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FIN A L 7:00 P.M. January 18, 1995 Room 7, County Office Building 1) Call to Order. 2) Pledge of Allegiance. 3) Moment of Silence. 4) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. 5) Consent Agenda (on next sheet) . 6) ZMA-94-09. Jayel Industries, Inc. & John E. Campbell (defer until February 15, 1995). 7) ZMA-94-19. virginia Land Trust (Katurah Roell) (defer indefinitely). 8) ZMA-94-06. Upper Pantops Land Trust. Public Hearing on a request to rezone 106.8 ac from R-1 & R-15 to R-6; to rezone 2.4 ac from R-15 to C-1; to rezone 62 ac from RA to R-4; to rezone 154 ac from RA to R-1. Located on N sd of Rt 250 is bordered by Rt 20 on Wand West- minster-Canterbury on E. TM78,P's 12,12B,55A4,55D1,57. Site recom- mended for low density, medium density and high density residential in the Comprehensive Plan. Rivanna Dist. 9) ZMA-94-17. Public Hearing to amend the Zoning Map as regards the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District, to reflect changes to the Rt 631 realignment. 10) Approval of Minutes: November 16, November 22 and December 21, 1994. 11) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 12) Adjourn. CONSENT AGENDA FOR APPROVAL: 5.1 Appropriations: a) Various School Related Grants - $85,446.66 (Porm .940045). b) FY 1993-94 School Divis~on Fund Balance - $146,506 (Form 1940046). FOR INFORMATION: 5.2 Copy of letter dated January 6, 1995, from Robert H. Connock, Jr., P.E., District Construction Engineer, Department of Transportation, to Robert w. Tucker, County Executive, providing notice that a location public hearing will be held on February 13, 1995, on the Route 29 project (proj. 6029-002-F22,PE-100), Albemarle County and City of Charlottesville, modifications to northern and southern terminus of approved Alternative 10 Corridor. 5.3 Copy of letter dated January 4, 1995, from James Christian Hill, National Register Coordinator, Department of Historic Resources, to Robert W. and Marie-Agnes S. Krogstad, stating that Longhou.., Albemarl. County, is scheduled for review by the State Review Board for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register. 5.4 Copy of Planning Commission minutes for January 3, 1995. 5.5 Letter dated January 10, 1995 from James S. Givens, State Secondary Roads Engineer, re: addition of roads in Forest Lakes, Phase 2, into the State Secondary System of Highways. ~ IÞ FISCAL YEAR TYPE OF APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION REQUEST 94/95 NUMBER ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? FUND YES NO GRANTS PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: VARIOUS SCHOOL RELATED GRANTS. 940045 x X X EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 1330061235800501 COMMUNITY EDUC VEHICLE-REPLACEMENT $9,000.00 1330061236800501 VEHICLE-REPLACEMENT 9,000.00 1330063300119400 COMP-INSTRUCTION 10,600.00 1330063300601300 INSTRUCTION/REC SUPPL 5,000.00 1330063300800101 MACH/EQUP-REPLACEMENT 5,000.00 1330063300800701 ADP EQUIP-REPLACEMENT 5,600.00 1320561108132105 1320561108210000 1320561108420100 1310460275114100 1310460275152100 1310460275160300 1310460275210000 1310460275231000 1310460275232000 1310460275312700 1310460275350000 1310460275550100 1310460275601300 1310460275800100 1221061101800700 1311260202160300 1311260202210000 1311260202580500 1311260202800100 1311260202152100 1311260202210000 1311260202312700 1311260202601300 SPEC ED PRESCHOOL SALARIES-SUMMER SCH FICA TRANSPORTATION ST PT GRANT SALARIES-TEACHER AIDE SUB/WAGES-TEACHER STIPENDS FICA HEALTH INSURANCE DENTAL INSURANCE PROF SER-CONSULTANTS PRINTING & BINDING TRAVEL-MILEAGE EDUC-SUPPLIES MACH/EQUIP STONE ROBINSON ADP EQUIPMENT EARLY CHILDHOOD STIPENDS FICA STAFF DEVELOPMENT MACH/EQUIP EARLY CHILDHOOD SUB/WAGES-TEACHER FCIA PROF SER-CONSULTANTS INSTR SUPPLIES TOTAL 6,500.00 479.46 5,000.00 760.67 331.53 2,500.00 94.08 535.00 60.31 470.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,092.70 1,790.98 3,400.00 3,200.00 250.00 500.00 4,681.93 270.00 20.00 5,200.00 2,510.00 $85,446.66 -,þ REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 2330051000510100 COMMUNITY EDUC FUND BALANCE $44,200.00 2320533000330111 SPEC ED PRESCHOOL 11,979.46 2310424000240258 STONY POINT GRANT 1,637.81 2310451000510100 STONY POINT GRANT FUND BALANCE 7,597.46 2200018100181135 STONE ROBINSON DONATION 3,400.00 2311251000510100 EARLY CHILDHOOD GRANT FUND BALANCE 8,631.93 2311224000240502 EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND BALANCE 8,000.00 TOTAL $85,446.66 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: EDUCATION APPROVALS: SIGNATURE DATE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE /-~-7,5"" /-/~9-s- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ... It. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE /-/.3- ~~~_ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation - Various School Related Grants AGENDA DATE: January 18, 1995 ITEM NUMBER: j 9:;-. ¿)//,5'ú; ,IQ SUBJECTIPROPOSAUREQUEST: Request approval of Appropriation #940045 in the amount of $85,446.66 for the following projects: Community Education Special Education Preschool Grant Stony Point Competency Based Grant Stone Robinson PTa Early Childhood Grant - Brownsville Elementary ACTION: INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: A IT ACHMENTS: STAFF CONTACT(S): Mr. Tucker, Ms. White, Mr. Breeden REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: At its meeting on December 12, 1994, the School Board approved and requested appropriation / reappropriation of funds for several educational grants. DISCUSSION: · The reappropriation of $44,200 fi'om the Community Education Fund Balance. Community Education has a reserve fund balance of$117,440.19. The $44,200 will be used to upgrade and replace equipment; purchase new equipment; and defi-ay the one-time cost of starting an Inclement Weather Program and Student Holiday Program for students in grades K-5. · The reappropriation of the Special Education Preschool Grant in the amount of $11,979.46. Albemarle County Schools was awarded a grant in the 1993 -94 fiscal year from the State Department of Education to continue the Special Education Preschool Program in conjunction with the Westminster Child Care Center. The funds will be used to run a summer preschool program. The reappropriation of the Stony Point Competency Based Grant in the amount of $9,235.27. At the November 8, 1993 School Board meeting, the Board accepted an award of $20,900 fi-om the State Department of Education. This grant was not fully expended in the 1993-94 fiscal year and has a fund balance of $7,597.46. There is also an additional $1,637.81 balance in the grant which may be spent this fiscal year. This grant is to support staff members engaging in staff development activities to more clearly define curricular standards. The remaining funds will allow staff members to continue to study instructional strategies that effectively support student achievement. The appropriation of $3,400 from the Stone Robinson PTa. Stone Robinson Elementary School received a donation in the amount of $3,400 fi-om the Stone Robinson PTa. The money is designated for the purchase of two new computers for the school. · The reappropriation of$8,631. 93 for the Early Childhood Grant. The Early Childhood Grant for Brownsville Elementary School had a fund balance in the amount of $8,631.93 at the end of the 1993-94 fiscal year. The Early Childhood program provides for the development and implementation of both a fully articulated K-3 instructional program and three support components which appear vital for effective early childhood education. The funds will be used to provide staff development training and additional machinery and equipment for the program. · The appropriation of the Early Childhood Grant in the amount of $8,000. Brownsville Elementary School has been awarded the Early Childhood Grant of $8,000. This is the third year this grant has been awarded to Brownsville Elementary SchooL The major thrust for the Third Year Project is to support the school community in its continuing efforts to learn to use technology effectively to enhance student learning. One goal is that teachers will increasingly and effectively use technology for management, communication, classroom instruction, and as a tool for student projects. Student use of technology as an appropriate and effective tool for gathering information, organizing ideas and data, and creative expression and presentation is a second goal. