HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200100048 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2001-07-19 1 x
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE `,r'�,.-1$ Plan Review Comments
Department of Engineering&Public Works �� -�
(804)296-5861 Fax(804)972-4035 �'o. s,
www.albemarle.org/engineer `��'"'
Project: Charlottesville/Albemarle SPCA
Plan preparer: Kurt Gloeckner(fax 293-7612)
Owner or rep.: SPCA(fax 973-5271) i , / `
Plan received date: 06 July 2001 (final site plan only) �`1{ t 1
Date of comments: 19 July 2001
Lead Engineer: Jeff Thomas, Senior Engineer b,...).
Note:A revised final site plan was received on July 6, 2001. According to our records, there was no
submittal of a revised E&SC or SWM plan. The E&SC comments listed in this letter are from our June
8, 2001 letter. The SWM comments were faxed to Kurt Gloeckner by Mark Chambers on June 11, 2001.
We are listing both sets of comments here for easier reference.
A.Final site plan and drainage computation comments: (Jeff)July 6, 2001 revised plan
1. Show any ditches or pipes downstream of ES#9 on the plan and demonstrate the adequacy of these
structures to handle the runoff from the biofilter area. [18-32.7.4]
✓l. Provide a note indicating that safety slabs(VDOT SL-1) are needed for manholes over 10 feet deep. [18-
3. We offer the following comments regarding the proposed detention pipes. [18-32.7.4, 17-314]
i.rtio;,___3 a) The storage computations indicate a 15-inch RCP as the outlet structure. The slope of the pipe in the
^ computations for the 2-year storm is 16.7%. It is listed on the plan set as 3$%. Please clarify.
✓b) The detention structure detail indicates an elevation of 98.03 for the overflow pipe. It also calls for a 15-
inch RCP outlet. The profile calls for a 15-inch HDPE. Please check and correct these items
B.Retaining wall plan and computation comments (Jeff)
4. The computations and details appear adequate.
C. Stormwater management plan comments: (Mark Chambers,Water Resources Plan Reviewer)
_U5. This site will require two Short Version BMP Computation Worksheets. One worksheet for the portion of the
site within the property lines that drains to the proposed bio-filter. The second worksheet for the portion of
the site within the property lines that drains to the entrance on Berkmar drive. The first will need to include
the existing impervious structures on the property. The second doesn't appear to have any existing
impervious area and will require a BMP.Upon completion of the worksheets you can determine how to
address the water quality requirements for both areas. Note: The following comments are for the proposed
BMP.They will not be comprehensive as the BMP was designed for the existing worksheet that does not
adequately reflect both drainage areas. Please do not hesitate to contact me at(804)296-5861 about the
Short Version Computation Worksheet.
.. 6. Having the point of inflow and the outlet at the same location in the bio-retention filter can result in the
structure short circuiting.Please move the location of the inflow to the opposite end of the structure and
show outlet protection for the inflow.
7. Please change the generic bio-filter graphic on the site plan to a scale drawing of the actual structure to be
installed. The drawing should include the following:
• Spot elevations of the top of the embankment,and sand soil mix y
• Contour lines of the structure tying into the extopography/
• Location of under-drain pipes and clean outs
___)),C) The required size of the bio-retention filter cannot be determined until the new BMP Computation
Worksheets have been completed. If the worksheet requires a 50%or greater removal rate the top surface
area of the bio-retention filter will need to equal 5%of the impervious area. A less than 50%removal
rate and the top area of the filter will need to equal 2.5% of the impervious area.
The bio-retention filter details provided do not meet current standards.Please change these details to meet
current standards. Examples can be found in the Interim Design Manual Appendix M drawing 3.
C.Br i ` �,�
`9. Please add the following notes adjacent to the bio-retention filter detail.
• The bio-retention basin must be stabilized with sod along with the trees and/or shrubs listed on the plan.
37 • The bio-retention basin is not to be constructed until the site is adequately stabilized, according to Water
Resources Personnel (804)296-5861.
yA• The sand/soil/leaf mulch material must be inspected by Water Resources Personnel before installation of
the bio-retention basin. (804)296-5861.
planting plan and schedule for the bio-retention filter is required. We strongly recommend using plants
from the plant list for bio-retention areas in The Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook(pages 3.11-33
tough 3.11-38). The plan should specify the number, approximate location,and plant stock to be used(e. g.
