HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200300080 Action Letter -~~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DepartmeT\t of Planning & Community Development 40 I McInti re Road, Room 218 CharlottesviJIe, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5823 Fax (434) 972 - 4012 March 29, 2004 Kishore Persaud 1150 Pepsi Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP 2003- 080 Tower at Pepsi Place (Sign #40, 44); Tax Map 61W, Section 2, Parcel 2A, Dear Mr. Persaud: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on March 17, 2004, by a vote of 5:0, approved the above-noted request. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: The facility shall be desiqned, constructed and maintained as follows: 1. The tower shall be located and built as shown in the applicant's submittal packet entitled Tower 1150 Pepsi Place, initialed 1/28/04 and included as Attachment B; 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit the final revised set of site drawings showing the proposed construction of the tower. These plans shall include to-scale elevations showing the tower profile and the location of each antenna. Planning staff shall review the revised plans to ensure that all appropriate conditions of the special use permit have been addressed; 3. The tower structure shall not exceed sixty (60) feet in height; 4. The width of each side of the tower shall not exceed thirty-six (36) inches at its base, and twenty- two (22) inches at the top; 5. Attachments shall be shall be limited to three (3) dish antennas not to exceed six (6) feet in diameter and the six (6) antennas detailed in the applicant's submittal packet included as Attachment B; 6. No additional antennas that support services other than radio broadcasting shall be attached to extend above a total height of sixty (60) feet on the tower; 7, The tower, antennas, dishes and all other equipment attached above the roof of the existing building shall be painted a non-reflective, dull brown color that reduces its contrast with the sky and blends with the backdrop of trees; 8. No guy wires shall be permitted; and 9. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use for radio broadcasting services is discontinued. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within twenty-four (24) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance. Page 2 March 29, 2004 Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5832. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ()~ David B. Benish Chief of Planning & Community Development Cc: Amelia McCulley Tex Weaver Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse ATTACHMENT B TOWER 1150 PEPSI PLACE CHARLOTTESVILLE V.A. 22901 35 FEET FROM GROUND TO ROOF EDGE 25 FEET FROM ROOF EDGE TO TOP OF TOWER TOTAL HEIGHT OF TOWER = 60 FEET Il~~ ______...~~~.·__"*'iW..r~"?~_- ".--,!,.~.......___...""",..__ _r. ~..-- r r r r I ATTACHMENT B ".'-- ~ _ .-.... ___-........_7'. _E .__.....-_ _......:,..<"~_......_._. '.~~ /[1 ATTACHMENT B ~--._.-..--~~' ...... ::~..... ....:- /7 -....... ......- --... ~,...... ~ ~,..."",._,.. ATTACHMENT B If{ Ï ~ ATTACHMENT B j9 10/13/03 MON 07:07 FAX 1 410 778 3096 ROHN/MID-ATLANTIC 5N) 4r-1 3'NtJ ) SN +=-~ <;Ç>f4Ac<) (.... " +0-..- z o (" 30 4N Fk'<... '>rl' "c ~ :).. 2.., '>'0/' 2(;, 3 -.N t.t --- ç~ <>.-{'~ 'I) M "'" 'Z.2. , t"~. ~'L . .;¡~ ol1 ~ Þ / I ~~ ~ I~ . I· I , ;:::, ,~ ~N '1 \" i ~~ -¡ f ./ ~~ ~~ .' 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WI --1,!'Ib Jr., ü:! _IlL, ~., I!':~ W.J .Jw :¿ ~:=:;:~ ~:J I....::.... .... -,.J lr:n n-¡^ O-Il. 8ia ..c,;;,¡ ... ~- s~s U1< ..:.....J~ ,..- "'~ :,r.r.':'I , , < IflLII :;~ --- -S:I.:.: ~..'O 2;::~ v)- ;-:... c::: ~= uJü1n ....< ur· ~tO -;> N ,,., <D ,..: éZcJ l ATTACHMENT B C 1'.\ L '-N ('-'-- '':'~ Specifications Model No. P-9A72G:f-S ...:J Technical Information + Antenna Dimensions + Wind Forces + Installation Manual + Patterns + Mapp Software :..J Additional Information + Shipping Information + Pricing [1J Customer Service If you require an antenna outside of the specifications available on this website please contact customer service. ~ Electrical Antenna Size Frequency Band Gain (dBi) Beam Width (deg) Front-to-Back Ratio (dB) VSWR Max (RL) Cross Pol (dB) Polarization Antenna Input t ~ Mechanical Reflector Back Mount Mount Pipe Diameter Center Offset Elevation Adjustment Range Azimuth Adjust Supplied Side Braces Optional Side Braces Vertical Tower Pipe ~ Environmental Wind Loading Operational Survival '-, :s. ~ ~ 6ft (1.8m) 940-960 MHz Low Mid High 22 22.1 22.2 12.5 24.0 Standard Low 1.3(17.7) 1.15 (23.1)* 20 Single P=7/8 EIA Air Dielectric N=N-Female E=7/16 Female DIN F=7/8 EIA Non-Pressurized L=7/8 EIA Air Dielectric (Low VSWR) Heavy walled Aluminum pipes Heli arc welded Galvanized Steel 4.5in. (114mm) 7in. (178mm) +5"/_5° N/A o side braces Available 4.S" 0.0. 