HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200400188 Bond Estimates Road Plan and Comps. 2016-05-16ol m m C) 0 o 0 o 0 O IJ m C L ? vN co co m O j O O p O ^ V J Ln Ci O O V f+'j c� h U '1 m Lo LO ti v ey CJc o ' U o v a, U co z V m N 6 C — U O O C OC N 'U O C p O v rte► V N M CN N C C �ti .0 v; f6 fQ O ^' mo0 U ` •� _ .'. tc t LL I— 0 O O �•�K. C N COETD a o p Q o o a o ro b ca cu COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 March 30, 2009 Erie Insurance Company c/o Hugh de Launay, Attorney -in -Fact A -C Insurance Service 500 Westfield Road, Suite 17 Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re: Fray's Grant Phases I & II Subdivision/Road Performance Bond — $577,680 Erie Insurance Company Bond No. Q89-6170134 Advance Mills Land Trust II & Charles W. Hurt, MD Dear Mr. de Launay: Fax (434) 972-4126 Based upon the developer's additional request for consideration of a partial reduction, Erie Insurance Company Bond No. Q89-6170134 may be reduced to $117,800. By copy of this letter, I am notifying Advance Mills Land Trust II and Charles W. Hurt, MD, of this reduction. Please contact Pam Shifflett (434-296-5832, ext. 3246) if you should have any questions concerning this performance bond. Sincerely, Richard M. Wiggans Director of Finance Department of Finance PS/ Copy: Advance Mills Land "Frust II & Charles W. Hurt, MD Charlie Armstrong, Southern Development File I ADL)' l f—munily Development+Ad imni suaui Division'.Shiflleit'Q30NDS REDUCE\Frays Grim - R ­ ds COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 February 13, 2009 Erie Insurance Company c/o Hugh de Launay, Attorney -in -Fact A -C Insurance Service 500 Westfield Road, Suite 17 Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re: Fray's Grant Phases I & lI S ubdivision/Road Performance Bond — $1,177,120 Erie Insurance Company Bond No. Q89-6170134 Advance Mills Land Trust II & Charles W. Hurt, MD Dear Mr. de Launay: Based upon the most recent inspection and receipt of adequate documents supporting a request for partial reduction, Erie Insurance Company Bond No. Q89-6170134 may be reduced to $577,680. By copy of this letter, I am notifying Advance Mills Land Trust II and Charles W. Hurt, MD, of this reduction. Please contact Pam Shiffiett (434-296-5832, ext. 3246) if you should have any questions concerning this performance bond. Sincerely, Richard M. 1A7iggans Director of Finance Department of Finance PS/ Copy: Advance Mills Land Trust 11 & Charles W. Hurt, MD Dile 1 DITTCommonioy D-0opment'Adm nist, n- Dirisionl5hi(i1et.,HONDSV2LDUCE`hays Gram - R—Isdo Charles W. Hurt, MD & We the undersigned, Advance Mills Land Trust II , Principal(s), and Erie . Insurance Company , Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the County of Albemarle, Virginia, in the penal sum of $1 , 1 7 7 , 1 2 0. 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said Principal(s), or other authorized agent, did file with the County of Albemarle plans and specifications for certain improvements, required pursuant to Article IV of the Subdivision Ordinance of Albemarle County, Virginia, in connection with the development of Fray's Grant Phases I & I I , located on the North Side of Advance Mills Road (SR743) about two miles North of Ear 1 y s v i l l e, VA , which said plans and specifications are incorporated herein by reference; Now therefore, if the said Principal(s) shall well and faithfully complete and perform the said improvements, in accordance with the said plans and specifications, on or before the 1 s t day of August3 2 0 0 6 , then this obligation shall be void, otherwise the same shall remain in full force and effect; it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall in no event exceed the penal sum of this obligation as herein stated. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the plans and specifications aforesaid shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed this 1 1 th day of May 2005 1 of 2 PRINCIPAL low (Please sign above and print name blow) Charles W, Hurt, MD TITLE: Trustee ADDRESS: P.O. Box 8147 Charlottesville, VA 22906 PHONE: 434-979-8181 SURETY (Must be signed by a Virginia Resident Agent of Surety) MM I ' / �Rease sign ab�and print name below) F,lgh de Launay TITLE: Attrriit�y-in-Fact and Resident Agent ADDRESS: '/o A -C Insurance Service 500 Westfield Road ---#17 Charlottesyill VA 22901 PHONE: 434-973-7799 BOND NO.: Q89-6170134 ADDRESS OF SURETY'S HOME OFFICE: 100 Erie Insurance Place Erie PA 16530 Approved as to Form: S—i(,-d5 my orney Date Accepted: t 3 County`` ngineer I AUt46rized Agent Rev. 12/01/98 2 of 2 _ ( v_S Date I nn 1 -MU v ul- ERIE INSURANCE ERIE cQMPANr ATTORNEY e KNO W Al I. al BY THESE Comntrmweatth PRES lf": That the £RIE INSIIRA NCF COMPANY, a corporation duly organized wider the lank ol•the of Permsyl vania, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Hugh DeLaunay individually, its tote and lawful Attomey-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed. any acid all and undc rtakings of suretyship. In a penalty not t0 exceed One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars $' 200 000.00 And to bind the ERIE INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully atxl'to the same extent as if SWI bonds and undtxtak taxi oilier writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by the appropriate officer of the ERIE 1NSURANCF, COM- PANY and sealed and nct hereof. by one other ofsuch officers, Fact may do in pursuance and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorneys) -in - The Power of Attorney is granted under and by authority of the following Rcsoluticxr b ERIE INSURANCE COMPANY at a melting held on May 8.20 02 at which a quorum y the Board of Dirtxtors of not been amended or repeafW: S presented and Raid Resolution has "Resolved, that the Prexident, or any Senior Vice President or Vice President shall have power and authority to: (a) Appoint Attornry(s)-in-Fact lead to aurtumze them to execute on hehalf of the Comparm ixmds and undcrtakirtgs, roeogniurkrs, Of ittdetnatty and [utter writings obligatory in the nature thereof, sod, (b) To remove an ►evoke the power acrd authority given 1a Slim; turd Y such Attorney -in -Fact at tory time and Resolved, that Attomey(s)-in-Pact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the Power of Atiomcy is_coed to theca, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company, bonds and undertakings, ratigmfiOm O contracts of f Atte ey and � then writings i ti noes, comet of ry in � nature thereof, The umporatc sual is not necessary for the validity of any bonds and unclenak- ndemnity and W}ter Writings obligatory in the nature dtercof." