HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199600041 Action Letter - e COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596 (804) 2965823 February 25, 19<)7 Wendell Wood POBox 554g Charlottesville, VA 22911 RE: SP %-041 Forest Springs rvlobilc Ilome Sales Lot Tax Map 32, Parcels 43 and 43A Dear Mr. Wood: Tile Albelllarle Counly Bo;m of Supl'lvi.,;ors, ;tl its nlecling Oil :ebruary I (), I <)()7, ;Ipprovcd [Ile above-noted request to eSlahlish outdoor storage and display of' mohile homes for sale on approximately 7.9 acres zoned IIC, Ilighway Commercial in addition to existing auto sales on property loeated approximately 1/4 miles south of Rt. ()49 011 the west side of Rt. 29N. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: I. All areas shown on plan (stamped Exhibits presented to ARB 10/21/9(, initialed by M.I) noted as display areas, other than the area to the right of the entrance showing the units visihle from RouLc 29 North, to he completely screened from Route 29. 2. Number of units visihle from Route 29 North to be a maximum of up to two with the (imll number to be decided as part of [he linal ARB approval of the eerti licate of appropriateness. 3. The screening of the other display areas shall be permanent. 4. Installation of right turn and taper lane as required by the Virgillia Ikparlment of Transportation in its Octo her 2}, 1996 letter (copy attached). In lhe evelll that the use, structure or activity IÙr which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (I X) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be dccmed ahandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the lIse of such permit within two (2) years lì'om the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. e e Page 2 February 25, 1997 Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearancc from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must eomply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, , , ~ !::!~bcrV:-- Director of Plannin~~~mnH nity Development VWC/jcf cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Angela Tucker T. M. Batchelor, Jr i -+- I 4~ I! I !I III ¡ '. j . I I . . I I j} i i .. .I·ij '" ..¡" ~I~ i:~ I "~ .. .r/I:~ + ~ , , '~~ i- --'' ...------1""- ~.. i- \ \ I "'J I TII . P"fEi" olD =' LI' IGHT. YACANT ~,iJ \O,t Dr ~.~.. ___ DIU_..la ~'.'. ........." ".\\." .- ':.,....-...;{;:".c:.:-_n1n I . _ ( '"'.. I . iìfillI DlaJIn IIJIftn2. &òT'lClOTl 't~, .' , . II......... Q.I . '. ... I1f II ..........e¡' -- ,.-. .. ~.:.- IUI ,I'W CII! MUN lI'U J"'UllIPL'~ LOOTI m_ . "'''1lI CI1I"QIØI ~18fI'1'M mBm!D TEMotIm mm MCIeI LrMJ W .tLLØlØ œmI ~ll PIWII MIl IIfIIIIf.RTUII JIN!D ILL w.u&u'lll 1m...... TII . IAlWfL (It lmØI !I!M'UIII IUIAl.... PElJlBTlMJ..' ~ fU aw.L. IilØ1 IWSII) _-ftIL1 FIIIH CJHU: JII 1ØI'ØIflU JUTIIIl1IIL 'TIJ . '--D CII lIT'! JIWI:JJUI .... . fIIIIUM:!I; 4 ND IMDDI (Il WTM __ II TO TM 'I...flI:E (II TlE Ill!. ...,. . --If .... , . F.... Uri. DncrlpUon II' Iny ur1lncll. IGning prOff,r. Inc:l Þonul 'Etar. _lieIÞ]1 to the litl: Pratt.r liMe HI1It1!1 ZMAM-~7. r.. "'p PercIl 32-43 , .cu. ;11 TIl...... OUU10.d In ,.110. 1æO' ollel') .n tn. IttleOId U'" UU.., ·Pln. ...... dOt.d ølftl1lll. .y brI u..d _ . C~""~1Inc',rac.r ,ta,., If'Id .lIaUN ..1.., In 1dd1t1an thl1 IrN M' tr. Ulld tar- .,bl1. - .11.. .nd Dr .uto.. 11. "'" .UblKt tc .llIlr"'lI Of tn. ..........1It. ....1.1 u.. .....it.. 1.. .....¡nd.r of' to . 'HI _r Þe u..d anlr for MJÞllt l'IaM uJ.. IUÞ2Kt: to the IPalr"Glf,l at the IØIH'f:¡3rUtl ~ IIHtC d UN Plr.ita: Z'llIJ Tn. ontr.nc.. on tnl. ..to .111 b. _¡...d or IIt.rlll I' r.aulr.d b. tn. lut.... .¡.n or lIO..O....nt I H t.1'II 1"....1"1". 'dtH'I"It. tr... d'll",'tllI a Hel 1M r'Q101'\1 ..,.Yle. 1M t.hI cøllPrtttln. 'it. P Irr. :E1 Ji .¡n'pfr~~i·~· l~lr~~""C=-~~~QJ:~ t ~.."êø=~ a"~:nc:'T,~," .!~~~~. u! ,...Iir. c~,ur, Dr.", n1lttnll ."tr,nc_ ,t m. U.. aJ "i.Cl1~nt af .n, n.. ."frlne.. IlJCl~ ~hlt. t.,. I-! tøt.! nu..r at tntr.McI. 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