HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700076 Staff Report 2017-08-30ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB-2017-76: Volvo Cars of Charlottesville, Phase II, Preliminary Site Plan
Review Type
Preliminary Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
East of Berkmar Drive and northeast of Greenfield Terrace. The southern portion lies within the Entrance Corridor overlay, lying within 500 feet of Rio Road
Highway Commercial (HQ, Entrance Corridor (EC)
CMA Properties, Inc. (Pete Borches)
Magisterial District
To construct a car dealership building with associated site improvements. This is Phase 11 of a two-part development. Proposed within the EC in this phase are
the southern end of the building, parking spaces, travelways, and landscaping.
The subject parcel is not adjacent to the EC; only a small portion at its south end is included within the EC overlay. The parcel fronts Berkmar Drive and is
located to the west of the Colonial Auto parcel (45-94B) that contains showrooms facing the Rt. 29 EC. The subject parcel is located north of 7 parcels, 6 of
which front Rio Road West, and 3 of which are mostly cleared. These parcels are occupied by an apartment building, 3 single family residences, and vacant
Only the southernmost portion of the site falls within the EC overlay. This includes the landscaping provided in the Phase I development; approximately 18
parking spaces in the southernmost parking area; the southern extent of the landscaping proposed for Berkmar Drive; as well as the south (rear) elevation and
approximately 60' of the south end of the west (side) elevation of the building. A view is currently available from Rio Road to the vehicles parked at the rear of
the existing Colonial Auto site. Similarly, a view of the southeastern corner of the Phase 11 development site is also partially visible from the EC. [Figure 11 The
southwestern corner of the Phase 11 development site is obscured by thickets of mature trees but portions may be visible from the intersection of Rio Road West
and Berkmar Drive once some trees are removed. [Figure 21
ARB Meeting Date
September 5, 2017
Staff Contact
Heather McMahon
Figure 1, Left: View of subject parcel from south side of Rio Road West, looking N/NW. Note the partial visibility of parked cars on the site from the EC. Photo taken by H. McMahon 819117.
Figure 2, Right: View of subject parcel from south side of Rio Road West, looking NINE at intersection with Berkmar Drive. Note the subject area outlined in red. Photo taken by H. McMahon 819117.
ARB reviewed the Special Use Permit and Initial Site Plan and provided comments to the Planning Commission
PC recommended approval to the BOS
ARB reviewed the Initial Site Plan, Phase I
ARB reviewed the Final Site Plan, Phase I
ARB reviews the Preliminary Site Plan, Phase II
This parcel was previously occupied by the Greenfield Trailer Court. On April 15, 2014 the Planning Commission met to consider whether the use of this parcel for automotive uses related to the
expansion of the Colonial Auto Center was in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan (CCP-2014-01). The PC recommended that the requested use be considered a Comprehensive Plan Amendment
(CPA-2014-02). A Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA-2014-8) was approved by the BOS on May 6, 15. The ARB completed an advisory review of a request for a Special Use Permit (SP-2015-5) for
outdoor sales/storage/display on February 17, 2015. The BOS approved the SP on May 6, 2015. On June 1, 2015, the ARB reviewed the Initial Site Plan and advised the applicants to revise the
landscape plan to show tree protection fencing and existing trees to remain; identify existing trees to be removed; coordinate additional landscaping proposed along the southern property line with trees
to remain; and to provide the standard plant health note. The Final Site Plan was reviewed by the ARB at the August 3, 2015 meeting. ARB recommendations (Attachment A) included revising the
existing conditions and demolition plan to identify each existing tree that will be removed; revising the landscape plan to show only trees, shrubs and plants to remain and trees, shrubs and plants to be
planted; revising the note regarding the landscape buffer [on the southern property line] on Sheet 9 to indicate only that the planting will be completed with Phase I development; revising the plans to
clearly show tree protection for all trees to remain.
This phase of development includes the new automobile sales and service building, new landscaping, and some changes to previously approved landscaping in the southwest corner of
the site (see Figure 3, the approved Final Site Plan, ARB-2015-74).
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Figure 3, Right: Approved landscape plan from ARB-2015-74 (8125115).
Note that a line of trees buffers the southern property boundary and
plantings line the southern perimeter of the parking area.
The goal of the regulation of the design of development within the designated Entrance Corridors is to
This thoroughly modern building does not reflect the
See recommendations
insure that new development within the corridors reflects the traditional architecture of the area.
traditional architecture of the area either in materiality or
Therefore, it is the purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines, that proposed development within
form, but it does reflect contemporary design vocabularies
the designated Entrance Corridors reflect elements of design characteristic of the significant historical
implemented in this region and beyond.
landmarks, buildings, and structures of the Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and to promote orderly
and attractive development within these corridors. Applicants should note that replication of historic
structures is neither required nor desired.