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Appropriation #940045 in the amount of$ 85,446.66 as detailed. 940045.wPD 95.004 fro .. APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 94/95 NUMBER 940046 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW x ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO x FUND SCHOOL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: FUNDING FOR GIFTED TEACHER POSITIONS. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 1210061104112100 SALARIES-TEACHER $119,256.00 1210061104210000 FICA 9,123.00 1210061104221000 VRS 13,345.00 1210061104231000 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,350.00 1210061104232000 DENTAL INSURANCE 222.00 1210061104241000 GROUP LIFE 210.00 TOTAL $146,506.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 2200051000510100 SCHOOL FUND APP. FROM FUND BALANCE $146,506.00 TOTAL $146,506.00 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: EDUCATION APPROVALS: SIGNATURE DATE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE /-~--y¡¡.ç- /-19-75- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS /-/3-9.5 .. ~,~..~ . ... COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation: 1993-94 School Division Fund Balance AGENDA DATE: January 18, 1995 ITEM NUMBER: é/.s,,~//ð'(S: /6) ACTION: INFORMA TION: SUBJECTIPROPOSAUREQUEST: Request approval of Appropriation #940046 in the amount of $146,506 for funding for gifted teacher positions. CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes STAFF CONTACT(S): Mr. Tucker, Ms. White, Mr. Breeden REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: At its meeting on August 22, 1994, the School Board voted to request that the Board of Supervisors authorize the expenditure ofFY 93-94 fund balance funds in the amount of $146,506 to finance 3.7 teaching positions for gifted/talented teachers in the middle and high schools. DISCUSSION: This request fi-om the School Board was not forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for approval at that time, but was deferred until the proper account codes for the specific teachers could be determined. Although it is not recommended fiscal policy to utilize fund balance or carry-over monies to fund on-going expenditures, this request by the School Board was approved prior to the establishment of the County's financial policies in October. The gifted teachers have already been hired by the School Division. Since the School Board is now aware of the Board's intention not to use carry-over funds for operational expenses, this type of request would not be recommended for approval in the future. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Appropriation #940046 in the amount of $146,506 to fund the gifted teacher positions. 940046. WPD 94.005 1 ALBEMARLE COUNI'Y PUBLIC SCHOOLS Memorandum DATE: December 15, 1994 FROM: Carole A. I Tucker, Jr., county Executive ~~~0 Hastings, Acting superintendentQeJd-)t V TO: Robert W. RE: Request for Appropriation At its meeting on December 12, 1994, the School Board approved the following: o The reappropriation of $44,200.00 from the Community Education Fund Balance. community Education has a reserve fund balance of $117,440.19. The $44,200.00 will be used to upgrade and replace equipment; purchase new equipment; and defray the one-time cost of starting an Inclement Weather Program and Student Holiday Program for students in grades K-5. o The reappropriation of the Special Education Preschool Grant in the amount of $11,979.46. Albemarle County Schools was awarded a grant in the 1993-94 fiscal year from the State Department of Education to continue the Special Education Preschool Program in conjunction with the Westminster Child Care Center. The funds will be used to run a summer preschool program. o The reappropriation of the Stony Point Competency Based Grant in the amount of $9,235.27. At the November 8, 1993 School Board Meeting the Board accepted an award of $20,900.00 from the State Department of Education, Center for Staff Development for Stony Point Elementary School. This grant was not fully expended in the 1993-94 fiscal year and has a fund balance of $7,597.46. There is also an additional $1,637.81 balance in the grant which may be spent this fiscal year. This grant is to support staff members engaging in staff development activities to more clearly define curricular standards. The remaining funds will allow staff members to continue to study instructional strategies that effectively support student achievement. o The appropriation of $3,400.00 from the Stone-Robinson PTO. Stone-Robinson Elementary School received a donation in the amount of $3,400.00 from the Stone-Robinson PTO. The money is designated for the purchase of two new computers for the school. o The reappropriation of $8,631.93 for the Early Childhood Grant. The Early Childhood Grant for Brownsville Elementary School had a fund balance in the amount of $8,631.93 at the end of the 1993-94 fiscal year. The Early Childhood program provides for the development and implementation of both a fully articulated K-3 instructional program and three support components which appear vital for effective early childhood education. The funds will be used to provide staff development training and additional machinery and equipment for the program. Request for Appropriation December 15, 1994 Page 2 o The appropriation of the Early Childhood Grant in the amount of $8,000.00. Brownsville Elementary School has been awarded the Early Childhood Grant in the amount of $8,000.00. This is the third year this grant has been awarded to Brownsville Elementary School. The major thrust for the Third Year Project is to support the school community in its continuing efforts to learn to use technology effectively to enhance student learning. One goal is that teachers will increasingly and effectively use technology for management, communication, classrooms instruction, and as a tool for student projects. Student use of technology as an appropriate and effective tool for gathering information, organizing ideas and data, and creative expression and presentation is a second goal. It is requested that the Board of Supervisors amend the appropriation ordinance to receive and disburse these funds as displayed on the attachment. CAH/smm xc: Melvin Breeden Ed Koonce Ella Carey Revenue 2-3300-51000-510100 Expenditures 1-3300-61235-800501 1-3300-61236-800501 1-3300-63300-119400 1-3300-63300-601300 1-3300-63300-800101 1-3300-63300-800701 ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1994-95 APPROPRIATION REQUEST Reappropriation - Community Education Appropriation Fund Balance Motor Vehicle-Replacement Motor Vehicle-Replacement Compensation-Instruction InstructionjRec. Supplies Machinery/Equipment-Replacement ADP Equipment-Replacement Reappropriation - Special Education Preschool Revenue 2-3205-51000-510100 Expenditure 1-3205-61108-132105 1-3205-61108-210000 1-3205-61108-420100 Revenue 2-3104-24000-240258 2-3104-51000-510121 Expenditures 1-3104-60275-114100 1-3104-60275-152100 1-3104-60275-160300 1-3104-60275-210000 1-3104-60275-231000 1-3104-60275-232000 1-3104-60275-312700 1-3104-69275-350000 1-3104-60275-550100 1-3104-60275-601300 1-3104-60275-800100 Appropriation Fund Balance Salaries-Summer School FICA Transportation Stony Point Competency Based Grant Stony Point Competency Based Grant Stony Point Competency Based Grant Salaries - Teacher Aides SubjWages - Teacher Stipends - Staff/Curriculum Dev. FICA Health Insurance Dental Professional Services Consultants Printing & Binding Travel Mileage Educational Supplies Machinery & Equipment $44,200.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $10,600.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5.600.00 $44,200.00 $11,979.46 $6,500.00 $479.46 $5.000.00 $11,979.46 $7,597.46 $1. 