HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200000058 Action Letter -~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development 40] \lclntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (3041 972 - 4012 March 6, 2001 Rev. Ray A Stark 1820 Airport Road Charlottesville. VA 22911 RE: SP-2000-58 Northside Community Fellowship Church of the Nazarene Tax Map 21, Parcel 11 Dear Rev Stark: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on February 14, 2001, unanimously approved the above-noted request. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions Church development shall be limited to the Phase I improvements, as shown on the Site Plan dated September 18, 2000, and labeled Northside Comm Fellowship Church. The number of seats shall be limited to two hundred (200). Any future expansions of the facility or of the seating shall require an amendment to the special use permit. 2 The length of time within which the church may begin construction shall be two (2) years from the date of approval of this special use permit. All Health Department requirements shall be satisfied at the time of the Issuance of building permits 3 Commercial setback standards (50 feet for rear and sides), as set forth in Section 21 7.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, for side and rear setbacks adjacent to rural areas shall be maintained 4 All exterior light fixtures, regardless of lumens, shall be fully shielded and arranged or directed to reflect light away from adjoining rural area property and away from adjacent streets A fully shielded fixture means an outdoor light fixture shielded in such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture. either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture, is projected below the hOrizontal The applicant should be mindful of the County's intent to have multiple, shorter light poles used on this site as opposed to fewer, taller poles. 5 Use of the play area designated temporary playground (on plan from Gloeckner Engineering, reVised date October 27,2000) shall be permitted until no later than 1000 p.m.. 6 Subject to the approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall surface the roadway from just beyond the proposed church entrance southward to the end of the existing asphalt surface The length of the roadway surfacing would be approximately six hundred (600) feet. 7 Clearing of trees for the parking area, driveway, play areas and church shall be kept at the minimum required for the Improvements. Tree protection measures shall be employed in order to minimiZe damage to tree roots 8 Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through a speCial use permit amendment. 9 Trees and plant material shall not be disturbed within twenty-five (25) feet of the west, north, and south property line buffers 10 A required landscape plan shall Include soil erosion mitigation measures within the critical slope that Includes the Installation of trees, shrubs and groundcovers ..~ Page 2 March 6, 2001 11. An additional twenty-five (25) percent landscaping materials above the minimum required landscaping materials shall be installed within the parking area, to offset removal of trees and plant material along State Route 606 and the interior of the site. The additional landscaping shall consist of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous plant materials; and 12. A twenty-five (25) foot dedication for right-of-way shall be required along the State Route 606 property frontage In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me Sincerely. ty Development Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey T ex Weaver Steve Allshouse Bob Ball, VDOT DATE 2000 8 SCALE "=30 SEPTEMBER REVISIONS ..... ? ~....{" .'"