70mph (112km/h) 12Smph (200km/h) http://www.tripointglobal.comlGabriellMW _ Configurator/detail.asp?from=catalog&id= 1... 10/13/2003 cJJ 3 FT. GRID ANTENNAS WITH - "u" MOUNT -t TaII£R LEG DR i'OJNTlMJ PIPE (1,9' D.Ii THRtJ 4.:1' D.DJ ATTACHMENT B 4 FT. GRID ANTENNAS WITH - "u" MOUNT µr "C u TO\I£R LEG DR /wfDUNTING P lPE: (t~ a.D THRU 4,Y aD.) 6 iT GRID ANTENNAS WITH _"U" ,\,¡CUNT "8"1- "A" -.- Diameter ft "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" em) In em In em In em In em in (em in (em 3 (91) 6 (15) 9.56 (24) 9 (23) 18.5 (47) 37 (94) 4 122) 8.75 22) 12.94 (33) 12.67 (32) 37.29 (95) 50.5 (128) 6 183) 13.5 (34) 5.34-8.09 (14-21) 15.75 (40) 15.75 40) 74.5 (189) + "F" ravER LEG OR ;o.]NTlfIG P1P£ CL9' D.D THRU 4,5~ aD,) ~~ / Hustler Yagi antennas are high~ resistantto air-bor c emicals and abrosives. All aluminum elements are complet~elded to e boom to create a waterproof joint and prevent intermodu/atio e black polyester powder coat painting also helps preverJt'Íce build . . / HUSTLER YAJYSPE ICATIONS Gain ................tc.......... ............... .86dbd Bandwidth .......... ............... ......Frequen('( determined Frequency ra e .......... ............806 to 960 MHz VSWR....... ............. ..................1.5: 1 or less Power. ............. .......................500 wa"s maximum power input Conn or ..... .............................Type "N" Female P 1em... ...................................55· horizontal beam width. 40' vertical beam width 20db + F!B ratio Shi ng dimensions..................ì x 4' x 44' Shipping weight .........................6 Ibs. . MARTr CALL (817) 735-8134 . FAX (817) 735-9340 . WEBSITE: www,martielectronics.com I . ~ T('I.'-( \N Lt.\..- t'l;;~ "'- <;-i. s> YC-SERIES YAGI ANTENNAS I MAR" YC-Series six-element Yagi antennas deliver 10 dB gain and come with an extended boom design for use in a wide range of applications as well as mounting styles. All functional components except the UN" female input connector, are hand-fitted for field replacement. YC-SERIES SPECIFICATIONS Power ·........................................100 walts power input (500 wots for YC-4S0) Gain ............................... ..............7 .86dbd Bandwidth ..................................Frequen('( determined Frequency range ........................140 fa 500 MHz (Specify Frequen('() VSWR..........................................1.5: 1 or less F /B ratio ....................................Be"er than 20 dB Connedor....................................Type "N" Female Pattem........................................4S· horizontal beam width. 60' vertical beam width 20db + F /B ratio Shipping dimensions..................Vary with frequen('( Contad fadory Shipping weight.........................Varies from 6-8 Ibs depending on frequency Optional Stocking Harnesses available for the YC-Series. 2YC-150 and 2YC-450SH to increase antenna gain by 3dB. HUSTLER-SERIES YAGI ANTENNAS ATTACHMENT B MAH II SC-48 PARABOUC ANTENNA Vertically Palarized as shawn. SC-48 SPECIFICATIONS Power .........................................100 wa"s maximum power input Frequency ...................................940-960 MHz Bandwidth ..................................20 MHz Gain at 950 MHz ......................18.9 d8i (16.70dbd) Impedante...................................50 ohms VSWR.......................................... J. 3: 1 F /B ratio ....................................23 d8 Connedor....................................Type "N" Female Pattern ........................................16" holf power beam width. 23db F /8 ratio FCC Category .............................8 Antenno diameter ......................4' Mounted weight ........................47 Ibs. Wind loading (1 OOmph) ...........225 Ibs. Mounting pipe ............................1.7 5' to 3.5" SHIPPING INFORMATION Motur freight or oir freight only Shipping box size ......................56· x 55" x 12' Shipping weight .........................66 Ibs. NOTE: 1M SC -48 is available only in a 4' diameters ''NO 'N ILl. ~ ~\. ~"i. ') BJŒrIE ~~ r r [ r I I I I I I I ) I 1 I I I 1 ATTACHMENT B 4 WiLL ~{. \..\~'£;:> http://www.martielectronics.com/download/Product_ Photos/YC _ Antenna.JPG d·4 10/13/2003