HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198900099 Action Letter &'G-;T:;~I/' ~-........ -, -- "'~I/ .;,' ".::;::;:;"." .. ',' ,It: .~"" ';, '.< \ ~~,'I!~,., (S~2~flS~F) "'\:,;r '''':; ':c\c/"'j ,_:.~'~~~~&~:/ j/J~(_;& COUNTY 0-::: i:\LBEMARLE Dept. of ?la:lnl::,g & CO~i~unit)l Develop!Tlent 40: McIT'tire Road C harlottesvilIe, V:rgir'ia 22901-4596 (80tt) 2?6-5823 January 22, 1990 Mo~nt 3d Baptist Church ? 0.0 Bc:{ 83 3atssville.. VA 22924 / RE: S?-89-99 Mount Ed Bap,tist Church =ax MaD 85, Parcel 22A 082::" S::_=::.-: The Albema~12 Cc~nty 30ard Jf Supervisors, at its meeting on January 17, 1990, unanimously approved the above-noted request to allow for the cC~3truction of an educational wing to an existing church. Property, located on Rt. 635, approximately one mile southwest of the intesection of Rts. 635 ar:d 692 t zoned R.l\, Rx::"?J_ l.reas. Samuel Hiller Magisterial District. Please note that this approval is subject to the following cc~ditions: 1. A building permit shall not be issued until the fol:owing conditions ~~ve been met: a.. Ca:1r.Jcy Engineer 2;-:t:yoval under Rl1noff Cont.rol Ordinance to incluQs all impervious coverage on si~te; b~ Health Department approval; Co Fire Official ap~~ov21; d. Virginia Departm2~t of Transportation issuance of a cQ~~srci2_1 ent~~~ce permit. 2. Day care 2~d other ~cn-worship uses shall requlre a s.epa-;-::a}.:e s};H2cial use . . ~: .?_ ::"rn ~_ i: ; 3. Location of building is to be in general compliance with Attachment A (attached). Mount Ed Bap~ist Church Page 2 January 22, 1990 If you should have any quest~0ns O~ comments regarding the above noted astio~f please do not hesi~ate to contact me. Since~ely, I . / I r: /II/.! /OJ L ' . i ''I . / v , U U~tY/)VC--~-/" (/14' Vv4 ~ I y- ~^ - f"'~ -: -;.' ""^,~I v. IJayn~ '.~~_~ ~inne-,-,,{ Direct:Jf of ?l2.n~f"ing Sc., ffimunit:y . \ \JHC/J CT;; Development cc: Xc~hy Dodson Gera.lc. Shifflett. Richard ~lorin.g Jack Collins ;:;,2S3e }IlIr~: