HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199900062 Action Letter February 23,2000 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development 40 I Mcintire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (804) 972 - 4035 Dick Shearer CFW - Intelos POBox 1 238 Waynesboro, V A 22980 RE: SP-99-62 CFW CV Route 638/Interstate 64; Tax Map 72, Parcel 43B Dear Mr. Shearer: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on February 16, 2000, unanimously approved the above-noted request to construct a wooden pole telecommunications facility at treetop height. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: I. The height of the tower shall not exceed 5 feet above the height of the tallest tree within 25 feet of the tower. Antenna may not extend above the height of the tower, and therefore shall not exceed a total height of95 feet; 2. The tower shall be designed, constructed and maintained as follows: a. The tower shall be of wood. b. Guy wires shall not be permitted. c, The tower shall have no lighting; and d. All equipment mounted to the pole shall be painted or otherwise treated to match the pole in color. 3. The tower shall be located on the site as follows: a. The tower shall be located as shown on the attached plan entitled "lease parcel CFW Site CY 160" (on fi Ie in the Clerk' s office), 4. Antennas may be attached to the tower only as follows: a. The antennas shall be limited to those shown in a plan titled "CFW Wireless Mechum's River CY 160" (on fi Ie in the Clerk's office), b. Antennas shall be flush mounted to the pole; and c. Satellite and microwave dish antennas are prohibited. Page 2 February 23, 2000 5. The tower shall be used, or have the potential to be used, for the collocation of other wireless telecommunications providers, as follows: a. 'The pennittee shall allow other wireless telecommunications providers to locate antennas on the tower and equipment on the site, subject to these conditions: (l) Prior to approval of a final site plan for the site or the waiver of the site plan requirement, the permittee shall execute a letter of intent stating that it will make a good faith effort to allow such location and will negotiate in good faith with such other provider requesting locate on the tower or the site; and, (2) The pennittee shall provide to the County, upon request, verifiable evidence that it has made a good faith effort to allow such location. Verifiable evidence of a good faith effort includes, but is not limited to evidence that the pennittee has offered to allow other providers to locate on the tower and site in exchange for reciprocal rights on a tower and site owned or controlled by another provider within Albemarle County. 