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SP200100006 Action Letter
COU:\TTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development ~o I \vlclntire Road. Room 213 Charlottesville:. Virginia 22902-~596 130~) 296 - 5323 Fax (30~1l)72 - ~012 December 18. 2001 Jo Higgins Project Development limited. LC 2463 Browns Gap Turnpike Charlottesville. VA 22901 RE ZMA-99-11 Clover Lawn Village (Preston Stallings) and SP-2001-006 Clover Lawn Viilage Dear Ms Higgins The Albemarle County Board of Suoervlsors. at Its meeting on December 12, 2001 unanimously aporoved the above-noted request Please note that this approval IS subject to the following conditions · ZMA-99-11 Clover Lawn Village - Approved ZMA-1999-0 11 to rezone 6 8 acres from R-1 and HC to PD-MC. as proffered and signed by the applicant at the December 12. 2001 Board meeting (copy attached) · SP-2001-006 Clover Lawn Village - Aporoved SP-2001-006 to allow residential uses in a PD-MC zone In Ule e'jent that the use structure or activity for which this spec:al use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the Issuance of such permit the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate For purposes of this section. the term 'commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which IS thereafter completed within one (1) year Before beginning this use. YOUììUS, obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department 3ercre :,he Zcnlng Department will Issue a c!earance. you ,'ilUS, comply with the conditions In thiS letter For 'urther Infcrmatlon please call Jan Spnnk:ie at 296-5875 Page 2 December 18,2001 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action. please do not hesitate to contact me Sincerely I I .' I! ! i ;/ ...' " il i/l.!A' ~ ,.~i/ ! AA./f _ VVV--¡/_.rv \ / ~- \ I ",--- 1/ . / r V Wayne CII!mberg i Director of Planning & Community Development V'NC/jcf Cc Ameila :'v1cCûlley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse C\riçi.~a Proffer - ,~!nendec ,=~C;':'2r X (AmenCrT18rìt:;' 2. -- LZ--- ~ úfj 1"""'\ ,~ /,..., f"'\ .... LJare. -K/?r"f"JO I PRCFFER ;:ORM z~/¡/~;;. 99 - ~ -: 13:< :\Jac Pa,-cei(s):;, ,~ê- ~'J7, ~C~/-2.. -1'~'-'i~l-1 2.65/4 ~ ~ 'c Ac:-es :c be :2zcr:ec ~:-cm R ~ ire tG P 1]-\lC Pursuant :0 Së:c:¡on 33.3 ::;f :he ,j,'t:emarie Cc:un!~¡ Zcnlng'J:-:::irare2 :.-:e ::;wner. :r ::: CUi:/ 3lJther:zec agent. hereoy '/clL;nraíily pr::;rfers the ccrcitlcns :lstea c:eicw :¡r:C.1 Sí'3;¡ ::;e 3CCllec to :i~e ,:ícce::y .f ,'ezor;ec T,ese ::;cr;Clt:cns :ire ,::;ío:'ferec 3S :3 ::;ar. of ::~e 'sc:..;es:ec -ez:nlrg arc ,t :s agíeec that: ''1) !~e reZOning :tS2!T ~;'¡es r:S2 :0 ~~e need fer the::;o-:ci::cr:s aro ,2) suen ccncltlcns have a :-easonat!e ,-2iaticr: :c :re ~ezc::ir:g reCL:estec. See 2ttac~ec 'C:c\/er L3\'iV~ P~ctfers' ~ :~rc~gh S on 83çes 2cr 3 Jí"C ~ ~ ~%t? /4; 7/ /'.' " ,;., ''':----/'. , , , ~ f' r-- ,/ '~i:' .'// ,J ,. ~"'J I!"~" ::;: ¿ ..;. Y~..