HomeMy WebLinkAbout10th ann va water&sewer rate reBOARD OF SUPERVISORS Draper Aden Associates Enginccrim. · Sm'vcying~ ~' Environmental Services ,-5 ReSidential Water aud Sewer Rates Continue Rising for 10th Consecutive Year With the support of the Virginia Municipal League and the Virg#da Association of Counties, Draper Aden Associalcs has comp]lcd valuable informatton about the waler and sewer talcs of localities throughout the Corn monwealth of Virginia. T ts year s survey rccmved it 55% response rate with 186 responses received out of a possible 336 responses. According to the Con trol Group, this year's average water rales increased 4% from last year's average to $16.37. Since 1990, average water rates have increased by 42%,. Sewer rates also increased since last year. The rates arc np from $1.9.56 to $20.16-- an increase of 3%. Sewer rales have increased by 40% since 1990. Of the 175 systems responding to the question on rate structure, 42% had a flat rate structure, 2% used a one-charge structure, 17% used an ascending structure, 20% used a descending structure, and 19% used some other type of rate structure. A majority of the respondcnls used a monlhly billing cycle (57%) while 28% used a bi-n]ontlfly cycle, 13% used a quarlerly cycle and 2% used another type of billing cycle. Only four of the localities have a summer conservatiou rate. Of those, one locality charges $0.43/hundred cubic feet above the winter average, one charges $2.52/thousand gallons of additional consump- tion, another charges $4.50/thonsand gallons for anything over 20% of the winter average consumption and thc other bases its ]'ales on the May bill. Only 2t~% of those that have a water co,meet]on fcc and 35% of Ihose thai have a sewer connection fee include capilal recovery costs in those fees. Note: Thc iq/~u'mation in llli.~' rcp~n'l U'tl.; lU'm'ided hr rc,,'l,Ond~,nl,~. Io ti .vurvev ami i.¥ bclim'ed lo bc c~n'recL llou'cvu~; l)ralWr Aden A.v.wwial the Virginia A.vxociati,m q/' ('ottnlies and thc Vi~;~,inia Muuicil~a/ Lea,g, ue do llOI Wtll'rrlllt the (tt'Clll'(tcy q/' Ihi.v il~/~tl'lllrtll'Oll. Numl)rr of Average Median II('sponses [:,quivalcn! Rcsidcnlhd W:dcr t 34 14,315 2,166 COIIIIOCliOIIS Monthly I{esidenlial Water Rate 168 $17.65 $15.60 Inside Corp(.'alc I,imils Monlhly Rcsidcnlial Walcr 109 $22.35 $2(I.75 Rales Oulside ('orporalc I,imils Rvsklcnlial Conncclion Fcc 130 $846 $~00 . ,l/csidcnlial Fac]lily Fcc .18 $1.696.O2 $1,375 Monlhly Ilusim.ss/('on { 'ci ~1 ~.19 $2,952.96 $2,305.4() WltJt'l' J{ak' ( I [ t' J IS IIMdC) MonlhJy J]llSillCtSS/('OIIlll e 'ct;ti  137 $ I 1,068.5 I $9,399.67 $18.00 $16.00 $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $0.00 Average Water Rates (5,000 gaflons per month) Based on Control Group Business Rate Structures Of Ihose systems responding to the survey, only 18% (34) stated that they had a separate rate slructure for businesses. Thc avcragc wa|ct rate for business alld CO[lltllCl'Cial custon]crs ( I million gallons outside corporate limits) is $3,918..61 per month. Thc average waler rate fro' business and commercial customcrs (4 million gallons inside corporate lin]its) is $ I 1,068.5 1 pet' month. "File averagc \val,2r r;.llc J'or [)tlSillCss and commercial customers 14 million gallons oulside corporate lira]Is) $14,271.84 per IIIOllJh. Factors Used. itt l)etermi, ing Residential Cot~nection Fees Avallable~/.Ca pacll Other 11"/o Actual Cost 15% Factors u s: e~F ~lb~t~TiiT[h g Busi, ess C°,,ection Fees 71% Nittnber of re.womh'nts tn thi.v tllt¢.vtirm: ! 7,~' (96%) Meier Size Other 19% N.mlwr ,?l'rc.Vl.mdentx t. t/dx qm'.v/ion: 150 9 1 o Facto¢:~ Used in !)et~':nini.g Water Facility Fees Other 14% Formal Study 20% Available ~ Body 58% Number t?f re.vlmmle.ts to thi.v questio.: 150(RIclx') Albemarle County Sen/ice Authority 17,614 942 Ali~h~n~'-i36Lihiy .... 2284 ~,]iavista Town of '~ 660 230 A~hers~-~-ge~ice Authority 5675 351 A~{Td~"~{ .... 1009 147 A~'To~' ~{ 776 191 A?iifi~{~'~n{y .... 33,963 2095 Afi-~us{a'¢o6h{¢ Semice Authority 1 t.322 900 ~th Co6~{~ Oubli6 Se~ice Authority 702 26 ~d ~{~0~ ..... 2781 376 ~F0~d ~uhty Public Semice Aulhority g~g{~fi~-~3-p-T&n of 2,00o ~5o0 gi~¢'fi~%~6'o{'-' 7009 302 ¢~s-b-~:~hris{{~nsburg-VPl Water Authority g~i~-~e Ot{fl{~- Company 185 Bowling Green Town of 649 ~{~ ~{9%{ ..... 6468 ~ay %wa of 848 ~uchanan Town o{ 525 ~6~k~hgh~ ~ounty 150 ~hmpbeli Counly Utilities & Se~ice Aulhorily 6333 ~h~rlo{{e'Coud House Town ol 198 ¢ ~h a~ow-~' o[ .... 75 ~ ~s~3~[~ ~o~ty' - _ ...... 85,580 Chilhowie Town of .... 2015 Chin~¢~Wfi"6~ ......... 3600 ~h~tl~n~barg Town of 8743 ~o :t~ 17,945 G -8800 ........ G '-5080 CF -i594 G 1060 G 88,054 G t2,850 G 1000 G 3157 G G G 3500 G 14,258 G G 185 G 41 G t06 '560 G 1034 10,348 G 69 t440 G 50 1325 G 2 G 316 7244 CF ~ G 187 1060 G 865 56,699 3383 185 ................ S 300 856 7750 G $15.45 $26.~0' $i8.70" $15.50 $9.15 $8.20 $16.08 $2O.40 $13.89 $25.30 $32.85 $15.50 $15.78 $26.25 $24.95 ' $i2.75' $10.59 $16.60 $43.92 $2O.75 $tl.25 $10.75 $15.:~6 ' m E ~g. ~ p M $14.52 $18.70 $27.00 $14.50 $16.08 $20.40. $15.99 $31 $27.63 $27.76 $19.13 $24.90 $43.92 $20.75 $21.45 4.49 1998 1998 1994 $2,254.20 .... 2.20 ........ 225 ..... ~§§5- -- $25o $1,520 1.21 "'."f.05 ......~98 ...... ~0 ......... ~§94 .... 0.27 '0.2? ..... 1994 $5~0 ........ 1989 22.00 .......1996 ................... 1990 $40/di~ i997 ..... ~ '-~$~i840 .... 4.t0 3.21 1997 $870 1997 $425 1997 o.58 0.i4 ..... i985 $100 ................... $~002.40 ........ 1993 ....... i993 '$1,750 "' 1995 ........ $2,560:~0 .... 0.40 0.30" 1996 -$500 ..... i998 '$~,980 .... 1998 ........ $~,570 .......... 1992 ...... $~20 ....... 1993 6.80 1996 29.50 75.65 .... i992 ........$?00 ........................................... 1995 0.32 0.30 1997 -$1,000 ............... 0.33 1991 $400" 1997 .................... $~,~9o 0.30 1994 COST * m% 1.40 1.37 1995 $500 '1992 St 2o0hmil 1992 $3.159.60 1994 $i~450'- i994 .... $550 .... 1994 ..... $1,762 0.35 0.26 1995 ...... $500 .......... i99i .............................. $2,i~0" 102,184 CF $10.~i B 28.56 25.55 .... 1997 ..... $500 ............ 199i ......$2,~2 .........199i .......... $i:~" -'46,i58 ..... ~-- $~.'~ ...... $20.~0 -M 1.15 ........... 0.~5 --']996 ..... $~50 $~05.03 '-$i'~:?~ $19.50 "-Q .... 0.60 .......... ~§8? .... ~ ....... 1§§1 ..................... 33,050 $8.93 $13.39 B 1994 $500 ' i989 .... $603.92 Glaremont Town of Cl~rk6 ~oufiiy Sanitary Authority Ci~rksv~ile Town (~'~'ebu'm Town ol ~olohlal Heights City ol ~66HjaAd Town of ~UI~p~ County ~J6~ T6W~ oi"' bendro6 Town ol OjcEenson Gou~y. Public Se~ice Aulhorily biiJ~n ~6~6 of ~j~Jda e-~ounJy Wme[ Au!horilK 0~[d~g~ 6pMeni AuthorRy ~]y~iii~ ¢~s[Water co. inc. h6G~g Town d. ~p6d~ City' 6{ Faid~ CJiy 0J F~irJ~x oounly w~Jof Aull~odly F~iis Ghu~oh Oily ~o~Jy ~t~r and Ssnitstion Ault~ority b~:~6~d OOUhiy Public Sowice Authority ~fe~mick C6unJy Sanitation Adhority ~idnJ'~oyai }own Gi~s~6w%wn ~JO~CeSJer County ~6r~6nsviiie ~own ~6~h~ Tb-wn ~'f~E~ jj~OUhiy_W~.ffr and Sewer Authority ~o~r ~u~ty ~en~ County Righl~nd County ~illage Independence ~bwn Indian Riv~ Waler Company 240 257 818 1290 6200 455 2816 0 533 123 182 2422 2469' ....... 60 .... i84 192 485 2000 8995 266.217 28.816 2017 265 321 4OO 3200 8665 4414 1600 1180 429 4291 736 25O 1369 800 "- 193 12.890 9147 9900 55 1170 425 610 1558 o -~ e) LL ¢ 0.03 1984 $750 1884 - ~ _ .................................... Sa soo 240 G $11.75 B 0.03 ................. ~ 9~6 ....... $i- 6~-- ......1996 ..... $1,830.92 ~9 908 G $21.84 $39.91 ~ 0.36 1998 $~0o · ma~odals + labor 165 --i49~' G ' $16.90 $23.35 M 0.45 -~ 0.37 .....1990 ..... $350- 1992 ....................... 400 6600 CF $8.82 $11.15 ~ 1.40 1996" ' $1ooo- $~2~ ... . 13 575 G $11 $13 B 0.13 ...... 033" i9901994 ...... .... $~005~50 ..... 1975 ..................... 8 32 G $20.98 $20.90 M 0.01 O.0i 1991 ............. G' $~0.25-- $30.38 M .... 1.40 ...... ij27 ....... i9981998 ...... .... $~500~i_~00 ........ ........ i992 ' ......................... ~'~'~--- 68 4800' G $9.83 $9.83 M i.20 5 123 G $14 M 0.2~ $25 1995 1995 $6,000' 739 12 G $40.78 $40.78 M $350" - .... - 61 204 G '$30 $45 M 0.05 0.0a 1994 ..................... $1194.86 156 -'&000 G $13.67 M .... 0.60 ..... i997 "$i ,700 1997 3 -- 136' G .......... $44.75 M ' 0,15 ....... 1993 ...... $~00 ........... 1989 42 ....6~ G $20 $30 M 0.15 ....... i 50 .......199~ ...... $~00- .......... 1997 .................. - 1227 26,000 G $il .06 $11.06 Q 8.70 0'07 1998 ....... $500 ~vo ...... ' $1,590 7790 289,200 G $6 Q 012 . ' ....... 1996 $2,i00 ' 1996 .. 2784 60,800 G $7.95 $7.95 O 084 ..... 0 ¢9 1995 ............... 497 .... 3824- G $i2.65 $18.98 '" ~ ..... ~ 100 isle ~ ] t ..... ~ - 3146 '* G - $31.84 M ............. 1989 ....... $550 ............................ ~',~59.80 200 5084' G $13.76' $18.44 M .... $500 1998 421 7232 G $16.91 M .. . $4,~22.56 683 4887 G $15.71 $31.42 M 1.88 1.22 1995 $2,800 1995 ..... . .... $~,~4~.~ - 400 8000 G $10.63 $21.27 Q 2.00 2.00 ....... 199] ' $~5 - 1991 .... ~5',00~" 128 '1840 G $28 $35 M 0.46 0.16 .... 1985 .... $350- 1985 26 454 G $5 $10 M 0.28 0.28 1997 $150 $5,402.68 790 5081 G $28.93 M 1.07 ...... 1993 $1,800 1991 $2,600 0.69 ' 1997 $750 +inslatlalion 1997 .............................. .............. 1994 $250 ~ co*~ - $3,000 84 G $18.31 $25.03 M ................ i996 25 - G .... ' "B ._ $500 1982 -" 0.85 0.85 ~982 $1,152.10 84 3400 G $15 M ...... 1992 ' $i,200 1992 .................................. 45 933 G $i0.15"' $10.15 B - 0.'i2 ............ ~99~ ...... $350"- 1980 .......... 14 ....... ~6 .... G - $~8 ..... $22 M' ' 0.13 · B 8.04 "~.¢~ .........i998 ........................... i996 $~,000._ ~9981993 ...... $~,4i'~;~251,471.33" 675 '32,1~2 G $14.97 $2,699.20 2234 18,819 G $943 $18.85 O 6.70 4.90 500 10,400 G $16 $t6 M 2.50 2.50 1989 $1,000 1989 30 8 G $37 B 0.01 1996 $350 $1.792.24 200 ~ 255 G $15.34 $16.84 O 0.39 0.39 1992 $400 1989 $1.256.93 84 6O0 G $ I:l.tl I $ I/.SB M o.?O ~987 $325 $3,733.30 62 768 G $18.66 Q 0.22 O. 19 l1998998 $3,000 $900 ..... 11989987 $2,020 64 G $24 B ~ aa G $7 Q 004 0.04 1989 $350 1995 James City Service Authority JbtifiFl~fifi~ih Watei' Autl~ority ;J66~§vill~ Towh of E~6bHdge Town of K~ysville Town of Eil~rH0ck Town of Kr6~ G~b~ge Counly E~CFb~TE~n df" L~6'b6~ill~ TOwn 0f E~EC6Ufit~ w~le~ Aulhorily [~6~I6E city' bf - [6~i~'C6fiEI~ w~ief Aufl~odiy Lbg~l[~ilI~'T6wfi o[ L~n~hEd~g Cite of M~h~S~S City of M~'fi6n To~h of Mar~h~ll Waier Works M~ifi~ill~' Ci[~ 6f MfiK~hfiey Town of Middletown T0wn of M6~i~om~ Counly Public Semice Authorily Mb-fiE6~S Town of N&I~66 C0unly Se~ice Aulhority N~ K~ht cbUniy New Market Town of Newport News City of Notion City of O6~fic0ck Town of Orange Town of Pa~plin'Town of P~fi~df~ Town 0[ P~fi[figl6fi-Gap Town of Ph~i~- TbW6 ~[ Pi[i~yN~hi~'cb~nly Se~ice Auihority P6fl~bfith Oily'bi'" PfifiE~ ~ebige Counly Pfif~Willi~ C6dhty Se~ice Aulhority PUl~ki C0uht~'Public Se~ice Aulhoriiy P61~ki T0Wh o[ PbYb~NilI~'T6~fi'6[' - ~[~d'Ci[9-6[ ....... R~dMbuniaifi Water Co. Reminglofi Town of Riclilbfid5 Towfi o[ RidE~0nd City of 9602 60O 566 326 526 2230 370 80O 735 2020 47 575 3t6 t903 24,000 8804 3340 500 7000 22O 501 1900 220 2340 805 725 1887 610 1620 89 1404 925 250 2504 29.486 2168 44,297 3317 4447 968 35t 4385 4420 558 40O 2180 49,696 423 2 1400 123 90 212 179 30 138 58 330 32 150 13 244 1703 1129 150 50 525 20 50 22 74 45 22 61 10. i48 284 g5 3i8 13O i40 iO 72 iii8 3i 2248 174 3'77 168 55 438 385 2O 26t 10.877 12,572 II,000 600 863 80O 2600 2366 3600 796 725 247 4800 36,493 55O 21,200 24O 2100 374 2640 1000 2112 t85,960 4077 9 1600 2180 64,427 7000 1045 '200 12.584 52t9 2711 305.729 CF $12.50 G G $25.25 G $12.66 G $2O G $14.50 G $13.25 G $11.20 G $13 G $27.40 CF $8.31 G $12.25 G $13 G $2O G $11.25 CF $H.78 G $10.25 G $15 G $38.92 G $7.78 G $t4.25 G $7.5O G $25.75 G $22 G $23.28 G/C F CF $15.8o G $15.80 G $5 G $14 G $15 G $15.75 G $25.4O G $7: G $17.90 CF $16.26 G $14.20 G $12.25 G $21 G $6.80 G $20.75 G $49.75 G -$t0.70' G" $18 G $16.08 G $1~ G $18.50 CF $15.69 $30.75 $18.99 $35 $26.75 $22.80 $19 $9.97 $16 $16.88 $10.25 $3O $15.56 $21.63 $11.25 $33 $26.44 $15.80 $26.80 $5 $34 $27.58 $29.40 $14.20 $13.60 $41.50 $18.50 $24 $22.15 0 o~ Q M' M M M B M B M B M M Q M M M M Q M B B M B M Q B O M Q M M M M B O B M M M M M Q M M M 3.14 2.90 0.38 0.11 0.25 0.18 0.07 0.70 0. t4 1.10 0.23 0.09 1.50 i2.00 2.40 0.11 5.50 0.10 0.60 0.06 0.29 0.55 50.00 1.00 54.55 1,22 0.0t 0.40 17.00 16.11 1.75 2.80 0.33 c ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~o 2.82 1998 $1,300 1988 $2,400 1996 $2,500 "- 2.70 ................................................................................ 0.27 1997 ..... i99i ............................... $L400' 0.11 1993 $5oo+cosl 1993 $2,613.66 0.25 1996 $500 1985 52,010 0.18 1996 $1,225 1993 $4,126.14 $3,700 .... 1996 .............................. 52.~50 ' 0.07 1991 $500 ......... i997 ............... 1997 $4oo+cost 1993 0.58 ............. $i,648.40'- -0.23 ........... $290 .................................... $3~0~.50 0.90 ....... t998 $500 1995 0.20 1997 $250 '-' 1985 ' 0.17 ....... i986 .... $i,~00 ' i997' 0.06 1998 $1oo+emenso 1997 1'.20 ........ t994 - $1,700 1990 10.20 ..... $360 '' 1995 1996 1992 1.50 '' 1995 $50 1995 0.08 1991 $3,000 5.30 ..... 1997 $425" 1991 0.09 1994 0.12 1997 $1,500 '. 0.53 1996 $500 0.05 1992 $5oo+ cos~ 0.29 1998 $1,000 0.1i 1995 $i,500 .... 0.53 1996 47.50 1998 0.75 1996 $80 1994 1994 1995 1989 1995 1993 1994 1996 .......... $~.~65 $750' 1985 .... $2;252- .... 1997 .............. $2,500 1988 .......... $511.15- $i,220 1995 -' $i,490.28 $i,0~2"- $3,000' $2L609.20'- $8~4:8~- $2.565 $4,?00.45 $2,000 1998 "53,506 Actual Cosl .... "'- $5,300 ......... $8.4?6' $2,572.96 $633 t990 $2.594 $2,2O4.8O 1994 $500 1998 ........ 0.96 1991 $1500 1989 $2,i45.70 0.01 1997 $55 ........... 0.39 .... 1998: ...... $400 ............ t996 ...................................... .......... 1997 .............................................. 1992 ....... $250 1990 0.55 1998 $625 1988 16.32 t998 .... 1995 1997 14.39 ..... i998 .......... 1.75 1990 $350 1997 $330 1994 "0.26 ..... 1997 ...................... ~998 $65 1988 ....... $2,902.40- ............ $2,000 1997 $~',762 $4,100 i997 ....... $2,]70'-- ................ $10,675.07 $4,000 1994 ........ $4~50- "0.05 .......... 1997 ........................................................ $9;900- 3.15 '-~':26 ......... i'996 .......$690 ..... i990' $200 -' 'i990 i.49 ...... i.~3 ........ t996 $3,300 1996 0.10 1991 0.06 0.06 $t5 $3,000 $2,001 t.05 0.68 1994 $400 1986 $3,003.50 65.00 .01 CF 1997 $35 t997 ........................... Ridge Utilities Rivanna Waier'and Sewer Authority l~6an6ki~' Ciiy ot Fi6anoke Counly Rockbridg~ c0uniy Public Sen, ice Authorily ~o~klhgha~ County ~oc~y M6~[ T6wn of Rdd~d Hill TO~n Of ' Rural ~eireai Town of Rye Valley Water Authority Sainl Paul Town ol Shenandoah Relreat Land Corp. Shenandoah Town of Smilhfield Town of 8m~lh ~ounJy S0ui~Hiil Town of ~outha~pi66 dounty Spotsylvania Counly ~t~ord County ~t~nley'TOwh of Siaun~on Ci~y of Stephens C]ly Town of Stoney Creek Sanita~ Dislrict ~i~asbdrg' Town of ~jU~Town ct-" Suffolk City of Sur~ Town of Tappahannock Town of Tazeweli Ooun~y Public Se~ice Authority Ta~w~li'town of Thomas Brld~e Water Corporation Toms Brook-Maurerlown Sanila~ Dislricl Urbanna Town oi Wm~enion Town ol War~awTown of W~hin~ion County Se~ice Aulhorily wa~Eihglo~-Town of W~&ly' Tb~d W~6~ ~ii~ of Wil~6~'~6~e~t"Water Company Wr~h~j6~ City 0f- WiAffT6W~ Wo6dhA~&n Waler Company Inc. Woodsiock'Town of WPOA WAter Authority W~(heviile Town' 0f 458 30.500 16.609 1351 1189 2500 45O 66O 500 405 147 848 2330 1944 1789 824 16,020 21.136 1279 8224 550 1162 1502 610 14,165 2OO 742 2481 1650 1405 349 53O 2983 460 16,140 117 1100 7400 75 11,600 700 2431 417 1590 57 i190 2704 3200 1270 211 87 120 22 142 13 60 2 91 160 13 354 80 1152 833 53 976 50 10 63 50 1165 50 254 150 225 40 18 75 175 147 300 27 87 300 0 931 10 272 0 210 256 G $28.34 G CF $6.48 $12.96 22.460 G $23,92 $23.92 2t00 G $15,75 $16 3057 G $11.42 48 G $i0.35'- $20.49 12,802 G $13,30 $18,95 1000 G $19 $33.25 760 G $25.00 $25.00 G $12.20 $18,30 65 G $60.70 600 G $12.30 $30.60 2546 G $8.20 $10 866 G $32 3345 G $16.72 $33.44 1080 ...... G $i~.50 ~18.50 25,853- G '$11.64 ' ' 18,646 G $11.63" 1332 G $12.50 $16.50 16,640 CF $12.11' - $18.20 4~ G $16,70 $21.71 1285 G $30 $6O 2152 G $16.80 $23.52 13,239 G $19,50 $26.~9 16,420 CF $18.35 G $7.25 1348 G $13 $~9,38 O $27 1875 G $22.8O ' $34.2O 1445 G $33 463 G $3O $3O G $10.50 $24.15 G $16.50 $24.75 G $17.3O $25 G $23.4O G $t2 $12 $18.14 $13.87 G $8.25 G $28.50 G $10 $15 G $10.15 $15 G $15 $18 G $18.15 $27.25 G G G G G 40O0 460 i6,500 12,000 210 14,000 20,916 594 2238 417 4486 $15.51 $23.33 $38 "$32' -$20' $40 -~ o O0 0.09 13.68 17.50 5.50 0.61 1.01 1.00 .-_>'c~ 0~06 13.68 1998 c_~ e ~o ,~ ~ LL c .g $2,500 1996 14.50 ..... i998 $1,014 .... i998 .......................... 4'.80' 1995 $500 i 995 $2,690 1995 ......... 0.53' "' 1996 $1,000 i98~) ........................ 73~ ,650 '0.64 ..... i997 $i,200 1~§5 ............... .... 0.9d ...... i991 ....... $4,~0 .........1'~7- ................... - 0.11 ......i993 $i,500 -- 19§¢ .................................. 0.26 0.i9 ........ i997 .... $600 ..... i998 ........................ 0.19 0.06 1998 $325 1996 0.25 0.22 $250 M 0.02 0.02 1995 $1.250 "$5,383.95 M 0.22 O. 15 1997 $ ! ,500 1997 $4,000.90 B 0.64 0.60 1988 - $500" i990 ..................... $i/>02.20 M 0.33 0.27 "1993 $425 ......... J998 ......................................... $6,001--- M ..................... 19§~J ....... $1,1~0 .... i991 .......................... $~,,~-6~]~0 ' M'' 0.27 ........................ 199~ ........ $4~0--- .............................. M 4.35 ..... 6)i6 .... ~997 ...... $~00 ......... J994 ............................ ~§,705.82 M 6.25 4.87 ..... 1997 $3,600 ..... J997 ............... i997 ....... 0 0.30 0.33 i996 '$1,500- ' 1991 ..................... B 4.29 4.16 ......1991'"~" d~)~:r ;-3oo/~ ..... i995 ..... Tfi6b- ..... i9§1 ..... B 0.10 1996 $1,400 1990 B 0.14 1994 $1,500 1989 ........ $4.§~0 M 0.60 0.54 1998 ........ 1994 $3,000 ........ J994 ...... $41~48.45 ' M 0.39 0.39 -'- 1992 .... $250 ...... J9?5 ........................ - .~,2~6~§2-- B 4.11 3.60 1998 $840 .... 1998 ' $3,6¢5 .... i998 .... $30~0--' M 1987 $500 ~ cosl 1987 B 0.36 0.34 1997 $500 { 995 TLS0/day ' i995 .... ~]',049.¢5 M 1995 ........ i995 ............................ $4,~02- ' M 1.00 "'0;54 ..... 1995 ................. 1984 ......................... ,~49760 M 0.40 0.20 i998 $500 i998 ..................................... M 0.12 0.06 1990 $2,000 1990 $7/monlh 1990 $4,010 B O. 10 0.09 1997 cost 1995 $1,250 1995 $1,800 M 1.10 t.01 1997 $2,700- 1997 B 0.02 0.02 1998 ........ 1998 19§8 ............ $~ .4~6 -' 0 6.50 3.80 .... i997 .... $700 19§¢ ....... $250 i99§ ..... M 0.04 0.03 ' ' $1,500 ' 1995 ................................ B 0.35 0.35 ...... $1,000 ..... i996 .......................' 0 'o.bi ........ O 3.56 .... ~:50 ...... i997- --$450 ...... [ 1994 ...... '$~17¢a 1994 $2,000 O 6.30 .... ~).23- .... 1'995 .......................... $];0~0 1993 $1,326.01 13 0.18 0.i5 ..... 1997 ......... $~00 ...... i997 .................... i~,,300 M 0.96 0.56 -' i994 ...... $500 -" i986 ............................. Q 0.10 0.10 1997 $1,500 1997 B 0.75 0.70 1978 $750 1990 Q 0.01 0.01 1991 ' $300 .... i998 $25/quarler 1991 M 0.30 ....... ]997- :. ;' ' $350 ...................................... ~,001 M 1.92 1.i2 .... { 995 ' '$75~ ~ cost Of meier 1995 $1,360 Numher of Avcr.q~e Median Responses Equivalent Residential Sewer 1 t 2 12.H7.1 Com~eelions Monthly Residential Sewer Rate 148 $20,35 $18.76 Inside Coqx)rale Limils Monthly Residential Sewer Ralc 84 $27.97 $25.24 Oulside Cor~)ntle Limits Ilesidcnlial Facility Fcc Scwcrl(ilh'llmfl I' h,v,m.,,h'~ lYl ~ .?llq; I , Moulhlv Iluqnc;s/('ommc~c~;d 1 ?_6 51 ;.3YL I~ ~ I Sewer It;tlc Il mit !';flhmx mxidcl $22.00 $20.0O $ I g.(lO $16.(1(l $ Id .0(I $12.0o Average Sewer Rates (5,000 gallons per month) Based on Control Group $17.01 1993 1996 $19.56 1997 Factors Used to Determi~tc Reside.tiM Co..ecfio. Fees Available 10% Achml Cos114% Governing Body 73% Faclors Used to Delel'lltille Bttsilless Colulectiolt Fees Other 46% Projecle sage 13% Reside~ttial Sewer Facility Fees Waler Meier Size 36% V Size Of Building Fees Factors Used to Determine Reside.rial Sewer Facility Fees Olhor 13% Fmmal Study "-.. 23% Avsilable Capacily 10% Governing Body 54% Ntm;ber of respondcnts tn lhi.; qttcslion: 150(81%) Nm,hcr ol'~z,.~l~mtdenl.~' h~ lhis qm'stir,t: 126(68%) Ntmtber nf resl~omh,,l.~, to llfis q,cstion: 70(38%) Abingdon Town of AIfsb~i-l~'C6unty Service Authodiy Al~x~i6dria' safiiiaJion Authority Alleghany County Air,vista Town of Amher§i County Service Authorily A~hersfT6~-of Ap~ala~hi~T0~n of A~6~'~ti6~ TOwh'oI' A~li~'~tofi C6b-~t~ ..... Augusla Counly Service Authority Balh County Public So.ice Authority Bedford City ot'" Bedf0M CoUnty Public Service Authorily Berwvill8 Town of Big SJ6~6'Gap Town of Bl~dE~urg Town oJ B6Jeioud County Bowling Green Town of Bristol ciiy 0l B(badway Tbwd of Bubl~anan Town of Campbell County Ulilities & Se~ice Authorily CH~16iJS'C0unty Chalh~ Town of CES~e&ke City of CE~JS~i~id County ' Chilhowle Town of Ch~Bilan~burg Town of Cla~k&'C6U~iy Sanitaw Authority Clarksville'Town of C0ebum Town of Colonial Hblghis City of Covington Cily of cblCep6~ Cbunly C8l~6¢~FTown of' Dickens06'C0unty Public Se~ice Authority Dinwiddie Couniy Waier Authority Dublin Town of Duffield Development Authority bu~g~6n Town of Eai~bdi~ Tbwn Of ...... E~¢6~'Cit~-6f ......... Fai~a~ cii¢ 0f-'- 2695 14 334 20,760 1789 1120 782 6O9 641 33.751 5881 675 2236 2400 5869 1659 412 6309 824 45O t191 1 514 51,802 72,690 836 7515 157 704 860 6200 2812 507 356 17! 2422 1128 6O 158 454 2000 6475 0 490 3500 703 t3,480 1548 52,650 2.07 3.37 15.04 230 8400 2.10 154 1308 0.32 117 1000 0.25 J 00 896 1853 118,400 90O 37 2102 33O 800 3200 259 10,462 2O4 92 360 986 9173 67 1240 35 260 158 1804 15 16 141 745 865 2794 75,209 167 1824 805 7253 18 73 777 124 1082 400 6600 349 8 32 85 6244' 12 63 260 156 4000 105 1233 29 2O 42 48O 500 - 3600 961 0.16 29.60 6.56 0.59 1.23 0.45 2.62 1.01 0.09 2.29 0.31 0.07 0.22 0.23 14.00 23174 0.46 2.36 0.02 0.28 4.40 0.01 1.7O 1.56 0.04 0.07 0.56 0.09 O.12 O.90" 3.80 45% 2% 10% 3O% 15% 3O% 10% 8% 200% "t5% 15% 321% 40% < 10% 4O% 25% 2O% 10% 15% 15% 5% 20% 30% $25.20 $11.25 $13.09 $29.50 $8,76 $18.05 $~5 $16.25 $12.75 $18.1h $15 $t4.85 $23.75 $32.76 1998 $1,000 1997 $37.700 .......... f998 .................. lg98 ............... 1994 ....... 1998 1988 1988 $4,507 $17.~2 1998 $4~0' 1995 $600 ' 1995 $1 $18.05 t998 $600 1994' $1,800 1994" $3,619.63 " $30'- 1993 .............. 1998 ...... $1,900 1993 ................... $4~3~- '-$24.38 "-1989 ........ $500 ..... 1989 ...................................... $76/df¢ 1997 $2.550--' $18. t 5 1997 $820 1998 '$2.050 1997 $15 1995 $100 $2,504.50 $17.10 1998 $200 ..................... $2,386.30 1995 .... 1996 $2,000 1996 $3.257.50 $23 .... 1996 .......... J 998 ' $4,280 ....... 1998 ............ $4,600-'- ........................ T992 ........ $650 $15.3¢ ........$26.9O ........ 19~8 .... $g4O---lgg8 ..................... $18.50 ......... 1992' $~ ~000 ........... 1995 .................................. $2,76E $50.6o $57.30' 1996 $1,200 1993 $38;738.30" $15.25 "$22.88 1990 ..... $200 .... 1988 ........... $~.788 '" $9.87 ................. 1997 ..... $1',100 ........................... $16 $24.30 1991 $500 1997 ............. $919.50 $16.75 1993 $500 1992 $ j (i~/oquiv. ti.ii 1992 '$3,340 $33.48 $66.87 1995 5500 1991 53;720 $8. t3 ....................................... 1995 .................... $15.62 ................... 