the document titled "Albemarle County Public Schools Approved Capital Improvements Program: FY 99/00 -FY 03/04." 96 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 School Division CIP Fund Revenues Approved School Division CIP Fund Revenues $44,795,563 State Construction Funds 4% Fund Balance 3% Interest 1% VPSA Bonds 92% FY 99/00 FY 00/0'! FY 0'i/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 CIP Fund Balance General Fund Transfer to CIP (1) Interest Earned State Construction Funds VPSA Bonds Total 600,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,00( 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,835,805 11,947,640 8,782,695 7,793,830 9,535,593 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 (1) Reflects transfer of these funds to the School Division Debt Service fund. Total 1,400,000 0 500,000 2,000,000 40,895,563 44,795,563 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 School Division CIP Fund Expenditures Approved School Division CIP Fund Projects $44,795,563 Northern Area Elem. 25% Southern Urban Elern. 21% Monticello High Addition 1% Technology Projects 5% Transfer to Operations <1% Additions/Renovations 32% Maintenance/Replacement 15% Mandated Projects 1% FY 99/00 FY O0/Ol 1,271,504 10,043,000 3,935,805 12,647,640 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 Northern Area Elem. 0 0 Southern Urban Elem. 0 0 500,000 3,000,000 Monticello High Addition 0 0 0 0 Technology Projects 509,700 300,000 465,865 520,000 Maint./Repl. Projects 1,184,367 604,640 1,743,830 1,343,830 Mandated Projects 30,000 0 0 0 Additions/Renovations 840,234 1,700,000 6,773,000 3,630,000 Txft. to School Ops. 100,000 0_ _0 0 Total 9,482,695 0 5,770,000 330,000 520,000 1,632,593 215,000 1,768,000 8,493,830 10,235,593 Total 11,314,5O4 9,270,000 330,000 2,315,565 6,509,260 245,000 14,711,234 100,000 44,795,563 Unfunded Out Year 0 230,000 8,068,000 0 1,438,153 0 420,000 O10,156,153 98 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 New/Expanded School Division Projects Available Revenues: FY004)4 School Division CIP Fund: Total Prior Additional New Approved Request Request FY 00-03 FY 004)3 FY04 Northern Area Elementary Recreation 500.000 Southern Area Elern. School Rec. AHS Restoration 649.000 Administrative Technology 260.000 Brownsville Addition 1.211~.000 CATEC Cosmetology Lab 38.234 Cale Addition (Alterations) 680,000 (880,000) Crozet Kitchen 65.000 Henley Renovation Hollyrnead Gym Restrms 100,000 Instructional Technology 1,585,565 (50,000) Monticello High Addition 330,000 (330,000) Murray High Renovations 864.000 Northern Elementary 8,404,000 2,410,504 WAHS Renovations 269.000 233.000 Western High Window Repl. Budey Library Add/Renovation 2.177.500 4.622,500 Jouett Add/Renovation 166.650 2.448.350 Red Hill Expansion 1,260,000 (1,260,000) Scottsville Library Add. Southern Urban Elem. 30.000 3.470.000 Walton Add. 121.650 (21,650) ADA Structural Changes 30,000 Maintenance Replacement 4.429.420 447,247 Transfer to School Operations TOTAL REQUESTED SCHOOL PROJ. 335.000 70,000 200.000 757,000 450,000 330.000 230.000 75.000 5,435,000 506,000 215.000 1,632,593 Total Request FY 004)4 44,796,563 500.000 335.000 649,000 330.000 1,2'10,000 38,234 65,000 200,000 857,000 1.985.565 330,000 864.500 10,814,504 502,000 230,000 6,800,000 2,615,000 75,000 8,935,000 606,000 245,000 6,509,260 23,270,019 11,t89,951 10,235,593 44,695,563 Total Total Approved Available FY 004)4 Revenues 500.000 44.295,563 335.000 43.960.563 649,000 43.311.563 330.000 42.981.563 1,210,000 41,771,563 38.234 41.733.329 41,733,329 65.000 41.668,329 200.000 41.468.329 857.000 40,611,329 1,985,565 38.625.764 330.000 38.295,764 864,000 37,431,764 10,814,504 26.617.260 502,000 26,115,260 230.000 25.885.260 6,800,000 19,085,260 2.615,000 16.470,260 16,470,260 75.000 16,395,260 8.935.000 7.460.260 606,000 6,854,260 245.000 6,609,260 6,509,260 100.000 100.000 44,795,563 Total Out Year 230.000 8.068.000 420.000 1.438.153 10,t56,153 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 School Division CIP Fund Project Financing Detail Projects/Revenues FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 0~03 FY 03/04 { Total 004)4I Out Year Aooroved Revenues Proposed VPSA Bonds 2,835,805 11,947,640 8,782,695 7,793,830 9,535,593 40,895,563 Interest Earned 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 ClP Fund Balance 600,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,400,000 State Construction Funds 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 General Fund Transfer to CIP tl~ - Total Recomm. Revenues 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 44,795,563 Projects Funded from Current Revenues: Administrative Technology (Schools) 70,000 50,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 330,000 Instructional Technology (Schools) 439,700 250,000 395,865 450,000 450,000 1,985,565 Maintenance/Replacement Projects 590,300 400,000 234,135 180,000 180,000 1,564,435 Transfer to School Ooerations 100.000 - 100.000 Subtotal Projects/Current Revenues 1,200,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 4,000,000 ~rolects Funded from Borrowed Funds: Northern Area ElementarY Recreation 300,000 200,000 500,000 Southern Area Elem. School Rec. - 335,000 335,000 230,000 AHS Restoration 649,000 649,000 Brownsville Addition 120,000 1,090,000 - 1,210,000 CATEC Cosmetology Lab 38,234 38,234 Crozet Kitchen 65,000 - 65,000 Henley Renovation - 200,000 200,000 Hollymead Gym Restrms - 100,000 757,000 857,000 Monticello High Addition 330,000 330,000 8,068,000 Murray High Renovations 864,000 - 864,000 Northem ElementarY 971,504 9,843,000 - 10,814,504 ~/AHS Renovations 502,000 - o - 502,000 Western High Window Repl. 230,000 230,000 Burley LibrarY Add/Reno(Lib) 300,000 1,700,000 4,800,000 - 6,800,000 Jouett Add/Reno - 275,000 2,340,000 - 2,615,000 ;cottsville Library Add. - 75,000 75,000 420,000 Southern Urban Elem. 500,000 3,000,000 5,435,000 8,935,000 ~/alton Add. - 100,000 506,000 606,000 ~,DA Structural Changes 30,000 215,000 245,000 Maintenance Roolacement 594.067 204.640 1.509.695 1.163.830 1.452.593 4.924.825 1.438.153 Subtotal 2,735,805 11,947,640 8,782,695 7,793,830 9,535,593 40,795,563 10,156,153 rTotal Available Revenues 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 44,795,563 rotal APproved Projects 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 44,795,563 Annual Surplus/Shortfall - Cumulative Balance (1) Reflects transfer of these funds to School Debt Service Fund. 1 O0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 This page is intentionally blank. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 School Division CIP Fund Five-Year Project/Expenditure Summary Type Cont New Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont New New New New New Rev Rev Total Other Net County Project Cost Funding County_ Prior Northern Area Elementary Recreation Southern Area Elem. School Rec. AHS Restoration Administrative Technology Brownsville Addition CATEC Cosmetology Lab Crozet Kitchen Henley Renovation Hollymead Gym Restrms Instructional Technology Monticello High Addition Murray High Renovations Northern Elementary WAHS Renovations Western High Window Repl. Budey Library Add/Reno(Lib) Jouett Add/Reno Scottsville Library Add. Southern Urban Elem. Walton Add. ADA Structural Changes Maintenance Replacement Transfer to SchooJ Operations Subtotal TOTAL SCHOOL ClP PROJECTS TOTAL SCHOOL CIP REVENUES OVER/UNDER 500,000 0 500,000 565,000 565,000 0 2,215,000 2,215,000 1,566,000 632,500 632,500 302,500 1,210,000 1,210,000 0 76,468 38,234 38,234 0 65,000 65,000 0 200,000 200,000 0 857,000 857,000 0 5,082,215 5,082,215 3,096,650 8,398,000 8,398,000 0 1,029,000 1,029,000 165,000 11,218,000 393,496 10,824,504 10,000 4,220,375 4,220,375 3,718,375 230,000 230,000 0 6,800,000 6,800,000 2,615,000 2,615,000 495,000 495,000 8,935,000 8,935,000 606,000 606,000 1,175,963 0 1,175,963 930,963 10,127,053 10,127,053 2,179,640 100.000 0 100.000 0 67,352,574 431,730 66,920,844 11,969,128 67,352,574 43t,730 66,920,844 11,969,128 FY 00-O4 Total 500,000 335,000 649,000 330,000 1,210,000 38,234 65,000 200,000 857,000 1,985,565 330,00O 864,000 10,814,504 502,000 230,000 6,800,000 2,615,000 75,000 8,935,000 606,000 245,000 6,509,260 100.000 44,795,563 44,795,563 102 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 School Division CIP Fund Five-Year Preject/Expenditure Summary FY 99t00 FY ooto~ ~ ET_D2/~ FY 03t04 300,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 335,000 0 0 649,000 0 0 70,000 50,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 120,000 1,090,000 0 38,234 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 100,000 757,000 439,700 250,000 395,865 450,000 450,000 0 0 0 0 330,000 0 0 864,000 0 0 971,504 9,843,000 0 0 O' 502,000 0 0 0 O' 0 0 0 0 230,000 300,000 1,700,000 4,800,000 0 0 0 0 275,000 2,340,000 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 0 0 500,000 3,000,000 5,435,000 0 0 0 100,000 506,000 30,000 0 0 0 215,000 1,184,367 604,640 1,743,830 1,343,830 1,632,593 100.000 Q Q Q Q 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 3,935.805 ~ ~ ~ ~' 0 0 0 0 0 Total FY 00-04 500,00( 335,00~ 649,000 330,00¢ 1,210,000 38,234 65,000 200,000 857,000 1,985,565 330,000 864,000 10,814,504 502,000 230,00~ 6,800,000 2,615,000 75,000 8,935,000 606,000 245,000 6,509,260 100.000 44,795,563 44,795,563 44,795,563 0 230,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,068,000 0 0 (~ 0 ~ 0 0 O' 0 0 0 0 420,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,438,153 0 10,156,153 10,156,153 Q -10,156,153 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 School Division CIP Fund Cumulative Net Operating Budget Impact SCHOOL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS Prior Northern Area Elementary Rec. 0 Administrative Technology 97,300 Brownsville Addition 0 Hollymead Gym Restrms 0 Instructional Technology 894,980 Monticello High Addition 0 Northern Elementary 0 Burtey Library Add/Reno(Lib) 0 Jouett Add/Reno 0 Scottsville Library Add. 0 ].': , 0 Subtotal 992,28C FYg9/00 FY00/01 FY01102 FY 02~03 FY 03104 0 0 8,920 9,370 9,83~ 51,033 90,000 105,000 111,000 114,330 0 0 17.200 17,71~ 0 0 4,10(; 80,000 183,993 284,372 390,452 402,165 0 0 0 0 0 85,000 774,050 797,270 821,190 0 0 0 66,000 67,980 0 0 0 0 38,400 0 0 0 0 13`1,033 358,993 1,172,342 1,39'1,292 1,475,7t Total 00-04 28,125 471,363 . 34,g15 4,100 1,34o,982 0 2,477,509 133,980 38,400 0 4,529,374 Unfunded Out-Year 0 0 0 0 0 89,300 0 0 0 2,500 817.790 909,590 104 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Stormwater CIP Fund Revenues Stormwater CIP Fund Revenues $110,000 General Fund Transfer to CIP 100% General Fund Transfer to CIP Total FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 o ~ ~ o,ooo o o 0 110,000 0 0 Total 110,000 110,000 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 105 Stormwater Expenditures Stormwater CIP Fund Expenditures $110,000 Drainage/Erosion Correction 45% County Master Drainage 55% County Master Drainage Program Drainage/Erosion Correction Total FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 0'i/02 FY 02/03 60,000 50,000 110,000 FY 03/04 '~0 Total 60,000 50,000 110,000 106 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 This page is intentionally blank. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 107 Stormwater CIP Fund Five-Year Project/Expenditure Summary Total Other Net County Project Cost Funding County Prior STORMWATER FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS Cont County Master Drainage Program 555,000 45,000 510,000 450,000 Cont Drainage/Erosion Correction 450.000 0 450,000 200.000 Subtotal 1,005,000 45,000 960,000 650,000 TOTAL STORMWATER PROJECTS TOTAL STORMWATER REVENUES OVER/UNDER 1,005,000 45,000 960,000 650,000 FY 00-04 Total 60,000 50.000 110,000 110,000 t 08 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Stormwater CIP Fund Five-Year Project/Expenditure Summary (Continued) FY 99100 FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 60,000 50.000 110,000 110,000 0 0 110.000 fl Q 0 0 0 Total FY 00-04 60,000 50.000 110,000 110,000 110,000 0 Unfunded Out-Year 0 200.000 200,000 200,000 0 -200,000 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 109 County. Master. Drainage P, rogram. CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation ? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: July 94 - June O1 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: The purpose of this project is to study the major streams in Albemarle County and their associated watersheds to identify and correct drainage problems from existing and future development. Additionally, this project would develop a master drainage plan for the County in anticipation of new Virginia State and Federal EPA stormwater management regulations. The County has been divided into drainage basin areas and prioritized. The Moores Creek and South Fork Rivanna (urban area) watershed studies have been completed. A strategy for correction projects, generated by these and furore studies, has been prepared. The City and University of Virginia each have contributed prior year funding to this project. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: There have been no changes or revisions to this project. However, an extension of this project may be requested in future CIP's, given the number of projects still awaiting funding. Location/Site Status: County wide. Project Justification: This project is needed: 1) to meet the 1998 Virginia Stormwater Regulations; 2) to prepare for the new Federal EPA discharge criteria for municipalities; 3) to accommodate the specific recommendation of the Blue Ridge Neighborhood Study "Area B" of a regional stormwater management plan; 4) to continue to study and develop strategies to address water quality, drainage and flooding impacts of development; and 5) to continue to expand our stormwater modeling program and stormwater management planning for major watersheds of Albemarle County. Relationship to Plan: Goal 8, Objective 9, Strategy D; and Goal 5, Objectives 2, 3 and 5 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, the County will be unable to continue its study, modeling, water quality monitoring, evaluation and stormwater management efforts. The lack of such efforts will be detrimental to the properties and waterways of the residents of Albemarle County, as well as the Chesapeake Bay and other downstream waters. Also if not funded, the County will be unprepared when Phase II of the EPA discharge regulations commence. Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no associated operating costs. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project, as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Proiect TL Prior. FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/0.4. TL 00-04 I Unfunded Project Total 555,000 495,000 0 60,000 0 0 0 I 60,000 I Less.' Fees [ [ Less:UVA 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 0I 0I Less: City 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 0I 0] Net Request 510,000 450,000 0 60,000 0 0 0 60,000 [ Net Recomm. 510,000 450,000 0 60,000 0 0 0 60,000 Operating * Includes LandAcquisition? No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 111 Drainage/Erosion Correction Project Contact: J. Kelsey, Eng. & P.W. New Request? I Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? XI Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 7/94- 6/01 (Ongoing?) Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X .~roject Description: This project will provide funds for the · xpedifious response and correction of flooding, erosion and drainage related problems. Use of the funds shall be limited to incidents that are not covered under VDOT, Homeowner's Associations, or any other maintenance agreement, but which are a public use and/or a public health, safety and welfare concern. The program criteria may require property owners to . contribute a share depending on the specific situation. This would be revenue that cannot be estimated at this time. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: The effectiveness of this program will be evaluated in FY00/01. Based on the past success of this program, we anticipate that continued funding will be requested. Therefore, we have included an additional $200,000 in potential out year funding (representing annual requests of approximately $40,000/yr.) Project Justification: This project is needed to provide relief from flooding and erosion of properties downstream from the sources of stormwater runoff. The County may be liable for the downstream effects under specific circumstances. Relationship to Plan: Goal 8, Objective 9, Strategy D of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: If not funded, individual funding requests will need to be submitted erratically over the fiscal year and the amount of staff time required will continue to increase. Location/Site Status: County-wide Operating Cost Breakdown: There are no additional operating costs at this time. Technical Committee Recommendation: The Technical Committee recommends funding for this project, as requested. Board Action: The Board approved funding for this project as recommended. Pro|ecl TL Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 ' TL 00-04 ] Out Year Project Total 450,000 200,000 0 50,000 0 0 0 I 50,000 I 200,000 Less: Revenues Less: Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_. 0 { 0 NetRequest 450,000 200,000 0 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 ] 200,000 Net Recomtta 450,000 200,000 0 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 200,000 Operating ut Includes Land Acq isition. No Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Debt Service Fund Summary The FY 1999/00 - 2003/04 approved CIP places significant emphasis on the relationship between total indebtedness and debt service obligations by presenting debt service revenues and expenditures in a Separate section within the CIP document. The purpose of presenting debt service in this manner is to highlight the actual operating budget impact of financing capital projects with borrowed funds, and to ensure that sufficient revenues are available to fund any additional debt service costs incurred. The approved FY 00-04 CIP presents a funding scenario in which the majority of School Division projects, including $4.9 million of the major repair and maintenance projects are funded with VPSA bonds in the amount of $40,895,563. The $40.9 million in approved VPSA bonds represents an increase of $14.7 million over the $26.2 million originally proposed by the Technical Committee. The debt service on these additional borrowed funds will be paid by re-allocating the $4.2 million in proposed General Fund CIP transfer revenues to the School Division Debt Service Fund. General Government borrowed funds total $21.1 million, an increase of $19.7 million over the Technical Committee's recommendation. This increase includes $15.million for the County's share of a neTM City/County courthouse facility, $4.6 million for a public safety facility, and $1.53 million for an urban gymnasium. These three projects would be funded with general obligation debt issued in FY02, contingent upon voter approval in a referendum, and would require additional resources in the form of a tax rate increase. This $19.7 million increase also is net of the $1.5 million in borrowed funds previously approved for the Juvenile Detention Facility. (This project was deleted from the County's CIP, since the Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Commission now will borrow and expend funds for this facility.) The County's share of the principal and interest payments on the Commission's loan for the Juvenile Detention Facility will be funded with savings realized from a budgeted interest rate reduction on school division bond issues. Previously, debt service on the Juvenile Detention Facility was budgeted as an expense of the CIP, to be funded from the General Fund transfer to the General Government CIP. In an effort to separate debt service from capital expenses, and to free up scarce revenues for general government capital projects, however, the Board approved a Technical Committee recommendation to fund these debt service costs with the savings realized from a budgeted interest rate reduction on school division bond issues (from 7% to 6.5%,) instead of from CIP revenues. These budget savings, and the associated debt service expenses, then would be transferred to the General Government Debt Service Fund for accounting purposes. (The Board also approved a recommendation to pay the debt service on the 800MHz Communication System, approved last year, out of the General Government Debt Service Fund using current revenues transferred from the CIP.) Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 113 Debt Service Fund Detail Projects/Revenues FY 99~00 FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 02/03 FY 03104 Total 00-04 Revenue Summary - General Govt. Capital Improvement Fund ~,vailable Resources: Borrowed Funds - Juvenile Det. - - - - Borrowed Funds - Courthouse 250,000 7,375,000 7,375,000 15,000,000 Borrowed Funds - Pub Saf Facility ~ 4,600,000 4,600,000 Borrowed Funds - Urban Gym ~ 1,530,000 1,530,000 Courthouse Maintenance Funds 41,200 44,000 46,800 49,600 52,400 234,000 City Reimbursements 14,500 18,000 127,400 405,000 564,900 UVA Reimbursements 10,000 35,000 405,000 450,000 Interest 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 CIP Fund Balance 20,000 20,000 23,128 - 63,128 General Fund Transfer to CIP 2.157.930 2.247.930 2.447.312 2.801.952 3.098.458 12.753.582 Subtotal Revenues 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 10,438,952 10,t40,858 35,445,610 Approved Projects: 2,269,130 2,626,430 9,970,240 t9,438,952 10,140,858 35,445,610 Excess RevenuellShortfa!l). - Cumulative Shortfall - - Unfunded Gen. Govt. Projects (475,635) (216,630) (100,000) (43;771 (836,0361 Revenue Summary - School Division Capital Improvement Fund Available Resources: VPSA Bonds 2,835,605 11,947,640 8,782,695 7,793,830 9,535,593 40,895,563 Interest Earned 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 ClP Fund Balance 600,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,400,000 State Construction Funding 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 General Fund Transfer to ClP - Subtotal Revenues 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 10,235,593 44,795,563 Approved Projects: 3,935,805 12,647,640 9,482,695 8,493,830 t0,235,593 I 44,795,563 Excess Revenuel{Shortfall) Cumulative Shortfall - - Unfunded School Projects - - Revenue & Expenditure Summary - Debt Service Fund Available Resources: Budgeted School Debt Service (1) 8,450,000 8,850,000 9,181,408 9,800,000 10,350,000 46,631,408 School Debt Service Reserve 293,846 (270,836) 610,789 275,427 161,662 1,070,888 Gen. Govt. Debt Service Reserve 363,815 230,420 594,235 E-911 Funds - Ongoing (for Debt) 152,720 152,720 152,720 152,720 152,720 763,600 Transfer fromGeneralFund 310.688 310.688 ~ 2.158.533 ~ ~ Subtotal Revenues 9,207,254 9,042,672 10,297,605 12,750,495 13,126,834 54,424,760 Debt Service Exnenditures: Ongoing Debt Service (Schools) 8,743,646 8,413,129 9,626,162 9,909,392 10,345,627 47,038,156 General Govt. Debt Service: GO Bond: Court, Pub Saf, Gym - 2,324,300 2,260,910 4,585,210 800 MHz Radio System 263,408 263,408 305,408 350,768 364,262 1,537,254 Juvenile Detention Center - 166,035 166,035 166,035 166,035 664,140 Gen. Govt. Debt Service Reserve 200,000 200,000 200,000 - . 600,000 Subtotal Expenditures 9,207,254 9,042,572 10,297,605 t2,750,495 13,126,834 54,424,760 Excess. Revenue/(Shortfall) - . Cumulative Shortfall Unfunded Courthouse Debt Svc. - 114 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 Albemarle County Long-Term Debt LonG-Term Debt Summary, FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY03 FY04 Beginning Bonded Debt(VPSA & LIT) 48,199,772 50,262,514 66,750,256 68,182,666 65.537.885 72.218,149 96,162,735 96,916,172 New Debt Issued 5,900,000 20,455,000 6,339,668 2.835.805 11,947,640 29,912,695 7.793,830 9,535,593 (1) Retired debt 3.837.258 3.967.258 4.907.258 5,4~,0,5~(} 5.267.376 5,968,108 7,04,0,393 7,292,585 ~ Net Tax Supporled Bonded Debt 50,262,514 66,750,256 68,182,666 65,537,885 72,218,149 96,162,735 96,916,172 99,159,181 Population 78,400 79.200 80,200 81,884 83,604 85,359 87.152 88,g82 (3) Estimated Property Values 6,378 6,609 7.154 7,286 7,524 7,801 8.084 8.488 (4) (in millions) GeneralFundRevenues 88.457,637 94,686,325 100,330,715 107.964,986 108,435,400 112,783,878 120,094,487 125,161,892 (5) Debt Service 6,458,494 6,780,50t 8,569,547 9,007,255 8,842,574 10,055,606 12,663,135 13,035,980 Debt Per Capita ($1,000) $641.10 $842.81 $850.16 $800.37 $863.81 $1.126.57 $1,112.04 $1,114.37 Debt to Estin'ated Value (2%) 0.79% 1.01 % 0.95% 0.90% 0.96% 1.23% 1.20% 1.17% Debt Services to Gen. Fund Revenues (10%) 7.30% 7.16% 8.54% 8.54% 8.15% 8.92% 10.54% 10.42% Note: Numbers in parentheses represent generalty accepted fiscal policy target ratios that were adopted by the Board of Supervisors in October, 1994. (1) tssued debt retirement rates assume 20 year rraturity at level principal. (2) Reflects approved FY 00-04 Cia:. School VSPA Bonds + $21,130,000 General Obligation Bond Issue in FY02. (3) Estimated population based on'CPS Estimate for FY99, projected 2.1% growth rate thereafter. (4) Estimated property values through FY98 from audits (include lend use and tax relief.) FY99 & FY00 based 1/21/99 projected revenues. FY 01-04 based on 10/22/98 revenue projections. (5) General Fund Revenue increases estimated by Dept. of Finance, 10/22/98 + Needed Tax Increases. (6) Projected interest rate is 6% for FY0~, and 6.5% thereafte on VI=SA bonds; 6% on General Government debt. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 115 Albemarle County Financial Policies (Excerpts) Approved by the Board of Supervisors, October, 1994 Capital Budget Policies 1. The County will approve an annual capital budget in accordance with an adopted Capital Improvements Program. 2. The Board of Supervisors will accept recommendations from the Planning Commission for the five-year Capital Improvements Program that are consistent with identified needs in the adopted comprehensive plan and capital facilities plan. 3. The County will coordinate the development of the capital budget with the development of the operating budget so that future operating costs, including annual debt service, associated with new capital projects will be projected and included in operating budget forecasts. 4. Emphasis will continue to be placed upon a viable level of"pay-as-you go" capital construction to fulfill needs in a Board approved Capital Improvement Program. 5. The County believes in funding a significant portion of capital improvements on a cash basis and will, therefore, increase incrementally the percentage of its capital improvements financed by current revenues. The County's goal will be to dedicate a minimum of 3% of the annual General Fund revenues allocated to the County's operating budget to the Capital Improvement Program. 6. Financing plans for the five-year capital program will be developed based upon a five-year forecast of revenues and expenditures coordinated by a capital improvements technical management team. 7. The County will begin to inventory capital facilities and estimate remaining useful life and replacement costs. 8. Upon completion of any capital project, remaining appropriated funds in that project will be returned to the undesignated capital project fund. Any transfer of remaining funds from one project to another must be approved by the Board of Supervisors. 9. The County will develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the School Board regarding the development and coordination of the County's Capital Improvement Program, which will address the following areas: a) plan for required capital improvements; b) debt ratio targets; c) debt issuance schedules. Asset Maintenance, Replacement and Enhancement Polices The County will maintain a system for maintenance, replacement and enhancement of the County's and School Division's physical plant. This system will protect the County's capital investment and minimize future maintenance and replacement costs: · The operating budget will provide for minor and preventive maintenance. · Within the Capital Improvement Program, the County will maintain a Capital Plant and Equipment Maintenance/Replacement Schedule, which will provide a five-year estimate of the funds necessary to provide for the structural, site, major mechanical/electrical rehabilitation or replacement to the County and School physical plant requiring a total expenditure of $10,000 or more with a useful life of ten years or more. · To provide for the adequate maintenance of the County's capital plant and equipment, the County intends to increase the percentage of maintenance/repair and replacement capital improvements financed with current revenues. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 117 Albemarle County Financial Policies (Excerpts) Approved by the Board of Supervisors, October, 1994 (continued) Debt Policies 1. The County will not fund current operations from the proceeds of borrowed funds. 2. The County will manage its financial resources in a way that prevents borrowing to meet working capital needs. 3. The County will confine long-term borrowing and capital leases to capital improvements or projects that cannot be financed by current revenues. 4. To the extent feasible, any year that the debt service payment falls below its current level, those savings will be used to finance one-time capital needs. 5. When the County finances capital improvements or other projects through bonds or capital leases, it will repay the debt within a period not to exceed the expected useful life of the projects. 6. The County's debt offering documents will provide full and complete public disclosure of financial condition and operating results and other pertinent credit information in compliance with municipal finance industry standards for similar issues. 7. Recognizing the importance of underlying debt to its overall financial condition, the County will set target debt ratios, which will be calculated annually and included in the annual review of fiscal trends: · Net debt per capita should remain under $1,000. · Net debt as a percentage of the estimated market value of taxable property should not exceed 2%. · The ratio of debt service expenditures as a percent of general fund revenues should not exceed 10%. 118 Capital Improvement Program FY1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Project Evaluation Criteria Project Title Mandated and Committed Projects Mandated Project - Is the project needed to meet Federal or State mandates? If so, this request will be marked at the top of the priority list or in the primary tier of projects. Historically, in the mandated category the ADA projects have been ranked higher than EPA or other environmental mandated projects. Also, projects that could subject the County to liability may be considered as mandated projects. Committed or On-going Project - Have funds for this project been appropriated in a previous CIP for purchase or construction purposes? If so, this request will be ranked in the second tier of projects. A project that has had previous funds approved for engineering or planning purposes only is not considered a committed or on-going project. Projects should be prioritized within this group based on level of commitment and/or if the project is addressing an unsafe condition (i.e. E-911 or Police Satellite Receivers should be ranked higher than the Comprehensive Assessment Administration System.) Previous Projects Not Funded/New Requests Health and Safety and Emergency Need Projects - Does this project eliminate or reduce a pressing unsafe or unhealthy condition? If so, this project will be ranked in the tertiary tier of projects. Projects within this group should be prioritized based on perceived need. All Other Projects - Scored According to How TheF Meet the Intended Criteria Comprehensive Plan or Other Documented Plans Goals, Objectives and Recommendations - Does the project meet the intent of the stated goal(s), objective(s) and/or recOmmendation(s) of the Comprehensive Plan or other documented plans (e.g., the Community Facilities Plan, Pedestrian Obstacle Study, Neighborhood Plans?) Does the project meet an adopted service or facility standard? 10 (High) 5 (Average) 0 (Low) Extent of Service - Does a large segment of the population benefit from the project? Does the project meet an obligation to serve the special needs of a segment of the population including the elderly, children, low income, physically or mentally challenged minorities? 10 (High) 5 (Average) 0 (Low) Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 119 Project Evaluation Criteria (continued) Community Economic Impact - Does deferral of the project increase the project cost? Will the project have a positive impact on the local economy or is it needed for economic development? Will the project generate revenue? 8 (High) 4 (Average) 0 (Low) Aesthetic Effects - Does the project have a positive environmental or aesthetic impact on the County? 6 (High) 3 (Average) 0 (Low) TOTAL SCORE Maintenance and Replacement Projects - Each fiscal year, a certain percentage of the available CIP funds are to be allocated automatically to maintenance and replacement projects. The role of the technical committee is to determine what percentage of current revenues can be allocated towards maintenance and replacement projects. It is not the role of the Technical Committee to prioritize individual maintenance and replacement projects to determine which projects receive funding within the annual allocation. For maintenance and replacement repairs, it will be up to the individual department submitting the request to determine which projects need to be completed within the funding year. 120 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 FY 99/00 02/03 CIP Project Scoring Project Meadow Creek Parkwav- Phase II Revenue Sharino Road Proiects Route 29 North Landscaoino Neiohborhood Traffic Calmina Initiatives WCn~t (;;rv~k Park ImprQv~ment~ Chris Greene Lake Prooertv Purchase Fire/Rescue Buildino & Eouioment Fund* Iw Road Landscaoinq Neiqhl;)qrhood Plan Implementation Pr0qram Juvenile Detention Facility Northern Area Elementary School Rec. Public Safety Facility Comp Extent of Economic Aesthetics Total Plan ~ervice Impact 10 10 6 3 29 10 10 8 0 28 10 7 4 6 27 10 10 2 2 24 10 10 2 2 24 8 3 2 10 23 8 8 5 0 23 10 7 0 6 23 10 10 0 3 23 10 lQ 2 0 22 10 10 2* 0 22 10 7 4 1 22 School Athletic Field Irriaation Scottsville Communitv Center Imorovements Southern Area Elementarv School Rec. Towe Lower Field Irriaation Crozet Park Athletic Field Develooment Rivanna Greenwav Access & Path River Access Imorovements Southern Albemarle Orcanization Park Develooment Courthouse Soace Needs Studv/Construction Iw Road Bike Lanes New Hiah School Community Recreation Facilities Parks Maintenance/Reolacement* Fire/Rescue Manaaement Software Police LAN Unarade PVCC Softball Field Liahtina Aimort Road Sidewalk County Facilities Maintenance/Replacement Court Facilitie~ Maintenance Reelac,4~ment* Georcetown Road Sidewalk Greenbrier Ext. Bicycle & Pedestrian Path New Urban Area Gvm Sidewalk Qqn~tr~tion Proqmm Greenbder/Hvdraulic Road Streetliahts County Athleti(;: Field ~tt~dy Drainaoe/ErQSion Correction IW Landfill Recreation Access DeveloPment Jack Jouett Outdoor Restrooms Seminole/Peosi Place Connector PQli~e Fidnq Ranqe Cashier Booth Imorovements Public Safetv Facilit~ St¥~y County Comouter UDarade* Library Computer UDarade Library Maintenance/Reola~gmgnt* Public Safety Mobile Command Center Transport Vehicle for Arrests 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 10 8 8 10 7 10 6 5 8 6 :~ 2~ 10 ~ 0 ~ 10 2 0 ~ I~ 6 :~ 2:~ 7 2 2 21 ~ Q ~ 21 7 4 O 21 7 2 2 21 7 4 1 20 7 O ~ 20 {I 2 0 20 8 ,~ O 20 10 :~ Q 19 1~ 2; 0 17 ~i I ~i 17 4 1 1 16 7 1 0 16 7 I 0 16 4 I 1 16 4 7 5 ~ 10 0 7 ~ 3 4 I 1 16 2 0 16 O 1 16 0 0 if 1 2 14 3 4 14 2 2 14 2 0 14 4 0 14 3 0 13 2 0 12 q O 12 0 0 8 1 0 7 * Prior year score was 8. Score revised to be consistent with similar projects. Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 121 CIP Project Stares - All Projects Under Completion (As of July 20, 1999) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS Henley Middle School Addition Chiller Replacement-AHS/Hollymead PREP Facility VMF Facility Henley Roof Replacement Jouett Roof Replacement Stone Robinson Addition WAHS Site Improvements - Phase I WAHS/Brownsville Baseball Field Northern Elementary School Burley Addition/Renovation Subtotal ADMINISTRATION & COURTS COB Space Study Old Crozet School Windows & Structural Work Old Crozet School 1961 Addition Roof Courts Space Needs Study COB Maintenance Program: Misc. Building Renovations UST Replacement Chiller & Mechanical Project Auditorium Renovation Parking Lot & Lighting Modifications Keene Landfill Remediation Subtotal HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORTATION Adams Court 250 East Landscaping Barracks Road Sidewalk Street Lighting: Parkview (Crozet) Hydraulic Road (Inglewood to Georgetown) Hydraulic Road (Georgetown to AHS) Hydraulic Road (AHS to Whitewood) Whitewood Road Area Commonwealth Drive Northfield/Rolling Hills Road Rio/Old Brook Road HydmulicJEarlysville Road Forest Lakes (North Entrance) Mill Creek/Rte. 20 Subtotal Scheduled Budget ComDletion % ComDlete* Notes 2,003,000 06/15/99 99% C 425,000 07/12/99 99% C 3,000,000 07/21/99 95% C 765,000 07/21/99 95% C 315.000 08/15199 50% C 315,000 08/15/99 25% C 2,900,000 08/30/99 90% C 175,000 09/15/99 5% C 325,000 01/01/00 95% D 11,200,000 07/01/01 75% P 6.800.000 07101/02 0% P $28,223,600 10,000 04/15/99 99% P 220,000 09101/99 60% C 70,000 09/01/99 95% C 50,000 10/30/99 80% P 10,000 06/01/99 95% D 170,000 06/30/99 99% C 550,000 03/01/00 95% P 50,000 08/30/00 0% P 260,000 08/30/00 25% D 170.600 06/30/03 50% P $1,560,600 3,800 08/01/99 70% C 20,000 10/30/99 20% C 51,000 05/01/00 95% D 0 06/30/99 100% C 7,500 06~30/99 90% C 6,500 06/30/99 90% C 1,500 06/30/99 100% C 13,000 08/30/99 50% C 12,500 08/30/99 50% C 1,500 08130/99 40% D 150 09/30/99 100% C 1,500 12/30/99 40% D 5,000 12/30/99 40% D 5.000 12/30/99 40% D $128,950 Site Selection in Progress Final Draft Under Review Maintenance Program Activated Construction in Progress Construction in Progress Construction in Progress Construction in Progress Under Review by Virginia Power Construction in Progress Under Review by Virginia Power Under Review by Virginia Power Capital Improvement Program FY 19~}9/2000- 2003/2004 CIP Project Status , All Projects Under Completion (As of July 20, 1999) continued STORMWATER CONTROLPROJECTS Peyton Basin Ivy Road Drainage Repair Teakwood Drainage Channel Design Standards Manual - Final Design Brookmill Stream Bank Stabilization Four Seasons Basin/Channel Monticello High School Dam Remediation Minor Ridge Drainage Improvements Woodbrook Channel Phase II Ricky Road Drainage Improvements Bimam Basin Westmoreland Ct, Drainage Improvements Master Drainage Study Regional Jail Addition Juvenile Detention Facility PARKS & RECREATION Brownsville Elementary Field Improvements Walnut Creek Picnic Shelter Crozet Park Master Plan Crozet Park Field Improvements, Phase III Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL 80,000 07/30/99 90% C 20,000 08/15/99 0 % C 6,000 09/01/99 60 % D 47,000 09/30/99 50% D 75,000 11/30/99 50% D 140,000 12/01199 1% C 40,000 12/01/99 75% D 250,000 12/01/99 99% D 28.035 12/30/99 50% D 39,900 05/30/00 5% D 250.000 10/01/00 40% D 60,000 11/30/00 90% D 205,400 06/30/01 10% P $1,241,335 17.300,000 09/01/00 62% C 8.000,000 10/01/01 100% P $25,300,000 100,000 08/15/99 1%C 50,000 08/15/99 70% D 640.000 06/30/02 99% D 128.000 TBD 75% D $918,000 $57,371,885 Evaluating Developer's Impr. Develop Strategy for Next Watershed * LEGEND: P=Programming D=Design B=Bid C=Construction Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 123 APPROVED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY1999/00-2003/04 (SCHOOLS) This item was scanned under Financial Reports 1999. TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Index Executive Summary Introduction Funding Summaries Documented New Project Worksheets Continuing Project Worksheets Maintenance Project Worksheets Mandated Projects Attachments Classroom Capacity Conflicts Proposed Students by Subdivision Enrollment Projections FY 1998/99 - FY02/03 Averages for Construction Costs - School Buildings CIP Calendar 1 2 5 7 8 25 31 32 33 36 38 39 PROJECT INDEX ADA Structural Changes Administrative Technology Albemarle High Restoration Brownsville Addition Burley Addition/Renovation CATEC Cosmetology Lab Renovation Crozet Kitchen/Serving Line Henley Renovation Hollymead Gym/Restrooms Instructional Technology Jouett Addition/Renovation Maintenance Replacement Summary Monticello High Addition Murray High School Renovations Northern Area Elementary Scottsville Library Addition Southern Urban Elementary School WAHS Renovations WAHS Window Replacement Walton Addition/Renovation 31 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 25 18 19 20 7 21 22 23 24 CAPITAL IMPR 0 VEMENT$ PROGRAM EXECUTIVE $UMMARY FY1999/2000- 2003/04 The enrollment of the school division is projected to grow to 12,729, which correlates to an additional 1,085 students, by 2003 and continues to grow to 13,779 by 2008. This is a total enrollment growth of 2,135 students, or 18.3%, over the next 10 years. The Long Range Planning Committee extensively studied enrollment projections and a variety of other factors that impact facility needs and developed the following recommendations which have been incorporated into the 1999-2004 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Request: 1. * 11,218,000 Northern Elementary School 2001 No Change 2. ($2,140,000) Red Hill and Cale Additions 2002 Canceled 3. $6,800,000 Burley Addition 2002 Moved Forward 2 Enlarged to 616 Years 4. $1,210,000 Brownsville Addition 2003 No Change 5. **$2,615,000 Jouett Addition 2003 Moved Forward 1 Enlarged to 690 Year 6. ***$8,935,000 Southern Elementary 2004 Moved Forward 2 Years 7. $606,000 Walton Addition/Renovation 2004 No Change 8. $8,398,000 Monticello High Addition 2005 Moved Back 1 Year * Does not include $500,000 for Additional Recreational Facilities. ** Includes $45,000 for Restroom Facilities for Parks and Recreation. *** Does