HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200200078 Action Letter ~ .·..·····'rrÞ -~ ----------- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Departmel)t of Planning & Community Development 40 I McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5823 Fax (434)972-4012 April 23, 2003 Mike Budde OmniPoint Communications 1250 Baltimore Ave Beltsville, MD 20705 RE: SP-02-78 Joseph Wright & David Turner - Crown Tower Tax Map 32, Parcel 41 Dear Mr. Budde: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on April 16, 2003, by a vote of 4:2, approved the above- noted request. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. All work shall be done in general accord with that described in the applicant's request and site construction plans, entitled "Omnipoint Communications CAP Operations - Flat Branch," last revised on November 27, 2002; 2. The tower shall not be increased in height; 3. This site shall be subject to the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Architectural Review Board; "~ 4. The additional array of panel antennas may be attached only as follows: a. All equipment attached to the tower shall be painted dark gray to match the color of the tower. The cables extending from the ground equipment may remain black; b. The antennas shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height and two (2) feet in width; c. In no case shall any of the new antennas project from the structure to a distance that is greater than that of the existing antennas; d. The antennas subject to this approval may be replaced administratively, provided that the sizing, mounting distances and heights of the replacement antennas are in compliance with these conditions of approval and in accordance with all applicable regulations set forth in Section 5.1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance; and e. The note on page Z-2, which implies that the size, height and direction of the antennas can be adjusted to meet RF requirements, shall be deleted from the construction drawings or amended to remove this consideration for size and height. 5. With the exception of the safety lighting required by Federal Aviation Administration regulations, outdoor lighting shall be permitted only during maintenance periods; regardless of the lumens emitted, each outdoor luminaire that is not required for safety shall be fully shielded as required by Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. No existing trees within two hundred (200) feet of the facility shall be removed for the purpose of installing the proposed antennas or any supporting ground equipment. Should any of the trees within two hundred (200) feet of the tower be removed for the purpose of creating a public or private right-of-way, the owner shall install trees if determined to be needed by the Director of Planning and Community Development to adequately screen the facility's ground equipment from adjacent properties and roadways. To accommodate this, the Director of Planning and Community Development will notify the owner of the road construction and requirement for a landscape plan The Director, or an agent thereof, will determine if the plan is adequate and the date by which the landscaping must be installed (or bonded until the next planting season); 7. The current owner and any subsequent owners of the tower facility, shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator by July 