1997 ........ $1,465 .................... $10.13 520.50 1996 $350 '$605.03 $32 $48' 1996 $5oo + $snro.~age f~ .... $4,000--- $26 $26 -' J 994 $4,500 .... 1994 ........................... $5,188:60 $2926 $55.42 1998 $6oo ~ m~ed~s~)~ $4;0~ 8.96 $16.90 525.35 1990 ' ' $325 1992 ........ $2,305.40 .... $18.77 $20.89 ' $~ ,500 .......... $22,677.43' .... $62.21 1998 $350 $2,325;41 ' $26.74 1991 1991 $3,000 ' 1991 - ' ' $4,944.34- ' $20.70 ' $3~.05 1994 $1,500 J987 limo/~al~ial ................ $3.689 $40.78 ............ $650 1995 $30 $45 '~ 994 $500 ...... '- ....................... $6.000 ' $20.50 1997 "$3,100 1997 .................... $ f,658.1 g-- $9.91 $12.84 1998 1987 $2,147,49 $31 1997 $500 1995 53,720 $12.50 ' $22.50 ]996 ..... $500- $16.75 -' $25.12 ..... 1989 - $1,000 ......... 1989 ....................................... $763 $19,26 .................. 1998 .......... $800 ........ 1997 ......................................... $2.785~I .... Fairfax County Depadment of Public Works 289,395 ~_lTs~'~r~ ~it~/'oi 3220 i=~,Fr6(,iiib To~r¥ of i976 ff~l~ c~nty Waler and Sanitation Authority ffifi~a~ii~ ~ow~ oi ~ 8o ~%~8-Oeunty Public Se~ice Authority 326 G~B Ciiy~i' '-. .... 3200 ~Seric~ounty Sanitation Authority 7865 ~'~i ~wn oi 4097 ~i~Cii~i ...... moo ~i~-CqfyT0wn ~i.. 10 ~ 0 ~i~"TSwn of 428 ~i6d~i~r'Csunty 531 ~5~SOks~ilie't0wn of ~E~Viii~'OTunty Water and Sewer Authority 1111 ~ifS~%~-of " 575 ~6~h" oi 425 H~v~{OsUniy - ~ 2,~ 85 H~rJ~b~Gurg City of 8033 ~&~dson~urg-RockJngham Regional Sewer Aulhorily ~ C0g~ty'" 6633 Hiii~giiie ToWS'et moo Nbp~6ii'Oity of 7158 jnS~'pend~nce Town of 440 JsJe oJ Wight Public Sewice Authorily 300 ,James City Se~ice Authority I1.017 Jonesville Town of 6~ ~enbridg~ Town of 486 ~svJlJeTbwn of 270 ~Ji~rno~ '~own oJ 4g0 ~j~ ~'~d Q~een County ~i~g G~0¢ge County I145 L~Or~'~0wn oi 275 [~e~6~gliJ~ town of 770 L66~6h to~n of [66~66h{y ~2ier Aumorily 425 L~gioh'~FtY~ -' ' 2o2o L~a~6dhi~Water Au~horily 29 L66i6aYown"6~'- 550 L6-~6iisvili6 %own of 322 L~'~W~ O~ -" 1709 L~U ~ CJf¢'of ..... 18,500 M~k~WaJer & Sewerage Corp. 110 M~' ~{¢0~ ....... 8730 ~-T~-~ .......... 2590 ~i~sviii~-O[ty of ' ' 6500 ~'T~n o{ .... 220 Mi8dl~iOwn Town of 494 Montgomew County Public Se~ice Authority 1225 10.813 296,000 103.60 534 ..... J6.000 4.00 489 3768 0.94 3360 39 0.06 23 476 0.12 200 4000 1.00 285 10,992 2.75 634' 4536 1.13 400 6400 1.60 10 1400 0.35 452 24 0.28 490 1021 0.24 71 2520 0.63 45 ...... 880 0.25 12 ..... 365 0.09 675 ",j9,944 4.99 1912 8.00 10.98 450 7083 5.20 180 1920 0.48 764 124,000 31.00 86 800 0.20 39 423 12,089 4.26 1400 300 0.08 1.01 587 0.14 83 640 0.16 185 0.27 79 25O 135 2400 32 300 330 .... 360~'" 22 226 150 700 t3 589 244 5200 1700 -' 47.600" 0 364 1065 JO0 500 24,000 20 240 22 1650 0.60 0.08 0.90 0.05 0.17 35% 3% 8% 8O% 20% 2O% 5% ...... 25% 27% 75% 44% 5% 33% 200% 25% 10% 10% 4% 15% 10% 10% 10% 10% 33% 2% 20% 540% ~ .34 20% 0.01 4.62 1.20 ...... $24.55 6.00 '- 10% $6.90 0.06 5% $14.25 O. 14 - $7.50 0.41 25% $25.75 $13 1994 $600 1970 $4,621 1997 $2,600 $19.55 ..... $t9:55 ..... i§94 ' -$4;~i0 ...... i9§~--- $~000 1996 $§,910 $26.57 $39.86 "1997 - $f,-i00 ..... .j997 ..................................... $41.09 ........ 1995 .................................... $6 000 ................. $29.31 '- '$2931 .................................. $L200 1989 $20.45 ..... ' ......... :J995 ....................... 1~9~ ................... ~', 199.95 $24. t4 $30~§(i ....... 1997 ....... $1;(~0- ....... i-§~7 $3,019.09 44% $23.62 ............ i 998 -- 1998 .....................,j ~§~, .... $-~;145.65 25% $15.71 ' $3i'742 ......i9§~ ......... $2;~00 ...... ,j99~ .................... $~,622.56 10% $i0.63 $,5i'.-J:~ ..... J §i~'~ ........ $3?5 ...... i§9'j ................ ]'§9J --'~1,343.98 ............................... $5.003 35% $28 .... $~5 .... J'9§? .... $6i¢0 1985 _ 10o% $17 '$1¢ ............ i§86 .... $iB6 $17.o2 ........ .............. ........ $12.07 $12.07 1996 $17.50 ......... i982 ..... $~00'- 1982 ................................... $9.95 ................................................................ ~-~-151.70 $29 ............... -~3~- ...... ]'{~97 ...... $~0 ....... J §96 $25.69 ............ ] ~§8 ....... $~ ,',~'~)5 ....... i 998 -~4,642 $14.06 $28.'j 2' 1994 $800 1996 $3 t5 1996 "- $27~._0:..4~ $16 $16 ..... 1989 $~',000 ''j989._. - ......... $~,¢:,99~0"- $20.64 $27.9(~ .... 1998 ' $~00' ' 1989 ................... $8.88 ': ..... i998 ........ $375 "1988 .............................. $1,.jF4~'~4 $19.19 $37.50' 1987 .... $250 ................................... $12 1996 1998 .................. ~ '$2,500" $11.50 $1,050 1988 $2,400 1993 $2,300 $19.06 $22.10 $250 1991 $16.20 $24.30 1993 $500 1993 .............. $1',0~'.20 '- ............. TZOO5 ' $15 $26 25 1991 ' $750 ' ..... 