HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200300034 Action Letter . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DepartmeTlt of Planning & Community Development 40 I McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5823 Fax (434) 972 - 4012 August 18, 2003 T. E. Wood 322 Dover Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-03-34 T. E. Wood (Triton peS); Tax Map 88, Parcel 26 Dear Mr. Wood: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on, August 13, 2003, by a vote of 6:0, approved the above-noted request. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: The facility shall be desiQned, constructed and maintained as follows: 1. The ground equipment, including the concrete pad, shall be sized, located and maintained in general accord with the plans entitled, "Wood-Arrowhead (Triton PCS)", last revised April 21, 2003 and provided with Attachment A in the July 22, 2003 staff report. Panel antennas shall not exceed five (5) feet in height and one (1 )-foot in width. 2. The height and size of the monopole shall not be increased for the purpose of replacing the antennas. The monopole shall never exceed six (6) feet above the tallest tree within twenty-five (25) feet, as measured Above Sea Level (ASL), and shall be sized as originally approved with special use permit SP-01-03. 3. All ground equipment, antennas, equipment pads, external wires and equipment shall be a color that closely matches that of the existing pole and ground equipment. 4. Only flush-mounted antennas shall be permitted. No antennas that project out from the pole beyond the minimum required by the support structure, shall be permitted. However, in no case shall the distance between the face of the pole and the faces of the antennas be more than twelve (12) inches; 5. No satellite or microwave dishes shall be permitted on the monopole. 6. No antennas or equipment, with the exception of a grounding rod, shall be located above the top of the pole. 7. No guy wires shall be permitted. 8. No lighting shall be permitted on the site or on the pole, except as herein provided. Outdoor lighting shall be limited to periods of maintenance only. Each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded such that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest part of the shield or shielding part of the luminaire. For the purposes of this condition, a luminaire is a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lar.;ps to the power supply. 