11. Please specify on the plan with a note how waste from the kennels and cat litter will be disposed. The
amount of waste generated on a daily basis at this facility could be detrimental to the downstream aquatic
12.y3 MP Maintenance:
a. Please show and label a vehicular maintenance access road easement to the BMP. The road should be a
h minimum of 8' wide and have a maximum of a 20% gradient.
C6r.1.-; -1°1'‘
- -7 JJ A stormwater maintenance agreement is required.Please submit the latest version, dated August 1999,
typed and signed in black ink by the owner, along with the $13 recordation fee. Note: The plan cannot be
6 approved until the maintenance agreement has been received, approved and recorded.
D.Erosion and sediment control plan comments: (Max Greene, Erosion Control Plan Reviewer)
13. Please change Erosion and Sediment Control Measures note#11 as follows "The Temporary seeded areas
shall be permanently seeded and planted... etc."
v14. State in the narrative Stormwater Runoff Considerations-Will the development site cause an increase in
peak runoff rates? Will the increase in runoff cause flooding or channel degradation downstream? Describe
the strategy to control stormwater runoff.
15. Please supply calculations for the Temporary Sediment Trap. (Std. & Spec.3.13)
16. Temporary construction easements are required for off-site grading. ( f' - -ce-,, 1--1-4.7,4c
Plan Sheet: SI—c'1
-"17. The temporary paved construction entrance does not work for the initial site grading. Please show
--4temporary construction entrance in a location that does not require extensive cut or fill prior to installation.
8. The entrance road and cut slopes shown along Berkmar Drive don't appear to have any erosion and sediment
control measures shown/planned. Please show how you propose to protect this portion of the site during the
Ainitial implementation of the plan.
. A note shall be added/corrected to read: "A minimum water tap of 1"must be installed with a minimum 1"
ballcock shutoff valve supplying a wash hose with a diameter of 1.5"for adequate constant pressure. Wash
water must be carried away from the entrance to an approved settling area to remove sediment. All sediment
shall be prevented from entering paved areas, storm drains,ditches, or watercourses."
20. Add note to plan sheet"All entrances except for the approved construction entrance shall be blocked in such
a manner as to not allow access to the site".
21. Please show the proposed elevation for the top of the detention manhole structure on the detail.
22. BMP/Sediment Trap is shown graded in on the storm sewer profile. Please show the grading on the plan
/ sheet.
23. The tree preservation areas and Std. & Spec. 3.38 shall be shown on the E&S plan sheet.
24. Temporary grading easements will be required for all off-site grading on TMP 45-112F.
25. The Erosion Control portion of the Water Protection Bond could not be determined at this time.
Engineering Department approval of the construction plans will be given when"all comments have been
addressed"for items A-D above. A grading permit will be issued when approvals have been granted from all
applicable departments and agencies, and erosion control bond has been posted,and a pre-construction
conference held with the contractor,owner and county staff.
Attachment: (VDOT e-mail comments dated 7/13/01)
Copy: file 2134
File: SPCA-file 2134(2).doc
Jeff Thomas
• From: Kesterson, Jimmy [Kesterson_JH@vdot.state.va.us]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 7:49 AM
To: Jeff Thomas
Subject: Albemarle SPCA (SDP-00-060) Rte. 1403
Jeff, A copy of the above plan with a revision date of 7-6-01 was delivered directly to our department
by the engineer On 7-10-01. The plan does not appear to have addressed our previous comments of
6-13-01. Please request from the engineer a response to the 6-13-01 comments and forward to our
office. In addition I will need a cover sheet for our files from your office for the submittal.
Permit & Sub. Spec. Supv
Tel # 804-293-0011, Ext.17
Transmission Report
Date/Time 7-19-01 ; 3:34PM
Local ID 8049724094
This document was confirmed .
