HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500098 Correspondence WPO VSMP 2015-10-22 Albemarle County Service Authérity Serving Conserving October 22, 2015 Collins Engineering Attn: Mr. Scott Collins 200 Garrett Street, Suite K Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Re: Wintergreen Farm — Redfields Sewer Pump Station Dear Mr. Collins: In response to our meeting yesterday with staff from the County of Albemarle, this letter serves to document some of the history involved with the Redfields Sewer Pump Station and the Albemarle County Service Authority's (ACSA) desire to eliminate this pump station. The Redfields Sewer Pump Station was constructed in 1995 by the developer of Redfields to provide sanitary sewer service to 29 residents along Kelsey Drive, and a portion of Wintergreen Lane within the Redfields Subdivision. The pump station was necessary due to the contours of the area and the limited amount of growth in this section of the development area. In 2004, the ACSA participated in an oversizing of the Biscuit Run Sewer Project that extended public sewer from the Mill Creek area to Mosby Mountain. The ACSA financially contributed to the installation of a larger sewer main with the intention of providing gravity sewer service to remaining portions of the development area. This area included undeveloped portions of Redfields, Biscuit Run, Oak Hill, Wintergreen Farm, as well as the elimination of the Redfields Pump Station. In 2010, the ACSA was involved in a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA201000001) for the development of Redfields Phase 5. During this review, the ACSA indicated that gravity sewer service was required through the Wintergreen Farm area. This gravity sewer would allow for the decommissioning of the Redfields Sewer Pump Station. 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville, VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977-4511 • Fax (434) 979-0698 www.serviceauthority.org During the ACSA's initial review process for Wintergreen Farm, the ACSA requested that Riverbend Development explore the feasibility of connecting to an existing sanitary sewer system within the Mosby Mountain Subdivision. This connection would allow the ACSA to eliminate the Redfields Sewer Pump Station, located directly upstream of the Mosby Mountain Subdivision. Due to site constraints, the existing Redfields Pump Station does not have standby power and is vulnerable in the event of a power outage or pump failure. Included as attachments to this letter are several pertinent documents related to this issue. I have provided a list of those attachments below: • ACSA Memo dated July 15, 2003 concerning the oversizing of the Biscuit Run Sewer Project. • ACSA Comments to County of Albemarle dated November 17, 2006 indicating that gravity sewer would be required to serve Redfields Phase 5. • Letter received from Preston Miller, President of the Mosby Mountain Community Association dated February 26, 2015. • Letter from the ACSA to Preston Miller dated March 3, 2015. Based on the information provided, it is clear that the intent of the ACSA was to decommission the Redfields Sewer Pump Station when a gravity sewer option became available. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (434) 977-4511, Ext. 114. Sincerely, 2'17 Jeremy M. Lynn, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer JML/dbh Attachments cc: Mr. John Anderson, P.E. 050601 WintergreenFarmRedfieidsPSLetterfoCollins1022215 s.e Albemarle County. Service Authrity serving 6 Conserving TO: Claudette Grant, Planner FROM: Gary Whelan, Civil Engineer DATE: November 17, 2006 RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: Redfields Phase V (TM 76R, Parcel 1) The below checked items apply to this site. ZMA-2006-00020 X 1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for: X A. Water and sewer B. Water only C. Water only to existing structure D. Limited service X 2 . A 12 inch water line is located onsite. 3 . Fire flow from nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is gpm + at 20 psi residual. X 4 . An 8 inch sewer line is located onsite. 5. An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed. X 6. No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future easements. 7. and plans are currently under review. 8. and plans have been received and approved. 9. No plans are required. X 10. Final water and sewer plans are required for our review and approval prior to granting tentative approval. 11. Final site plan may/may not be signed. 12 . RWSA approval for water and/or sewer connections. Comments: Gravity sanitary sewer required. The site plan does not show or incorrectly shows: meter locations - waterline size waterline locations sewer line size sewer line locations expected wastewater flows easements expected water demands 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville, VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977-4511 • Fax(434) 979-0698 www.serviceauthority.org Mosby Mountain Community Association P.O.Box 6397 • Charlottesville,VA 22906 • February 26,2015 Mr. Gary O'Connell Executive Director Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,VA Dear Mr.O'Connell, As a matter of introduction,I'm Preston Miller,the current president of the Mosby Mountain Community Association(MMCA). Our community is located off of 5th Street Extended/Old Lynchburg Road about 2 miles south of the I-64. We were recently approached by Riverbend Development which is in the process of