HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompensa Benchmk Analy 111998LE Analysis ~ 1998 Consulting Atlanta, Georgia 404-264-3185 OVERVIEW Scope of proiect Aon Consulting was engaged by the County of Albemarle to conduct a benchmark analysis of selected positions to determine competitive market rates, make recommendations concerning internal and external equity, and review the salary structure and salary administration guidelines. Benchmark Positions After School Teacher Civil Engineer Director, Instructional Support Services Emergency Communications Officer Health Clinician HVAC Technician Management Analyst I Office Associate II Police Officer Programmer/Analyst Senior Bookkeeper Social Worker Teacher Chief Accountant Custodian Eligibility Worker Executive Secretary/Admn Asst High School Principal Maintenance Worker - Entry Level Management Analyst II Office Associate III Police Records Clerk School Bus Driver Senior Planner Systems Engineer Teaching Assistant Methodology Overview Position descriptions were obtained for all benchmark positions. The job duties and responsibilities were then matched to published survey data. A total of 14 surveys were reviewed. A minimum, midpoint, and maximum market rate was established based on the survey data. Survey data that was not specifically reflective of the Charlottesville area, or of neighboring local communities, was adjusted to the Charlottesville area. This is accomplished by applying a geographic assessor. The data were then compared to the current salary structure as well as individuals within those positions. For several positions included in the study, the market analysis was based on the surrounding counties which were also used as a base of reference in the analysis conducted several years ago. These positions include: Police Officer, Teacher, High School Principal, Eligibility Worker, and Emergency Communications Officer. Aon Consulting 1 Published survey data is a well-known and reliable source of information. It is important, however, to be sure that job duties and responsibilities equate to the position data, and that the data is then adjusted for the specific local area. As indicated above, a geographic assessor was applied to survey data. A list of the surveys used is included in the Appendix. An analysis was completed comparing current employee salaries with the market rate as well as employees who were below minimum market rates. A second analysis was conducted with recommended adjustments to the current salary structure and the costs associated with those adjustments. Base salary increase history and trends AMERICAN COMPENSATION ASSOCIATION (ACA) The 1998-1999 (ACA) survey included 2,776 firms representing a broad cross- section of industries including construction, manufacturing; transportation; publishing; information services; utilities; wholesale trade; financial; service; and public administration. The ACA report titled "1998-1999 Total Salary Increase Budget Survey" found modest salary growth and indicated that it is likely to continue between 4.0 and 4.5 percent in the coming years. This table is representative of the average salary increase for employees represented in the survey. Actual 1997 Actual 1998 Projected 1999 Nonexempt hourly 4.1% 4.1% 4.1% non-union Nonexempt 4.1% 4.2% 4.3% Salaried Exempt Salaried 4.3% 4.5% 4.4% Officers/Executives 4.5 % 4.6 % 4.6 % Salary increases in the table consist of general or cost-of-living adjustment amounts, merit increases and "other" adjustments. The "other" adjustments reflect market or equity-related increases, and exclude promotions. Aon Consulting 2 The ACA report also provides data on salary structure adjustments. The findings are almost identical to increases projected by the survey conducted the prior year. This table represents percentage changes to salary' structures. Actual 1997 Actual 1998 Projected 1999 Nonexempt hourly 2.5% 2.6% 2.6% non-union Nonexempt 2.5% 2.7% 2.8% Salaried Exempt Salaried 2.7% 2.9% 2.9% Officers/Executives 2.6% 2.7% 2.9% The use of stock in compensation is becoming prevalent throughout organizations. More than 63 percent of the responding US companies offered stock-based plans to employees in 1998. More employees can expect the opportunity to obtain stock in 1999, as nearly 55 percent of respOnding companies reported they would extend stock options further down the organizational ladder next year. More than half the responding companies offer a stock purchase plan to all employee categories. In addition, incentive and variable pay compensation is continuing in popularity. Sixty-three percent of U.S. survey respondents use