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Document Size Letter -S
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE �:�'rz'� Plan Review Commenta
(11(14)296 511111 P.x(804)472,4035 Fly
Project Charlottesville/Albemarle SPCA
Plan preparer. KunCMeckncr(Ian 293.7612)
Owner or rep.: SPCA(lax 973-5271)
Plan received date: 06July2001(End sitephn only)
Dateofcosnaaente 19Juiy2001
Lead Engineer: Jefflionum,Senior Engineer
;Vote:A rrvia.ditnalsllepknwar received asJuly 6.2001.Accurdingtoorvrecords,therewusno
.eu8vnftwlofarevtudE&SC orSWM plan.The ESSCcomments listed lahhtektterare romose.hwelf,
2001 ktter.T eSW.MwauaenewerefaredWKnrt 610a:beerby.11orkChombersmime ll,2001.
We are li.Mngboth setrufcvmmenla berefweasierrefereace,
A.Moel site plan and drainage compatatiun comments:(Jell)July K 2001 revisal plan
1. Show any ditadon urpiper duwnsas=ofES bPoa theplan and dcneenlr u:ihcadcgmuyofthaw;sttuctmaa
to handle the runoff from die biofdter area.[1032.7.4]
2. Ptovideanote indicating that safety slabs(VDOTSL-1)ateaeeded for manholes over 10 fed deep.[18-
3. We offer the following comments regarding the!imposed deundnn pipes.[18-32.7A,I7.314]
a) The storage computations indicates 15-inch RCP as the outlet saneoae.The slope ofebe pipe intim
computations fmthc2-yearstorm is 16.7%.Itis6aed onthepkn al as 3.8%.Plnsccjejj .
b) The detention structure detail indlintles an devotion of98.03 for the overflow pipe.T1 also calls rot it 15-
inch RCP outlet.Theprofiler/ills for a 15-inchHDPE.Please cheek and correct these items accordingly.
A.Retalniwg wall plan and computation comments(Jell)
4. TMwmputations and details appear adequate.
C.Stonnwater management plan commesta:(Mask Chambers,WalcrRcsoueves Plan Rcvkwa)
5. This sitewill=piretwo ShortVerdon BMP CompolaamWoriaheets.Oneworksheef for the portion oldie
sitewithiathe eopertylines that drains to the proposed 610-fitter.The second wonkbbeet far the porton of
the sitewidMn the properly lines that drains to the cnmtnccon Reamer drive.The first will need toindudc
the existing impervious wvctmes on the property.The second deem'tappearto have any existing
impervious area and will require RIM?.Upon wmpledmaftheworksheets you=determine bow to
address the wafer quality requirements for both areas.Woo:The following comments ye fordepnuposed
BMP.They will not be comprehensive asOm BMPwas designed fir the existing workshewthat does not
adequately tdleu both drainage amu Please do not heaiute to contact me at(804)296-5861 about the Short
Version Computation Worksheet.
6. Having the point of inflow and throned at the same location in the bio-retention filter mut vault in the
simcoueahortcircmting.Pleloemove drain ation oftbe ieflowtothe opposite end ofdsestsucture and show
outkipmlmiion for the iofuw.
7. Nem change the generic bin-filter graphic on the site plant)a seek drawing of Me annul swoon=to be
installed.The thawing should iadudethefollowing:
• Spot elevationsofthe top of the embankment,and sand soil mix
• Contour Emu orate suuctaretyinginto the existing topography
• Lontionofurder-drainpipes and amounts
• The requited size oftiebio-tdmtion filter cannot b.:det®ined untilthcnowBMP Computation
Worksheet,have been completed-Vibe worksheet requires a50%nrgemacreremoval ratethetop surface
area oftbebio-mtention filter will need to egaal5%of the imperviousarea.Alen tban50%removal rate
and the topanaofthc filter will mad to equal 2.5%of theimpervioin am.
Total Pages Scanned 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4
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1 216 9-293-7612 7-19-01 ; 3:3OPM 3'04" 4/ 4 G3 CP 9600
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a Transmission Report
Date/Time 7-19-01 ; 3:37PM
Local ID 8049724094
This document was confirmed .
