HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200200036 Action Letter , . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5823 Fax (434) 972 - 4012 October 14,2002 Katurah Roell 195 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 RE: SP-2002-036 Evergreen Church; Tax Map 46, Parcel 38C Dear Mr. Roell: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on October 2, 2001, unanimously approved the above-noted request to allow for a church in accord with Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. This special use permit is for a church use only. Day care and other accessory uses deemed to have major traffic impacts shall require an amendment to this special use permit; 2. The church's improvements and the scale and location of the improvements shall be developed in general accord with the conceptual plan entitled Minor Amendment Plans for Everqreen Baptist Church dated 4/30/02 and revised 7/26/02; 3. Construction of the church shall be commenced within five (5) years of the date of the Board of Supervisor's action or this special use p.ermit shall expire; 4. Commercial setback standards, as set forth in Section 21.7.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, shall be maintained adjacent to residential uses, including Rural Area zoned property; 5. Total church building square footage shall be limited to seven thousand nine hundred eighty-four (7,984) gross square feet and have an assembly area for no more than three hundred (300) seats; 6. The existing historic barn shall be documented in black and white photographs, with negatives to be maintained by the Planning and Community Development. The barn shall not be demolished. The barn shall be stabilized where necessary and maintained by the creation of a routine cyclical maintenance plan. However, if the barn is damaged by a natural event, such as a hurricane or tornado, to the extent that it is a safety hazard as determined by the Building Official, the church reserves the right to eliminate the safety hazard including, if necessary, demolition of the barn; 7. The applicant shall install screening shrubbery along the southern side of the travelway and parking areas, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Planning and Community Development during the review of the final site plan; 8. The existing entrance shall be removed entirely and its use shall be discontinued. The subject area shall be reestablished in grass or landscaping; and 9. Subject to Virginia Department of Transportation approval, the applicant shall install a commercial driveway and a one hundred (1 OO)-foot right turn lane with a one hundred (1 OO)-foot taper as shown on the Concept Plans for SP 02-36 entitled Minor Amendment Plans for Everqreen Baptist Church dated 4/30/02 and revised 7/26/02. . Page 2 October 14,2002 In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within twenty-four (24) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5832. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, u WVC/jcf Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey T ex Weaver Steve Allshouse Matt Grimes, VDOT A TT ACHMENT B ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i~~ ~ =: :2 x ~ 5: ~ ~ ~ o ~ > ~ f ~ = " -" o ~ "- u ~ c.;:; z r,..o . ~~ z::'" U u. ~:z: ......;;:: <C~ z> z::C <C:::> 2:'J) ::c M~NOR AMENDMENT FOR EVERGREEN BAPT~ST CHURCH GENERAL NOTES cOCA nON AND DESiGN OF ANY PRO"OSfJ %NSS .0 JE SuBMITTED SEPARA ;~~L y AND :-~EA T~=D AS A~ AMENSMl~-;- '0 "-~:S ;J~AN ~:r;r~ nAT AI ':..).;. lll-l V . 