HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201700099 Action Letter Preliminary Plat 2017-08-31COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (43" August 3111, 2017 Mike Myers Dominion Engineering The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced preliminary subdivision plat. This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the developer submits a final plat for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this letter as provided in the Section 14226 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the final plat. In accordance with conditions of SP2016-03 early or mass grading may be permitted after the following approvals are received: 1. Compliance with SP conditions #2 and #5 (see attached conditions, next page). The final plat will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are received: 1. A final plat that satisfies all of the requirements of section 14-303 and sections 14304 through 14-318 of the Code, and the conditions attached to this letter. 2. Applicable fee outlined in the application. M C,777117711ty 077mopment impartment. ne assignect Leacti Revic will then distribute the plat to all reviewing agencies dirtetly to them). Once you receive the first set of comments on the final plat, please work with each reviewer individually to satisfy their requirements. The Department of Community Development shall not accept submitt of the final plat for signature until tentative approvals for the attached conditions from the following agencies/reviewers have been obtained: I SRC Members: Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) - 3 copies [Christopher Perez (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3443] Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) - I copy [Frank Pohl (434)-296-5832 Ext. 7914] Albemarle County Information Services (E911) - I copy [Elise Kiewra (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3030] Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue - I copy [Shawn Maddox 434-296-5833] Virginia Department of Transportation - I copy [Adam Moore 434-422-9866] Albemarle County Building Inspections - I copy [Mike Dellinger (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3228] Albemarle County Service Authority - I copy [Alex Morrison 434977-4511 Ext 116] Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority — I copy [Victoria Fort 434977-2970 Ext 205] If you have any questions about these conditions or the submittal requirements please feel free to contact me at Extension 3443, cperezCa)albemarle.org. Sincerely, Christopher P. Perez Senior Planner SP -2016-03 WEST GLEN Conditions I Tle culverts under Cling Lane Extended shall be in general accord with the attached drawing titled "Special Use Pennit Plans for West Glen Subdivision" (the "Plan) prepared by Dominion Engineering with a revision to of June 3, 2016 To be in general accord with the Plan, development shall reflect the generals arrangement, and location of the culverts, as well as maintaining no increase of the 100 year flood elevation outside of the West Glen Subdivision property Modifications to the plan, which do not conflict with the elements above may be approved subject to the review and approval of the County Engineer 2. Prior to final road plan approval or permitting of a land disturbance in the floodplain, the applicant shall obtain from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) a conditional letter of map revision (CLO MR or CLOMA), and prior to road acceptance the applicant shall obtain from FEMA a letter of map revision (LO MR or LO )° In addition, the applicant shall copy the County Engineer on all correspondence with FEMA. Construction and installation oft e culverts shall be in compliance with approved road plans and the FEMA approved CLOMR. or CLOMA- Any residential lot-, and associated streets resulting from the subdivision of the Property, with the exception of the stream crossing and roadway identified on the attached plan as Cling Lane Extended, shall be located outside of the 100 foot stream buffer, Flood Hazard Overlay District and preserved slopes on the Property Lots may be permitted to be located within the landward 10 feet of the 100 foot stream buffer only if the lots are adjacent to approved storinwater management facilities located within the landward 50 feet of the stream buffer Approval of lots located within the stream buffer shall be subject to Subdivision Agent approval. 4 The net density of the Property shall not exceed 6 units per acre, in accordance with the Crozet Master Plan. Net density shall be calculated by subtracting the area within the Flood Hazard Overlay District the 100 foot stream buffer, and areas of preserved slopes from the total acreage of the Property ty 5 Prior to issuance of a grading permit to allow installation of the stream crossing or with submittal of the final subdivision plat whichever comes first the applicant shall submit an easement plat dedicating to the County the area identified for a greenway it on the Plan. 6 ft e construction ofthe siteam crossing for which this Special Use Permit is issued is not commenced by September 14, 202 1, the permit shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. 