HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-15July 15, 1998 (Regular Night Meeting)
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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on July 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., Room 241, County Office
Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia.
PRESENT: Mr. David P. Bowerman (arrived at 7;12 p.m.),
Ms. Charlotte Y. Humphris, Mr. Forrest R. Marshall, Jr.,
Mr. Charles S. Martin, and Mr. Walter F. Perkins.
ABSENT: Ms. Sally H. Thomas.
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County
Attorney, Mr. Larry W. Davis, and Chief of Planning, Mr. Ronald S. Keeler.
Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by the
Chairman, Mr. Marshall.
Agenda Item No. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence.
Agenda Item No. 4. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the
Mr. Roger Ray, a local land surveyor and land planner, complained to the
Board about the way he was mistreated during his presentation to the Planning
Commission the previous night. He said that both he and County staff were
maligned, and their competency questioned. He asked the Board to individually
listen to a recording of the Commission meeting to hear the tone and content
of the discussion.
Mr. Kurt Gloeckner said he also attended the Planning Commission meeting
held the previous night. He was told the Commission had requested a review of
his subdivision plat, but no one provided him with written notice or an
explanation of why it was being discussed. He was eventually told the review
was because of critical slopes. He was told he could not address the Commis-
sion. Other applicants were treated in a similar manner. He was embarrassed
by the conduct of the Commissioners, whom he said belittled Mr. Ray and County
staff. Mr. Ray's information was correct and the Commission's was incorrect.
In his opinion, the 60-day deadline on hearing applications should not have
started until the submittal deadline. Requests for family divisions are
supposed to be reviewed and acted upon within five days. He is still waiting
for a decision on his application and suspects the Commission is deliberately
delaying action on his request. He also has been made to revise his request
several times. He was dismayed to hear that spouses will no longer be
considered ~family", which affects financial and other planning matters. He
feels strongly that spouses should be allowed division rights. He said that
three Commissioners, Ms. Washington, Mr. Nitchmann and Mr. Finley were the
only ones who acted professionally. He asked the Board members to listen to a
recording of the meeting and take whatever action necessary to prevent similar
actions at meetings in the future.
Mr. Wendell Wood, who also attended the Commission's meeting on Tuesday
night, said he supported everything Mr. Ray and Mr. Gloeckner said. After the
meeting Ms. Washington, a Commission member, told him she had never been so
embarrassed in her life because of the conduct of some of the Commission
members. He told the Board he had submitted a family subdivision plat. Staff
told him it met all the necessary criteria and that the plat would be signed
yesterday, but it has been delayed by the Commission. He made the many
changes recommended by staff and did what the Zoning Administrator said was
proper. Mr. Wood asked the Board to see that his plat be approved.
Agenda Item No. 5. Consent Agenda.
Motion was offered by Ms. Humphris, seconded by Mr. Martin, to approve
items 5.1 through 5.2a and to accept the remaining items for information.
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Roll was called and the motion passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Ms. Humphris, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Martin and Mr. Perkins.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: MS. Thomas.
Item No. 5.1. Adopt Resolution of Intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance
to add environmental restoration projects as a use by-right in the Flood
Hazard Overlay District in certain cases and add a definition for "bank
erosion structure".
The executive summary states that the Zoning Ordinance (Section requires a special use permit for "bank erosion structures" within
the Flood Hazard Overlay District. However, the ordinance does not provide a
definition for "bank erosion structure." Recently, there has been some
uncertainly about what types of projects would require the special use permit.
Particularly, it is uncertain whether streambank restoration projects de-
signed, undertaken and/or funded by public agencies would require the special
permit. Also, the County has recently been asked by the community of Browns
Cove for assistance with flood prevention, and it is this forthcoming public
project that has led to the attempt to amend the Zoning Ordinance to provide
clarification on the permitting issue.
In some cases, the cost and time involved with obtaining a special use
permit would prohibit certain environmental projects from taking place,
particularly in cases where the practice is cost-shared by the Thomas Jeffer-
son Soil & Water Conservation District, or another public agency, as a
conservation practice promoted by the state. In other cases, a project will
not increase the flood plain elevation, and the project's purpose is to
achieve a strictly public good (such as flood prevention or environmental
restoration). Most often, such projects are designed and partially funded by
public agencies, such as the County, Soil & Water District, Natural Resources
Conservation Service, etc.