1 r,"- ~t.I-TRE~CE: = ,\~CE~ j8C - ,.... -II ~5 V~RG[N~A TM 46 lP ARCEt 3 ZONEO RA DB 160 IlP AGE 460 R~V ANNA D[STR[CTj ALBEMARLE COUNTYj SC ScOWN ONLY BRiNG .ANY i '5 -:-HE CON TR,Ji,CTCR'S ...8CA nON ~XAC 'JERIj.Y THE 2. ;:]0 '~OT SCALE THESE DRAW!~C;S: USE [)!MENS;ONS ')ISCREP ANClES :0 iHE A r~EN ~iOI\ c;r T~l ::NGiNEtK """ONS,BILi ry '0 FIELD VERIFY Ale DiMfNSIO~S ~o C-!E~D 3.'S THE CONTRACTOR'S ,"ESPONS!BIL.~V OF ALL SXISTING UTiliTIES. JF ";;j:::-. "~I;:: ~6C LANG .~:f)T jHIR_lY ~.ShE~, -,-,~ """ .C;.;' ~.( Sl;~. 5. 'hE EXISTING POND WILL BE JSED AS .A STCRM IIATER '~ANAGEMEN1 FACILITY (QUANT' ,V AND QUAliTY). AND ,5 S.JBJEC' [0 ~OOiF,CA liON AS APPROVED RY THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. :I.IS eN ~l.AiN 00 YEAR FLom HERE is NO .RUS~~ES .?:~9l~6 , AGRICUl ,'~C- :::V:~A! ~,~ -, ALBEMARLE COUNTY ENGRNEER~NG GENERAL CONSTRUCTll ON NOTES :iOA8S 8. EACH OUTDOOR ~uMINARIE EQUiP~EC 'MT~ A ~AMP WHiCH F.:MITS .3,000 OR ~AORE !NiTiAL ;..UMENS SH.A.l..:'" BE A c-UU_ C.JTOFF LJViNAR:E OR A DECCRA TIVE L.UMINA.RI[ IMH FULL CUTCF OpTiCS. :S iN I "HE SLlPOVER OF LIGHTING FROM PAR~INGAREA LUMINARitS GNTO PUBLiC AND PROPERTY iN RES!DENTiAL 0, RURAL ARE~ ZONiNG !J,STRiCTS SHALL NOT tXCEEl) ONE -HALF (1/2) FOOT C~.Nr)LE SITE 'C'iS 6. THIS SITE DOES NOT L'E WIT;-..IN A RESE'NOiR WA TSRS~ED. AiRPORT PROTECTION GVERlA Y OISTRiCT. ~~URVEV: -=:.~::;:~APHY: -:-:~:)~n:JL;R JA:- A S'-IOW"i DN i~ESE ;JI~ANS WAS .\ TERPCLA EJ F"?OM ,>\ =~V3:NA no~ or. THE :~.s.c;.s -OPOGRAPHIC MA~ ',C~ARLOTjES"I-L.:.E EP,S~; AND 'E.O SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY "ERFORMED 8v "I.~NNA ENG:~ESRING & 'c ovEvlNG ON JANUA,e L8. 2000. \A:"~,STRIAL D!STRIC: ~1'.t."~NA .~ .:'SCC: Of-- BCUNDARY :..; ~~ v \A. ',VHELA0I ~ ~ .. JE :1 AGE 65G ~:=-::-i '-,J CE:\;E'iAL ~: ~RANSPORTATiON 3E :::S:-AINED ;:-::WM fH. V1RCINiA Ji::?.II.RiI,lEN Tl-<( ;J~RMIT SHALL Gm/ERN. JNL~SS OThERwiSE: NorED :-'RIGR TO A"I'!" CL.EARiI.,JG, GRADING OR REASONABLY OBT AINA8L:::, LESSER !"IG :J\JBUC ~IGHT-OF-WAY, 'NClUOING CONNECT:ON TO ANY EXiSTING ;;:0,\8. ,f" ;:~R;AIT Si-<AL REQUIREMENTS OF '"HE PERM!T. WHERE ANY :)tSCREPAliG:ES OCCUR -,.E 2EQ:';iR~Mt-:NTS OF :l.LL :l.WING, JRA.iNAGE RE.A TED MA rERiALS AND CC/NS"IRvC;10N ME~OOS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPEC:FICA TIONS AND STANDARDS ::F VD,Q. T.. :::RGSiG.'~ AND SiLTATION CONTROL Mf.ASURFS SHALL BE PRO'/1DE9 ;~ ACCORDANCE WITH :;..f APPROVE!) EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND ShALL. BE :NSTAi CQ\.WE-.;CEM[NT OF ANY CON$TRuCIONNlTHN AN" EXIS,] ~H:S ?'..AN AS JRAWN ~AY NOT .4CCURAlt~Y REFLEC 7':.;[ PR;O~ D" . :g z '3 ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ co ~ ~ '0 ~ !' "' ~ ~ ru . is 08 CONSTRUC>10N OR 9E7~R AR or J.. OT!1ER SLOPES 'NHER RT:CA (HORiZONi SlOPE '$ -;-:-if 'lAXiMUM ALLOWAB AND MULCHED DE Rn~:ZED. AREA A~D DISTlJRIED 4. ,11:... S:...Q? ACrlIE~':::: USED '0. ~rlE FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED r:OR 'HiS PROJEC: REVEALED ~C'A T THE MONUMENTED lOCA nON OF THE ':ORTH[RN PROPERTY L'NE DiFFERS FROM T~E PROPEF' LINE SHOWN ON THE "cA' RECOROED iN SB 1136. PG 650 A olA T OF CORRECTION ~AS BEEN GENERA TED AND SHAL_ BE RECORCED IN TilE 'iEA" rUTURE. WiLe BE DUMPSTERS NO TRASH REMOVAL: 9. 