·' ? r""s'~~ (' C:::.':::'lir:~S / I " '____." - ____ / ~--'r: . -.J ,......1, '-. '_\'-11. 1'--0 -S:gr2!ures of j,~ Cwners // ,:J-¡n¡e·.:: .'Ian-:es cr :-"il Cwners :/ /2 -/2-!)/ -......t.... -' C:. ":::" , ---- ., OR S,çra["Jre::r Atcr:ìey-,r-i- act 1.>';üêC:-; l:Jroce~ ::J'Jwer c:f .':',t:crne~(, ::"'r,t2C! '!ar:¡e ,:f ,~-l:cr~e\I-¡n-,=-3C: ::;¡;;CF=:RI,I '¡'iFiJ =:C'I =eC2~:¿r . ~g~ : . -- -) . Clover Lawn Village - Proffers /J ~/ In connection with the applicant's rezoning application, th(~Wing proffers are made: 1 The Application Plan, dated NovemberJ( 2001 Sheet 2 of 2 is proffered as the Aoplication Plan for the development and is attached hereto. Specific features of the Application Plan that will be a part of the develooment are: a. A unified development of all three parcels of land (TMP56-107. 1 07(A)1, and TMP 56-107 A) including a combination of these parcels by plat or / -; -.- deed prior to site development plan approval for the first site plan. ThiS] V /~ -/7--(,1 does not preclude phasing this development and It does not preclude ~ subdivision of this parcel. v b. Access from a single entrance across RT250 with a,P6~....,~lc future; interconnection to Radford Lane. I,..'-'~ ~ß L~ J-<'-.-~1Yv~ c. A mixed-use development with residential uses at tf1e rear of the ct ~-<- development and commercial and residential uses at the front of the ¡2¡1 f¡?/ development. . , ' ' d. Pedestnan access in the locations and widths as shown on theýf r;'ÍíW C~I ( Application Plan. Sidewalk and pedestrian paths shall meet standará'sp ,~--¿ established by the Director of Engineering. {~~_ e. Architectural Features in general accord with the elevation of the " Commercial Building by Stonekmg/Von Storch dated 7/05/01 and frontiZ (/1- </;;---- elevation of the Townhouse(s) dated 10/31/01 and phot:J 07 ::"8 ,~ t.nwnhlî!Jso rear 78CC dJtcd 1 0/31-1G+ attached hereto. The rear face or Townhouse block A and block G shall have additional Window treatment and screening as approved by ARB. Modifications required by Architectural Review Board shall be deemed as consistent with this proffer. A maXImum of 29 residential units which includes a maximum cf 24 townhouses and a maximum of 5 reSidential units averteD the ccmmerc:ai buiidings. 2. Radford Lane. as shown on the Application Pian, snail be reser¡ed for dedicar:cn upon the demand of the County, should the County establish the need for a public road at this iocation. The area to be dedicated shall be the minimum amount required for a public road and shall be no more than 25 feet from the property line except at the entrance to RT250 where the reser/8d area is wider as shown on the Application Plan. If before the County demands dedication for a public road, the County approves a private road at this location under the SubdiviSion Ordinance, then the land reSer/8d for dedication shall be availabie for construction of a private road. This proffer shall be