HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201600011 Review Comments 2016-06-21A v Patricia Saternye From: David Blankenbaker <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday,June 21, 2016 11:51 AM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: RE: SUB201600011 Parcel A& Residue— Rural Attachments: image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif Good news, I will prepare the prints. A- Thank you. U , 4,1 ll c( Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone l Original message From: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Date: 06/21/2016 10:49 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "David C. Blankenbaker" <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: SUB201600011 Parcel A &Residue—Rural Mr. Blankenbaker, You have satisfactorily addressed the comments. Please submit the signed, notarized and sealed plats for County signatures. We will be retaining one original. So please consider that in the number you will send us. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development fat 1 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road 1 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Tuesday,June 07, 2016 1:13 PM To: David C. Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE:SUB201600011 Parcel A& Residue—Rural Thank you O Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org 2 Ir From: David C. Blankenbaker[mailto: cbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday,June 07, 2016 1:12 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: SUB201600011 Parcel A& Residue—Rural Paty, Your review items of May 23, 2016 have been addressed and you will please find attached pdf files of the revised sheets one and two of the subdivision plat Those items addressed are: 7. The division note is changed to read"is retaining" and a portion of the note has been removed. 10. "Flood Hazard Overlay" has been added to the cover sheet note. 11. The 25' side yard has been added along the old road. 12. The hatch for the flood plain is revised. 13. The "Creek/Fence Intersection is revised for clarification. 18. Approval for soils evaluation in a separate email is acknowledged. 20. VDOT approval is acknowledged. 22. The vicinity map hatch location is revised. 23. The cover sheet notes have been separated. Thank you, David Original Message From: Patricia Saternye <is- -rn e • albemarle.or.> To: David C. Blankenbaker<dcb . e r • aol.com> Sent: Mon, May 23, 2016 10:41 am Subject: SUB201600011 Parcel A& Re 'due—Ru - David, Attached please find the comme s on the 21/' ubmittal of SUB201600011 Parcel A & Residue— Rural Subdivision. Also attached please find e comments from VDOT. 3 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Co munity Development Nk,0 Albemarle county 401 McIntire Roa• Charlottesville, VA 22'02 434-296-5832 ext.3250 satern e • albemarle.o www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saterny• Sent:Tuesday, May 1 ,2016 1:35 PM To: David C. Blankenb, ker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com Subject: RE: Rural Sub•ivision Thank you. Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 4 Patricia Saternye From: David Blankenbaker <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Sent: Monday,June 06, 2016 8:36 PM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: RE: SUB201600011 Parcel A & Residue— Rural Attachments: image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif Paty, receipt acknowledged, Thank you. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Date: 06/06/2016 3:29 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "David C. Blankenbaker" <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: SUB201600011 Parcel A &Residue-Rural David, Attached please find the VDH approval letter. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development ko,G;44t. Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 1 41110 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 10:42 AM To: David C. Blankenbaker<dcbsurvevr@aol.com> Subject:SUB201600011 Parcel A& Residue—Rural David, Attached please find the comments on the 2nd submittal of SUB201600011 Parcel A & Residue—Rural Subdivision. Also attached please find the comments from VDOT. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org 2 www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Tuesday, May 17, 2016 1:35 PM To: David C. Blankenbaker<dcbsurvevr@aol.com> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Thank you. Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: David C. Blankenbaker[mailto:dcbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, May 17, 2016 1:27 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Rural Subdivision Paty, 3 kagit You willplease find attached myyrre sponse documents. Thanks, David Original Message From: Patricia Saternye<psaternye(a albemarle.orq> To: David C. Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyrna aol.com> Sent: Thu, May 12, 2016 4:59 pm Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision David, Can you copy an• •aste below into a Word document? 1. [14-301 (B)&(C)] Form and Sty: of Plats: Scale; Size. Submit one(1)full size ••py of the plat printed at scale. 2. [14-302(A)(4)] Private easements. T -re appears to be a driveway to anot,er parcel (TMP 7-27)crossing through TMP 7-26. If there is an easement please in de the deed book, page numb- and owner of the easement. 