HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 16 17 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Business Plan Work Session AGENDA DATE: January 19, 2005 ACTION: INFORMATION: X SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Agenda and Materials for the Business Plan Work Session CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker, Breeden; Ms. White ATTACHMENTS: YES LEGAL REVIEW: REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: At the September 2003 retreat, the Board of Supervisors discussed the need to move forward with more long-term fiscal planning in conjunction with the implementation of the four strategic directions. Staff was directed to move forward with designing a process to align the strategic planning process with the budget process. The Business Plan is an integral part of the strategic budgeting process and sets specific budget initiatives to accomplish approved strategic goals and objectives. DISCUSSION: The agenda for the Business Plan Work Session is as follows: · Strategic Budgeting Process · Capital Projects o Revenues o General Government Projects o School Division Projects o Debt Service o Five Year CIP vs. Five Year Planning Phase · Strategic Operating Initiatives o Overview of Leadership Council Priorities · Five Year Financial Forecast o Impact of Changing Expenditure Assumptions o Impact of Changing Revenue Forecast o Impact of Capital on Operating o Impact of Funding Strategic Initiatives ATTACHMENTS FY 2005/06 -2009/10 REVISED Capital Improvements Program & 2010/11 - 2014/15 Capital Needs Assessment - Summary of Projects (2 Pages) & by Functional Area (12 Pages) FY 2006 -2015 REVISED CIP Summary - Project Descriptions (20 Pages) FY 2005/06 Strategic Initiative Request Summaries (8 Pages) Strategic Initiatives Leadership Council Priorities (1 Page) ?"':-:-;:t:0~fT'1~fì!"'!>~ ~Q~~~~?Jg8~g~ ~·g.~~g:3~g.añ;~;' ;¡'I'Ð-~:::o,,<I'Ð<~,,<n CD3 C)5.~ c: ~:; =õ'»i; a ~~ ~;~3 ~;;~~g. 3 ~g.~~ ;;;,~~~.~.::J ~~~~~ * ~~~ ~~~ ~æp>/~ -'~'æ~Vlã:~ ~~~~ ~~l'Ðao~ ~~~-5 Ë~~'¡:þ'~" ~ Co ~ ~::¡o I'Ð ~. ~ "'C ""C -< 3 ~ ~ -,: (tI ::! 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When the new J&DR Court is complete, scheduled for June 2006, a decision must be made concerning the disposition of the old Levy Opera House. One consideration is to renovate the facility to house General District Court. A study will be conducted in order to assess the ramifications of transforming this facility into a Court Facility, whether General District Court or other function. The renovation itself is estimated on a square foot basis. Square footage costs will vary depending upon the security and other specialty requirements. COURT SQUARE SALL YPORT FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $350,000 $350,000 $0 $350,000 The Sallyport consists of a fully enclosed area next to the existing walkway to the prisoner holding cell. The Sallyport will enable the Sheriffs Department vehicles to safely offload prisoners into the holding cell without having to back into the existing entrance to the Sheriffs Department. The proposed design includes a fully automated gate system thus preventing prisoner escape during offloading. Work needed includes soil excavation and installation of poured concrete flooring and walls. COURT SQUARE MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $125,000 $525,000 $550,000 $1,075,000 This on-going program includes interior and exterior maintenance/replacement projects associated with the Court Square facility, which houses the County General District and Circuit Courts as well as court support services. J & DR COURT MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $15,000 $75,000 $45,000 $120,000 This on-going program includes interior and exterior maintenance/replacement projects at the Juvenile and Domestic Relations U&DR) Court building. The City and County fund these projects jointly. OLD JAIL REMEDIATION I FY ~~06 I FY ~~-10 I FY ~~-15 I T~~AL The purpose of this project is to provide preliminary remediation for the Old Jail. The Old Jail has not been maintained since it was last used in approximately 1980. There are two issues that must be addressed: environmental cleanup and building integrity. A report dated August 16, 1999, identified lead based paint that should be cleaned and abated. In addition, broken window and door structures have allowed pests to enter and live within the building. These points of entry for pests would be repaired after the lead based paint and pest debris was removed and cleaned. In addition, an engineering assessment will be undertaken to assess the structural integrity of the roof and support structure as well as the perimeter brick walls. 1/13/2005 Page 1 of 20 .. PUBLIC SAFETY PROJECTS STATION 11 - MONTICELLO FIRE STATION FIBER CONNECTION FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $767,000 $767,000 $0 $767,000 Station construction is completed and the station is open and operational. Since opening, design, construction, and system performance issues have been identified at Station 11. These problems have been corrected in planning for future stations; however, they still exist at Station 11. A fiber optic connection is required to provide adequate access to the County network, a station alerting system is required, and the lock/building security system must be upgraded. STATION 12 - NORTHSIDE FIRE STATION FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $880,000 $ 7,475,000 $0 $ 7,475,000 This project provides funding for the construction of Fire Rescue Station 12 in the northern development area of Albemarle County. STATION 13 - PANTOPS FIRE STATION FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $842,000 $4,326,000 $0 $4,326,000 This project provides funding for the future construction of the Pantops-area Fire Rescue station and for the purchase of fire rescue equipment (Le., engines, ladders, ambulances, etc.). This station will serve the Pantops Mountain urban area. This station is proposed to be in conjunction with the City of Charlottesville Fire Department (l/2 construction costs each). Apparatus and personnel would be provided by both the City and the County. Details on the partnership are in the very early stages of development. STATION 14 - EAST IVY STATION FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $6,555,000 $0 $6,555,000 This project provides funding for the future construction of the Ivy-area Fire Rescue station and for the purchase of fire rescue equipment (Le., engines, ladders, ambulances, etc.) VFD FIRE & EMS APPARATUS REPLACEMENT FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $7,868,000 $5,457,000 $5,902,000 $77,359,000 This project funds the replacement of Volunteer Fire & EMS response Apparatus. In the past, these funds were loaned to Volunteer stations for apparatus replacement. Last year the BOS discontinued the loan fund and began funding apparatus replacement through the CIP process. CROZET LADDER TRUCK FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 TOTAL $0 $0 $7,780,000 $7,780,000 This project proposes to purchase aerial apparatus for Crozet. Because of the current and proposed building in these areas, an aerial apparatus is needed for access to tall and large structures. FIRE/RESCUE MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 TOTAL $0 $0 $7,377,000 $7,377,000 This project will be an enhancement to the Police Department Mobile Data Computer Program, adding necessary software and equipment for critical fire and EMS personnel or apparatus (Command staff and front line development area apparatus). This technology gives fire and EMS personnel working in the Albemarle County community access to information necessary for a safe and efficient response to both 1/13/2005 Page 2 of 20 .,JI emergency and routine calls for service. Information includes computer aided dispatch data, fire incident data, pre-plans, mapping, hazardous materials storage locations. The system also increases the ability of incident commanders to effectively manage scene operations, resources, and provide up to the second information critical to the decision making process. The system also provides voiceless dispatch capability and the ability to share information with other responders, Chief Officers, and the ECC without voice radio transmissions. STATION 8 - SEMINOLE TRAIL AND CARS STATION FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $20,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 Two existing stations are in need of replacement in the northern urban ring of Albemarle County. The CARS Berkmar building and the Seminole Trail Fire Station (both located on Berkmar Drive) were built in the early 1970's. This project provides funding to explore the possibilities associated with combining the two buildings into one facility, determining the appropriate location, and proposing possible station designs that would meet the needs of all stakeholders. FIRE/RESCUE TRAINING CENTER / POLICE FIRING RANGE FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $7,634,000 $478,000 $2,052,000 This project combines funding requests to design and construct a Fire/EMS training center (burn building) and to fund a firing range and firearms training center for qualifying police officers at the same site. Both the Fire/EMS training center and the firing range need to be located out of the populated areas of the county and therefore, there is potential for a shared space. Funds allocated thus far are as follows: FY 01-04: $400,000 Police Firing Range (at this point these funds have not been expended.) POLICE PATROL VIDEO CAMERAS FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $23,000 $507,000 $407,000 $974,000 The Police Department is requesting 12 additional video cameras to be placed in "marked" patrol vehicles. The camera and a remote microphone will record the interaction between the officer and the traffic violator. The documented recording is critical to the prosecution of "Driving Under the Influence" and other serious traffic/criminal cases, as well as its administrative use in resolving complaints made against police officers by motorists. The funding for 60 of these cameras was covered in FY 01/04. Funding from a grant allowed us to cover the total purchase (with ClP funds) of 68 cameras. Additional funding will be required for the growth of 4 officers from the current year as well as the expected growth of 8 officers over the next two-year period. Funding for FY05/08 will allow for the purchase of 4 cameras per year. This project will also handle upgrade/replacement of the original 68 cameras as well as the new 12 cameras. POLICE MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $780,000 $407,000 $0 $407,000 This project would allow for the continued funding of the Police Department Mobile Data Computer Program. This program provides patrol vehicles with laptop computers and mobile data technology. The requirements of this project are: 40 laptops; 40 wireless interfaces (modems/radios), and mounting equipment for patrol vehicles. These additional 40 mobile data computers will cover the additional personnel in the agency not previously covered in the prior funding. Thirty-two of these are to cover the current personnel and eight are requested to cover the anticipated increase in staffing of officers over the next two years. Previous funding covered mobile data computers, a radio/wireless interface for Computer Aided Dispatch System; message switch for VCIN/NCIC interface; mobile data computer software interface for the Records Management System; and system integration services. These computers give officers working in the Albemarle County community access to: motor vehicle and drivers license information; local criminal history information; warrants and wanted persons checks 1/13/2005 Page 3 of 20 .f nationwide; access to the regional records management system; reporting templates for completing reports in the police vehicle that can be reviewed by supervisors in the field and later uploaded to our records system without additional data entry; voiceless dispatch capability and the ability to share information with other officer, shift commanders and ECC - 911 without voice radio transmissions; the ability to email, plan and communicate with anyone on the mobile data computer system including our regional partners and any other public safety agency that may be granted access for homeland security purposes or emergency situations. PUBLIC SAFETY MOBILE COMMAND CENTER FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $120,000 $120,000 This funding will allow for the replacement of the police department's Public Safety Mobile Command Center. The Public Safety Mobile Command Center needs to be available for emergencies and planned events for public service and communication coordination. NEW COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER - SPCA FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $50,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 This project consists of providing a total County contribution of $250,000, at $50,000 annually from FY 03 through FY 07 to support the SPCA in constructing a new animal care, treatment, and adoption facility, which since 1956, has also served as the pound for both the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. The SPCA has estimated the total cost of constructing the new 17,461 square foot facility to be $3,500,000. They are currently involved in an active fund raising campaign and have also received a $1,000,000 payment from VDOT for land purchased due to the Route 29 bypass alignment, which crosses their current facility. Based on staff research and the benefits of a continued partnership with the SPCA, the City and County staffs recommend that the proposed contribution would be the most cost-effective approach to provide this service, which is a State-mandated responsibility of the County and the City. The new facility was issued a temporary certificate of occupancy on July 31 st, and will have the permanent certificate of occupancy when the crematorium is moved and the landscaping is complete. PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS COUNTY FACILITIES - MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $650,000 $3,060,000 $3,370,000 $6,430,000 This on-going program includes interior and exterior maintenance/replacement projects at County facilities. For the purposes of this budget request, County facilities are COB Mcintire Rd, COB 5th St, and Old Crozet Elementary School. These projects are intended to maintain, repair, replace, or otherwise add value to capital assets in