7 Prior to approval of the first final Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) plans or the first final subdivision plat, whichever comes first, the applicant shall conduct a Phase If Environniental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with ASTM standards. The Phase R ESA shall include sampling and testing of accumulated sediment behind the dam that exists on the Property The applicant shall be required to comply with all recommendations of the Phase 11 ESA prior to issuance of the first building perinit on the Property The applicant shall also be required to remove accumulated sediment from behind the dam prior to demolition of the dam and dispose of the sediment, either on site or off site, in accordance with the Phase H ESA recommendations. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 434-296-5832 Memorandum To: Mike Myers From: Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: Revised August 31, 2017 Subject: SUB201700099 West Glen - Preliminary Subdivision Plat 1. ISPI990-103, Condition #2] "This stream crossing shall be constructed to provide access to the 30 lots in the Crozet Crossing subdivision. No development ofresidue property or access to adjacent properties is allowed until second access is provided to Orchard Drive. " Zoning staff has determined that this condition means that no building permits shall be issued for the residue (this development) until the road is complete. 2. 114-41 O(F)l Principal means of access to subdivision. The principle means of access to the subdivision crosses Powell's Creek. Prior to final plat approval the applicant shall demonstrate (on the road plan) that if discharge water of a twenty-five (25) year storm could be reasonably anticipated to inundate, block, destroy or otherwise obstruct a principal means of access to a residential subdivision, the following is addressed: 1. The principal means of access shall be designed and constructed so as to provide unobstructed access at the time of flooding; and/or 2. An alternative means of access which is not subject to inundation, blockage, destruction or obstruction, and which is accessible from each lot withi-v 6-e subdivision AA1 be constructei'L 3. [14-302(A)(15)] Identification of all owners and certain interest holders. The proposed public road, Freestone Lane, is on TMP 56-115, which is owned by Vue Realty Partners LLC. The owners of that parcel shall be part of this subdivision in order to allow the improvement on their land. An access easement alone will not suffice as the public road creates a noncontiguous undevelopable portion of TMP 56-115 to the west of the proposed road. This residue portion of land shall become a special lot for open space purposes. 4. [14-302(A)(15)] Identification of all owners and certain interest holders. Additionally, behind lot 69 the SWM facility located in Open Space G extends onto TMP 56-115. Also, the plat proposes a new 20' trail easement through TMP 56-115. Additionally, there are many proposed temporary grading easements throughout TMP 56- 115. Easements from the property owner of TMP 56-115 are appropriate for these improvements and shall be granted prior to or with the final plat. 5. [14-20311(8), 4.6.3(a)] Shared Driveways. Lots (11-20) utilize shared driveway easements. The primary structure shall be at least ten (10) feet from the edge of the shared driveway easement. Depict, label, and dimension the shared driveway easements and the setback from the shared driveway easement. 6. [14-303(E)] Shared Driveways. If the shared driveway easement are to remain, the easement holder(s) shall be identified on the plat. If shared driveways are shown, a note shall be added to the plat stating that maintenance shall be by the owners of the lots affected by the shared driveway easement, not by the Virginia Department of Transportation or the county. 7. [Comment] An initial and final site plan are required for the townhomes (3 or more attached dwelling units). 8, [4.12.6] Parking, Proposed driveways vary in size. On the road plan depict, label, and dimension the two required parking spaces per lot. If garages are proposed, please label, depict, and dimension the parking space(s) within, 9. [14-409] Coordination and extension ofstreets. The cul-de-sac roads (Cling Lane Ext & Fern Court) shall to be extended and constructed to the abutting property lines to provide vehicular and pedestrian interconnections to ftiture development on adjoining lands, terminating within the subdivision with a temporary turnaround. M [14-302(A)(8)] Proposed lots. Clearly depict the proposed lot lines for Open Space B. 11. 