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimiles under and by virtue of the Board of Direfopowing Resohrtion adopted by Directors of ERIE INSURANCE COMPANY ar a meeting held on the 8th day of May, 2002, at winch a quorum wthe as present and said Resolution has not been amended or repealed: "Resolved• nest thes�ig nature of Jeffrey A- Ludrof, as President and (Nef Executive Ofrim of the Canq�arty, Company may be affixed by the following facsimli" on any Limited Power ofAttorney for the execution ofb�,the 1W °fthe meogniX1111ees, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof, and the signature of]. R. phut pang, and the Scal ofthc Company stay also be affixed b the following facsimiles to an � �as Socmtary ed the C Attorney AM under such cirrumnstices, shall said facsimiles be valid and binding on the Company. X such Limited Power of nd on ,,,If l.fillhl ,•``J1 96ANC , IN WnNESS WHEREOF, the ERIE INSURANCE COM- ;�26: ei4 �''•'s PANY bas caused these prrsertts to be signed by its President a tC = and C uvf Extcudvc Officer ' feer, and its corporate seal to he hereto = : 1872 11 ayG affixed this 8th day of M, 2002. ' � '� ••. �trF, Mme: • �' e ra Prcaidrnt STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA aad Chief Executive ()!ricer � ss. •.,*,,.�•`'�``` COUNTYOF ERIE On this 8th day of May, A.D. 2002. before me personally came Jef rey A. Ludrof to me known, who being by erre dulysur �` vy did depose and say: that he is President and Chief Eecutive �.,. ��i9 Of txrofERICINSURANCECUMPANY,iliac, _►`° scribed in ttntl which executed the above i �tporattande = knows the Seal of said nstr l affixed t; that he i � of r s corporation that the Seal affixed to the said instrument is inch corporate Seal; that it was so affixed by y0' , —_�� �r order of the Board of D signed his risme thallic of said corporation and that 6•T"�RY p�10 r'r y conm,ssioa otprra u� by order. 11..1.„' NotaryS'uDlie CERTIFICATE 1, J. R Van Gorden, as Secretary ofthc ERIE INSURANCE CUM- ” PANY, do hereby acetify that the Origin »tt ROWER fJFATTOR- °�g�R� eon NP.Y, of which the foregoing r SOP A`fr,%0 still in full force and etrw � f the kd�ateebbelow.correct ropy. eOli L hereof, I have hereunto su = w i 1572 In witness w bscribeci my nacre and affixed corlseratc Sear ofthe Company by ftarairAiles pursuant to the action of the Rnard of Directorsf the Company, `�'a °� '' — ---- ,. �I,r.,.°''•� Gow-. rotary this 11 thday of May 20 05 SF -57 504 u S�Z tzt tlf13t3(T�f' COUNTY OF AL 3EMARLE Department of Community Development $CQ-I»UCILE OF COMPLETION FOR BONDED I TPROVEM-ENTS DATE: MAIL, 2� 2o�s TAX MAP i �ARcEL: / � - 3 0, i. , � 2 A � 3 z � PROJECT NAML:_�'i S G AA_jOT- %�tf�9`Se7S' Qncludc pbaste, Keenan, and other relevant information to clearly idcntily the proJect) ADy/0CIC I-rw".c L4AIb 'V-uJT OWNERIi?EVELOPER: Ali-Sav"Au DoiEEstee&r Phone: This form is intended to racilitnte the completion of bonded improvements in a timely manner by assuring the dcvcloper has a schedule in place for the completion of tic imptvvcmcnts, and by providing this Dcpttrunant a mean.$ to asscse!t the developer's ability to meet flit completion date stated in the bond ngeement. The developer must provide a completion dice for each milestone listed below. Date Milestone Aty 1t 2oar Start of construction. - U61 J�Zaar Zrosion & sediment control mcamires iu.$talled. �j��aQS' Stormwatcr culvert;$ and/or pipe e,'yr:tcma inyiaUed. 1 10 2- Od.- Road subbase constructed to required grade. EJ 7,605" !toad stone base placed and paving scicevic submitted to County. i0� Road and drainage improvements completed. Asbuilt plans prepared in accordance with County policy and submitted for review, Road bond release date will be approximately i Office Use Only Road Improvctnctts "Cotnplction Inspection" - allLw months�'or revjew and rc�ri tions to usbuilt plans and any ncccsrary ett.$cmauts. (Note: "completion in.Ypccdons" will tint be conducted until the paperwork items have been completed) �l �l Ut✓; Road Improvements "Final hLVcction" (private roads accepted nt this point) - Zllow 1 moth ev etv C Public Road "Acceptance" notification received from VDOT - allow 3 mnrttll �r_tcvic".� Water & Sewn Improvements dediented tmd "acct-ptance" letter issued by the Albemarle County Semite Authority. Signnture of Owner/Dneloper Print Namc r0r: earopinion Schedule TIDM,ilDC .'JUIN — 11rVI- xl ll�,:raw - Cwt bray R !tile Fray's Grant TOTAL ROAD BOND = $1,177,120 ROAD Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Item tem the Unit Unit Cost Cos! Number nnstalied Frays Ridge Crossing 10+00 to 57+77 road length 7777.0 it 1 aggregate base 6.0 in of 7777,0 h L 20.0 M V`' 2880.4 cy $35.91 5103,434.10 2 blotted or pnme&double seal 7777.0 t1 L 0.0 If VV 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00 3 asphalt base 40 in d 7777.0 it L 20.0 11 Vv 2903.4 tons $73.50 $213,400,88 4 asphalt surface 1,5 in d 7777.0 it L 20.0 It W 1088.8 tons $81.90 $89,171.08 11 street name sign 1 565.00 $65.00 12 traffic control sign 5 $49.35 $246.75 13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in right -of -w. 4 ES @ $3700 3300.0 If $16.80 $70,24000 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 51,365.00 $0.00 16 pipe, top (15 to 48") 4LO in d 1 ES -1,2 S250 1 EC -1 $200 100.0 it 5108.15 S 11,265,00 17 pipe, rcp (54 to 72') 60.0 in d 1 ES -1,2 $250 1 EC -1 S200 34.0 it $210.00 $7,590.00 18 pipe, rep If to 48") 30.0 in d 1 ES -1,2 S250 1 EC -1 $200 93.0 it S63.00 $6,309.00 19 pipe, top (15 to 48") 24.0 in d I ES -1,2 $250 1 EC -1 S200 52.0 1t $39.90 52,524.80 20 pipe, cmp (54 to 72") 0.0 in d 0 ES -1,2 $250 0 EC -1 5200 0.0 If $0.00 50.00 23 clear and grub (for wooded sites) 0.0 fi L 0.0 It W 0.0 acre 510,500.00 $0.00 24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1 0 cy fill 10 cy cul 0.0 cy bat $3.15 S3.15 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 7777.0 If L 15.55 inc of 500' 17 5157.50 $2,614.50 25 as -built drawings III, +price per 0.1 i 7777.0 if L 1.473 mi 15 $1,050.00 516,750.00 26 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 7777.0 it L 1.473 mi. 15 $525.00 $8,875.00 27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00 28 VDOT surety (1 lane) 7777.0 If L 1.473 mi 2 Lanes 52,000.00 558,916.67 29 VDOT maintenance fee (1 In rd, 1 yr) 7777.0 It L 1.473 mi 2 Lanes $150.00 $4,418.75 30 VDOT admin. Cost recovery fee(1 lar 7777.0 If L 1.473 mi. 2 Lanes S100.00 $3,195.83 cost sum 5599,545.51 contigency 251/. 