accordance with a facility management plan to the extent possible. RECYCLING CENTERS FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $750,000 $0 $750,000 Construct recycling centers in Northern, Southern and Eastern areas of the County. The Western area of the County is currently served by the existing Ivy Materials Utilization Center. These centers will serve County residents and private haulers who chose to deliver recyclable materials including plastic, glass, aluminum/steel, and paper. The future of the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority is uncertain at the time of this revision; therefore, it is not prudent to program this organization's participation in this program. However, RSWA could provide staffing services if they are able. 1/13/2005 Page 4 of 20 y' IVY LANDFILL REMEDIATION FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $640,000 $3,037,000 $2,340,000 $5,377,000 Ivy Landfill Remediation is an ongoing effort that is expected to require expenditures over a prolonged period. Discussion and analysis are still under way on how the County and City will split the costs and how this cost will be financed. At this point, RSWA plans to expend $14 Million over the next 10 years on environmental issues and this will need to be funded by the County and City. Cost estimates will be revised once the financing and cost share arrangements are established. KEENE LANDFILL CLOSURE FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 The project is an environmental contingency fund to provide corrective action, if necessary, upon discovery of potential groundwater contamination. Annual monitoring of the groundwater quality is presently being provided by Public Works through the operating budget. According to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, annual monitoring is to continue for a period of 10 years beginning April 1994. The final monitoring event is scheduled for Fall 2004. Based on results of that event, annual groundwater monitoring should cease and funding of this ClP Account should cease as well. The funding projection is an estimate of what could be required to mitigate any impact to groundwater, such as installation of an in-ground "pump and treat" system designed to collect and haul off-site identified, contaminated groundwater. At this juncture, it is unclear whether future monitoring would be required by DEQ after completion of the final groundwater monitoring event. BUSINESS LICENSE OFFICE RELOCATION I FY05/06 I FY06-10 I FYI'-15 I TOTAL $0 $0 $0. $0 This project would relocate the Business License and Business Personal Property section of the Finance -Assessments/Collections Division to the current conference room area located in Finance. The project includes creating five private offices in the conference room area and installation of rolling files adjacent to this area. The existing business license area would be renovated into a reception area, two private offices for taxpayer assistance (including tax relief for the elderly interviews and completion of state income tax returns), and a small conference room. DRIVE-UP WINDOW TRAFFIC PATTERN AND CANOPY I FY05/06 I FY06-10 I FYII-15 I TOTAL $0 $0 $0. $0 This request provides funding for a consultant review of the traffic pattern at the Finance drive-up window and the installation of a canopy over the window area. COB MCINTIRE RENOVATIONS FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $1,180,000 $3,655,000 $0 $3,655,000 This project will renovate and refurbish the Lane auditorium to serve as a venue for large meetings and productions, as in the past, while introducing the flexibility to serve as an everyday board room. The architect engaged by the long range space planning committee will develop options to allow both goals to be met. Current seating capacity in Lane Auditorium is over 500 seats. It is a difficult task to retain the character of the Lane auditorium, and the capacity for handling large events, while installing mechanisms for easy transformation of the space into an appropriate setting for a board meeting hosting 30 people. Auditorium decor will be replaced, including curtains and seats. Additionally, Phase II to the COB Mcintire renovations project is included in FY 06/07. This phase will follow the Community Development move into the North Wing, leaving a void. 1/13/2005 Page 5 of 20 ," PUBLIC WORKS - MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT I FY 05/06 I FY 06-10 I FY 11-15 I TOTAL $0 . $0 $0 $0 This Program will provide funds for emergency repair/replacement/maintenance to public works' facilities such as sidewalks, landscape and maintenance equipment, landscape replacement, etc. It is anticipated that staff will be hired during the upcoming fiscal years, as well as purchase of a low-level of public works maintenance equipment including mowers. As the scope of services delivered within this program increases, additional equipment will be needed to match the desired service level. For example, small excavation equipment (Bobcat, loader, small backhoe, and trailer) could be purchased. COMMUNITY/NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $217,000 $2,596,000 $3,792,000 $6,388,000 Funding of improvements identified in specific neighborhood plans. The County has one master plan close to adoption (Crozet), one in process (Pantops update), and one encompassing 4 Development Areas (DA's) starting in Fall 2004 (Northern Urban Areas). Within the next 3 years, 6 DA's will have plans associated with them. Figures associated with the out years are based on estimated costs for implementing the studies in progress. REVENUE SHARING ROAD PROGRAM FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $5,000,000 Each year, the County participates in the Revenue Sharing (RS) Road Program in which the State provides additional funds for the construction, maintenance, or improvement of secondary roads. Some of the roads programmed for RS Funds in the VDOT Six Year Road Construction Program include Proffit Road (FY 05-06), Old Ivy Road (FY 06-07), North Free State Road Connector (FY 07-08), in addition to future projects not yet determined. Up to $500,000 can be awarded to a locality. Participation in the program requires the locality to provide a dollar for dollar match of the awarded amount. The RS award along with the County match result in an additional $1.0 million in the VDOT Six Year Road Construction Plan to use toward road improvements. The VDOT Six Year Road Construction Program, approved by the Board each year, assumes $1.0 million in RS funds (and match) in each year of the Plan. This request assumes the County will continue to request (and match) the maximum amount available. Through the last half of the 1990's, the average annual award to the County was just over $400,000 (VDOT share) the revenue sharing program. However, over the last 5 years, the average award has been at $500,000.) HILLSDALE ROAD CONNECTOR FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $79,000 $79,000 This is the extension of Zan Road (in the City) to connect to Pepsi Place at the existing cul-de-sac. Ninety-five percent (95%) of this road alignment is within City limits. This project was formerly referred to as the Seminole-Pepsi Place Connector. This project has been included in the MPO's Transportation Improvement Program and VDOT's Six Year Urban Systems Plan, and is currently being studied by VDOT and the City. While the Planning and Engineering has been funded by VDOT, construction is now not anticipated before FY09-1 O. There is no final cost estimate for this project until the study process is completed. Based on the prior cost estimate, the County's proportional share for the portion of the project located in the County is $79,000. VDOT Urban System funding will cover all the road construction, including the County's 1/13/2005 Page 6 of 20 .' portion of the road. It is recommended that this project remain in the CIP in case VDOT does not fund the County's portion of the project. If VDOT fully funds the project, it is recommended that this allocation be used toward road enhancements (sidewalks, crosswalks, traffic calming, landscaping, and the like.) SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $641,000 $2,749,000 $3,242,000 $5,991,000 The goal of this project is to provide annual, on-going funding for the construction of sidewalks and other pedestrian related improvements NOT funded in conjunction with road projects or specific neighborhood plans. Projects funded in conjunction with road projects and neighborhood plans are presented separately in the ClP. Priority projects include: FY 05/06: · Route 29 North Corridor Pedestrian Study priority recommendations (3 crossings of Rt 29, Sperry, Mall, and Rio Hill Blocks). · Rio Road, from Fashion Square Mall to Railroad (south side of street) FY 06/07: · South Pantops Drive and State Farm Blvd. (from 250 East to Carriage Hill Apartments · Avon Street, Lakeside Apartments to City limits FY 07/08: · Ivy Road, Kluge Center to City. (NEW). · Commonwealth Drive/Berkley Drive, Rt. 29 to Commonwealth to north of Westfield Rd. (NEW) FY08/09: · Old Lynchburg and Stagecoach Roads (Redfields to old Covenant School). · Rio Road, Meadow Creek Parkway to Stonehenge (.5 miles) FY 09/1 0: · Hydraulic Road, Commonwealth to Georgetown Rd. (north side) (NEW) · Rt 250 West, Belair Market to Farmington/Ednam (NEW) TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $200,000 $3,165,000 $5,625,000 $8,790,000 Funding for the design component and possible construction of priority transportation projects identified in the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, including the proposed Crozet Master Plan, and Regional Transportation Plan (CHART). Establishing a Transportation Program Fund will provide for a more consistent and flexible source for the planning and development of major transportation projects. This year's requests include the projects: Eastern Avenue, Crozet: · Design and construction, with a focus on 1) the railroad underpass near Three Notched Road (possible public-private partnership) and 2) the Lickinghole Creek Crossing. This is a request for $300,000 (FY05-06) to complete funding for design and engineering (total estimated cost, $500,000). $200,000 was funded in FY04-05. · Begin funding construction of the connector to link sections constructed with new development (possible public-private partnerships). Total cost, $5.0 million ($4.0 for bridge, $1.0 for underpass), with funding requested to begin in FY06-07. This was requested in last year's ClP review, but was not funded. (NOTE: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FUNDING) Southern Parkway (Avon Street to Fifth Street) design and construction (south of 1-64, connector road from Avon Street to 5th Street Extended). Design cost is estimated to be $300,000 (FY05-06). This is a new request to begin funding construction of the Southern Parkway. Preliminary estimate for cost of construction is $5.9 million. Funding for the project is to begin in FY07-08. (NOTE: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FUNDING) 1/13/2005 Page 7 of 20 ,. J Eastern Connector study. County contribution (with City, County, MPO, VDOT) toward the study to determine the general road corridor and possible alignment, in partnership with the MPO, City and VDOT. (FY06-07). Exact cost and the County's share of funding for this study/project have yet to be determined. This is a CHART recommended project. Southern Urban (Area B) Improvements - Preliminary engineering (and possible construction) for priority transportation improvements associated with the recommendations from the Study being conducted jointly with the City, County and U.Va. (Adoption by December 2004). Funding to begin in FY08-09. Exact cost and the County's share of funding for this study/project have yet to be determined. This is a CHART recommended project. Northern Urban Area Master Plan Transportation recommendations - Preliminary engineering (and possible construction) for priority transportation improvements associated with the recommendations from the Master Plan. (FY07-08).. Exact cost and the County's share of funding for this study/project have yet to be determined. This is a CHART recommended project. Traffic Calming. ($50,000 annual funding) to fund traffic calming effort within neighborhoods and other areas of the County ROADWAY LANDSCAPING PROGRAM FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 TOTAL $28,000 $980,000 $970,000 $ 7,950,000 The purpose of this project is to fund new landscaping improvements and the maintenance/upgrading of existing landscaping along County roads. Two projects included in this program were prior individual CIP requests (Ivy Road landscaping, Route 29 North Landscaping). A general fund for this type of projects allows for more flexibility to adjust to changes in priorities or unique circumstances or opportunities that arise. STREETLAMP PROGRAM FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 7 7-75 TOTAL $0 $ 7 94,000 $277,000 $477 ,000 This project serves two primary purposes: (l) to allow more flexible and consistent funding for public requests for street lighting projects; and (2) to anticipate the need to provide street lighting along public sidewalk projects. Projects under this request correspond with sidewalk projects funded through the Sidewalk Construction Program, as to location and funding dates. Projects planned in conjunction with specific neighborhood plans are funded separately through the Neighborhood Plan Implementation Program request. Priority projects include: · Hillsdale Drive, from Greenbrier Drive to Rio Road · State Farm Blvd.jS. Pantops Drive/Riverbend Drive sidewalks · Georgetown Road sidewalk (sidewalk upgrade) · Routes 240, 810 (downtown and to Crozet School), Tabor, Hill Top (Crozet) · Route 20 North sidewalk (Route 250 to Towe Park) · Avon Street, from Lakeside Apartments/Mill Creek North to Mill Creek South · Avon Street, Lakeside Apartments to City Limits · Rio Road, form Fashion Square Mall to Railroad (south side of street) · Rio Road, Meadow Creek Parkway to Stonehenge · St. George Avenue, sidewalk, Crozet (Route 789 to Wayland Avenue) · Railroad Avenue, sidewalk, Crozet (Route 789 to Route 810) 1/13/2005 Page 8 of 20 /' , MEADOW CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $7,000,000 $0 $7,000,000 This project establishes a CIP account to accept private (developer) contribution for improvements to the intersection of Pen Park Lane at Rio Road. The project will encompass site distance improvements and a turning lane on Rio Road. The improvement is needed to support a residential development proposal in the City and that developer will design and pay for the intersection. This CIP project is being created to allow the County to accept the private sector contribution for the improvement and forward to VDOT to develop as a public project (VDOT cannot accept the private funds in this situation). The proposed subdivision development has not been approved by the City at this time, so there is no definitive time frame for the construction of this project. This proiect is offset by $1.000,000 in revenues. ROUTE 22/250 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $745,000 $0 $745,000 This project establishes a CIP account to accept contributions for improvements to the intersection of Louisa Road (State Route 22) and Richmond Road (State Route 250). The project will realign Route 22 to Route 250 where a new access for Luck Stone will be created. This project is being pursued as a public-private effort, with Luck Stone contributing funding to the development of this project. This project has been allocated VDOT hazard elimination safety funds for preliminary engineering and right of way acquisition. This project is being created to allow the County to accept the private sector contributions for the improvement and forward to VDOT to develop as a public project (VDOT cannot accept the private funds in this situation). The County is also contributing funds received through a proffer for transportation improvements to Route 250 improvements related to The Glenmore development. The total project cost is $1,455,000 (VDOT contribution $750,000, Luck Stone $550,000, County/proffered funds $145,000). This project is offset by $145.000 in revenues. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS I FY 05/06 I FY 06-70 I FY 77-75 I TOTAL . $0 $0. $0 $0 Long-term groundwater monitoring wells are an integral component of the groundwater program recommended by the Groundwater Committee. The monitoring wells are designed to supplement the regulatory parts of the program that require groundwater information to be generated prior to development. The groundwater ordinance will require information in site-specific cases when property is being developed; however, this will not generate a big-picture understanding of the County's groundwater resources. The monitoring wells are designed to be installed over time in accordance with a strategic plan, to be developed by the newly-funded Groundwater Manager position. After initial installation, the Groundwater Manager will monitor the wells for water level and water quality on a routine basis. The intention for the long-term monitoring wells is that, over time, they can be tied to a citizen outreach and alert system during droughts or at other times. The monitoring wells will provide a long- term record of water levels that can be communicated to citizens and used for policy and land-use decisions. 1/13/2005 Page 9 of 20 · HUMAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PVCC - SITE WORK FOR SCIENCE BUILDING FY05j06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $40,700 $80,200 $0 $80,200 This project consists of site work and site improvements for a new 30,000 square foot Science and Technology building at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC). The total cost of the project is $6,250,000. Of this, $5,000,000 is included in the State's General Obligation Bond package, $850,000 is for equipment to be funded by state appropriation, and $400,000 is for site work and site improvements that by state law must be funded locally. Each of the seven localities in PVCC's service area is being asked to fund a portion of the total cost of the site work based upon their respective shares of enrollment. For Albemarle County, this amounts to $160,400 (40.1 %). It is proposed that the site work funding be paid over four fiscal years (FY 03/04 - FY 06/07). The request to Albemarle County is for $40,100 each year for four years. The four-year local payment schedule is similar to that used in conjunction with the site work for the V. Earl Dickinson Building, which involved a similar dollar amount. All seven localities have committed to the project, and $200,000 has been collected as of June 30, 2004. PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURE PROJECTS COUNTY ATHLETIC FIELD DEVELOPMENT FY05j06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $93,000 $ 775,000 $268,000 This project requests funds to implement the recommendations of the County Athletic Field Study, which was first completed in 1997 and is updated annually. The Parks and Recreation Department annually discusses current and projected field needs with the various local community athletic organizations and develops a priority list for athletic field improvements which includes the construction of new playing fields, and the upgrading and lighting of existing playing fields. It is understood that this will be an on-going need as the County continues to grow and that funding available for this purpose may fluctuate from year to year based on other County needs. Each year, projects are completed in priority order based on available funding. Every effort is made to stretch County dollars by partnering with schools, athletic booster clubs, SOCA and the various other youth athletic organizations. Since 1997 significant progress has been made in this area. While continued on-going funding is needed in this area, the recently completed recreation needs assessment indicated the need for a shift in focus to new natural areas and trails, and improved maintenance and enhancement of other park and recreation facilities. Beginning in FY 07-08 this project funds the renovation of fields at one site per year. Priority for site renovation will be based on use and condition, as well as discussions with user groups and school staff when appropriate. RECREATION FACILITIES PROJECT FY05j06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $2,030,000 $0 $2,030,000 This history of this project was the combining of funding for the construction of a new gymnasium on existing County property in the urban area and a major recreational center that could include a swimming pool, gymnasium, weight room and dance and multi-purpose rooms. The actual project scope and costs were expected to change pending the results of a Community Recreational Facility Needs Assessment, which is currently being completed. In FY 01/02 the Technical Review Committee recommended funding of the needs assessment to determine the need and feasibility of an indoor recreation center, the types of facilities, potential locations and partnership options. This assessment is recommending that the County need for indoor recreation can be met by the provision of three centers with an initial 86,500 sq. ft. center in the southern urban area on County property near Monticello High School in FY 08/09, a second center of 56,500 sq. ft. in the northern urban area at an 1/13/2005 Page 10 of 20 .' undetermined location in FY 13/14 and a third center of 31 ,500 sq. ft. in the Crozet area in FY 18/19 possibly at Crozet Park. The initial center would include a double court gymnasium, aerobics/dance room, leisure pool and a 25 yard x 25 meter competitive pool, weight/cardiovascular area, track, childcare room, multipurpose rooms, senior space, teen center, arts & craft room, indoor playground, lobby/lounge/vending area, locker rooms and administrative area. The County and the YMCA would partner on the development of the initial center with capital dollars coming from both entities. The YMCA would operate the facility under an agreement developed by the County and YMCA. The YMCA and County would develop an agreement to cover any shortfall in annual operating costs. The County contribution to the construction of the project would be limited to the land and the funding already programmed in the ClP. SCOTTSVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER IMPROVEMENTS FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $57,000 $0 $0 $57,000 This project completes the development of the Dorrier Park and Scottsville Community Center property according to the master plan developed by the Scottsville Park Development Association. SOUTHERN URBAN AREA PARK FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $919,000 $2,792,000 $0 $2,792,000 This project represents funding of a new park in the southern urban area to provide the community recreation facilities, which were planned to be included with the southern elementary school prior to the adoption of the DISC model. This park would include 2 little league baseball fields, 2 full size soccer fields, 2 basketball courts, 2 playground areas, and a picnic shelter with restroom. PARK SYSTEM REDESIGN STUDY FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 Funds requested to hire a consultant to develop and perform a random citizen survey and make recommendations on improvements to existing park system based on the finding of the survey. The last Parks and Recreation random citizen survey was performed in 2003. PARAMOUNT THEATER FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $33,000 $165,000 $0 $165000 This project provides a County financial contribution of $330,000 to assist in funding the restoration of the historic Paramount Theater and the renovation of the building to accommodate modern, advanced theatrical and musical productions. The entire project is expected to cost approximately $14.4 million dollars. To date, Paramount has raised $11.4 million in funds from private donors, downtown developers, local business owners, the Perry Foundation, the City of Charlottesville, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Albemarle County. The County's funding commitment is divided into annual amounts of $33,000 from FY 00/01 through FY 09/10. The renovated theater is expected to open during the 2004 holiday season. The fly loft is rapidly nearing completion. The decorative painters and plasterers have made enormous progress in the month they have been on site. Crews from the plumbing, electrical, masonry and rigging contractors are working throughout the building. The features of the project include: developing a three-story building adjacent to the Paramount in order to provide additional lobby space, restrooms, community space, and administrative offices; creating four large multi-purpose spaces for arts education activities, community group meetings, corporate and private functions, and community rehearsal space; back stage and technical upgrades; additional restroom facilities; installing larger, more comfortable seats, with excellent sight lines; providing a professionally staffed computerized box office for Paramount and community events; 1/13/2005 Page 11 of 20 .4 ensuring that the entire facility is accessible for persons with disabilities; and refurbishing, repainting, and restoring the Grand Lobby, Promenade, Auditorium, and Balcony. GREENWAY PROGRAM FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $25,000 $200,000 $250,000 $450,000 This project requests ongoing funding of $25,000 per year to implement the County Greenway Program. These funds may be used to purchase land or easements, fund construction, or as matching funds for grants, depending on the opportunities available. While highest priority will be given to developing greenways identified in the comprehensive plan, other trail related opportunities would be evaluated for funding as they occur. RIVER AND LAKE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $36,000 $191,000 $225,000 $416,000 This request provides funding to improve public access to rivers and lakes in Albemarle County. FY 03/04 was the first year of an on-going annual appropriation to improve public water access. While priority in the early years of this program will be to improve public access to area rivers, funds will also be made available for special accessibility projects to public fishing lakes. CROZET GROWTH AREA COMMUNITY PARK FACILITIES FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $1,181,000 $1,859,000 $3.040,000 This project represents funding for new community park facilities necessary based on the planned growth of the Crozet community. Developed park facilities would include 2 little league baseball fields, 2 full size soccer fields, 2 basketball courts, 2 playground areas, picnic shelters and restrooms. Facilities could be located at one or both designated community park areas in the Crozet Master Plan. NORTHERN URBAN AREA PARK FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,224,000 $3,224,000 This project represents funding for new community park facilities based on the planned growth of the Hollymead and northern urban area. Developed park facilities would include 2 little league baseball fields, 2 full size soccer fields, 2 basketball courts, 2 playground areas, picnic shelters and restrooms. PATRICIA BYROM FOREST PRESERVE PARK FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $83,000 $83,000 $0 $83,000 This request provides funds to develop an access road, parking area, and restroom to serve as a trailhead for the 600 acre Byrom Property which is to be donated to the County in 2004. PRIDDY CREEK TRAIL PARK FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $113,000 $113,000 This request provides funds to develop an access road, parking area, and restroom facility to serve as a trailhead for the 563 acre County owned Priddy Creek property. MINT SPRINGS FISHING ACCESSIBILITY FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $196,000 $0 $196,000 This request provides funds to develop handicapped accessible fishing facilities at both upper and lower lakes at Mint Springs Park. This project will include accessible parking, pathways, and fishing piers for both lakes. 