637 . 81 $9,235.27 $760.67 $331.53 $2,500.00 $94.08 $535.00 $60.31 $470.00 $1,000.00 $600.00 $1,092.70 $1. 790.98 $9,235.27 .. REVENUE 2-2000-18100-181135 EXPENDITURE 1-2210-61101-800700 REVENUE Stone-Robinson Donation Donations Data Processing Equipment Reappropriation - Early Childhood Grant 2-3112-51000-510100 Appropriation Fund Balance EXPENDITURE 1-3112-60202-160300 1-3112-60202-210000 1-3112-60202-580500 1-3112-60202-800100 REVENUE 2-3112-24000-240502 EXPENDITURES 1-3112-60202-152100 1-3112-60202-210000 1-3112-60202-312700 1-3112-60202-601300 Stipends FICA Staff Development Machinery/Equipment Early Childhood Grant Early Chi1dhood-Brownsvi11e Sub/Wages - Teacher FICA Professional Services-Consultants Instructional Supplies $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $8,631. 93 $3,200.00 $250.00 $500.00 $4.681. 93 $8,631. 93 $8,000.00 $270.00 $20.00 $5,200.00 $2.510.00 $8,000.00 ... , -- j-/ß-</s 9s~ ¿)/IQ(..s-:3 ) COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA 221 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 H. Alexander Wise, Jr., Director Department of Historic Resources January 4, 1995 \ß@ŒO\Yl .}~r--_'m" ~ .-fif9g5 I __"-"'-""_ ,RD OF SUPERV!C- Robert W. and Marie-Agnes S. Krogstad Longhouse P. O. Box 242 Greenwood, VA 22943 RE: Longhouse, Albemarle County Dear Mr. and Mrs. Krogstad: We have considered the eligibility of Longhouse for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register. We believe, based on available information, that this property meets the eligibility requirements for individual listing. The property appears eligible at the local level for significance in the areas of architecture and commerce. The next step in the evaluation process is for the State Review Board to consider the staffs opinion. Your property has been included on the agenda for the Board's upcoming meeting on February 14, 1995 at The Virginia War Memorial Auditorium. 621 S. Belvidere Street. Virginia 23220, beginning at 10:00 AM. The meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend, although it is not necessary that you be present. Following this meeting, you will be notified by letter of the Board's recommendation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the staff's recommendation or the board meeting. Sincerely, ~~ iJ~s ~h~stian Hill National Register Coordinator JCH/sdm TELEPHONE: (804) 786-3143 TDD: (804) 786-1934 FAX' (804) 225-4261 An Equal Opportunity Agency ... " January 4, 1995 Robert W. and Marie-Agnes S. Krogstad RE: Longhouse, Albemarle County c: The Honorable Walter F. Perkins, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Albemarle County V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director Albemarle County Planning Department Jacquelyn Huckle, Chairman Albemarle County Planning Commission Nancy K. O'Brien, Executive Director Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Melinda Frierson Albemarle County Historical Society Sally Thomas, Supervisor Greenwood District I I ~ .. .. ~¿~-9-5- LC'?U~ltV b~"~~j)f}~~-,a.) r;:r" ~ 1 '.,1 "__.._..._..;-,,,;-,-~<~.-1-~~~ ¡i'~~"" ".-."",< ~¥ 1: ~\ t' ,1M! ~J .1 ~"g1 . ~ . I i, Li. DAVID R. GEHR COMMISSIONER COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINI-,~~\rlL"(i2E oj DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 9 wdt PO BOX 671 _ ~ CU'"'''' 2200'067> L .. D.ONALD,R. ASKEW nl£llIIG-MI!ØMINISTRA TOR ,RD OfSU,.PERV!C . ..,~..,.....,~ January 6, 1995 Route 29 proj: 6029-002-F22,PE-100 Fed. Proj. No. STP-037-2 ( Albemarle County and City of Charlottesville Modifications to Northern and Southern Terminus of Approved Alternative 10 Corridor Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Albemarle County Executive 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Dear Mr. Tucker: A location public hearing, utilizing an open forum, will be held for the above referenced project on Monday, February 13, between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in the Sheraton Inn Charlottesville located at 2350 Seminole Trail, in Albemarle County. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for the public to informally review and discuss the proposed modifications to the northern and southern terminus of the approved Alternative 10 corridor of the Route 29 Bypass. There will be no formal presentation, however, VDOT representatives will be present with maps and displays to explain the project to interested individuals. In addition, an audio-visual presentation explaining the proposed project will be shown continually from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. A copy of the public hearing notice is enclosed. Sincerely, ¿/I:d It! 11" '4':-1;/ Robert H. Connock, Jr., P.E. District Construction Engineer RHCjr:lcs Enclosure TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY · ROUTE 29 BYPASS (Alternative 10) Albemarle County and City of Charlottesville ------------ Location Public Hearing ------------ Hearin1!: Monday, February 13, 1995 * between 2:00pm and 8:00pm To be held at the Sheraton Inn Charlottesville located at 2350 Seminole Trail (Route 29) in Albemarle County . Puroose: To provide you a chance to informally review and discuss the proposed modifications to the northern and southern terminus of the approved "Alternative 1 0" corridor of the Route 29 Bypass in Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville. This public hearing is being held in accordance with 23 USC 128(a),23 CFR Part 450.318 -Major Metropolitan Transpor- tation Investment, to seek comments on alternatives and 36 CFR Section 800.5(E)(3) to provide an opportunity for members of the public to receive information and express their views regarding this study. ODen Forum: There will be no formal presentation, however you will be afforded the opportunity to make both oral and written comments for the official record. There will be a continual audio/visual presentation shown which will explain the proposed project. Written Statements: Written statements and other exhibits relative to the proposed project may also be submitted to the Departmentat any time within 10 days after the hearing. Ri1!ht ofWav: Acquisition and relocation programs, together with tentative schedules for right of way acquisition and construction will be discussed. SDecial Assistance: If you require special assistance to attend and participate in this meetingorneedadditionalinformation contact the Charlottesville Resident Engineer's office at (804) 293-0011. Virginia Department of Transportation Device/or the Hearing Impaired (TDD): 1-800-307-4630 Project: 6029-002-F22.PE-IOO · . ~IIII" Virginia Department of Transportation HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ROUTE 29 BYPASS (A L T ERN A T I V E 1 0) ALBEMARLE COUNTY / CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE PROJECT: 6029-002-F22,PE-100 MODIFICATONS TO NORTHERN/SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF APPROVED ALTERNATIVE 10 IlJ_I_ItAPPROVED CORRIDOR ALTERNATIVE 10 Y"",I,,-,-,''''-'''REVISED CORRIDOR ALTERNATIVE 10 41 DENOTES INTERCHANGE MAP NOT TO SCALE · , , COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DAVID R. GEHR COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND,23219-1939 January 10, 1995 Secondary System Additions Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: /-/3 - r:;5- ", f-5.-~q( ~(0:. ~- ) ¡ i ,".' L, U L_ J f-- ----- III : JAN! ¿ IC9<) L--....-~- RD OF SUPER\" .." ....-,..."'-..-....'.