1985-': ................... .__ $27.50 ................ ~99~ .....$2250 ......... i§9~, ..................... ~_,_ _~_-~?i§,~'~..,~ O- $25.30 1997' '- $4,800"I ..... !996... '....-iff~ ........................... ~.~,0~(~- $19.87 $24.87 i995 "$1,000 1997 $11 $16.50- 1997 $4o~]'$ cos, ........ 'Jgg4 ....... .j ................... $26.50 ........ $500 ............................... $19.36 ' $~ §:3~' ...... i~§1~ ....... $~00- ..... 199,~ .................................. -$-~,319 $12 ........... i§92 .......$J~b ........ i98~ ..........$750 .... 19~5 ...... $22.65 1998 "$1,505 ............ 1998 $30 1998 Tree ~xpc. nsos 199~ $2,~00- 1988 .......... $61000-- $21.30 $31.95 i990 ' '$,j'-~';55' .... i990 ................. .................. :[§98 ....... I~¢,~ 0 ...... i§~5 ..... ~'~-,950 1995 $4,340.06 $23.68 $21.75 .......... ~§97 ..... $~;000 ......... i978 .... i6.4% $17.40" '$17.40 .......... i996 $,j;~50 -'i992 .................................. ..................................................................... ~$~,~5o $29.10 1995 ........................ 1967 .......... ' $6.90 ....... i997 ...... $400 ........ 1991 ....... $2'i :6~-- 1994 ........... 1994 ............................... $2,565 $~5 .... 1997 ................ i994 ......................................... $~,'?0'~i§',~ 1996 $500 i995 $2,500 .. 1997 $3~506 ' Nelson Counly Service Aulhorily 2038 40 2378 0.29 $31.80 1998 $1,000 Act,,a~cosl $6,400 New .............................................................................. Kent County 0 10 0.05 ......... ~B/o .......... $35 -- 1998 1998 : 1998 $3,628 N~-w-MarkeJ Town of .... ?04 ..... 55 ........ {932 0.48 34% $28.22 ........$49.40 1993 1993 $4,567.42 N~6rJ News City ol 43.662 5,200 74,117 18.53 18% $6.30 ...... 1998 $21'~50 ........ J980 ' $33/line;arlroni-II.'-i998 ............ ~J'~-~'.§§-- N~HHumberland County 220 18 - 0.04 .................... $~Ob~ ....... J§~ .................... Notion CJly oJ 1627 307 $23.70 $53.60 ' 'J996 ...... $80 ..... {996 .............................................. ~§~JiJ?.20" Or~ando6k Town ol 595 105 $18.75 $18.75 1994 .... $~00 .......... ~§~8 ................................. O~n--~'T6~vn 6J .... J273 ...... 29i ......... J289 ........ 0.32 .... 1'85% -- ' $24 $54 1991 $2000 1989 $2,160.70 Pearisburg Town o1 1238 130 664 Pennington Gap Town of 925 140 Pittsylvania Counly Service Authority 975 48 1080 Poquoson City of 3678 3678 162 PbH~66JH-C;ii~, O~ 29,486 1118 ~rJ~'-~-Couniy 2856 37 P~r]~c-~-W'Jil~'(~tJnty Servico Authority 43.547 2,199 66,760 P~[~'~u6{~'Public Se~ice Authority 298 ' 50 870 P-~J~k~Td~ oJ 3877 377 10.692 ~jJ~]JJ~' Tswn of 926 162 939.2 ~ba--~JJ~5~WB o J- 35] 55 ]40 AA~%-i'd~Ji~'OJ ..... 4300 430 6456 Rapidan Se~ico Aulhorily 2927 193 3628 Ric~JAnds Town oJ 2070 248 4547 Richmond City of 47,442 8,732 208,000' ~Bo~"~Jly of 30,500 3200 ~oan~ke~o~B~ .... 13,887 1,334 18,728 ~o~kbrJdge County Public Se~ice Authority 608 112 888 Roc~Jngham counly 1428 77 3,493 ~-6sky Mou~J Sown of 1281 7 1487 Aound Hill Town of 412 22 11,760 R~faJ ~eJreal Town of 581 64 500 ~AJnJPauJ Town of 350 60 Shenandoah Relreal Land Corp. 5 BhenandoaB Town of 705 75 560 ~Jll~JJeJd Sown of 2200 160 B~yJh Cou~Jy ........... 223 26 ~ouJ~-NJJJ ~w~'bf ' 1701 373 SoulhampJon County 1241 120 ~po~yJvanJ~ Counly 15,425 1098 ~taJJord ~ounly 19,053 833 SlAnJe~ Town of 758 28 Stephens City Town of 500 50 ~t~-~-~anila~ District 1287 10 1297 0.26 52% ~Jra~burg ~W~ bJ ~ 458 53 .........1924 0.50 40% ~Juad Town' Of ' 412 43 8161 0.24 BG~Oi~"OJJ~ oJ" H ,560 930 ...... ~.,4~ 25% ~G~'T6~-OJ ..... 20o 5o Tappahannock Town ol 664 208 1280 0.32 7% 0.20 20% $17.13 .... ~§.27 ........ ~ 9~? ..... $255 -' {996 .................. $22.30 ......................................................................... $27.19 $2,709.30 0.27 15% $18.50 ..... i994 .... ~i,00(j .......... ~9~5 ............. ,~'Jo(J- .... i§89 ........... $_2,804.50_ ........................ i 99i~ ..... $~i~Jb- ..... i §§0- ................. i §8§ -- 14.80 10% -' $7.84 ............................. 1§98 ......... j:J~i~ .... i990 ............. f§§-I~ ..... ~'1',-4-~.',~0-- 1.16 ..................................................... $25 1997 $,~',000 1997 ~i-~§~-- 16.69 -" 'J 5~'/o ...... $21.95 ......................... {9§~ ...................... $.~-'~'0~"-----~ §7 $:~ 0.22 ........... 5°?~ .........$21 $500 2.6? ...... 200% .... $15.45 ......... ~§0.90 ..... 1'997 - $450 $30,900 0.23 35% $30.1'5 $60.30 ...................... 1998 i §~:7-- ...... ~,~;000 ........ ~,~0~ 0.04 1985 1.61 ..................................................... 133% $16.35 ~99l~'- - $60~ ..... J~§O .............. $~iJO .... 