3. [14-302 (A)(5)] Public easements. There is a •verhead utility line cr..sing through the parcel. If there is an easement please include the deed book, page number an. owner of the eas- ent. 4. [14-302(A)(6)]Alleys and shared driveways. There a:sears to a driveway to another parcel (TMP 7-27)crossing through TMP 7-26. If there is an easement include the •eed •ook, page number and owner of the easement. Also provide the dimensions for the easement. 5. [14-302 (A)(7)] Existing and departing lot lines. Show all •epa g lot lines and show departing lot lines with a consistent line type. 6. [14-302 (A)(9)] Building Sites on proposed lots. S• -cify the correct Ta Map Parcel in the required note about each parcel containing a building site. 7. [14-302 (A)(10)] Right of further division of pr'posed lots. Complete the note ,n the cover sheet in reference to the assigned development rights. The parent •:rcel appears to have five(5)deve •ment rights, but this should be verified. Please refer to the Citizen's Gu 'i e to Development Rights that can be •and at the following link: http://www.albemarle.orq/upload/image:/forms center/departments/Community I:velopment/forms/Citizen's Guide to Development Rights.pdf 8. [14-302 (A)(15)] Identification of all .wners and certain interest holders. Identify all owner- of easement that cross TMP 7- 26. 9. [14-302 (B)(4)] Places of buri. . Please determine the location of the burial sites and show them •n the plat. 10. [14-302 (B)(5)] Zoning cla .ification. List the Flood Hazard Overlay district in the Zoning informatio in the notes. 11. [14-302 (b)(8)] Yards. Required yards should be specified in a note on the plat or shown graphically. 12. [14-302 (B)(9)] Flood plain. Show the 100 Year Flood Plan that is within the parcel and update the note on . e coversheet to specify a portion of the site being in a flood plain. 13. [14-302(6)(10)] Stream buffers. Show the location of required stream buffers and add required note. 4 Patricia Saternye From: David Blankenbaker <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 5:15 PM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Attachments: image001.gif; image001.gif; image001.gif Yes, that will work. Thanks again. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Patricia Satemye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Date: 05/12/2016 4:59 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "David C. Blankenbaker" <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision David, Can you copy and paste below into a Word document? 1. [14-301 (B) & (C)] Form and Style of Plats: Scale; Size. Submit one (1) full size copy of the plat printed at scale. 2. [14-302 (A)(4)] Private easements. There appears to be a driveway to another parcel (TMP 7-27) crossing through TMP 7-26. If there is an easement please include the deed book, page number and owner of the easement. 3. [14-302 (A)(5)] Public easements. There is an overhead utility line crossing through the parcel. If there is an easement please include the deed book, page number and owner of the easement. 4. [14-302 (A)(6)] Alleys and shared driveways. There appears to be a driveway to another parcel (TMP 7-27) crossing through TMP 7-26. If there is an easement include the deed book, page number and owner of the easement. Also provide the dimensions for the easement. 5. [14-302 (A)(7)] Existing and departing lot lines. Show all departing lot lines and show departing lot lines with a consistent line type. 6. [14-302 (A)(9)] Building Sites on proposed lots. Specify the correct Tax Map Parcel in the required note about each parcel containing a building site. 7. [14-302 (A)(10)] Right of further division of proposed lots. Complete the note on the cover sheet in reference to the assigned development rights. The parent parcel appears to have five (5) 1 development rights, but this should be verified. Please refer to the Citizen's Guide to Development Rights that can be found at the following link: http://www.albemarle.orq/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/ Citizen's Guide to Development Riqhts.pdf 8. [14-302 (A)(15)] Identification of all owners and certain interest holders. Identify all owners of easement that cross TMP 7-26. 9. [14-302 (B)(4)] Places of burial. Please determine the location of the burial sites and show them on the plat. 10. [14-302 (B)(5)] Zoning classification. List the Flood Hazard Overlay district in the Zoning information in the notes. 11. [14-302 (b)(8)] Yards. Required yards should be specified in a note on the plat or shown graphically. 12. [14-302 (B)(9)] Flood plain. Show the 100 Year Flood Plan that is within the parcel and update the note on the coversheet to specify a portion of the site being in a flood plain. 13. [14-302 (B)(10)] Stream buffers. Show the location of required stream buffers and add required note. 14. [14-303 (A)] Statement of consent to division. Use the wording provided in the check list for the Statement of consent to division" and include a description of the land subdivided. That wording is: The platting or dedication of the following described land [insert a correct description of the land subdivided] is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees, if any." 15. [14-303 (E)] Dimension standards and information on all lots, streets, alleys, easements, and shared driveways. There is a utility line crossing the property and there appears to be a driveway to another parcel (TMP 7-27) crossing through TMP 7-26. If there are easements include the deed book, page number and owner of the easement. Also provide the dimensions for the easements. 