HomeMy WebLinkAboutRivanna Greenway Trails Report Francis Fife & John Hermsmeier lead middle school volunteers Sun-dappled section of trail below Locust Meadows Seniors march to RTF tent, National Trails Day, 1997 Crowd at RTF tent, National Trails Day, 1997 Fern bank along Hydraulic Road trail Winter scene, Hohnes Ave. trailhead Sunlit spot on lower Meadow Creek East trail Rick Seaman mows Loop Trail with our new DR mower Middle schoolers nailing puncheon walkway over a Wet stretch of Locust Meadows trail Sunny section of Meadow Creek east trail Stroll through day lilies below Locust Meadows Mouth of Meadow Creek from Towe Park Meadow Creek East trail below Park St. Day lilies bloom at mouth of Meadow Creek Views upstream from trail above Hohnes Ave. VOLUNTEERS BUILD SENIOR CENTER BRIDGE, June 1998 Log-pullers assemble bridge components, 13 June 1998 Decking crew hammer away on Senior Center footbridge, June 13, 1998 Moving main stringer over Meadow Creek June 6, 1998 Decking crew working on north ramp June 13, 1998 Senior Center bridge open for hikers, June 27, 1998 Loop Trail ~neanders downstream beside Meadow Creek Junky com. mercial property along the Rivm~na River banks between Free Bridge and ti~¢ VFW Fall scene on Rivanna ~ Towe Park trail Meadow Creek below Rio Rd bridge Fall touches Meadow Creek East trail Winter scene, Locust Meadows trail Al Limit "striv development" of Route 250 East by preventing commercial development along the north sidebf the roadway from the Interstate 64 interchange to the Regional Service designated area. COmmercial areas along Route 250 East are to be developed in a manner which limits access points, uses internal (possibly grided) road networks, md/or parallel roads, as well as alternative transportation systems (walkways, bike facilities and transit) Develooment should have an orientation toward the internal road system as opposed to a linear onentat,on towards the frontage of Route 250. Provide landscaping along and witlfin the ~nedian of Route 250 East tO enhance the roadway as an Entrance Corridor Roadway, and one of the two major velficular entrances, into the County's Urban Area and City. Construct a greenway along the South Fork of the Rivanna River and Rivanna River. This provides a pedestrian connection of the Ivy Creek Natural Area to the Urban Area and an opportunity for passive recreation adjacent to the Urban Area. Develop the greenw, ay t° meet tfi~ recreational and conservation needs of the residents in the Neighborhood, and the entire County. Utilize the Neighborhood Three Study as a guide for development of the greenway in this Neighborhood. Exnlore onnortunities for river oriented development witlfin fl~e Co,nmmfity Service designated r rr ..... ~, . '!! ! ' ~ area behind the Pantops shopping center property. : Transportation improvements include: Provide bus service to the Pantops shopping center. Further evaluate the need and viability of extending transit service to other areas. Construct a permanent park and ride facility algn. g Route 250 East, east of Neighborhood Three. Consider the recormnendations of the Neighborhood Three Study for the location of walkways, street lights and bicycle facilities. Utility improvements include: - Provide sewer service to the eastern nortion of the Neighborhood (Peter Jefferson Place/Glenorchy Area) by extending theT(ivanna Interceptor and insta!ling a pump station. Timing of this project will be based on development activity in this area. . - Provide water service to the northern portion of the Neighborhood north of an east/wrist unnamed tributary of the Rivauna River as necessary by extending a the Route 20 waterline to the north. Provide Co,mntufity levd park service to d~e eastern portion of the Neighborhood by installing Community Park facilities at Darden Towe Park. Albemarle County Land Use Plan 51 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD ~ STUDY RIVANNA RIVER GREENBELT OPPORTUNITIES Reach [] Pen ParkJRIvanna Pede$1rlan 13~ldge [] [] River Oriented Doveloprnenl ~'~ [] Boa, Access ~J Stale Farm - Wor~ell Invoslmenl Gmenway Podeslllan Trail Pedeslrlan/~. Icydo Trail MAP M i PROPOSED GREEN BELT TRA!L. SYSTEM CHARLO'I-I'ESVILLEi VIRGINIA · A~ RI.~By AVE, City of Charlottesville 'Comprehensive Plan - Adapted July, 1995 "e ~ ' '" · PROPOSED GREENBELT TRAIL L EXISTING GREENBELT TRAIL PREPARED BY L DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'~ AUGUST 1995 .o .. Map 8 L il I ,. 1. Provide a high quality, quantity, and variety of recreational facilities and activities throughout the City for the enjoyment and development of all residents. 2. Make full use of all existing recreational facilities. 3. Preserve, enhance, and maintain certain natural features, historic qualities, and natural terrain in the City's parks and open spaces. 4. Work toward providing access to parks and recreational activities for all. residen ts. 5. Attempt to link lite Parks and Recreation facilities through a network of pat/ts and trails. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. N.ei.qhborhood Parks Neighborhood bike bridge should be constructed to link parks should be given priority for Darden Towe Park with Pen Park. When improvements in the coming five years, making these improvements, the City should especially Tonsler and Azalea Parks. This strive to strike a balance between should include implementation of the Master environmental protection and improved Plan for Tonsler Park and development of a accessibility. The [rails adjacent to the rivers I'~ new plan for Azalea Park, with short-term and streams should be accessible to the L attention given to the banks along Moore's disabled. Creek 5. ,Trees and Entrances - The City should r 2. Youth Proqrams Youth programs, continue to recognize the positive impact of L- especially for leenagers, should be given landscaped areas, flower displays, and green primary emphasis with coordination of space on the quality of life through a r different programs to meet the needs of continued emphasis on maintenance of youth, the'~e areas. The City should continue to ~-'~ 3. Mclntire. Park - The masler plan for the replant street trees and should adopt a tree r next phase of Mclntire Park should be policy with priority areas of attention. reviewed and finalized. Once the alignment Additionally, the City should place an and design for the Meadowcreek Parkway ~s emphasis on improving the landscaping of decided upon, the park land should be entrance corridors, r developed in accordance with the master 6. Neiqhborhood Park Plarl The Cit.y i,, plan. should prepare a new master plan for /4. Access to Rivers and Streams .- The City neighborhood parks, recreation facilities and ~' should continue to make efforts to provide school grounds. The plans for neighborhood ~additional access to the Rivanna River, parks should assure that facilities and Meadowcreek and Moore's Creek in the form equipment are designed to accommodate the [ of trails, improvement of beaches, and other 'disabled. ~, ~3pen spaces on the. river. A pedestrian and ' .......... ~ '~'~ ......... '~ ............ ~ ..... : ...... ~ ...... ~:'~"~"~ ~<~?~U-~"~ ~?~-'~?~:-~:~:'?.~:;~ v;:: ,':-:,~ ~?~ :~'~Li'~ :: ~!:?::? q~ ~.~.~i.~: T~:. :~? '~: i:~,:: ' City of Charlottcswllc,. Comprehensive Plan - Adapted JUly, 1995 ' I