-. JAMES S, GIVENS STATE SECONDARY ROADS ENGINEER Pursuant to authority delegated by the Commissioner, the following addi- tions to the secondary system of state highways, as requested by your resolution of November 2, 1994, are approved, effective January 10, 1995. ADDITIONS FOREST LAKES, PHASE 2 Route 1723 - (Cross Timbers Road) - From Route 1720 West to Route 1720 East Route 1734 - (Edgewater Drive) - From Route 1723 to 0.09 mile Southwest Route 1723 Route 1734 - (Malbon Drive) - From Route 1723 to 0.16 mile North Route 1723 Route 1735 - (Becker Lane) - From Route 1734 North to 0.06 mile West Route 1734 North Route 1736- (Baron Court) - From Route 1734 North to 0.05 mile Northwest Route 1734 North Route 1737 - (Watercrest Drive) - From Route 1723 to 0.38 mile South Route 1723 Route 1738 - (Echo Ridge Road) - From Route 1737 to 0.07 mile Southeast Route 1737 Route 1738 - (Waterford Way) - From Route 1737 to Route 1739 Route 1739 - (Clear Springs Court) - From 0.04 mile North Route 1738 West to 0.06 mile South Route 1738 West TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY LENGTH 0.51 Mi 0.09 Mi 0.16 Mi 0.06 Mi 0.05 Mi 0.38 Mi 0.07 Mi 0.05 Mi 0.10 Mi .. t- .. , ~ Route 1740 - (Copper Knoll Road) - From Route 1737 to 0.16 mile South Route 1737 0.16 Mi Route 1741 - (Highland Ridge Road) - From Route 1737 to Route 1723 0.18 Mi Route 1742 - (Ridgefield Road) - From Route 1741 to 0.10 mile Southeast Route 1741 0.10 Mi Route 1742 - (Autumn Woods Drive) - From Route 1741 to 0.07 mile Northwest Route 1741 0.07 Mi Route 1743 - (Acorn Hill Court) - From Route 1742 West to 0.05 mile North Route 1742 West 0.05 Mi Route 1744 - (Mollifield Lane) - From Route 1742 East to 0.23 mile Southeast Route 1742 East 0.23 Mi Route 1745 - (Summerfield Court) - From Route 1744 to 0.06 mile Northwest Route 1744 0.06 Mi Route 1746 - (Winterfield Circle) - From Route 1744 to 0.05 mile West Route 1744 0.05 Mi Route 1747 - (Poplar Ridge Road) - From Route 1741 to 0.07 mile North Route 1741 0.07 Mi Route 1748 - (Linlier Court) - From Route 1747 to 0.03 mile Southeast Route 1747 0.03 Mi Route 1749 - (Heather Glen Road) - From Route 1723 to 0.14 mile Southwest Route 1723 0.14 Mi Route 1749 - (Whispering Woods Drive) - From Route 1723 to 0.18 mile Northeast Route 1723 0.18 Mi Route 1750 - (Locke Lane) - From Route 1749 West to 0.14 mile Southwest Route 1749 West 0.14 Mi Route 1751 - (Tavernor Lane) - From Route 1749 East to 0.09 mile Southeast Route 1749 East 0.09 Mi 4 Route 1752 - (Timber Pointe Road) - From Route 1720 to 0.21 mile Southeast Route 1720 0.21 Mi Sincerely, ;;.7' /1 J./~es S. Givens State Secondary Roads Engineer et: U~\^) ~~ ~ DATE ~~ Ie:¡ 11::- (&) / -ZflL,f- C¡<f-09 J~<-f {J. í='eJ? {5 b¡~- AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA ITEM NAME DEFERRED UNTIL Form.3 7/25/86 ~ .. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 ¡i) r-~-J~ ..l ß W rt_1 ~"\ JAN 2 4 1995 Î-__.. . January 23, 1995 "':' McKee/Carson 256 East High St Queen Charlotte Square Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: ZMA-94-09 Jayel Industries Dear Sir: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on January 18, 1995, deferred the above-noted petition to its meeting on February 15, 1995. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, J ~ , ~~±g~~ Director of Planning ~uníty Development VWC/jcw - ee: Ella Carey J - l:!2.:f~,,_ ,_CZ~_q/!l.!-._~- / :'1_:; , ! ,J{Jø "ilL ' j~ ...IAN, 0 I99s - ~,- "~~RV" COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 January 9, 1995 McKee/Carson 256 East High St Queen Charlotte Square Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: ZMA-94-09 Jayel Industries Dear Sir: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its January 3, 1995 meeting, per your request, deferred the above-noted petition to its January 24, 1995 meeting. Please note that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this request at their February 15, 1995 meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~' >---.- -' -. . - William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw j: cc: Ella Care ,.. CHARLES WILLIAM HURT Dìsf fl(~17t VIRGINIA LAND COMPANY BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 8147 CIIAHL01TES\'JLLE, Vll\GINIA 22906 , í I } Ii'! ~ II w-œ January 5, 1995 I . , AREA CODE 804 7 .,.w:PHONE 979-8181 JU, '*, ~AX 296-3510 L -1 C·'··~JielIS:()1 .. ~vED William D. Fritz County of Albemarle Dept. of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22902-4596 . \\J 1 7 1995 Planning Dept. Re: ZMA-94-06 Property of North Pan tops on State Route 250 and State Route 20 Dear Mr. Fritz, I. Access to the property will be limited to one (1) entrance off of Route 20 North across from Elks Drive at the Wilton entrance and two (2) points of access on Route 250 in the area of the existing frontage. 2. There will be no grading or construction on slopes of 25% or greater except as necessary for accessways, public utility lines and appurtenances, stormwater management facilities and the like except as approved by the County Engineer. Topographic information for all portions of the property will be provided with 5 foot or less contour intervals. 3. Ten trees per acre shall be provided or retained on all lot designated areas of the final approved plans. Deciduous trees shall be I 1/2" to 2" in caliper; non- deciduous trees shall be four to five feet in height. Location shall be distributed among all lots. These proffers will continue to remain in effect in the event that the Board of Supervisors does not rezone the areas requested for commercial use or those areas above 600 feet. . ) ,.' (#' I,. I Virginia Land Trust Charles W. Hurt, Trustee ;, ,." ,. '- t t· '.. _, /-13__~??: 9~~~!g~ù~ª ·~"""C· ;::'-'1 \ r- . Ø"'O ."1 ¡;:: ,..f,t:. 'i¡f t:.U CHARLES WILLIAM HURT ij! . j 1993 VIRGINIA LAND COMPANY BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 8147 CIIAHLO·lTESVILI.E, VmCINIA 22HOfi Planning DÐpt. AREA CODE 804 TELEPHONE 979-8181 FAX 296-3510 January 5, 1995 William D. Fritz County of Albemarle Dept. of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22902-4596 Re: ZMA-94-06 Property of North Pantops on State Route 250 and State Route 20 Dear Mr. Fritz, 1. Access to the property will be limited to one (1) entrance off of Route 20 North across from Elks Drive at the Wilton entrance and two (2) points of access on Route 250 in the area of the existing frontage. 2. There will be no grading or construction on slopes of 25% or greater except as necessary for accessways, public utility lines and appurtenances, stormwater management tàcilities and the like except as approved by the County Engineer. Topographic information for all p0l1ions of the property "vill be provided with 5 foot or less cüntour intervals. 3. Ten trees per acre shall be provided or retained on all designated area of the final approved plans. Deciduous trees shall be 1 112" to 2" in caliper; non-deciduous trees shall be four to five feet in height. Location shall be distributed among all lots. These proffers will continue to remain in effect in the event that the Board of Supervisors does not rezone the areas requested for commercial use or those areas above 600 feet. Virginia Land Trust Charles W. Hurt, Trustee ~1 ~~~~I ¡ J I ,'RD OF SUPERVIS ~ ~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 ß-© Œ U \fl ~, Jl{~ JUL-_919f6 ARD OF SUPERVIS . January 9, 1995 Katurah Roell Virginia Land Trust 195 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ZMA-94-06 Upper Pantops Land Trust Tax Map 78, Parcels 57, 12, 12B, 55Dl and 55A4 Dear Mr. Roell: The Albemarle County Planing Commission, at its meeting on January 3, 1995, by a vote of 6-1, recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to acceptance of applicant's proffers which are to be finalized prior to the Board meeting. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on JANUARY 18. 1995. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, \../ William D. Fritz Senior Planner cc: Ella Carey e e e STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JANUARY 3, 1995 JANUARY 18, 1995 ZMA-94-06 - Upper Pan tops Land Trust Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing the rezoning of a total acreage of 325 acres resulting in a maximum of 1,025 dwelling units with a maximum gross density of 3.18 dwelling units per acre, 2.4 acres are proposed for commercial use. Current zoning of the property could permit up to 1,110 dwelling units. This request is filed in order to reallocate the development potential across the site in a more uniform manner. Also proposed is 2.4 acres ofC-l zoning which is proposed on Route 250. Access to this site is proposed from two points on Route 250 and a single point on Route 20. The access to Route 20 would be combined with access to Wilton Farm Apartments. The applicant has provided the following proffers: As applicant we proffer the following conditions as a part of the rezoning request of ZMA -94-06 North Pantops. 