HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA199800008 Action Letter " --------- ...J COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 June 24, 1998 Frank Cox 220 East High St Charlottesville, VA 22902 ),,\, RE: ZMA-98-08 Redfields Development Corporation Tax Map 76R I, Parcel I Dear Mr. Cox: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on June 17, 1998, approved the above-noted request to accept revised proffers which would allow zero lot line platting and other setback changes as an option within Phase 3 (except 3A), and Phase 4 of the Redfields PRD. Please note that this approval is subject to the proffers dated April 23, 1998, Attachment C of the staff report (copy attached) and outlined below:' t": 1. Each lot shall comply with current building site provisions. No driveway shall encroach more than 50 lineal feet on slopes of25% or greater. 2. All roads, with the exception ofroads A, B, and C and the private road to serve Phase II Open Space and One Single Family Dwelling, shall be built to Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) standards for urban cross-section and placed in the Secondary System at time of development of those residential areas utilizing those roads. Roads A, B, and C shall be constructed in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation standards for rural cross section and placed in the Secondary System at the time of development of the residential areas utilizing those roads. 3. Not more than 276 dwelling units will be constructed unlil such time as the Route 631 improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the Department of Planning and Community Development. 4. The proposed recreation center shall be constructed with Phase 1. 5. No vehicular access from Redfields through Sherwood Farms Subdivision_ 6_ Not more than 656 total units. Page 2 June 24, 1998 7_ Future lots will have limited access to Roads A, B, and C in accordance with Engineering comments contained in a December 19, 1989 memorandum. 8. Zero Lot Line Setbacks may be applied to Phase 3 (excluding Phase 3A) and Phase 4 at the sole discretion of the applicant and as indicated on the Revised PRD Development Phasing Plan included as part of this proffer. Regulations governing zero lot line setbacks are as follows: a_ All such structures for which separation and/or side yards are reduced shall be constructed in accordance with the current edition of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code; b. In the case of yard reduction, the Albemarle County fire official may require such guarantee as deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this proffer, inclusive of, but not limited to, deed restriction disclosures, and other such instruments and the recordation of the same in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county; c. No structures shall encroach on any emergency accessway as may be required by the Albemarle County fire official; ~,\, d. No structures shall encroach on any utilily, drainage or other easement, nor any feature required by the zoning ordinance; e. The wall of the dwelling unit located within 3 feet of the lot line shall have no windows, doors, or any other type of openings unless permitted by Ihe Virginia Uniform storewide Building Code; f. At the sole discretion of the applicant, front setbacks may be reduced to 10'; g. As necessary in a particular case, a perpetual wall maintenance easement shall be provided on the lot adjacent to the zero lot line property such that, with the exception of fences, a total width between dwelling units of six feet shall be kept clear of all structures. This easement shall be shown on the final plat and incorporated in each deed transferring title to the property. Roof overhangs may penetrate the easement on the adjacent lot a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches, but the roof shall be so designed that water runoff trom the dweltlng placed on the lot line is limited to the lot of the dwelling of the easement area. Building footings may penetrate the easement on the adjacent lot a maximum of eight (8) inches Page 3 June 24, 1998 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ ), ,\ , Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning & Community Development RSK/jcf cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey ¡ ¡. Redfields PRD Proffer Statements June 15, 1998 1. No driveway shall encroach more than 50 linear feet on slopes of 25% or greater unless no other reasonable aligrunent alternative exists. All roads with the exception of roads A, B, and C and the private road to selVe Phase II Open Space and one Single Family Dwelling as shown on the Revised PRD Development Phasing Plan, (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") dated June 11, 1998, shall