at least one form of variable pay, nearly a 2 percent increase from last year. Of the 37 percent that do not, 28.5 percent are planning to introduce variable pay within the next year. Why are these important points? Competition for qualified applicants and retention of solid performers is a major concern of most employers today, as it is with Albemarle County. The County cannot compare, apples to apples, with organizations that offer employees stock options and incentives. Since the private sector is recruiting from the same labor pool, the ability to offer options/incentives may give a private employer the slight edge in the recruiting game. It will, therefore, be important for the County to be competitive in other areas such as base salary, benefits, and non- monetary rewards. WATSON WYATT The survey report on Office Personnel Compensation (for non-management positions in accounting, clerical, human resources, office services, information systems, secretarial, marketing and sales), indicates an average salary increase of 3% for all industries. This data is from the 97/98 survey, (the most recent available), which reflects actual for 1996 and budgeted for 1997. Overall Aon Consulting 3 budgeted for 1997 was 3.9%. Overall salary increases for Non-Profits--exempt 3.9%, non-exempt 3.9%, and executive 4.1%. For 1997, the average range adjustments for all groups sampled is 3.3% and for Non-Profits 3.0%. The Industry Report on Technician and Skilled Trades Compensation indicates that the average merit increase budget for non-exempt groups has been consistent over a three year period of time at 3.8%. Overall budgeted for 1997 was 3.9% and projected for 1998 was 3.9%. Overall for Non-Profits was 4.0% for both 1997 actual and 1998 projected. HAYGROUP "The Hay Report: Compensation and Benefits Strategies for 1998 and Beyond" states: "Real economic growth (adjusted for inflation), as measured by Gross Domestic Project (GDP) grew 2.6% in 1996. The current consensus is that real growth will increase substantially to 3.5% in 1 997 and moderate again to 2.2% in 1998." "Base salaries have traditionally tracked Consumer Price Index (CPI) changes in addition to other business-related trends. The expected Iow inflation levels, coupled with organization salary increase budget plans, will keep salary changes relatively Iow and stable. However, continuing robust economic performance may fuel the "creeping up" that we have already begun to witness at managerial and executive levels. We expect professional, managerial, and executive level salaries to grow at a 3.5% to 4.4% rate." Organizations appear to be slightly increasing planned salary budgets. Salary increases for exempt and non-exempt employees will remain in the 3%-5% range." Aon Consulting 4 RECOMMENDATIONS Adiust/ng salary structure We recommend that the salary structure be updated on an annual basis to coincide with the fiscal year. Updating the salary ranges allows your structure to stay current with the market. When adjusting the structure, employees who fall below the minimum of the range should be given an adjustment to bring them to the minimum, in addition to a merit increase if performance merits. Adjusting the ranges will also reduce the amount of external equity adjustments that may be necessary in future years because ranges have not been updated to mirror market conditions. A prior commitment to employees by the County concerns the salary to mid-point ratio. This commitment states that if range adjustments are necessary, all employees will be moved, lock-step, with the range adjustment. Since this was communicated to employees less than two years ago, we would recommend that it be implemented for the 1999 budget as well. For future consideration, it should be noted that adjusting the structure does not need to mean that all employees receive an increase equal to the adjustment. Range adjustments are done to keep the structure current, and to keep employees equitable with the market. Since the mid-point of a structure represents an employee who is fully competent and adequately performing in their job function, you may wish to consider adjusting only those employees below the midpoint of the structure since those above are already exceeding the market rate. After a comparison of the market data to the current range structure, we would recommend that the structure be adjusted 3%. It is also recommended that the structure be adjusted in future years, with an adjustment based on salary structure trend data. The recommended salary structure for the fiscal year beginning July, 1999 is included in the Appendix. Change to salary adm/n/stration