3::~~C~~MARK: '/~S i~('>\iUMENT S-156 hW0518. E~EVATIGN .C:: 43a.40. '/~"',:..:... :':ISK :N ;HE CE~7ER A 1 Q"X10" CONCRE-r~ ~fR 3;=G~ !WER 7H~ SJUT~-!~~RN RAiLRO,d,C TO STABllI OR S DEEMED SECESSARY DESiGNEE CiRECTOR' OR ~r~G. 8' [~C:N COUNTY DiRECTO ALBE~AR OPINiON or 'NHEN iloj REQUIRED J!~CH V,AY G ~i~ A TION VA A81 OR PAVE;:, :W-RAP JRA:NAGE CHANNE A, iHE E~u or c;S lfit ON ~ ~ ~ ---. ,...l....; UJ CC r_~ \.--.-< > o r , "--' ;JAR APPROVALS 9 DEVICES. CONSTRUCTION tNDUSNY rRAFFiC CONTROL CLASS OR ANDAROS 'IiRG,N1A MANUAL I~CR UNIFORM SE RE!NFORCED CCNCRE.lf PIPI OSHA IIlTH Ol,Ap MUS NST Ai...~A T;ON SHALL HALL CONFORM WIT.. CONCRET~ PIPI OR UNDERGROuND PIP S;G~S OrED A ~RAFFIC CC~TRO' NLE"SS OTH~RMSI ':'XCAVAT1~ M ONE.. WA Y TR,t,FriC. BE ~"CViJED FOR SHALL PAVEi,\ENT MARKiNGS AND S'G,~AGE CROll oUBLiC R/W FRCIl RURAL DISHeS R/II DiSTRiCTS 'iOT E:XCESC 35' 'D' cROM PUBLIC 70' ;-ROM RURAL S~i;'.L, .~c)' :=:0' ~5> S.~ cJ.NG SETBACKS: r-~CNl YARD: ::CE vARD: ;;E:r4~ vARO: 3.c,_C'~G HEiGHT -: cr; cF BU'lDING O'''>('\~ SETBACKS. :-::(O~1 YARD: ~CE YARD: o o ~ c . ~ ~ ~ is DRA W[NG [NDEX COVER SHEET OVERAll SiTE ~ETA:lED SiTEPLAN ,:;[' AilED SI TEP,-.~N ~'GH TiNG PLAN or Of o 4 0 ~ C ~__~~:_~,(r JS[' ',:'C:"'\ -: .~~C""'=-SED LSE: >':};:CH cd c:: en :> ::c ~ _ e u ~ -- ::r: c U) ~ ;:l z =: 0 <; U U c... E- CJ U) ..,... E- E= ;:; ~ ~ E ::E 0:::: Q) o ;3 z :z:: -<C CxJ ~ :g ~ -..:J~ <: ~ .~ ::c ::c ~ O .- :n ........ .- ~ ~ 0 ::E ""- '" c:: c:: cd > 0:: No Of5 15 RE OFFiCiAL -- -:v F ~~._._~-~--- PLA,NNi!\C 2E.~~~--qV1EN: C-NS J~~ARTM~'~T / ----- f\UT~C)Ri ----- ZCNiNG;'PAR NSPEC SERViCE Existing Eievct:onjCc!'tou ~~oposec Eievation/Cortou Slopes Greater Than 25% 500 500J LEGEND Bench mar 19 Waterilr:e .... E:ectric )Ie ~t Po!e Ex:stil Qverhea.... Powe Prop. ~ ~N/E -- --G/E ~ ... SYSTE"M AND SE~ E:...L ,v:-... ~~R ,AND SA~i Lf..RY St~RVICE: - .:S :-AC:U rYNiL~ BE ::;i::PViCE'J 3v ""~E EX:S~~G (IXED SEATS. 75 103 .;~~::; JSE SCHeDULE: EXiSTING % 3i.j;~DINGS: 0 0.0 ::AvED: 18,561 .3.9 =C[~: 456,199 96.1 '"J'""AL. 474.760 1 :' '::~i<(,\G SCHEDuLE: J\: S?ACE PER F"Ou~ (t, ':c s[.~ TS PRCP()Sr:~J. '5 5P~CES REQUIRED. R~QUIRE iJ PROVIDED SP ACES SPACES ~:J"~ AL. "Q".Ac ENGiNEE~>~GJECJ I\RTME'< " TRANSCCRTA liON OF ViRGiNiA JEPAR\E\JT Sheel 1 JEPAPTMENT REViEW ---- FiRE DE!;ARTMEi'(i ViRGINiA----;:E,4~ <i ARCf-l --'~ BOARD C 74 6'9 't, "819 f" / --. )'/Proffit / ..-/ ",,-, ~ / '>--- . (/ ;\ /f V[C[N[TY MAP .,DOT 21 A AGGREGATE 8M-25.0 SM-9.5 -';~".;!\G SPECiFiCATiONS: ,C0.:: 649 TURN LANe: Sc3-3ASE 'loA TERAll: 8" B.4SO: ',I A TERiAL: .r S.c,~F ~c, MA TERAIL: 1.5 "H<NG AREA: SASE MA TER!AL' ScRF.