16. [14-303 (H)] Monuments. Clarify the material for all permanent reference monuments. 17. [14-303 (L)] Public utility, drainage and sight distance easements. There is a utility line crossing the property. If there is an easement include the deed book, page number and owner of the easement. Also provide the dimension for the easement. 18. [14-309; 14-310] Soils evaluation; Health Director Approval. Soils work should be submitted for review and approval from the Health Department should be submitted. 19. [14-312] Location of existing buildings. Represent the location of all existing buildings on the site if they are within 50 Feet of the proposed property line. 20. [14-316] Approval of entrance onto public streets. Provide verification from VDOT that there is adequate location for an entrance along the adjacent public roads. 21. Show the full length and size of all streams, creeks and other bodies of water. Thanks, 2 Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development it' Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: David C. Blankenbaker [mailto:dcbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:42 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Rural Subdivision Paty, Yes, I could do this. For efficiency, could you send the comments in Word format? I am using Word 2007. Thanks, David Original Message From: Patricia Saternye<psaternyealbemarle.org> To: David C. Blankenbaker<dcbsurvevr anaol.com> 3 Sent:Thu, May 12, 2016 4:07 pm Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision David, Could you please send a "comment & response"to the plat comments (see attached). Just state briefly how you addressed each of the 21 comments. If I know how you addressed them, and in some cases why you addressed them that way, it might avoid some additional 2nd round comments. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development X14 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Wednesday, May 11,2016 3:20 PM To: David C. Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Thank you © 4 ctrl' Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development tt Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: David C. Blankenbaker [mailto:dcbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Wednesday, May 11, 2016 3:00 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternve@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Rural Subdivision Paty, You will please find the following attachments: Division 2nd Review Sht One. Division 2nd Review Sht Two. Breiner Parcel A Soil Report (Tom Hogge, Blue Ridge Soil, please forward to VDH for their review.) Breiner Residue Soil Report (Tom Hogge, Blue Ridge Soil, please forward to VDH for their review.) 5 Recording Receipt for Deedccess Easement for C.V.E.C. utilityossing proposed drainfield in Residue.) (please forward to VDH for their review.) I believe that all review comments contained in your Memorandum dated February 8, 2016 have been addressed. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, David Blankenbaker David C. Blankenbaker, Inc. Land Surveying - Land Planning physical: 78 Main Street mail: Post Office Box 874 Stanardsville, VA 22973 434) 985-8200 voice /fax dcbsurveyr(c aol.com 1992 - 24 Years - 2016 Original Message From: Patricia Saternye <psaternve(c albemarle.orq> To: David Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Sent: Fri, Apr 1,2016 5:44 pm Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Thanks for letting me know. Have a great weekend. Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 6 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: David Blankenbaker[mailto:dcbsurvevr@aol.com] Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 5:15 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Still septic considerations,but moving forward, happy spring! Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Date: 04/01/2016 4:09 PM (GMT-05:00) To: David Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision tale sow? Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 4:10 PM To: David Blankenbaker Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision David, I have not received anything on SUB201600011 — Parcel A & Residual Acreage— Rural Subdivision since your email on March 8th, 2016. I just wanted to touch base and make sure nothing had slipped through the cracks. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 1.0 144 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Tuesday, March 08, 2016 3:11 PM To: David Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Great. Thank you for letting me know. Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Iqty 1 MT Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org 1 11110 111110 From: David Blankenbaker[mailto:dcbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:53 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Yes, thank you for the contact. VDH testing has been done by Blue Ridge Soil and field located by yours truly last Friday. Am returning today to establish boundary on the ground. Most review comments have been addressed. I want to complete these tasks before resubmitting, likely this week or next at the latest. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Patricia Saternye<psaternye(a,albemarle.org> Date: 03/08/2016 1:12 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "David C. Blankenbaker" <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision David, I just wanted to touch base with you on your submission for SUB201600011 Parcel A& Residual Acreage—Rural Subdivision. Other than the confirmation from VDOT about the entrances we have not received anything on the submission since the comments almost a month ago. Is this project still in process? Thank you, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: David C. Blankenbaker •:ailto:dcbsurve r ' aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, February 09, 201. •19 PM 2 ttrise sod Patricia Saternye From: David Blankenbaker <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 9:46 AM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: RE: FW: Rural Subdivision Private Entrance Location Approval for Parcel A for A.W. Breiner and Associates Route 810 Boonesville Road Tax Map Parcel 7-26 Thank you. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Date: 02/17/2016 8:32 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "David C. Blankenbaker" <dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: FW: Rural Subdivision Private Entrance Location Approval for Parcel A for A.W. Breiner and Associates Route 810 Boonesville Road Tax Map Parcel 7-26 Mr. Blankenbaker, Please see the confirmation of an approved location for a private entrance from VDOT below. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development JFfR' 4tY 1 _, Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 1 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternyeAalbemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) [mailto:Dennis.Seale@VDOT.Virginia.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 5:21 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Rural Subdivision Private Entrance Location Approval for Parcel A for A.W. Breiner and Associates Route 810 Boonesville Road Tax Map Parcel 7-26 Good Afternoon Paty, I have reviewed the plat as submitted for Parcel A from David C. Blankenbaker Surveying and with a field visit find that this property has a VDOT approved location for a private use entrance. Prior to building this entrance a VDOT Land Use Permit will be required. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thanks, Dennis Seale Engineering Specialist VDOT Charlottesville Residency 434-531-2887 2 Sail slid Patricia Saternye II WI I=I From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 1:39 PM To: David Blankenbaker Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Attachments: P1-16-11-comments 2-8-2016b.pdf Mr. Blankenbaker, Attached please find comments on your subdivision application for Parcel A& Residual Acreage (SUB201600011). Please contact me if you have any questions. Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development f f ff--- 4, v' sryry l Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: David Blankenbaker [mailto:dcbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, February 09, 2016 12:59 PM Cc: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision dcbsurveyr@aol.com Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org> Date: 02/05/2016 11:58 AM (GMT-05:00) To: David Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Cc: Patricia Saternye<psaternye(aialbemarle.org> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision 1 David - You application is being reviewed by Patricia Saternye (copied) (434-296-32 ext. 3250).Staff policy is for the planner to review and send out comments within 21 days from the time they are given the application to review. Legally they have 60 days to do this. Patty received your application on January 20th so her deadline to submit comments to you is February 10th. She has already indicated to me that she is well into your review and will be getting comments to you by the deadline. The file number assigned to your application is SUB201600011. Brent Brent W. Nelson Planner Planning Services, Community Development Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road, 22902 434-296-5832, ext. 3438 bnelson@albemarle.org From: David Blankenbaker[mailto:dcbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:44 PM To: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Brent, I have not had any contact on this application. Might you "snoop" around too see if a planner has been assigned this review and ask them to contact me. Thanks, David Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org> Date: 01/20/2016 2:21 PM (GMT-05:00) To: David Blankenbaker<dcbsurveyr@aol.com> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Hi David - I am not the planner handling your application. It was probably distributed to a planner today and they will be contacting you directly. Brent Brent W. Nelson 2 Planner Planning Services, Community Development Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road, 22902 434-296-5832, ext. 3438 bnelson@albemarle.org From: David Blankenbaker [mailto:dcbsurveyr@aol.com] Sent:Wednesday,January 20, 2016 2:17 PM To: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Rural Subdivision Brent, I submitted yesterday. I look forward to your comme 3