6, Each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded such that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest part of the shield or shielding part of the luminaire. For purposes of this condition, a luminaire is a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply. Outdoor lighting shall be limited to periods of maintenance only, A lighting plan must be provided with the building pennit applicatioQ, 7. Prior to beginning construction or installation of the tower or the equipment building, or installation of access for vehicles or utilities, the permittee shall obtain authorization from the Director of Planning to remove existing trees on the site outside the access easement and tower lease area, The Director of Planning shall identifY which trees may be removed for such construction or installation, Except for the tree removal expressly authorized by the Director of Planning, the permittee shall not remove existing trees within two hundred (200) feet of the tower, the equipment. 8, The pennittee shall comply with section 5,1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. 9, Fencing of the lease area shall consist of a wooden fence of wood color, which is limited to a 10 foot by 10 foot area and 6 feet in height. {?'I'tý FÙJlta.. Ok- 1)It1rff 10, The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date is use for wireless telecommunications purposes is discontinued. 11. The permittee shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator once per year, by not later than July 1 of that year. The report shall identifY each user of the tower and shall identifY each user that is a wireless telecommunications service provider. .. ~ Page 3 February 23,2000 12. No slopes associated with construction of tower and accessory uses shall be created that are steeper than 2: 1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization measures acceptable to the County Engineer are employed. 13. The access road shall be built with side slopes on cut and fill slopes at 2: 1 or flatter; and, 14, The access road shall disturb no more than 75' in cross section, In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced: shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875, If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~'w~erg Director of Planning & VWC/jcf Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse Bob Ball, VDOT LEASE PARCEL CFW SITE CV 160 400 SQ. FT. S3S'47'2S"E~3S'47'2'S"E 1.96' ZO.OO 4 SS41Z'3S"W ~11- .....- 20.00' / ,. 1~ ~, / N3S"47'ZS"W NS41Z'3S"E 20.00' 20.00' ~ NOT TO ~ '1' 1 I I / ~ / ,r-~r --~ !J~~ JC10 B HERBERT CRAFTS BARRELL D.B. 291 PG. 600 (PLAT) W. B. 74 PG, 405 TAX MAP 72 PARCEL 43B DELTA 31fõY1õ" 38'36' 46" 69'48'20" 6S"S9'3S" 301S'31" 15"20'3S" 08"OS' 48" 66"58' 4S" 02"5S'32" 2617'00" 97"42'00" CHD. BRG. 519"33' 4O"E S20"50'12"E 5051 S'S6"E S03"20'19"E S51"27'51"E S58"SS'19"E S4712'03"E S76"38'35"E N71 1 9' 48"E N59'39'04"E '$84"38'25"E CURVE DATA NO RAD. ARv. TAN. CHD. C1 276.08' 173.72' 89.84' 170.87' CZ 270.10' 182.03' 94.62' 178.60' C3 91.00' 110.87' 63.49' 104.13' C4 SO. 00' 57.59' 32.47' 54,46' C5 23S.00' 124.11' 63.54' 122.67' C6 400.00' 107.12' 53.88' 106.80' C7 810.00' 114.47' S7.33' 114,37' C8 68.00' 79.S0' 44.99' 75.05' C9 ~OOO.OO 153.18' 76.61' 1S3.17' IC10 295.69 135.64' 69.04' 134.46' C11 35.00' 59.68' 40.05' 52.71' MARGARET F, BARRELL et.al D,B, 1477 PG. 379 TAX MAP 72 PARCEL 43A- EXIST. SO' ACCESS EASEMENT I I I I I I I à o .f o v ~ (f) => :¡ ~ í='o . « '<t ut')-1 ~ Q-1 Z5'<t'-''¿j -1 ,'<t æ w00J« IQ~Q d(j0J00J O>Q f'.. (f)0J « COQ ¿ajL()« o .0J ¿ IO, I- mX .