HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198900014 Action Letter '-" Z ¡\A A §q -/4 n COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 2%-5823 October 20" 1989 Claude Cotten c/o Willoughby East Joint Venture P. O. Box 7030 Charlottesville, VA 22906 RE: ZMA-89-14 University Corporate Center Dear Mr. Cotten: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on October 18, 1989, unanimously approved the above-noted request to rezone approximately 12.77 acres, with proffers, from R-6, Residential to LI, Light Industrial. Property, located on the east side of Fifth Street Extended (Route 631) in the Willoughby Corporate Park. Please note ttiat this approval is subject to the attached proffer and the map identified by Mr. Tarbell from the Planning Department as part of this proffered application. ~ If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. sincerely, & community Development VWC/jcw cc: Dominion Real Estate Investors Kathy Dodson ~ ATTACHMENT · . - .TT ACHMENT A PROF'FER FOR UHlYERSm CORPORATE CE)(TR£ ZðR'ING AMÐIMHT ~wing uses shall be permitted subject to the requirements and limitations of these regulations. ~ Compounding of drugs. including biological products. medical and chemical as well as pharmaceutical. 2. Manufacture.processing. fabrication. assembly. distribution of products.such as. but not limited to (reference 5.1.24): (Amended 12-2-61) -Artists' supplies and equipment -Cosmetics. including perfumes. perfumed toiletries and perfumed toilet soap -Business. office machines and equipment AUG 2 ~85 .' " . - Drafting supplies and equipment P' ... .",',.... Dt' q......... ·.1 I·.""·' 1"1' 1':1.'''' 'I" .... \. .. , I....' " . -' - . -Electrical lighting and wiring equipment -Gifts. novelties including pottery.figurines and similar ceramic products -Glass products made of purchased glass -Industrial controls -Jewelry. silverware .' -Light machinery and machine parts. including electrical household applicances! but not including such things as clothes washers. dryers and refrigerators. -Musical instruments -Paper products such as die-cut paperboa~ and cardboard. sanitary paper products. bags and containers -Photographic equipment and supplies including processing and developing plant -Rubber. metal stamps -Small electrical parts such as c:)l1s. condensers. transformers. crystal holders -Sùrgical medical and dental instruments and supplies -Toys. sporting and athletic equipment. except firearms. ammunition.or fireworks -Watches. clocks and.simila~ timing devices 3. Publishing. printing. lithography and engraving. including. but not limited to. newspapers. periodicals and books 4. Preparation of printing plates including typesetting. etching and engraving .5. Research and development activities including laboratories for experimental testing- 6. Scientific or technical educa~ton facilities - 1. Public uses and buildings such a5 sChools,offices, parks, playgrounds, roads funded, owned or operated by local, 'state, or federal agencies (reference 31.2.5) 8. Temporary construction uses (reference 5.1.18) () 9. Business and professional office buildings 10. Engineering,. engineering design, assembly and fabrication of machinery and components, including such on-site accessory uses as machining, babbitting, welding, and sheet metal work employing machinery not exceeding fifteen (15) horsepower per unit and excluding such uses as drop hammering and foundry. 11. Electric, gas, oil, and communication facilities excluding multi-legged tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters, and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 10 of Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law. The following uses shall not be permitted: 1. Fire and rescue squad stations (reference 5.1.9) 2. Food products, such as bakery goods, dairy products" candy, beverages, including bottling plants 3. Wood cabinets and furniture. upholstery 4. Assembly and fabricaticn of light aircraft from component parts manufactured off-site 5. Contractor's office and equipment storage yard ~ Permited by special use permit: 1. Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical 2. Moving businesses. including storage facilities " 3. Warehouse facilities 4. Who1easale businesses 5. Temporary events sponsored by local nonprofit organizations (reference 5.1.27) (Added 7-7-82) 6. Helistop or heliport (reference 5.1.1) Not permitted by special use permit: 1. Airport 2. Assembly of modular building units 3. Truck terminal 4. Electrical power substations. transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; micro-wave and radio-wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances Buffer areas ~ 1. The applicant will provide a tree buffer along the boundary by 1-64 to screen the property from the wp«::thnlrnrf 1 :Ii no ^.ç T c¡: · . ,¿:... IVI.tt- ~ ~ - I 4" ~ /~ ~ ~_I'; r-: r' ,¡ \ \ ' I \ ,'"": ': ~ ;~ \ ' ;; \ '., / q-:J ~~ ,I,,¿ \7' I I; - . I '. I ~_ ." ~ 1 ..-,-, , :. ~ : ,. .' ,-. ! ~ ....' ,~: ' W /' ."