1. The applicant will restrict the access to the property to one (1) entrance off of Route 20N across from the Elks Drive at the Wilton entrance. Two (2) entrances off of Route 250 in the area of the existing frontage. 2. No grading or construction on slopes of25% or greater except as necessary for road construction as approved by the County Engineer. 3. Ten trees per acre shall be provided or retained on all lot designated areas of the final approved plan. Deciduous trees shall be 1 1/2" to 2" in caliper; non-deciduous trees shall be four to five feet in height. Locations shall be distributed among all lots. Petition: Upper Pantops Land Trust petitions the Board of Supervisors to rezone 106.8 acres from R-l, Residential and R-15, Residential to R-6, Residential and 2.4 acres from R-15 to C-l, Commercial and 62 acres from RA, Rural Areas to R-4, Residential and 154 acres from RA to R-l. Property, described as Tax Map 78, Parcels 57, 12, 12B, 55Dl and 55A4, is located on the north side ofRt. 250. The property is bordered by Rt. 20 on the west and Westminster Canterbury to the east. This site is located in the Rivanna Magisterial District and is recommended for Low Density (1-4 dwelling units per acre), Medium Density (4.01-10 dwelling units per acre), and High Density Residential (10.01-34 dwelling units per acre) in Neighborhood 3. 1 Character of the Area: This site rises from Route 250 a total of approximately 200 feet in elevation. The site is mostly wooded and scattered areas of critical slopes do exist. Two utility easements, (telephone and high voltage power line,) cross the property. Some intermittent streams do exist on site. The property has frontage on both Route 20 and Route 250. RECOMMENDATION IS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan and is able to support the residential rezoning areas with the exception of those areas above the 600 foot elevation. Staff does not support the proposed commercial zoning. These areas and uses may be deleted as permitted under Section 33.5 of the Zoning Ordinance which states in part: "The Commission need not confine its recommendation to the proposed amendment as set forth in the petition, but may reduce or enlarge the extent of land that it recommends be rezoned to a different zoning classification than that petitioned for." Plannin~ and Zonin~ History: Two rezonings, ZMA-81-01 and ZMA-81-02, have been filed for this area. Both of these request were withdrawn prior to extensive review. ZMA-81-01 was a request to rezone 339 acres to R-15. ZMA-81-02 was a request to rezone 161 acres to HC, Highway Commercial, this request replaced ZMA-81-0 1. No other relevant history is available for this site. A subdivision plat for 74 single family lots has been submitted and is under review in the area currently zoned R-15. The proposed density of the development for the area shown on the plat is 2.16 dwelling units per acre. During the review of this plat issues of access to Route 250 have arisen. Based on this plat review staff will be able to provide comment as to access to Route 250. Comprehensive Plan: This area is recommended for low, medium and high density residential. The neighborhood boundary is defined as being the 600 foot elevation. A small portion of the site lies above the 600 foot elevation and in accord with Section 33.5 staff recommends that the Board not consider that portion of the site lying above the 600 foot elevation for rezoning. The area above 600 feet should remain RA. Under the existing zoning the maximum number of theoretical units is 1,110. The current zoning of the area includes R-15, R-1 and RA land. Some of these designations are lower than recommended in the Comprehensive Plan, therefore, the holding cap!lcity of this area 2 e e e may be higher than exists under current zoning. The proposed rezoning is a reduction in the maximum number of units which may be located in this area under existing zoning. Staff has stated a concern in past rezonings that under utilization of density in the urban areas may tend to increase pressure on the Rural Areas due to development in the Rural Areas or request for expansion of growth areas into areas currently designated as Rural. The Plan states on page 155 "Require unified planned developments for projects with seventy-five or more dwelling units. Require a viable homeowner's organization that can maintain meaningful open space, recreation areas, and pedestrian linkages. The appropriate locations for unified planned developments are designated Communities and the Urban Area, and in those Villages which can support this scale of development." The applicant has not submitted a Planned Development. Staff is concerned that the Comprehensive Plan is too rigid in its assumption that any residential development or more than 75 dwellings must have a homeowners association and other dictated features. A sketch showing a potential layout for the development has been submitted. This sketch does indicate open space and recreation facilities however, these features are not proffered. Proffers two and three address areas to be preserved and landscaping to be provided. The Comprehensive Plan, Open Space Plan, identifies this area as containing significant wooded areas and as containing areas of critical slopes. The existence of critical slopes tends to reduce the maximum development potential for the area and tends to discourage the construction of multi-family housing due to the need to perfonn grading to provide suitable building pads and parking areas. A proffer is proposed limiting activity on critical slopes, tree preservation provisions are also proffered. This site is visible from Monticello and the Entrance Corridor. 1 In acknowledgement of the potential impact that development of this site could have on these features the applicant has stated that tree clearing will be limited to the minimum extent possible. The proffered technique for landscaping is similar to that employed in the adjacent Ashcroft development. This will not completely screen the development from surrounding areas but will significantly reduce the overall impact. The applicant is proposing to locate commercial zoning along Route 250 which could serve the proposed development and Route 250. The provision of support commercial services for developments of this size is generally encouraged. The Comprehensive Plan notes significant commercial area in proximity to this site, but no commercial use is recommended on this site. The Plan states on page 169 "Prevent further 'strip development' along Route 250 East and Route 20 North with the implementation of development plans. These plans are to be sensitive to Route 250 and Route 20 as entry corridors to the Urban Area and provide screening of the 1 The Open Space Plan calls for protection of the viewshed of Monticello but does not delineate the area to be protected. This leaves the Planning Staff with virtually no guidance and invites protracted debate. The County should officially identify the land areas subject to this recommendation. 