« u... 01- '-... Z SURVEY OF A LEASE PARCEL & INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT FOR CFW WIRELESS ON THE LANDS OF HERBERT CRAFTS BARRELL WHITE HALL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 999 HERBERT CRAFTS BARRELL D.B. 291 PG. 600 (PLAT) W. B. 74 PG. 405 TAX MAP 72 PARCEL 43B IF ANY NOT SHOWN. 1" = ZOO' DECEMBER Z2, NOTES: O'IfN ER: SCALE: DATE: 1. ~ INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT 15' NO 11 TIE OTHER EASEMENTS REPORT FURNISHED. 2. 2E > ~ ~ > (1 == ~ trj ~ ~ (1 0419- UTILITY POLE UìlLlTY POLE S66"35'37"E 14.58' S36"20'06"E S06.84' ----- !...._---- --~-- -----------~ 501 "32'05"E 80.7S' THIS LEASE PARCEL IS NOT IN A F.E.M.A. flOOD HAZARD ZONE "A" OR "B". LEASE PARCEL DERIVED FROM A FIElD SURVEY AND PLATS AND RECORDS FOUND IN THE ClERK'S OFFICE OF ALBERMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. - --+-- DENOTES IRON PIN SET DENOTES IRON PIN FOUND 3. 4. S, q ,;sf f:l :r:¡::; ~- ~/~ at S511S'01"E 111,46' SITE H T, ABOVE 90," 75,1' 82,7' 51.8' 83,], 63,0' 36,)' 65,7' TREE DATA TREE TYPE OAK TREE 14" PINE 14" OAK 8" MAPLE 16" OAK 16" OAK 10"OAK 14" OAK A~~ N77'36'S7"W //'- 262.42' ..... ~;("--- EXIST. ROAD. SEE D.S. 376 /;;-/ PG, 331 FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY _ v - / / - / - //;/' R /~ STA~TE _;// A 683 /-;- -::: .;/ 20' RIGHT-OF-WAY R = 200,00' A = 77.33' A B C D E F G H N/F BERNICE M, McCLAMMER WB, 73 PG, 505 O.B, 376 PG. 332 (PLAT) TAX MAP 72 PARCEL 42A 376Z.34' 297.0S' - END RTE. ~m LL.Ld O~ : ~ INCOMING POWER 3" CONDUff FOR POWER TO BE RELD LOCA TED 7/Q¿ 0 'I i . I I I \ \ . i I \ ., , Jðœ-d5f 20' X 20' GRA VEL COMPOUND . .. '. , ...! ~ ,... ~ 0=2 ffi~ :s a.. ..... . a: 1Ll .- {l)ëi5 ~ ~ tH == - POLE LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY snc ENGINEER :i '. ~~. ... d'" ~i:.. !}'--' :f . -... ... TRANSMIT . '0 ~ REPEATER TO BE MOUNTED TO POLE ~ POLE 95' ~\ '" ,\ -.. - ¡¡ J . !:: Dwg By. BJ1f - - Data: 10-13-99 - - ShMt : ·8 "1J o ï M ~;~ '.~ , '~ I1 1 j i RECEIVE I ~ o 1 ~ i- 2-6' GA rES - - - Owg By: BJW 3-9 (J) ~æ iL.iiI O~ a co~ ,........ f5"~' Q:~ ~Q æz . '::i '{I) 0 ':5 'Q: ..... ,,, t! ~ '..~"l.. II!III. ..~ .,. fdz 'Ill ~ ~i ~ 1 Shutt: 4 ¡; 2 u a .. i: o (J Date: 10- BACK SIDE OF POLE ROD ANTENNA 8" I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIGHTNING ROD ~ GROUND TO BUSSBAR, ANTENNA COPPER STAPLES EVERY 36" FRONT SIDE OF POLE - POLE - GROUND TO LIGHTNING ROD, COPPER STAPLES . . EVERY 36" ------ -SOLID GROUND (#2 TINNED) CABLE FRÖMBUSS, BAR TO ROD CAD-WELD 18" ./ -.