1/13/2005 Page 1 2 of 20 ." While these facilities will be used year around, the primary focus of this project is to allow disabled anglers access to the VDCIF catchable trout program which runs from October 1 st through June 15th each year. During this period daily use can fluctuate from 10 to 50 persons per day depending on the stocking cycle. In April of each year the Department sponsors a "Kids Only Trout Fishing Day" which usually draws several hundred children and their families. The City of Charlottesville also runs an annual fishing rodeo at Mint Springs Park targeting primarily City youngsters who wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to go fishing. PARK ENHANCEMENTS FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $5~000 $38~000 $58~000 $96~000 This is a new project as a result of the recently completed recreation needs assessment. This project places a focused emphasis on enhancements to existing park facilities. Respondents to the random citizen survey indicated that the highest allocation of funds should go towards improvements and maintenance of existing parks and recreation facilities. While this is a new project, funding for these enhancements was achieved by transferring funds already programmed in the Parks and Recreation capital budget for athletic field enhancements. Athletic field enhancement will be continued but at a lesser level due to progress made over the past years, funding available in the current year, and relative importance to other facilities based on the random citizen survey. NORTH FORK RIVANNA NATURAL AREA FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $0 $270,000 $270,000 This request provides funding for the purchase of 107.5 acres of land for the development of a county park that would significantly enhance the county's greenway and blueway system, expand natural area recreation opportunities for citizens, and protect one of the most important sites of biodiversity in the county. This project focuses on acquisition of the land. Development cost of the project would be subject to a future CIP request. The exact scope of the improvements has yet to be determined. PARKS - MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -7 5 TOTAL $76000 $668,000 $997,000 $ 7,665,000 This project funds various maintenance and replacement projects for County parks and recreation faci lities. LIBRARIES PROJECTS NEW NORTHSIDE LIBRARY FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $7,087,000 $0 $7,087,000 Construct a new 25,000 square foot Northside (South) Library to replace the existing rented facility. NEW LIBRARY 29N CORRIDOR FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $0 $72,600,000 $72,600,000 Construct a new 25,000 square foot library in the northern part of the County along the 29N corridor. The new branch facility would include 5,000 square feet of regional facilities such as Technical Services, Administration and the Bookmobile. 1/13/2005 Page 1 3 of 20 ..- NEW CROZET LIBRARY FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 $424,000 $5,473,000 $0 Construct a new 22,567 square foot library to replace the existing Crozet Library. TOTAL $5,473,000 NEW LIBRARY SOUTHERN URBAN AREA FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 $0 $0 $7,922,000 Construct a new 15,000 square foot library to serve the Neighborhood 4/5 Area. TOTAL $7,922,000 CENTRAL LIBRARY RENOVATION FY 05/06 FY 06-70 $0 $0 Complete renovation of the Central Library. FY77-75 $5,644,000 TOTAL $ 5,644 000 SCOTTSVILLE LIBRARY EXPANSION FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 $0 $0 $3,385,000 Expand the existing Scottsville Library by 2,825 square feet. TOTAL $3,385,000 TECHNOLOGY AND GIS PROJECTS COUNTY TECHNOLOGY UPGRADE - GIS SYSTEM FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 TOTAL $220,000 $270,000 $0 $270,000 The GIS Program Implementation Plan was adopted by the Leadership Council in June 2002 with associated costs endorsed by inclusion in the CIP. Revisions to the GIS Program Implementation Plan were approved by the Leadership Council in December 2003 and are reflected in this FY06 ClP submission. A summary of the GIS applications for the FY06 submission are as follows: Emergency Services GIS Application - Emergency service data is often dependent on location information. GIS can assist in risk management, preparing for emergencies, modeling scenarios and emergency planning. Some specific examples include natural disaster analysis/modeling; HAZMAT/toxic spills plume analysis, emergency evacuation planning, post-disaster planning and "war- room" data centralization. Crime Analysis GIS Application - GIS technologies are ideal for providing spatial crime analysis for Police Departments. Examples of various analytical techniques and GIS functionality to assist Police Officers and Detectives include the ability for graphic distribution, temporal, correlation and change analysis of crimes based on type of crime, geographic location and time/date. Human Services GIS Application - GIS can assist the Social Services and other human services departments/agencies by providing more efficient access to data, but also for overlay and spatial analysis. Some specific examples include planning for public transportation routes, spatial analysis of social service needs and service facilities, location of service areas and facilities, spatial patterning of social/family issues, locations of child care centers in relation to employee residences, and the display/analysis of demographic and population data. 1/13/2005 Page 14 of 20 F COUNTY IT - BUSINESS KEY SYSTEMS UPGRADE FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $450,000 $1,050,000 $0 $1,050,000 The County Board of Supervisors has set a goal for the County to operate in an efficient and effective manner. In order to achieve this goal, the County must implement "State-of-the Art" technology systems for key human resources, financial and program management functions. The County first must complete a business process and key systems evaluation designed to improve work process effectiveness, reduce duplication, eliminate obsolete or redundant tasks, and provide better information to managers. A team to steer this initiative has been created and has begun to establish this very important process. This process will be conducted as a two-phase project: The first phase will: · Evaluate and document the County's current business processes for human resource management, payroll, purchasing, accounting financial reporting, property management, budgeting, revenue collection (excluding real estate assessment) which are used to support County General Government and School Division programs and operations. · Evaluate and define the relevant information needed and used by various County departments and agencies to manage human resource, financial, and budget management operations. · Evaluate the data needed for providing relevant managerial information to manage programs. · Provide written recommendations for modifications, improvements or enhancements needed to these business processes, information flows, and data types, including eliminating duplication, overlap, or ineffective work steps and/or data collection; and indicating how the modifications would provide a clear and obvious value for the time and money spent. The second phase will: · Conduct an assessment of the County's current legacy systems including; Financial Management, Employee Management Human Resources and Payroll, and Collections systems. · Make a determination if these systems should be modified, custom developed or replaced by Commercial off-the-shelf systems. · Insure that relevant information needed and used by various County departments and agencies to manage their programs and their human resource, financial and budget management operations is made available. · Implement new state-of-the-art systems. COUNTY COMPUTER UPGRADE FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $425,000 $2,335,000 $3,120,000 $5,455,000 This is an on-going project to fund General Government technology initiatives, including network servers, hubs, switches, routers, disk storage, application packages, computer and related hardware/software to support the networks. CITY VIEW INTERNET ACCESS FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 This project is a modification of the City View software to allow internet and touchtone phone access. (City View software is a computerized tracking system used by the County in the review of all types of land development activities such as Building Permits, Zoning Clearances, Subdivisions, Site Plans and other applications.) 1/13/2005 Page 1 5 of 20 - .. ACQUISITION OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS ACE PROGRAM FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $350,000 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $3,500,000 The Acquisition of Conservation Easements program was established by the Board of Supervisors by which the County, with available funds, can acquire conservation easements voluntarily offered by landowners. For this year's request, staff is recommending that the annual funding be increased to keep up with appreciation in property values. Consistent with CIP guidelines, a 3% increase is being requested. Information from the County's Real Estate office indicates that assessments increased 19% between 2001 and 2003, and 12.8% between 1999 and 2001. It is expected that an increase of at 20% will be seen in FY05-06. Staff is also requesting additional funding for administrative costs (advertising, appraisals, closing costs etc.) and program marketing (typical between $15,000 and $20,000/year). STORMWATER CONTROL STORMWATER CONTROL FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $450,000 $3,575,000 $5,000,000 $8575,000 The Stormwater Program was established to construct and repair permanent stormwater control facilities. Stormwater control facilities include collection and conveyance structures such as ponds, basins, underground pipes, and above ground channels and ditches. These structures are part of stormwater systems designed to convey and control runoff, prevent downstream flooding, minimize soil erosion, and improve water quality in our streams. The Stormwater Master Plan has been presented to the Board of Supervisors. The Board has indicated a preference for the County wide program as outlined in the funding analysis. At this time, financing of infrastructure is being considered using alternatives to the CIP. Specifically, a tax district has been recommended to the Board for long-term financing and will be considered during the October Board retreat as part of the urbanization issue. Based on the outcome of that discussion, staff will refine this request. (It is possible that the stormwater balance could be shifted to other ClP initiatives if the tax district is implemented.) SCHOOL DIVISION PROJECTS SCHOOL SITE LAND ACQUISITION FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,075,000 $6,075,000 This project is to acquire the land necessary for a middle and high school, in the North 29 Corridor. Approximately 100 acres would be needed to accommodate the two schools and the associated recreational needs. The site should be purchased in FY2011 /12 at an estimated cost of $6,000,000. HENLEY ADDITION/RENOVATION FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 Approximately 20,000 SF, will be added to this building to increase the capacity from 675 to 900. The addition will include 10 regular classrooms, 3 elective classrooms (Foreign Language, Health and Enrichment), one strings classroom and associated spaces, such as restrooms, offices and storage and mechanical rooms, etc. The library will be expanded into the adjacent computer room and a new computer room will be constructed. The administrative area will be expanded into the adjacent 1/13/2005 Page 16 of 20 ~ . computer/keyboarding room and a new computer room will be constructed. Other renovations include the main office, guidance and life skills area. The addition and renovation will be completed for the 2005/06 school year. This project is under construction and only remains listed because $1,000,000 is funded in the 2005/06 CIP. MURRAY HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATIONS FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -75 TOTAL $749,000 $749,000 $0 $749,000 In 2004, the windows and Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning System were replaced in one wing of the school, as Phase I of the renovation. Remodeling and reconfiguration of the main office and completing the window and HVAC Replacement project for the rest of the facility is scheduled for 2005. NORTHERN ELEMENTARY #2 FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 7 7 -7 5 TOTAL $0 $0 $20,007,000 $20,007,000 Construct a new 600-student elementary school. The 83,000 SF school, with furnishings, 5% contingency and miscellaneous expenses, will have a total, estimated cost of $20,007,000. Land for the school has been proffered in the North Point Development. SOUTHERN ELEMENTARY FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $7,000,000 $73,036,000 $0 $73,036,000 Construction of a new 400 student elementary school, with the infrastructure built to accommodate 600 students. Since a suitable site must be acquired, site selection will begin in 2004/05, with design to begin in 2005/06, and construction will be completed by August, 2007. The total cost of the 67,300 SF building is projected at $14,661,000, with furnishings, equipment and a 5% construction contingency. Purchase of 20 acres and site development costs has been included in this request. ADA STRUCTURAL CHANGES FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $50,000 $ 7 45,000 $0 $ 7 45,000 Many facilities will require structural changes and door hardware upgrades to allow for accessibility. An inspection was performed on all school buildings and a list of deficiencies has been compiled. Minor renovations to facilities are necessary to comply with "reasonable accommodation" requests from students and employees. The expectations and definitions of accommodation are continually changing. MONTICELLO HS AUDITORIUM FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $800,000 $5,537 000 $0 $5,537,000 Construct a 850 seat auditorium with a stage, a wings scene shop, storage, dressing rooms and lobby with ticket booth, office and men's/women's restrooms. Site work, replacement of displaced parking design and inspection fees are also included in the total project cost of $5,531 ,000. MONTICELLO HS AUXILlARRY GYM FY 05/06 FY 06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $7,999,000 $7,999,000 $0 $7,999,000 Monticello High School was designed to accommodate approximately 1,000 students and a plan for future expansion to accommodate 1,500 students was implemented. Core spaces, library, cafeteria, etc., were designed to accommodate 1,500 students, but an auxiliary gym will be needed to accommodate this growth and the change in programs. The gym will be 13,200 SF and will contain spectator seating for 300, a weight room and a wrestling room. The total project cost will be $1,900,000, which includes renovations to the existing weight room to convert the area into two health 1/13/2005 Page 17 of 20 -"" . rooms, which will increase the capacity of the school by 42 students, providing a new capacity of 1 ,268. WAHS AUDITORIUM MOVEABLE WALL FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-75 TOTAL $0 $390000 $0 $390,000 The Western Albemarle High School Auditorium was originally designed to have moveable paneled walls that would separate the auditorium into three lecture/classrooms in the back and the main auditorium area. The four walls would be 24' high and 160' long with writing surfaces on the classroom side. The anticipated project cost is $390,000. BUILDING SERVICES OFFICE/WAREHOUSE FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 77-15 TOTAL $0 $3,984,000 $0 $3,984,000 A 25,000 SF warehouse would be a pre-engineered metal building, 5,000 SF office and training/conference room, with 6,000 SF of shop and trades area, would be constructed on the 220 acre site of the Albemarle High School Complex. The project is scheduled to be finished in 2009. NEW WESTERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 17-75 TOTAL $0 $14,702,000 $600,000 $14,702,000 A new 400-student facility would be constructed in the Crozet growth area, with an 8,000 SF gym, auxiliary spaces, and a cafeteria and library for 600 students. The school would be 69,000 square feet. No land cost is included, as a proffer of land is anticipated from developers. The school is scheduled to open in 2010. ADDITIONAL HIGH SCHOOL CAPACITY FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $7,028,000 $9,756,000 $16,784,000 Additional capacity to accommodate high school students will be needed at the three existing comprehensive high schools. This request will reserve $7,028,000 for construction in 2007/08 and $9,756,000 in 2011/12. The funding is based on adding 200 seats to one high school in 2008/09 and 200 seats to another in 2012/13. As decisions are made concerning attendance zones, funds may be reallocated to all three high schools, or to a non-traditional school to accommodate the high school growth. WAHS WINDOW REPLACEMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-70 $420,000 $420,000 Replace classroom windows throughout the school. FY17-15 $0 TOTAL $420,000 ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNOLOGY FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $70,000 $665,000 $875,000 $1,540,000 This project provides the needed technology to meet the administrative needs of the School Division. WIDE AREA NETWORK UPGRADE FY05/06 FY06-70 FY 77-75 TOTAL $0 $7,722,000 $0 $7,722,000 To provide a wide area network infrastructure that meets the instructional and administrative needs of the School Division. 1/13/2005 Page 18 of 20 .--,f _ f"'t" INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 $450,000 $2,450,000 $2,750,000 To provide technology to meet the School Division's (Instructional) Technology Plan. TOTAL $5,200,000 SCHOOLS MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $5,109,000 $16,418,000 $8,649,000 $25,067,000 Various maintenance and replacement projects. See maintenance/replacement summary spreadsheet. Funding for maintenance and replacement projects will take precedence over new projects. TECHNOLOGY GRANT FY 05/06 $ 700,000 FY 06-10 $3,500,000 FY 11-15 $2,100,000 TOTAL $ 5,600,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY - EMERGENCY GENERATOR FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $165,000 $165,000 $0 $165,000 An emergency generator will be installed at the Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) to provide electricity during power failures, to allow the facility to continue to provide basic services to clients. JOUETT-GREER SITE RECONFIGURATION FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $200,000 $675,000 $0 $675,000 A portion of the existing paved parking and traffic circulation areas in front of Greer and Jouett will be reconfigured to provide a safer situation for buses and parents. Greer will have modifications to provide a separate parent drop off area, and expand its parking towards Jouett Middle School. Jouett will have new paved areas within the existing grass island to provide sufficient parking and separation of drop-off and bus areas. RED HILL ELEMENTARY ADDITION/RENOVATION FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $3,659,000 $0 $3,659,000 Approximately 15,500 SF will be added to the building to increase the capacity from 164 to 248 and bring the facility up to current standards. The addition will include 8 new classrooms; 5 regular, 1 ESOL, 1 full-sized Special Education room and 1 Preschool room, new auxiliary spaces for parity to include 1 resource room and 1 work room, a new Media Center, renovation of the existing media center for new administrative offices and renovation of existing administrative spaces to provide new office spaces for literacy, speech, school psychology and a teacher lounge/work room. Site work will provide separate drop off and additional parking. SCOTTSVILLE ADDITION/RENOVATION FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $2,646,000 $0 $2646,000 Approximately 11,100 SF will be added to the building to increase the capacity from 187 to 249 and bring the facility to current standards. The addition will include 6 new classrooms; 4 regular, 1 full size Special Education and 1 Preschool room. New auxiliary spaces for parity include 2 resource rooms and 1 workroom. New administrative spaces and renovated old spaces to provide new office spaces for literacy, speech, school psychology and a teacher workroom. Site work will provide a separate drop off and additional parking. 1/13/2005 Page 1 9 of 20 ..""rJ . .... GYMNASIUM HVAC AND LIGHTING REPLACEMENT FY 05/06 FY 06-1 0 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $1,731,000 $1,448,000 $3,179,000 Currently, twelve gymnasiums do not have air conditioning. This project will allow air conditioning to be installed in these facilities and also replace and upgrade the existing lighting and painting for the facilities listed below. Engineering funds are requested for 2008/09, with construction for the first six facilities beginning in 2009/10, and the remaining seven facilities to begin in 2010/11. The oldest systems are being replaced first along with the schools whose only assembly area is the gymnasium. GREER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $600,000 $4,933,000 $5,533,000 Approximately 10,800 SF will be added to Greer Elementary School to provide a full 7,000 SF gym, restrooms, storage and office space. Approximately 17,000 SF of existing space will be renovated to provide larger primary classrooms and one classroom in each pod will be subdivided to provide auxiliary spaces for office and resource use to bring the facility up to current standards. The administration office area will be renovated to provide conference space, additional office spaces and address the school entrance. Renovations include expanding the media center by capturing some adjacent corridor space; as well as minor renovations to the classroom pods for new classroom doors and cabinets, and minor improvements, such as coat hooks, light switches, etc. HENLEY AUXILIARY PE/MEETING SPACE FY05/06 FY06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $200,000 $670,000 $870,000 Approximately 4,000 SF will be added to Henley Middle School to provide a multi-purpose Physical Education and meeting space. This new facility will be a large multi-use room, approximately 4,000 SF. The new space could hold a group of three classes for one lecture and provide room for the additional gym space that is needed for a 900 student middle school. SOUTHERN URBAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ADDITION FY 05/06 FY 06-10 FY 11-15 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,660,000 $3,660,000 Approximately 14,000 SF will be added to the new Southern Elementary School, to increase the capacity from 400 to 600 students. The addition will include 12 new classrooms and 4 half size resource rooms for work area, office or Special Education. This addition could be moved to Cale Elementary, depending upon school needs at that time. The design process will begin in 2013/14 and construction will take place in 2014/15. 1/13/2005 Page 20 of 20 Strategic Initiatives Ranking Results Initiative 3.1.8 - Police Department - Police Officers 4.2.7 - Parks and Recreation - Trail Development and Maintenance Equipment & Supplies 3.1.9 - Police Department - Civilian Patrol Support Assistant 3.3.1 - Community Development - Transit Service Fifth Street 4.2.3 - General Services - Lead Custoidan/Custodian 2.2.1 - Community Development - Stormwater Master Plan Implementation 3.1.2 - Fire Rescue - Scottsville EMS Personnel 3.3.5 - County Executive - Director of General Services 3.1.10- Police Department - Police Records Clerks 4.1.1 - Community Development - Records Management Implementation 4.1.7 - Community Relations - Visitors Assistance Specialist - COB 5th Street 4.1.10 - Human Resources - Skill Competency Differentials & Broadbanding 4.1.12 - Information Technology - Programmer/Analyst 1 .1.1 - Social Services - Family Support Workers 3.1.1 - Community Development - Emergency Public Health/Safety Response 4.2.5 - General Services - Grounds/Facilities Maintenance Workers 3.1.3 - Fire Rescue - Fire Inspector 3.1.5 - Fire Rescue - Fire Instructor 3.1.7 - Fire Rescue - IT Funding for Volunteer Stations 4.1.1 5 - Social Services - Child Protective Services Social Worker 1.1.2 - Social Services - Bright Stars Program 3.3.2 - Community Development - Transit Service Avon STreet 3.3.4 - Community Development - Transit Service Pantops 4.1.14 - Social Services - Adult Services Social Worker 4.2.4 - General Services - Maintenance Mechanic 3.1.11 - Police Department - Evidence Unit Supervisor 3.1.13 - Sheriffs Department - Deputy Sheriff 3.3.3 - Community Development - Transit Service Wal-Mart 4.1.3 - Community Development - Cell Phones 4.1.13 - Social Services - Adult Eligibility Worker 2.1.1 - Survey of Rural Area Homebuyers 3.1.4 - Fire Rescue - Management/Budget Analyst 3.1.6 - Fire Rescue - Recruitment and Retention Programs 3.1 .1 2 - Police Department - Office Associate 4.1 .8 - General Services - Office Associate 4.1 .16 - Social Services - Families & Children Eligibility Worker 4.2.6 - General Services - Engineering Inspector 4.1.2 - Community Development - Planning Aide Position to Full-Time Status 4.1.6 - Community Development - Temporary Professional Services for Peak Work Loads & Special Project Initiatives 4.1.18 - Social Services - Companion Funding 4.1.4 - Community Development - Signs Reviewer 4.2.1 - Fire Rescue - Strategic Planning 3.1.14 - Sheriffs Department - Office Associate 4.1 .1 7 - Social Services - Career Center Employment Specialist 4.1.11 - Human Resources - 360-Degree Feedback 4.1.19 - Social Services - Customer Feedback Mechanisms 4.1.20 - Social Services - Increase in Budget Lines 800700 and 80071 0 4.2.2 - Fire Rescue - Volunteer Operational Funding - Janitorial and Lawn Care Services Net Cost 355,050 71 ,400 35,418 169,147 63,267 359,000 327,042 93,830 106,254 50,000 18,471 30,000 61,295 154,795 25,000 131,689 44,188 39,862 15,000 59,904 155,024 169,147 82,468 46,462 51,559 37,567 37,386 65,166 1 2,1 00 25,392 25,000 73,254 54,000 16,721 18,271 16,224 64,067 19,932 50,000 7,500 62,892 20,000 29,862 23,805 1 5,000 11 ,900 2,434 64,000 1/14/2005 - FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests 3.1.8 - Police Officers Police Net Cost: $355,050 Priority: 1 of 5 Four additional officers are being requested to continue to move the police department towards its strategic plan staffing objective of 1.5 officers per 1000 population. FY 04/05 was the first year in a five-year strategic plan to move the police department towards realizing the objective of 1.5 officers per 1000 population. The funding of this staffing request will continue the implementation of that five-year plan to provide adequate staffing to meet response time standards and service demands. 4.2.7 - Trail Develooment and Maintenance - Eauioment & Suoolies Parks and Recreation Net Cost: $71,400 Priority: 1 of 1 This request is for the equipment and supplies necessary to improve the ongoing condition of existing park trails and to also build and maintain new trails in the County park system. Specifically this request funds the purchase of a 4WD mid size utility tractor, an all terrain transport vehicle, and an all terrain brush mower. In addition funds are requested for recurring costs for rental equipment and trail materials and supplies. The recent citizen survey indicated that 20,394 households have a need for natural areas and trails. This was the number 1 need from a list of 27 existing recreation facilities. Natural areas and trails also ranked as the most important recreation facilities to respondent households. When asked how existing recreational facilities met their needs, 14,215 households responded that their need for natural areas and trails were only partially met or not met at all. This was the second highest response for unmet needs from the same list of 27 facilities. The survey also found that citizens believed that the most important function of the Parks and Recreation Department was to operate parks and facilities that are clean and well maintained. The current park system contains 29.75 miles of trails. Many of these trails do not receive the necessary level of routine maintenance. Additional trail building opportunities exist as the County has over 2000 acres of existing parkland. In addition, the Department plans include a new 600 acre trail park to be developed in FY 2005-2006 and an additional 500+ acre trail park in FY 2007-2008. Additional miles of trails will be added to the park system each year as the County accepts proffers for the greenway program. Some trails will be built by private developers and dedicated to the County to maintain. In other cases developers will donate the land and the County will be responsible for developing and maintaining the trails. Trail development and maintenance will be a primary responsibility of the Community Inmate Workforce Program which was initiated in FY 2004-2005. The funding of this request will greatly increase the productivity and value added by the inmate program. 3.1.9 - Civilian Patrol Suooort Assistant Police Net Cost: $35,418 Priority: 2 of 5 This position is being requested to assist in the increasing amount of administrative and support duties within the department. The position will handle tasks that otherwise would require a police officer; i.e., taking the less serious citizen police reports (walk-in and telephonic) while freeing up the officers to focus on the higher priority calls for service. As calls for service increase every year, so do the demands from the public for better protection and improved customer service. While we work to meet our emergency response time standards and handle the increasing number of calls for service, we realize that some of the less serious calls for service (often minor reports on complaints) often don't get the response we feel appropriate. 