in effect until December 31, 2011. Should the County not make demand or approve the private road design plan at thiS location Within this time period, the owner shall be releasee: from the obligation. The owner is not proffering a gift of the land for a pnvate roac and IS not proffering to construct any improvements to that road. 3. Recreational amenities shall consist of a 'recreational area" as shown on the Application Plan in which a Tot Lot shall be installed. The area shall be a minimum of 20.000 square feet. At a minimum, recreational amenities shall include two benches, a sidewalk, and a pathway as shown on the þ,pplication Plan. These amenities and the Tot Lot shall be installed or bonded prior to certificate of occupancy of the 15th residential unit. ThiS proffer does not prohibit the Director of Planning and Community Develooment from substituting ?J:;è': ()[' ~ ~ (;) I II '" / ' 1 J l'" í f.S = r¡Y'Y -,.{., I 'J , PJ:;~ _~ ,; r' ~ recreational facilities provided those facilities satisfy the requirements of Sections 4.162.1. 4. No structure or landscaping shall be placed within the Old Route 250 road bed shown on the ,A.pplication Plan with the exception of the privacy fence shown along the rear property line. Existing vehicular access across the rear boundary of the development shall remain unobstructed. Screening plants required at the rear of the development where the Old Route 250 road bed abuts the property line shall be placed outside of the 20 foot buffer. A privacy fence of 6 feet in height is proffered in the general location shown on the Application Plan. ïhis proffer acknowledges that the segment of the privacy fence located within the old Route 250 roadbed may be relocated in the event it obstructs any future County road proJect. 5. ïhe Owner shall make a pro-rata contribution for the installation of a traffic signai at one of ':wo potential locations - either the intersection of Clover Lawn Lane anc Rï250 OR Radford Lane and Rï 250. ïhe Owner's pro-rata contribution shall be based on the cost established by VDOï when that signal is warranted. ïhe location of the traffic signal shall be determined by VDOT ïhe amount of the contnbutlon shall be based on a pro-rata share of the traffic volume contnbuted by this site as determined by the Albemarle County Engineering Department. ïhis proffer shall be in effect until December 31, 2011. 6. If a subregional stormwater management faCility is available for use by this development, :he Owner shall make a contribution consistent with the Countis program in lieu of an on-site stormwater management facility. ïhe area shown on the Application Plan for this use will be designated for recreational use. ( I / I !, Uses allowed bY-right in the PDMC district are attached hereto as Section 22.2.1 Commerc:al -C-1, 23.2.1 Commercial Office -CO. and 24.2.1 Highway CommerCial - HC, from the Zoning ordinance in effect at the time of thiS