9. The permittee shall comply with section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. Fencing of the lease area shall not be permitted except as provided by the existing livestock fencing shown on the plan. Prior to the issuance of a buildinQ permit. the followinQ requirements shall be met: 10. Submittal of a statement that no tree removal is necessary or a tree conservation plan, developed by a certified arborist, to the Director of Planning and Community Development for approval. The plan shall specify tree protection methods and procedures, and identify any existing trees to be removed on the site - both inside and outside the access easement and lease area. All construction or installation associated with the pole and equipment pad, including necessary access for construction or installation, shall be in accordance with this tree conservation plan. Except for the tree removal Page 2 August18,2003 expressly authorized by the Director of Planning and Community Development, the permittee shall not remove existing trees within one thousand (1,000) feet of the pole and equipment pad. A special use permit amendment shall be required for any future tree removal within two hundred (200) feet of the facility site, after the installation of the subject facility. 11. The permittee shall comply with section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. Fencing of the lease area shall not be permitted. After the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the followinQ requirements shall be met: 12. The applicant, or any subsequent owners of the facility, shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator by July 1 of each year. The report shall identify each personal wireless service provider that uses the facility, including a drawing indicating which equipment, on both the tower and the ground, are associated with each provider. 13. All equipment and antennae from any individual personal wireless service provider shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use is discontinued. The entire facility shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use for personal wireless service purposes is discontinued. If the Zoning Administrator determines at any time that surety is required to guarantee that the facility will be removed as required, the permittee shall furnish to the Zoning Administrator a certified check, a bond with surety satisfactory to the County, or a letter of credit satisfactory to the County, in an amount sufficient for, and conditioned upon, the removal of the facility. The type of surety guarantee shall be to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator and the County Attorney. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within twenty-four (24) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5832. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, [juJ~ V. Wayne Ilimberg Director 0 Planning & C VWC/jcf Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse Matt Grimes, VDOT ATTACHMENT A ill ~ CXJ n I 0:: > U ......... (/) U Q... TRITON ~c::::: ~ TRITON I=>C ~s NEW EQUIPMENT UPGRADE DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON RECORD DRAWINGS AND OTHER SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY TRITON PCS. . s,- c ~ un om~ MamNf of the A T& T wnleI$ N8IWOlt. SunConIM pes) Member of the AT&T Wireless Network WOOD-ARROWHEAD (TRITON ARROWHEAD VALLEY ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2290 eVR-3848 E911 BTS UPGRADE 1 I) oj '-'- ......... (/) U Q... Z o t: 0:: f- '--' o <C w I 3: o 0:: 0:: <C I o o o 3: m ~ CXJ n I 0:: > U ......... (f) U Q... Z o t: 0:: f- ........ o <C w I 3: o 0:: 0:: <C I o o o 3: CIIECIC .... ~ SUBwmALS DAlE ISSUE HH13 I E911 B1S lI'QlAIlE 9 IlIlAPtICLSCAU o lNOJJlD l!ASING _ R.F._ ZlHNC _ COIS1R\JC11ON riiiiJii:f'iii, DllAWN .... 13327__ 1 EJ I!l:. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ WOOD-ARROWHEAD (TRITON PCS) CVR-384B ARROWHEAD VALLEY RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 ALBEMARLE COUNTY SHEIT mu SITE DIRECTION FROM THE AlBEMARLE COUNlY OFFlCES. TURN RIGHT ON MAIN STREET IUS 250 AND GO 2.5 MILES. TURN LEFT ONTO ROUTE 29 AND GO SOUTH 5.4 MILES TO THE SECOND SIGN OF ROUTE 745 (ARROWHEAD VALLEY ROAD). lURN LEFT THROUGH MEDIAN CUT ONTO ROUTE 745 AND GO APPROXIMATELY 1000 FEET ACROSS RAILROAD AND TAKE AN IMMEDIATE RIGHT. 1i-1ERE IS A LOCKED GATE. FOLLOW EXISTING GRAVEL ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1000 FEET TO TOWER SITE. v oET AILS N D E X DETAIL PLAN ELEVATION & ANTENNA MOUNTING PLAN & ELEV A TI ON EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT DETAILS oET AILS N G A W D R TITLE SHEET EXISTING SITE EXISTING SITE E911 E911 NEW NEW NEW T-1 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 LEGEND AOJ ADJUST.f8LE WIN MINIMUM A-1 AN1EH~ MARK NUMBER AGt. N!KNE GROUND lEVEl. t.m. METAL. (E) EXISTVtG AMSl MKNE YEAN SEA lEVEl.. Hie NOT IN CONTFW:T (N) NEW ANT NmN~ NTS NOT TO SCALE (p) PROPOSED N'PROX APPROXI~lE OC ON CENl'tR { CENTERUNE All AZNt1TH OHP OVERHEAD POWER t PlAlE B1S MSE TRNfSWISSION STAnoN om CNERHEAD TELCO e/W EWmED 'MRE CAB CABINET pes PERSOJW.. ell OWN ~K CONe CONCRETE ~TIONS, ow.ETER CONT CONTINUOUS PWR POWER wi WI11i CONSf CONSTRUCTION Sf SQlIARE FOOT ":' ~.IOM : ~ 4E SEClION ..- : =~ ~ :LESS sn:a I owe DRAWING mea lBD'HONE COt/iPNf'f EA EACH TO TOP Of SHEET JrU.eER EL[C EUCTRlC TYP TYPtCAL DRAWING SECTlON El.EV a.EVATlON VF VERIFY IN FlnD EO EQUAl UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOl[D ~ SEClION ..- EQUIP EQUlPMOO USGS US. GEOLOGtCAl SURVEY 4 I EXT EXTERIOR WWF WElDED wtRE FABRIC IT ANlSH FlOOR fTG FOOnNG & REVISION NlINBER SHEEr NUMBER GA GAUGE DETAR.. GAlV GAlVANIZW ~ llAruw ~'11ON ~..- GC GENERAl CON'l'RACTOR """0 CROUNO --......- "'TCH LmE - INT INTERtOR SHEEr LC LONG .. (TB) TEST BORING NO. MAX MAXIMUM (WP) WORK POINT DET....L WFC .......rAClURER ("') llAruw POINT ENlAACOlENT) _~OR~Fll l~::.::;~::.<J ~ ~EHT. ~=EOR t:.,-..~:,.,.~ ~~ ~ETE I";'.' >'1 UGHT WEIGHT .. CONCIlEIE ~ :VRSED p,=~Tl=';"" TITLE SHEET 37"-58' -56.89 LONGITUDE: W 78.