po//cy The current policy allows a new hire to start at a salary higher than the minimum, however, it is a percentage based on "experience". In the current labor market, with Iow unemployment and a demand for qualified, competent applicants, it may be necessary, in some situations, to allow the hiring manager to offer a starting salary commensurate with skills, knowledge, and abilities. (Example, an individual who is degreed or has work experience but the experience is different than the work experience outlined in the job description.) We would suggest amending the Aon Consulting 5 policy to allow managers to hire up to the midpoint, with the approval of human resources. Positions comparable with market midpoint Of the positions surveyed, competitive with the market. market rate. the following midpoint salaries were found to be Competitiveness was defined as at least 95% of the Maintenance Worker - Entry Level Health Clinician Emergency Communications Officer Social Worker HVAC Technician Senior Planner Systems Engineer Teaching Assistant Eligibility Worker Executive Secretary/Admn Asst High School Principal Management Analyst I Chief Accountant Civil Engineer Positions in which the market data suggests new range Based on the market data, we would recommend the following changes. Title Custodian Office Associate II Office Associate III Police Officer Management Analyst II Programmer/Analyst Current Midpoint 17 115 19 702 22 680 32 244 39 823 39 823 Market Current Recommended Midpoint Grade Grade 18,771 2 3 23,683 4 6 26,378 6 8 35,136 11 12 45,150 14 15 43,954 14 15 Across the board versus "pay for performance If the available merit pool does not allow for differentiation between performance, then a good argument exists to go to an across the board increase. The down side to an across the board is a return to the "entitlement" of cost of living increases that have been traditional in government and a move away from pay for performance. Is the County willing to continue to increase salaries without a direct correlation to employee performance? While not all employees are motivated by money, a merit-based system is designed to reward performers. Is the current performance management system being driven by compensation, or is compensation driving performance? For example, if managers are not rating employees according to their actual performance and Aon Consulting 6 adjusting the rating to ensure that employees will get an increase, or rating all employees equally, then compensation is driving your performance. A merit matrix would assist in the compression issues the County is currently experiencing, reward performance (if ratings are accurate), manage salaries at the market (midpoint), and control costs. A sample merit matrix is illustrated below. (The County is currently using a matrix comparable to this example.) Quartile I 2 3 4 Rating 4 (Excellent) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 1 (Poor) 0 0 0 0 Starting m/n/mum salaries The market data suggests that minimum/starting salaries for several positions are below market. These positions include: Custodian Office Associate II Office Associate III Management Analyst I Civil Engineer Maintenance Worker - Entry Level School Bus Driver Civil Engineer Management Analyst II Allowing managers more flexibility in determining hiring rates will help in correcting the under market positions. A recommendation to change salary grades, as stated previously for Custodians, Office Associate II and III and Management Analyst, will also assist in correcting the below market rates. Measurements for base salary bud~qet increases In many organizations, budget restraints, regardless of other factors, dictate the available base salary budget. In the current labor market, organizations strive to remain competitive with their competitors for workers. Your competitors are not just other government entities. For example, administrative employees, cooks, drivers, janitors, accountants, maintenance personnel are employable in the private and public sector. While it is important to look at a total compensation package, recognition should be given to the fact that at the lower level, employees historically do not value "total compensation and benefits". Benefits such as pension, disability, life insurance, etc. do not increase their ability to cover day to day expenses such as Aon Consulting 7 food, housing, clOthing, etc. With the current market conditions, particularly at the lower level, employees can easily find a position elsewhere and will leave a job for just a slight increase above their current rate. So what should you use as a guide in determining a salary budget: Budget restraints Trend data Competitor data One method we have not found to be a reliable indicator is using the CPI. While it is true that salary changes have paralleled CPI changes, it is not true that salary budgets have equaled the CPI. Paralleling the CPI and equaling the CPI are not the same. When the CPI has gone up, base salary increases tend to rise, when the CPI goes down, increases tend to decrease. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change in prices paid by urban consumers for a fixed market based to goods and services. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in response to the question "Is the CPI a cost of living index", the answer is "No, although it frequently and mistakenly is called a cost-of-living index. The CPI is an index of price change only. It does not reflect the changes in buying or consumption patterns that consumers probably would make to adjust to relative price changes." "What are some limitations of the index?" BLS responds: "The CPI may not be applicable to all population groups. For example, it is designed to measure the experience with average price change of the U.S. urban population and, thus, may not accurately reflect the experience of rural residents. Also, the CPI does not provide data separately from the rate of inflation experienced by subgroups, such as the elderly or the poor. The CPI cannot be used to measure differences in price levels or living costs between one place and another; it measures only time-to-time changes in each place. A higher index for one area does not necessarily mean that prices are higher there than in another area with a lower index, it merely means that they have risen faster since their common base period. The CPI cannot be used as a measure of total change in living costs because changes in these costs are affected by such factors as changes in consumers' market baskets, social and environmental changes, and changes in income taxes, which the CPI does not include." Aon Consulting 8 Other factors While employment in the public sector has in the past been a draw for employees seeking stability and security, several factors indicate that may be eroding. City and Counties are moving to privatization in areas such as water and trash decreasing the possibility of long term employment. We have found with many of our government clients that they are moving towards operating "like a business", particularly from the compensation stand point. This means a pay for performance plan that rewards employees for performance, not for longevity. This in turn affects the performance management system, and weeds out poor performers more than a plan compensating longevity. Government employees have some stability in that the "government" will always be there, however, they are still subject to economic conditions. When times get tough, the public sector has layoffs just as the private sector. In the current labor market, employees are not overly concerned with stability. The availability of jobs, and the "perks" to move, override the need for stability. Perks include items such as sign-on bonus, moving allowances for lower level positions, and incentive pay. Public positions are viewed as a fall back should the economy downturn. In a good labor market, we have found that employees will change positions solely for more money and that the younger the employee, the more emphasis is placed on cash income. It is the perception of disposable income versus some unknown future benefit such as pension or retirement benefits, that is a hard sell to employees. Unless your organization has a strong communication effort and employees buy into the "total comp" concept, you will continue to be challenged in finding good applicants and in retaining current employees. Their ability to go to a competitor offering more money, higher annual increases, incentives, bonuses, and possibly options does not, in their mind, compare to unknown usually not understood benefits that are looming in the distance. Base salary bud,qet and adjustments In determining recommendations for a salary budget, we reviewed the salary data, market trends and market influences. Understanding that it may not be feasible, from a budget perspective, to adjust ranges (which will increase all employees salaries), make adjustments to employees falling below the minimum of the range, Aon Consulting 9 and cover merit increases, all at the same time, we recommend your consider the following. Based only on the positions surveyed, the following are cost estimates to maintain the salary to mid-point ratio if ranges are