Specifically, the resolution of intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance
would be to allow flood control and environmental restoration projects as by-
right uses within the floodway and floodway fringe in the following cases:
The project is undertaken, coordinated, or designed by a public agency.
The project receives technical review by the County through the Water
Protection Ordinance, including for erosion and sediment control.
The project's purpose is for the public benefit.
No net fill is placed within the flood plain.
The practice involves the use of natural materials, such as rock and
plant materials.
This would exclude "engineered" structures, such as retaining walls,
gabion baskets, and concrete. Such projects would still require a special use
In order to achieve this, the amendment will be to add certain uses by-
right in Section and to provide a definition for "bank erosion
structure" in Section 3.0.
Staff recommends the Board adopt the attached resolution of intent to
amend the Zoning Ordinance.
Ms. Humphris said there were three corrections to be made. The second
line of the third paragraph of the executive summary should read, "restoration
projects as by-right uses within the floodway..." The third line of the
Resolution should read, ~hereby intend..." The first line of the second
paragraph should read, ~...to hold a public hearing...-.
By the above shown vote, the Board adopted the following Resolution:
Whereas, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, has
determined in order to serve the public necessity, convenience, general
welfare, or good zoning practices, it does hereby intend to amend the
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to define "bank erosion structure" and
to allow certain uses by right in the Flood Hazard Overlay District;
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Further the Board requests the Albemarle County Planning Commission to hold a
public hearing on said intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance, and does
request that the Planning Commission forward its recommendation to this
Board at the earliest possible date.
Item No. 5.2. Adopt Resolution regarding VDOT construction of telecom-
munication facilities (deferred from July 8, 1998).
By the above shown vote, the Board adopted the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the vitality of the County of Albemarle is dependent upon
maintaining the character of the County by protecting its significant scenic,
historic, and natural resources; and
WHEREAS, the land use regulations of the County have been developed to
protect these resources and to assure the public's health, safety, and
welfare; and
W~EREAS, the County finds that telecommunications towers can severely
impact the resources of the County unless such towers are strategically placed
and are constructed in ways to minimize the detrimental consequences to
adjacent property owners and the County as a whole; and
WHEREAS, the County has engaged a consultant to analyze the best locations
for towers to provide telecommunications service in the County and this
consultant's report will provide valuable information for VDOT to consider in
planning the need for or the location of any telecommunications towers within
its right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, to assure that full consideration, understanding, and public
input is achieved, it is critical that the construction of any telecommunica-
tions tower be subject to local review and approval.
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA that the Virginia Department of Transportation
is requested to:
Construct no towers within the VDOT right-of-way within Albemarle County
unless such towers have been submitted for review and approval under the
special use permit provisions of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance;
Limit any use of VDOT towers by private telecommunications entities
unless and until such towers are constructed after full review and
approval under the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and have been
determined to be consistent with the Albemarle County Comprehensive
Plan; and
Construct no towers until a long range VDOT plan for such towers has
been studied and adopted after receiving and giving full consideration
to County input and addressing issues of critical importance identified
by the County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Transportation is
urged to recognize the importance of this issue to the County of Albemarle and
that irreparable damage to the County will occur if towers are constructed
which blight the landscape of the historic entrance corridors to the commu-
Item No. 5.2a. Request to set a public hearing for August 5, 1998, to
authorize right-of-way dedication to Mill Creek Drive.
The executive summary states that Mill Creek Drive was constructed by
the County to provide access to Monticello High School, and to serve as a
connecting road between Avon Street and Route 20 South. Right-of-way for the
road was previously dedicated based on the original design alignment.
However, minor modifications during construction caused a small section of the
road to be located outside the dedicated area.
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Additional right-of-way for the road, approximately 2,000 square feet,
must be dedicated to public use. This is a requirement for VDoT to accept the
road into the state system for maintenance.
Staff recommends the Board set a public hearing to consider dedication
of additional right-of-way for August 5, 1998.
By the above shown vote, the Board set a public hearing for
August 5, 1998, to authorize right-of-way dedication to Mill Creek Drive.