\CE: PRIME THE '-OllOWING ARE CONDIT'ONS OF Pl~NNiNG COMMISSiON AND BOAR] OF SUPERVISORS APPROVAi. OF SP-99-0n EVERGREEN BAPTiST CHURCH-TAX MAP 48 PARCEL 38C 1, This oerrn:t is issued for church Lise only; 2. TotOl building square footage shail be iirnited to 8,000 grass square feet and hove an assembly area of no more than 300 seats: .3. No schooi or day cere usage :5 allowed. Ar,y fl1~'Jre school or :.loy care '.Jscgt wi require an emendment to this speciel :Jse permit; 4. The churcn sheil not demolish and sheil mci0toin ~he existing rjis[QricGi barn so as to oreserve its c'Urrent cond;tiofl. :1owe',er,;f the Darn is dO'T'oged by 0 natl.ifoi event such as a hurricane or tornado to ~'le cxtei,t that it is a salety hazcrd, '[her the church reserves the ~ight to e:in,;nate the safety f;ozcrC inc:uding, if necessiJry, demol:shir,g the barn; 5. The Darn !110Y not be :.Jsed fer support've ;JlJmoses cirec'l!Y related to the cr;Jrc~ Jse or activity. Uses other than storage may require en amenoment to this soecio: use oermit one/er siteolan and buiiding permit coprovc!s; 6. :re o"Ji!ding setback s'lo!1 fOil ow the exist;rg buiia:ng footpri0t on the r.ort~west side as snOWfl 0'1 the Site Plan enrit1ec "Preliminary Site Pian lor Evergr~en Baptist ChurCf~": 7. Tl;e applicant st',ail instail screering snrl.;bcery c!org the southern sioe of the traveiway ond parking areas, which snail be reviewed ana approved by the Department of Plor,ring end Ccmmurity Deveioornert curirg review of the Fina! Site Plan; 8. The applicant sha!1 instoii screening trees along the northern properly boundary in the area of the proposed building and parking, which shaH be reviewed and approved by :he Department of Planning ond Communitf Development curing review of the Final Site Plan. This requirement can be waved ~f !he northern adjacent property owner [Tex Mao 48 Parcei 388] submits c ietter stotr.g that such landscaping is not rec:.Jired; 9. The existing entrance shall be removea er.t:reiy G:'lC its use shall be discontinued uniess VDOT permits the entrance to remain as G gated entrance. :he churcn sheli :Je ac:.::essed aniy by c new entrance that ;8 aligned 'N::h Payne Jcckson Drive and approved by 'lOOT; 10. The applicant shall install Q 100~foo~ fight turf'1 cn.e with 0 lOO-foot taper os shown on the Site Pian entitled "Preliminary Site Pic:,,! for tvergreen Baptist Church", and dated Maren 17. 2000; :1. The applicant sholl have two years to ~eg~n construction from the approval dote of this special use permit. The applicant shoii ~Qve an additional yea~ ta complete the construct:on once it hos corr~rnenced. end; 12. Health Department approvol of >'tell ccpacilY, and primary and reserve drainfieJds. \ '" '~ 649 29 I / \"/'\ ) I , ~ / (~ i) / / .J...--\\ / /~.--.J ----- '~ 643 OdJ 29 PLANNiNG COMMISSiON APPROVEJ BY THE THE FOLLO'MNG WAIVERS WERE ON APRil 25, 2000 1. Disturbance of critical slopes. 2. One-way eireuiation 3. Angled parking. 6" VDO: 21A AGGREGATE ~ND OOUBlE - SEAL CO\C,E,E SiDEWALK: 4" - 3GGO PSI CDNCREiE co ~ !;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --. !!~ " "1 ~ ~ ~ .. ~ '" ~s ~\ F,r:::::' -':>~ES: -~.:..:[ T~~( ~t.R ':.E:,:.>:1'3 ~,4,RGE :::'--~\ - ry ~~O'lIOEQ :::~OV,Q[;J A~[A LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE "IEJ;f1~ (}JANTlTYI l,iINIMUI.A 0 ~,~", .."\ (ALPER ?LA"JiNG ,_A~'ki) II.; gOT AN:CAL &: =O\l~ON "iA\At R RUBRlJM [ 1<.'1' 0....8 , -.-------- ~pRIME :'~G ///, /~6. '.no II '1 ~ h 'Jr'es B < > 1;!" ~ t Ii! ~ q l .. '" !O 12"'0 S; I N ;F':::~ ~E€S C~\::;;., ~ECl.i'f~E!J :7. 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