---r - WELD - - GROUND ROD : I ·1 Tl1 - - . . - ¡ - GPS 2-3" POWER _ TELCO ----... -----... -----, , , , , , , , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · I I I · I · I I · · · · I I · · · · , · · · I . I , I , t , I , I , I , I , I I , I I ~ I \ ! \ \ : \ \, I \ I \. ,: \ , I .... \ I I 1 I I COAX TO ANTENNAS REPEATER NOT-TO SCALE , ' GROUND LEVEL I I . ~ \ . . ~< : "'1.,¡;.. ;I~' ~.': . ", J 'I . { í t i ¡ ~ ,0 ~13 . . . . ' .11.1 ~id - 0$ ,~ ANTENNAS ARE TO BE LOCATED AT 451 AND 951 , >" .. RECEIVE ~, ,. - l';' , -. ." ~ ~ -~ ". f5 .:~,~.. '- !~' . ... ..' . . ~~ ¡ - 00 . .' : .....,.. . Q: ¡:: ¡ 'I.U t :s~ j i ..... !!IIi. !. ~ _______ 95' POLE a: .It::. I . {l)t) ! ... , . :æLU , I ::i a.;. I .. iSCI) - > I i : I "'tJ ~. . i I 0 'LI.i : ï T1 ~ \' ; ! .. :! ' .- I ' .. ~. , , . ,'I< !, ' ~ I '., , " - " . . \0.. ~;I I TRANSMIT I 7/8' COAX TO BE USED Date: I TO BE FURNISHED BY CF~ I . 10-13-99 - , ; ISh~'~ J ; ; -, i , ! : . . ., ¡: ~ ~ g , I e 'E ! 0 (.) , ~æ LL.Ld O~ WNf . . - . CONCRETE COVER AROUND REINFORCING BARS (U.N.O.) SHAlL BE: 1. CONCRE1! CAST AGAINST AND PER..ANEN11. Y EXPOSED EARTH___3- 2. CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARiH. WEATHER._._.___..._2· 3. SLABS...........___...···.._·.._3/4· 4. AlL OTHER CONCRE1E...____......__·.._..1 1/2:' E. N01ES: EQUIPMENT FOUNDATION 1. CONCRETE SLAB 2' (ClR) PAD SURFACE SHAlL RECEI'Æ\ A SMOOlH '!ROWEl FINISH ~ 't- ~ u I:t:::! ~-~ :s.- ælU Q {/)...¡ ~~ ~~ ltlg :Sf: CI) UNLESS INDlCAiED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. REINFORCEMENT SPUCES SHAlL "EET ClASS B. TENSION LAP REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AlL PROVISIONS OF ACI 318 LA iEST EDITION. UNlESS NOiED OTHERWISE.. CURING COWPOUNDS SHALL CONFOR" TO AST10t C-3Q9. ADMIXlURES SHAlL CONFORM TO THE APPROPRIAlE AS'N STANDARD AS REFERENCED IN ACI-301. DO NOT VÆlD OR TACI<VÆlD REINFORCING S'TŒ.. AlL DOYtELS. ANCHOR BOLTS. DABEDOED srœ.. ELECTRICAL. CONDUITS. PIPE SLEEVES. PIPING. INSERTS. GROUNDS AND ALL OTHER EMBEDDED IlÐotS AND FORMED DETAILS SHALL BE IN PLACE BEFORE START OF CONCRE1! PLACEMENT. LOCAlE ADDITIONAL. CONS1RUCTlON JOINTS REQUIRED TO FAClUTAlE CONSlRUCTlON AS ACCEPTABIL TO DlGlNEER. PLACE REINFORCEMENT CONTINUOUSLY THROUGH JOINT. REINFORCEMENT SHAlL BE COLD BENT Yo1iENEVER BENDING IS REQUIRED. COLD-WEATHER PLACING: COWPLY WITH PROVISIONS OF ACI 306 ANt) AS FOlLOws. PROlECT CONCRETE WORK FROM PHYSICAL. DAMAGE OR REDUCED STRENGTH THAT COULD BE CAUSED BY FROST. FREEZING ACTIONS, OR LOW lÐotPERA 1\JRES. F. G. H. L J. COWPONENTS FOR CONSlRUCTlON NOT INClUDE NECESSARY DRAWINGS DO B. c. ml POLY ON UNDIS1\JRBED SUBGRADE EXISTING ANt) FINISH GRADE D. EACH CONTRACTOR SHAlL COOPERAlE WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATI'Æ. AND COQRDINAlE ~IS WORK YI1TH 1HE WORK OF OTHERS. DESIGN LOADS A. ELECTRICAL. CABINET: 2. CRUSHED STONE (MIN.) (BEDROCK OR i: . · ¡. ..:.. ~ ;. 1-" · ~k'~.' , ....1"-.0:.. "_. ~ :- · K. L ... 