developing a new sub-division to the east of Mosby Mountain on the former Wintergreen farm property. Riverbend Development has told us that they have been requested by ACSA to survey a sewer route from the proposed Wintergreen development to connect to a sewer in the Mosby Mountain community. Based on discussions with the Wintergreen developers and our understanding of the request,the proposed route will require clear-cutting a broad swath of trees in the Mosby Mountain designated Conservation\park area as defined by the MMCA Covenants and Restrictions and outlined on our plat. It is our understanding too,that the proposed route will convey a permanent Right-of-Way that is further conveyable to a third party. Some of our homeowners have expressed concerns since the Conservation area provides the only community amenity with its stream,bridges,and walking paths. To clear-cut a path through this area will virtually eliminate this amenity. We are asking that you confirm whether or not your department has directed a feasibility survey be conducted of the MMCA property and if this is the case,we want to understand the reasoning behind this survey and to inquire what other alternatives are being considered. Any insight you can give us into this proposed survey is appreciated. We eagerly await your reply. u for your time and best regards, • Preston Miller President,Mosby Mountain Community Association cc:Mosby Mountain HOA board members Albemorle County Service Authrity Serving March 3, 2015 Mosby Mountain Community Association Attn: Mr. Preston Miller, President P.O. Box 6397 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 Re: Proposed Wintergreen Farm Development Dear Mr. Miller: The Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) recently received your letter dated February 26, 2015 related to the proposed Wintergreen development adjacent to the Mosby Mountain Subdivision. During the ACSA's initial review process for Wintergreen Farm, the ACSA requested that Riverbend Development explore the feasibility of connecting to an existing sanitary sewer system within the Mosby Mountain Subdivision. This connection would allow the ACSA to eliminate the Redfields Sewer Pump Station, located directly upstream of the Mosby Mountain Subdivision. Due to site constraints, the existing Redfields Pump Station does not have standby power and is vulnerable in the event of a power outage or pump failure. As you will recall, I met with you and Jim Peterson on October 17, 2014 to review potential sewer alignments through the Mosby Mountain Open Space. During the site visit, we reviewed three alternatives for a possible sewer extension and they are summarized below: 1. Install the sanitary sewer main directly behind houses along Rhett Court. This would likely involve easements from the Nguyen property and the Mosby Mountain Community Association. This option would not allow the ACSA to eliminate the Redfields Sewer Pump Station. 2. Install the sanitary sewer main along the western side of the stream beginning at existing manhole MosbyMtn-6-1. This manhole is located directly behind the ACSA's Mosby Mountain Water Pump Station and would allow the ACSA to abandon the Redfields Pump Station in the future. 3. Install the sanitary sewer main along the eastern side of the stream beginning near existing manhole MosbyMtn-8-2. The feasibility of this option in allowing the 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville,VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977-4511 • Fax(434) 979-0698 www.serviceauthority.org ACSA to abandon the Redfields Sewer Pump Station is still unclear due to the lack of survey information. During the site visit, you expressed concerned with Option 2 as it would be constructed across a steep slope and would be more visually impactful to the forested landscape in this area of the neighborhood. You indicated that Option 3 would be more feasible and could potentially involve fewer trees being removed. Based on this understanding,we requested that the developer of Wintergreen Farm survey this area to identify the large trees and determine if a sewer route is feasible through this corridor. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation in allowing the surveyors to perform the necessary field efforts so an educated decision can be made as to the feasibility of this sewer alignment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(434) 977-4511 Ext. 114. Sincerely, Jeremy M. Lynn, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer JMUdst Attachment—Map Cc: Mr. Gary B. O'Connell Mr. Peter C. Gorham, P.E. 050601 MosbyMtnLetter030315 stye 8.1•00 ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM • TO: J.W.BRENT,EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR C... FROM: PAUL A.SHOOP,DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SUBJECT: BISCUIT RUN INTERCEPTOR OVERSIZING DATE:JULY 15,2003 At their June 2003 meeting the Service Authority Board agreed to participate in oversizing the Biscuit Run sewer. This project is an extension by Beights Development Corporation to serve the Mosby Mountain development. On Friday,July 11,2003 competitive bids were received for this project. The apparent low bidder was Saunders Construction with an offer 30%below the second lowest bid. Based on the unit prices,the Service Authority share will be approximately$151,000. Saunders unit prices are significantly below our estimate and I recommend we authorize Beights Development to proceed with the contract. PAS:dmg