3.3.1 - Transit Service - Fifth Street Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $169,147 Priority: 6 of 13 The expanded service would bring service to Fifth Street Extended area, and specifically to the County Office Building-Fifth Street and Southwood MHP, Monday through Saturday between 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Bus service would start at 2nd and Market Street and travel to Fifth Street Extended. The route will travel to the following destinations (partial): Old Lynchburg Road, Country Green, Southwood MHP, Covenant School, and COB-South. 4.2.3 - Lead Custodian / Custodian Net Cost: $63,267 These positions are requested to provide coverage for the new COB 5th Street Building. General Services Priority: 1 of 6 2.2.1 - Storm water Master Plan Imolementation Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $422,030 Priority: 12 of 13 This initiative would fund the new operational expenses listed in the Stormwater Master Plan, as previously presented to the County Board. This would include funding for inspection and maintenance of existing County stormwater facilities, inspection and maintenance of the existing County drainage systems, and funding for the operational expenses associated with the mandated NPDES Permit for operation of the storm sewer system. Those are the operational expenses listed in the plan's Funding Analysis that are not currently funded by the County. The CIP improvements called for in the master plan can be funded under the existing CIP Stormwater Management. In reviewing the Stormwater Master Plan, staff understood the County Board preferred implementing the plan on a countywide basis, which this request captures, but desired to wait on the funding strategy until the Urbanization strategy could be discussed at the Board's retreat in October. While the source of funding has not yet been decided, staff is submitting this request to allow implementation of the Stormwater Master Plan to begin in the next fiscal year. Page 1 1/20/2005 FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests 3.1.2 - Scottsville EMS Personnel Fire Rescue Net Cost: $327,042 Priority: 1 of 8 Scottsville Vol. Rescue Squad has met with staff on several occasions to discuss the need for career staffing. At the present time, the membership of this volunteer department does not have the availability to meet the demands during the daylight or weekend hours and has requested 24 hour staffing. The volunteers are requesting the remaining 6 positions so the Scottsville Rescue Squad can provide coverage 24/7 using volunteer and career staffing. 3.3.5 - Director of General Services Countv Executive Net Cost: $93,830 Priority: 1 of 1 A Director of General Services is requested to support the strategic plan and comprehensive plan pertaining to the department functions and operations. Major functions include: public works, storm water control program, environmental management system, facility maintenance, capital projects team, custodial, fleet management, and a copy center. 3.1.10 - Police Records Clerks Police Net Cost: $106,254 Priority: 3 of 5 We are requesting two additional police records clerks to improve internal and external customer service and the accuracy, delivery and maintenance of public safety information for the Albemarle County Police Department, our other public safety users, businesses, and the citizens of Albemarle County. The additional police records clerks are needed to provide the necessary level of service required of the records and communications section of the Albemarle County Police Department. Our communications and records management is central to the law enforcement function. This position is essential to the ongoing operation of the police department and must be staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all holidays. Through our regional records management system and the Virginia and National Criminal Information Network, the police department shares public safety information with other public safety agencies in the region, statewide, and nationally. Particularly with the increasing need for a focus on Homeland Security, it is critical that the information provided is accurate and is provided in a timely manner. 4.1.1 - Records Manaaement Imolementation Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $50,000 Priority: 1 of 13 Proposals are due on August 19, 2004, for Records Management Consultant Services. The intent of this RFP is to hire a records management consultant to assess and develop a strategic plan and bUdget for the file and records management systems of the Community Development Department. Once the plan is developed, we will be in a position to begin implementation of the plan. We do not anticipate the consultant can have a plan and budget developed by the FY 06 budget submission date, however, we find it to the department's benefit to reserve funds until the final bUdget is developed so as not to delay implementation of the plan. 4.1.7 - Visitors Assistance Soecialist - COB 5th Street Communitv Relations Net Cost: $18,471 Priority: 1 of 1 Last budget cycle one office associate position was funded to provide both visitors assistance/customer service and general services support to the four departments relocating to COB 5th Street. With the anticipated level of visitor traffic to the new facility once all departments are relocated and at full service, in addition to the increased provision of general county services planned for COB 5th Street ( i.e. online job applications, payment/form drop-offs, etc.) the workload will begin to exceed the ability of a half-time position to perform. The proposal is to fund another full time position at COB 5th Street to allow for one FTE to address general services/building based needs for COB 5th Street departments and one FTE to provide visitors assistance/customer service/enhanced county service support. 4.1.10 - Skill Comoetencv Differentials & Broadbandina Human Resources Net Cost: $30,000 Priority: 2 of 3 Funding to outsource the process of developing Skill/Competency Differentials (which includes evaluating all positions, identifying skills that drive performance in each position and making recommendations on pay for skill set) and assessing organizational infrastructure and develop pilot program to implement Broadbanding concept. At the September 1 meeting, the BOS approved Total Rewards Strategies to include developing and implementing a Skill/Competency Based Pay and evaluate Broadbanding. Skill based differentials rewards specific, specialized skills that improve an employee's ability to perform their job and provide increased value to the County. Broadbanding is a compensation system that provides greater flexibility for career and skill development by grouping jobs into wide bands. Broadbanding rewards individuals for learning and using skills that are valued by the organization and may change the basis for pay progression from longevity to performance value added. With the current staff and workload in Human Resource, it is necessary to outsource to help drive the design, assessment, implementation, communication and training related to these programs. 4.1.12 - Proarammer/Analvst Information Technoloav Net Cost: $61,295 Priority: 1 of 1 We are requesting one Programmer/Analyst for FY 05/06 to support the continuation of the BPKSE project. In FY 05/06, BPKSE will move into the phase of building system(s) to replace current outdated mainframe systems. Due to the complexity of the polices and practices of Albemarle County and School Division, customized coding will be a necessity. In order to facilitate these changes, our current staff of two Senior Programmer/Analysts will need to be supplemented with Page 2 1/20/2005 FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests this additional Programmer/Analyst. Using Information Technology staff to create these systems will ensure more efficient and effective processes. 1.1.1 - DSS - Familv Suooort Workers Social Services Net Cost: $154,795 Priority: 4 of 10 The Family Support Program is an early intervention and prevention program that is a collaborative effort among the Albemarle County DSS (ACDSS), the County schools and partners within the community. Based on the withdrawal of Federal Title IV-E funds, which currently supports the majority of the program costs, ACDSS is requesting local dollars to keep the program operational. DSS can generate approximately $500,000 in other funds, but an additional $309,589 is needed to keep the program operational with 7-full time Family Support Workers, 60% of the Bright Stars Outreach Workers, as well as administrative/financial staff. DSS will request half of the funding shortfall ($154,795) from local government and the remaining half from the School Board. Local costs requested $154,795. 3.1.1 - Emeraencv Public Health/Safetv Resoonse Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $25,000- fully reimbursable Priority: 8 of 13 This fund provides seed money to allow the County to hire necessary services to remediate conditions on private property which endanger the health or safety of County residents. This action is taken only in extreme cases in which the responsible party will not or cannot take the necessary action or when action is time-critical due to an immediate public health or safety impact. Examples include: junkyards with potentially hazardous materials in a water supply area; numerous tires which can collect rainwater and serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes; and storage of unknown and potentially hazardous materials in areas frequented by area children. The costs incurred in the removal of materials and lor other necessary actions are chargeable to and paid by the private property owner as a lien against the property. 4.2.5 - Grounds/Facilities Maintenance Workers - Public Works General Services Net Cost: $131,689 Priority: 5 of 6 GS requests Grounds/Facilities Maintenance employees, walk-behind style mowers, weed eaters, vehicle w/trailer. Mowing services at COB 5th Street, VDOT medians, stormwater facilities, and designated sidewalk/trail areas. Employees will also perform inspections and maintenance of 175 private stormwater facilities as well as public use drainage easements. Would also provide mowing services at COB central and take over the installation of E911 street name signs. 3.1.3 - Fire Insoector Fire Rescue Net Cost: $44,188 Priority: 3 of 8 The Department is in the final stages of developing and implementing a target hazard program to guide our fire safety inspections and permits process. We have compiled meaningful information concerning the cause and circumstances of fires as well as occupancy types involved to target our inspection program. This allows the department to develop long term fire prevention strategies which address actual needs of the county. The Target Hazard Program is designed to target occupancies with the greatest risk to life and property. Most of the information used to support the program is derived from like size localities and the inspections themselves. This program will allow the county to employee a comprehensive fire prevention strategy. An additional Fire Prevention Inspector will allow us to implement the Target Hazard Program and accomplish this goal. 3.1.5 - Fire Instructor (1/2 vear) Fire Rescue Net Cost:$ 39,862 Priority: 5 of 8 The Training Division currently delivers certification programs through utilization of the Training Captain, the Fire Instructor, and (3) contract instructors. With limited personnel, we are conducting in-house training programs that will allow progress towards basic minimum training implementation, and meet the basic continuing education needs of our personnel; However, not all stations are served, and staff time is severely limited. In addition, the Training Division is unable to meet the needs for basic command staff and leadership development courses identified by the Training Committee. These courses are important to the success of our volunteer/career leaders and managers. In FY 2004-05, a part-time instructor working 20 hours per week (a net funding of $10K) has reduced the amount of overtime required to maintain existing offerings. It is the recommendation of the Training Committee that the part-time instructor be moved to a full-time instructor to meet the training identified through a needs assessment. 3.1.7 -IT Fundina for Volunteer Stations Fire Rescue Net Cost: $15,000 Priority: 7 of 8 The Department of Fire/Rescue requests continued support for one time funding of $15,000 to provide for the maintenance and enhancement of technology in the volunteer fire and EMS stations. Currently, no budget exists to maintain the computers and equipment necessary for state and federal incident reporting and general department communications and operations. Last year, one time funding at $15,000 was approved. This request will be on-going over the next 5 to 8 years until such time as the Volunteer Fire & EMS Stations are brought in-line with current IT standards. 