285 lSS CABINET EQUIP..ENT PSF B. PRESUMPTI'Æ BEARING CAPACITY: 2.000 EXCAVA TlONSjF'OUNOA TlON A. FOUNDATION EXCAVATION SHAlL BE "A'TERIALS. HENN!!ISY 3. FOUNDA~ON AND PAD NO SCAIL Yo1iEN AIR lÐotPERA1\JRE HAS FALLEN TO OR IS EXPECiED TO FAlL BELOW 401'(4'C) UNIFOR..LY HEAT WATER AND AGGREGA1ES BEFORE ..IXlNG TO OBTAIN A CONCRE1E ..IXTURE lÐotPERA1\JRE OF NOT LESS THAN S01' (10'C) AND NOT "ORE THAN 8O'F(27'C) AT POINT OF PlACEMENT. N. HAND- TRI....ED TO REMO'Æ LDOSE B. C. - 1. DO NOT USE FROZEN "A'TERIALS CONTAINING ICE OR SNOW. 2. DO NOT USE CALClU.. CHLORIDE. SALT. ANt) OTHER "A'TERIAlS CONTAINING ANTIFREEZE AGENTS OR CHDAICAL ACCELERATORS UNlESS OTHERWISE ACCEPiED IN MIX DESIGNS. 3. PROVISIONS SHAlL BE ..ADE FOR ..AlNTAlNING THE CONCRE'Œ AT A ..INI..UM lÐotPERA 1\JRE OF NOT lESS THAN 5O'f' AND NOT "ORE THAN 851' FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST SE\Ð (7) DAYS. 4. USE OF NON-VEN'TED HEATERS SHALL NOT BE PERMIT1!D, AT THE END OF THE CURING PERloo. GRADUALLY REDUCE THE lÐotPERA1\JRE AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 1 DEGREE PER HOUR UN11L THE lÐotPERA1\JRE YI1THIN lHE ENCLOSURE EQUALS THE lÐotPERA1\JRE OUTSIDE THE ENClOSURE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 306. D. E. F. Go H. o 12 o .. -, OwgBy: BJW Date: 10-13-99 Sheet': 6 - - C 0 Ü 0 .. ê 0 (J HOT-WEATHER PlACING: Yo1iDl HOT WEATHER CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WOULD SERIOUSLY I..P AIR QUAU1Y AND SlRENGTH OF CONCRE1E. PlACE CONCRE'Œ IN CQIoIPUANCE WITH ACI 305 AND AS HERSN SPECIFIED 1. COOL INGREDIENTS BEFORE ..IXlNG TO ..AlNTAlN CONCRE1! lÐotPERA1\JRE AT TI..E OF PlACEMENT BELOW 901'(32'C). ..IXlNG WA'IER "AY BE CHILlED OR CHOPPED ICE "AY BE USED TO CONTROl lÐotPERA1\JRE PROVIDED WA'IER EQUIVAlENT OF ICE IS CALCULAiED 10 TOTAL. AMOUNT OF ..IXlNG WATER 2. COVER REINFORCING S1EEL WITH WATER SOAKED BURLAP IF IT BECOMES TOO HOT, SO THAT THE S1EEL lÐotPERA 1\JRE WIll NOT EXCEED THE AMBIENT AIR TEMPERA 1\JRE I....EOIA TEL Y BEFORE I..BED..ENT IN CONCRETE. 3. FOG SPRAY FOR..S, REINFORCING srœ.. AND SUBGRADE ~ST BEFORE CONCRE'Œ IS PLACED. 4. USE WA'IER-REDUClNG RETARDING ADWIX1URE Yo1iEN REQuiRED BY HIGH TEMPERA 1\JRES. LOW HUMIDITY. OR OTHER ADVERSE PlACING CONDITIONS WHEN ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER. O. BY CONCRETE A. DESIGN ANt) CONSlRUCTlON OF AlL CONCRETE EJ.Ð,tENTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LAiEST EDITIONS OF 1liE FOLLOWING APPUCABlE CooES: ACI 301 .SPEClFlCATlONS FOR SlRUC1\JRAL. CONCRE1! FOR BUILDINGS"; ACI 318, "BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRE1!'; GENERAL A. THESE SAfETY. CONTRACTOR SHAlL DEiERIoIINE EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTlUTlES BEFORE COM..ENClNG WORK. HE AGREES TO BE FUllY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND AlL DAMAGES Yo1iICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXAC11. Y LOCATE AND PRESER'Æ UNDERGROUND UTlUTlES. INCORREC11.Y FABRICAiED. DAMAGED. OR OTHERWISE ..1SF1TT1NG OR NONCONFORMING "A TERtALS OR CONDITIONS SHAlL BE REPOR'TED TO THE OIfotlER PRIOR TO REMEDIAL. OR CORRECTI'Æ ACTION. ANY SUCH ACTION SHAlL REQUIRE APPROVAl. ' EX'IERIOR FOUNDATION BACI<F1I.L SHAlL BE SELEC'TED GRANULAR FILL ALL S1RUC1\JRAL. BACKF1Ll AND SUBBASE UNDER SLABS-ON-GRADE AND FOOTINGS SHALL BE'sv(' DR BETTER PER AS'N 0-2487 COWPAC'TED TO A ..INIMU.. 