'J§90 $3,270 1.63 47% $33.66 1996 ' $3,300 1996 1.14 25% - . $18.50 $24 1994 '$300'-' 1986 "$~,00~J.'~0 52.00 20% $26.05 '$30.41 1997 ....... $30"' 1997 .......... 35.37 40% $9.24 ........1998 ............................................ 1996 ~i~J,~-~2---- 6.86 .......................... 35 $15.60 i995 ......... $-'i 00 ........... J'984 ........ $i,500 ......1995~ ...... ~§~-- 0.24 10% $17.25 $1 ~.~',~ ...... J 996 ....... $1,200 ...... 1989 ...................................... 0.95 15% $12.00 1995 $1,800 $2,420 0.09 ....... 50% $7.77 .......$~J 5.'37- ......... 1991 1997 $1,127.14 $22.50 $32.75" i993 ....... $~50 ..... i997 ............................... O. 13 30% $20.75- ..... $20.75 ....... i99¢ .................. 'J992 ...................................... $~.~:/- 0.05 $9.15 ........................ i994 .......$250 ............................. $1,353.75 $41 O. 14 30% $21.30 1997 $2,000 1997 ....... $4,000.90 $8 20 -' $JO i988 -$J,500 ........... J990 ............................ $i',~i~'20' -' ' 404 0.10 ............ $36.50 ......... i'§~J:J ........ $~(J~ .................................. ..... 3680 0.92 ....... 50% ..... $20.07 .................. J§9~ ....... $i,5O0 .......1991 ....................... 2020 0.51 300% $26.50 .... $26.50 ..... :i996 ' '$900 ......................................... 24,000 6.00 30% $14.84 ............. J997 - $450" - 1994 ..................... $~,85~59 24, 15 6.23 45% $21.3o .... ,oo7 $3,5oo' 1997 .'_'Z_'.'.Zi ..... ' ...... ;:Z.LL.$3,21°.°8' 786 0.16 20% $i7 $20.50 - ' J996 ....... $2,000 i991 $1.758 i8,640 4.66 260% $13.58 $20.37 1997 ........................ ~995 .... $640 ..... i99i ............... $~,.~§ J'.~,{--- .......... 1000 0.25 ..... 400% $41 .~5 .......$54.zJ.~1-- 1996 $i',~00 .......... 1'990 ................................. ,~4-~,0~T.~'-- $21 ...........~,~) ....... i994 $'i,500 ........ -i989 ............................... $~-~-~-" $19.90 .............................................. $27.86 1998 'J 9§zJ ............ $~,000 ..... 1994 $4,648.80 $26.19 $27.78 '199~ ................................... $250 $2~§§~§1 $10.25 ...... i998 .....$i i'J'00 .... $i~:f85 ........ J99§ ..........$'~,04.~.6-6~ $16.01 1983 $~soo + cos, 1998 $17 $19.50 1997 $i,800 1995 1995 $2,152.25 Tazewell County Public Service Authority Ta~6~611 T6CWfof T6~'~ro0E-M~uredown Sanitary Disirict l. lib~ fifi~i TovCri' 0f" -' Waii'6riion Town of W~vVT0wn of Washington County Service Aulhodly Waverly Town of Waynesboro City ot Willi~i:nSbmg City of W-[fi~l~si~r Oily 0f Wrse Town Of ' Woodsi6ck Town of Wyihe County Wyiheville Town of 1818 117 1650 225 1875 382 23 515 325 45 200 254O 173 3866 450 140 450 375 50 600 1100 87 7500 250 16,000 11,500 931 22,344 1948 205 4610 1406 61 t16 13 2630 490 4400 $27 0.75 $22.80 0.09 45% $29 0.04 2% $25.20 1.30. 35% $29.40 0.15 5% $17.30 0.15 25% $30.50 0.45 22% $16.15 2.80 $13.12 0.01 5.59 30% $17.75 1.15 $27.23 0.60 10% $16.85 $30 1.81 38% $15 142 (76%) of those syslcms rcspomling said thai dmu' sewer rates arc based on all average of 101% (pcrccnlagcs ranged from 62.5'J 1o 2,1(l'J ) (1 [' WalCr consunlption. Only 38 (20%) of those respondiug had a separate sewer rate For businesses. Of thc 56 rcspondcnls thai charge Imsincss and commc]rial CtlSlOlncrs a Ihcilily fee, 45% base their I~cs on waler meter s~zc, 23% on size of thc building, 9% on projected usage, and 23% on other criteria. 1995 $275 1995 $5,527 $34.~b ....... i'§95 ......~00- ......... i984 ......................................... $29 ........ 1§§0 .... $3~000 ........ 1§00 - -- {i~&;;ih .... 1§90 $~0,949 $44.10 1997 $4,i00 1997 $25 1998 .............. ~998 ..... 1998 ............ $§,9~- 1998 $800 1997 $1,000 1997 $3.065.25 $24.20 1992 $1,500 1996 1997 1964 $2,630 $500 i994 ' $i7.¢5 '"i9§~ .......................... $i,OOb $40.88 1991" $500 ........ ~986 ................................... $21.05 1989 "$3,000 1991 ........... $350 .... $7,071.80 $30 1995 $750 1995 $3,497.50 Sewer Survey Analysis (continued) Thc average monthly scwcr charge Ibr a customer oulsidc thc municipal bound- arics who used I million gallons of water was $6,715. , Thc average monthly sewer charge for a customcr outside the municipal bound- aries who used 4 million gaihms of water was $24.569. , 33% of the respondents accept scptagc at Ihcir waslcwater phmls. ~4000 $3500 $3000 $2500 $2000 $1ooo $500 .,e ..... ~_,~_~ ___:~ ~_. Residential Residential Residential Connection Fees Connection Fees - Connection Fees - - Average Median Low/High r.r. 0 $:x,~ ...... . ............................... $spoo $_3_00_0 ; ' Residential .... Residential Residential Residential Residential Connection Fees - Facility Fees - Facility Fees - Facility Fees - Facility Fees Low/High Average Median Low/High Low/High