HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600070 Review Comments Plans Reviewed By 2017-08-29COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP Permit plan review Project title: Belvedere Phase IV A Project file number: WP0201600070 Plan preparer: Collins Engineering [scott@collins-engineering.com] Owner or rep.: Belvedere Station Land Trust [rhauser@stonehaus.net] Plan received date: 14 Nov 2016 7 March 2017 Date of comments: 19 Dec 2016 (Rev. 1) 6 April 2017 (Rev.2) 29 August 2017 (Rev.3) Reviewers: David James — VSMP Geoff Elsie -- VESCP County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied. The rationale is given in the comments below. The application may be resubmitted for approval if all of the items below are satisfactorily addressed. The VSMP application content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-401. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. 1. Section 1— A signed DEQ Registration Statement needed as part of SWPPP (Rev.2) Partially addressed. #9 areas given appear different from what is shown on the plans. (Rev.3) Not addressed. 2. Section 2 - Provide a copy of DEQ coverage letter when obtained (Rev.2) Acknowledged. (Rev.3) Not addressed. 3. Section 10 — Complete/sign Delegation of Authority (Rev.2) Acknowledged. 4. (Rev.2) Section 4 — Provide reduced size copy of ESC plan. (Rev.3) Not addressed. 5. (Rev.2) Section 5 — Provide reduced size copy of SWM plan. (Rev.3) Not addressed. 6. (Rev.2) Provide an additional copy of your SWPPP. Two (2) are needed. (Rev.3) Not addressed. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Show and label potential pollutant sources on the "exhibit sheet" that are on the list marked in Section 6 of SWPPP; Update your PPP "exhibit sheet" showing these sources. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 5 (Rev.2) Addressed; add to SWPPP. (Rev.3) Acknowledged. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. 1. Cover sheet: Sign and date engineering seal (Ref. 18-32.6.1). (Rev.2) Not addressed. (Rev.3) Addressed. 2. Show callouts for any permanent ditches/channels. These should have typical sections, and design calcs on plans (designed to meet part II(B) requirements). (Rev.2) Addressed with an approved Road Plan. (Rev.3) Acknowledged. 3. Proposed slopes greater than 3:1 to have low maintenance (not grass) ground cover specified on plan (Design Manual, sect. 8A). (Rev.2) Sheet 2 -- Include note that an approved groundcover type/species will be installed on disturbed areas of slopes greater than 3:1 as a final stabilization measure as shown on the ESC plan. (Rev.3) Addressed. 4. Confirm depth to seasonal high groundwater table and bedrock (minimum 2 ft. below the design bottom of the facility). (Rev.2) Geotechnical tests are required per VADEQ SW Design Spec. 15, Sect. 5 (Soils) and Sect. 6.3 (Required Geotechnical Testing). Geotechnical report should address all requirements. (Rev.3) Purchase nutrient credits now and modify later. 5. Show area of Forest/Open Space to be protected for phase IVA. (Rev.2) Acknowledged. Areas of Forest/Open space to be Areas of undisturbed Forest/Open space shall be protected as such in agreements, deed of dedication of easement, and platted within an easement. (Rev.3) Recorded SWM deed/plat & maintenance agreement required prior to approval. 6. Ext. Detention: Show dimension and sizing of ED components in the details (i.e. orifice). A 24- hr target drawdown time recommended; provide design storm stage storage elevations for ED, and drawdown times calcs. [Note: A minimum 10 acres DA is recommended for ED to function properly. There are higher maintenance requirements for ED with DA < 10 acres.] Provide landscaping plan (VADEQ SW Design Spec. 15). (Rev.2) The reverse slope pipe is shown extending to the floor of micropool, and should extend to mid -depth of micropool as noted on Design Spec. 15, Sect. 6.5. Include note / provide for the aquatic bench and metered rod for forebay (Sect. 6.4). Provide documentation of `previously reviewed and approved routing calculations' (not found). Per the design for a level 1 ED, if a 12- 24 hr drawdown time cannot be met than your design fails criteria. Provide/Show design storm elevations in profile views. (Rev.3) Partially addressed. I'm not sure what previously reviewed/approved routing calculations you are referring to. Provide drawdown calcs to size the orifice for the 24-hr storm. The 15-hr is used? (Sect. 6.2). Include the following notes on ED barrel installation: 1. RCP should have bell and singular spigot joints with rubber gaskets and should equal or exceed ASTM Designation C-361. 2. The bell and spigot pipe should be placed with the bell end upstream. 3. Joints should be made consistent with manufacturer recommendations. 4. After the joints are sealed for the entire run ofpipe, the bedding should be placed so Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 5 that all spaces under the pipe are filled. 