3 e development from Monticello." No plan of development is available. Staff opinion is that there is extensive commercial land already designated and/or zoned in this area and the proposed commercial zoning constitutes further strip development of Route 250. Without a Planned Development approach to this development or other guarantee it cannot be ensured that the commercial zoning would be developed to primarily serve the residential development. STAFF COMMENT: At the request of the Board of Superyisors staff typically prepares a fiscal impact analysis for residential rezonings. No such study has been prepared for this application as the proposed zoning reduces the maximum number of units pennitted by 85, no additional fiscal implications will occur. e Staff notes as the primary issue the lack of a plan of development whether proffered or pursued thru a Planned Development approach. Previous rezoning applications and developments plans for the Wilton Farms development have addressed access to Route 20. This applicant has been involved in previous discussions regarding access to Route 20. The applicant's access proposal to Route 20 is consistent with past planning efforts. Staff appreciates the applicant's efforts to coordinate access on Route 20 for this and other developments in the area. However, to ensure cOOl:dination and clarify access to Route 20 north a unified access plan for this property and Wilton, including responsibilities of the owners, should be developed. Staff is able to provide comment as to access to Route 250 based on review of a subdivision plat currently pending for a portion of this site and the applicant's proffer limiting access locations. Two entrances to Route 250 are proffered. The westernmost entrance is proposed at the existing Route 250 crossover located just west of State Farm Blvd. This crossover currently serves the Montessori School and the Amoco gas station. The property owners on both the north and south side of Route 250, which includes the land now under review, worked with Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) during the preparation of the road plans for Route 250 in order to obtain the crossover. In return for this crossover the use of the crossover was limited by agreement with VDOT to 4,000 vehicle trips per day. This agreement was not signed by the County. Any road plans reviewed by VDOT will need to insure compliance with this agreement or the agreement will require renegotiation by the parties involved. Infonnation received to date by Virginia Department of Transportation indicates that the 4,000 vehicle trips per day level has not been exceeded. Renegotiation could involve such issues as signalization of the crossover. The proposed commercial land would be located so as to have access to this crossover. e The easternmost access to this site is not located at a crossover. This entrance is located approximately 150 feet west of the crossover serving State Farm Blvd. Access at the crossover would involve land not controlled by the applicant which is developed with a restaurant. Access to this crossover would involve wholesale revisions to the site potentially removing the existing building. Section 18-37(0) of the Subdivision Ordinance states in part that unless approved by the Commission "In the case of any multi-Ianed divided highway; no such entrance which is not directly opposite any crossover in the median of any such highway shall be pennitted within 500 4 feet of any such crossover..." The latest revised plat for the 74 lot subdivision has received the following comment from VDOT "The above referenced plat has been reviewed and appears satisfactory. Based on this approval, the developer can proceed with road plans along with drainage calculation submittal for review." Staff notes that this comment is for the 74 lot subdivision only. The latest comments from VDOT regarding the rezoning are included as Attachment D. In order to address the overall impact of this development on the transportation system VDOT has stated that a traffic generation study would be necessary. Some information has been provided however, VDOT is unable to provide additional comment. Additional traffic information will likely be required by Virginia Department of Transportation during subdivision review, in order to determine the appropriate road design. The lower elevations (southern portion) of this site are currently in the Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area for water and sewer. That portion of the site located north ofthe high voltage power line is not within the jurisdictional area. Should the Board choose to approve this request they should take action to include this area in the jurisdictional area for water and sewer. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff has identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: 1. The proposed level of development in that area currently zoned R-15 is more achievable than that permitted by existing zoning due to terrain; 2. Proffers are proposed which limit the points of access; 3. Proffers are proposed which serve to protect features identified in the Open Space Plan. Staff has identified the following factors which are unfavorable to this request: 1. No plan of development has been submitted as recommended by the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposed level of development is less than permitted under existing zoning; 3. Commercial Zoning & Residential Zoning in areas not recommended by the Comprehensive Plan are included in the request. Staff is unable to support any rezoning for that area lying above the 600 foot elevation due to the specific statements contained in the Comprehensive Plan regarding the boundaries for the Growth Area. The proposed location of commercial zoning on Route 250 is inconsistent with the land use recommendations for this portion of Route 250. Limited supporting commercial services are generally appropriate for large developments, staff is unable to support the request for commercial land due to land use designation for the area and the proximity of developed 5 e commercial uses and areas recommended/zoned for commercial development. Staff recommends that the area requested for commercial zoning be designated as R-6 as is requested for the surrounding area. The applicant's proffers regarding development on critical slopes and provision of trees will serve to address multiple concerns of the Comprehensive Plan. These proffers will minimize impact to the viewshed of the Entrance Corridor and Monticello, as well as protecting those areas identified in the Open Space Plan. Staff is concerned that this development allows fewer units than is currently pennitted and that the level of proposed development may result in a significantly lower level of development than is envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan. While no mechanism exists to require development at the maximum level recommended by the Comprehensive Plan or of a given zoning designation, staff is concerned that the loss of potential development due to "downzoning" or zoning at a level less than recommended by the Comprehensive Plan may result in increased pressure on the Rural Areas or areas of the Urban Area not suited to intense development. e The Comprehensive Plan's statements regarding the provision of unified planned developments is intended to allow review of development proposals of a large scale. Typically in a reviewing request of this scale, staff requests a planned development approach. Such was requested with this proposal, but not provided by the applicant. Staff is able to provide comment as to this projects impact due to previous reviews, on Route 20, and current review applications, on Route 250. Staff opinion is that minimal additional infonnation could be obtained with the provision of a plan of development. Existing Ordinance provision will allow for the orderly development of the property. Staff opinion is that the applicant's proposed development with the proposed proffers is superior to the nature of development which may occur under the existing zoning. Staff remains concerned over the loss of potential residential units. However, the proposed development addresses several concerns of the Comprehensive Plan in a method superior to that which could occur under by-right development. Based on these comments staff is able to support this request subject to the applicant's proffers, the deletion of those areas lying above the 600 foot elevation and no commercial zoning. The proffers proposed by the applicant are: As applicant we proffer the following conditions as a part of the rezoning request of ZMA-94-06 North Pantops. 1. The applicant will restrict the access to the property to one (1) entrance off of Route 20 N across from the Elks Drive at the Wilton entrance. Two (2) entrances off of Route 250 in the area of the existing ftontage. 