..... . ""'..... .... - 30' R/W 2000 OCTOBER 27 /" \')1 'l.\;)\;)1il ~~\, .~'O ~\-<; "N.~\~G 1"0' O<(~'C.\" ' ?"-"': -0. 'O'C.'-I'C.\.l Cp~~'0~\ \ \ SITE MAP SCALE '''=2000 NOTES MH = MANHOLE CO = CLEAN OUT TEL- = TELEPHONE LINE SBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE ALL PARKING SPACES ARE 9 X 18 (TYPICAL) D . 'NDICA TES SLOPES GREATER THAN 25% EACH OUTDOOR LUMINAIRE EQUIPPED WITH A LAMP WHICH EMITS 3,000 OR MORE INITIAL LUMENS SHALL BE A FULL CUTOFF LUMINAIRE OR A DECOR A TIVE LUMINAIRE WITH FULL CUTOFF OPTICS. THE SPILLOVER OF LIGHTING FROM PARKING AREA LUMINAIRES ONTO PUBLIC ROADS AND PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL OR RURAL AREAS ZONING DISTRICTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2 FOOT CANDLE. N 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) w Z ::i 0:: w f- Z W U 3 l' 3 2 CUT 8"#21/21A AGGR. BASE WITH COVERED PRIME COAT l' l' 9 PAVE IN PLACE TYPICAL SECTION- ROUTE N.T.S. 60(, 1/4":1' ::':::";;;~ :~;.~..'::-:"; ";:" 9 BLOTTED SEAL COAT~ OR PRIME AND DOUBLE SEAL 1/4": l' 7'~ :'.~. .:>.:.,:;, ~...~:.~.-.~- ;>.:'~~> "'-: ::;.: '.~. =..~:< CBR=10 SUB-BASE MIN , - 2 1 FILL 1 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: <:r: 1--4 Z 1--4 C;l ~ 1--4 :> ~ >-< E-; Z ~ o u ~ .....:1 ~ <:r: ~ ~ ~ .....:1 <:r: JOB NUMBER 00-017-01 DWG. 01 z j P-. <:r: ~:=: ~.....:1 t--t ~ U)U ~ <:r: ~~ ~.....;- <C\2 Z~ t--t~ ~~ ......:IE-; ~ ~ P-. p.. ....... ::c: rn a= o ~ ~ ~ rz.. . ~ ~ o u ~ o ....... rn ::c: E-t p:: o Z ::c: u p:: :::> ::c: u / / I I --r / / / I 3! L , ;140)'16' / / f/ i j / / ;, )'/ / / / / / / r /'1/ ;/////11/ ! I' I ! / V: / 1/ , / Ii:::I /, / I /' i I ff; / II I ," 'I / ." 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I I \ II \ ': 1\1 \\ \\\ /11 \ \ 1\11 ~ L' I \ \ \~. \ \ '\ \ L\I'\' \\ ~ -L ,\ \ ,~ \ -- . , \ -' \ "" \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \-~ " ,I \ _'.~ I . '" "'" "-- \ " ,,,---- " ,'- - '", ) \ '- 25-"" '~ __ "TO P IP DEDICAT __ ~BLTCusE 'EQ - ST " -:::::;- -- ": : ATE ~bUTE / '-- -- ----- I \ \ --1 , I 0(95% COMPACTION) SUBGRADE=CBR MIN SECTION LOT BASE(TYPE 21 A) TYPICAL PARKING N.T,S AGG 6 NC KURT M. GLOECKNER, P.E., P.L.S, GLOECKNER ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 2246 IVY ROAD, SUITE 5 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 PHONE: (804) 971-1591 FAX: (804) 293-7612 CONTACT PERSON 4. // / 1 1/ //1 / / 11 /1 ( / 1 I / ~I / / ~I g! I ! !Pi/50 b. '01 .0 <D Z 0 v 25 poi -1 v<D 51' <D<D CD II en iJl\ "- / / / / I / j I / ! I I / I f / I i , I ! I 7 i I ! ./ / j , I / I I \ / / / .- / / I , / ./ -- ~ / I ) / / / / -- / ,/ ---- ~/-, '-- ~,./ -~-- , '-- -- ...----'\, , \ 7-C\ s<.cS\- ~ ')..\ ? ~ ~f>.'\IO 7- '\~'. CO?'?~ f>.GS o.~o\.?\-~'\) G:<'- 9\'6 ? f>.GS 'O~' 'Co'O cJ__~'\ 'O~' s'O ?,f>. '\ <(?,x: 1-0~ \SS f>. tAO \J ------ - - - - 3 SECTION t.., 0' ~ ~ , ;;.'\~.>~ 6"#21/21A AGGR, BASE WITH COVERED PRIME COAT TYPICAL ENTRANCE N.T.S ROAD l' .. /4' ~:. . '4. .~. . r~:-'; ::",u ',. 1\ -:.~ ..-;.:-',~' ;.": ::':. o CBR= MIN o 65#pSY SM-2A SUB-BASE ... 1/4": .~ ..:-..:....~. ~..::.~ '1'" .-'. "--o~'- ,,' ..' 4' .2 1- FILL 2-03-9 00 50 PLA T DATE: ELEV.= 763 BOUNDARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION BOUNDARY INFORMATION BY ROGER W, RAY & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND 606 RTE,S ZONED RA NTERSECTION A (540)967-1514 (540)967-1499 814 268 PLAT RA PARCEL ZONING THIS PROPERTY IS ZONED MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS FOR AREAS 75' FROM PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS 25' FROM SIDE PROPERTY LINE 35' FROM REAR PROPERTY LINE (SETBACKS AS SHOWN HEREON ARE U.S.G.S RIVANNA 21, P P MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: LEGAL INFORMATION TAX MAP 9.92 AC. D,B, 694 D.B_ 287 C NFORMA TION P Jr 23117 TOPO BY: JaMes H, Bel P,O, Box 430 Mineral, Va, BENCHMARK 5. 