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Appendix II
Nomograph for Determining Required Pavement Thickness Index
(Note:An enlarged vasion of this nomograph isprovided on the last page of this reference.)
Final pavement design must be based on the results of appropriate soil tests.
Preliminary designs may be based on values established in Appendix I.
(Nomograph omitted to save space.)
To determine DR,project a line from the value for SSV through the value for the Design AADT.
The nomograph depicted correlates the soil support value of the subgrade(SSV=Design CBR x RF),the
traffic volume(Design AADT), and the minimum required pavement design thickness index(DR) for
subdivision streets and secondary road pavement, based on AASHO design equations. The equation on
which the nomograph is based is: DR=3.48Ln(AADT)-1.48Ln(SSV)-7.23,where Ln is the natural
logarithm. This nomograph assumes the following:
1. Use of Design AADT for two way traffic, equally distributed,thereby deriving the
thickness index(DR)required for any portion of the pavement to support one-half of the
design AADT.
2. For DR greater than 20, staged consttuction providing an initial stage DR value of 20 may
be permitted or the road can be designed using primary pavement methodology.
3. The District Materials Engineer may consider reducing the minimnm DR value of 6.4 for
secondary system facilities having a Design AADT<50.
Computation from equation
Road A Road B Road C Road D
AADT 620 100 180 110
CBR 5 5 5 5
RF 1 1 1 1
SSV 5 5 5 5
DR 12.8 6.4 8.5 6.7
HCV 3% 3% 3% 3%
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
County Albemarle Date: 12/23/2015
Subdivision Glenmore K2C
Street Name Road A
Design Engineer Justin Shimp Phone: 434.227.51 d0
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR=Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g.trucks,buses,etc.,with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required,based on Design AADT and SSV,determined by Appendix II.
Step 1: Determine Design AADT Step 2: Determine Design Values
AADT 620 Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF)
%HCV= 100(HCV/ AADT) 1 5 Source Value
or 3.0% 2 5 Table 1 1.5
EPT=20 x HCV Note:For 3 5 Appendix I 1.0
Note:For%HCV<5%,use AADT %HCV>5%. DME approved RF
EPT>AAD"I For preliminary designs,use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT 620 CBRD x RF = SSV
Use greater of AADT or EPI
(5.0) x ( 1.0 ) = 5.0
Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
❑ (A) Limited to Design AADT<_400-Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix IV Tables A and B.
0 (B)Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR= 12.8
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appendix II
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thick ss,h a (a x h)
Surface SM-9.5A 1.5 2.25 3.375
Intermediate BM-25.0 3 2.25 6.75
Base VDOT#21A 6 0.6 3.6
Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. Dp=E(a x h) 13.7
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
County Albemarle Date: 12/23/2015
Subdivision Glenmore K2C
Street Name Road B
Design Engineer Justin Shimp IPhone: 434.227.5140
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR=Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g.trucks,buses,etc.,with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required,based on Design AADT and SSV,determined by Appendix II.
Step 1: Determine Design AADT Step 2: Determine Design Values
AADT 100 Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF)
%HCV= 100(HCV/ AADT) 1 5 Source Value
or 3.0% 2 5 Table 1 1.5
EPT=20 x HCV Note:For 3 5 Appendix I 1.0
Note:For%HCV<5%,use AADT %HCV>5%, DME approved RF
EPT>AADT For preliminary designs,use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT
100 CBRD x RF = SSV
Use greater of AADT or EP"1
(5.0) x ( 1.0) = 5.0
Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
Li (A) Limited to Design AADT<_400-Show pavement material notations and thicknessfrom Appendix IV Tables A and B.
(B)Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR= 6.4
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appendix II
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thickness,h a (a x h)
Surface SM-9.5A 1.5 2.25 3.375
Intermediate BM-25.0 3 2.25 6.75
Base VDOT#21A 6 0.6 3.6
Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. Dp=E(a x h)= 13.7
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
County Albemarle Date: 12/23/2015
Subdivision Glenmore K2C
Street Name Road C
Design Engineer Justin Shimp (Phone: 434.227.5140
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR=Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic •
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g.trucks,buses,etc.,with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required,based on Design AADT and SSV.determined by Appendix II.
Step 1• Determine Design AADT Step 2: Determine Design Values
AADT 180 Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF)
%HCV= 100(HCV/ AADT) 1 5 Source Value
or 3.0% 2 5 Table 1 1.5
EPT=20 x HCV Note:For 3 5 Appendix I 1.0
Note:For%HCV<5%,use AADT %HCV>5%. DME approved RF
EPf>AAD"I For preliminary designs,use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT 180 CBRD x RF = S S V
Use greater of AADT or EPT
(5.0) x ( 1.0) = 5.0
Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
L! (A) Limited to Design AADT<_400-Show pavement material notations and thicknessfrofn Appendix IV Tables A and B. 1
I0 (B)Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR= 8.5
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appendix II
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thickness,h a (a x h)
Surface SM-9.5A 1.5 2.25 3.375
Intermediate BM-25.0 3 2.25 6.75
Base VDOT#21A 6 0.6 3.6
Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. Dp= (a x h)= 13.7
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
County Albemarle Date: 12/23/2015
Subdivision Glenmore K2C
Street Name Road D
Design Engineer Justin Shimp (Phone: 434.227.5140
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR=Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g.trucks,buses,etc.,with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required,based on Design AADT and SSV,determined by Appendix II.
Step 2: Determine Design Values
Step 1: Determine Design AADT CBR,RF,and SSV
AADT 110 Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF)
%HCV= 100(HCV/ AADT) 1 5 Source Value
or 3.0% 2 5 Table 1 1.5
EPT=20 x HCV Note:For 3 5 Appendix I 1.0
Note:For%HCV<5%,use AADT %HCV>5%, DME approved RF
EP >AAD"I' For preliminary designs,use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT
110 CBRD x RF = S S V
Use greater of AADT or EPT
(5.0) x ( 1.0) = 5.0
Li Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
L i (A) Limited to Design AADT<_400-Show pavement material notations and thicknessfrom Appendix IV Tables A and B. 1
0 (B)Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR= 6.7
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appendix II
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thickness,h a (a x h)
Surface SM-9.5A 1.5 2.25 3.375
Intermediate BM-25.0 3 2.25 6.75
Base VDOT#21A 6 0.6 3.6
Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. Dp=E(a x h)= 13.7