not include $585,000 for Additional Recreational Facilities. One new project, the Scottsville Library Expansion, was added to the CIP and the Western Albemarle bus staging area, parking, main entrance widening and baseball field lighting, was moved forward two years and adjusted to accommodate the new scope of work to include the additional field lights and traffic safety concerns. The Northern Elementary capacity was increased to 600 students, based on the increased, anticipated growth in the North 29 Area. The total five year Capital Improvement Request is $43,860,563. Information regarding current classroom capacity conflicts, demographics and enrollment data and the average cost for school building construction, can be found in the Attachments section. Projections cannot fully capture the potential growth associated with large scale industrial development that is now a reality. Therefore, we must realize that our current estimation could be dramatically affected by rapid increases in the availability of employment in the area. It is important to note that this CIP request is a recovery budget which incorporates most of the $13,584,019 in projects that were delayed/deferred to the out year, due to the 1998 revenue shortfalls. The request presents a greater challenge in obtaining available resources, because of the anticipated student growth and the need to incorporate previously delayed/deferred projects. Capital Improvements Program FY1999/2000- 2003/2004 Introduction What is the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) ? The CIP for the school division is a five year budget which is updated annually, to adjust for changing needs. Because of this dynamic nature, it is possible for a project to remain in the CIP longer than five years, as projects of more urgent need appear, they replace a project and move ahead for implementation. Only emergencies or clearly identified critical need projects or unidentified technology needs may be submitted in the first four years of the 5 year cycle. A CIP project is broadly defined as any major project requiring the expenditure of public funds for the purchase, construction, acquisition or replacement of the physical assets of the community. CIP projects shall have a minimum value of $20,000, except for individual maintenance and replacement items. In general, CIP items are in response to the need for additional student capacity, changing programming/technology needs and in consideration of the age of existing facilities. A growing student population will necessitate the expansion of current facilities, or in the extreme cases, additional buildings. As buildings age, they reach a point where they require major modernization. In some instances, the building's support systems wear out and require replacement. In other instances, they require maintenance of major components which'exceeds their replacement cost. In other situations, the building no longer supports a current instructional program and needs to be modernized. Capital Improvement Program Policies: General Gugdelines In October 1994, the Board of Supervisors approved Financial Management Policies, which set guidelines for the Capital Improvement Program, funding for maintenance and replacement projects, and targets limits for the County's indebtedness and debt service levels. In alignment with the approved policies, the recommended Capital Improvement Program has been coordinated with the operating budget to a greater degree than in prior years. Summaries of all general government and school division projects now show associated operating costs that will be reflected in furore operating budgets. Proposed debt service levels are proposed to stay within the County's debt service guidelines. The proposed CIP also attempts to fund a "significant portion of capital improvements on a cash basis", and increases incrementally the percentage of its capital improvements financed by current revenues. 2 .Asset Maintenance, Replacement and Enhancement.Polices The County's Financial Management Policy states, "The County will maintain a system for maintenance, replacement and enhancement of the County's and School Division's physical plant. This system will protect the County's capital investment and minimize furore maintenance and replacement costs." In accordance with these approved policies, the CIP targets available revenues to both general government and school division maintenance and repair projects. Debt. Polic. ie.s Recommended levels of indebtedness and annual debt service are set out in the approved financial policies. The recommended guidelines are as follows: eNet debt per capita should remain less than $1,000. · Net debt as a percentage of the estimated market value of taxable property should not exceed 2%. · The ratio of debt service expenditures as a percent of general fund revenues should not exceed 10%. The CIP Process The CIP Technical Comm~,~, e.,e In 1993 a CIP Technical Committee comprising representatives of the County Executive's office, Planning and Community Development, Engineering, Finance and the School Division was created to review department and agency requests. The ongoing task of the committee is to thoroughly analyze project costs, estimate the impact of capital projects on operating budgets and determine the accuracy of and need for the requested projects. Several recommendations from the Technical Committee have now been incorporated into the CIP process: Greater emphasis on the 5-j~ear plan In past years, departments and agencies were allowed to submit project requests in any year of the CIP, which made long range forecasting over a 5-year period extremely difficult. For the FY1995/96 - FY1999/00 CIP, all departments and agencies were instructed to plan their projects out for the five year period, with the knowledge that any new request submitted in the next year, FY 1996/97, would automatically go to the fifth year of the CIP plan. Now, only emergencies or clearly identified critical need projects or unanticipated technology needs may be submitted in the fn'st four years, thus providing a more accurate projection of what the County actually plans to finance over the next five year period. Establ',tshment.of. Evaluation Criteria Project evaluation criteria have been established to be used by the Technical Committee to rank new and expanded projects. Mandated, committed, and maintenance projects are not ranked, but are automatically funded as number one priorities. Consistent with the policy of bringing in new projects in the fifah year only, projects in the first four years will already have been evaluated under these criteria, and if there have been no significant changes to the project, will receive the same rating. Separation of Mainten. anc, e and Replacement Projects As stated in the financial policies, the goal of the County is to fund maintenance and repair projects with current revenues, rather than through borrowed funds. It is also the County's goal to insure that maintenance and repair projects are funded before new projects are undertaken, which is why they are considered a higher priority than new or expanded projects. Individual maintenance, repair and replacement projects are not listed as individual projects, but are submitted by departments as one line-item for each year of the five-year period. F., ive-y, ear projections o_f revenues To implement a more realistic plan of the actual projects to be completed in the next five year period, the County Executive's Office provides the Technical Committee with a forecast of available revenues over the next five years. Although revenue estimates may vary in either direction, the general revenue parameters are used by the committee in prioritizing and then staging the projects over the five year period. Using the revenue estimate for the five-year period, the first step is to prioritize and fund all the projects within the 5-year period; the second step often involves moving projects to the second and third years, since most projects have a tendency to be bunched up in the first two years and exceed the projected available revenues for those years. Evaluation of School Division Projects within De, bt Service Level Because the CIP Technical Committee and the Planning Commission have questioned their role in evaluating and prioritizing school division projects, including new and expanded facilities and repair/maintenance projects, the prioritizing function for school projects has been given to the School Board, whose members are more knowledgeable about their needs and priorities. Although the Technical Committee reviews all the school projects for accuracy and financial impact, the Technical Committee no longer evaluates or prioritizes individual school division projects. Rather the committee recommends a debt service level and an annual maintenance transfer from general revenues within which the School Board may determine its priorities and the staging of their capital facilities. Capital Projects/Debt. Service Fund The Technical Committee has also set aside approximately 2% of the total 5-year CIP for a reserve fund to be used to fund unanticipated needs for capital projects or additional debt service, particularly those needs that may accompany the opening of the new high school. 4 Capital Improvements Program Education Summary of Current Requests TL $495,000 Documented $54,389,558 Continuing $10,127,053 Maintenance Mandated $1,175,963 TOTAL Other Fundin $431,730 Pdor $8,858,525 $2,179,640 $930,963 ~99~00 ~00~01 e~o~02 e~02~03 e~03~o~___ ~. t..o~o:o~.~. Ouch.ar $0 $0 $0 $0 $75 000 I $/o,uuu ~ $420,000 $2,321,438 $11,843,000 $7,738,865 $7,150,000 $7,978,000 i $37,031,303 ! $8,068,000 $1,184,367 $604,640 $1,743,830 $1,343,830 $1,632,593 i $6,509,260 $1,438,153 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $215,000 i $245,000 $0 $3,535,805 $12,4~7,640 $9,482,695 $8,493,830 $9,900,593 I $43,860,563 ~ $9,926,153 FY99/00-03/04 8/15/99 ^ Capital Improvements Program t Education 2 Documented New Requests Scottsville Library Add. 'TOTAL ' $4TgL5,000 IOther Fundin $495,000 Pdor I FY99~0 FY00/01 FY01/02 FY02/03 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FY03/04 $75,000 $75,000 TL 00-04 $75,000 $~5,ooo ! Out Year $42O.OOO $420.000 Continuing Requests AHS Restoration Administrative Technology Brownsville Addition Burley Add/Reno CATEC Cosmetology Lab" Crozet Kitchen Henley Renovation Hollymead Gym Restrms Instructional Technology Jouett Add/Reno Monticello High Addition Murray High Renovations Northern Elementary* Southern Urban Elem. WAHS Renovations Western High Window Repl. Walton Add, 'TOTAL r TL $2,215,000 $632,500 $1,210,000 $6,800,000 $76.468 $65,000 $200.000 $857,000 $5.082.215 $2,615,000 $8,398,000 $1,029,000 $11,218,000 $8.935,000 $4,22O,375 $230.000 $606.000 $54,389,558 Other Fundin $38.234 $393.496 $431.730 PHor $1,566,000 $302,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3.096,650 $0 $0 $165,000 $10,000 $0 $3,718.375 $0 $0 $8,858,525 FY99/00 FY00/01 FY01/02 FY02103 FY03104 $0 $0 $649,000 $0 $0 $70.000 $50,000 $70.000 $70.000 $70,000 $0 $0 $120,000 $1,090,000 $0 $300.000 $1,700,000 $4,800,000 $0 $0 $38,234 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 $757.000 $439,700 $250.000 $395.865 $450.000 $450,000 $0 $0 $275,000 $2,340,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $330.000 $0 $0 $864,000 $0 $0 $971,504 $9,843,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $3,000,000 $5,435,000 $502,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $230.000 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 $506.000 $2.321,4'~8 ""~1'1,843,000 $7.738,'865 $7.150,000 $7,978,000 TL 00-04 $649,000 $330.000 $1.210,000 $6.800.000 $38.234 $65,000 $200,000 $857,000 $1,985,565 $2,615,000 $33O,0OO $864,000 $10,814,504 $8.935,000 $502.000 $230,000 $606.000 $3~,031,'~03 Out Year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8.068.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,068,000 Maintenance Requests Maintenance Replacement TOTAL TL $10.127,053 $10,127.053 Other Fundin Prior I FY99/00 FY00/01 FY01/02 FY02/03 $2.179.640 I $1.184.367 $604.640 $1,743.830 $1.343.830 I $2.179.640 ~ $1.18~'.367 $604,640 $1.743.830 ' $1,343,830 FY03/04 $1,632,593 ~1,6~2,593 TL 00-04 J Out Year $6,509.260J $1,438,153 $6,509.280~ $1,438.153 o Mandated Requests ADA Structural Changes TOTAL TL $1,175.963 $1,175,963 Other Fundin Prior ~ FYggl00 FY00101 FY01102 FY02103 $930,963! $30,000 $0 $0 $930,9~'1" $30,0O0 $0 · $0 FY03104 i TL 00-04 Out Year $0 $215.000f $245.0001 $0 · ! $24 ,000'! $0 ''$215,000 $0 FY99/00-03/04 8115199 ^ Scottsville Library Addition Project Contact: A1Reaser New Request? X Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 2003 - 2004 Revised? Other Cmt~. Need/Service? Pro}ect Description: The current library is round and only 615 SF. The configuration and size does not allow for the needed computer work stations and instructional space to accommodate the desired program. Nearly all storage/work space has been used for student functions. The addition would be 3,000SF and accommodate additional library and auxiliary space. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal Comprehensive Plan. #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Impact if Project Not Completed: Continue to utilized inadequate library facilities. Project Changes/Reasons for Revision. s: Pro_iec. t Justification.; The current library has inadequate space to provide a viable program. The library is 615SF, workspace is 162SF and the audio visual/conference area is 324SF. Computer work stations and research areas need to be provided. Location/Site Status: Scottsville Elementary 7868 Scottsville Road Seottsville, VA 24590 Operating .Cost Breakdown: $2,500 - Utilities (for 2004/2005) T_L Arch./Engineer 50,000 Construction* 420,000 Other.. 25,000 Pro]ect Total 495,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Ot. h~ 0 Net Cost 495,000 Operating 2,500 Prior FY 99/00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02103 FY 03/04 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 0 0 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 o o o oi TL 00-04 50,000 0 2..S,ooo 75,000 0 0 75,000 0 Out Year 0 420,000 420,000 0 0 420,000 2,500 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 August 12, 1998 Albemarle High School Restoration Project Contact: A1Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation ? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 1995- 2002 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Pro_iect Descr(vtion: The second phase of restoration would include a kitchen renovation and addition; cafeteria improvements, including serving area reconfiguration, improvements to the auditorium including a new stage floor, seat repair and painting; new restrooms for the cafeteria, auditorium and restoration of the 1st floor main hallway restrooms, removal of the front lobby kiosk and renovation of the entire lobby area to include a window over looking the lobby for security and monitoring purposes. The cost &Phase II is $1,545,500. Phase III will include renovation of the old girls/boys showers and locker rooms, at a cost of $649,000. Project Changes/Reasons _for Revisions: Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: There is no acceptable alternative other than eventually closing the kitchen or continue as long as the equipment can be maintained. Lo. cat. io~.. ~.ite Status: Albemarle High School 2775 Hydraulic RoM Charlottesville, Va 22901 Project Justification: This project has been modified to assist the school in accommodating the projected enrollment growth, modernizing the cafeteria/kitchen and the auditorium. O_verating Cost Breakdown: None T_~L Arch./Engineer 169,000 Construction* 1,916,000 Other ! 30.000 Project Total 2,215,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Lc. ss: Other 0 Net Cost 2,215,000 Operating 0 Prior 120,000 1,345,000 101.000 1,%6,000 0 0 1,.~66,000 0 FY 99/00 .FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/.03 FY 03/04 0 0 49,000 0 0 0 0 571,000 0 0 ~/ 0 2.9,000 o_ _0 0 0 649,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 649,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi ; TL 00-04 49,000 571,000 29,,ooo 649,000 0 0 649,000 0 Out Year 0 August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 8 Administrative Technology Project Contact: Fred Kruger, Information Svcs. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? No Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project. Dates: On-going (From FY95) Revised? X Other Cmty, Need/Service? Project Description: To provide technology to meet the administrative needs of the School Division. Relationsh. ip to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Project Changes/ R.. easons for Revisions: Funds are requested for FY 04. Project Justification: The School Division's administrative requirements should be addressed. Networks should be upgraded to meet increasing demands for greater efficiency in sharing of software and data. Computers need to be upgraded as well as to be able to x~tn new student database software and new standardized desktop operating systems. Laptop computers are being provided to a greater number of staff. A number of networks each year should have servers upgraded to improve performance and reliability. The server replacement is part of a continuing infrastructure maintenance effort. Each year that the administrative needs are not addressed means wasted opportunities for enhanced school management. Impact if Project Not Completed: If this project is not completed, opportunities for enhanced management will be wasted. Location/Site Status: Various locations throughout the County. .Operating Cost Breakdown; $637,000 - See the back of this page. T._~L .4rch./Engineer 0 Construction * 0 Other 632~500 Pro)eot Total 632,500 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less:.Oth.er 0 Net Cost 632,500 Operating 743~300 Pr. ior 0 0 ~.o~,oo ~o~,5oo 0 0 302,500 973OO FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70~000 ,50,000 70~000 70,0..00 .70~000 70,000 50,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 50,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 90,000 109,000 125,000 146,000 167,000 TL 00-04 0 0 330,000 330,000 0 0 330,000 637,000 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 August 12, 1998 Operating Cost Worksheet Project Name: Administrative Technology Department: Information Services FY 99/00 Amount. Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savin,qs Net Operating Costs $0 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 00101 Amount Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savin,qs Net Operating Costs $0 $109,000 $t09,000 $109,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 0tl02 Am ount Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savin,qs Net Operating Costs $0 $125,000 $t25,000 $125,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 02103 Amount Description: Salary & Fdnge Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savings Net Operating Costs $0 $146,000 $146,000 $t46,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 03~04 Amount Description: Salary & Fdnge Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savin,qs Net Operating Costs $0 $167,000 $167,000 $167,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training Net TL Operating Costs FY 00-04: $637,000 8/17/989:52 PM operforma.xls B ro wns Ville A dditio n Project Contact: A1Reaser ICIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Project Dates: 2001-2003 Yes New Request? Continuation? Revised? X Documented Project/Need? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: The 7,200 SF addition will add 5 classrooms; two kindergarten and three 3rd grade; and one set ofrestrooms, to the facility. The additional space will increase the capacity from 330 to 440 students. The following is a cost breakdown: Architectural/Engineering 7,200 SF x $140/SF Testing/Contingency/Other/ Furniture/Fixtures Total Cost = $ 100,000 = $1,008,000 = $ 102.000 = $1,210,000 Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Project Justification: Existing subdivisions in the Brownsville District are expected to produce 286 new houses by the year 2000, which will ~l the available seats created by the 1997 addition. Accommodations will be needed for the anticipated additional subdivision growth in the Yancey Mill/Jarmans Gap area and between Routes 240 and 250. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Pr. oject Not Completed: Mobile classrooms will be needed anticipated growth. to accommodate the Location/Site Status: Brownsville Elementary 5870 Rockfish Gap Tpk. Crozet, VA 22932 Operating Cost Breakdown: $10,000 - Custodian (.5) $ 7,200 - Utilities T_hL Arch./Engineer 100,000 Construction * 1,008,000 Other 102,000 Project Total 1,210,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other O_ Net Cost 1,210,000 Operating 17,200 P. rior F..Y 99/00 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 1,008,000 0 0_ 2.0,000 82,000 0 0 120,000 1,090,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o_ o o_ o 0 120,000 1,090,000 0 0 0 17,200 0 TL 00-04 100,000 1,008,000 ,102,000 1,210,000 0 0 1,210,000 17,200 Out.Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 B urley A dditiOn/Renovation Project Contact: Al Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? ICIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 1999 -2002 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: To add an interior courtyard addition to house the library on the second floor and the vocational education and Tech Ed. Lab programs on the first floor and to close in the courtyard and add a two story classroom bar across the back of the school, which will require approximately 3,600 SF of new space. This will move all classrooms into the main building and allow the annex to be used for other purposes. This will also require the renovation of approximately 9,500 SF of space. The renovated space includes the area between the central corridor and the existing exterior wall of the courtyard on both floors as well as the existing library space that runs along the side corridor of the second floor. It also includes the relocation of the guidance suite. Project Changes/Reasons for. Revisions: The Long Range Planning Committee recommended this significant change in order to provide the additional middle school capacity to accommodate the growth in the eastern and southern urban ring. Project Justi~ication: The current library/media center contains 2,500 SF and does not provide adequate room for the audio visual and computer services necessary for a modem, instructional program, such as the one in Sutherland Middle School which is 4,400 SF. The Tech Ed Lab is located in the basement of the annex and needs to be moved to the main building to acquire additional space and to provide improved student access to classrooms. This addition will also raise the school's capacity by 180 students to 616. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed.'. The school will continue to operate with inadequate media center space and additional classroom space will not be available for anticipated growth. Therefore, it will be necessary to utilize mobile classrooms. Location/Site Status: Burley Middle School 901 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, Va 22901 Operating Cost Breakdown: $36,000 - Custodian (2) $30,000 - Utilities Proieet.TL Arch./Engineer 600,000 Construction* 5,700,000 Othe. r 500,000 Project Total 6,800,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other, 0 Net Cost 6,800,000 Operating 66,000 Prior FY 99/00 300,000 0 300,000 0 0 300,000 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 F..Y.02/03 FY 03/04 300,000 0 0 0 1,400,000 4,300,000 0 0 0 500,000 o_ 0 1,700,000 4,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,700,000 4,800,000 0 0 0 0 66,00O 0 TL 0O,-O4 600,000 5,700,000 5oo~,p.oo 6,8oo,ooo o o 6,800,000 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 I o Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 August 12, 1998 CA TEC COsmetolosy Lab "l[ CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? ] Documented Project/Need? II Project Dates: 2002 - 2003 Revised? X Other Cmt~. Need/Service? X Project Description: Renovation of the cosmetology lab to include major renovations of the work area and front entry. The County is only responsible for 50% of the project cost. Project Changes/Reasons ]'or Revisions: Project was moved forward three years to FY1999/2000. Pro}ect Justification: The current lab and equipment are 24 years old. The present configuration and equipment will not accommodate the number of students in the classrooms and laboratory. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: Continue to operate in a limited instructional space. Location/Site Status: CATEC 1000 East Rio Road Charlottesville, Va 22901 Operating Cost Breakdown: None T_gL Arch./Engineer 0 Construction * 0 Other 76,468 Project Total 76,468 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other 38~234 Net Cost 38,234 Operating O Prior FY 99/00 0 0 0 0 0 76,468 0 76,468 0 0 0 0 o 38.2~4 0 38,234 0 0 FY 00/01 0 0 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TL 00414 0 0 76,468 76,468 0 0 38,234 38,234 0 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 o_ 0 0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 August 3, 1999 12 Crozet Kitchen Project Contact: AI Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation ? X Documented Project/Need? X Project, Dates: 6/2001-9/2001 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service?. Pro]eot Description: The serving lines will be increased from I line to 2 lines and the kitchen will be reconfigured to create counter/work space and remove blind spots from the walk ways leading from the kitchen to the serving lines. Project Changes~Reasons for Revisions: Project Justification: Crozet serves an average of 266 lunches, sometimes as many as 350, each school day. The time required to process students through the single serving line is considerable. Two serving lines would significantly reduce the time students spend in line and potentially reduce the time allocated for lunch periods. Concern for staff safety has indicated a need to provide more efficient work spaces and to remove blind spots. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact 0rPro_iect Not Completed: If the additional serving line is not installed, complaints from the staff and clients will continue. The additional work space and removal of blind spots should be addressed since it is a safety issue. Location/Site Status: Crozet Elementary School Route 3, Box 188 Crozet, Va 22932 Operating Cost Breakdow..n: None Arch./Engineer 10,000 Construction* 50,000 Other 5,000 Project Total 65,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 .L. ess: Other O_ Net Cost 65,000 Operating 0 Prior FY. 99/O0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 I 0,000 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 5,0.00 9. 0 0 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O, 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TL 00-04 10,000 50,000 5,000 65,000 0 0 65,000 0 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 - Henley Renovation Project Contact: A1 Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 2003 - 2005 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: Approximately 3,000 SF, to include the main office, guidance office, and old home economic (life skills) area will be reconfigured, remodeled and refurbished. Project Changes/Reasons_for Revisions: Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if ProJect Not Completed: Continue to under utilize the current space and run programs in out-dated, inefficient areas. Project Justi~catio. n: The school is thirty three years old and needs to have the main office and guidance office complex completely refurbished to accommodate the current programs. The home economics department was designed for two teaching spaces. By reconfiguring and modernizing this area, the program can be accommodated in one space. Location/Site Status: Henley Middle School 5880 Rockfish Gap Tpk. Crozet, VA 22932 Operating Cost Breakdown: None Proiect TL Arch./Engineer 20,000 Construction* 160,000 Or.her 2.0~000 Project Total 200,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other 0 Net Cost 200,000 Operating 0 Prior FY 99/00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 160,000 _.0 0 0 2.9,000 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200,0O0 0 0 0 0 TL 00-04 20,000 160,000 20,000 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 CaPital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 August 3, 1999 Hollymead Gym/R estroorns NewRequest?MandatedProject? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation ? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 2002 - 2004 Revised? X Other Cm~. Need/Service? X Project Description: A new %000 SF gym and 800 SF ofrestrooms would be added to the building. Project Changes~Reasons for Revisions: The school and the PTA requested that this project be re- evaluated. It was determined that a new gymnasium could be built at nearly the same cost as to renovated and add onto the existing facility. This is most beneficial to the school and the Parks and Recreation Deparlrnent, since two spaces would be available for use. Pro]ect Justi_tTcation: The current gymnasium is 3,420 SF, which is the smallest gym facility we have at a 600 pupil school: Agnor Hurt Elementary has a 7,000 SF gym. Hollymead currently uses the cafeteria space, which is not available during the 2½ hour lunch period, and a mobile classroom to accommodate the physical education program. Parks and Recreation fully supports this request because of the demand for recreational facilities in the northern corridor. The grounds, with three multipurpose fields and three baseball fields, are extensively used by the public. Parks and Recreation has requested that exterior access be given to two restrooms in the addition for after hours community use, which will be accomplished as part of the restroom addition. The new restrooms will be ADA accessible and will provide more convenient access to facilities. This school is one of our most used facilities. Relations. hip .to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not. Completed: The school will continue to operate its programs in undersized facilities and the community will not be provided with a full size gym for Parks and Recreation programs. Location/Site Status: Hollymead Elementary 2775 Powell Creek Drive Charlottesville, Va 22901 Operating Cost Breakdown: $4,100 - Utilities T__L.L Arch./Engineer 70,000 Construction* 787,000 Other 0 Project Total 857,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other 0 Net Cost 857,000 Operating 4.100 Prior FY 99/00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 70,000 0 0 0 30,000 757,000 0 0 100,000 757,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 757,000 0 0 0 4,I00 TL 00:04 70,000 787,000 857,000 0 0 0 857,000 0 ~u.t Year 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 15 August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 -2003/2004 Instructional Technology Project Contact: Fred Kruger, Information Svcs. New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? No Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: On-Going (From 95) Revised? X Other Crnty. Need/Service? X Project Description: To provide technology to meet the (Instructional) Technology Plan. School Division's Relations. hip to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Project Changes/ Reasons £or Revisions: Funds are requested for FY 04. Project Justification: Technology can help the classroom teacher reach and motivate students and help all levels of students, from the gifted through those not as gifted, learn more. Computers in the classroom, the library and in the computer labs, offer an opportunity to efficiently expand on the limited time and resources of the classroom teacher and librarian staff. This request for funds is the backbone for making this opportunity a reality. Various schools within the Division need instructional technology in the form of: upgrading and expanding existing networks, computers for the classroom, computer labs and the library. Software, CD- ROM drives, and multimedia devices are needed. Network servers need to be upgraded in a number of schools each year to provide for greater performance and reliability. Server replacement is part of a continuing infrastructure maintenance effort. Purchase decisions are, in part, made with support issues in mind. Supporting equipment and supplies are needed m complete these installations. NOTE: It is anticipated that the purchases made under this CIP request will not be from borrowed funds. Impact ~f Project Not Completed: If this project is not completed, opportunities for enhanced teaching will be wasted. Location/Site Status: Various locations throughout the County. Operating Cost Breakdown: $3,265,000 - See back of this page. TL Arch./Engineer 0 Construction* 0 Other 5,082,215 Project Total 5,082,215 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other O_ Net Cost 5,082,215 Operating 4,159,980 Prior 0 0 3.096.650 3,096,650 0 0 3,096,650 894,980 FY 99100 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 439.700 250,000 395.865 450 000 450.000 439,700 250,000 395,865 450,000 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 439,700 250,000 395,865 450,000 450,000 570,000 610,000 645,000 695,000 745,000 TL 00-04 0 0i 1.985.565 1,985,565 0 0 1,985,565 3,265,000 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 August 3, 1999 Operating Cost Worksheet Project Name: Instructional Technology Department: Information Services FY 99100 Amount Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savings Net Operating Costs $0 $570,000 $570,000 $570,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 00/01 Amount Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savin.qs Net Operating Costs $0 $610,000 $610,000 $610,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 01102 Amount Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savin.qs Net Operating Costs $0 $645,000 $645,000 $645,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 02/03 Amount Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savin,qs Net Operating Costs $0 $695,O00 $695,000 $695,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training FY 03/04 Amount Description: Salary & Fringe Operating Costs Capital Equipment Costs Subtotal Operating Costs Less Savings Net Operating Costs $0 $745,000 $745,000 $745,000 Maintenance, help desk/support and training Net TL Operating Costs FY 00-04: $3,265,000 8/17/989:51 PM operformi.xls -- Jo uett /1 ddition/R enovation Project Contact: A1Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 2001-2003 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? pro}ect Description:. A 6th grade house, consisting of seven regular classrooms, two science classrooms, a special needs classroom and office, a work room and student restrooms would be added. Total addition would be 12,000 sr. Major renovation to the library and adjacent areas, the main office and home economics, would include approximately $,000 SF, in addition to site work. Additionally, an exterior restroom will be added to accommodate the after school program and Parks and Recreation Activities. Project Changes~Reasons for Revisions: The Long Range Planning Committee Report recommended this significant change to accommodate middle school growth. Project Justification: The County middle school capacity will be exceeded by 330 students by FY2000/01. This addition will increase the capacity by 179, from 511 to 690, which will help accommodate the anticipated middle school growth. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: Additional mobile classrooms could be used to accommodate growth and provide science and special education space. Without this project, the school would continue to operate without 6th grade science rooms and with insufficient special needs rooms. Location/Site Status: Jack Jouett Middle School 2065 Lambs Road Charlottesville, Va 22901 Operating Cost Breakdown: $22,500 - Custodian $ ! 5,900 - Utilities Arch./Engineer Construction* Other Project Total Less: Fees Less: Revenues Less: Other Net Cost Operating 200,000 2,240,000 175,000 2,615,000 0 0 2,615,000 38,400 Prior FY 99/0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY0.2/03 FY 03/04 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 2,240,000 0 0 75,000 100.000 0 0 275,000 2,340,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o_ o o 0 275,000 2,340,000 0 0 0 0 38,400 TL 0O-04 200,000 2,240,000 1.7.5..,000 2,615,000 0 0 2,615,000 38,400 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 1' Monticello High School Addition Project Contact: A1 Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 2003 - 2005 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Project Description: Monticello High School was designed to accommodate 1,000 students and plan for future expansion to 1,500. Core areas were designed for 1,500, therefore, 44,000 SF of additional classrooms and an auxiliary gym must be constructed to accommodate the anticipated student growth. Mobile classrooms will be used until the additional classrooms are built. 44,000 SF x $140/SF 8,400 SF x $120/SF Total = $ 6,160,000 = $1,oo8,o.oo $ 7,168,000 Project Changes~Reasons for Revisio._ns;. The Long Range Planning Committee recommended this addition be delayed one year to allow other critical need projects to be funded. Pr. o]ect Justification: During the planning phase of Monticello High School, it was anticipated that local, state and national enrollment would peak in 1998/99 and then begin to decline. These trends have not materialized. Locally we expect a steady school population growth of 1.6% to 1.8% per year. The potential for large scale industrial development and university growth is now a reality and could increase growth beyond our predictions. Monticello High School is expected to absorb the growth generated by the Southern Urban Ring, the Pantops Area and the Eastern part of the County. Only design fees were included in the previous request. The current request incorporates construction costs in the out year. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed.'. It will be necessary to utilize mobile classrooms to accommodate the additional students. Location/Site Status: Monticello High School 1400 Independence Way Charlottesville, Va 22901 Operating Cost Breakdown: FY2005/06 $3 9,300 - Utilities $50,000 - Custodians (2.5) X_L.L Arch./Engineer 530,000 Construction* 7,168,000 Other 700,000 Project Total 8,398,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other 0 Net Cost 8,398,000 Operating 89,300 Prior FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 03/04 ] TL 00-04 330,000 330,000 0 0 330,000 330,000 0 0 0 0 330,000 ! 330,000 0 0 Out Year 200,000 7,168,000 700,000 8,068,000 0 0 8,068,000 89,300 18 August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 Murray High Renovations Project Contact: AI Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req, ? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 1995 - 2002 Revised? Other C. mty. Need/Service? Pro_iect Descr(vtion: This CIP request includes the improvements necessary to transform the current facility into a more modern, efficiently operafmg building for high school students. The scope of work includes general remodeling with a new heating/cooling system, replacement of all windows including the Resource Center, and site work. Pro}ect Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Project Ju~ti_fication: In accordance with the Long Range Plan for Albemarle County Schools, Murray High was moved to the Rose Hill Site for the 1990 school year. To accommodate this move, window air conditioners were installed, walls were painted and restroom facilities were modified to accommodate an older population. A new roof was installed in 1993. In 1994, ADA concerns were addressed and the multipurpose room was renovated. R. elationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: Window air conditioning is currently being utilized, but the units are very noisy and very inefficient. Location/Site Status: Murray High School 1200 Forest Street Charlottesville, Va 22902 Operating Cost Breakdown: None Arc/r/Engineer 80,000 Construction* 908,000 O. the. r 41, 000 Project Total 1,029,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less; Otb. er. 0 Net Cost 1,029,000 Operating 0 Prior 80,000 85,000 165,000 0 0 165,000 0 FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 823,000 0 0 0_ 0 41,000 0 0 0 0 864,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 864,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TL 0044 0 823,000 41~000 864,000 0 0 864,000 0 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 August 12, 1998 1! Northern Area Elementary Project Contact: L. A. Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: .1998- 2002 Revised? X Other Cmt?. Need/Service? , Project Description: Construct a new 600 student elementary school. Since a suitable site must be acquired, a site study for such a school and land acquisition was initiated in the 1998/99 fiscal year. The 80,000 SF school with furnishings, 5% contingency and miscellaneous expenses will have a total estimated cost of $11,218,000. Additional land and fields for Parks and Recreation totals $500,000 and is a separate request for which the funding is not included here. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: The CIP Technical Review Committee recommended the capacity increase from 400 to 600 because of the expected growth in the northern corridor. * In 1998, the General Assembly approved legislation to help fund public school construction. This provided the County with additional funding in the amount of $393,496, which is noted as Other Funding in the Funding Summary, page 6. Project Jast~t?cation: The Long Range Plan for Albemarle County Schools suggests that continued growth in the Hollymead, Broadus Wood and northern urban area will necessitate the need for an additional elementary school in the northern area of the County. Currently, Broadus Wood has three mobile units and Hollymead Elementary has exceeded its capacity and utilized four mobile classrooms. The commercial/manufacturing expansion, a new mobile home park and additional, significant subdivision growth will continue to provide additional students who must be accommodated. The Long Range Planning Committee recommends that this project remain our top priority. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: If this project is not completed, the three area schools will continue to operate above their rated capacity. Additional mobile units could be used to accommodate the additional students. Lo. cation/Site Status: Route 29 North area. Operating Cost Breakdown..: $563,700 - Staff- Teacher Cost $122,800 - Utilities: Cust./Maint. Supplies $ 85,000 - Principal, Secretary ~rch./Engineer 281,504 Construction* 10,936,496 Other 0 Project Total 11,218,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Other 0 Net Cost 11,218,000 Operating 771,500 Prior/Other 10,000 *393,496 0 0 0 403,496 0 FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 271,504 0 0 0 0 700,000 9,843,000 0 0 0 971,504 9.843,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 971,504 9,843,000 0 0 0 0 85,000 686,500 0 0 TL 00~04 271,504 10,543,000 10,814,504 0 0 O 10,814,504 771,500 Out Year I o_ I 0 0 I 1 I 20 August 10, 1999 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 - Southern Urban Elementary I[ProjectContact: AlReaser NewRequest? X[MandatedProject? ICIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req.? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 2001 -2004 Revised? . Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Pro}ect Description: Construct a new 400 student elementary school in which the core space would be designed for 600 students. Since a suitable site must be acquired, it would be prudent to initiate a site study, land, and architectural services in 2002/03. The total cost for a 56,000 SF facility, with furnishings and 5% contingency/miscellaneous expenses, will be $8,935,000. Additional land and fields for Parks and Recreation totals $585,000 and is a separate request for which funding is not included here. Pro}ect Changes~Reasons for Revisions: The Long Range Planning Committee recommended this project be moved forward to accommodate the anticipated growth in the southern and eastern urban ring. The Cale and Red Hill expansions were canceled because those additions would not produce the needed classrooms. Pro_iect Justification: The Long Range projections for Albemarle County Schools suggest that continued growth will occur in the southern and eastern urban area. Capacity at Stone Robinson Elementary is currently being increased, but this addition will just accommodate the immediate growth. Anticipated subdivision growth along with apartments and potential new subdivision growth will continue to provide additional elementary students who must be accommodated. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Pro}ect. Not Completed: Elementary school population will exceed available capacity and mobile units would be required at Cale and Red Hill. Location/Site Status: Southern Urban Area (5th Street or Old Lynchburg Road Area) Operating Cost Breakdown: $597,522 - Staff- Teacher Cost $130,168 - Utilities; Cust./Maint. Supplies $ 90,100 - Principal, Secretary ~4rct~/Engineer 500,000 Construction* 8,435,000 Other O_ Project Total 8,935,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 .Less: Other 0 Net Cost 8,935,000 Operating 0 Prior F.Y 99/00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 F.Y02/03 FY 03/,04 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 5,435,000 0 500,000 3,000,000 5,435,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 3,000,000 5,435,000 0 0 0 Oi ; TL 00-04 500,000 8,435,000 8,935,000 0 0 8,935,000 0 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 817,790 August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 2 WAH$ Renovations Project Contact: A1 Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 1995- 2000 Revised? X Other Cmty. Need/Service? Projec( Description: This modernization proposed a classroom addition of 10,655 SF, an auxiliary gym, minor and major renovations to current interior space and roof replacement, which have been completed. A new bus staging area will be developed on the current driving range and a right mm lane on the school driveway will be built. An additional parking lot will be constructed in addition to completely re-working the baseball field and adding lights. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Concerns over the need to develop a safer internal traffic pattern and bus loading area, along with the later school dismissal time, necessitated the lighting of the baseball field, at a cost of $108,000. Additional costs associated with the completion of the baseball field total $104,000. project Justification: The school needs a safer bus staging area that separates students and buses to avoid conflicts. Additional parking and a new right turn lane from the school drive onto Route 250 will allow cars turning left to "stack" and not block the drive. This will create a much more orderly entrance to Route 250. The baseball field needs to be regraded to correct drainage problems and extend fight field from 230' to 300'. Parks and Recreation had budgeted for the lighting of the field in 2001/02, but the change in school times required this to be moved forward. There will be a cost savings to do the lighting at the same time as the field is reconstructed. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: It will be necessary to continue operating with an inadequate bus staging area and substandard baseball field. Location/$iteStatus: Western Albemarle High School 5941 Rockfish Gap Tpk. Crozet, Va 22932 Operating Cost. Breakdown: $10,000 - Custodian $16,700 - Utilities TL ~4rch./Engineer 230,000 Constntction* 3,622,925 Other, 367,.450 Project Total 4,220,375 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less.',, Other O_ Net Cost 4,220,375, Operating 46,200 Prior 230,000 3,120,925 367,450 3,718,375 0 0 3,718,375 46,200 FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY,03/04 0 0 0 0 0 502,000 0 0 0 0 502,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 502,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TL 00-04 0 502,000 502,000 0 0 502,000 0 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 August 12, 1998 -- WAHS Window Replacement ICIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? [Pro. ject Dates:. 2003 - 2004 Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Description: Add, replace and enlarge classroom windows throughout the school. Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Project Changes/ Reasons f. or Revisions: Impact if Project Not Completed: Occupants will not have access to natural lighting and manual ventilation. Project, Justification: There are rooms on the exterior walls without windows and the existing windows are very small. The existing windows are not intended to be operable; they pivot for service but do not have a hold-open mechanism. During the programming for the latest renovation, the students and faculty frequently request larger, operable windows. The quality of interior spaces is greatly enhanced when natural light is introduced. Studies suggest that productivity increases when natural lighting is enhanced. This school was designed and built during the mid 1970s oil/energy crunch, when window size was radically reduced. The primary criticism of the building, since it has been built, is the size and scarcity of operable windows. Location/Site Status: Western Albemarle High School 5941 Rockfish Gap Tpk. Crozet, Va 22932 Operating Cost Breakdown: None T..~L Arch./Engtneer 30,000 Construction* 170,000 Other 30,000 Project Total 230,000 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: Othe. r 0 Net Cost 230,000 Operating 0 Prior FY.99/00 Fy 00/01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 170,000 o .9.o o o 3o,,ooo 0 0 0 0 230,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 230,000 0 0 0 0 0 TL 00-04 30,000 170,000 Out Year 0 I 0 3.0,000 ' 0 230,000 f 0 I o o o I 230,000 0 o[ o August 12, 1998 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000- 2003/2004 2 Walton Addition I[Project Contact: A1Reuser CIP Staff (Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Project Dates: 2002 - 2004 Documented Project/Need? X Other Cmt),. Need/Service? Yes rNew Request? Continuation? Revised? X Project Description: Phase I has been completed which converted the unused Industrial Arts Shop into three classrooms. Phase II would be the addition of 2 sixth grade science classrooms. Renovations would include a special needs classroom, workroom and renovations to the "old" home economics area along with selected replacement of lighting, gym floor refinishing, and ADA modifications. Project Changes/Reasons for Revisions: Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project N.. ot Completed: Additional mobile classrooms may be utilized to accommodate the anticipated growth, however, there are currently three mobile units on site. Project Justification: Enrollment projections indicate that the school will continue to exceed its rated capacity through FY2003. The addition of two classrooms and reconfiguration/renovation of under-utilized space will create a capacity of 610 students. Location/Site Status: Walton Middle School 4217 Red Hill Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 O_verating Cost Breakdown: The cost of utilities and maintenance for the mobile classrooms that could be removed would offset additional operating costs. T._hL Arch./Engineer 100,000 Construction * 506,000 Other 0 Project Total 606,000 less: Fees 0 less: Revenues 0 Less: Other 0 Net Cost 606,000 Operating 0 Prior FY 99/00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 00/01 F.Y 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 506,000 0 0 100,000 506,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o _o o 0 0 100,000 506,000 0 0 0 Oi TL 00-04 100,000 506,000 606,000 0 0 606,000 0 Out Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 August 12, 1998 Maintenance Replacement Summary Project Contact: A1Reaser New Request? Mandated Project? CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? Documented Project/Need? X Project Dates: 1995- 2004 (On-Going) Revised? X Other Cm~2. Need/Service? Project Description: Various maintenance and replacement projects. See Maintenance/Replacement Summaries which follow this page. Funding for maintenance and replacement projects will take precedence over new projects. Pro]ect Changes~Reasons for Revisions: The project budget for the CATEC Roof replacement increased the budget by $140,000 in FY1999/2000, Rela#o. nsh(t~ to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensiv, Plan. Impact ~£ Pro]ect Not Completed Location/Site Status: Various schools and maintenance facilities within the Division Pro_iect Just~l~cation: Albemarle County School Division has 1,875,496 SF of buildings, 24 schools and two support facilities with real and fixed assets valued at more than $200,000,000. To maintain and protect these assets, the attached list of projects is requested. Operating Cost Breakdown: None ,~rch./Engineer 0 Construction* 10,127,053 Other 0 Project Total 10,127,053 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: .Otb. er. 0 Net Cost 10,127,057 Operating 0 Prior 0 2,179,640 2,179,640 0 0 2,179,640 0 FY.99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01./02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 0 0 1,184,367 604,640 1,743,830 1,343,830 1,632,593 1,184,367 604,640 1,743,830 1,343,830 1,632,593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,184,367 604,640 1,743,830 1,343,830 1,632,593 0 0 0 0 0 TL 00-04 O,u,~ year 0 0 6,509,260 1,438,153 6,509,260 1,438,153 0 ~ 0 0 t 0 I 6,509,260 1,438,153 0 ~ 0 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 August 3, 1999 25 8t15/99 FY '1999-00 1. HENLEY ROOF REPLACEMENT 2. JOUE~I-F ROOF REPLACEMENT 3. STONE ROBINSON HVAC REPLACEMENT 4. CATEC LOWER ROOF REPLACEMENT* $422,184 $422,183 $200,0O0 $140.000 *County is only responsible for half of the total project cost. Total $1,184,367 ^ CIP Page 26 08/18/98 Summary of Maintenance Projects FY 2001-02 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. BRN TELEPHONE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CATEC FIRE ALARM REPLACEMENT CHILLER REPLACEMENT COOLING TOWER REPLACEMENT - ^HS/GREEPJHOLLYMD GRE ROOF REPLACEMENT - 47,066 EPDM GRE REPLACE WALK-IN FREEZER HOL BOILER REPLACEMENT HOL TELEPHONE EXPANSION MEL ROOF REPLACEMENT MUR ROOF REPLACEMENT REH BOILER REPLACEMENT SCO TELEPHONE EXPANSION WAL ROOF REPLACEMENT - 95,000 SF EPDM WAL HVAC UNIT REPLACEMENT - MAIN OFFICE $28 000 $7 5OO $399 000 $9O. OOO $282 4OO $12.000 $89 426 $3O 000 $66 000 $64,9OO $33,724 $25,000 $570,000 $44,880 Total $1,743,830 99MYR.WK4 CIP Page 28 08/18/98 Summary of Maintenance Projects FY 2002-03 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AHS UNDERGROUND PIPE REPLACEMENT BUILDING SERVICES ROOF REPLACEMENT BRN ROOF REPLACEMENT HOL ROOFTOP UNIT REPLACEMENT SCO ROOF REPLACEMENT WAHS ROOFTOP UNIT REPLACEMENT YAN TELEPHONE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT $283,200 $232,254 $300,3O6 $51,179 $329,3O6 $122,585 $25,O00 Total $1,343,830 CIP Page 29 99MYR.WK4 8/15/99 FY 2005-04 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Summary of Maintenance Projects BWE ROOF REPLACEMENT REH ROOF REPLACEMENT STR ROOF REPLACEMENT AHS LOCKER REFURBISHMENT AHS REFINISH SMALL GYM FLOOR AHS TELEPHONE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT AHS TRACK SURFACE TREATMENT BLD DRAINAGE DITCH PAVEMENT BLD SER. PAVING AND FENCING BRN CEILING AND LIGHT REPLACEMENT BUILDING SERVICES ADDITIONAL STORAGE BUR BLEACHER INSTALLATION BUR LOCKER REFURBISHMENT BUR STORAGE AREAS UNDER STAIRWELLS BUR WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT BURLEY ANNEX ROOF REPLACEMENT- 11~000 SF BWE INSTALL HOT WATER HEATERS IN CLASSROOMS (15) BWE RENOVATE TEACHERS WORKROOM CATEC TELEPHONE SYTEM REPLACEMENT* CATEC TILE REPLACEMENT* CROZET PARKING LOT REPAIRS GRE BLACKTOP RESURFACING GRE WINDOW BLIND REPLACEMENT GREER ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT HEN REPAIR SCIENCE TABLE TOPS HEN REPLACE LOCKERS IN GIRLS LOCKER ROOM HOL ADD WALL CABINETS/COUNTER TOPS HOL FRONT SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT HOL INSTALL HOTWATER HEATERS IN CLASSROOMS HOL METAL WALL PANEL INSTALLATION HOL TELEPHONE SYSTEM EXPANSION JOU INSTALL 2 SECURITY GATES AT CAFT JOU INSTALL ASPHALT WALK FROM JOU TO AHS JOU REPLACE GAME CLOCK/PA SYSTEM JOU REPLACE GYM DOORS ON GIRLS SIDE JOU REPLACE PARTITION WITH SOLID WALL - RM 16/18 MUR HIGH ROAD IMPROVEMENTS MURRAY ELEM. DOORS MURRAY HIGH RESURFACE LOWER PARKING LOT MURRAY HIGH SOUNDPROOFING BETWEEN ROOMS $132,000 $108,400 $132,000 $33,748 $11,475 $71,980 $33,000 $20 060 $27 000 $64 000 $31 447 $14 160 $11 800 $2 950 $3 186 $66 000 $18 000 $9 500 $20 500 $28 000 $4,000 $4,012 $4,720 $17,700 $5,000 $10,000 $11,000 $17 700 $20 000 $4 720 $30 000 $4 000 $10 000 $4 000 $2 000 $6 000 $18 000 $14 000 $16 620 $6 648 ^ CIP Page 30 8/15/99 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48, 49. 