-35'-21.45 GROUND ELEVATION: 763.7 FT (AMSL) AMSL = ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: SAMUEL MILLER SITE DATA: LATITUDE: N A R Y 2290 TRITON PCS 100 WESTGATE PARKWAY RICHMOND, VA 2323:~ M E C T T.E. WOOD 322 DOVER ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA M u s J PRO PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT: PCS) CVR-384B WOOD-ARROWHEAD (TRITON ARROWHEAD VALLEY ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2290 SITE NUMBER SITE NAME: SITE ADDRESS 1 SHEET NuIIIEII T- CHRIS GILLIS (804) 364-7956 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION CONTACT PERSON JURISDICTION 880-461 88-26 ZONING: RA DEED BOOK-PAGE: TAX MAP: CURRENT (03:lNlJ lON ONnOd~O:l :JlON) ONnOd~O:l ,OZX.Ol :lNUSllG 3:l01118 nev:> :lNUSllG nOd OOON. --<=ao....... .0< -zt M.HO 'n.. ON3~3l 0!MJ8~::Ml .unun :lNUSllG ~ _ _ r ----M1 I I ~ >s; "<; ... - S3111M OY3Hll3I\O :lNUSllG nOd .unun :lNllSllG 3Nn 3SV3l ~:, ~-/- -- N'v'ld 11'vT3C - ---- c;:lVdS :lNI~ll'9'd/ONnollVNllru ,Sl.) - l-:l/r 11'9'130 33S O't'd ':lNO:l ,01)(.9-,9 NO lNJ~dlnC3 S:l:lS :lNUSllG ~ - L ---- - -- ---- ~ - 0't'01l =:l:lV / 3:lV~llns 13^,ill:l 301M ,01- lNJl'Osv] .unu.n/=:l:lV 301M ,Ol :lNUSllG -J ~ lIlIIVIN _lDlS N'Vld 11'1130 311S ~NI1SIX3 :nw. lJlHS A1Nn08 31~V~381V L0611 V^ '3111^S3liOl~VH8 a~ A311V^ aV3HMO~~V 8v9~-~^J (S8d N01ItU) OV3HMOtJtN -OOOM ~ ::;E o o o I )> ;:0 ;:0 o ::;E I f'Tl )> o ......... -I ;:0 =i o z -U () (/) '--' () < ;:0 I VJ CD ~ CD ('~ (, (~ ~~ 6 8 l 9 5 t o 'OIl JOYll!l.Il !iUI 11631 ro-lZ-t JlISSI lIW SlY llU.anS ::;E o o o I )> ;:0 ;:0 o ::;E I f'Tl )> o -u () (/) '--' ~~1V.LV~;o*lW"" .UlOJUnS ........ --' ~;::=> c::::J::: NO.LIM.L () < ;:0 I VJ CD ~ )> ;:0 ;:0 o ::;E I f'Tl )> o """' -I ;:0 =i o z -U () tf) '-" 't;/ 1N3INH:l't;/ 11 't;/ () < ;:0 I VJ CD ~ CD . ATTACHMENT A ill ~ CXJ n I 0:: > U /""'0 (/) U Q... TRITON ~c::::: ~ I EXISTING - I ANTENNA AND COAXIAL CABLE SCHEDULE :1~NNA SECTOR MlENNA CoAXIAl <;AtIlt AZllotUTH RAe COAXIAl COAXIAl CABLE loti IlotUlot n.AA 'TYPE TRX ANTENNA lotECHANICAl FEED lOCATION CENTER CABLE LENGTH BENDING RADIUS CONFIGURATION OOWN11lT A 1 DAPA 58210X CENTER JO' 93." 106' ANDREW TX/RX (<<.7"x6.3"x2.75") 7/8"' LDF4-SQA 20" lGP a BAND 0' B 2 DIV'A 58210X CENTER 250' 93.1' 106' ANDREW TX/RX (<<.7"x6.3"x2.75") 7/8"' LDF4-5OA 20" lGP B BAND 0' TOTAl lENGTH 453 FT ~ rT/WOOD POLE 95.3'% M3(NE GROUND lEVEL (AGl) "-..... 859.0'% ABOVE lotEAN SEA LEVEL (AMSl) 1/ 1 ANTENNAS DAPA 5821 OX 93.1' % (AGl) s",- C ~ un om Member of !hi AT&T WRIIeu ~ 24 /""'0 (/) U Q... Z o I- ~ I- '-" o <( W I 3: o !Y: 0:: <( I o o o 3: ill ~ CXJ n I 0:: > U /""'0 (/) U Q... Z o t:: 0:: I- '-' o <( W I 3: o 0:: 0:: <( I o o o 3: RF. ZlHNC COlS11lJCTOI ~ DIlAWII BY CHECI( BY 1=-- IE]~ SUBwmALS DAlE ISSUE 4-210113 I E911 B1S _ . 