9 o 6 7 8 / T.M. 21 PARCEL 11 RICHARD McCLINTOCK D.B. 757 PAGE 595 D.B. 287 PAGE 595(PLA T) :; o#~16 Os,<--'O ~,\-\ ~\.- C\,; ~O~S -\s\C~ ~\) ~ ~'<-- ~~ f?'<--~ ~ *'\.-\.- \s 0 ~~'i>-~g;.~'i>-~C'<-- ~\s x; ~'<--~ 0\'-'<--' O~C'<-- ccsss~ \s ~ ZONED RA RESIDENTlAL USE / /' ----- .- ,---- --- . -- ) --~ -- ----- ------ /1 // ./ -------I ~- , "'" --- - / ~\-\,. s\'\S / OSS'O :{ ~, ??,O? ,S'O ~ ~?,,,,,€ \-OC~ '\~ 'OS? ~Sf>.\" / o , I \ , I I / ( , --- / / / / I 16 METHODIST CHURCH 176 178(PLA T) / I "- " " ------ "'- '\.... " '\, ,." ""'- ~---- ------- ---- ""- " "-.....-- ----- ------ ~ ~ ' ----- -- .-----.. ~ '5'" ....~..... '--- ~ .... .....~. ~ ------ ""- .. .... ......... .. . - -- ---... ---... ""-, ......~...~.......~.... - ~ ~ - ~ ~ "",,>,:<~~::;;>..~:~~ ~>." ..... .... '. , ',",. ~ ~2~- _ ',,_ ~'VERy""'-"rK. ....~.. .......'-.....~..... ~s...,.a"'c\<.UN~.. ..'" 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I / / , , I / I I I / / ~. - ,,- ,/ // ----- ,././ .---- -- / / ----- /' -- / ,'/ . ,/' --- ,,- / /" /'" / / // / , / / ASIN / 7 / / I - / ---/ - /" , ./ ,.- , / / l -~ / / ? \ ,,-/,-/ __.J .--- ,.- /'" \ // ~ - ---, //' ,./ - ---' ~-- ~ ,"/- ,'/ -----' ---.. -,,- ,- ,/ // - ~ /' / // _ <"S'l / ~ ' '" '1/ I ~ ,,- ./ /- / ~- ,./ -----, / /---:: // ,/ Q," -----:..-- ~ -7' / / ~~' '\, ./ C-.;- -?-:? (J /.---. I " / <01 / ' I" ~--- $'1 /-, /, '\ \ \ " - WATER ELEVATlON :t535.0 - '" ',--- ,.-' ......... '. --.-. \ , ."-.......\ ,./' ,- .-- " rv?:> ~'<-- .J:)~. O~ L _ ,<'i>-C""~ _ - - _ .. ~-\~ - - - ".) DICKERSON ROAD ~ I I ( '- '. '.........~ ,- /./ / / " / \ , i I I I / I / \ l. , AL TERNA TE REQUIRED PARKING: 60'X60'=3600 SF REQUIREMENTS: 1 S 75 S.F REQUIRED SPACES= / I I I , / / , , / , I / ~ / PACE/ 48 ~-N 2-456' 4 7"E 34,21' \ \ ) I 1 \ \ '\... -~"- \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / 4 FIXED SEATS -, 606 ~ --- T.M, 21 PARCEL 15 JACK L. AND BETTY B. D.B. 1486 PAGE 742 DB. 693 PAGE 225(PLA T) '-'. ZONED RA) PRESENT USE: RA RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED USE: CHURCH TH':: SITE IS NOT WITHIN A DRINKING WATER RESERVOIR WATERSHED , PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A DEFINED 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE POSED PARKING: REQUIRED PARKING: 200 FIXED SEATS REQUIREMENTS: 1 SPACE/ REQUIRED SPACES= 50 ~ ----= ---- 16 ( , I , , P.L.S AREA & P.E ------. FOR AN .t <P c:;. \ , \ - \ I ( --- F~ COVERED BY SP-2000-058 6 ABUTTING PROPERTIES SEE PLAN 17. PLAN PREPARED BY KURT M. GLOECKNER 18, 8.256 ACRES OPEN SPACE (83,17%) 19, 1.67 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA (16.83%) 20. 11,200 SQ. FT, BUILDING 21, MAXIMUM NUMBER EMPLOYEES = 0 22. MAXIMUM HEIGHT STRUCTURE = 35 23. THIS PLAN S \ \ , \ \ \ 0' ,<v -0 (j7 ~rS '0"" Q,S ~ rL'<- ~ 0'" Q, C5'&- ' rV ~ Q,'<- &- ~' 00,'0 Q,'?' ",. <V' ~ 0<0 c,' Q)' qj O' Q)' O' \ \~ 497.710 PAVE IN PLACE SECTION BEGINS AT EXISTING PAVEMENT AND WILL BE INSTALLED TO END OF RADIUS. , , THIS 11 2 3, 4 5 ~ SHEET OF 1 1 DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF ZONING FIRE OFFICER BUILDING OFFICIAL NC, W, RAY & ASSOCIATES NFORMATlON BY ROGER 12-03-91 NOTE: BOUNDARY PLAT DATE LEGAL INFORMATION T.M. 21-11A PARCEL A 9.92 AC. D,B. 694 P 814 D.B, 287 P 268 PLAT SIGHT DISTANCE= 400 Map Accuracy Standards 05/01/00 05/17/00 Date of Photography Do. te of COMpllo. tlon\ Notes: No.tlono. CL ENTRANCE SIGHT DISTANCE= 400 ft, 2 Meet l: -- = 301 Intervo' contours Mal' not HAWN 11/ USE ScO,le: Contour Dashed ZONED RA RESIDENTIAL C P Jr 23117 Gloeckner Englneerlng/ TOPO BY: JaMes H. Bell, PH Box 430 Mineral, VA, (540)967-1514 (540)967-1499 Inc Church 2511177 ) Surveying Fellowship No Proj