adjusted 3%. Title Current Adjusted Annualized Midpoint Midpoint Adjustment School Bus Driver 21,138 21,772 $71,840 Chief Accountant 45,842 47,217 $1,201 Emergency Communications Ofc. 28,010 28,850 $15,777 Custodian 17,115 17,628 $39,998 Health Clinician 26,106 26,889 $9,650 Eligibility Worker 28,010 28,850 $8,483 HVAC Technician 34,595 35,633 $2,207 Management Analyst I 34,595 35,633 $1,831 Management Analyst II 39,823 41,018 $1,007 Office Associate II 19,702 20,293 $11,381 Office Associate III 22,680 23,360 $32,639 Maintenance Worker- Entry Level 18,363 18,914 $2,098 Police Officer 32,244 33,211 $21,690 High School Principal 69,926 72,024 $6,445 Programmer/Analyst 39,823 41,018 $2,025 Civil Engineer 49,184 50,660 $3,786 Senior Bookkeeper 28,010 28,850 $2,356 Senior Planner 39,823 41,018 $6,633 Systems Engineer 45,842 47,217 $2,498 Social Worker 32,244 33,211 $12,031 Teacher Assistant 21,138 21,772 $79,245 TOtal $31 3,1 32 Based only on the positions surveYed, the following are cost estimates to bring employees in these groups to the minimum of the range. Title Current New Current New Annualized Grade Grade Minimum Minimum Adjustment School Bus Driver 5 16,260 16,748 $3,372 Emergency Communications Ofc. 9 21,546 22,192 $5,154 Custodian 2 3 13,165 14,549 $6,403 Office Associate II 4 6 15,155 17,990 $9,324 Office Associate III 6 8 17,466 20,684 $13,912 Police Officer 11 12 24,803 27,409 $23,715 Social Worker 11 24,803 25,547 $744 Teacher Assistant 5 16,260 16,748 $10,541 TOTAL $49;45'0 Aon Consulting 10 If ranges are adjusted 3%, and in turn, all employee salaries are adjusted 3%, the cost is as follows: Current Ad iusted Difference County total classified payroll $12,916,426 $13,303,918 $387,492 School Administrative/ Classified payroll $14,990,739 $15,440,461 $449,722 Teacher adjustments including both step and adjustments: $1,400,000 As indicated in this report, the average budgeted merit pool has been averaging 4%, with salary structure adjustments averaging 3%. Since the County has a commitment to adjust all employees with a salary structure adjustment, it may not be economically feasible to implement both a merit pool and salary structure adjustment for fiscal year 1999. We recommend that you adjust the salary ranges 3%, provide all employees with a 3% structure adjustment, and add an additional 1% to the budget to cover adjustments for under minimum salary adjustments, promotions, and other necessary salary adjustments. This amount could also be used to provide a "bonus" pool to recognize employees with outstanding performance, since employees would not be receiving a "merit increase". In this manner, you are recognizing employee performance, and sending a message that exceeding perfor~nance levels can result in a monetary reward. It will be important, if the County chooses to implement a discretionary bonus for this year, that a specific criteria be set, and employees understand that this is for the fiscal year 1999 only. As discussed previously, consideration should be given to the maintenance of the salary to midpoint ratio for future years, and consideration given to adjusting only those employees who are under the midpoint. This will allow more of the salary budget to be used to reward performance. Aon Consulting 11 ---1 " I ...... 1 ...... 1 -"1 ...... 1 ....1 Current Midpoint compared to Market Midpoint Title Custodian Maintenance Worker- Entry Level Office Associate II School Bus Driver Teaching Assistant Office Associate III Police Records Clerk* After School Teacher* Health Clinician Eligibility Worker Emergency Communications Offic Senior Bookkeeper* Executive Secretary/Admn Asst Police Officer Social Worker HVAC Technician Management Analyst I Management Analyst II Programmer/Analyst Senior Planner Chief Accountant Systems Engineer Civil Engineer High School Principal Director, Special Education* Teacher Grade Current Range - 2080 Hours Minimum 2 13,165 3 14,125 4 15,155 5 16,260 5 16,260 6 17,466 6 17,466 7 18,717 8 20,082 9 21,546 9 21,546 9 21,546 10 23,118 11 24,803 11 24,803 12 26,611 12 26,611 14 30,633 14 30,633 14 30,633 16 35,263 16 35,263 17 37,834 22 53,790 Midpoint Maximum 17,115 21,065 18,363 22,601 19,702 24,248 21,138 26,017 21,138 26 017 22,680 27 913 22,680 27 913 24,333 29 949 26,106 32 132 28010 34 474 28010 34 474 28010 34 474 30 053 36 988 32 244 39 685 32 244 39 685 34 595 42 579 34 595 42 579 39 823 49 013 39,823 49 013 39,823 49 013 45,842 56 421 45,842 56 421 49,184 60 534 69,926 86 063 25,920 33,965 42,009 *Comparable salary data was not available. Midpoint Current 17,115 18,363 19,702 21,138 21,138 22680 22,680 24,333 26106 28010 28 010 