Visitors to the significant historical sites in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area experience these
sites as ensembles of buildings, land, and vegetation. In order to accomplish the integration of
buildings, land, and vegetation characteristic of these sites, the Guidelines require attention to four
primary factors: compatibility with significant historic sites in the area; the character of the Entrance
Corridor; site development and layout; and landscaping.
Structure design
Building forms and features, including roofs, windows, doors, materials, colors and textures should be
Materials, color palette, forms, and massing are not in
Consider alternate
compatible with the forms and features of the significant historic buildings in the area, exemplified by
keeping with traditional architecture of the region but are in
materials for the building
(but not limited to) the buildings described in Appendix A [of the design guidelines]. The standard of
keeping with trends in contemporary architectural design.
elevations that are visible
compatibility can be met through scale, materials, and forms which may be embodied in architecture
The rear service building — that which will be seen from the
from the EC. Submit
which is contemporary as well as traditional. The replication of important historic sites in Albemarle
EC — is proposed with CMU (painted gray), EIFS, and steel
materials and colors for
County is not the objective of these guidelines.
garage doors (painted). While these materials may be
suitable for service buildings and rear elevations, they are
not typically suitable for the EC.
Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding context of buildings.
The building has been pushed to the western property line
to allow for 142 parking spaces; parking has been relegated
off of Berkmar Dr., into the parcel's interior.
The overall design of buildings should have human scale. Scale should be integral to the building and
While the main block (showroom) at the north end of the
Consider reducing the
site design.
building will be 18 feet high, the rear elevation at the
southern end of the building (closest to the EC) will be 28
height of the rear
building or elaborating
Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use forms, shapes, scale, and materials to
create a cohesive whole.
feet high from grade. A projecting bay measuring
the rear elevation as two
approximately 7 feet by 34 feet will rise approximately
stories rather than one
17.5 feet from grade to the top of its cornice, which will
add some relief to the elevation. However, the majority of
the 75-foot long rear elevation rises 23 feet and 10 inches
from grade to the top of another cornice, and then another 4
feet and 2 inches above that. This creates a vast wall that is
rendered as one single story, despite the presence of two
Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building design should be relieved using design detail
The southern half of the west elevation (labeled "right
Consider adding
or vegetation, or both.
side") is one continuous building spanning 119' with
architectural relief to the
minimal architectural relief: the regular march of pilasters
south and west elevations
(rendered in the same material as the exterior walls) and
in an alternative material
ribbon windows is monotonous while the use of secondary
than CMU.
materials is generally not appropriate for architecture
within the EC. Only 60' (or 4.5 of the southernmost bays)
of the west elevation is within the EC overlay, however,
and the building will be viewed from the RioBerkmar
intersection at a distance of approximately 400'.
Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting devices should be used to unify groups of
No architectural connecting devices are proposed.
buildings within a development.
Trademark buildings and related features should be modified to meet the requirements of the
This is an example of trademark architecture which has not
Consider adding
been modified and which does not relate to traditional
architectural relief to the
architecture of the region in form or materiality. However,
south and west elevations
only the southern (rear) elevation and a portion (60', or 4.5
in an alternate material
southernmost bays) of the west (side) elevation lie within
than CMU.
the EC overlay and are under consideration. In those parts
of the building, the trademark character of the design is less
evident than the "back of building" design. While the rear
elevation is generally a service front, lowest in the
hierarchy of elevations, this rear elevation is the only one
seen from the EC and should be accorded the equivalent
architectural weight and consideration in design.
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be highly tinted or highly reflective. Window glass in
Note not provided.
Add standard window
the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not
glass note to the
drop below 40% Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 3001o. Specifications on the proposed
architectural drawings.
window glass should be submitted with the application for final review.
Compatibility with significant historic sites:
New structures and substantial additions to existing structures should respect the traditions of the
The building is not compatible with traditional architecture
See recommendations
architecture of historically significant buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area.
of the region.
under #9.
Photographs of historic buildings in the area, as well as drawings of architectural features, which
provide important examples of this tradition are contained in Appendix A.
The examples contained in Appendix A should be used as a guide for building design: the standard of
compatibility with the area's historic structures is not intended to impose a rigid design solution for
new development. Replication of the design of the important historic sites in the area is neither
intended nor desired. The Guideline's standard of compatibility can be met through building scale,
materials, and forms which may be embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well as
traditional. The Guidelines allow individuality in design to accommodate varying tastes as well as
special functional requirements.
