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SUB200400284 Calculations Preliminary Plat 2005-03-23
PAVEMENT DESIGN & DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS HARDWARE RIVER FARMS r ROGER W. RAY & ASSOC., INC. 1717-1B ALLIED STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNERS 434-293-3195 Virginia Department of Transportation—Pavement Design Guide © 1996 (rev2000) \fir Appendix IV Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Subdivision Street Requirements County AI.,( e,w,/a24.6 Date: •3 - 2,3 -O S Subdivision i•JAA.D a t.i. /2../u �/4TL S Street Name /-//4n1;&14 .E. 2iu t& 2oA 17 Developer CaA.n,1, 1.,..o C-,p`I J/2- Phone: -34- 8¢-5-09¢2 ADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements. CBR0 Design CBR=Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide. CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide , DME VDOT District Materials Engineer EPT Equivalent projected traffic HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g. trucks,buses, etc., with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires). %HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles. RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading. SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRp x RF) Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method DR Thickness index required,based on Design ADT and SSV,determined by Appendix II. Step 2: Determine Design Values .Ste0 . .:!•11etermine'Design ADT .. ' CBR, RF, and SSV ADT I Sample DBRT Resiliency Factor (RF) # 1 Source Value (YoHCV= 100 x HCV x ADT) # 2 Table 1 or 20 x HCV Note:For # 3 I Appendix I %HCV>5%, # DME an roved RF Note:For%HCV ❑ 5%,use ADT EPT>ADT p # For preliminary designs,use the lowest RF # I value in the equation Design ADT 9 0 CBRD x RF = SSV Use greater of ADT or EPT ( 4- ) x ( /. O ) _ A Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.) ID (A) Limited to Design ADT S 400-Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix IV Tables A and B. 12( (B) Show pavement section as developed in the Pavement Design Guide. DR = - .9 (See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appen.ixtx II Description of Proposed Pavement Section Material NotationrI Thickness, h 1 a ( (a x h) Surface PA,,,,,`L* �,ac,r. SPk., oil. (,GASB T) ,i[.orZtd SEA.. I 7 I 0. e 4- Base AC,G/LEGA'i,E. BASE AilATf.A./AC- , 14). ./A //Z " 1 1.0 6.5 Subbase I 1 Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. Dp= E(a x h) = . 7. 3 26 Virginia Department of Transportation—Pavement Design Guide © 1996 (rev2000) - * ,4 LTi-ANI rTI✓ 'ZDg Cv ✓ Appendix IV Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Subdivision Street Requirements County /�[.Z3��,c,q►1c-� Date: 3-Z3 -oS Subdivision 11A-4. ,v,ern,E /2i�rea- IA-it.p S Street Name , /a-j4-n,��y fA,L 1F ZO f'D C Developer ftp C,Ar4J `i2 rAt2 Phone:034-efts-4,19'2 ADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements. CBRD Design CBR=Average of CERT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide. CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide DME VDOT District Materials Engineer EPT Equivalent projected traffic HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g. trucks, buses, etc., with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires). %HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles. RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading. SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRD x RF) Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method DR Thickness index required,based on Design ADT and SSV,determined by Appendix II. Step 2: Determine Design Values .Step'1:. .::`'Determine.Design ADT CBR, RF, and SSV ADT Sample DBRT Resiliency Factor (RF) # 1 Source Value %HCV= 100 x HCV x ADT) # 2 Table 1 or 20 x HCV Note:For # 3 Appendix I Note:For%HCV 0 5%,use ADT %HCV>5%, # DME approved RF EP7>ADT # For preliminary designs,use the lowest RF # value in the equation Design ADT CBRD x RF — Use greater of ADT or EPT q 0 — SSV ( ) x ( /0 ) = 0 Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below,) ❑ (A) Limited to Design ADT S 400-Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix I\'Tables A and B. (B) Show pavement section as developed in the Pavement Design Guide. DR = 6 -9 (Sec Appendix Ill for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appendix II Description of Proposed Pavement Section Material Notation 1 Thickness, h a I (a x h) Surface AS PH4 7 CiPA.1 C.t kTE ‘SAA. 9• GA I Z " 1/6,7 3 . 34' . Base A GG t Garr /3AsE. rrget im-c- A/0. Z/A 1 ; 11 1/-0 (-O Subbase I I Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. Dp= E(a x h) = €• 3 26 t• irk ‘litieri Ur — Ateri c J c ` , V N ~ c Q ' Q I O i O ...1 r I 4-3n H n u O O n S r 9 -. I � "-Y I I0 33a Y Il 11 n r O P1 o n t I Y s r1 n n \ ••1 T T -1Y A N N N I O N I O N n • 11 dY M ft I ettl _ + / 1 u {Jr • O I. r • 1 ,u.,,-..0 1......1 0 1 1(.4 O it = . 11 _w I 'I (n I $ • N 11 O "� n Il ", *4:1 c l ; g I N I.. n O �� N�` d o . r 0 M u, r n • 0 1- �1 n o r r D n O .1 0 0 11 N o o � I _ v C I - 1 0 lr r N ' N • r. r I LO i 14:1* I17• 62 -;. p 01111 li 1 I r .4 Ice...0...... O r -a W I N 74, n Z r n III0t; in n. � o n r� N © e r Ns. -.1 !: ..'.1 I., r © k d 'P ZT\ N I` c* `- Z :1. CAI° Y G` ' G G ibt✓p CN1 Nr 0 0D � o N N W U to --4 ? H') O 0 N N N O NI - - -I—I-1- -I- - 0 ,_ N 0 0 V` ° p �' - I- I- -I-I-i " I •I- �y ('� ii ('S \ I-I-I -IFLOw I 0 � (� n I It n ID 13, U It a 11 �^N O T T. 0 N o O n CO (v 0 p U C O - v t4 i� °° n D c I� I I� I IRI I0 Iii U\ U , �,� w w W � � � I Iii c---)1 N W L _uI t ' 10 w r\) II N N _ . 6-- N I G .i 1 N v\ a, 4 o I I I I I Inl Inl In l t� `01 Ira I In Ir' InInI InI Irc) I m 11(;. k o o iZ � ILtIt 1t1` I I I I I I i I ISI ICA Iwl Iii RA 1l 1w II1i I I LL SE�.�_JC.Aif �� 11PI i O _ II I _ lk rorIwI �Ji � _: _, I I � c — i ' W = v ;A I H W o N , o a0N . o rrl rc :1:3'i ? 'D ' ,1'f', ‘,1 Ne tv0 ),Liq v 30 1 we mW 2 * C5'%'" ' filr, , ^ • . U\ V T I L I N�. N -Q oNaV D — — — - - — — —I -1—I— —I—I—I—I-1• � —1—I—I- I— F VN� --IFLOW I 0 Ir I� p t rt -1 VI .oZ< z G N (1,,{ 2 I n . p `A W ' D D 2 n IwJ ISI I017: I I 0 tR ' (A W W H 0\ I 0 I%-i � I IN I € , 1.(1 . r l'i\l N I I [— I I I I (. I I0I In' Ir> I I( I Mc) = I I I 1 1 * rrkil _ m 11 ° 1 i = 51 . I I INI T . . iw I I I I•+ i t VEL. I I I i I .:q ;,IIIIIICA; IIIIPo - I I w1= 1 LJ // I I I _ I I I . TTTTTTI 18 c • y U • I V I I H 1,c;3 tN NI o NL iI , m �m a N t . 16 PI (-14) �W � Z ? o D R1 a^NN( ;-- � 7VO , rWl Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. 