rezoning, caples of which are attached hereto, with the following exceptions: a. ïhe following uses shail not be permitted in this district: Cemeteries (Sèctions 22.2.1 (b)(3), 23.2.1 (4),24.2.1 (5)) Fire and rescue squad statlons(Section 22.1.1 (b)(6)) Funeral homes (Sections 22.2.1 (b)(ì),242.1 (14)) Indoor theaters (Sections 22.2.1 (b)(9), 24.2.1 (38)) ~ I Auto truck repair shop(Sections 22.2.1 (b)(22), ,?4.2.1 (22L f- /. ~ ~ ,';"'- , \ ~GaSOline pumps. If; ---r-::. . L :/'7 é~'l \/l..-LC ~tc~lL/)..t l' (;,1"./ 'J.. )1.\ "\. J 0. ~I "', '-~ (". L..'^-1 ~^^---{ ;x. of'( I U J ), ~ '\ r-..-::- ~,.7 \. G "I L. -; I ' ( b. The fOllowing uses shall be restricted to hours of operation between ôa.m.,., J ../ I \ d1~ .;r , an I pm.: \ Laundries, dry cleaners (Section 22.2.1 (b)(1 0)) Laundromat (Section 22.2.1 (b)(11)) Nurseries, day care centers (Sections 22.2.1(b)(13), 23.2.1(12)) 0. ''l'l11 \ " Indoor athletic facilities (Sections 22.2.1 (b)(24), 242.1 (42)) :au ..,........\ Wl.... u.....U ""^'" "... ......: .Ii( Jlu ~I...(.a... k__ "I"" iJ.Á ¡""¡'H' 1'''- ~~ ... '¡()VCI .LlW V ¡ Llgc III d dlhJ ,l;l L "0' , , - -- - ~ - - - - - - ~g~~~'U~! ...... ... -- I ]: ¡¡I·¡ ;1 ~!I,ä,~¡ -~- 't. ~~ j j~c ]~illi ... \..... ..IJ,.¡ Ul''"- "')~l \'\ \.a. IOu...-., UJ.,,", ¡,...... \: ""011.. .'~'" I....... .,.11 \ ,..lll.íl ......JI. ....,j,( .-.....~ 'L.... '......... ....'l ........., l.......1 p.......dl <-41 rn ill ITj fUll tH 1:j111 ~ ... ì\ ., J .; cJ ~ ~. !f:-I 1;- '~i ,,-;1 ~ ~(. ;. .\~1 J ; ¡. ......... I~ ...,It ,,¡, .~~ .,,.jl ""'1 -~-- ir~H~!T¡~lll JU~~~JIIU \"11 ....... ,.... ""I fH ·~'~·Il.j' :! 1\ . 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'J- --j '''! ¡ ~¡~C'· ~~:l>= -.:.,-.::~~: ,0' / , ALBE.lL--lRLE CO UNIT CODE l~. .-\nUr.JI shelter [ret"erence 5.1.11). (Added 6-16--19). 22..3-\DDITIONAL REQUlRE:YlE:'iTS [0 lc.~ir:cn [0 :'1~ ~eC1UlIe~e:1t5 ~on(J.med i~~ein. :h~ ;-equU"e:ne~LS 'Jr' sec:ron = t O.'::Gr::r;;~;c::::.: :i:S:7:::.;.~e:i.e;:1Ì¡\. 5hJlI acp iy 'Nlth.lIl all C -) discicëS. (,--\mended ~ - ¡ - -3='. - -l 0--35' . ) ...-. , ~----- . . :~2 "~2:'!~.~.~:~:::' /? CHAPTER 13 lQI'H:'-lC SECTro"i c U "L\ 1 ERe L\ L 0 F F ¡ C E - C f) Sec(¡ons: ';: .... l:'iT['-<T \\HERE: ?ER.\IITTE:D PER.\IIT;ED LSES BY RlCHT B\ 5PEC.-\L LSE PER\[rT \DDITIO'-<.-I..L REQURE.'dE:'<TS , '.:.! 22.: ¡"TC:.'<T. \\HERC: ?ER.\IITTED ::s~:.:~:= :.;-~ ..,~:-~: ~:-~:=::~'-= 1;'"'.8 '"7iJ.\ -:::;~:::.:-:~:- -:~ ~S:2:;:Sí'"l=C ...." ~............ ~ -.:::'.;¡ ',~' .......---. ,..::¡...... r J r ~'-=[7'; if: !Slï:::', '-:, --., ", , .., ..;0 (' ~ _~...:; 11 ~...;"::' J.r1l: =:-~::::ss:on:l¡ :~~~ê=,:r ~ _. 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Joor:lCOrJes Jf1d ~stJ.b¡shmems :-or 'ne ::::rocL:c~:Of1. tir::ng Jncor 5:lic J: lOllC:li or Jrostneuc :::.ooilJnCeS orl':;ltes -.:ontJlf1Lng :neQ:cJL~entJj rJr ,optlc::.1 ot~c~:: -I ::\ ~2eJ.ied ::'1 - ~ ,';: ';, -::::-.l¡~,S~:-':;C:::'J~ ~CCI'::~ JS~2C:':::[~S '.V:C'l ':J1~ .:Jr::1c;;::J.; :-..::.;~~:~c~ :¡j;:-:--,-,:-7:è~[S. ~-":S:CJl ~2\~re~. ~:;~~ ::C~JK:;. ~i.sl'~ ~'~:: ~:..: [ :¡C ~ ,:m :~~:..: ,~I~~iC=. '..... ~ -.J;¡'2~~ 2:':.C :':22.