HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-07 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has adopted the following five legislative
priorities for the 1999 General Assembly's consideration:
Request the Legislature to either fully fund the 599 funds for police departments
across the state (in FY98, the unmet state commitment was approximately $70
million) or to utilize the same formula for funding Police departments as the
Compensation Board currently uses for Sheriff's departments. The Compensation
Board currently funds 1 law enforcement deputy per 1,500 residents.
2. Request legislation to revise the composite index formula to account for the costs
of school construction and renovation borne by each locality.
Request legislation to preclude VDOT from erecting towers in their right of way
without permission from the locality. VDOT is currently allowing cellular
companies to erect towers on their right of way with future rental fees accruing to
the state. VDOT uses these towers to install their own equipment, such as cameras
and road monitoring equipment.
Request legislation to support statewide funding for a Purchase of Development
Rights (PDR's) program for those localities that have established and funded such
a program.
Request legislation that will bring counties that have a meals tax under the same
meals tax code provisions now enjoyed by cities (58.1-3840). Under current code,
counties may. only collect a food and beverage tax on meals served in restaurants
or prepared single platters in delicatessens or grocery stores. Cities may collect a
meals tax on any food or drink sold separately outside of a restaurant, e.g. ice
cream, alcoholic beverages, etc. Counties may collect a meals tax on beverages
only if they are served with a meal. Current legislation is confusing to citizens and
inequitable between cities and counties.
December 7, 1998
David R Bowerman
Charlotte Y. Humphris
Jac~ Joust
Forrast R. Marshall, Jr.
Office of Board of Supervisors
401 Mclntire Road
Chario~sville, Vh~inia 22902-4596
(804) 296-584,3 FAX (804) 296-5800
October 9, 1998
Charles S. Martin
Walter E Perkins
Wh~e Hah
Sally H. Thomas
Ssmuel Miller
The Honorable Emily Couric
25th State Senate District
PO Box 5462
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
The Honorable Mitchell Van Yahres
57th District House of Representatives
223 West Main Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
The Honorable Paul C. Harris
58th District House of Representatives
100 Court Square Annex, Suite B
PO Box 1276
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Dear, Senator Couric, Delegates Van Yahres and Harris:
I am writingto confirm Albemarle County's invitationto meet with members of both the Board of Supervisors and the
School Board on Wednesday, November 23, 1998 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 235 of the County Office Building. We look
forward to discussing the County's legislative program for the upcoming General Assembly, as well as hearing from
you and our delegates about the critical issues you foresee for the 1999 session.
Prior to the meeting, we will be sending you our approved legislative program. Should you have any questions in the
meantime regarding our legislative issues, please do not hesitate to call.
Forrest R. Marshall, Jr.
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Albemarle County School Board
Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
Printed on recycled paper
David P. Bowerman
Charlotte Y. Humphris
Forrest 1:[ Mar~al[ Jr.
Office of Board of Supervisors
401 Mcln~re Road
Charlottesville, V'n~nia 22902-4596
(804) 296-,5843 FAX (804) 296-5800
October 16, 1998
Charles S. Martin
Walmr E Penkias
Sally H. Thomas
The Honorable Emily Couric
25th State Senate District
PO Box 5462
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
The Honorable Mitchell Van Yahres
57th District House of Representatives
223 West Main Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
The Honorable Paul C. Harris
58th District House of Representatives
100 Court Square Annex, Suite B
PO Box 1276
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Dear.Senator Couric, Delegates Van Yahres and Harris:
The letter sent you previously confn'ming Albemarle County's invitation to meet with members of both the Board of
Supervisors and the School Board incorrectly listed the meeting as Wednesday, November 23, 1998. The correct
date is Monday, November 23, 1998 The meeting time of 3:30 p.m., was correct. Please accept my apologizes for
any inconvenience this may have caused.
Albemarle County. Board of Supervisors
Albemarle County School Board
Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
~F~rtffW. Carey, Clerk
Printed on recycled paper
Office of the School Board
401 Mclntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia Z2902-4596
November 30, 1998
Congressman Thomas Bliley, Jr.
4914 Fitzhugh Avenue
Richmond, VA 23250
Senator John W. Warner
225 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Congressman Virgil H. Goode, Jr.
70 East Court Street, Suite 215
Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151
Senator Charles S. Robb
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Congressmen Bliley and Goode and Senators Robb and Warner:
EncloSed for your review is the Albemarle County School Board's 1999 legislative program as
approved by the Board on November 9 for the upcoming General Assembly session. The Board
approved 26 legislative positions regarding a wide range of issues. We look forward to receiving
your support on these issues. We are particularly concerned with the legislative position on
Changes to Special Education Discipline Procedures on page 24 as it relates to the
Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which the Board has
chosen to monitor at this time. We firmly believe that any new regulations concerning the
reauthorization of IDEA should allow the local school division sufficient latitude to make
decisions that are in the best interests of preserving a safe environment for all students.
If additional information is needed, or if you have questions, please call Mr. Frank Morgan,
Assistant Superintendent for Support Services at 296-5877.
John E. Baker
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Albemarle County School Board
Dr. Kevin C. Castner, Superintendent
The Honorable Emily Couric
The Honorable Paul C. Hams
The Honorable Mitchell Van Yahres
"We Expect Success"
School Board Legislative Position paper
1999 General Assembly Session
This item was previously scanned under School Board Reports 1998
1999 Thomas Jefferson Planning District Legislaltive Program
October 1998
This item was scanned under Legislative Reports 1998