5149,886.38 Total $749,440 Bluegate Court 10+10 to 23+33 road length 1323.0 fi 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1323.0 It L 18.0 it W 441.0 cy 535.91 $15,836.31 2 blotted or pnme&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 h W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00 3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 1323.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00 4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 1323.0 h L 18.0 if W 222.3 tons $81.90 S18,203.42 11 street name sign 1 565.00 S65.OD 12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40 13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in right -of -w, 0 ES @ S3700 0.0 If $16.80 $0.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 51,365.00 $0.00 16 pipe, rcp (15 to 4S") 15.0 in d 0 ES -1,2 S250 0 EC -1 5200 0.0 ft 523.10 S0.00 21 np-rap, placed 0.0 ton S31.50 50.00 22 E&S fabnc,EC-2,3 0 If L 0 it W 0.0 sy 510.50 MOO 23 clear and grub (for wooded sites) 0.0 ItL 0.0 8 W 0.0 acre 510,500.00 $0.00 24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; t0 cy 811 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy ba! $3.15 $3.15 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 1323.0 h L 2.646 inc of 500 4 $157.50 S582.75 25 as -built drawings (1k +price per 0.1 i 1323.0 ft L 0.251 mi. 3 51,050.00 $4,150.00 26 survey and layout (price per (l1 mi.) 1323.0 8 L 0.251 mi. 3 $525.00 S2,575.00 27 mobilization 1 5525.00 $525.00 28 VDOT surety (1 lane) 1323.0 8 L 4251 mi. 2 Lanes S2.000.OD S10,022.73 29 VDOT maintenance fee (1 In rd, 1 yr) 1323.0 h L 0.251 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $751.70 30 VDOT admin. Cost recovery bell lar 1323.0 It L 0.251 mi. 2 Lanes $10000 $751.14 cost sum $53,663.60 contigency 25% $13,415.90 Total $67,080 Five Oaks Court 10+10 to 20+15 road length 1105.0 i 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1105.0 ft L 18.0 h VV 368.3 cy S35.91 $13,226.85 2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 it L O.D it VV D.0 sy $6.30 $0,00 3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0.0 h L 0.0 If VV 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00 4 asphalt surface 2.0 in of 1105.0 It L 18.0 fit W 185.6 tons 581.90 $15,203.92 11 street name sign 1 $65.00 56500 12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $19740 13 guardraii (or rebuild wall in right -of -w. 0 ES @ S3700 QO fi $16.80 $0.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1.365.00 S0.00 16 pipe, rep (15 to 48") 18.0 in or 1 ES -1,2 $250 1 EC -1 S26D 75.0 it 527.30 $2.497.50 21 np rap, placed 0.0 ton S31.50 $0.00 22 E&S fabrlgEC-2,3 0 8 L 0 8 W 0.0 sy 51050 $0.00 23 dear and grub (for wooded sites) 0.0 if L 0.0 If W 0.0 acre M,500.00 $0.00 24 grading (per cy for cul or impon only; 1.0 cy fill t0 Cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15 24 CBR tests (1 every 0. i miper road) 1105.0 it L 2.21 in. of 500' ,. $157.50 $519.75 `n `o lye rQ,6t, 3-7 ISS, 5/10/200S Fray's Grant TOTAL ROAD BOND = $1,177;120 ROAD Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Her, Item NC Unl, Unit Cos! Cost Number (installed! 25 as -built drawings (1k+ once per 0.1 11050 ML 0,209 m+ ,. $1,05000 $4,150.00 26 survey and layout (price per 0.1 in ) 1105.0 If L 0.209 mi 3 5525.00 $2.575.00 27 mobilization 1 5525.00 552500 28 VDOT surely (1 )one) 1105.0 ft L 0209 mi 2 Lanes $2.000.00 $8,371,21 29 VD01 maintenance fee (1 In rd. 1 yr) 11050 It L 0209 mi_ 2 Lanes $150.00 $627,84 30 VD01 admin_ Cost recovery fee(1 lar 1105.0 1 L 0209 mi 2 Lanes $100.00 $668.56 cost stem $48,631.18 contigency 25°0 512,157.79 Total $60,790 Old Poplar Way 10+10 to 35+74 road length 2564.0 If 1 aggregate base e0 in d 2564.0 it L 180 ff W 854 7 cy $35.91 530 691.08 2 blotted or prime&double sea', 0.0 ft L 0.0 If VV 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00 3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0,0 h L 0.0 If W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00 4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 25640 H L 3.0 It W 71.8 Ions $81.90 $5,879.76 11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00 12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40 13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in noht-of-w. 0 ES @ S3700 0.0 If $16.80 $0.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00 16 pipe, rcp (15 to 48") 15.0 in d D ES -1,2 $250 0 EC -1 $200 0_D ti $23.10 $0.00 21 np-rap, placed 0.0 ton $31.50 $0.00 22 E&S fabnc,EC-2,3 0 1 L 0 tt W 0.0 sy $10.50 $0.00 23 clear and grub (for wooded sires) 0.0 If L 0.0 It V}r 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00 24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 00 cy ba; $3.15 53.15 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 2564.0 ft L 5.128 Inc of 500 6 $157.50 $976.50 25 as -built drawings (1k+pnce per 0.1 i 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi. 5 $1,050.00 $6,250.00 26 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 2564.0 If L 0.486 mi. 5 $525.00 53,625.00 27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00 28 VDOT surety (1 lane) 2564.0 It L 0.486 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 519,424.24 29 VDOT maintenance fee (1 In rd, 1 yr) 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi. 2 Lanes MOM $1,456.82 30 VDOT admin. Cost recovery fee(1 lar 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi 2 Lanes $100.00 $1,221.21 cost sum 571,015 17 contigency 251 $17,753.79 Total $88,770 Redbank Way 10+09 to 27+11 road length 1702.0 tr 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1702.0 It L 18.0 If W 567.3 cy $35.91 $20,372.94 2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 1t L 0.0 If W QO sy $6.30 SO.00 3 asphalt base O.D in d 0.0 tt L 0.0 It W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00 4 asphalt surface 2.0 in a 1702.0 If L 18.0 It W 285.9 tons $81.90 523,418.16 11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65,00 12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 5197.40 13 guardrail for rebuild wall in right-ef-w. 0 ES @ S3700 0.0 fl $16.80 $0.