Compatibility with the character of the Entrance Corridor
It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to establish a pattern of compatible architectural
The design of the showroom is compatible with other car
See recommendations
characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and coherence. Building
dealerships on Rt. 29. The design of the service portions of
under #9.
designs should demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby structures within the Entrance Corridor. Where
the building is in keeping with some of the commercial/
a designated corridor is substantially developed, these Guidelines require striking a careful balance
industrial architecture on this end of the EC (Rio Rd. W);
between harmonizing new development with the existing character of the corridor and achieving
however, these buildings predate the establishment of the
compatibility with the significant historic sites in the area.
Site development and layout
Site development should be sensitive to the existing natural landscape and should contribute to the
Slopes on the southern end of the property are being graded
To facilitate review and
creation of an organized development plan. This may be accomplished, to the extent practical, by
for additional parking, but most of the natural topography
coordination, revise the
preserving the trees and rolling terrain typical of the area; planting new trees along streets and
on the far southern end has been retained; a natural swale is
plan to show the
pedestrian ways and choosing species that reflect native forest elements; insuring that any grading will
used for drainage. A number (approximately 6) of extant,
previously approved
blend into the surrounding topography thereby creating a continuous landscape; preserving, to the
mature trees are proposed to be removed.
Phase 1 landscaping
extent practical, existing significant river and stream valleys which may be located on the site and
(distinguished from the
integrating these features into the design of surrounding development; and limiting the building mass
Approved phase 1 landscaping, which includes shrubs and
current proposed
and height to a scale that does not overpower the natural settings of the site, or the Entrance Corridor.
small trees on the retaining walls, biofilter plants, a row of
planting), and identify
trees along the southern property line, and trees and shrubs
previously approved
in the southwest corner of the site, is not shown on the
plants that are intended to
current plan. The current plan does show landscaping in the
be eliminated.
southwest corner that differs from the Phase 1 approval.
Including the previously approved (Phase 1) planting on
the plan (distinguished from the current proposed planting),
clearly identifying previously approved plants that are
intended to be eliminated, would assist in review and
coordination. Similarly, extant tree lines should be added to
the site and landscape plans.
The requirements of the Guidelines regarding landscaping are intended to reflect the landscaping
Trees and other landscape plantings are primarily used as a
See previous comment.
characteristic of many of the area's significant historic sites which is characterized by large shade
screening device and to provide shade canopy to asphalt
trees and lawns. Landscaping should promote visual order within the Entrance Corridor and help to
surface parking.
integrate buildings into the existing environment of the corridor.
Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be obtained by planting different types of plant
materials that share similar characteristics. Such common elements allow for more flexibility in the
design of structures because common landscape features will help to harmonize the appearance of
development as seen from the street upon which the Corridor is centered.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated into the overall plan of development and
A loading area falls within the EC overlay on the southern
shall, to the extent possible, be compatible with the building designs used on the site.
end of the site development, closest to the EC (Rio Rd. W).
It is not expected to have a visual impact on the EC.
The following should be located to eliminate visibility from the Entrance Corridor street. If, after
appropriate siting, these features will still have a negative visual impact on the Entrance Corridor street,
screening should be provided to eliminate visibility. a. Loading areas, b. Service areas, c. Refuse areas,
d. Storage areas, e. Mechanical equipment,
f. Above -ground utilities, and g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor wire, and similar security
fencing devices.
Screening devices should be compatible with the design of the buildings and surrounding natural
Vegetation is used as a screening device.
See recommendations
vegetation and may consist o£ a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing.
under #6.
Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be designed to fit into the natural topography to
A stormwater management facility was created in the south
avoid the need for screening. When visible from the Entrance Corridor street, these features must be fully
end of the property as part of Phase I development.
integrated into the landscape. They should not have the appearance of engineered features.
The following note should be added to the site plan and the architectural plan: "Visibility of all
Note provided on sheet 1.
mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
No lighting plan was submitted for review.
Provide a lighting plan
which includes all
proposed free-standing
and wall -mounted lights
with the final site plan.
Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor streets should include the following:
The site is not adjacent to the EC; the southernmost extent
a. Large shade trees should be planted parallel to the Entrance Corridor Street. Such trees should be at
of the south boundary line is approximately 287 feet from
least 3'/2 inches caliper (measured 6 inches above the ground) and should be of a plant species
the northern edge of the EC. As such, frontage trees along
common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 35 feet on center.
the EC are not required.
b. Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the area should be interspersed among the trees
required by the preceding paragraph. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for one with the large
Street trees have been provided along Berkmar Dr.
shade trees. They may be planted among the large shade trees in a less regular spacing pattern.
c. In situations where appropriate, a three or four board fence or low stone wall, typical of the area,
should align the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street.
d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing plantings and fencing should be reserved
parallel to the Entrance Corridor street, and exclusive of road right-of-way and utility easements.