[::. ;,":2çC c_-_'-,)() ,,--.... ~"...... ~....... .'-..... - ::'.~C~:I-=, ~:.l~, )It l.r:û ,~cr::¡:¡:";;¡!C::Clün ~-1c~ii~::::s. ~.'·~C::Jd.~:1~ :'J\v~; ~~"":C::':l~S J;-¡C ~~c,uc.::-:~ .=',::è:":, .;;'-:~. 71r.Sll=~~:-:':. ~iCèj. , ". . :..¡:c :--e~:l~ec ~:lC:~::;~s ~c';-"::s~;-,:=,rJt:cn. j\Nr.èC Jr.ü I)Dè:"':l[=S):¡ J ::::'IJ01:C '~r~:il''/ ).'¡:l(~:"' '::sr:-:2T..l::-Jn 2J1C 3~'.vè:-:J.g~:olIè-:::or. .~,'-..;;. ,)f 'CC::l1 -::~:-·¡~C~ J~;~ ::;u,'"7":::¡ng ~::J.(Jons J,na lC:I...:r:~;;.:.nc~s 'J\'vn~d 1.I1Q JC'~~2.[~:J::'. ~'"'1"'" ~.:2em2Ij~ ~-=CL:n[~; ~è:-~:;:':~ j" ~c....,c ¡-: [.: :.::<':~S[ J.5 ,~[:--.~;,v:.s~ ~::.:re~31:J ;:rol/:G~~. :;;:-:::-::~ ,ì,,'::::.t::; SU8C:¡~S J~': :;:;:.[f.J: ":0:¡!~':'C¡è J'.lv ~~'.y~;:.¿~ ~~i=[~~S " ':Jnrcr:-:;J.fi.ce ·-V\c:;. !,::~.J.O(~:- . ,') )~ -:-:~ _...:ce ;( ,~.;tJe:-:-:::u-::: 2.I'.~ 21; ~~l~:- .-;'..~:;~Gèci ~-:=-<;3' :)·~c ¡:c 1SèS 2!";C su!iC:J1'2:S :;c;UCrr.g :=r:1cor;:u:/ I)r ~,oo::~ ~-2c:;:~:e~ 15 ~C;'COiS. ~'~:-:c~~. : 2r:-:.= , .:lJ>";:'=L1~CS If:Q :-22.ù.5 ~'-.lr:2~'':. )\,VTIèG I~'r ,)Cè;J.~,:::': ,':CJ:, -......r..:. .:ll<-l...',-, .....1 ~~::è;::"; ":'2~::·:.::S ....~ r~..c:.,.., -..:. . -. _, __" l,.. '-' _ _.~ ". :'~:¡;C 'I/J.~~; Jr,": 3è\Vè¡ :-;:L.1Si""'":~S3~cn, ::-:2..~:: ~'r :::--~¡li.~ ,tr"",,, -_",.,~--......-.~ :::~l.'""'.::: :::g .::::.::.:;::.:: ,.....\... ::(::~ . y,.vr.::C ~.-...:, ,~:- , ~ ~...~ ~.-'1.-' .' J.~;¡': ,'v ..::.:~.... ::~\."~:- :.....::~,~jí::'. _;>. r..:.....:...... _.:. -'-. -..-- - ~.íT:::::-:--="~~ ~,~':, ~ l:-~ ''::. \,.... - -.->. ---,"'-:';:"'-' -.-> -. -, -"' '- '-' -)- ,::::~:I::-:':-', ~C~;-=:=,~::;-':...4. :-:-:I>~\ -=-'C:,c:.,- ;=~~;~;;C~_ -. ,- .. ~., ,-" - ,\ .~, _ ':2;"= ....-'1 ~.-'1'--''''''''' /-.c. I _ . _. _., '- ~ _ <" .J , ~?~C~~.\L r~5E ?ER.\l~~ ~~L..- -:\J:~ ~'~ =-J\l,¡~:- ~~~::s:=.r:,);;~ ~:-:::~=;""':I..)~:cr; ,:~:?~ 2r,,-=: -':' . - ....., .-'1r-~ ~'~c: =r ~,!, ~:-2"""':~'S=;'~'Î. ....."........~'r:':. ~~:J.[:c;--'~ '::='CU:-=~J.;l~::S. ·I.....~·ì"~->.~ ........",¡~.,,'-- -.. -.,.e;,. -" y ,~ ..... ~..... .. r.-> ~ ,,- -, ......,. -:-- ''''>',.., ~ -".-~ - '-. ,~ ~, I,; ~ , ._ .',.J', ~ . \, ~r',- - ~:"""'''-~~.2.;-'.'~~~ <,. ¡. -=: ":'" .--' ,-, -, -- '>:'-:::è--= .'..- r"" .~ ,} ='~ '. ... . 0 - _2:::~~;:::2., ¡~:.'":~:-'.V'S~ ,r- c:.,--' '''.2.''/ - .; -., .-> --', , y ~. .:>1 --'-. ,,:,~:?i': - '\-. '::'__:-:\~'C' : .....-~-,,-.... --. .I'::;l, ~.... ....;. ..:.,...::~~ -;_. '-, ~s I~"::; ~S. -:"::(~:-~2.: :::::-:'JC:C' :--~~~:-~:ll':::= - ) . =c:- -: '-4I~C:;-=:': ~S~::: =~:-~:c:~:: ~\ :-'~,--::. .-;cr ,~.-.,!~j ~'~ :L.:bi\c '.vJ[~;. ,:",--', ....:;'2 v:::=~:- ~,~ílS;--.:~p[:cn ~.\C~~2:~:; -., ¡ ~', . \~ r. ~ =~-;,l:: ..:c:-~ 2è~ ~ ": \ ,-..... . ~.:; =~ =-=:--:-:;:-:::,::'~,/ -:':;C":[. .