114-41.0(E)l Reserved or spite strips. Lot 31 extends too far up the cul-de-sac that it acts as a spite strip if any grading is needed to extend the right-of-way. Revise lot 31 lot lines to omit this flag portion, and instead add it to the public right of way dedication. This same comment also applies to Open Space B; however, it is difficult to determine the proposed lot lines for Open Space B (as mentioned in the comment above). 12. [14-422] Sidewalks &planting strips. Provide sidewalks and landscaping strips along the entire frontage of Open Space F and Open Space G. 13. [14-302(A)31 Existing or platted streets. Label all existing streets (Orchard Drive, Mccomb Street, Pleasant Green Street) as either public or private & provide their widths. For public streets, provide the state route number. 14. 114-302(A)4&51 Easements for stormwater management facilities. Provide access to the stormwater management facilities. Also, provide an easement over the facilities and the access. 15. [14-303(1), 18-15.31 Acreage, Provide the following note under the density: "Standard Level Cluster Development — No Minimum Lot Size. " 16. [14-302(3)5, 4.7(c)3] Open Space. A minimum of twenty five (25) percent of the site shall be open space. Not more than eighty (80) percent of the minimum required open space shall consist of the following: preserved slopes and land devoted to stormwater management facilities. Revise the calculations on sheet PP2 to account for areas in preserved slopes and stormwater management facilities. 17. [1.4-302(A)81 Proposed lots. Provide the dimensions for each lot. 18. [14-302(A)81 Proposed lots, Provide an overall layout of the subdivision. (Suggestion: duplicate sheet PP3 and overlay the subdivision proposal on the new sheet), 19. [14-302(A)4&5] Easements. Provide deed book and page references for all existing easements. X [Comment] For all public right-of-ways being platted provide the following note: "Hereby dedicated to the County for public use". 21. [14-302(A)91 Building sites on proposed lots. The plat shall contain the following note: "Parcel [letter or number] and the residue of Tax MaplParcel [numbers] each contain a building site that complies with section 4.2, 1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, " 22. [14-302(B)101 Stream buffers. Provide the following note: "The stream buffers shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance. " 21 [Comment] General information. Throughout the plan label all adjacent properties with TMP. 24. [14-302(A)4 51 Private &public easements. Label all new easements as 'proposed' and provide their dimensions. Proposed public easements shall be labeled as "dedicated to public use." Existing easements shall be labeled with the deed book and page number and the name of the public owner of record. 25. [14-302(A)4&51 Private &public easements. Label all utilities as either existing or proposed. N 26. [14-302(A)4&51 Drainage Easements. Label all drainage easements as either public or private. For public drainage easements a deed of dedication is required. For private drainage easements the maintenance shall be covered in the Covenants and Restriction document for the subdivision. 27. [14 -302(A)14,14 -303(G)] Dedication of open space. Provide the following note: "Open Space is hereby dedicated to the HOA. " 28. [14-3171 Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. With the final plat submit an instrument assuring the perpetual maintenance of the stormwater management facilities, open space area and the trails, and any other improvements that are to be maintained by the HOA in perpetuity. County Attorney approval is required prior to final plat approval. 29. [14-3111 Infrastructure Improvement Plans. Road Plan and WPO Plan must be approved, all required improvements must be built or bonded, and all required Deeds and Declarations must be reviewed and approved prior to final plat approval. 30. [14-3161 Vehicular Access to Site. Each entrance onto any public street shall be designed and constructed as required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the proposed entrances to the site shall be required prior to final site plan and/or final subdivision plat approval. 31. [14-3031 Contents offinalplat. A plat meeting all the requirements for final subdivision plats per the subdivision ordinance. 32. [14-303(A)1 Statement of consent to division. Provide the following note: "The platting or dedication of the following described land [insert correct description of the land subdivided] is with free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees, if any. " 33. [14-303(0)&(P)1 Signature panels. Provide owner signature lines and notary statements for each owner of record. Under the owner signature lines provide a signature panel for the "Agent for the Board of Supervisors". This will be used by the Subdivision Agent to approve the plat. Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using qierq4@p-,9lbemarje,,org or 434-296-5832 ext.3443 for further information. E County of Albemarle iii artment of Comm nits Levelmeat Memorandum To: Chris Perez From: Matt Wentland Date: 28 July 2017 Subject: West Glen Subdivision Preliminary Plat — SUB201700099 The Preliminary Plat for West Glen has been reviewed by Engineering. The following comments should be addressed prior to Final Plat approval: I . The WPO and mitigation plans will need to be approved and bonded, Mitigation will also be needed for SWM facilities located in the buffer (i7-6040. Before the WPO plan can be approved, The Vue WPO plan and associated plat will need to be amended to remove the area of the crossing from their SWM Forest and Open Space. I The Floodplain Development Permit will need to be approved, 3. The road plans will need to be approved and either bonded or built and accepted by VDD T. 4, Temporary and pe anent easements will be required for off-site grading and facilities, 5. Lot 55 does not appear to be adjacent to a SW.M facility and the comer of Lot 69 appears to go farther than 10' into the buffer (SP condition 3). PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS - E911 APPLICATION#: SUB201700099 The following road names will need to be changed: FERN COURT will need to be continued as FERN WAY Per Part I, Section 4-a of the (page 6 of PDF): "A proposed road name which duplicates an existing or reserved road name in Albemarle County or the City of Charlottesville shall not be approved. An exception may be made for cul-de-sacs which have the same name as the road from which they originate (example: "Arnberfield Court" which originates from "Amberfleld Drive")." Roads named FERN CT exist in the City of Charlottesville. Fern Way is acceptable and will need to be continued across the intersection as the roads are in line with each other. FREESTONE LANE will need to be changed to another road name. Per Part 1, Section 4-i of the County's Road Namin " a Dd Pry perty_MqMbqdngnuai (page 7 of --MgL_ PDF). "No proposed road name shall be approved which begins with a word that appears as the first word in five or more official road names." 1. FREE is the first word in over 5 road names in the County. Parcel and mapping information can be found here: ht isweb.albemarle. If you shouid have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Fire and Rescue (Shawn Maddox) 1, Due to road widths shown on the plans there will be no on street parking allowed. Please change the plans to indicate no on street parking and appropriate markings. 2. No fire hydrants are shown on Orchard Drive or Freestone Lane, This exceeds the hydrant spacing requirement of 500'. Please make appropriate changes indicating hydrant locations. 3. Fire hydrant flow test results will be required before final site plan approval, COMA40NIVEAL-171 of VIRGINIA Re: West Glen SUbdivision --- Preliminary Plat SUB -2017-00099 Dear Mr. Perez: Plea -se provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter, If further information is desired, please contact Justin Deel at 434-422-9894. VirqiniaDOT,org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING August 4, 2017 Christopher Perez Page 2 A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 4229399 for info tion pertaining to this process. Nmv- T 1A+11LL1' Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginIaDOT,org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Christooher Perez M I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat and hereby recommend approval with the following conditions: * A water/sewer construction plan review by the ACSA is required at the final site plan stage. The applicant shall submit 3 copies of the final site plan along with water/sewer data sheets to start the review, * RWSA Wastewater Capacity Certification will be required at the final site plan stage. Let me know if you have any questions, Alexander J. Morrison, P.E. Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (0) 434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (C) 434-981-5577 (F) 434-979-0698 I r Perez From: Victoria Fort <vfort@rivanna.org> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 4:10 PM To: Christopher Perez Cc: Alex Morrison Subject: SUB201700099 - West Glen Subdivision RM RWSA has reviewed the preliminary plat for West Glen Subdivision as prepared by Dominion Engineering and dated 6/26/2017 and has the following comments: General Plan Comments: 1. An RWSA wastewater flow capacity certification will be required prior to final site plan approval, 2. RWSA will need to review and approve water and sewer construction plans if connections to RWSA utilities are required for water or sewer service, Sheet 7 of 8 (PP7): 1. Show and label the existing RWSA 12" water line behind proposed lots 11-20. Victoria Fort, P.E. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority 695 Moores Creek Lane Charlottesville, VA 22902 (P): (434) 977-2970 ext. 205 (F): (434) 295-1146 I