4.1.15 - DSS - Child Protective Services Social Worker Social Services Net Cost: $59,904 3 of 10 The current workload of the CPS unit supports the need for an additional CPS Social Worker: · Child Protective Services is required by statute to consult with the family to arrange protective and rehabilitative services and to formulate a service plan. A service plan is developed based on the safety/risk assessments completed during the family assessment/investigation phase of CPS. Service plans are safety driven and are intended to address the service needs of a child and/or his family in order to protect a child and his siblings, to prevent future abuse and neglect and to preserve the family life of the parents and children whenever possible. At the present time, this need is met for families assessed as needing services through CPS Family Assessments and/or Investigations. The current ongoing treatment Page 3 1/20/2005 FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests workers carry a full caseload, up to 1.6 Hornby-Zeller standard caseloads, exclusive of the intake function (which both also perform) and the new assessments/investigations which occur on their open caseloads. The current workload for these workers does not allow best practice social work. · Foster Care Prevention cases for children 0 to 4 years and middle/high school adolescents, referred from the Court or community, are currently handled by 1.0 FTE social worker who carries a full caseload at all times. Nearly all new cases accepted are Court ordered and requests from the community or from individual families cannot always be accepted. · The Virginia Administrative Code (22 VAC 40-705-150(D)) provides local departments with the authority to provide preventive services proactively. Protective services also include preventive services to children about whom no formal complaint of abuse or neglect has been made, but for who potential harm or threat of harm exists. Referrals from the community and individual citizens for these services cannot be consistently met with quality service at this time. 1.1.2 - DSS - 7th Briaht Stars Proaram Classroom Social Services Net Cost: $155,024 Priority: 7 of 10 In June 2004, the Virginia Department of Education notified localities that funding for the Virginia Preschool Initiative would be increased to serve 90% of unserved at-risk four year olds in FY 2005 and 100% of this same population in FY 2006. As a result in FY 2005, Albemarle County is authorized to provide a comprehensive, quality preschool education for 106 children, an increase of 26 children over FY 2003 and 2004. If the Biennial Budget passed by the 2004 Special Session of the General Assembly holds, then in FY 2006 Albemarle County could see this number increased to 118 at-risk students of which 112 could be served by adding a 7th Bright Stars Program. The enhancement requested would allow the County Executive's Office, the Lead Agency for the Virginia Preschool Initiative, to collaborate with the school division to open a 7th Bright Stars classroom in Albemarle County in FY 2006. The classroom would be located in an area of the county that demonstrates the next highest educational and social service needs or allow for a second classroom at one of the current sites where there is a long waiting list of eligible four year olds who cannot be accommodated in the one classroom. The most likely locations at this time would include Stony Point, Hollymead, Cale or Agnor-Hurt. The department is requesting a reclassification of the position of the Family Support & Bright Stars Program Coordinator to Bright Stars Program Coordinator, which separates it out from Family Support Coordinator. This is requested due to the significant number of responsibilities carried by the current Coordinator for the two programs of Bright Stars and Family Support. The current responsibilities of the Coordinator include supervision of up to 14 staff, program development, school collaboration, community outreach, data collection, outcome measurement and department management functions makes this more than one full-time position. This enhancement is needed in this budget cycle because 1) there are now 6 Bright Stars programs serving 96 children in the County, an increase of two programs since 1998. It is anticipated that funding will be available to implement a 7th program in FY 2006 and 2) federal and state requirements for the Title IV-E reimbursement which funds the Family Support Program have become increasingly complex and detailed requiring increased documentation and accountability for ACDSS and its external community partners. 3.3.2 - Transit Service - Avon Street Communitv Deve/ooment Net Cost: $169,147 Priority: 9 of 13 The new service would bring fixed transit service to Mill Creek area along Avon Street Extended, Monday through Saturday between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. This new service would provide bus service from downtown Charlottesville to the Mill Creek area along Avon Street Extended on 30-minute headways. Service would begin from downtown at 6:30 a.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. 3.3.4 - Transit Service - Pantoos Communitv Deve/ooment Net Cost: $B2,468 Priority: 11 of 13 The expanded service would provide increased peak hour transit service to the existing bus route serving Pantops Mountain. The enhancement would add reduce headways from the current 30-minutes to 15-minutes during peak hour bus service, Monday through Friday, to the existing Route 10 bus line that serves Pantops. Peak hours are considered 6:50 - 7:50 a.m. and 2:50 - 6:50 p.m. In addition, service would be added to Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient center and Westminster Canterbury only during the peak hours. 4.1.14 - DSS - Adult Services Social Worker Social Services Net Cost: $46,462 2 of 10 The Adult Division reorganization is more than the joining of Adult Services and Adult Benefits under one manager. It is an innovative concept and designed to expand, and optimize integration of all Eligibility services and Social Work services to provide the most efficient and effective customer service to the adult population of Albemarle County. Under the Leadership of our Director, the members of the Division have been moving toward this ideal for our customers. Adult services (AS) provided by Social Workers are designed to allow the adult to remain in the least restrictive setting on the continuum of care. Best practice goals encourage adults to live as independently as possible while minimizing risk. With the current budget and staffing situation in the Adult Division, 4.5 FTE social workers are only able to provide mandated services. These same Social Workers must provide this beyond their Adult Protective Services role of 292 timely investigated incidents this fiscal year as well as ongoing protective services. We request this position because Adult Services within an integrated Adult Division must expand to meet the potential broad based Social Work assessment and referral needs of all the Divisions' customers (1844 Medicaid and Food Stamp +1000 Energy Assistance Customers). This would expand greatly the number of individuals fully assessed to identify and evaluate them for risk factors relating to their present environment. 4.2.4 - Maintenance Mechanic General Services Net Cost: $51,559 Priority: 4 of 6 A Maintenance Mechanic FTE is requested to supplement the ongoing maintenance of County owned facilities. Page 4 1/20/2005 FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests 3.1.11 - Evidence Unit Suoervisor Police Net Cost: $37,567 Priority: 4 of 5 An evidence unit supervisor is requested to oversee the evidence unit and assist with the ever-increasing workload that accompanies the expected growth of this agency. As the result of new technology and forensic discoveries and the increasing dependence of successful criminal prosecutions on evidence, field technicians and officers are submitting more evidence from crime scenes. This reality has resulted in extra demands on the evidence unit staff and the forensic academy trained officer assigned to the unit. With the addition of a civilian unit supervisor, the forensic academv trained officer can be relieved of internal unit resDonsibilities and be available to sUDDlement oDerational needs and focus her eXDertise on Drocessina crime scenes and analvzina evidence. 3.1.13 - Deoutv Sheriff Sheriff Net Cost: $37,386 Priority: 1 of 2 This position would permit the ACSO to meet the State code mandated demands of basic security and safety of the courtrooms and courthouses. With the security complications created by the Court Square Enhancement project along with the transition to the Levy Opera House by the J&D Court, there will certainly be additional challenges to safety and security. It will also improve the service of civil process. 3.3.3 - Transit Service - Wal-Mart Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $65,166 Priority: 10 of 13 The expanded service would bring night service to Wal-Mart between 7:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. This enhancement would provide night transit service from Fashion Square Mall to Wal-Mart. The service would depart Wal-Mart on 30 minute head ways from 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM [last departure] and then transfer to Route 7 at Fashion Square Mall at :15 and :45 past the hour. This enhancement would be provided Monday through Saturday. Current service is from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on 30 minute head ways. Night service is provided on this route up to Fashion Square Mall and Albemarle Square Shopping Center. 4.1.3 - Cell Phones Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $12,100 Priority: 3 of 13 This initiative involves replacing mobile radios and pagers with cell phones. The phones will be purchased under the County's contract with Nextel. Approximately 21 additional cell phones will be needed (department currently has 7 cell phones under an Alltel contract which will be changed to Nextel). It is anticipated that more efficient customer service can be provided with the use of cell phones versus radios and pagers. In some cases, the staff receiving the cell phones will replace two or three communication devices with one. 4.1.13 - DSS - Adult Eliaibilitv Worker Social Services Net Cost: $25,392 Priority: 1 of 10 This request is for additional Benefits staff in the Adult Division to improve the timeliness of Medicaid case processing, to reduce paid overtime, and to maintain staff participation in the organization. Our Customer Charter commits the agency to the delivery of Benefits and Services on time. Benefits (Food Stamps and Medicaid) are a critical component of our agency's mission to improve the health, stability and safety of individuals and families. Providing effective and timely processing so that customers can access those benefits improves customer outcomes. Current staffing levels are inadequate to assure the timely delivery of benefits. We are not meeting the mandated processing timeframes for new and ongoing Medicaid cases. Utilizing overtime we are meeting the Court Order timeframe for the Food Stamp program. With the focus on Food Stamps, the quality of the Medicaid casework has declined to the point where over 40% of the ongoing caseload is overdue for redetermination of eligibility. The failure to complete annual Medicaid reviews violates Federal regulations and is not the hallmark of a high performance organization. 2.1.1 - Survev of Rural Area homebuvers Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $25,000 Priority: 13 of 13 This initiative would result in a detailed survey of new homeowners for the purpose of determining what factors were important in the home buying decision. The desired outcome of this survey would be understanding the factors that influence homebuyers who decide to buy a home in the Rural Areas rather than the Development Areas. Both the County's Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Plan place high importance on the protection and preservation of the Rural Areas. Continued residential development in the Rural Areas is viewed as one of the largest threats to that goal and the Comprehensive Plan has numerous objectives intended to encourage residential growth in the Development Areas rather than the Rural Areas. That said, the County has limited data on the factors that influenced the homebuyer's decision in purchasing a new residence in the Rural Areas rather than a residence in the Development Areas. With the data from this survey, the County can evaluate the potential effectiveness of its efforts in creating Development Areas that are attractive alternatives to development in the Rural Areas. Without this data, County efforts are based on untested assumptions and significant resources could be allocated to programs that prove ineffective. 3.1.4 - Manaaement/Budaet Analvst Fire Rescue Net Cost: $73,254 Priority: 4 of 8 The analyst will assist Fire Rescue staff by: researching, monitoring, and analyzing complex problems and recommending solutions; compiling information on costs associated with the provision of fire & EMS services and the benefits of those services; conducting in-depth statistical analysis; assisting with budget development and management including reporting, analysis, research, and forecasting; making recommendations to improve departmental functions, policies, and practices to include budget assistance, direction and/or management of the CIP and operating budgets for Volunteer Companies. Involved in the analysis of all Fire Rescue budget requests, program proposals, budget estimates and capital budget plans and projects. Page 5 1/20/2005 FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests Currently, staff resources do not allow for the level of detail required to assist with major planning projects, data analysis, financial forecasting, and other tasks essential to the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department of Fire Rescue. While administrative resources have increased slightly (a Department Head and an Office Associate added since 2000), growth of the department as a whole has significantly outpaced staff resources. The Fire Rescue Department operating bUdget has tripled in the last 5 years. Additional staffing to open new fire/EMS stations and continued progress towards the goal of fully funding the operational costs of existing volunteer agencies will cause similar growth in the Department bUdget over the next five years. Additionally, capital projects for the Department include over 10 million in emergency apparatus purchases, three station construction projects, and a training facility. A Management/Budget Analyst is necessary to assist staff in properly planning for and managing this growth. 