-:IJ[ -.:......'--"',. .....\, ,:;,-, . '-~ .-' -::'!....2 i<~ j;::'.v·~:-. .~ ',' \:'! '. . ,'- :Jl::2 "::SC~Jí~~ :~, r ; ~. l~':ì ,J J. ::~ ~: ...: ,~ r:ì ~ S ~ : ~ ·.V]:::~S .:.. 1.-"-,>.' '- --)" ~Î. AL E c' L'nkss 5uch uses :m: orher.v¡Se provldea :n thIs sec::on. 'Jses peml!ITed :0 5ec::oo ¡ 3 :J. reslde:1tlal ?--15. :n compliance '.virh re~'JlarlOns set f-orth :herem and 5uch condItions lS :nay be lmcosed cursuant to sec:ion 31.2.-1. (Added ó-19-Q I) i) ~o(e!s. ~otè!s and :nr:s I re:'ere:1ce c) I)). (...\.dded 6-19-Q II Su::;cor::n; cor:;:;¡e,c:ai llses I re:'e,e:lce 00). IAdded 6- ¡ 9-0 J ) ?,-~se::;c:.i JIlC ,~e'/eiùcment lC::vtt::::s :nc::..¡c:r:s ~x8e:"'::T:.~~t.1i :est:ng. ':\~¿;:::': J- ;~_J' L..JJorJ.ror:es. 'T1ec::cJ.l ,Jr pnJ.r.11aceutlcaL (Aceed 'J- ¡ 0-0=) [n¿oor lú~:e~:c ~-J.C:ii:l~S. .-\dded ~-: 5-~3) :.3.3 .--\DDLTIO,'i.--\L REQCIRE:'I-1E:'iTS :n lc¿it:cn :0 :~e ~eaUtre~ents':8nL1ir:ed. :¡e¡e~~. :..1e :-eçurre::1~n[s Jr se~::or. ~, , ':0í7::7::~::.J: :¡Sl7:c:s.~~:1e:-:llly. sh::.ll :pply '.virh:...r¡ :Iìl C·J ¿isr:-:c:s. ~ - --' / " CH.--\PTER 13 ZO,"!L"IC SECTIO"! , , -.. ~[GH\V-\ 'r COvl.\!ERCL-\L - r--:C ~ e( [II) ns: :~. r l:'iTE.'-iT. WHERE PER.'rfITTED PER.vrITTED LS ES :3\' RIGHT BY SPECL-\.L L5E PER\IIT \1f:'if.Yll'.\1 rRO~T-\CE. SH.-\.PE OF DrSTRICT -\.0 0 I,,;"ION.-\.L REQLIRE:\!E.~TS , , , --+.- .., I .... 1 --<. , , -....-.- , , ' _.....-.: " , _......--+ , , -... , L~T::>T. "VHERE PER.\1fTTED ,-..::.: ::;~ ~:-=~:~:: 2:'.C: ~2.\~ :; =~~J.~~:- je =:::::.l:: ~S,--: =~ ::', :.:-:-:.::~~ ~~: ~,'"'\ ~""...:>o -~'; I......'.~.,. ._.~'""' ......., _,J... _......".¡. _ ..__ '~~......,...>o"'-'"Î' ~::~2C¡~:::.;:"7:-::-:[.), = C...... :: ~ ~:-: :'.-: ; :->~:: c :r, ~ ,,'J " :C'=~:-:~:-2. ':::.-:-=:~~:::~-= '::-"::::'':::-:.C:-:;.::e,ns --~"":>~"'...>.{-" ~....~~ ;"...,.'-~- .V,_"", --' v ::-::~ , ~ ~..... ,..·->n...>o..... - -~ "-' -.,'-,....." - -' '----.. > ..... . -'" n. ~......,' .. .-..'-"'-- ~:-: J. = ~n:.:; :: :ç ~,~r ~:-:~ :'~:-:c~~ ~ ~ ~: .) " , ~ : ,..... , .,. '-", ~ ." ' ~. . '=:'~::::::"":'2::; --~ '"" t -; )'..:> . .....,.~...... - - ---, '- ....'~ , ~ -,>,' - .. ~_ --4''-''''-''';...) =~= ?ER.'.IIiTEo r~SE:3 '.. , 'ì T .......,.... ù: ,,-,1-,:-: I ....:; _' í 2(::-:-: ~:-'. :::::-:-: [,_ - ,-.:.<..... ~ "'......, .......,. ~.~. "....:;, ...:., '--.0 ~:"''''''''--~'''''''_'"1~.-'> -...... '....,. .....-- ,-- - --........ , ~J'. -=-=~ ~ ::: ..>. ,'..>. n ,"" ~ '~--",'~ . - ,,, .:; ~ - -- ,."-~. :r-,:',/ -·~.~:2ï ~,--. :::..>.,- --..>...-----.. -.J_~ ...., --<0 _ __ ~ ._ _. ,~ --: -~ ,- --"- - -, -'-'-' ~l'" -.:.:---- - ...... ..... ,--. . ~. ~- _ J '-' '- _,' ·J,,-~,.Jr-:2 .. :~~:="v..~¡ ~.-::::::-=:~:-'-- " ~ "l r.:::::.,.=: 2[,;,: ':-::::';~..= 2~'""':~:-:::"::~r" ..... :S~~:j ~:-'=':.-', "': 2C¡ '-' :~:-:-2~:;'í'=':~::~S,;~'""': _~:~.::.. -:;-,:;\- -~~:: J'-_, I~ ....~,-=~.»:=- .-; .:., _ ~ .