~' ..; COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE omCE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 40 1 MCiNTIRE ROAD CHARL.OTTESVIL.LE. VIRGINIA 22901..4!596 MEMORANDUM .\ FROM: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director, Planning and Community Development Lettie E. Neher, Clerk~ October 19, 1989 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Board Actions of october 18, 1989 At the Board of Supervisors afternoon meeting on October 18, 1989, the following actions were taken: .-.. Agenda Item No. 6a. Work Session: Zoning Text Amendments: ~TA-89-12. To amend Article 1, General provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to include recent provisions added to the Code of Virginia. No change. Agenda Item No. 6b. ZTA-89-13. To amend Section 10.0, Rural Areas, of the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to the statement of intent and subdivision of land, and uses permitted. Discussion to be continued at November 1, 1989, work session. Agenda Item No. 6c. ZTA-89-14. To amend the definition of public garage. No change. Agenda Item No. 6d. ZTA-89-15. To include temporary mobile classroom in all districts under the provision that relates to public uses and buildings. No change. At the Board of Supervisors night meeting on October 18, 1989, the following actions were taken: . Agenda Item No.5. ZMA-89-14. University Corporate Center Willoughby East Joint Venture). To rezone approximately 12.77 acres, with proffers, from R-6 Residential to LI, Light Industrial. Property is located on the east side of Fifth Street Extended Memo To: Date: Page 3 Mr. Cilimberg October 19, 1989 n Agenda Item No.8. SP-89-77. Andy Wyland. For a Home Occupation, Class B, to operate a taxidermy service. Property located on the east side of Route 630 approximately 5/10 of a mile north of its intersection with Route 721. Tax Map 18, Parcel 43. Scottsville District. , The Board APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. Such occupation may be conducted either within the dwelling or an accessory structure, or both, provid- ed that not more than 25 percent of the floor area of the dwelling shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation, and in no event shall the total floor area devoted to such occupation exceed 1,500 square feet; 2. There shall be no change in the outward appearance of the building or premises or other visible evi- dence of such home occupation; 3. There shall be no sales transactions on the premises except those involved in completed taxidermy; 4. No traffic shall be generated by such home occupa- tion in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood, and any need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be accommodated on-site; ~ 5. The home occupation shall comply with performance standards as set forth in Section 4.14 of the Zoning Ordinance; 6. This special use permit shall be applicable to these applicants (Andy Wyland and Steve Morgan) only and shall be considered non-transferable; 7. Business hours shall be confined to 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday; 8. No employees; 9. There shall be no hazardous chemicals used, stored, or disposed of in the operation of the business. Agenda Item No.9. SP-89-74. David & Dorothy Pollard. To allow a single wide mobile home to be located on a 141.490 acre parcel zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property located on west side of ~ Route 795 approximately 4/10 of a mile north of the intersection of Route 622 and Route 795. Tax Map 131, Parcel 6. Scottsvil1e District. Memo To: Date: .age 5 Mr. Cilimberg October 19, 1989 development which complements the Westminster Canterbury project; 4. No construction or improvements to this property will exceed elevation 580; 5. The developer intends to stair-step the townhouse units according to grade; , 6. With regard to landscaping and fencing buffer for the development of this property, the Applicant proffers to be in general compliance with the preliminary plan of Jefferson Point Townhouses, as submitted on the drawing dated October 3, 1989, and with the intent as clarified in public comments by the applicant and his agents on October 18, 1989, before the Board of Supervisors; 7. The applicant proffers a 30 foot setback from the Route 250 right-of-way and adjacent properties; and 8. The applicant proffers that all exterior house finishes will be natural brick and/or earth tone colors. . ~~ (A full transcript of the proceedings on this petition will follow, so there will be no misunderstanding as to the intent under condition No.6.) Mr. Bain requested that increased set-back requirements for high density developments be considered in implementing the new corridor entrance legislation. LEN/plm Attachment cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. St. John Bruce Woodzell Amelia Patterson File . ZMA 1m=ill4 This record is missing the following: _ Section of Zoning Ordinance J Attachment in file at Albemarle County Zoning & Current Development Office Reference another ZMA Cover Letter Other For assistance, please contact Sarah Baldwin at sbaldwin(á)albemarle.org or (434) 296-5832