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SP199600029 Action Letter
~ r: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & CommunitY Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 September 18, 1996 Lowe's Companies, Inc A TTN: Thomas H. Wilkinson POBox 1111 North Wilkesboro, NC 28656 RE: SP-96-29 Lowe's Companies, Inc Tax Map 45, Parcels 93A, 109 and 109D Dear Mr. Wilkinson: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on September 11, 1996, approved the above-noted request to establish outdoor storage and display in conjunction with proposed building on 22.13 acres zoned Highway Commercial and Entrance Corridor Overlay District. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Area of outdoor storage shall be limited to that shown on a plan titled Lowe's of Charlottesville and initialed WDF 7/25/96; 2. The area of outdoor storage adjacent to the proposed building facing Route 29 shall be limited to non-mechanical landscaping devices, plants, shrubs, flowers and landscaping products. The landscaping products displayed shall be placed in an area using the displayed trees and shrubs as a screen from view of Route 29; 3. The area of outdoor storage adjacent to the proposed building facing Woodbrook Drive shall be limited to play sets, lawn maintenance equipment, lawn furniture, plants, shrubs, trees, flowers and landscaping products. The area shown as paint stripes on the pavement (see plan attached to the ARB action letter) in front of the proposed building shall become curbed islands planted with trees and shrubs reflecting the proposed vegetation on the rest of the site as approved by the design planner. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon tern1inate. For purposes Page 2 September 18, 1996 of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, . () ~I (J ~J ~AA v. W~;;;g .~v7 Director of Planning d-e6~munity Development VWC/jcf cc: Amelia McCulley Jo Higgins ... COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning, Room 223 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4035 TDD (804) 972-4012 August 6, 1996 Lowe's Companies, Inc. P.O. Box 1111 North Wilkesboro, NC 28656 Re: ARB-P (SOP) 96-12 Lowe's of Charlottesville Tax Map 45 Parcels 93A, 1090 and pm1 of 109 Dear Mr. \Vilkinson: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board reviewed the above noted item at its meeting on Monday August 5, 1996. The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of SP-96-29 with the following conditions: In the display area designated adjacent to the garden center: I) Plants, Shrubs, trees, flowers and landscaping products will be the items displayed. 2) Landscaping products are limited to non-mechanical devices. 3) The landscaping products displayed are placed in an area using the displayed tTees and shrubs as a screen from view from Route 29N. In the display area designated on the front walk-way: I) Play sets, lawn maintenance equipment, lawn furniture, landscaping products, plants, shrubs and/or trees will be items displayed. Lowe's Special Use f'ellllit August 6, 1996 page I '. .~ 2) The areas shown as paint stripes on the pavement (see plan attached, striped areas highlighted in pmvle) in front of the proposed building shall become curbed islands planted with tTees and shrubs reflecting the proposed vegetation on the rest of the site, as approved by the design planner. If you have questions conceming any of the above, please cal1 me. Sincerely, U(])J.u~j ~t- Marcia Joseph Design Planner cc: Bill Fritz Lowc's Spccial Use \'cllnit August (í, ll),)(í pagc 2 n [ASOIDT FOR D£f[NnQN PQ.ID/ STORw SOlER SITE NOTES II A6.Þ'HALT 'AblM(i LOT TO U $TR~O _TN #I ALL CONCUTE $.CJEWALX. AND AJÞItON,f SHAL./. 4- MCllt JÞAJIIITEO ....TE LINE. lMtE$$ MCEIW CON.$Tlt(JCnoN ...II(HNT$ ... T .1$'-0· OTHEllMifSE NOTED, COIICMTE ÞAl'£D AllLA$ o.C I.N.E$$ 01HE~/IH$I IIOreD. K'Tuet:A. tlas;;o.'flUGKT TO U PAINTED )"J"UO" lMLE6$ OTHE~WfSE AU IUGHTI R[HAYED NOTED, PAINT SHALl. U SHEIIWIN Jt&UAMJ' ~ FOIt SITE UT4JTWA ME SITE UT/LITIE. I"LAN ·PROM.A1f '''AFF1C IIA._C·, $HT, ~-.J. ~ COIt/TIIACTOII $HAu. COOIfÐlN.ATE AAI) COW'lr n A/If., CIITTING ~ JÞAIÆ"/lfT /111 1HE EXI3TM¡¡ .VI . ª _TN ALL UTLITr COII'A"'$ .wt'Ot WO IN 'AII1(1/II(; lOT SHALl U IIEPC.ACED nil PROJECT AAI) JÞA r AU HOUßEO FEEl AAI) STANlJA/W PA~ DETA..... ME ~T "_1. COSTa II 0tNCI NEIF '...IlKNí; LOT ~ Co-tITED. "* EXJ$T/NG ,...ItKIN(] AMA A.ICI EltTItAIIICE ~u .JI AU o.JtEltSJt0N8 AU TO FACE OF CliO LllCES M ItEYF$ED AI Þ\IO_ IIE311J11&ACm AltC w~~ OTHERWISE NOTED. IU$TR~P 41 ALL ItAl¥ SHALL" 4' ClME.. OTHEItWIM NOTED. 31! CI~ ....I 0 ..: W -J -J > (f) W f- f- o .. -J ~n::~ L...«~ ÇI~ ;¿U5 u _ <l: w L...LL::J wO- o:: ~ ~(f)}:! (f]- ~ SWO w~ä:! 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U fÓTALPA-AK.s;-~~~l!::.~LIJ -$i>ÃCEI NJ.2rr¡ II ONCE AODITÞON"'L 'ItOPEIIT., NA, MElt AQUlltED. A MCC»aINA TIO/II ....A r "L IE CCHtPlETCD TO C0M5otIDA TF ALl. JÞA/tCELS INTO 0/ItE '/tACT ZJ "A TFItSHED .0000AIt~ SOIIT/If FOIt¥ Iti~A""" IIJIÆIt "A TFItSHro. I./NAWD 1N1£1f""ENT TIt~IITAltr DIIAI/lLlCE .ASIN. THIS SITE J$ CLlRItEltTL T DRAlØia TO n-E ItE{JOIU.L l.¥lEltTICW .ASM IUOIIID IflGUIt$ ~ $TIUA~/WA17ItCOUItSL$: T1*1IL A« 11IO .TIUA¥$ 011 ...... TlItCO/JASE. ON THE SITE 4J a€TL~ TIEU"U NO .IWII$DfICT1OIUL ..-TLAIfD,$ ON THE ~TL II "A 'Tit MSOtJlICE$ OllOiNAIICE. THE ...."It /tÆSOUACE. 'ItOTtC11OM AIV"'. O/WtNA/lCE DOE' /lKJT AÞIPl r: 7/1SÞrc ¡.J f) t-' __ JiŒ~ MW. ALLOWA4Ll SET.ACKs.. 'II0Þ0ND U&L LA.IllPUM. 2e,~ WD AItEAI MII1U M Þ "TN A 'ANO M AI lHO...: a CII". . 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