=':7": ,:; C -j' -,>... -'>.... ~.:o - -. '" - '- - - ~ =-~::'J::'~ ~J:=;:2IS ~,,~c ..., rr.... ..>.,' ~.:.,--, ..>. r~... t... " ~, __I '-"_J, ___"'__"__. ~ . -..: :). C 1-= ~ ~ S. , :-- ~ ~ :~ :- ~ ~~ ,-= ~ - 7 ) ~~ ALBE.'Yi-iRLE COrJ.VTY CODE 3. EducJ.t:onal. :ee;,nicJ.l md ::rJ.de schoo is. o rlC:O~/ ourier sajes - c!othmg md :-J.or,c. : r). ? ~ed J.I1d s~ea stores ( re r-ere:1ce 5. : ...:::;. ,..... .. :- 'r.J.nC:J.1 .r.s:::u:lOns. ?:re ~x:mgulsr:~r me secur1ry produces. saies md servlc~. ¡: ¡:-;re md ,esc:Je SquJ.Q sotions I rer'erence 5 (J9). :...;. ?une:-1i :lomes. I':: F'JrTIlrJre stores. . J rood md grocery srores lnc:uding sue;, scec:J.ity sheos 1.5 :xl..Í(ery, c~c:'. ::111X -::s::er.sary :mG '.vlne me cheese shoos. Home 2.r:.d 8uslness 5erv~c~s such l.S grounds C::JIe. c~e:ml.rlg, ~xte:-::;'L.'1.1tors. :mGsc:1crng J.I:C ,)cher ,e::3.lf JJle ::13.mcenmce se:-'lIces. : 3. ~2J¿'N:J.r~. 'J R=~e~ied ~-;-.) ¡ ') =0. ;-:oce:s. ::1ote:s me ':ms. r' , . L-;g.~[ '.v3.Ier:.ousI;1g. \lJ.c~:~e~: :.:r:c ~c:~::m~:1: sJ.les. 5è~/lce .lnG :-~:1~.J.i. 'vlccIJ~ ';or:-:~ 2..."":c. :7:l1i~:- 3J.i~s JI:C 3e:-o,':ce. .\loCul:lr ::uricLng saiès. \[otcr ·'er.:c:e òJ.ies. òer"/lce .lnC ,e:1tJ.i. =5. :-;e'.\l lutomCtìve J3.r.s sales. \" è\VSCape:- ;:L:C l ishing. =s .-\~:n:..'""::s~r:v·e. ':'l..lSlTIèSS lnc :rD(~s3iCr::l¡ ùf::c~s. =9 'Jf::c~J...¡'1d ::us:~~ss :71.:1c~Lr.es 5J.~èS JJ;C S~~/lce. ... i) .;u. ':=..1ri..r1g ~s!J.CtiS~"W"l~~r: :-J.S[ ~-ood :--es:J.ur2...~[s. ~e~J.lì :1urseries me ~reenhouses. SJie or- ::1aior ,ecre:1tlcn3.1 eCUlcment ma vei1¡c:es. . . \Vl>S;2e S'J.I1C5 - ·-e~e~J.oies lnc .lgr-:c:'::C::r1! Jrcduce I ,e:--erer.ce :5...: en ~..1 '.',¡10¡~sJ.¡e dlsrr:2ur:0!1. . ì - = ~-= -, '""' o ,- ~ L3 E.',f,~ R1. E co CVT"/ CO DE :::~:::;-.., ;';15.011 lnC ~Jr::mL:nIC::"C;O~ :::"C:¡:[J~C ~X':!L:C::~2 :ùwe:- '::7'Jc:::.:reclr.C 'J1CIL:G¡~g JO:~::. ::-'.es. ~2..n::rcr:-':'"",:::-':;, ,=~;::~S, ~~~~;'3 ::;J1C :""~~J.(~::: ~~J.C:¡'(:~:= ·'0;-' -Jt')'C7:CH1:Ion J~ OC:11 :e;,'l':~ 1[,~C. J'.vrl~~ lnc. JCè:-:':~:: ,-=.::/ J. :;L:.~~:C 'J~:¡~~~ >,\iJ..[~; '11S:-:-·Ct..:::.:r: J:--'.;:: ,)~·)·/e:-J.g~ -.:C¡,~:::--=~ -:~~.S',..""::'; ,,::::'~:1:: ..::.~:. "::C:'~~~~J.:"~:':~S J',"Y'r-:~~ l~lG ~.,......;>. --: '..>.,-< ~, .... .'" .I ~~. ._'~___ ._'. ~"be:-::2f' ~ ':;è:-'/ 'C~ _,-,'~... .:.., ~::lcr':-- - ',/ - ""..... _.\.'--...... - :.:; :::--.~;·'.lse ~x:r~:s;', :r]'.1 i~:~:. =~;-::::-J., ',....i:lee:- .:; ~L __ '_-..1 ~~',v'~~J.g~ ~~...............---..-,~,....~~ _,~ . ¡ l'~ I .. ....... ~ ,,- '- .'y!':~ ~ ' j'~ '- " .~.~ _._C~ " ..:.:::: : : C}:: . ~ :...:. ',I.. --'._~ =:--'.2.~:: _ '~~~2.:~= 2:-'.~ _. ~......;,'-' "~_I ~ í.... ..... ... ? IJ:' lie ~ S è S }[',2 = ~ : I '..: ~i '2:= .~c:r.'~ ~~:-:-::cr::.~.' ~:- -:-:C'C 1.-= , . ~ , ...... '":' -,-". ~.-..... ~uc:-: _... ~C:-:C'2 ~.;, :,J.¡:<'::, ~~l'. g~:L.::-:':':: .:r.c.: -=J.:":~ J '.V:: ~~ 'J L )C =:-~:~s "'-'-'-. ,j~J.:= =r ~.~~::-:.; 2.;:~~C.