Item No. 5.3. Monthly update on the FY 1997/98 Project Schedule for the
Department of Engineering & Public Works as of June 24, 1998, was received for
Item No. 5.4. Copy of letter dated June 22, 1998, from Mr. J. T. Mills,
State Location and Design Engineer, Department of Transportation, providing
notice that the Commonwealth Transportation Board has approved the location
and major design features for the Route 631 (Rio Road) project (from Brookway
Drive to Stonehenge Road), was received for information.
Item No. 5.5. Copy of minutes of the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional
Jail Board Authority for May 14, 1998, was received for information.
Item No. 5.6. Notice that the County of Albemarle has received the
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial reporting by the
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for its Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report (CAFR), was received for information.
Ms. Humphris expressed the Board's appreciation to Mr. Melvin Breeden,
Director of Finance, and his staff for their work on the CAFR. Mr. Tucker
said staff will prepare a press release and make a presentation before the
Board in August.
Item No. 5.7. Copy of the Albemarle County Service A~thority's operat-
ing budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998, was received for
(Note: the following two items were discussed concurrently.)
Agenda Item No. 6. Public hearing on an ordinance to adopt and enact a
new code for the County of Albemarle, Virginia, to be entitled, "The Code of
Albemarle County, Virginia, 1998" (Advertised in the Daily Progress on June
30 and July 7, 1998.)
STA-98-01. Subdivision Ordinance. Public hearing to con-
sider an ordinance to amend the Subdivision Ordinance to
reflect the Code of Virginia & current practice related to
Validity of Plans, Length of Review Prior to Action, Notifi-
cation, Appeals and Administrative Procedural Matters: (1)
amend to codify current administrative review process; (2)
amend to revise time period for site plan/subdivision re-
view; (3) amend to revise time period of validity of site
plans/ subdivision plats; and (4) amend content of prelimi-
nary & final site plans & subdivision plats (continued from
June 17, 1998).
Public hearing to consider imposing or increasing certain
fees in an ordinance to recodify Chapter 18, Subdivision of
Land (continued from June 17, 1998).
Agenda Item No. 7. ZTA-98-06. Section 32.0 Site Plan of the Zoning
Ordinance. Public hearing to consider an ordinance to amend the Zoning
Ordinance as follows: (1) amend to codify current administrative review
process; (2) amend to revise time period for site plan/subdivision review; (3)
amend to revise time period of validity of site plans/subdivision plats; and
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(4) amend content of preliminary and final site plans and subdivision plats
(continued from June 17, 1998).
Mr. Marshall said he was disturbed by what he heard from the public
regarding the Planning Commission. Ms. Humphris said the Board should listen
to a copy of the tape from the meeting before discussing the matter.
Mr. Martin agreed with Ms. Humphris. However, he stated that the Board had
made it clear all requests ~'in the mill" were to have been handled as usual,
and not delayed pending any decisions that might have been made by the Board
at this meeting. He wants to know if anyone is doing anything to the con-
Mr. Bowerman asked the status of the four applications discussed at the
Commission meeting last night. Mr. Keeler said before June 19, Mr. Tice
called up all subdivision applications that involved Mountain Resource Area
and private roads, including family divisions with private roads. Staff also
received, on that date, a list of questions from Mr. Tice. Mr. Kamptner, from
the County Attorney's office, responded to the questions on July 7. The
Commission discussed the responses at that night's meeting, but the Commission
made no decision on the applications at that meeting. One request was later
approved at the July 14 Commission meeting. The question remains whether or
not the Commission wants to review family divisions, because of the limited
discretion the Ordinance offers regarding such divisions.
Mr. Davis said the Commission is authorized to review such applications.
The real question was whether or not there was any practical reason for the
Commission to do so, since there are very specific sections of the Subdivision
Ordinance that are only applicable to family subdivisions.
Mr. Bowerman commented that such applications are usually approved
administratively. Mr. Keeler said the section of the Code dealing with family
divisions limits what the County can do. The Ordinance does not provide any
discretion, and it is up to the agent, the Director of Planning, to review the
Mr. Davis said the status of the remaining referenced plats is that they
have been reviewed and staff has been working through issues. He had thought
the Commission would authorize the staff the authority to review them.