2. No grading or construction on slopes of 25% or greater except as necessary for road construction as approved by the County Engineer. e 6 e e e 3. Ten trees per acre shall be provided or retained on all lot designated areas of the fmal approved plan. Deciduous trees shall be 1 1/2" to 2" in caliper; non-decidous trees shall be four to five feet in height. Locations shall be distributed among all lots. ---------------- ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Applicant's Information D - Virginia Department of Transportation's comments 7 " ¡ATTACHMENT AI ,¡\\,.- /¡J'l-<:i . -.- /!ðÒ C' .......... ~~ °ú --..........0 '" f~ ><r' ,.}- ""'t.;. 641 ... '" I, i m" - .......... -f K , ~ ..'" ) ,::,~ \ ~o , v- " ..... ~ /(j o " ",. ~" \' .. .. , ----- "'/ ~-............ ~ "~," )"'_____ ŒEJ ."...... ,\:,------, '''. ------------- 1\ '~ ~ , "," , '>, I .... \ '...., " . '. ['q,. (' ,.I' -- \ '. \<).' / ~ " ~ -.) 0 [ 108 i l " ,. '. ~ 61A I PARI( ISl0N KEY WEST ~F.CTION -'..ZB ~~:á~b ,~49E \~.\\"-f;--"~\B~YI ~/"~~¡.., /" \ 1~~ \9'~)II I ATTACHMENT B I , EE EXISTING CONDITIONS e 73 e SECTION SECTION e e '(~ =- = / \:0-'\»-'" . 42 J t .~~:A. ......... t_,· .... ^/ 40c '~.. Ì'" \. \~g . / .1'1' '.' \" . .' ~9E2' ...: 89A ~.X ..,,; _~ \. SEE I -KEY WEST- -=- '!;.FcnO~ ø PROPOSED CONDITIONS ,~ , ATTACHMENT B' 'page 2 , ,,~ <," '-...: ,. 3 " 6'" PAFlK ION PROPOSED C-l ~ PROPOSED R-6 PROPOSED R-4 ~ l:Jj PROPOSED R-l ..... ~'" § SEE 78-1 23 e SECTION - SECTION e e e , .~ ¡ATTACHMENT C CHARLES WILLIAM HURT VIRGINIA LAND COMPANY BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 8147 CHARLO'ITESVILLE, VmCINlA 22906 AREA CODE 804 TELEPHONE 979-8181 FAX 296-3510 December 20, 1994 William D. Fritz County of Albemarle Dept. of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22902-4596 Re: ZMA-94-06 Property of North Pantops on State Route 250 and State Route 20 Dear Mr. Fritz, As applicant we proffer the following conditions as a part of the rezoning request of ZMA-94-06 North Pantops. 1. The applicant will restrict the access to the property to one (1) entrance off of Route 20 N across from the Elks Drive at the Wilton entrance. Two (2) entrances off of Route 250 in the area of the existing frontage. 2. No grading or construction on slopes of 25% or greater except as necessary for road construction as approved by the County Engineer. 3. Ten trees per acre shall be provided or retained on all lot designated areas of the final approved plan. Deciduous trees shall be I 112" to 2" in caliper; non- deciduous trees shall be four to five feet in height. Locations shall be distributed among all lots. If you have any questions or need further information regarding these matters, please call me at 979-8181. Thank you for your time and attention. Respectfull y, )¡- . Charles W. Hurt ..... cc: Katurah Roell RECEIVED . tG 2 U 1994 Planning Dept. ¡ATTACHMENT CIpage 21 e CHARLES WILLIAM HURT VIRGINIA LAND COMPANY BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 8147 CHARW1TESVILLE, VmGINIA 22906 December 20, 1994 AREA CODE 804 TELEPHONE 979-8181 FAX 296-3510 William D. Fritz County of Albemarle Dept. of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22902-4596 Re: ZMA-94-06 Property of North Pantops on State Route 250 and State Route 20 Dear Mr. Fritz, e On December 19, 1994, I met with Hank Hinnant of Westminster Canterbury to discuss the rezoning and development activities on North Pantops. Items discussed covered the rezoning of the entire parcel. The change of the land that is immediately adjacent to Westminister and Aschroft that is Zoned R-15 to R-6 and the land to West from R-l to R-6 up to the Virginia Power Line. From the power line to the first major ridge, the zoning will change from R-A to R-4 and from the ridge to the PRD will change to R-l. Entrances at North Pantops and across from the Aamoco Station and at Rt. 20 where discussed, including the emergency access to Ashcroft from N. Pantops. The area ofland recently filled along Rt. 250 next to the Montessori School will be changed to C-l. Mr. Hinnant and his assistant made positive comments for our proposed changes and felt that these are appropriate uses for the land. We also reviewed the first phase of Luxor Subdivision for the lot and road layout and price range. They commented that it sounded similar to Ashcroft and that it would be a nice improvement since Westminster overlooks this area of proposed homes. Also, on Friday December 16, 1994, I met with members of the Ashcroft Homeowners Association to review the above mention plans. They to felt approving of this proposal and that it was an improvement to the current zoning, better protecting there property values. If you have any questions or need further information regarding these matters, please call me at 979-8181. Thank you for your time and attention. e RespectfuIlY'~ ~ &, " Katurah S. Roell RECEIVED cc: Charles W. Hurt u.~ 2 0 1994 Planning Dept. CE- 7(P) Rev. 11-91 , ATTACHMENT D , COMMONVVEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LAND USE PERMIT e . " ~ '. . , . ~'- ,; .~ ' .¡ ,. .... \;:,ClI~ ~ j I J , " : ~ ~. t.. ;1 November 22, 1994 ZMA-94-06 Upper Pantops Land Trust Mr. William Fritz Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA. 22902 Dear Mr. Fritz: e We have the following comments in reference to your November 16, 1994 letter: 1. To effectively address the impact, a traffic generation study would be necessary. We do not have information on how much acreage is to be used for residential, how much acreage will be reserved for steep slopes, recreation, etc. 2. The type of commercial development should be addressed. 3. Traffic should be directed in this overall development so that the crossover on Route 250 does not surpass 4000 VPD for this entrance. If you have further concerns, please advise. Yours truly, JiJ ..q!:¿ /IA/\ I H. W. M iii's Assistant Resident Engineer HWM/ldw e cc: Wanda Moore COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ~n ~~.~~~Q~.~ \ \ It: ; ;,... . , .... Un U L:::... ~ b~...." U EXECUTIVE OFFICE COUN~Y OF ALBEMARLE . -/~-9~ Dept. of Plannmg & Community Development,..,. h' \ Board' L--,.,...- 401 M I t· R d \J~'5tfbu.\..o ,0 . . c n.lre . oa ." ¡ cJS-. ð//..f'. [)--;\f' Charlottesville, VirgInia 22902-4596 Ager:dè hem r~o. _______"_.~ (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive William D. Fritz, Senior Planner !,Jjìr FROM: DATE: December 16, 1994 RE: ZMA-94-17 Rt. 631 The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on December 13, 1994, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that the Board is scheduled to review this petition at their January 18, 1995 meeting. Attached please find a report which outlines this proposal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. WDF/jcw ATTACHMENT , 'l, f~ 1\ [~Fr;>¡ L"; ",: '\, I Ii ( ~ ....,; !99~1 (,0 [ '. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: ZMA-94-17 AGENDA DATE: January 18, 1995 ITEM NUMBER: ACfION: x INFORMATION: SUBJECfIPROPOSALIREOUEST: Request to amend the Zoning Map as regards the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District, to reflect changes to the Route 631 alignment. CONSENT AGENDA: ACfION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: STAFF CONTACf(S): Messrs. Tucker, Cilimber BACKGROUND: Route 631 south from the Charlottesville city limits to Route 708 was added as an entrance corridor on November 14, 1990. Improvements to Route 631 have recently been completed which relocated the roadway. DISCUSSION: The Architectural Review Board (ARB) Design Planner has provided comments which address the changes to Route 631 which have occurred. Also attached is a map showing the previous and new alignments of Route 631. Staff has discussed renumbering of the previous alignment of Route 631 with the Virginia Department of Transportation. The decision to renumber the road will be made by Richmond and the review process has not yet started. The old alignment of ROUTE 631 no longer satisfies the criteria of Section 30.6.2 which establishes the application of the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District, specially that portion which states "Along arterial streets or highways (as designated pursuant to Title 33.1 ofthe Code, including Section 33.1-41.1 of that title) found by the Board of Supervisors to be significant routes of tourist access to the county." RECOMMENDATION: Based on this revised alignment, staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors amend the zoning map to reflect the new alignment of Route 631. 