( reduced sample and details below)
Document Size Letter -S
COUNTYOF ALBEMARLE yrl�'1FaL Plan Review Comments
UePeeneatofEngineering&Public Woes M "9E`4
904)296 3861 F.(804)972-4033 ** 4
Project: Charlottesville/Albemarle SPCA
Planpreparer. KunGloockncr(Os 293-7612)
Owner or rep.: SPCA(the 973-5271)
P lan received date: 06 July-2001(finalsitepian only)
D ahl ofwmmenhe 19July 2001
Lead Engineer: Iefflhomat,Senior Engineer
Nom:Arsviredfma1siteplan was'scrim doff July 6.2001.Aeeordingm ow-records..therewaa no
submittal ofa revised E&SCor SWMpbe.The EASY'mem enta linedki Ikirleiter are from oor.hueeA,
2001 taw.JhrSWM comments werefaredtKtnt GJoeccterbyMask Chambers melting 11,2001.
Weare llnriagboth set:teconm nis kereforraaierrefrsemm
A.rinal rite plan and drainage computation (Jeff)Jely 6 2001 revlaedpiae
1. Show any dint=urpipte downstream ofESnon the phut and dunonshale the adequacy oflhucatructuee
to handle the rmofffmm the biofleer area.[I3-32.7.4]
2. Provide a note indicating that eafety slabs(V1)OTSL-l)unneeded for manholes over 10feet deep.[18-
3. We offer the following comments regarding the pmposed detention pipes.[19-32.7.4,17314]
a) The amine computations indicate■15-inch RCP as the outlet structure.The slope attic pipe in the
aumputations for thc2-youstormis 16.7%.Itis lined ontheplm act as 3.8%.Plascclarify.
b) The delrntIon structure detail indicates an elevation of98.03 fortheoverflow pipe.Ilalso calls rot al5-
itrcL RCP outlet The pmhlecaltsfor a 15-inchHDPE.Pla nedimk and correct these itemsacmrdingly.
l.Retainlagwall plan and epnpotation comments(Jell)
4. The computations and details appear adequate.
C.Slormwatermanagententplan comments:(Merit Chambers,WakrRcsourees Plan Reviewer)
5. This sitewill require two Short Version BMP Computation Worksheets.Onewodt&Md for the portion afthe
site within the property lines that chains to the proposed bio-fiher.The stssa d wodaheetfor the portionof
the Nle within the properly tines that drake 10 theentrance on Bakmardrive.The Poll will need to include
the existing impervious sanctums on thepmpeny.The second doesn'tapp arto have any existing
imprn iuue area and will require'BMP.Upon completion attic worksheets you tam determine how to
addressthe water quality ecqulremenls for both areas.Tole:The rolbwingeommentaare forthepmgxed
B MP.They will not he comprehensive as One BMPwesdesgned for the craning heel that does not
adequately reflect both drainage areas.Plasedo nothesitate to contact meat(804)296-5861 about the Short
VorsiooComputa0on Workshoct
6. !laving the pointofinflow and theoo0rtat the same location in the hio-retention filter can result in the
ankh=abortcircuiting.Pleasemove thelocation ofthe inflow Man opposite and of the manure and show
u utkt pmtwiion fur the inflow.
7. Please change the generic bio-filter gnphicon the site planets teak thawing oftheactual drachm tobe
installed-The dnnving should include the following:
• Spot elevations of the top oftheembankment,and send toil mix
• Contour-lines of the gnosis:etyinginto the existingtopogapby
• Location ofundc+irainpipes and dean outs
• Thcrcyuimd sizcofabc hieMention titter amotbedctamiucd until theses.:BMPComputation
WMaheek have been completed.lftheworksheet mquinxa 5O%orgrotrerremoval rate the top surface
era ofthebio-retention filterwi0 media equal5%oftbe impervious area.Alen than 50%removal ode
and thcmpataofthe filter will nand to equal 2.5%oftheimpaxviotearea.
S. The bio-relenttoa filler details pvvkied do net meet current slandesda.Roseanne lhaodeta0s to mat
Total Pages Scanned : 4 Total Pages Conf Irmed 4
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1 218 9-973-5271 7-19-01 ; 3:34PM 2' 11 " 4/ 4 EC CP 9600
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