Landscaping along interior roads:
a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all interior roads. Such trees should be at least 2'/z inches
caliper (measured six inches above the ground) and should be of a plant species common to the area.
Such trees should be located at least every 40 feet on center.
Landscaping along interior pedestrian ways:
There are no interior pedestrian ways on site within the EC
a. Medium trees should be planted parallel to all interior pedestrian ways. Such trees should be at least
2'/2 inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground) and should be of a species common to the
area. Such trees should be located at least every 25 feet on center.
Landscaping of parking areas:
There are 18 parking spaces within that portion of the
Add two trees to the
a. Large trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, located 40 feet on center. Trees should be
southern parking lot that fall within the EC overlay.
interior of the 18-space
planted in the interior of parking areas at the rate of one tree for every 10 parking spaces provided and
Therefore, two trees are required in this portion of the
parking area that falls
should be evenly distributed throughout the interior of the parking area.
parking lot (currently there are zero proposed).
within the EC overlay.
b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should measure 2'/z inches caliper (measured six inches
Add trees along the
above the ground); should be evenly spaced; and should be of a species common to the area. Such
Shrubs (FG/Fothergilla Major) are provided on the
southern perimeter of the
trees should be planted in planters or medians sufficiently large to maintain the health of the tree and
southwest portion of the property, with a proposed height
entire parking area.
shall be protected by curbing.
of 18".
Revise the plant schedule
c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize the parking area's impact on Entrance Corridor
to show that the planting
streets. Shrubs should measure 24 inches in height.
All shrubs must be at least 24" in height, yet three species
height of all shrubs in the
in the plant material schedule are listed as 18" in height.
EC portion of the site
will be at least 24".
Landscaping of buildings and other structures:
No vegetation is proposed along the south (rear) elevation
a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the front of long buildings as necessary to soften
of the building. Dogwoods are proposed along the
the appearance of exterior walls. The spacing, size, and type of such trees or vegetation should be
building's west elevation, which is also screened by street
determined by the length, height, and blankness of such walls.
trees and shrubs along Berkmar Dr. With appropriate
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and other structures; dumpsters, accessory
building design and landscaping at the perimeter of the site,
buildings and structures; "drive thru" windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs should measure at
there is no need for landscaping the service elevation.
least 24 inches in height.
Plant species: a. Plant species required should be as approved by the Staff based upon but not limited
to the Generic Landscape Plan Recommended Species List and Native Plants for Virginia Landscapes
(Appendix D).
Plant health: The following note should be added to the landscape plan: "All site plantings of trees and
Note not provided.
Add standard plant health
shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is
note to the landscape
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the
Site Development and layout
Development paftern
The relationship of buildings and other structures to the Entrance Corridor street and to other
An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, and pedestrian
development within the corridor should be as follows:
paths exist, while the building has been placed adjacent to
a. An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, bike paths, and pedestrian walks should guide the
Berkmar Drive and the parking relegated behind, to the
layout of the site.
interior of the lot. No significant natural features exist.
b. In general, buildings fronting the Entrance Corridor street should be parallel to the street. Building
groupings should be arranged to parallel the Entrance Corridor street.
c. Provisions should be made for connections to adjacent pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems.
d. Open spaces should be tied into surrounding areas to provide continuity within the Entrance
e. If significant natural features exist on the site (including creek valleys, steep slopes, significant trees
or rock outcroppings), to the extent practical, then such natural features should be reflected in the site
layout. If the provisions of Section 32.5.6.n of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance apply, then
improvements required by that section should be located so as to maximize the use of existing features
in screening such improvements from Entrance Corridor streets.
f. The placement of structures on the site should respect existing views and vistas on and around the
Site Grading
Site grading should maintain the basic relationship of the site to surrounding conditions by limiting the
The site was graded during the Phase I development as per
use of retaining walls and by shaping the terrain through the use of smooth, rounded land forms that blend
previous approvals. Tree protection fencing preserving two
with the existing terrain. Steep cut or fill sections are generally unacceptable. Proposed contours on the
extant trees on the south end of the property is marked on
grading plan shall be rounded with a ten foot minimum radius where they meet the adjacent condition.
the site plans.
Final grading should achieve a natural, rather than engineered, appearance. Retaining walls 6 feet in
height and taller, when necessary, shall be terraced and planted to blend with the landscape.