28 010 30 053 35 136 32 244 34 595 34 595 39 823 39 823 39 823 45,842 45,842 49,184 69,926 Midpoint Dollar Percent Market Difference Difference 18,771 1,656 91% 18,923 560 97% 23,684 3,982 83% 22,828 1,690 93% 21,049 -89 100% 26,378 3,698 86% 25,736 -370 101% 25,855 -2,155 108% 27,919 -91 100% 30,948 895 97% 32,370 -2,766 109% 33,016 772 98% 34,652 57 100% 36,094 1,499 96% 45,150 5,327 88% 43,954 4,131 91% 39,291 -532 101% 40,719 -5,123 113% 47,413 1,571 97% 50,644 1,460 97% 73,854 3,928 95% 33,965 36,511 2,546 93% Adjust ranges 2134% 97.00 3.00 Aon Consulting 1 t/98 Current Benchmark positions compared by Salary Grade Title Grade Custodian 2 Maintenance Worker- Entry Level 3 Office Associate II 4 School Bus Driver 5 Teaching Assistant 5 Office Associate III 6 Police Records Clerk 6 After School Teacher 7 Health Clinician 8 Eligibility Worker 9 Emergency Communications Officer 9 Senior Bookkeeper 9 Executive Secretary/Admn Asst 10 Police Officer 11 Social Worker 11 HVAC Technician 12 Management Analyst I 12 Management Analyst II 14 Programmer/Analyst 14 Senior Planner 14 Chief Accountant 16 Systems Engineer 16 Civil Engineer 17 High School Principal 22 Director, Instructional Support Svs Teacher Minimum 13,165 14,125 15,155 16,260 16,260 17,466 17,466 18,717 20082 21 546 21 546 21 546 23 118 24 803 24 803 26 611 26 611 30 633 30 633 30 633 35 263 35 263 37,834 53,790 25,920 Midpoint 17,115 18,363 19,702 21,138 21,138 22,680 22,680 24,333 26,106 28,010 28,010 28,010 30,053 32,244 32,244 34,595 34,595 39,823 39,823 39,823 45,842 45,842 49,184 69,926 33,965 Maximum 21 065 22 601 24 248 26 017 26 017 27 913 27 913 29 949 32 132 34 474 34 474 34,474 36,988 39,685 39,685 42,579 42,579 49,013 49,013 49,013 56,421 56,421 60,534 86,063 42,009 Range Adjustment 3% Minimum Midpoint Maximum 13,560 17,628 21,697 14,549 18,914 23,279 15,610 20,293 24,975 16,748 21,772 26,798 16,748 21,772 26,798 17,990 23,360 28,750 17,990 23,360 28,750 19,279 25,063 30,847 20,684 26,889 33,096 22,192 28,850 35,508 22,192 28,850 35,508 22,192 28,850 35,508 23,812 30,955 38,098 25,547 33,211 40,876 25,547 33,211 40,876 27,409 35,633 43,856 27,409 35,633 43,856 31,552 41,018 50,483 31,552 41,018 50,483 31,552 41,018 50,483 36,321 47,217 58,114 36,321 47,217 58,114 38,969 50,660 62,350 55,404 72,024 88,645 0 0 0 26,698 34,984 43,269 Aon Consu~ng 11/98 Salary Structure Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Current Range -2080 Hours Minimum 12,270 13,165 14,125 15,155 16,260 17,466 18,717 20,082 21,546 23,118 24,803 26,611 28 552 30 633 32 866 35 263 37 834 40 593 43 552 46 728 50 134 53 790 57 711 61 919 66 434 Midpoint Maximum 15,952 17,115 18,363 19,702 21,138 22~680 24,333 26 106 28,010 30,053 32,244 34,595 37,118 39,823 42,727 45,842 49,184 52,770 56,618 60,745 65,174 69,926 75,025 80,495 86,364 19,633 21,065 22,601 24,248 26,017 27 913 29 949 32 132 34 474 36 988 39 B85 42 579 45.682 49,013 52,587 56, 421 60,534 64,948 69 ~683 74 ~764 80,215 86,063 92,338 99,071 106,294 3% Adjusted Ranges Minimum 12,638 13,560 14,549 15,610 16,748 17,990 19,279 20,684 22,192 23,812 25,547 27,409 29,409 31,552 33,852 36,321 38,969 41,811 44,859 48,130 51,638 55,404 59,442 63,777 68,427 Midpoint Maximum 16 17 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 30 33 35 38 41 44 47 50 54 431 20 222 628 21 697 914 23279 293 24975 772 26 798 360 28 750 063 30 847 889 33 096 850 35 508 955 38 098 211 40 876 633 43 856 232 47 O52 018 50 483 009 54165 217 58 114 660 62 35O 353 66 896 58 317 71 773 62 567 77 007 67 129 82 621 72,024 88 645 77,276 95 108 82,910 102 043 88,955 109 483 Aon Consu~ng f~/98 County of Albemarle Market Analysis of Benchmark Jobs Published Survey Sources Bureau of Legal Reports - Southeast Edition 1997 Norfolk-Richmond for exempt Bureau of Legal Reports - 1997 Virginia for non-exempt Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond-Petersburg, VA, August, 1997 ECS Geographic Report on Technician & Skilled Trades, Non-Profits State, County, City & other Government '98-'99 ECS Professional and Scientific Compensation, State, County, City and other Government 1998-99 AMS Foundation 1997 Richmond, VA MSA Healthcare Industry 1997, Mid-Atlantic Region Virginia Chapter International Management Association, Annual Salary Survey 1997 Educational Research Service, 1997-98 (By enrollment) Salaries Paid Professional Personnel in Public Schools, 1997-98 Salaries Paid Support Personnel in Public Schools, 1997-98 Abbott, Langer & Associates, Compensation in Nonprofit Organizations, Virginia 1998/99 William M. Mercer, Information Technology Compensation Survey, Nonprofit/Public Section 1998 Virginia