50, 51, 52. 53. 54. 55. MWL PARKING LOT REPAIRS MWL PAVE THE FACULTY PARKING LOT MWL REPLACE CARPETS IN RM 2,7,9,11& HALLS MWL ROOF REPLACEMENT - 52,000 SF EPDM REH REPLACE CAFT LIGHTS SCO REPLACE CAFT FLOOR TILES SCOTTSVILLE BOILER REPLACEMENT STO REFINISH GYM FLOOR STOl HOL/GRE AIR COMPRESSOR REPLCMT STR PAVE MAIN PARKING AREA AND SIDE ROAD WALTON PARKING LOT REPAIRS WDB CEILING AND LIGHT REPLACEMENT WDB INSTALL CARPET IN ROOM 10-15 WHS LOCKER REFURBISHMENT WOODBROOK CEILING TILE IN CAFETERIA $15,000 $22 000 $13 000 $312 000 $12 000 $14 256 $33 724 $6 120 $10 620 $18 000 $15 000 $66 000 $9 000 $30 680 $5.867 *County is only responsible for half of the total project cost. Total $1,632,593 ClP Page 30b ^ ADA Structural Changes CIP Staff(Engineering) Assistance Req. ? Yes Continuation? X Documented Project/Need? Project Dates: 1994- 2004(On-Going) · Revised? Other Cmty. Need/Service? X Project Descr(t~tion: Many facilities will require structural changes to allow for accessibility. An inspection was performed on all school buildings and a list of deficiencies has been compiled. Major renovations to facilities in this plan will meet present ADA requirements. Project, Changes/Reasons _for Revisions: Pro}e. ct Ju~.ti_fication: The ADA Requirements state, "No qualified individual with a disability shall be discriminated against or excluded from participation in, or the benefits of, the services, programs, or activities of the public entity. A public entity is required to make structural changes to existing facilities when program accessibility is not feasible any other way." Relationship to Plan: Consistent with goal #9, Objectives 5 & 7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Impact if Project Not Completed: It is a violation of Federal Law to not provide reasonable accommodations. Location/Site Status: Various schools and facilities throughout the Division. Operating Cost Breakdown: None TI~ ~4rch./Engineer 0 Construction* 0 Other 1,175,963 Project Total 1,175,963 Less: Fees 0 Less: Revenues 0 Less: ,Other Net Cost 1,175,963 Operating 0 Prior 0 0 930,963 930,963 0 0 930,963 0 FY 99/00 F,Y 00/,.01 FY 01/02 FY02/03 FY 03/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 __0 0 0 215,000 30,000 0 0 0 215,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 215,000 0 0 0 0 0 .TL 00-04 2,45,000 245,000 0 I I I 245,000 ol Out. Year I August 3, 1999 Capital Improvement Program FY 1999/2000 - 2003/2004 31 -'-! I "! ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS - CLASSROOM CAPACITY CONFLICTS Based on 1998-99 CIP ! ! . ! SCHOOL CAPACITY ACTUAL ACTUAl. ACTUAL PROJECTED ENROLLMENTS*~'* Ovmnlllncmnso i ??5 1996 1797 1998 i 797 2000 2001 2002 from 97/98 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 67 BROWNSVILLE 330 263 262 277 275 218 285 CROZET 396 375 380 369 360 363 377 378 373 4 GREER 528 486 509 470 45? 465 455 464 466 -4 MERIWETHER 462 4 I0 419 422 457 455 445 436 446 24 MURRAY 308 248 245 239 255 247 240 244 247 8 SCOTTSVILLE 220 189 198 19C 217 218 207 198 204 14 STONE ROBINSON 616 " 520 523 53~ 510 523 527 534 533. -4 STONYPOINT 308 '** 28~ 27~ 2~1 285 285 284 288 28& -5 8g YANGEY 175 164 162 15~ 158 I&0 157 15~ 155 SUBIO/AL 6,036 ' '~,4~4 ' '5,~78 "5,568J 5,671 5,)83 5,846 5,869 5,901 333 ~IODLE SCHOOLS HENLEY* 690 ** 581 586 577 586 611 619 629 627 50 40 SUTHER~ND* 712 '515 591 575 604 611 620 611 644 6g SUBIOIAL 2,91&~ 2,516 2,&89 ' 2,~O! 2.755 2.795 2.855 2,~32 2,9~8 297 'tlIGHSCHOOLS ALBEMARLE* 1.792 1,798 1.904 2,O30 1,53~ - 1.4~6 1,543 1,588 1.405 .425 MONTICELLO* 1,046 ?75 ~S& ?86 1 ,OI 5 1,026 1,026 WESTERN ALBEMARLE' 1,1481,211 1.1~4 1,245 8~8 1,020 1,052 1,082 1,0~4 -15f MURRAY 108 84 77 !~ I ~ 105 105 105 105 5UBIOIAL 4,0~4 3,0?3 3,177 ' '3,375 3,512 3.577 3,685 3,7~0 3,830 455 TOTAL REGU~R INSTRUCTION 13,04& I 1,1231 I !,3441 l !,&44 I 1,937 12,155 12,387 12,5~1 12,729 1,085 * Each middle school has 5 slols in Murray H.S. and lhe high schools have a Iolal of 84 slol$ in Murray H.S. Jl ALL CLASSROOMS @ 22 WITH SPECIALTY/ JJ_____~' '"ILIARY SPACES SUBTRACTED 1',,3 ** Includes anlicipaled addillons. *** Nodhern Elemenlan/School **** Projecled enrollmenls for 1999 - 2002 are based on Ihe Adopled Redisldcling Plan wilh 100% survival tram 1995-96. · Projected Residential Development Table I below delineates approved residential development, including the type of development, number of units built to date, and the number of units anticipated by the year 2003.1 Table I - Approved Projects (As of April, 1998) Project Type . Attendance # Units # Units Built # Units Built Area Approved to date by 2003 Dunlora SF Agnor-Hurt 275 215 +60 Burley Albemarle River Run SF Agnor-Hurt 412 346 +66 Burley Albemarle Western Ridge SF Brownsville 230 78 + 152 Henley Western Cory Farm _ SF Brownsville 190 13 +54 Henley Western Forest Springs MH Broadus Wood 244 11 MHP Sutherland Albemarle Wilton Country SFA Cale 38 4 +30 Homes Burley Monticello Foxcroft SF Cale 140 85 +55 Walton Monticello Redfields SF Cale 656 140 +310 SFA Walton (450 developer Monticello estimate) Lakeside Apts MF Cale 360 348 0 Walton (348 site plan) Monticello Mill Creek SF Cale 622 530 +49 Mill Creek SFA Walton (579 developer South Monticello estimate) Lake Reynovia SF Cale 198 123 +75 SFA Walton Monticello Tyl~e Key: SF- Single Family SFA - Single Family,4ttached MH- Mobile Home 33 MF- Multi Family TH- Town Home Table continued on next page Project Type Attendance # Units # Units Built # Units Built Area Approved to date by 2003 · Highlands at SF Crozet 350 219 +50 'Mechum River SFA Henley Western Gray Rock SF Crozet 201 0 4-201 (7) (under review TH Henley for rezoning) Western Linden Lane MF Greer 20 0 +20 Apts. Jouett Albemarle Skyline Court IMF Greet 70 0 +70 Apts. Jouett Albemarle Forest Lakes SF Hollymead 700 650 +5 TH Sutherland Albemarle Hollymead SF Hollymead 500-600 386 +87 TH Sutherland Albemarle Briarwood SFA Hollymead 660 300 +90 Sutherland (in 9 phases) Albemarle Chesterfield SF Hollymead 30 4 +26 Sutherland Albemarle Forest Ridge SFA Hollymead 44 ' 24 +20 Sutherland Albemarle Southern Hills SF Red Hill 33 8 +22 Walton Monticello Glenmore SF Stone-Robinson 750 300 +175 Burley Monticello Fontana SF Stony Point 168 0 168 Burley Monticello Gilbert Station SF Stony Point 22 0 +5 Woods Sutherland Albemarle 34 Type Key: SF - Single Family SFA - Single Family Attached MF - Multi Family TH - Town Home MH - Mobile Home Table continued on next page Project _ Type Attendance # Units # Units Built # Units Built Area Approved to date . by 2003 ' Bentivar SF Stony Point 111 · 57 +54 Sutherland Albemarle Forest Lakes SF I Woodbrook 800 315 +225 South TH Sutherland Albemarle Mallside Forest MF Woodbrook 160 0 + 160 Apts. Sutherland Albemarle I Still Meadows SF Woodbrook 135 0 + 135 Sutherland Albemarle Table II below delineates proposed development that may have an impact on enrollment at a later point. Table II - Proposed Projects (As of April, 199.8) Project Type Attendance # Units # Units Built # Units Built Area Approved to date by 2003 Townwood MHP A~maor-Hurt 13 0 ? Burley Albemarle Carriage Hill MF Cale 316 0 Walton Monticello Covesville SF Red Hill 37 0 ? Orchard Estates Walton Monticello Wingspread SF Red Hill 31 0 Farm Estates Walton Monticello Type Key: SF- Single Family SFA - Single Family Attached MH- Mobile Home MF - Multi Family TH- Town Home 3 5 ] ' '! 1 I i Albemarle County September 30 Enrollment Projections* FY 98/99 to FY 02/03 } ' I '1 ! FY 95196 FY 96197 FY 97198 Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment AGNOR-HURT 508 518 507 BROADUS WOOD 412 419 445 BROWNSVILLE 263 262 277 CALE 477 505 528 CROZET' 375 380 369 GREER 486 509 470 HOLLYMEAD 641 610 612 MERIWETHER LEWIS 410 419 422 V, L, MURRAY 248 245 239 RED HILL 164 152 155 SCOTI'SVILLE 189 198 190 STONE ROBINSON 520 523 537 STONY POINT 289 299 29,1 WOODBROOK 268 277 · 312 YANCEY 164 162 154. Elementary School Total 5,4t4 5,478 5,568 Elementary School Yeady Increase BURLEY 424 437 459 HENLEY 581 586 577 JOUETT 545 512 539 SUTHERLAND 515 591 575 WALTON 551. 563 551. Middle School Total 2,616 2,689 2,701 Middle Scl~ool Yeady Increase ALBEMARLE 1,798 1,904 2,030 WESTERN 1,211 1,196 1,245 MONTICELLO 0 0 0 MURRAY 84 7_7.7 .1..00. High School Total 3,093 3,t77 3,375 High School Yeady Increase Overall Increase from year to year ~'~-r^~ 11,123 11,344 11,644 FY 98199 FY 99100 FY 00101 FY 01102 FY 02~03 Overall Increase Estimate Estimate Estimate .Estimate Estimate f romg__7-9_8 583 592 601 592 602 35 458 .483 489 501 512 67 275 278 285 307 308 31 518 '530 544 535 533 5 360 363 377 378 373 4 459 465 455 464 466 -4 616 634 643 648 647 35 457 455 445 436 446 24 255 247 240 244 247 8 190 193 199 187 187 32 217 218 207 198 204 14 510 523 527 534 533 -4 285 285 284 288 286 -5 330 357 391 398 401 89 ~5~ !6Q 159 159 156 ~ 5,671 5,783 5,846 5,869 5,901 333 103 112 63 23 32 407 473 495 519 540 81 586 611 619 629 627 50 534 543 571 565 579 40 604 611 620 611 644 69 ~Q 5L~ 555 613 613 62 2,761 2,800 2,860 2,937 3.003 302 60 39 60 77 66 1,539 1,496 1,543 1,588 1.605 -425 975 956 986 1,015 1,026 -219 898 1,020 1,052 1,082 . 1,094 1,094 9.5 IO_Q 100 JO0 100. ~ 3,507 3,572 3,68t 3,785 3,825 450 132 65 109 104 40 295 216 232 204 138 1~ ~9 12,155 12,387 12,591 12,729 1,085 ALBEMARLE COUNTY SCHOOLS DIVISION ENROLLMENT and FORECAST, 1988- 2008 ,,~ I- O I-.- Z O 03 Q 14000 ,, I' ~ . ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I 13000 12O0O 110OO 10000 '9OOO 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 SCHO.OL YEAR Actual ~ Projected I 'l '! ! ! I I I I I ! ! I I } ! } ! ! $120 $11(5 $11o $1o~s $1oo ~0 $85 $80 $7O $~o $55 $50 Averages for Construction Cost School Buildings Coat Per Sq. Ft. 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Elementary ~ Intermediet~ High Atta~hraent No. 6 Source: State SuDts. Memo. No 143, 9/19/97 FY 99/00 - 03/04 CIP Calendar !998-99 June 98 S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 I0 I! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 98 S MT WT F S I 2 3- 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 I1 12 1;3 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 2-3 24 255 26 27 28 29 30 .31 August 98 S MT WT F S I 2 -3 4 55 6 7 9 I0 11 12 13 14 155 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 September 98 S MTWT F S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 2.3 24 2~ 26 27 2g 29 30 October 98 S MT WT F S ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 1.3 14 155 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 98 S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 55 6 7 g 9 10 I1 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 255 26 27 28 29 30 June 1 Instructions for Completing CIP Requests Sent to School Division 12 Instructions for Completing CIP Requests Sent to Departments July 27 Draft School CIP Presented to School Board 31 Departments' CIP Requests Due to County Executive's Office August 3 County Executive's Office Reviews Requsts for Accu- racy & Completion 10 School CIP Approved by School Board 14 CIP Request Materials Sent to Tectmical Committee September 3 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CIP Tech- nical Committee Meets to Review Projects 4 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CIP Tech- nical Committee Meets to Review Projects 7 Labor Day Holiday 8 County Executive's Office Begins to Determine Prelim- ina-y Available Revenues Planning Begins to Evaluate and Prioritize Projects Selected Project Requests Returned for Revision &/or Correction 25 Prioritized Projects and Revis- ed Requests Due to Tech- nical Committee October I 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Committee Meets to Priori- tize Projects Wid~in Avail- able Revenues 2 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Committee Meets to Final- ize Recommendations (if needed) 5 County Executives' Office Begins to Prepare Draft CIP Document October 23 Technical Committee Receives Draft Document for Review 30 Changes/Revisions to Draft Document Due to County Executive's Office November 2 county Executive's Office Finalizes Recommended CIP Document I0 7:00 PM CIP Document Sent to Planning Commission 1 7 7:00 PM Planning Commis- sion Holds Work Session on Recommended CIP 24 7:00 PM Planning Commis- sion Holds Public Hearing on Recommended CIP (if desired) December 2 9:00 AM Board of Supervisors Hold Work Session on Recommended January 13 7:00 PM Board of Supervisors Hold Public Hearing on Recommended CIP February 10 7:00 AM Board of Supervisors Approves FY 99/00 - 03/04 CIP April 14 7:00 PM Board of Supervisors Adopts FY 99/00 CIP I December 98 S MT WT F S 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 l 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 99 S MT WT F S i 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 255 26 27 28 29 30 31 February 99 S MT WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 155 16 17 I$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 255 26 27 28 March 99 SMTWTF SI I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 [. 25, 29 30 31 April 99 S MT WT F S! f 2 4 5 6 7 g 9 I0 :[ Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 29 -30 May 99 S MT WT F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 8/'13/98 39