HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199200021 Action Letter - . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902A596 (804) 2965823 June 19, 1992 Keswick Acquisition Corporation ATTN: Pete Bradshaw P. O. Box 68 Keswick, VA 22947 RE: SP-92-21 Keswick Acquisition Corporation Tax Map 80, Parcels 8, 8Z, 9, 60A, 61, 62, 70 Tax Map 94, Parcel 42A Dear Mr. Bradshaw: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on June 17, 1992, approved the above-noted request to amend previous special use permits in order to allow the connector road between Rt. 731 (Country Club Drive) and Rt. 616 to be a private road rather than a public road. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Department of Engineering approval of a private road design for Club Drive from Route 731 to Route 616. (Amendment to Condition #5 of SP-85-53.) 2. Staff and County Attorney approval of private road maintenance agreement for Club Drive. 3. Security gates shall be located in the locations shown on Attachment C. The gates shall be installed prior to County acceptance of the private road (Club Drive). The security gates shall be continuously controlled at all times. 4. In accordance with Condition #2 of SP-86-02, the bonding and/or construction of the connector road is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of ~ - - Keswick Acquisition Corporation Page 2 June 19, 1992 Occupancy for the inn. As per the approval of this petition, the bonding of the entire length of Club Drive, between Rt. 731 and Rt. 616, shall be for a period of two years from the Board of Supervisors approval date with the option to renew the bond administratively for a period not to exceed one year. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Community Development VWC/jcw cc: Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins Angela Tucker t \ \ \ "/l.! )::> C ~ __ ..~' \ .. -1JJ f""'''''~'i'''e' m ~ ~ ~\lTJ:~\l~ \ 1', >- I . -< _ \ \ 'I( !~~.., ',. \ , ,.... > "1.", 2"1>:""", ,"< nO '\'('\'\7: \.. -l \"'/'00 (r\ \ , r C) :,;{:,y))/. ,:I>) S~{(:..-;~::j;) ',/:":".' .'///a I' .J,~"",,"'IJ""I//II'I \ /'l, 'I. // ,1/>'.' i:! ,:: ' ,r,: :J/( I>,.' , ::I..>....O"\.....~~.\..(' 'Jf/.\"A1"(" 'i' , , . / "" ,. /H..j, I' '-' I/t >>"/ ",,\.._( ((/ 1',1, Ir/'Jt:(:::)",-- \'- ~- ~\ , / I ,'.;/ /. .! /" I ~.t:, ')' , (\ ..: , . '\',/ I:t,_~!-' -.1' ( /. 1/ / \' I /,-, ,\ \.{,'-.< ~' }'I ,./t.('~I/" /'1" - Jilt' \-------- ~-' "', / \ '~ t\ \- /; ~I" !" I, /.... _ ~ (I ~" ~-) , J/) \\ )1-- : l "~'" - I, /1 il'-.I'----- .,' "T .' 1 ,', /'1 /, \\~" -,I. >_,'/'.' ..r,:/;, (~{.;<:. ~'i~:":~-, ,1/ I;.,..,'.............'..!/ /ir,,"'~" '.'.. I. I '/:".i,\;/I![ ;;( :1/,; /i..1 , '\' r \ \ .. .., .' 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