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 51,365.00 $0.00 16 pipe, rep (15 to 48") 18.0 in d 1 ES -1,2 $250 1 EC -1 $200 40.0 fi 527.30 51,542.00 21 no -rap, placed 0.0 ton $31.50 50.00 22 E&S fabnc,EC-2,3 0 it L 0 If VV 0.0 sy $10.50 50.00 23 clear and grub (for wooded sites) 0.0 If L 0.0 I VV 00 acre 510,500.00 $0.00 24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 1702.0 ft L 33.404 inc of 500' 5 5157,50 $708.75 25 as -built drawings (1k+ price per 0.1 , 1702.0 If L 0.322 mi. 4 S1,050.OD $5,200.00 26 survey and layout (price per D.1 mi.) 1702.0 h L 0.322 mL 4 $525.00 $3,100.00, 27 mobilization 1 S525.0D 5525.00 28 VDOT surety (1 lane) 1702.0 It L 0.322 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $12,893.94 29 VDOT maintenance fee 0 In rd. 1 yr) 1702.0 ft L 0.322 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $967.05 30 VDOT admin. Cost recovery fee(i lar 1702.0 If L 0.322 mi. 2 Lanes S100.00 $894.70 cost sum 569,888.08 contigency 25% $17,472.02 Total $87,770 Redbank Court 10+09 to 24+53 road length 1444.0 fl 1 aggregate base 6.0 111 d 14440 It L 18.0 If VV 481.3 cy 535.91 517,284.68 2 blotted or prime&doubie seal 00 it L 0.0 14 W 0.0 sy $6.30 S0.00 3 asphalt base 00 in d O.D fl L 0.0 If W 00 tons $73.50 S0.00 5'1012005 Fray's Grant TOTAL ROAD BOND = $1,177,120 ROAD Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) lien, Item No Unt+ Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) 4 asphalt surface 2.0 to d 1444.0 f1 L 3.0 it W 404 tons $81-90 $3,311,38 10 ramp CG -12 0 $315.00 $0.00 11 street name sion 1 $65.00 $65.00 12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 5197.40 13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in nght-of-w. 0 ES @ $3700 0.D 1`1 $16.80 $0.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00 16 pipe, rcp (15 to 48") 15.0 in d 1 ES -1,2 $250 1 EC -1 $200 42.0 it $23.10 $1,420.20 17 pipe, rcp (54 to 72") 54.0 to d 0 ES -1,2 $250 0 EC -1 $200 0.0 If $157.50 $0.00 18 pipe, pvc (4 to 10") 8.0 to d 0.0 it $6.30 $0.00 19 pipe, cmp (15 to 48") 15.0 in of 0 ES -1,2 $250 0 EC -1 $200 0.0 tf $23.10 $0.00 20 pipe, cmp (54 to 72") 60.0 in d D ES -1,2 $250 0 EC -1 $200 0.0 ff $146.00 $0.00 21 np-rap, placed 0.0 fon $31.50 $0.00 22 E&S tabnc,EC-2,3 0 1f L 0 if W O.D sy $10.50 $0.00 23 clear and grub (for wooded sites) 0.0 if L 0.0 it VV 0.0 acre $10,500.00 50.OD 24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bai $3.15 $3-15 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 miper road) 1444.0 ft L 2.888 inc of 500 4 5157.50 $614.25 2.5 as -built drawings (11f + price per 0.1 , 1444.0 h L 0.273 mi 3 $1,050.00 $4,150.00 26 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 1444.0 it L 0.273 mi. 3 5525.00 $2,575.00 27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00 28 VDOT surety (1 lane) 1444.0 it L 0.273 m. 2 Lane=_ $2,000.00 510,939.39 29 VDOT maintenance fee (1 In rd, 1 yr) 1444.0 it L 0.273 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $820.45 30 VDOT admin. Cost recovery fee(1 lar 1444.0 it L 0.273 mi. 2 Lanes MOM $796.97 cost sum $42,702.88 configency 25% $10,675.721 Total $53,380 Woodlawn Court 10+09 to 29+22 road length 1913.0 if 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1913.0 if L 18.0 If VV 637.7 cy $35.91 $22,898.61 2 blotted or prime8doubte sea" 0.0 It L 0.0 if W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00 3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0.0 fl L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $DAD 4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 1913.0 it L 3.0 it W 53.6 tons $81.90 $4386.89 11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00 12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40 13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in nohl-of w. 0 ES @ 53700 0.0 it $16.80 $0.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00 16 pipe, rcp (15 to 48") 24.0 in d 1 ES -1,2 5250 1 EC -1 $200 52.0 ft 539.91) $2,524.80 21 np-rap, placed 0.1, ton 531-50 $0.00 22 E&S fabric,EC-2,3 0 it L 0 it VV O.D sy 570.50 50.00 23 clear and grub (for wooded sites) 0.0 it L 0.0 h W 0.0 acre 510.500-00 $OAD 24 draping (per cy for cut or import only: 1.D cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15 24 CBR tests (1 every D.1 mi, per road) 1913.0 ft L 3.826 inc of 500 5 $157.50 $771.75 25 as -built drawings (1k + once per 0.11 1913.0 ft L 0,362 mL 4 $1,050.00 $5,200.00 26 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 1913.0 it L 0.362 mi 4 $525.00 $3,100.00 27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00 28 VDOT surety (1 lane) 1913.0 if L 0.362 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $14,492.42 29 VDOT maintenance fee (1 In rd, 1 yr) 1913.0 If L 0.362 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $1,086.93 30 VDOT admin. Cost recovery fee(1 lar 1913.0 ft L 0.362 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $974.62 cost sum $56,226.56 configency 25% 514,056.64 Total $70,290 TOTAL ROAD BOND = $1,177120 5/10/2005 Ana Kilmer From: Ana Kilmer Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 12:24 PM To: Mark Graham Cc: Greg Kamptner Subject: RE: Fray's Grant - Earlysville Mark: Water Protection Performance Bond The wpo bond was released on 4/21/2008 and the files destroyed on 10/1/2014. Subdivision/Road Performance Bond — Frays Grant Phases I and II 1. The subdivision / road performance bond — Fray's Grant Phases I and II was posted and approved by the County on 5/16/2005. 2. Bond is secured by a surety — Erie Insurance Company Bond Number Q89-6170134 3. The original amount of the bond was $1,177,120. 4. We have approved 2 reductions. 5. The current amount of the bond is $117,800 6. VDOT accepted Fray Ridge Crossing into the secondary system on the report dated 3/31/2009. Mileage 1.44 7. VDOT accepted Fray Ridge Court into the secondary system on the report dated 9/30/2012. Mileage 0.19 8. Last e-mail received was from Charlie Armstrong dated 7/12/2012 9. Last communication I had with Charlie Hurt was on 12/18/2015. He indicated that they are responsible for finishing the improvements. I sent you and Greg and e-mail with regards to this conversation on 12/18/2015. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you Ana D. Kilmer Management Analyst Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 akilmer albernarle.oLg From: Mark Graham Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 10:23 AM To: Ana Kilmer <akilmer@albemarle.org> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org> Subject: FW: Fray's Grant - Earlysville Ana, Please advise on the bonds for this subdivision. Amounts remaining, age, and whether any reductions have been approved. Thanks, Mark From: Diane Caton [mailto:dianecaton msc-rents.com] Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 9:06 AM To: Mark Graham <mgraham@albemarle.org> Subject: Fray's Grant - Earlysville Good Morning Mr. Graham, I hope you're doing well. After speaking with Trevor Henry recently, he suggested that I reach out to you for some guidance related to Fray's Grant in Earlysville, where our company, Management Services Corporation, serves as managing agent for the association. As you may be aware, Fray's Grant comprises 55 lots located in Earlysville on Frays Mountain Road. Together with the Board of Directors for Fray's Grant, I look forward to working with you to seek your guidance and counsel on how best to address the state of the roads in Fray's Grant that have not yet been accepted by VDOT and therefore are not state maintained. The Declarant at Fray's Grant, Advance Mills Farm II Trust, has filed bankruptcy and no longer owns any lots in the subdivision. The party under contract with the County to maintain the roads prior to state acceptance is no longer capable of maintaining these non -accepted roads, which are falling into a state of disrepair. We understand that the County is holding a bond posted by the Developer for this purpose. It would therefore seem to be the appropriate time for the County to call the bonds posted by the Developer so that the roads may be maintained in a safe manner until accepted by VDOT. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thank you in advance, Diane Diane E. Caton, CMCAO, AMS° Executive Vice -President [Management Services Corporation PO Box 5306 Charlottesville, VA 22905 Tel: (434) 293-6069 Ext. 104 Internal: 22104 Fax: (434) 244-2870 E-mail: dianecaton@msc-rents.com Licensed to sell real estate in the states of Virginia and North Carolina. www.msc-rents.com/commercial.cfm Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this ernail and any attachments may he prwileged and crnifidential -r>.. �I�;ion, intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you arc hereby notified that an y'i , en,'s! io nticn, distr bjn or =opy of thi. email Conn^ UniCatioTl is strictly prohibited. If you have received this efma:I in error, piease notify , m eiiia cly and delete this email./G, 'or your ccopera;inn, Ana Kilmer From: Ana Kilmer Se;it: Monday, February 01, 2016 1:03 PM To: Greg Kamptner Cc: Mark Graham Subject: FW: Frays Grant Subdivision Bond G reg: We have not received a bond inspection request lately. Please see my e-mail below. Would you like me to set up a meeting with Charlie? Thanks Ana D. Kilmer Management Analyst Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 akilmer@albemarie.org From: Ana Kilmer Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 1:19 PM To: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org> Cc: Mark Graham <mgraham@albemarle.org>; Glenn Brooks <GBROOKS@albemarle.org> Subject: Frays Grant Subdivision Bond Charlie (grandson) stopped by to see me for another bond but we discussed Frays Grant. According to Charlie, even though they sold the lots to the bank and the bank has sold the lots to a someone else, he is ultimately responsible for finishing the improvements on this bond and for maintaining the roads until they are accepted into the secondary system. He said that you can give him a call to discuss this bond. His cell phone number is 434-906-2193. Thanks Ana D. Kilmer Management Analyst Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 akilmer albemarle.or NOTE: I wil be out of the office from 12/28/2015-1/1/2016. 1 will return 1/4/2016. Ana Kilmer From: Greg Kamptner Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 12:48 PM To: Ana Kilmer Cc: Mark Graham Subject: Frays Grant Ana - Mark may have already contacted you about this. A resident in Frays Grant is asking Ann Mallek about getting the subdivision's roads accepted into the State system (it appears that one of the roads may have been accepted in 2009). Are we still holding any road bonds for Fray's Grant? It appears the last reduction was in 2009, which reduced the bond amount to $117,800. Also, has a road inspections taking place since November 2015, when Ann first raised this issue (not that there is anyone I know of who would step forward to pay any inspection fee)? Greg Kamptner Deputy County Attorney County of Albemarle ekamatnerrWalbemarle.ore 434-972-4067 ext. 3268 Ana Kilmer From: Glenn Brooks Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 1:37 PM To: Ron Goldberg Cc: Ana Kilmer Subject: RE: Frays Grant - Road Maintenance Attachments: FraysGrantBond.pdf Mr. Goldberg, The roads remaining to be accepted into the state system are the responsibility of Charles W. Hurt , MD & Advance Mills Land Trust ll. A copy of the original bond agreement is attached. Our most recent dealings with this developer were through Charlie Armstrong [carmstrong@southern- development.com] of the Southern Development Group. Please contact him, or Dr. Hurt himself, regarding any upkeep or work to be done on the roads. Our current bond amount is $117,800. Looking at the county records, it appears the remaining cul-de-sacs in the neighborhood are not eligible for completion and VDOT acceptance, as VDOT will not accept a road without at least 3 occupied residences. Glenn Brooks, P.E. County Engineer Albemarle County 1 From: Ron Goldberg [ma iIto: rgoldberg Ca)welIington-financia1.com] Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 2:16 PM To: Glenn Brooks; Ana Kilmer Subject: Frays Grant - Road Maintenance I met with Francis McCall earlier this week (12/6), and he suggested that I follow up with you. I live in the Frays Grant subdivision, on Caddice Court. We're the only house on that street, so it hasn't been turned over to the state yet. The declarant (Frays Grant, LLC) no longer owns any lots in the subdivision, and I think that in any event the declarant's rights may have been ceded to Belvedere LLC or some other Virginia Land Company -related entity. In the meantime, who is responsible for any necessary road repairs? Or, to state the question more generally, "Who brings the roads up to the standards sufficient to have the state accept them into the state system, where the Declarant/Subdivider cannot or will not (due to financial issues, bankruptcy, etc.) complete the project?" My assumption is that at the time the plat was recorded, the developer/declarant entered into an agreement to complete the road at a future point in time, and posted a bond to secure that obligation (either under "Sec. 14-435 Agreement and surety. Any subdivider who does not complete all