HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199000099 Action Letter .... ~ It . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 August 14, 1991 Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Attention: John Dalton P. O. Box 7388 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 RE: SP-90-99 Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Tax Map 21, Parcels 12, 12A, 12D, 14C; Tax Map 33, Parcels 1, 2, 4, 4B, 4C, 10, 12, 12E, 20, 21, 36 Tax Map 46, Parcels 33B, 33F; Tax Map 47, Parcels 2, 3A Dear Mr. Dalton: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on August 7, 1991, unanimously approved the above-noted request to construct an electrical power substation and transmission line on properties between Rt. 29 and Rt. 763 (near Piney Mountain) going in an eastern and southern direction to the Proffit area. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The granting of this permit does not guarantee the availability of electric power to the applicant and shall not be construed as approving the modification, construction or reconstruction of any facility not specifically approved herein; 2. The granting of this permit shall not be deemed to impair or otherwise affect the rights of the applicant or any other person concerning the acquisition of any right-of-way or other interest in property for such line or the compensation to be paid therefor. Except for angle structures as described in Attachment G, right-of-way width shall not exceed one hundred feet (100' ) ; 3. Suspension structures shall be in general accordance with Attachment G, provided that structures shall not exceed height or width dimensions described in Attachment G. A maximum height limit of 100 feet shall apply where height limits shown on the attachments must be exceeded due to topography; .. e e Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Page 2 August 14, 1991 4. Outside of the right-of-way, the applicant shall have the right to cut danger trees only. A danger tree is defined as any tree which, if felled, would fall within ten feet of a conductor; Within the right-of-way, the applicant shall preserve vegetation and trees within fifteen feet of stream crossings and public roads to the maximum extent practicable allowing for the safe operation and maintenance of the line; 5. The applicant shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the adverse impact of such line on adjacent properties, on the neighborhood and on the County, consistent with good engineering practice; 6. Department of Engineering approval of stream crossings; 7. Staff approval of site plans for substations; 8. Centerline of transmission shall not be located closer than 250 feet to any dwelling and shall be in accord with the routing indicated in Attachment A; 9. Rappahannock Electric will negotiate other means of maintenance with individual property owners objecting to herbicide usage. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning RSK/jcw cc: Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins e e COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Amelia Patterson, Zoning Administrator FROM: William D. Fritz, Senior Planner vý~f DATE: August 8, 1991 RE: SP-90-99 Rappahannock Electric The Board of Supervisors approved the above-noted request at its meeting of August 7. One of the conditions of that permit is a height limitation on the support structures for the transmission line. The condition reads: "Suspension structures shall be in general accordance with Attachment G, provided that structures shall not exceed height or width dimensions described in Attachment G. A maximum height limit of 100 feet shall apply where height limits shown on the attachments must be exceeded due to topography." For your convenience I am enclosing diagrams of the structures the applicant proposes to use. This memo lS being sent at the request of the Board in order to increase awareness of this condition. WDF/jcw ': ~ :T to NT J; to 1 N ,- 1 e (IDO¡cf¡(l) ,,0 - ,sç lO ==1t:: U) E I.... o U) U) o eu I.... I.... Ü :J ...... -0 U 0 :J 0 .;: ~ (f) -C. ...... - ~ 3: 01 C U) o ( ) l- "0 0... o U -0 0.. 0 >. 0 l- ~ }- m :r: x lJ..J L- eu -C. 01 :r: CIl eu c .Cl 0 >,:=: 0-0 ~ g ......u .c O1C (1j"0 :r: t: eu Q.J}- L- :J 0 u"'" :J Q) l::J (f)O . o I à . ..... '" õ o V1 ~ ~ r r . CIl E I.... 0 Vl U) 0 I.... U Q.) -0 L. :J 0 U) ...... 0 CU U ~ L :J 3: L ...... -C. (f) - >, 3: :J Q.) 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