HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199900068 Action Letter r- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development 40 I McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (804) 972 - 4012 March 24, 2000 Alan Dillard, Jr 1000 River Road Charlottesville, V A 22901 RE: SP-99-68 Beverage Tractor & Equipment Tax Map 79, Parcel 4P Dear Mr. Dillard: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on March 15, 2000, unanimously approved the above-noted request to display farm equipment in a 6000 square foot space located at the front of the property that is situated at the northeast corner of the intersection of Route 250 East and Hunter's Way. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Items for display shall not be elevated; 2, Items for display shall be displayed only in the area indicated for display shown on the plan labeled "Final Site Plan for Haffner Equipment Company" dated October 5, 1987, with revisions dated January 22, 1988; 3, The following landscaping shall be added: · Fifteen (15) Glossy Abelia, twenty-four (24) inches in height minimum at planting, approximately eight (8) foot on center, in a staggered row, to complete the area of screening shrubs shown on the previously approved site plan; · Additional Glossy Abelia, twenty-four (24) inches in height minimum at planting, approximately eight (8) foot on center, in a staggered row, along the east and west sides of the proposed display area; · Intersperse ornamental trees in the row of Scarlet Oak along Route 250; · Add three (3) medium trees at the south end of the east side of the site forty (40) feet on center, measured from the easternmost Scarlet Oak; and 4. Use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the ARB for a site plan amendment that satisfactorily addresses these conditions, Page 2 March 24,2000 In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875, If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely, v~:= _L: Director of Planning & COl[.U~ity Development VWCljcf Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse Bob Ball, VDOT ATTACHMENT C '" o N o I .... .... 0> ..,. o co c; 0> N o N -< -< a > 0:: ' W a --' --' --' ü1 :> o UJ _ w f- f- Z f- a a :2 --' 0:: ..,. -< ~ :r: 0> 0 cj Z cj o (f) (f) « oð w -I « CJ I (f) ::::> en « o ::::> o a: ~vé./'1úVT bP£C5 . &Vr~tCf f:í/.I! ;/:./l¡g51 ~~', /í.'~;jh 5~ ðase... .3~ (3M lb5) &t. Cðnc: ð-/ - ð· 3 5ubbaM-· IZ" Aqgr: 8æ;e 79.,..oe./~ A.b- v"" z.¡·A D£A/AJA6£ -~-Y.h~--5il..€-- 15 AJðT if! the :5~k/ATœ. DE.TE/t-./T/C.ÜAÆEA . The. ~e. 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