Education Association, 1998 American Planning Association, 1996 University of Virginia, 1998 Albemarle Charlottesville Human Resource Association, 1997 Aon Consulting 10/98 POSITION TITLE Survey Data After School Teacher Chief Accountant Civil Engineer Custodian Director, Instructional Support Svs Eligibility Worker Emergency Communications Officer Executive Secretary/Admn Asst Health Clinician High School Principal HVAC Technician Maintenance Worker- Entry Level Management Analyst I Management Analyst Il Office Associate 11 Office Associate III Police Officer Police Records Clerk Programmer/Analyst School Bus Driver Senior Bookkeeper Senior Planner Social Worker Systems Engineer Teacher Teaching Assistant Bureau of Legal Reports - Richmond/Noffork Bureau of Legal Reports - Virginia Bureau of Legal Reports - Virginia Bureau of Legal Reports - Virginia Bureau of Legal Reports - Virginia Bureau of Legal Reports - Virginia Bureau of Legal Reports - Richmond/Noffork Bureau of Legal Reports - Virginia Bureau of Legal Reports - Virginia Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond/Petersburg Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond/Petersburg Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond/Petersburg Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond/Petersburg Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond/Petersburg Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond/Petersburg Bureau of Labor Statistics - Richmond/Petersburg ECS Tech/Skilled Trades, State, County, City & Other Govt ECS Tech/Skilled Trades, State, County, City & Other Govt ECS Teeh/Skilled Trades, State, County, City & Other Govt ECS Tech/Skilled Trades, State, County, City & Other Govt Virginia Chapter Int'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter Int'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter Int'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter lnt'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter lnt'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter lnt'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter Int'l Mgmt Assn Virginia Chapter Int'i Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter Int'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter InCl Mgm[ Assn Virginia Chapter Int'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter lnt'l Mgmt. Assn Virginia Chapter Int'l Mgmt. Assn POSITION TITLE After School Teacher Chief Accountant Civil Engineer Custodian Director, Instructional Support Svs Eligibility Worker Emergency Communications Officer Executive Secretary/Admn Ass! Health Clinician High School Principal HVAC Technician Maintenance Worker- Entry Level Management Analyst l Management Analyst 11 Office Associate II Office Associate III Police Officer Police Records Clerk Programmer/Analyst School Bus Driver Senior Bookkeeper Senior Planner Social Worker Systems Engineer Teacher Teaching Assistanl ECS Professiona/Scientific-State, County, City and State Govt ECS Professiona/Scientific-State, County, City and State Govt ECS Professiona/Scientific-State, County, City and State Govt ECS Professiona/Scientific-State, County, City and State Govt ECS Professiona/Scientific-State, County, City and State Govt ECS Professiona/Scientific-State, County, City and State Govt AMS Foundation, Richmond AMS Foundation, Richmond AMS Foundation, Richmond AMS Foundation, Richmond AMS Foundation, Richmond AMS Foundation, Richmond AMS Foundation, Richmond AMS Foundation, Richmond MSA Healthcare MSA Healtcare Albemarle Charlottesville HR Assn Albemarle Charlottesville HR Assn Albemarle Charlottesville HR Assn Albemarle Charlottesville HR Assn Albemarle Charlottesville HR Assn By enrollment size Educational Reseamh Services Educational Research Services Educational Research Services Educational Research Services Educational Research Services Educational Research Services Educational Research Services Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia Univeristy of Virginia POSITION TITLE After School Teacher Chief Accountant Civil Engineer Custodian Director, Instructional Support Svs Eligibility Worker Emergency Communications Officer Executive Secretary/Admn Assr Health Clinician High School Principal HVAC Technician Maintenance Worker- Entry Level Management Analyst I Management Analyst II Office Associate Il Office Associate III Police Officer Police Records Clerk Programmer/Analyst School Bus Driver Senior Bookkeeper Senior Planner Social Worker Systems Engineer Teacher Teaching Assistant Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Abbott, Langer & Associates Mercer IT Survey American Planning Assn