required improvements as provided in this chapter shall, prior to approval of a final plat, enter into an agreement with the county to complete the construction and installation of all improvements required by this chapter within a period of time agreed to by the parties, and shall provide a surety to guarantee the completion of the improvements..."; or under "Sec. 14- 435.1 Surety for maintenance of streets until accepted into state system. If one or more public streets within a subdivision are proposed for dedication or have been dedicated for public use and the street or streets, due to factors other than quality of construction, is not acceptable into the secondary system of state highways, the subdivider shall, prior to approval of the final plat or prior to the final release of surety as provided in section 14-436, provide surety for the maintenance of the street or streets as provided herein.... For purposes of this section, the term "maintenance" means maintenance of the streets ... including the correction of defects or damages and the removal of snow, water or debris, so as to keep such road reasonably open for public usage."). Based on my conversations with Doc Hurt while I was on the Frays Grant HOA's board, I know there was a bond posted, and so I assume there's an agreement preceding the bond, but I don't know under which section of the county code it was required. On the other hand, I see that Sec. 14-440 provides in part, "Nothing in this chapter, including the approval of a final plat, obligates the county, any authority, or any state agency or department, to accept and take over for operation and maintenance any improvements completed by a subdivider as required by this chapter." So that seems like a stalemate, the county requires an agreement to complete (and bond) prior to recordation of the plat, but won't take the responsibility to complete if the subdivider doesn't. And the HOA's Declaration in Section 3.09 provides that "...until such time as the Roads may be accepted into the State Highway System, the necessary money for the future repair, maintenance, improvement, enhancement or replacement of the Roads will not be borne by any Owner, but, rather, shall be provided by the Declarant." So it seems that the HOA shouldn't do it, and I don't think that they legally could do it because the roads were dedicated upon recordation of the plat, so the roads aren't common areas or anything that the HOA legally could hire somebody to work on. And further, I don't think the county would allow a subdivision where homeowners were unknowingly signing up for unlimited future road maintenance liability. Those are all of the facts as I can piece them together. After you've had a chance to review this, please let me know a date and time I could stop by and discuss this question with you. - Thanks, Ron Goldberg (434/531-3005) Ana Kilmer From: Glenn Brooks Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:43 AM To: Joel DeNunzio, P.E.; Seale, Dennis L. Cc: Ana Kilmer Subject: FW: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Attachments: sample—letter Public_Rd_Acceptance_resolution.doc Joel, I got your call yesterday. I don't know what is being expressed to folks like Charlie, but I do not want to be involved in the VDOT road inspection process. After the elimination of the two road inspection positions at the county, we just do not have time. Of course, the county has never been completely uninvolved, as the board must always make a resolution of acceptance after right-of-way is dedicated to the county. I simply want to make sure this right-of-way dedication has happened, the improvements are approved by VDOT, and any improvements that will be the responsibility of the county (like street signs, street trees, or non -state -maintained sidewalks) have been installed. Attached is the sample letter I talked to you about. I'll check if we have sent one to Fray's Ridge. From: Charlie Armstrong [mailto:carmstrong southern -development com] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 9:43 AM To: Glenn Brooks Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Good Morning Glenn, I received a call from Dennis Seale yesterday informing me that the County now wants to be involved in the acceptance process of VDOT roads. After the departure of Greg Cooley the County took a very firm position that they were not to be involved in VDOT road acceptance except if a bond reduction is also requested. Is this changing? All of the published forms and information (as of this morning) still indicate that the County is not involved. http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engineering a nd WPO Forms/Road Inspections & Acceptance - Public Road Acceptance Procedure 11-01 11 pdf We've been working with VDOT for over a year on the acceptance of Fray's Ridge Court in Earlysville. Al inspections, punch work, and paperwork is complete from our end. It has been ready for BOS agenda placement since about April. VDOT originally expected it to be on an early June agenda. The residents who live on that road are eagerly awaiting state maintenance. Yesterday's call from Dennis was a surprise and gave me the impression that Albemarle is asking that we start a new inspection process all over again. Can you fill me in on what is going on? If the policy is changing, I'd hope that this road could be accepted under the currently published policy since everything is complete except the BOS vote. Thanks, Charlie Armstrong Vice President, Land Development Southern Development 170 South Pantops Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 245-0894 x108 (434) 245-0895 (fax) Ana Kilmer From: Glenn Brooks Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:25 PM To: Charlie Armstrong Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: RE: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Charlie, Thanks for the sign agreement. I or an inspector will check according to that before making a recommendation to the County Board. Our files contain an as -built plan from 2008 by DDR, LLC. It does not contain a Fray's Ridge Ct. Please provide an update. From: Charlie Armstrong [mailto:carmstrong@southern-development.com] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 1:23 PM To: Glenn Brooks Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: FW: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Glenn, Thanks for the clarification. I am not and will not be requesting a bond release/reduction for Fray's Ridge Ct at this