However, last night's Commission meeting ran late, and things were not
finalized, so the authorization was not obtained. The plats are therefore
still pending. If the Board would accept the changes he recommends to
recodify the Code, he felt this matter would be resolved before any change to
the Subdivision Ordinance is made. He suggested postponing recodification of
the Code until August 5, 1998. This will not create any detriment to pending
Mr. Martin said these plats were singled out for review, which is proper
and legal. However, there is not much for the Commission to review; the
review will take place by staff. Mr. Davis said staff has 60 days from the
submittal day to review and approve the plats. There is a five-day period to
review the plats for completeness; the applications are well within that time
period now. Because of the Commission's involvement, it has taken staff
longer to approve these requests than normal. He added that these plats are
more difficult. Staff said the requests are ready to be signed as soon as the
Commission's concerns are resolved.
Mr. Tucker said there is a difference of opinion between some Commis-
sioners with the interpretation of how staff are examining these applications.
He asked how that would be resolved by August 1, when the 60-day time period
ends. No one responded.
Mr. Martin asked why what staff has been doing for years has come under
scrutiny. Mr. Davis said there is a question regarding critical slopes; if
there needs to be a demonstration of whether there is an alternative location
for an accessway before it can be located in a critical slope area. This has
not been done previously, because that level of detail has not been requested
with family subdivisions.
Mr. Marshall asked why the plats have not been signed, if the same
criteria is still being used as has been used in the past. Mr. Keeler said he
could not answer that question, because the delay rests with the Commission.
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Mr. Bowerman said when he served on the Commission, these requests were
never called up. They were handled administratively by the agent, and the
plats were signed. He wanted to know the official status of the applications.
Mr. Davis said the agent will not approve them until the Commission finishes
its review.
Mr. Bowerman asked if the Commission can direct the agent as to what to
do. Mr. Davis said the agent would value the Commission's comments as to
approval or disapproval. The Planning Director is named as the agent who has
the authority to approve or deny these types of plats without the Commission's
involvement, under recodification. However, the current ordinance is somewhat
Mr. Martin repeated that last week the Board said staff was to proceed
as they always had. Somehow someone has taken it upon themselves to do
something different. Ms. Humphris said she disagreed. The Commission did not
know what was said at the Board meeting. The situation is the Commission
decided they wanted an interpretation of the law as to whether critical slopes
should be a part of the review process. Mr. Davis said the Commission had
asked if a certain section of the Zoning Ordinance is applicable to these
plats. Mr. Kampner advised the Commission that it was not. The Commission
was not totally satisfied with that and did not reach a resolution. He
expects it to be resolved at the next Commission meeting.
Mr. Martin said it looks bad for this to have occurred just as the Board
is getting ready to change family division regulations. Ms. Humphris said the
matter actually came up on June 18. Mr. Marshall said the Commission is
trying to create a new ordinance without a public hearing. Anything in the
mill should be processed, and should not be under the control of the Commis-
Mr. Bowerman asked if it was appropriate to put the status of these
applications in the hand of the agent. Mr. Davis said denial of the plat
could be appealed, but, for now, responsibility has been delegated to the
agent, in the case of family subdivisions. He recommended that if the Board
does not act on recodification tonight, to let this item be resolved at next
week's Commission meeting. If it is not resolved at that time, he could come
up with a recommendation as to how the Board should deal with the matter.
Mr. Perkins said a lot of property would become inaccessible if it did
not cross a 25 percent slope. Mr. Davis said an applicant would have to
demonstrate there is no reasonable alternative to crossing critical slopes.
The question is whether this section is applicable at the plat stage or as a
building application issue.
Ms. Humphris asked that the Board receive copies of the tape of last
night's Commission meeting. Mr. Tucker said Planning staff could edit and
record pertinent portions of the tape and provide copies to the Board.
Mr. Gloeckner interrupted and said one Commission member called an
executive session. He said he thought that was supposed to be up to the
Chairman. Mr. Bowerman said the Board would have to listen to the tape to see
what had transpired.
Mr. Davis said this is the first recodification of the County code since
1975. The Code has become inconsistent over the years. In December, Title
15.1 of the Code of Virginia was recodified, and numerous changes were made
which must be incorporated into the County Code. The proposal is that, once
it is recodified, the Code be maintained internally, giving the County control
over maintaining up-to-date copies, to be able to put it out on the Internet,
to make Code amendments, etc. It is now in a more user-friendly format.