1717-1B Allied Street Charlottesville, Va 22903 434-293-3195 Thursday, September 09, 2004 2:04:46 PM PRIVATE ROAD PROJECT: C:\Pros\10561preliminary.pro DTM TO DTM VOLUME Cut and Fill Volumes Shrinkage/swell factors: Cut 1.0000 Fill 1.0000 Original DTM # of Final DTM # of Layer Name Points Layer Name Points PREL DTM 15,042 PRIV DESIGN 1,218 Cut Volume Cumulative Fill Volume Cumulative (yd3) Cut Volume (yd3) Fill Volume 3,762.4 3, 762 . 4 1,990.7 1 , 990 . 7 Net Difference: 1771.7 yd3 WASTE TOTAL VOLUME=5753. 1 yd3 PUBLIC ROAD DTM TO DTM VOLUME Cut and Fill Volumes Shrinkage/swell factors: Cut 1.0000 Fill 1.0000 Original DTM # of Final DTM # of Layer Name Points Layer Name Points PRELDTM 15,042 PUBLIC DESIGN 1,214 Cut Volume Cumulative Fill Volume Cumulative (yd3) Cut Volume (yd3) Fill Volume 17,829.6 17,829.6 1,990.6 1,990.6 Net Difference: 15839.0 yd3 WASTE TOTAL VOLUME=19820.2 yd3 THE PUBLIC ROAD WOULD REQUIRE GRADING 244$ MORE THAN THE PRIVATE ROAD f , September 10,2004 1:46 PM ,)Muncaster Fax#: (434 973-0249 Noel Ige 1 of 1 i Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2-6 Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance:Modified Simple Method Plan: Hardware River Farms Water Resources Area: Other Rural Land Preparer: Tom Muncaster Date: 9/10/04 ___..__._..w_.__ _w .m.__ Project Drainage Area Designation DA#1 L storm pollutant export in pounds, L=[P(Pj)Rv/12][C(A)2.72] Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv=0.05+0.009(1) PJ small storm correction factor,0.9 1 percent Imperviousness P annual precipitation,43"in Albemarle A project area in acres In subject drainage area, 1 A= 106.60J C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus f factor applied to RR ✓ required treatment volume in cy,0.5"over imperv.area= A(I)43560(0.5/12)/27 RR required removal, L(post)-f x L(pre) %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Imm rd vlous Cover Computation(values In feet&square fee Im •re-development Area _post-development __ Area Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal 0 0 0 1350 14 18900 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __ _ ___ 0 0 0 0 0 18900 Driveways _ _ Length Width no. _subtotal Length Width no.4Tmm subtotal and walks 0 0 0 0 400 10 2 8000 0 0 0 0 700 10 1 rn7000 0 0 60� 10 6 3600 18600 Parking Lots - 1 2 3 4 1 2 0 0 Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal M 0 0 _..M_0 1200 910800 0 0 0 00 10800 Actively-grazed pasture& Area Area ards and cultivated turf0 x 0.08= 0 x 0 0.08= 0 Active crop land Area Area _, _L . 1x0.25= 0 .I_ _ 'x0.25= 0 Other Impervious Areas 0 0 Impervious Cover . 0% .. _ 1% i(Pre) I(post).. „ ildpost) V 0 061._ 74.5 New Development jFor Develo•ment Areas,.existin impervious cover<=20%) C f I(pre)" Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type ' ' : 0.23 150.52 38.85 111 67 -287% Development 0.0516.36 19.42 3.06 16% Drinking Water Watersheds a r 0.06 22.06 y�M22.20TM' 0.14 -.-_-" 1% -Other Rural Land_ ______..___.__ _ ` *min.values Redevelo ment(For Development Areas,existing Impervious cover>20%) C f •re * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post)_ RR %RR Area TYP..e____. 0.23 150.52 38.85 -96.62 -249% Development 0 0516.36 19.42 5.52 28% Drinking Water Watersheds , , a" 1'_' 1 I, , 0.06 22.06 22.20 3.44 16% Other Rural Land Interim Manual, Page 70 rev.31 March 1998 GEB