5. All reinforced concrete pipe conduits should be laid in a concrete bedding for their entire length. 6. This bedding should consist of high slump concrete placed under the pipe and up the sides of the pipe at least 25% of its outside diameter, and preferably to the spring line, with a minimum thickness of 3 inches, or otherwise as shown on the drawings. Side slopes should be 4:1 (Sect. 6.6). Show low -flow orifice details/dims. Specify type of turf cover to be used. Refer to this link http://www.albemarle.org/nativeplants/. Woody vegetation may not be allowed to grow within 15 feet of the toe of the embankment. Existing trees within the buffer area should be preserved during construction (Sect. 6.7). Add to facility maintenance requirements: a. Inspect the low -flow orfice every 6 months. b. Sediment removal every 5-7 years, or when forebay 50% full. 7. There appears to be pollutant load remaining (VRRM worksheet), before considering purchasing credits, consider implementing further upstream PR practices. Describe how the chosen practice fits into the overall SWM strategy. Were other practices considered and found insufficient? (Rev.2) Acknowledged. 8. Please contact Ana Kilmer for information about nutrient credit purchasing documentation and requirements. (Rev.2) Acknowledged; Purchase of credits is required before plan approval. (Rev.3) Purchase of credits is required before plan approval. 9. (Rev.2) Cover sheet: Include the WPO number; Change project info in side title block from FINAL ROAD & UTILITY PLAN to VSMP PLAN. (Rev.3) Addressed. 10. (Rev.2) Sheet 6 - Correct `Proposed Subarea A Impervious' area tables. (Rev.3) Addressed. 11. (Rev.2) VRRM spreadsheet submitted needs to be reviewed and corrected. Values are inconsistent with what's shown in the plans (e.g. PR is 1.34 in plans & 1.83 in spreadsheet). (Rev.3) According to VRRM spreadsheet 2.05 lb/yr phosphorus remain. According to Sheet 6 -1.54 lb/yr credit will be purchased. Account for the difference remaining. 12. (Rev.2) There are inconsistent amounts in the plan for drainage area to basin (4.25 vs. 3.25). Show overall drainage area map, drainage divides, and subareas (Pre- & Post-). (Rev.3) Correct for the actual drainage area for SB#1. Two are shown 3.79ac & 4.25ac. 13. (Rev.3) Sheet 3 - The project area is stated to be 5.75ac -Is this correct? 14. (Rev.3) Show 5.05 ac area to be treated with breakdown of land cover areas on SWM plans. 15. (Rev.3) How is the runoff from the future development lots being treated post -development once ST#1 is removed? 16. Calculations - a. Show where you determined runoff depth Q values, they do not match NOAA Atlas 14 values for the design storms. b. Show the values used in calcs/worksheets. 17. Sheet 6 - a. Show Tc path post -development for verification of lengths. b. Quantity: Subarea A needs to account for entire disturbed area. c. Quality: Show calcs for required credits needed. 18. Sheet 7 - It is recommended to use callouts to details sheet for readability. 19. Provide OP sizing calcs for SB#1. 20. A SWF maintenance agreement, an easement plat/deed for the facility & 10' wide access are required before plan approval. Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 5 21. Outfall shall extend to a natural conveyance channel. D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESOP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is approved. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 1. Bondstone Owner signature needed on VSMP application. (Rev.2) Addressed. 2. Need Signature on plans from PE. (Rev.2) Not addressed. (Rev.3) Addressed. 3. Correct Baffle call out on Basin 1 Detail. (Rev.2) Addressed. 4. Add Inlet Protection for Phase II wash rack. Need Inlet Protection for Basin IA. (Rev.2) Addressed. 5. Remove 12' length of 6" pipe shown on basin detail leading to micropool. Show stub and cap at the low flow orifice. (Rev.2) Addressed. 6. (Rev.2) Show IP/OP details. (Rev.3) Addressed. 7. (Rev.2) Use diversion instead of SF alongside Fowler Street. (Rev.3) Addressed. The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been satisfactorily addressed. For re -submittals please provide 2 copies of the complete permit package with a completed application form. Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process; After approval, plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees. After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county. Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 5 After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants will need to complete the request for a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; hILtp://www.albemarle.org/deptforms.asp?department=cdengwpo File: WPO201600070_Belvedere Phase IVA - VSMP - 4-17 Review(3).docx