No grading, trenching, or tunneling should occur within the drip line of any trees or other existing features
designated for preservation in the final Certificate of Appropriateness. Adequate tree protection fencing
should be shown on, and coordinated throughout, the grading, landscaping and erosion and sediment
control plans.
Areas designated for preservation in the final Certificate of Appropriateness should be clearly
delineated and protected on the site prior to any grading activity on the site. This protection should
remain in place until completion of the development of the site.
Preservation areas should be protected from storage or movement of heavy equipment within this
Natural drainage patterns (or to the extent required, new drainage patterns) should be incorporated
into the finished site to the extent possible.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The need to add a line of trees on the southern property boundary and along the southern perimeter of the parking area in order to comply with previously approved plans as well as to further mitigate
visibility from the EC.
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary proposal:
1. Consider alternate materials for the building elevations that are visible from the EC. Submit materials and colors for review.
2. Consider reducing the height of the rear building or elaborating the rear elevation as two stories rather than one story.
3. Consider adding architectural relief to the south and west elevations in an alternative material than CMU.
4. Add the standard window glass note to the drawings: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible
light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%.
5. To facilitate review and coordination, revise the plan to show the previously approved Phase 1 landscaping (distinguished from the current proposed planting), and identify previously approved
plants that are intended to be eliminated.
6. Provide a lighting plan which includes all proposed free-standing and wall -mounted lights with the final site plan.
7. Add two trees to the interior of the 18 —space parking are that falls within the EC overlay. Add trees along the southern perimeter of the entire parking area.
8. Revise the plant schedule to show that the planting height of all shrubs in the EC portion of the site will be at least 24".
9. Provide standard health plant note to the landscape plan: All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited.
Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant.
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
Proposed Elevations
Sheet 1
Cover, site plan set, Phase II — ARB Plan
Sheet 2
Existing Conditions & Demolition Plan
Sheet 3
Site Plan
Sheet 4
Utility & Grading Plan
Sheet 5
Conceptual Landscaping Plan
Sheet 6
Site Cross -Section
Depamwttrl or Comai un lily Deg rlopritrn[
401 %1rinil:rr Mosel- Nnrib Wing
(jWd$Wjv+�111w, 1 IrVmir U"24kiffi
1 hIina (4y4)2% 1m Fax (04)Y724126
August 7. 20'15
Scan Colkns • C Ins Engneenng
200 GerF$II St. Suite K
charlo4tesvliie Va 22902
REARB-207:5-74- CMA Properties - FlnaI
deer 141r- -Coons,
The Abemarle CourityA"AaecUral Rewierw Bowl rawlawud tw above noted Item al its meeting on Monday,
Augusi3 2015 The Uonrd,byavak4#5'Oapproved torw*wsi,pendkgst pdinlnlsrratihmapprciraloftte
ib roving cnndbwv:
Riewise the existing Corm tiaras and demoli4ian peen to identily each existing tree that will ba remand.
Revise the laradricape plari to Show only Imes, shrubs anif pUntt Co tomam aM bras, rdhnrhs aAd
pkantt to be ptanted. Do not sl +m treat idantif ed for remcrral crn Ilia WWscapa plan.
R&4w fle aorta ragardirg the landscape btdl:$r on Sheet 9 to Irrdirata only thal to planting wOl be
corn~ with Phase 1 development Ell+nnate }ete-rences to aktemale plarating plans and couryly
code sectiaos.
Clearly show Ire+e proWvtoon ror an trees to remain.
Please provNIO.
1. Two full sets all r&nsed drawings addressing saciir of lbese cciMitwxm. Inc ude updated ARS rev►sron
da tes on eaetl draiwrrlg_
2. A memo ndu" detodW response-9 indacaWg hav each owditlon has been salrsfied It c1haripee
omvr man Lmw ra?(Nesioc "ve men maa. idenldy Ihgsb c'h rbgft i++ the memo imso Highlighking
the changes in the drawing with 'cKjuding' or bX other means wLU faclfilate MVMi& wnd approvaE
3. The ailarh«d Revised Applrcalvon Submihal' corm This farm m ust be FeW ad we& your rowrsaans to
ensure propar lreickgig and di51nbu1►3n
When staff s revaew of lhis inf mYr rwbw mdwales that all condltmns Otapproval Dave bean snot. a Cerirf+Cste or
Appeopnpl9rigtS may bb halted.
If yGu have any queslians. plearim do not hesitat$ to comaci me
Margaret Mabszewski
Fwinclpal Plattner
Cc: GMA Properties InC
p 0 Boa 7823
CharluNmw lie Ya 22905