be built to Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) standards for urban cross-section, be dedicated to the County, and the applicant shall take all necessary actions to have the roads placed into the Secondary System at time of development of those residential areas utilizing those roads. Roads A, B, and C shall be constructed in accordance with VDOT standards for rural cross-section, be dedicated to the County, and the applicant shall take all necessary actions to have the roads placed into the Secondary System of state-maintained roads at the time of development of the residential areas utilizing those roads. There shall be not more than 276 dwelling units constructed until such time as the Route 631 improvements have been completed to the sati~~ of the Department of Plaruting and Community Developmen V&/lICJA./nlV" I? f2 0 L-' The proposed recre, . n center shall be constructed ith P/13se I as shown on the Plan. TIlere shall be n access from RedfieIds through Sherwood Famls Subdivision. TIlere shall be no more than 656 total units within Redfields. Future lots will have lintited access to Roads A, B, and C in accordance with Engineering comments contained in a December 19, 1989 memorandum, a copy of wh~is attached hereto. q f3 Zero Lot Line Setbacks n13Y be applied to Phase 3 (excluding Phase 3Aj,"Pïù'lse 4 ailS PI.,]!;ó! 5 at f2J>~ the sole discretion of the applicant and as indicated on the "Plan" included as part of this proffer. Regulations governing zero lot line setbacks are as follows: a. All such structures for wltich separation and/or side yards are reduced shall be constructed in accordance with tIle edition of tIle Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code that is current at tIle time of construction of tIle dwelling. b. In the case of yard reduction, tIle Albemarle County fire official may require such guarantee as deemed necessary to insure compliance with tIle provisions of tItis proffer, inclusive but limited to deed restriction disclosures, and other such instruments and tIle recordation of the same in tIle office of the clerk of the circuit court of tIle county; c. No structures shall encroach on any emergency access way as may be required by the Albemarle County Fire Official; d. No structure sl4'111 encroach on any utility, drainage or other eascment, nor any feature required by thc zoning ordinance. e. TIle wall of the dwelling unit located within 3 feet of the lot line sl4'111 have no windows, doors, or any other type of openings unless permitted by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code; f. TIle nùnimum front setbacks sl4'1ll be 10 feet. g. A perpetual wall maintenance easement shall be provided on the lot adjacent to tIle zero lot line property such tI13t, with tIle exception of fences, a total width between dwelling units of six feet shall be kept clear of all structures. TItis easement shall be shown on tIle final plat and incorporated in each deed transferring title to the property. Roof overhangs may penetrate tIle easement on tIle adjacent lot a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches, but tIle roof shall be so designed tI4'1t water runoff from tIle dwelling place on tIle lot line is linùted to the lot of the dwelling of tIle easement area. Building footings may penetrate the easement on the adjacent lot a maximum of eight (8) inches. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. nnr:rYl -""t ·11 \ "-'-- "-' j j l: j ¡ ~ t I -------...J PROcFE8£QBf/l Date: (['F /7 C]() ZHA If C¡(j -of~ Tax Map Parcei(s) if 7G!2 ; 7Gr:-- T ¡ 00, 3QG f\c:r::s to be reloned from -.ffi) (0 P~D C AVVleV't{ Ýt Lx:d-5,j f::)ursl1ant to Sectiorl 33.3 of the Albemarle Coullly ZOllillg Ordirlarlcc, the Ol/mer, or its duly Cluthorized 3gcnt, hcrcby voluntarily proffcrs the conditions listed belo'll which shall be Clpplicd (0 thc property, if reloned. These corlditions arc proffered as Cl pClrt of (he requ8sted rezorling alrd it is 3greed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions: and (2) such conditions hClve 0 reClsonoble re1éJtion to the rezoning requested. (1) ¿;.?ee C?'¿toc£"p{l Pro.(Çí 0f-ol-ry;r(?/lt s (~UV1é/ rç( Iqqe) ~. G4-YLo"J 'T, b-;;;'I&¡&fT) l'JrintceJ 1'Jal11C5 of 1\11 O\'/I1crs ---- dki<L. /1, /11 <I Date I -~_._------------- OP Si']rlJturc of 1\llorncy-in-fcJct (Attdch Propcr [)m'/cr of /ìltorflcy) IJrirllccl NJ:n(~ of l\tI0rr1cy-rI1-F :!ol PP()f·!~np,:.'1 '....r; JI ~\ r, ", I', ~ nON ZERO LOT LINE BUILDINC CONnCURA Single ramily De tached Dwellings (3uildir:çs fo::;:p,.,,::. ',"0"",, d'~ f::;, u="'P'~ orJyJ r I I I , I ::::: ~ .. t: êl t !' ~ ~ ~ ~ ¿ 'Ç 117-0 ¡g :-J lLj Cl:: c:, Llj t:.( ~ c__ = IÎ I , Ii '. I I 11 I II j / I I ~ ~ ROAD C£NT[,'?UN; NIN. c; :;:: ~ CJ ...., [DCf or fA V[I'1[NT , S[T5¡J.C,'( LINe ~ ~ a <:\¡ :/