~~ ~. ~ ' ,2C2.1, :'~::! .: ..... ::::::"' l:-:': ~ ~"I.i ~:- ---..... ,-......... .. -..-'" ~r -:::-...:~:, ::-~2~:::-'.: ~}c:~:::~~. ,:'-":'~:~:-'.; ;:2::C r;s 2:;:": . ,......~ : '.V:-: è ~ .:;: 2. ~:::::-J.:=:: :~~ = ....". '·1:-::;'': ¡¥ .2 ==:-' '''''\./~~ -':'.'~:.'"":Cí"''''' .......~~~=::::: - ' - ~ ': -->.......... .....;.....~..,....., -"........... -. ~ ... n - -- ... ~ ......... _ '-'; ..J~. -. '- ~,',-,,, - ~ r..:>. ..-;::0..... ,-"':> -...... -"'-- - ~CC>Jí" =:-:~:l~~:-= --..:>..., ~. - -::1 ~ -'" .. ::r...... ~-'" .... . -. -. '- '- - ~ .. "'('''' -, -: 2':-'c ~: 3? ~:=: .-\ ~ _ ~ t. ?:: ~ > 1 r ~ " . ~':. ,.... ~ , , - - ~..... ......" - -. ..::r. '; . -""- :C'·i,. ~- =~===::. ::-:=: ':::-'.': ---> ~~..:>.,~ '-','y-""",,": - ::1 --. -. ~ ---. ' - - ....~.., , , . . ~ .::.. -' . '~ , ' ....., .........., -..~ ,-'- -..::r....... -: ~ .., .:::o,~ >:,::::,~.=;-:~ ~.'(::-,2:-'.'~~ -.>..... '.", ""7 'v'}',-: ~,-".\" .",-- - -- ,;,........,2:-:.; .:;;,,: l:C!....:-:~~:::.;:2.::= -..:>.1'.>...,.......__", -, -. -' ....- .--:·~s:::;~c:;:5. '-"' ..;,..-:., .v. '---n '/::". ~S.:~:-:: --:':Jm:::::: - ...:> I' -" _ -"..... ~----' -.-. -..'-- - ~-.:;2-=::~= -" ~ ~ -....... "~~ '- "'....., , ~'~ ...jLJJE.lI.-~RLE COCVTY CODE .. : 0. '.; r.less õuÒ 'jses Me ùlhe;-.vlse crovided :n :!1is õec::on, uses pennitted :n seelon : S ~. reslce:maì - (z-l5. :n compliance with regui:1tions õet :-orth :herem, and sue:, condicons 15 may be imposed pursuant to õection 31.2.,L ; ¡. CJrnmerc:::¡r \:::::.neis - ilcocr ani;; (refe:ence 5.1.11 J. (,-.\dded i - 1-33ì PJIKing SC-UC:'Llres locJ.ted \.l./holly or pan~y J.oove 'STJ.ce. :'.J..¿ced : l-.....-;)J.':I . _. Cnve-if1 'Nlndo\.l./s se:-ving or J.Ssociared '.\11th ;Jermir:ed ~s~s. (.-\dded ~ 1- --:3~. ,--\~~:;c.~s '~-~- q:¡ ,---t L'ses ~e:-:nlrre¿ oy ~lghr. not ser/ed by public \vater. lnvoiving \-vater consurr:~(¡or. ~xc~~Qi:-:~ :'our huncred ,''¡OO) piions Jer SIte ace per ,':3.y Cses ;::ermirred by r:grit. ,wc õè;-:ed:v ::luo¡ic sewer. :nvolvmg lnncio3.ted discharge or' sewage other :.han comes,Ic '.v::.s:es. ,--\¿c:e:::: -j. ¡ ~-.39) \V1fe~ous~ :-:1c:ìiries :-lot ;;e:;:1ir:ed unde:- sec:ion :..1.:.1 i refe:-ence 9.0'), l-.J..dce¿ ó- ~ J_~ ~ : 6. Animal shelter (re,'erence 5. ¡ .lll. (Added 6- ¡ 6-99) :·U \rI:,;,nrc'rl FRO,'iT.-\GE. SHAPE OF DISTRiCT \¡1::1:::-:~~ :':-:::n:::.ge ~e~u:.:~¿ on :l ::uolic srre~!: :-or ~1e ~S:.J.cltsr:.'11e:it Df J.11 ~C jisLT:c: ~::J.il ':~ :~~ ~u~c:e-:: lnc ~l~~' II ~ 50') :~ee~. ?~on~:lg~ of ill ~C .iistr:c: shall ~C( ~x~eec -::~~L1. ~O(]ç::ç¡y :0 t-1C ,~is::-:c:.s ~s~oìishe-:: Jt :he ::lccprion o( :he =cn~is ::13.~. - . i. ¡-¡;S ~~::::cr: :;:::.~ :·U -\DDITION.-\L REQCIRE'rŒ:';'TS .n JcditÍon :0 =::e :-eGUlre:-:1~i..ts ~ontJ.ined n.ere:.n. rhe ~eGt11re~ei:ts or :3èC:¡On .: t ), ':2l7'.!":":e:--::J~ ~:S~C:3. ~e~.~:-:lily. shaIllcpiy' '.vIlh:.n :lil :-íC iisC"1C:S. I"' ..... , . )----- c, : ~l '-.: '; '; ::' ~ :.: ~ -.: ~ -: /'" - '--. ::7\.-J