1lRAMc_ SCAIL o lID" o ~~~~IDGE 2'-0" ~CABLE BRIDGE / POST ('TYP) r 3/4 " SPARE CONDUIT 30 TElCO CONDUIT ~3" POWER CONDUIT /" - ~ ""- / /' BTS DOOR (TY1') - 2'-6" - 8'-6" I - - NOrr, USE ERICSSON BOLT PATTERN TElotPLATE TO PREDRILL HOLES FOR ANCHOR BOLTS T PAILELAN SCCS-S WOODEN DAPA TR-5 lotECHANICAl DOWNT1l T BRACKET AND DAPA FIX 805 PIPE lotOUNT BRACKET PANEL ANTENNA- PAINTED BROWN lotlCROFlECT PIPE lotOUNT J lotlCROFlECT TRI-BRACKET PART I 81882 OR EQUAl PART I 81828 OR EQUAl Z) ~~~NG TRI-BRACKET ELEVATION ~ o 0. o o o 30 " z ;:: In X W ... o 0. ::' ...J ~ ;.., .; 01 In ~ ~ ?i " ~ B ... o '" ~ w " ~ " ~ B ...J ~ ..; 01 WOOD POLE 95.3' HIGH ORIGINAL ~ WOOD-ARROWHEAD (TRITON pes) CVR-384B ARROWHEAD VALLEY RD CHARLomSVILLE, VA 22901 ALBEMARLE COUNTY SHaT TIla 2 l INCHES IN , I SIZE EXISTING ELEVATION & ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS EXPOSED FOUNDATION PAINTED BROWN EXISTlNG ICE BRIDGE \ EXISTlNG TRITON ~~';.,~ -~\ \ \ \ \ CONCRffi PAD \ TINTED EARTHTONE \ SHaT NUIIlQ C-2 WOOO POLE BASE El= 763. 7' (AMSl) EXISTlNG FOUNDATION \ ~3N0llilllY3 \ ~~ OVd ~~:~~: Sl8 M3N OVd 3J.311J(~Il~O ~~ \ \ Sl8 NOll!U JNUSIX3 ~\ ~3::~J:~::US: 'lNN3.lNV Sdll M3N NMOll8 03lNIVd NOWiONnOj 03S0dX3 3JI M3N NO~VONnOj (lSrfi) 'F.LTSL-13 3SV1l 310d OOOM WHS ~-J lDIIMN NOI1'v't\3T3 ~ N'v'ld 311S M3N JlW. UJHS AlNnOJ 31tlV~381V L06lZ V^ '311,^S3HOltlVHJ a~ A311V^ aV3HMO~~V 8t8~-~^J (SJd N011~U) OV3HMOtltl'v' -OOOM !:IJl'OlW 310N 1N3V>Jdln03 S18 8Nl1SIX3 HJ1VV>J 01 031NIVd 38 01 lN3V>Jdln03 M3N llV :m:JS ;JIHd!IIO 6 8 1 9 ~ t r 1 I ~ o o o I )> :;0 :;0 o ~ I ["Tl )> o ......... -j :;0 =i o Z "'U o (/) ......... o < :;0 I VJ OJ -l'- CO ..., (.I c HJIH ,,'.6 310d OOOM .. ~ It ~ i:- S! " o ~ ;u o ... \:! !!i z " ~ .... '" z ~ '" '" 4 It ! d d ." o ... \:! gj z " ~ o " ." o J;; :310N) 10N ONnOdrlOJ r (03~~( _.~ =~ :-:~ ~ I I I ~ 3001118 318Y.l ~ JNUSIX3 I !I3M01 JNUSIX3 ~ -zv I ---~ /I -- c;:>VdS JNI~llVd/ONnO!I'INIlru. ..l) 13NI8Y.l lL 63 M3N - OVd 'JNOJ .01)(.S-.9 t lN3rldln03 =S JNUSI: /~ - _----.l... ----- ~-- -= 13^,illJ 301M .01 V 11'/31'05'9'3 Amun/SS3J:>V 301M .Ol JNUSIX3 3:>VjllnS o 'ON I lIItlr'art I ~ - :JNNlZ 'JlI ONSrn 0llr0Nl 3CMfl,fl !ita 11631 ro-ll-t JnSSI J1~ S1Vlll"SnS [2]~ AI _ AI NMWO ~1l31N3J 0Vll (lJV) 'F.I.,6 .-J/l 11'1130 33S 03:JV1d311 38 01 X'IOJ ON'>' S'lNN3J.N\I NOll!U ~USIX3 001l JNINlHJn JN~SIX3 ~ (lSrfi) 13.\31 \f.3S N\f.3rl 3f.OOV 'F.0'6<;9 (lJV) 13.\31 ONnOllJ 3f.OOv 'F,>'.6 310d 000111/1 ~ ~~ .~~ ~h8l8Vlll'l1l"'","JOJ~ MUlO""' un S .......v-"" ~ ;::::::> c:::t:: N01J~I..L ~ o o o I )> :;0 :;0 o ~ I ["Tl )> o ......... -j :;0 =i o Z "'U o (/) ......... o < :;0 I VJ OJ o I )> :;0 :;0 o ~ I [Tl )> o ......... -j :;0 =i o Z "'U o (/) ......... o < :;0 I VJ OJ -l'- co 'fI1N3WH~'fIll'fl ~) .~ (..0 ATT ACHMENT A .J~'C.:~II~ =-~..:c ~ ~oo~ P.c. ~ .~. VA 23238 I ~ (1lID4) 330-7203 0:: F..: (104) .)30-7213 > .t-..t.....l..... fl. u~..- u TRITON .......... (/) u ~c::::: ~ Q... Z 0 t:: 0:: S,....