3.1.6 - Recruitment and Retention Programs Fire Rescue Net Cost: $54,000 Priority: 6 of 8 The recruitment and retention of volunteers is key to our vision to be the model combination volunteer-career emergency services system. The Department of Fire Rescue, in coordination with the Albemarle County Fire Rescue Advisory Board (ACFRAB) and the Volunteer Recruitment & Retention Committee (a committee of ACFRAB), coordinates all system-wide fire, rescue, and emergency medical services (EMS) recruitment and retention and public relations initiatives. Through the adopted Volunteer Recruitment & Retention Plan (v 6.3), programs are implemented to assure recruitment and retention programs meet the needs of our fire, rescue, & EMS volunteers. The goal of the FY 2005-06 programs is to assist stations with attracting volunteers, to design a more dynamic process of managing the total volunteer program, and to increase retention of existing volunteers. This strategic initiative budget request includes the new and expanded programs identified in the plan for Fiscal Year 2005-06. These programs include (in alphabetical order): · Annual Appreciation Day & Picnic (Retention) · Annual Recognition Banquet (Retention) · Brochures & Pamphlets (Recruitment) · Celebration of Special Events with Volunteer Personnel (Retention) · Childcare Funding (Recruitment & Retention) · Newspaper Inserts (Recruitment & Retention) · Recruit Teams (Recruitment) · Recruitment Training (Recruitment) · Regional Recruitment Campaigns (Recruitment) · Standard Volunteer Welcome Packet (Recruitment & Retention) · Training Academy Awards & Recognition (Retention) · Volunteer Leadership Retreat (Retention) · Volunteer Orientation Program (Recruitment & Retention) 3.1.12 - Office Associate Police Net Cost: $16,721 Priority: 5 of 5 We are requesting the addition of a part-time Office Associate III position to provide secretarial support services to the Police Department and in particular to the Command Staff. Currently, Department members are without this service resulting in time spent performing secretarial duties for which they are not trained. Additional time is spent learning infrequently used skills. The addition of this part-time position would allow Department members to focus their time and energy toward the skilled activities for which they do receive additional training and providing law enforcement service and supervision. 4.1.8 - Office Associate III General Services Net Cost: $18,271 Priority: 2 of 6 GS requests an additional 0.5 FTE, to execute the clerical, admin, and customer support function demands of the COB 5th Street Building while also providing support for the COB McIntire Road operation when necessary. Note: This initiative is directly tied to the request for an additional 0.5 FTE Greeter at COB 5th Street. 4.1.16 - DSS - Families & Children Eligibilitv Worker Social Services Net Cost: $16,224 Priority: 5 of 10 In order to provide timely and accurate benefits with the increased program and agency expectations one additional worker is needed. Assistance is needed in the implementation of providing these benefits in a customer friendly manner and for utilizing our talents and resources to provide opportunities for our customers to succeed and thrive. Benefit programs provide medical and financial assistance as well as food stamps to families in need. At present, with the timeframe for processing Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) applications being reduced by two weeks or 33% and the additional task of processing Family Access to Medical Insurance (FAMIS) applications, the unit is severely overburdened. The state and federal program guidelines require local agencies to be in compliance or risk losing valuable funding for program implementation, including positions. Areas of concern are Food Stamps recruitment of needy families, increasing the Medicaid renewal rate, maintaining a low program error rate and addressing the needs of more children who are in need of medical insurance. Children are at risk where there is no medical insurance coverage, and learning skills are severely hampered by lack of proper nutrition. Federal and state mandated expectations and deadlines require that additional staff be added to perform the multiple functions of an Eligibility Worker. 4.2.6 - Engineering Insoector 11 Net Cost: $64,067 General Services Priority: 6 of 6 Page 6 1/20/2005 FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests An Engineering Inspector II is requested to support the County Capital Improvement Program. With the creation of General Services, the current head of General Services also serves as this function. This arrangement marginalizes both positions, particularly the project manager position. The Capital Projects Team has effectively lost a project manager. 4.1.2 - Plannina Aide Position to Full-Time Status Community Develooment Net Cost: $19,932 Priority: 2 of 13 This initiative will allow for the current Administration/Central Operations Planning Aide position to change from a part-time permanent (20 hrs./wk.) status to a full-time status. This position's new proposed title due to the reorganization into Community Development is Intake/Support Specialist, which is pending Human Resource approval. This initiative will help address current workload issues that are arising in the Administration/Central Operations division at a time when permit applications for Albemarle County are increasing and will provide more effective, responsive and courteous service to the customers by shortening the customer wait time. 4.1.6 - Temoorarv Professional Services for Peak Work Loads & Soecial Proiect InitiativesCommunitv Develooment Net Cost: $50,000 Priority: 7 of 13 This would enable the Department to augment full-time, permanent staff and long-term contracts with temporary staff, contract staff and/or consultants to address high priority time-sensitive projects in periods of heavy workload, or projects requiring skills/capabilities not available with current staff. This would allow staff to respond more quickly to workload needs and with less long term commitment of resources than with full-time, permanent staff. Examples of projects that could be addressed through this method of resource allocation include: · Land Use Plan/Comprehensive Plan (exs. Economic Development policy; Mountain Protection Plan) · Comprehensive Plan Recommended Implementation Initiatives (ex. support for agricultural land uses through the planning, development and implementation of programs and services that promote and enhance agricultural business and economic activities) · Framework Plans and Master Plans (ex. Northern Development Area) · Transportation studies (ex. Pantops) · Development Guidelines and Ordinance Text Amendments (exs. Entrance Corridor Guidelines; Neighborhood Model ZTA; ordinance amendments that will be necessary to implement the RA policy) · Grant applications (ex. Tea21 Enhancement Grant) · Additional Administrative Para-professional Staff Support (exs. PFRA, Ag/Forestal District Advisory Committee, DISC II, Historic Preservation Committee, Mountain Overlay District Committee support; public meeting support; project research) · On-demand Policy Project Requests of the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission (ex. Growth Simulator Model simulating growth/development scenarios) 4.1.18 - DSS - Comoanion Fundina Social Services Net Cost: $7,500 Priority: 8 of 10 Companion services to the elderly and disabled remain a long- term commitment by the county to Albemarle low-income citizens. For many years the county has supported this program that allows individuals to remain in their own homes with reduced risk and in the least restrictive environment. The commitment is substantial, but the cost of in-home care and the population have both grown. The bUdgetary commitment of local funds by the county has not increased in over five years. The present fixed budget necessitated reduction in services and forty-two individuals were denied services or placed on a waiting-list for a period of time during the past fiscal year. This is not a request to fully fund the need, but a request for a 5% increase in local funds in order to be able to maintain services for the number of individuals served as we submit this request into the next fiscal year. We serve more than the number of individuals (35) presently receiving this service each year. Advanced age leads to some declining functioning of individuals and death which means there is enough turnover that even with constrained services for most of the fiscal year 46 individuals were served and able to remain in the community for longer than would have been possible without the service. We know that we cannot fully fund the need, but would like to increase our permanent budget line by $7500. 4.1.4 - Sians Reviewer Communitv Develooment Net Cost: $62,892 Priority: 4 of 13 New position in Zoning and Current Development which will provide efficient review of all sign applications and inspections in one location, consistent with efforts to improve customer service. This is an important new position for BOTH Planning and Zoning to maintain adequate staffing to support essential and mandatory functions. For Planning, it will help address staff workload issues in the Design/Historic Preservation Group by relieving that group of sign reviews in the Entrance Corridor, thereby freeing time necessary for other County priorities, including EC project review and Historic Preservation initiatives. The two staff devoted to ARB review each average 5 hours of compo time per week to meet deadlines for projects. (Approx. $50,000, Planner level position) 4.2.1 - Strateaic Plannina Fire Rescue Net Cost: $20,000 Priority: 2 of 8 Approximately a year ago, the Albemarle County Fire Rescue Advisory Board (ACFRAB) formed a Strategic Planning Committee tasked with developing a planning document to guide the group. The Department of Fire Rescue and the ACFRAB have been operating in a reactive mode and have not been able to fully align priorities with those of the Board of Supervisors. To be more proactive and plan for our future, we must actively engage in the strategic planning process, aligning the process with that of the Board of Supervisors. The Strategic Planning Committee has recommended the use of a strategic planning coordinator to assist in the development of a strategic plan for the future county fire rescue services. This plan would promote a systematic approach being proactive with regard to fire rescue services and align priorities with those of the County's Strategic Plan. Page 7 1/20/2005 FY 05/06 Strategic Initiative Requests 3.1.14 - Office Associate Net Cost: $29,862 This position would permit the ACSO to use clerical experienced deputies at a higher cost to the office. Sheriff Priority: 2 of 2 help at a lower salary to do clerical tasks presently being done by 4.1.17 - DSS - Career Center Emolovment Soecialist Social Services Net Cost: $23,805 Priority: 6 of 10 This is an approved position that is being resubmitted at a lower reimbursement rate. In accordance with the Workforce Investment Act, the ACDSS Career Center is attempting to become a community entity aside from the Department of Social Services. In an effort to do this it will need to be staffed with its own employee as opposed to using ACDSS staff as a fill-in situation. At present Albemarle County Career Center has been open for 3 years. During that time, it has been staffed using temporary employees. During times when temporary employees have not been accessible then full-time employees have put their caseloads on hold to work at the center in an effort to serve the residents in our community. With caseload growth and additional demands on our workers it is growing increasingly more difficult to staff the center with regular full- time employees. And it is very difficult to keep an individual hired in a temporary position. It would be most beneficial and cost efficient and in line with the direction of the Workforce Investment Group if we would staff the center with a permanent worker. 4.1.11 - 360-Degree Feedback Human Resources Net Cost: $15,000 Priority: 3 of 3 The 360-degree Feedback Process is a tool used for personal and professional development of employees. The individuals who participate are rated by others, including their manager, peers, and direct reports. A confidential report is then generated as a result of the feedback. This report includes numeric ratings, broken out by reporting relationship (I.e. manager, peers and direct reports) along with positive and constructive comments. The individual uses this information to create development plans and goals for himself for the coming year. 4.1.19 - DSS - Customer Feedback Mechanisms Social Services Net Cost: $11,900 Priority: 9 of 10 In an effort to align our department with the County Strategic Plan, ACDSS is establishing mechanisms of customer feedback as a way to improve through listening to our customers. These mechanisms would be in the form of focus groups, internal customer comment cards, and an external customer survey. In an effort to continue a pursuit of excellence in customer service it is necessary to put into place mechanisms to track our performance. These mechanisms would produce quantifiable data with which to gauge our successes as well as identify areas where the department could improve. At present, there are three customer feedback mechanisms identified. The first is that of the forming of focus groups. Focus groups would consist of members of the community, agency workers, and customers. These groups would focus on departmental processes, issues and identify where improvements could be made. The second mechanism is internal customer listening devices or comment cards. This mechanism would provide the department with a way to track data on customer satisfaction with agency performance. The third mechanism would be an external customer survey similar to the WESSEX Group Survey. This mechanism would provide a way to track performance improvements in comparison with the data from the previous survey. 4.1.20 - DSS - Increase in DSS 8udget Lines 800700 and 800710 Social Services Net Cost: $2,434 Priority: 10 of 10 Currently the Department of Social Services budget for technology resources is insufficient and severely under-funded. This coupled with the move to COB 5th Street which is a larger facility with an even greater technology need will exacerbate this issue and will begin to hamper productivity and functionality for our users. This is a request to increase the technology budget for the department so that newer and additional equipment that is vital to our daily operations can be purchased. 4.2.2 - Volunteer Ooerational Funding - Janitorial and Lawn Care Services Fire Rescue Net Cost: $64,000 Priority: 8 of 8 During last year's volunteer budget process, the volunteer departments included a line item for janitorial and lawn care services for their stations. The services were not recommended for funding by county staff. The volunteer fire and rescue departments are requesting that the janitorial and lawn care services be reconsidered as a basic operating cost and thus be funded through the county's budget process. Due to the increased demand from emergency responses and training, volunteers are finding it more difficult to find the time to clean and maintain their stations. Many departments contract out these services in order to reallocate time to response and training. At this time, these expenses are paid by the volunteer department. Page 8 1/20/2005