1 of each year. The report shall identify each personal wireless service provider that uses the facility, including a drawing indicating which equipment, on both the tower and the ground, are associated with each provider; · , April 23, 2003 Page 2 8. All equipment and antennae from any individual personal wireless service provider shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use is discontinued. The entire facility shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use for personal wireless service purposes is discontinued. If the Zoning Administrator determines at any time that surety is required to guarantee that the facility will be removed as required, the permittee shall furnish to the Zoning Administrator a certified check, a bond with surety satisfactory to the County, or a letter of credit satisfactory to the County, in an amount sufficient for, and conditioned upon, the removal of the facility. The type of surety guarantee shall be to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator and the County Attorney; and 9, The tower shall be limited to a total of four (4) vertical arrays of panel antennas. No satellite or microwave dishes shall be permitted on the tower. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within twenty-four (24) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5832. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, u. VWCljcf Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse Matt Grimes, VDOT APPROVED FOR CONSl ATTACHMENT B :RTYõW; OR REP. RF - c- ~ SAC - CONSiRÜcñÕÑ SHEET INDEX - T-1 TI1LE SHEET SP-Î PARTIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURV~Y Z-1 SITE PLAN t. Z-2 ANTENNA & ELEVATION Z-3 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ~OMNIPOINT =- COM M U í~ I CA TI ON S CAP OPERATIONS LLC A SUBSIDIARY OF T -MOBILE USAh INC., fko VOICESTREAM WIRELESS 00RP. PROJECT TYPE [)<:ISTING 150' SELF SUPPORT TOWER WITH RELATED UNMANNED COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT UNDERNEATH. ANTENNA SHALL BE PLACED AT A RAD CENTER HEIGHT OF 120 ± THREE EQUIPMENT CABINETS (ONE NEW & TWO FUTURE) WILL BE PLACED ON A 10' X 20' CONCRETE PAD INS!DE EXISTING COMPOUND. PROJECT SUMMARY LANDLORD SITE NAME FLAT BRANCH SITE NUMBER CHR 01 OA SITE ADDRESS 1750 AIRPORT ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2290 CROWN + j { ~3 APPLICANT O..NIPOINT CO....UNICATIONS CAP OPERATIONS. LLC. 12050 BALTI..ORE AVE. BELTSVILLE, "D 20705 CONTACT. TO" RYALL (240) 264-8600 (OFFICE TrL£PHONE VERlZON L.LP. CROWN CO....UNICATIONS 4700 CORRIOOR PLACE. SUITE D BELTSVILLE. ..0 20705 SPENCER LEECH (301) 931-9267 SURVEYOR AUSTIN BROCKENBROUGH & ASSOC. 4800 W. HUNORED ROAD CHESTER. VIRGINIA 23831 PHONE. (804) 748-8746 fAX: (804) 148-7849 UTI L1TI ES ELECTRIC VEPCO CONSULTANTS NA"E ADDRESS CITY. STATE ZIP CONTACT' 2290 P.C. PRIME CONSULTANT TECTONIC ENGINEERING & SURVEYING CONSULTANTS 804 MOOREFIELD PARK DRIVE. SUITE 100 RICHMOND, VA 23236 CONTACT: PHIUP MELITA PHONE: (804) 330-7203 fAX: (804) 330-7213 EXISTING (TBD) NFORMA TION ALBE"ARLE COUNTY BOCA, AISC. NEC UNMANNED RA NON-COMBUSTIBLE "2C 627' ± 150' -O"± '20' ± (AGL) LAT.3S· -07' -58.2"; LONG.78· -26' -24.6" 1750 AIRPORT ROAD. CHARLOTTESVlLLE. VA 1360, PG 271 2327± SO. FT. 200 SO. FT lJTlUTIES SITE JURISDICTION' CODE' OCCUPANCY ZONING CONSTRUCTION TYPE. A..SL. TOWER HEIGHT. RAD CENTER. COORDINATES. ADDRESS' DEED BOOK & PAGL AREA Of EXISTING COMPO UNO. AREA