-- C ~ I- '-" un om~ 0 MembltrofIlMlAT&TwnIlssNItI'WOrk. <( W :r: 3: 0 0:: 0:: <( I 0 ~ CXJ n I 0:: > U .......... (/) U Q... Z o t:: 0:: I- '-" o <( w :r: 3: o 0:: 0:: <( I o o o 3: m ~ CXJ n I 0:: > U ......... (/) U Q... Z o t:: 0:: I- '-" o <( w :r: 3: o 0:: 0:: <( I o o o 3: RE. ZlIlIlG lXJlS11IlC11ON 1'iii:iCfiiD. DIlAWN 1'1 CHECK 1'1 13J27.J8411 I E::J ~ I SUBwmALS NO. IIATE ISSlJ[ 0 H,-03 [911 B~ \PQl.\OC , - 2 - J - . - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - . _ SCAI.[ - - 0 , 2 ""----. ~ ORIGINAL SIZE INCHES I'IlOJEC'I WOOD-ARROWHEAD (TRITON PCS) CVR-384B ARROWHEAD VALLEY RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 ALBEMARLE COUNTY SHEET mu NEW E911 EQUIPMENT DETAILS SHEET NUIIKII C-4 NEW EXISTING ICE BRIDGE CABINET ."x4" PVC SLEEPERS C=4JI~~~,74~,I.~.;f\lEWc!LEXISTING EQU1PMENT QhLEXISTlNG CONe. ~ AD ALL NEW EQUIPMENT TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING BTS EQUIPMENT E911 CABINET r~~~ NEW 8TS CABINET NOTE NEW E911 CABINET 2" CHASE NIPPLE BREAKER PANEL 0'-0" EXISTING ICE BRIDGE POST NEW ," ReS CONOUIT W /4-#' 0, 30A BREAKER EXISTING 'O'xB'-6" CONCRETE PN:! ~ . EXISTING ICE BRIDGE I NEW GPS I I I EXISTING ICE BRIOGE POST I I NEW ICE BRIDGE I I ~ NEW #2 BARE TINNEO COPPER WIRE . NEW 3" RGS CONOUIT WITH COAX ENTRY BOOT IN 3/4" PVC CONDUIT TO GROUND RING (CAD WELD TO GROUND RING) h - 3" DEPTH. ,4 GAGE. G/>LV. STEEL. "GRIP STRuT' WI'U(WAY -1/4" DIA. BOLT W/NUT -, 5/8" UNISTRUT. ANCHORED TO \0, ~ SLEEPER W/l/4" DIA. G/>LV. SCREW -TOP /EXIST SLAI! ~ FIN. GRADE -------- 4x4 PVC SLEEPER 2'-6 :.. I .. NEW IllS CABINET . o .0-.'=.' :31VOS 13~18VJ 518 M3N-JI~13~OSI a 1N3V'ldln03 S18 ~NI1SIX3 HJ1VV'l 01 031NIVd 38 01 1N3V'ldln03 M3N llV :310N - .0-,' -../r::nvos r;;- f\lVld 1Nno~ 13>lJV~8-1~1-JI~13~OSI ~ l\'Il03 ~o 9~9 La I ilI't'd 13~~VlIa-lw. .l:lnlO~~11'l !)NUSllG - ., - (r ,;0 dJ.1) , 0: NVd OZldOXX' --.- l\'Il03 ~O ~r9l8 I ilI't'd lNOOI'l 3dld l~nlO~~11'l !)NUSllG \lNN31NV 3~ruJ\.J '" I' .... s-~ . ~2'I ~~ ? '" lVn03 ~O 9~9 'a I ilI't'd 13~:JVlIa-lw. .l:lnlO~~11'l !)NUSllG ~ ON\' M3N ~ j9<Y 13NI8VJ ~ ~ 63 M3NO~8i~~'~OSI Cs~~ II Sl'V13a'VN~31NV0 M3N ~0~~9S VdVO ~ c" ,,(......... ...'\ ..;J."",~ ~ .9 !)NUSllG ~ rr--... '" I- a> '" ~ \lNN31NV OZldOXX-L' -S9~O Sl'l3 ~ 0 0 g-J 0 I )> ;:0 ;:0 ll3IIl"H mIlS 0 ~ I SlIV130 f'T1 lN3V'1dln03 ~ ~ 63 )> 0 M3N ......... --1 ;:0 nw. 1DHS ~ A1NnOJ 31~VV'l381V 0 z ~O6ll "'U VA '311,^S3H01~IIHJ (') a~ A311VA aV3HMO~~V (/) '-" 8t8~-tJ^J (') (SJd N011~1) < OV3HMO~~V-OOOM ;:0 I J.:IJI'OlW IN CXJ S3H:JNI "'II 3ZlS "lVNIOI~O ~ , _-_-...J CD . , 0 JW:lS :lIldYIIO 6 8 ~ L 0 9 0 0 ~ I . )> ;:0 r ;:0 0 ~ ~ , I f'T1 3O'Illl.I1 SIB U6] ro-LZ-lo 0 )> Jf1SSI 11'1l1 "ON 0 51't'lllllans I ......... --1 c::2J ~ I --=1 ;:0 ~ 0 .II lI:DH:I .II HMYIICI ~ Z NOll.:ltIIISNXl "'U - :lNNlZ (') (/) -'!If '-" - :NSY31 lIlIOllMl RI1 ......... --1 ;:0 ~ o Z "'U (') (/) '-" ""j (, IIK)MleN ....ftJ!Mlt1'tfIllAP.MlQl,Ull~ ~UIOJUns ....... --' 5> ::=> c::I: NO.LIM.L 'fI1N3,^,H:>VllV (') < ;:0 I IN CXJ ~ CD