time. I may request a bond reduction after the next road in the subdivision is accepted, but not before then. Likely that is over a year away. The referenced procedure says "the following items are required to be submitted for bond releases to be considered." It does not seem to apply to VDOT acceptance—only bonds releases/reductions. The entire procedure references items that are required for bond releases, including in one area in paragraph 3 specifically saying that VDOT's final notice of acceptance, complete with route numbers, is also required. It's a bit of a catch-22. Regarding improvements that will be the responsibility of the county (like street signs, street trees, or non -state - maintained sidewalks); in this case there are none. The street signs are the only items in the ROW that are not maintained by VDOT. There is a recorded agreement requiring these to be maintained by the owner (or HOA). It is attached. I fully understand that we will need to provide the requested items and fee before we can get a bond reduction. But right now VDOT is ready and willing to accept the road. The bond will remain as -is with the County, so I see no reason, procedure, or policy that would cause this to be a concern to the County. Thank you for your consideration of this additional information. Best, Charlie From: Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) [ma iIto: Den nis. Sea le(§VDOT.Virginia. gov] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:21 PM To: Charlie A. Hurt; Charlie Armstrong Cc: Adam Swartout; Nena; Eric Woolley Subject: FW: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct FYI, Clarification of what they want attached. I would suggest scheduling an inspection directly after my final inspection so acceptance is not delayed. , Thanks, Dennis From: Glenn Brooks fmailto:GBROOKS(a)albemarle orgl Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:43 AM To: DeNunzio, Joel D., P.E. (VDOT); Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Cc: Ana Kilmer Subject: FW: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Joel, I got your call yesterday. I don't know what is being expressed to folks like Charlie, but 1 do not want to be involved in the VDOT road inspection process. After the elimination of the two road inspection positions at the county, we just do not have time. Of course, the county has never been completely uninvolved, as the board must always make a resolution of acceptance after right-of-way is dedicated to the county. I simply want to make sure this right-of-way dedication has happened, the improvements are approved by VDOT, and any improvements that will be the responsibility of the county (like street signs, street trees, or non -state -maintained sidewalks) have been installed. Attached is the sample letter I talked to you about. I'll check if we have sent one to Fray's Ridge. From: Charlie Armstrong (maiIto: carmstrong@southern-development comb Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 9:43 AM To: Glenn Brooks Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Good Morning Glenn, I received a call from Dennis Seale yesterday informing me that the County now wants to be involved in the acceptance process of VDOT roads. After the departure of Greg Cooley the County took a very firm position that they were not to be involved in VDOT road acceptance except if a bond reduction is also requested. Is this changing? All of the published forms and information (as of this morning) still indicate that the County is not involved. http://www.albemarle.org/uploadLimages/""forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engineering a nd WPO Forms/Road Inspections & Acceptance - Public Road Acceptance Procedure 11 01 11 pdf We've been working with VDOT for over a year on the acceptance of Fray's Ridge Court in Earlysville. All inspections, punch work, and paperwork is complete from our end. It has been ready for BOS agenda placement since about April. VDOT originally expected it to be on an early June agenda. The residents who live on that road are eagerly awaiting state maintenance. Yesterday's call from Dennis was a surprise and gave me the impression that Albemarle is asking that we start a new inspection process all over again. Can you fill me in on what is going on? If the policy is changing, I'd hope that this road could be accepted under the currently published policy since everything is complete except the BOS vote. Thanks, Charlie Armstrong Vice President, Land Development Southern Development 170 South Pantops Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 245-0894 x108 (434) 245-0895 (fax) Ana Kilmer From: Glenn Brooks Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:39 PM To: Charlie Armstrong Cc: Ana Kilmer; Ray Lilly; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: RE: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Charlie, The road name sign plates will need to be corrected. The main route into the subdivision does not appear to be correctly marked, and many of the signs in the subdivision have a private designation, which does not appear to be correct. The agreement you provided says your road name signs will meet the county spec with the custom post arrangement. The signs do not appear to be the correct plate and high-intensity reflective surfacing. There needs to be room on the sign for the route sticker with smaller lettering for the road or court designation. We could not tell if the plates were the correct dimension, as the signs were too tall to reach, but please ensure this. The mounting on the post should be such that the road name and designations lettering should be visible from both sides. I will pass this road on through to the board now, but in future I'll be looking for these to be correct. Thanks. 1 I, trKh hies varrxxl&-c1 c4f t a1, �et3t^t. n:.fi�rsxl kettSdCliCCI:iE�r °i, S .., .. AlW a,r 0 l�7an IIiA Ils�th+ cr 7 ai rile thric ns lets Me Al Nrutcv rxWI ;11,41 t1 h,.,n mica^ (rnt su1,r,o') vvnd 4iFeY`gkhg. 3M skvkhhtc' hw4d rrcotx t toollb"f strtk er 14 ru alc decal shalI l- stoat-rrticctcmud, black mcs iye on a chile field SUU 4 corttarIM lMTI?Ibr let IFS x9hNdrinT1;', }a..�tk�4.ls Kf:KC.7 ark (terms u 1:1„:l3ty} sfu€y rlulrtsr�urn atetl; rre:rr:tetr rrw,.. h sit, askl or nait 7 r7. 7" X 2— 11 CIA41e '{ ri,":Li�F_'11a7 Fra SIF" PC15r l,, -it 41-111 hca 9'12` � 2" 1 G ,•au �c scla.2it �at�ttAtrcd ktLci �,; �.. ,!'a?' ff?