94.199 - ("I '1 iL.,..I, COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401· McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 TDD (804) 972-4012 September 21, 1994 Bill Fritz Planning and Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Re: Realignment of Route 631 Dear Mr. Fritz: e The improvements and construction on the new alignment to Route 631 are complete. When the Entrance Corridor Overlay District was created in October of 1990, Route 631 was included within the district. As a result, the Board of Supervisors approved an amendment to the zoning map indicating the various corridors. The old Route 631 road alignment is still indicated as within the Entrance Corridor Overlay District. This alignment does not comply with the state enabling or zoning ordinance requirements for designation. The old alignment would not be considered a major tourist route connecting historic properties. Because the alignment has changed, it is necessary to remove the designation from the old Route 631 alignment and transfer it to the new Route 631 alignment. Therefore, I request that the Planning Commission pass a Resolution of Intent to modify the zoning map to reflect changes as noted above. If you have questions concerning any of the above please contact me. Sincerely, I Marcia Joseph Design Planner e cc: Amelia McCulley Wayne Cilimberg ~q:: J~L8EMARLE COUNTY O\I&IL L4- Y þr;;~cr --- :i' ~ \- 60 .CI ~/ ~ ),1...... /' "'.. ~ ~ "- (. ~ ~/~~~'.')..,y ~ I~ i . ~~..,~ .¥/ "Il~_ f.-.j ~/,-.',--->I !.-X~..Y Jj~ ~ / ~ ''''''''/' /~ ~ ' '---J > '"ffi" ¡(II / \ \ \ y/"/"/",,,,,,:: - "'i'v ~ '-"""'j¡;_lß\ . _. 'Ii I }¡., \1 ~--¡-' j I .~'4b" ~ -. , ............... J'--..í J ~ I -" ~ \. \'. 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I. \ / -- - \/ 1 r \ .... ,.. ". ... "- '\ ~ scalE I'" F"E( T 100 'Ioe SAMUEL MILLER, SCOTTSVILLE AND JACK JOUETT DISTRICTS SECTION 76 David p, Bowennan Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charlotte y, Humphris Jack Jouett Forrest R. Marshall, Jr. Scottsville MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMC~~ FROM: DATE: January 13, 1995 SUBJECT: Reading List for January 18 I 1995 November 16, 1994 - Mr. Martin J~ November 22, 1994 - Mr. Perkins ~ DecembeY"'21, 1994 - Mrs. Thomas EWC:mms * Printed on recycled paper Distr¡bl!~2d to B:md: ;-/i]-<?.j- 1~2':::;, 1>;':-' ::0. ;;ç.ð//i~-¿)-J.-3~ -----.-.-..--.... Charles S, Martin Rivanna Walter F, Perkins White Hall Sally H Thomas Samuel Miller RESOLUTION WHEREAS, government In Virginia has a long tradition of fiscal responsibility and good management; and WHEREAS, current proposals before the General Assembly call for a reduction in taxes at the same time the state plans to borrow money to build prisons; and WHEREAS, the combination of these proposals would result in passing today's costs on to our children, leaving them to inherit a budget nightmare similar to the one the federal government faces today; and WHEREAS, these proposals might also harm future bond ratings for the state and for its localities; and WHEREAS, the budget now before the General Assembly would cut $100 million from local government budgets in the next fiscal year; and WHEREAS, local governments would be hard-pressed to cut $100 million from their budgets before the fiscal year that starts on July 1, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Albemarle County requests the Governor and General Assembly to carefully consider the effects their decisions have on localities and asks that the Governor and General Assembly act to empower local governments to manage their own affairs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Honorable George F. Allen; to the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Hunter B. Andrews; to the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Delegate Robert B. Ball, Sr.; and to Senator Edgar S. Robb, Delegate Mitchell Van Yahres, and Delegate Peter T. Way of Albemarle County. Adopted this 18th day of January, 1995. ~;)~7 f2~/Vt~) Walter F. Perkins, Chairman David p, Bowennan CharlottesviJle COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charlotte y, Humphris Jack Jouett Forrest R, Marshall, Jr. ScottsviUe January 20, 1995 The Honorable George Allen Governor of Virginia Governor's Office State Capitol, Third Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Governor Allen: Charles S. Martin Rivanna Walter F, Perkms While Hall Sally H, Thomas Samuel Miller At its meeting on January 18, 1995, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopted the attached resolution in response to concerns regarding proposed cuts to local government budgets. Sincerely, §&W Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CM EWC:mms cc: Virginia Association of Counties Bonnie Fronfelder * Printed on recycled paper David p, Bowerman Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S, Martin R Ivanna Charlotte y, Humphris Jack Jouefl Walter F, Perkms While Hall Forrest R, Marshall. Jr. Scottsville Sally H. Thomas Samuel MI11er January 20, 1995 The Honorable Hunter B. Andrews Chairman, Senate Finance Committee 16 S. King Street PO Box B Hampton, VA 23669 Dear Senator Andrews: At its meeting on January 18, 1995, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopted the attached resolution in response to concerns regarding proposed cuts to local government budgets. Sincerely, ~/h;e~lerk' CM EWC:mms * Printed on recycled paper David p, Bowerman Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S, Martin Rivanna Charlotte y, Humphris Jack Jouett Walter F, Perkins White HaU Forrest R, Marshall. Jr. Scottsville Sally H, Thomas Samuel Miller January 20, 1995 The Honorable Robert B. Ball, Sr. Chairman, House Appropriations Committee 827 E. Parham Road Richmond, VA 23227 Dear Delegate Ball: At its meeting on January 18, 1995, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopted the attached resolution in response to concerns regarding proposed cuts to local government budgets. Sincerely, fwcar~l~ EWC:mms (i) Printed on recycled paper David p, Bowerman Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S, Martin R ivanrkl Charlotte y, Humphris Jack Jouett Walter F, Perkms White Ha!1 Forrest R, Marshall. Jr. Scottsville Sally H. Thomas Samuel Miller January 20, 1995 The Honorable Edgar S. Robb Senator 100 Court Square Terr., Suite B Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Senator Robb: At its meeting on January 18, 1995, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopted the attached resolution in response to concerns regarding proposed cuts to local government budgets. Sincerely, J!t~~l~~ EWC:mms * Printed on recycled paper David P. Bowerman Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S. Martin Rivanna Charlotte y, Humphris Jack Jouett Walter F, Perkins White Hall Forrest R, Marshall, Jr. Scotlsville Sally H, Thomas Samuel Miller January 20, 1995 The Honorable Mitchell Van Yahres House of Delegates 408 Altamont Circle Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Delegate Van Yahres: At its meeting on January 18, 1995, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopted the attached resolution in response to concerns regarding proposed cuts to local government budgets. Sincerely, îJIc.k: Clerk, C EWC:mms * Printed on recycled paper David p, Bowerman Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S, Martin Rivannël Charlotte y, Humphris Jack Jouett Walter F. Perkms Whiff' Hal! Forrest R, Marshall. Jr. Scottsville Sally H Thomas Samuel Miller January 20, 1995 The Honorable Peter T. Way House of Delegates 100 Court Square Terr., Suite G Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Delegate Way: At its meeting on January 18, 1995, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopted the attached resolution in response to concerns regarding proposed cuts to local government budgets. EWC:mms Sincerely, Ð~ef:ler~ð * Printed on recycled paper