9511: STANDARD PROCTOR OENSl1Y PER AST10t 0 698. DO NOT PlACE FOOTINGS IN WA'IER OR ON FROZEN GROUND. SOIL BEARING SURFACES. pRE'JlOUSLY ACCEPiED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATI'Æ. Yo1iICH ARE ALLOWED TO BECOME SA 1\JRA iED. FROZEN OR DlS1\JRBED SHAlL BE REWORKED 10 SATISfACTION OF OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. DO NOT ALLOW GROUND BENE.U1i FOOTINGS TO FREEZE. FOOTING EXCAVATIONS SHAll. BE CUT NEAT. SUBGRADE BELOW SLAB-QN-GRADE SHAlL BE REVlEVÆD AND ACCEPiED OIfotlER'S REPRESENT A TI'Æ BEFORE CONCRETE SLAB PLACEMENT. 4. 54' 46' 51' TELCol 4' GALVANIZED PIPE STUB UP , 2' CONCRETE SHAlL BE NOR"AL. WEIGHT. 6" AIR DI'TRAlNED (::t1.5S) AND HA'Æ A "INI"U" 28-DAY COMPRESSlv( STRENGTH OF 4000 PSI UNl£SS OTHERWISE NOTED. REINFORCING SHAlL CONFOR" 10 AST10t A-615 WITH SUPPlÐoIENT. MINI..UM YIElD SlRENGTH Fy _ 60 KSI. REINFORCING DETAILS SHAlL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 315. FIBROUS REINFORCEMENT SHAlL BE MONOFILAMENT OR FIBRILlA 'TED POL Y1>ROPYl..ENE ADDED AT A RATE OF 1.5 POUNDS PER CUBIC YARD. FlBROUR REINFORCEMENT SHAlL BE CONSIDERED SECONDARY REINFORCEMENT AND SHALL BE INCLUDED IN AlL CONCRETE. 8. C. D. PO\JER 10' 1 .¡ ¡ I 1 I 06' 6' . 2' PVC 12' LONG l' ABOVE PAD TYPICAL EACH CORNER o - ~ ~m I. ,~ ......LLi O~ ~ CI) ~ ::! u ~ ffi Q ~ ... rz: ~ {I) :::i ~ ~ 6 æ Hi CI) ~ . ! en o z ¡; ã ,u en ¡cwg by. 1 BJW Date: 10-13-99 GA 1EPOST 4" 0.0. GALVANIZED S1EEL - r:.~.: " .., ". .. .; :-. I' . L .. :' .' ~" GALVANIZED GA1£ CEN1ER STOP- U1S" 6 1/2" DlA. WTH 1 1/4" SLOT, 1 3/fr SHANK IN A 1 S/S" ÞUFESET~C;7~~ f! DOUBLE SWING GATE W NO SCALE FIELD '-0· ON AS-BUILT DRAWINGS. - 6--0· A1SA24EU AZIMUTH 2~ DOWNTlL T=O COAX LENGTH (FT)* CABLE ----- SIZE RX/TX 7/S" 2" WIN. Cl.EARANCE 100' ENGINEER TO UPDATE 2'-0" GA1£ OPENING MAlLEABLE IRON FORK TYPE LATCH WITH DROP BAR AND WTH PROVISION FOR PADLOCK (PAGE-WILSON TYPE 75 DOUBLE GA 1£ LA TCH ASSEMBLY OR EQUAL) ANTENNA TO PRIMARY RADIO 7/S" CABINET * ESTIMATED LENGTHS FROM AVAILABLE S-O DOWNTlL i=3 LENGTH (FT)* RX/TX 100' NFORMA TlON 1-1/2 PAIR INDUSTRIAL MAlLEABLE IRON OFFSET PIN HINGE (PAGE-WILSON M-6 OR EQUAL) RR90-1 90 AZIMUTH COAX CABLE SIZE TYPE FROM/TO END POST ANTENNA ARM 16" UNE POST TIES NK FENCE , CRUSHED STONE SURFACE 2" )C 6" PRESSURE 1REA'IED WOOD CURB. ::Ii EXlS11NG GRADE RACE TO DRAIN WAY FROM TOWER YARD 2" )C 4" ( 1'-6" LONG PRESERVATIVE PRESSURE 1REA'IED WOOD STAKE AT 5'-0" O.C. TYPICAL TOP - BARBED WIRE CHAIN LINK FENCE NO SCALE 1 CRUSHED STONE SURFACE CHAIN UNK TOP SELVAGE BARBED AND 'IV/IS'IED BOTTOM SELVAGE KNUCKLED. INSTALL FABRIC ON OUTSIDE (NON-SECURE SIDE) (MAX.) 10' 6" TYP. .. . ~ ~I b I 'iø ~I 3' .. . t,/, -1..;; ~-' - ': . rheetl: 7 j ~ ! 8 ANTENNA LINE SCHEDULE 12" SECTION THROUGH TOWER YARD NO stAlE I t ! '! ¡