Changes were also made to conform with existing processes that varied from
within the Code. He has provided an outline of proposed changes in a memo to
the Board (copy on file in the Clerk's office).
Changes have been made to the Subdivision Ordinance since the work
session was held. Members of the immediate family has been amended from the
earlier draft of the Subdivision Ordinance to delete "spouse" from the
definition, the holding period for family subdivisions has been amended from
one year to two years, and the review process has been clarified to state the
review period for family division plats and other administrative plats is the
60 to 90 days permitted by the Code. That does not mean staff will take that
long to review them, but that is the process that is available.
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Mr. Martin said when the Board made the modification suggestion about
"spouses", they were listening to one side of the issue. Now he thinks it is
more complicated. It sounds to him as if the Board is encouraging divorce in
the County. He asked staff to provide more information before the next public
hearing is held. Mr. Davis said staff's recommendation would still be to
delete ~'spouse". Mr. Marshall said Mr. McClure's (a land owner) questions
also need to be answered, because he is concerned that one of his grandchil-
dren will be adversely affected by this change. He added that many other
people have expressed similar concerns. Mr. Davis said he wanted the opportu-
nity to consult with real estate attorneys.
Mr. Davis suggested the Code not be adopted at this meeting, because the
Zoning Ordinance is not in a format which he would recommend because of some
format and numbering problems uncovered in his review. He also hopes to
insert the revised Site Plan Ordinance into the recodified Zoning Ordinance so
there would then be no need for an amendment to the Code later. He asked that
this item be deferred until August 5, 1998.
Mr. Bowerman asked whether it is likely there are other submittals for
family division that could be submitted between today and August 5, which
would run through the process in time to not be covered by recodification, if
the Code is adopted August 5. Mr. Keeler said he reviewed a list of what is
in hand at this time. There are three applications before the Commission that
would be affected by the deletion of spouses. The only ones who might come in
in the meantime are spousal transfers. Mr. Davis said applicants could be
advised that plats may or may not be approved before the Ordinance is adopted.
Mr. Marshall asked if someone could submit an application for review
tomorrow and get it approved. Mr. Davis replied, ~Yes." Mr. Keeler said all
three plats that deal with spousal transfers have to be decided before the
August 5, 1998 meeting because of the 60-day deadline.
Mr. Marshall then opened the public hearings.
With no one rising to speak, Mr. Marshall closed the public hearings.
Motion was offered by Mr. Martin to defer action of recodification of
the County Code, STA-98-01, and ZTA-98-06, to August 5, 1998. Ms. Humphris
seconded the motion.
Roll was called and the motion passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Ms. Humphris, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Martin and Mr. Perkins.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Ms. Thomas.
Agenda Item No. 8. Exccutivc Scssicn; Lcgal ~4attcrs.
(Removed from the
Agenda Item No. 9.
(Removed from the
Agenda Item No. 10. Approval of Minutes: July 3 and
December ii(N), 1996; August 6, 1997; and February 18, 1998.
Mr. Bowerman read the minutes from December 11 (N), 1996 and found them
to be in order. He also read the minutes from August 6, 1997, pages 17 (Item
#8) end. He provided the Clerk one minute book correction. A paragraph on
page 21 was corrected to read, ~Mr. Bowerman said if the elected law enforce-
ment officer recomends the amendment and says that wihtout the amendment,
safety is jeopardized; then he supports the amendment because it is not
changing anything and does not add a burden to the Sheriff's Department."
Ms. Humphris read the minutes from July 3, 1996 and provided the Clerk a
few corrections. She also read the minutes from August 6, 1997, pages 1-17
(Item #8) and provided one typographical error.
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Mr. Martin read the minutes from February 18, 1998 and found them to be
in order.
Motion was offered by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Bowerman, to approve
the minutes with corrections.
Roll was called and the motion passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Ms. Humphris, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Martin and Mr. Perkins
NAYS: None. ·
ABSENT: Ms. Thomas.
Agenda Item No. 11. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the
There were none.
Agenda Item No. 12. Adjourn.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:00 p.m. to a joint meeting with the School Board at 6:30 p.m.
on July 27, 1998. '
Approved by