OF O..NIPOINT LEASE AREA: ( ~ :J 5 9 r961 * NOll ~~lSIÐ3~ "5'1 'Slllr'lH N]A31S '1ÜOJ lS1!l'f]N 1Hl 01 GJNIr'l~l1JO 1~~ ONV aa61 JO r'ln1\fO l't':lll~JA N't':lllllr'lV Hl110N 1Hl JO Sr'l1l31 NI 311~ (SlH~13H) r'lnlVO 1V:Jll11JA 3Hl 'ONO:J]S V JQ HlN]l lS]~'o']N ]H1 01 'SONO:J]S ONV S31nNIr'l 'S3311~30 S'f 03SS311dX] 1l:f9' aNY (ra OYN) ra61 JO r'lnlVO N~:Jlll]i'I'I Hl~ON ]Hl JO Sr'lll]l NI 311V (S31\fNIOHoo:J) rtn1\fO W1NOZIHOH DNI1S::31 NV 'iili~ 'Wl'g'lif:j~'~~z D~~~X~,.;i]~ll~p 11~n'~~ ~~ is: ~z~]~o l~gt¡:Æ~ 3115 3H1 lVH1 ONV :A11V1NOZlllOH J33J ()Ç -/+ NIHlIM 01 31Vlln:J:JV 3HV 153M ,,9'tZ,9Z.aL JO 10nllDN01 1Hl 0N't H1HON "Z'aç.LO.ar JO 30nlli'(1 3H1 1'tH1 AJll11D I O¡ ¡o// J.Alo1 wD~ð~~g 'VA '31ll'ffl38W JO AlNnúJ 1H1 NI 031't':l01 106ZZ 'VA '311lAS1ll01l:f9'HJ 'oyQl l.llOdHIV ()ÇL I 09,919 :01 1115 NMOllJ H:lIMl8 l'(1J-NMOllJ 'tOLO llHJ :01 3115 :311 ZOOZ 'az 113801:JO :31VO lJ ]NOZ fl¡' 9d 'IZ6, eo 'n1 'I !N]1fJ9__ 191'1!01S I-HI;-Zf "ON _ X'l'1 H1IM NOfIwo:J NI 3N/1 . 01 ,9'Oçl OZI 06 09 or 0 . .----- ,or-"I ]WJS JIHdV~D '" ~ ¡:> ~ ~ t - ~ ~ ¡ ll: ' ;¡ ~ i il ~ ã' ~ ¡ !' ~ ~ !' 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''-'" 'v \..-'1,,-,\,.7II'1 "" CONTRACTOR SHALL REROUTE THE EXISTING UNDEPGROUND TELEPHONE LINES TO CLEAR THE NEW EQUIPMENT PAD FOuNDATION, IF REQUIRED, THE DIRECTION OF THE ANTENNA SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO MEET SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR SHALL VERI>Y HEIGHT 0" ANTENNA WITH OMNIPOINT PM, ALL ANTENNA AZIMUTH ARE TO B TRUE NORTH CD^rr LEGEND I 2, EXIST CHAINLlN~ ,ENCE ':>ROPOSED CHAINLlNf', FENCt: 3, EY'sm-JG UTIL'TY DOLE i1NtJERGROUNE ELEC!TELCO SILT FENCE 4. 0 6 ~. ___x_x__ ..()-- U/G-E/T 11" 0', ï~ ~,\\ BY N CONTRACTOF: SHALL VERIFy IN THE FIELD TRUE NORTH MEANS 0" SOLAR OBSERVATION PRIOR TO FABRICATION/ INSTALLATION OF ANTENNA MOUNTS T 0'0 ~l -'-tU~ ~ DISCREPANCY CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY PRIOR TO S·TART OF CONSTRUCTION 2 J, .. ~ V "') / I / ) FROM / ~ THESE DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OMNIPOINT INC OMNIPOINT INC ANt' TOWER OWNER ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR ALL STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, INTEGRITY AND REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS OF AND TO THE EXISTING TOWERS, EXISTING STRUCTURES, AND EXISTING SUPPORTS Í'v r I I / / / PROPOSED 20'-0" ACCESS EASEMENT 5.9 ", -0-. I i r \ I I I i ! I I I I I I t I I I / / / / / <~ C ~"- INITIALS PROPER1Y OWNER/REP. - ACOUISITION EXIST. BUILDING RUINS ;.---PROPOSED GRAVEL SURFACE SEE DETAIL 4/Z-3 PROPOSED O"NIPOINT CONCRETE PAD SEE DETAIL 5jZ-3 ~X~/ ( ~~ED ,) ~ /""'-/ ~7~~ / -)..à / "-!-EXISTING , 10'-6" HIGH // CABLE BRIDGE , I CABLE BRIDGE "UST BE BETWEEN TOwER I DE -TUNING CABLE RUNNING DOWN TOWER LEG ðc SHELTER wi ENOUGH CLEARANCE >OR SHELTER'S HVN:. UNITS Eì ') ( ~ / / / / / / / / / / / FUTURE /,:CABINETS CWOODS) ~~~T~~~Ä PEDESTAL PROPOSED BACKBOARD EXTENSION-TO PLACE O"NIPOINT METER ðc DISCONNECT " ,......", ',,- /' / I / ;' , " I /// , ..... ''-., / I / "',,-, / / / / < .... ........ o SHED N ÄXIST. \':OUSE SEE 2jZ- I I I I \ \ I /' / , ..: ii' :~ NOllYONnOJ NO 31Yld 3SY8 llJMOl 1l0IU JllV SNOISNJIlIO 3 ~ ~' g < ~ I I I I I~ 10 1-" I.... o 0; '" :n (J> 0. I 0_ "' "- "'. I ~ .. '" x 'G z '" ~ ~ '" z z ~ ;0 E; ~ I~ I~ Ii I I I <.A 0. Ib I . i~ I~ I'" i~ IS! 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