€�rika ROLE u:ccat+xl.ra likthisrr•^a g flZIb Ia he7'P rs ;!i, a)tl 1t'p" t)ra.vC ;tBiJFTr 7 lis k' 1 t.'4 L;At,:FIM (3AL,VE)1ia ICU STLz1. xn i-41hvtuatic Ccraanlr Ro.4d Naming and Pr( pcily Nutuhm ty Ordinatux :and Manual I From: Charlie Armstrong [mailto:carmstrong@southern-development.com] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:35 PM To: Glenn Brooks Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: RE: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Thanks Glenn, I'll wait to hear your determination after you consider the signs. The 2008 as -built is the only one. Between then and now, the County E-911 folks changed the name of Five Oaks Ct to Fray's Ridge Ct at the request of a resident on the street. In hindsight the name Five Oaks Ct was confusing when people gave their address out, e.g. "I live at One Hundred Five Oaks Ct." It sounded like 105 Oaks Ct. I think it was smart for the County to change it, but it was not our doing. Does that clear it up sufficiently for you to mark the change on the plan you have? Sorry for the confusion. Charlie 2 From: Glenn Brooks [mailto:GBROOKS(abalbemarle org] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:25 PM To: Charlie Armstrong Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: RE: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Charlie, Thanks for the sign agreement. I or an inspector will check according to that before making a recommendation to the County Board. Our files contain an as -built plan from 2008 by DDR, LLC. It does not contain a Fray's Ridge Ct. Please provide an update. From: Charlie Armstrong lmaiIto: carmstrong(absouthern-development coml Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 1:23 PM To: Glenn Brooks Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: FW: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Glenn, Thanks for the clarification. I am not and will not be requesting a bond release/reduction for Fray's Ridge Ct at this time. I may request a bond reduction after the next road in the subdivision is accepted, but not before then. Likely that is over a year away. The referenced procedure says "the following items are required to be submitted for bond releases to be considered." It does not seem to apply to VDOT acceptance—only bonds releases/reductions. The entire procedure references items that are required for bond releases, including in one area in paragraph 3 specifically saying that VDOT's final notice of acceptance, complete with route numbers, is also required. It's a bit of a catch-22. Regarding improvements that will be the responsibility of the county (like street signs, street trees, or non -state - maintained sidewalks); in this case there are none. The street signs are the only items in the ROW that are not maintained by VDOT. There is a recorded agreement requiring these to be maintained by the owner (or HOA). It is attached. I fully understand that we will need to provide the requested items and fee before we can get a bond reduction. But right now VDOT is ready and willing to accept the road. The bond will remain as -is with the County, so I see no reason, procedure, or policy that would cause this to be a concern to the County. Thank you for your consideration of this additional information. Best, Charlie From: Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) [ma ilto:Den nis. Sea le(a>VDOT Virginia gov] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:21 PM To: Charlie A. Hurt; Charlie Armstrong Cc: Adam Swartout; Nena; Eric Woolley Subject: FW: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct FYI, Clarification of what they want attached. I would suggest scheduling an inspection directly after my final inspection so acceptance is not delayed. Thanks, Dennis From: Glenn Brooks f mailto:GBROOKSCa@albemarle orgj Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:43 AM To: DeNunzio, Joel D., P.E. (VDOT); Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Cc: Ana Kilmer Subject: FW: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Joel, I got your call yesterday. I don't know what is being expressed to folks like Charlie, but I do not want to be involved in the VDOT road inspection process. After the elimination of the two road inspection positions at the county, we just do not have time. Of course, the county has never been completely uninvolved, as the board must always make a resolution of acceptance after right-of-way is dedicated to the county. I simply want to make sure this right-of-way dedication has happened, the improvements are approved by VDOT, and any improvements that will be the responsibility of the county (like street signs, street trees, or non -state -maintained sidewalks) have been installed. Attached is the sample letter I talked to you about. I'll check if we have sent one to Fray's Ridge. From: Charlie Armstrong f maiIto:carmstrong@southern-development com] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 9:43 AM To: Glenn Brooks Cc: Ana Kilmer; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: Road Acceptance - Fray's Ridge Ct Good Morning Glenn, I received a call from Dennis Seale yesterday informing me that the County now wants to be involved in the acceptance process of VDOT roads. After the departure of Greg Cooley the County took a very firm position that they were not to be involved in VDOT road acceptance except if a bond reduction is also requested. Is this changing? All of the published forms and information (as of this morning) still indicate that the County is not involved. http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engineering a nd WPO Forms/Road Inspections & Acceptance - Public Road Acceptance Procedure 11 01 11 pdf We've been working with VDOT for over a year on the acceptance of Fray's Ridge Court in Earlysville. All inspections, punch work, and paperwork is complete from our end. It has been ready for BOS agenda placement since about April. VDOT originally expected it to be on an early June agenda. The residents who live on that road are eagerly awaiting state maintenance. Yesterday's call from Dennis was a surprise and gave me the impression that Albemarle is asking that we start a new inspection process all over again. Can you fill me in on what is going on? If the policy is changing, I'd hope that this road could be accepted under the currently published policy since everything is complete except the BOS vote. Thanks, Charlie Armstrong Vice President, Land Development Southern Development 170 South Pantops Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 245-0894 x108 (434) 245-0895 (fax)