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SUB201600089 Correspondence Final Plat 2016-07-06
•4 1 Sow" V Patricia Saternye From: MelodyBAH@aol.com Sent: Wednesday,July 06, 2016 4:56 PM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: Re: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Paty, Thank you for letting us know. Melody In a message dated 7/6/2016 4:47:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternye@albemarle.org writes: Mr. Shifflett, I received the updated and signed maintenance agreement. You have addressed all the comments. As discussed on the phone, your approved and signed plats are at the front desk waiting for you to pick up. Thank you, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development •T �r , g K Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve(a�albemarle.orq www.albemarle.orq 1 From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 9:25 AM To: rgshifflett@gmailom Cc: MelodyBAH@aol.com; Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Mr. Shifflett, Because of the change the ttorney's office requested, and on- other thing that I noticed in my review of the signed plats, 've done an official Comments -tter attached. Two things to note: 1. I have given you details in comment ;1 on the last thin! that need to be done before the County approves the plat. As discuss:• yesterday on he phone, they have to do with two changes that the Attorney's office is req 'ring on the aintenance agreement before approval. 2. I've added a new comment at the end that ill ne• d to be addressed by Steve Garrett. However, this will not slow down the C. nty's approval of the plat. Just know that one of the plats does not have his signature in e seal. Please look at the new comment#20 for details. I look forward to getting the updated and gned m-intenance agreement. Thank you, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development : Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday,July 06, 2016 10:17 AM To: MelodyBAH@aol.com; rgshifflett@gmail.com Cc: steve@vacls.com Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Melody, I don't think I've seen that before, but either way it will not slow down our approval as noted in my email below. Thanks for letting me know. The only thing we waiting on now is the updated and signed maintenance agreement, which I think Mr. Shifflett is handling. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development •- Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: MelodyBAH@aol.com [mailto:MelodyBAH@aol.com] Sent:Wednesday,July 06, 2016 10:06 AM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org>; rgshifflett@gmail.com Cc:steve@vacls.com Subject: Re:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Paty, that 3rd copy is vellum, it is our file copy....we keep it in our files to make copies from....which cannot have Steve's signature on the seal....the copies need to be blank for his original seal we need the county signatures on that one as well....the only reason Steve signed his seal on the others is to have one to record without having to come back here and get an original signature through the seal. Melody In a message dated 7/6/2016 9:24:46 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternyealbemarle.orq writes: Mr. Shifflett, 1 Because of the change the attorney's office requested, and one other thing that I noticed in my review of the signed plats, I've done an official Comments letter attached. Two things to note: 1. I have given you details in comment #1 on the last things that need to be done before the County approves the plat. As discussed yesterday on the phone, they have to do with two changes that the Attorney's office is requiring on the maintenance agreement before approval. 2. I've added a new comment at the end that will need to be addressed by Steve Garrett. However, this will not slow down the County's approval of the plat. Just know that one of the plats does not have his signature in the seal. Please look at the new comment#20 for details. I look forward to getting the updated and signed maintenance agreement. Thank you, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Satemye Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:36 AM To: rgshifflett@gmail.com 2 Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2016 8:46 AM To: Erika Castillo Subject: RE: 2016-89 Wentland-Shifflett Thank you Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development r1 }r ,ge Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Erika Castillo Sent:Tuesday,July 05, 2016 8:41 AM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: 2016-89 Wentland-Shifflett Good Morning, Paty: Greg has reviewed & approved SUB 2016-89 Wentland-Shifflett. I'll run the hard copies down to the CD front desk this afternoon. Regards, Erika Castillo Paralegal ecastillo@albemarle.org Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA (434) 972-4067 Ext. 3408 Notice: This email may contain attorney-client privileged information, privileged work product, or other confidential information. It is intended only for the designated recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by mistake. Thank you. 1 4.0 sogo Iskire 'tare www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:36 AM To: rgshifflett(a�gmail.com Cc: MelodyBAH aol.com; Steve Garrett<steve(a�vacls.com> Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Mr. Shifflet, It was nice meeting your wife today when she dropped of the signed plats. Sorry that we were unable to sign the plats today. As stated in comment #1 on the attached comment letter, we cannot approve the plat until the County Attorney's office approves the street maintenance agreement and then I received a signed and notarized version of the final document. I checked with the attorney's office, since they only received it on 6/22/16 they are still in process. They were not able to give me an estimate of how much longer it will take. So our steps are: 1. Get the County Attorney's approval. Hopefully this will not require any more modifications. 2. You get the signatures and notarization on the final version of that document. 3. I do a last check of the plat to make sure the other comment has been addressed and that nothing else has changed. 4. You submit that final signed private street maintenance agreement to me. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 3 400 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye(a�albemarle.orq www.albemarle.orq From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:28 AM To: rcgshifflett(&.gmail.com Subject: FW: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Mr. Shifflett, You asked this morning if there are were any comments Commonwealth Land Surveying was still working on for your subdivision plat (SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat). Attached please find the comments that I sent Melody and Steve on your plat on May 26tH On June 9th I received a resubmission, hopefully addressing all of my comments, for your subdivision plat. I however had and have other submittals, that we had received before their resubmittal, in the queue in front of this one. So my review of the 2nd submittal of your plat has not yet happened. It is scheduled to happen on or before 6/27/2016. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye 4 Stow, Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday,June 23, 2016 5:30 PM To: MelodyBAH@aol.com; Steve Garrett Cc: rgshifflett@gmail.com Subject: FW: 3103 Rolling Road TMP 103-57 Entrance Attachments: 1037_0001.pdf Melody & Steve, Below please see VDOTs approval. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development ,\,43 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From:Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) [mailto:Dennis.Seale@VDOT.Virginia.gov] Sent:Thursday,June 23, 2016 5:12 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Cc:Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Subject: FW: 3103 Rolling Road TMP 103-57 Entrance Good Afternoon Paty, I have reviewed the existing entrance that will serve the existing parcel 103-57 and a new Lot 1 as a private use entrance.The existing entrance does not require any upgrades and meets current VDOT minimum private entrance standards and sight distance requirements for continued use as is. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Dennis Seale Engineering Specialist VDOT Charlottesville Residency 434-531-2877 1 4111111) From: Steve Garrett [mailto:steve( )vacls.com] Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 2:19 PM To: Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: 3103 Rolling Road TMP 103-57 Entrance Here you go Thanks. Steve Garrett, LS Commonwealth Land Surveying, LLC 1484 Greenbrier Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 434-973-0513 Fax: 434-973-0872 2 ✓ L/ Patricia Saternye From: MelodyBAH@aol.com Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 4:52 PM To: Patricia Saternye; steve@vacls.com Cc: rgshifflett@gmail.com Subject: Re: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Thank you, Steve is fixing this now. In a message dated 6/23/2016 4:23:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternye©albemarle.org writes: Melody&Steve, Attached please find 2"d round comment for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat submission. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development ‘-k .;i 46 4r Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org 1 From: MelodyBAH@aol.com [mailto:MelodyBAH@aol.com] Sent:Thursday,June 23,2016 2:14 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve is checking on this now, he is calling VDOT. Melody In a message dated 6/23/2016 2:02:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternyealbemarle.orq writes: Melody, Did you ever send me verification that VDOT has approved the entrance(Comment#17)? I see no record of that being provided to me. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 'a `c.zii Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org 2 • Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday,June 20, 2016 10:28 AM To: rgshifflett@gmail.com Subject: FW: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Attachments: P1-16-89- UPDATED comments 5-26-2016.pdf;Alb County Zoning Section 10 Rural Areas - RA.pdf Mr. Shifflett, You asked this morning if there are were any comments Commonwealth Land Surveying was still working on for your subdivision plat (SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat). Attached please find the comments that I sent Melody and Steve on your plat on May 26th On June 9t" I received a resubmission, hopefully addressing all of my comments, for your subdivision plat. I however had and have other submittals, that we had received before their resubmittal, in the queue in front of this one. So my review of the 2"d submittal of your plat has not yet happened. It is scheduled to happen on or before 6/27/2016. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development a;, 46- Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Thursday, May 26,2016 5:59 PM To: melodybah@aol.com;Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Cc: Bill Fritz<BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, Attached please find the UPDATED 1st round comments for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat. 1 These should be as Steve and I discussed this afternoon. Steve, I did move the comment about the private streets to the top of the list. So that will be slightly out of order from the previous version you received. Also attached is a scan of the Rural Areas code. Steve had asked me to provide the yard information for the RA Zone. You can find them circled on the 9th page of the scan. If you have any question please let me know. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Wednesday, May 25, 2016 5:33 PM To: melodybah@aol.com Subject:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Melody, Attached please find comment for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat submission. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 41, Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org 2 L./ From: MelodyBAH@aol.com Finailto:MelodyBAH@aol.com] Sent: Friday,June 17, 2016 3:29 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org>; steve@vacls.com Subject: Re: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Thanks, I put a copy in the file. In a message dated 6/17/2016 3:22:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternye(calbemarle.orq writes: Melody& Steve, I sent you the VDH approval on 6/6/16. For some reason they have given me another one, this time with the"Approved" stamp on it. So I thought I would forward it to you, even though it is redundant to the one I previously sent. Please see the attached. a Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.orq 3 From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 4:40 PM To: melodybah(a�aol.com; Steve Garrett<steve(a�vacls.com> Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, Attached please find the VDH approval for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 0 '4$ ar' S 41. � r Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve(a�albemarle.orq www.albemarle.orq From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 8:54 AM To: melodvbah(a�aol.com; Steve Garrett<steve(avacls.com> Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, 4 fid, Patricia Saternye ._I 11_III_fl11_IL III From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday,June 20, 2016 9:47 AM To: rgshifflett@gmail.com Subject: FW: SUB201600086 - Holloway/Graham-Meyer- BLA Mr. Shifflett, Below is the information I had sent Melody, at Commonwealth Land Surveying, that specifies the issues with the Road Maintenance Agreement that you should have your lawyer look at. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 14 r A t+u A310 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday,June 17, 2016 10:28 AM To: MelodyBAH@aol.com Cc:steve@vacls.com Subject: RE:SUB201600086- Holloway/Graham- eyer- BLA Melody, The Private Street Agreement that was dropped off t► me yesterda 6/16/16) is not ready to be sent to our attorney's office for review. There is a mistake in the paragraph for "Cost of Maintenan _". The State Route number in the document is specified as State Route 620. As was noted in the comment or . e plat, previously sent to you, the State Route is actually 795 in that area. Also, in the paragraph for "Minimum Standard" the 'dth of the grave oad was not listed. That should be specified as 10'. Once these modification have been made please resubmit the document. At th. time I will forward it along to our attorney's office for review. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner 1 (11004 '111111) Community Development 4 ve i 41 4,•t IN Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: MelodyBAH@aol.com [mailto:Me .d BAH ' aol.com] Sent:Thursday,June 16,2016 3:03 PM To: Patricia Saternye<•satern e • albemarl- or:> Subject: Re:SUB201600086- Holloway/Graha -Meyer- B Paty, thank you! I was just getting ready to call yo► abo that :) Melody In a message dated 6/16/2016 3:02:21 P.M. East: n Dayl •ht Time, psaternye(a�albemarle.orq writes: Melody, Ignore the part about the receiving the draft of the mainte .nce agreement. That was for your Wentland-Shifflett project (SUB201601.89). Sorry for the confusion. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 2 Patricia Saternye From: MelodyBAH@aol.com Sent: Friday,June 17, 2016 11:05 AM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: Re: SUB201600089 -Wentland-Shifflett- Final Paty, No problem. I know you have a ton of paperwork on your desk too, and I appreciate you getting this done, I have gotten Shiffletts email and will send him the info on the Private Street Agreement. Melody In a message dated 6/17/2016 11:03:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternye@albemarle.org writes: Great Melody. I have no idea who dropped off the agreement. There was very little information included with it and not contact information. Sorry for the confusion. I will try to avoid mixing email streams between the different projects I'm working on for you. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development r,r4 Ctie' IIt� Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org 1 414 From: MelodyBAH@aol.com [mailto:MelodyBAH@aol.com] Sent: Friday,June 17, 2016 10:50 AM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re:SUB20160OO89-Wentland-Shifflett- Final Paty, I will get Shifflett's email address to send him your comment. Melody In a message dated 6/17/2016 10:41:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternye(a�albemarle.orq writes: Melody, Just to be clear, because I accidentally left an old Subject:line in the last email. This information applied to SUB201600089-Wentland-Shifflett—Final. The Private Street Agreement that was dropped off to me yesterday(6/16/16)is not ready to be sent to our attorney's office for review. There is a mistake in the paragraph for"Cost of Maintenance". The State Route number in the document is specified as State Route 620. As was noted in the comments for the plat, previously sent to you,the State Route is actually 795 in that area. Also,in the paragraph for"Minimum Standard"the width of the gravel road was not listed. That should be specified as 10'. Once these modification have been made please resubmit the document. At that time I will forward it along to our attorney's office for review. Thanks, 2 Sal sftr, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday,June 17, 2016 10:28 AM To: MelodyBAH@aol.com Cc: steve@vacls.com Subject: RE:SUB201600086- Holloway/Graham-Meyer- BLA Melody, The Private Street Agreement that was dropped off to me yesterday(6/16/16)is not ready to be sent to our attorney's office for review. There is a mistake in the paragraph for"Cost of Maintenance". The State Route number in the document is specified as State Route 620. As was noted in the comments for the plat, previously sent to you,the State Route is actually 795 in that area. Also, in the paragraph for"Minimum Standard"the width of the gravel road was not listed. That should be specified as 10'. 3 Once these modification have been mae please resubmit the document. At that time will forward it along to our attorney's office for review. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 44, Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: MelodyBAH@aol.com [mailto:MelodyBAH@aol.com] Sent:Thursday,June 16,2016 3:03 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternve@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: SUB201600086- Holloway/Graham-Meyer- BLA Paty, thank you! I was just getting ready to call you about that :) Melody In a message dated 6/16/2016 3:02:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, psaternye c(D,albemarle.orq writes: 4 • Melody, �+ Ignore the part about the receiving the draft of the maintenance agreement. That was for your Wentland-Shifflett project(SUB201600089). Sorry for the confusion. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development c " ,4 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Thursday,June 16, 2016 2:59 PM To: MelodyBAH@aol.com Cc:steve@vacls.com Subject: RE:SUB201600086- Holloway/Graham-Meyer- BLA Melody, I received the resubmission on 6/10. So I hope to have my review done by 6/24/16. I would try to get it sooner, but there are many other submissions that came in before this one. 5 . . o Another factor is that I only received tTie draft of the maintenance agreement today. at has to be evaluated by our attorney's office. So they likely would not have that done prior to the end of next week either. Hopefully that won't take longer than my review. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development L,-,•e ^ ttoA, ,j AYE Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: MelodyBAH@aol.com [mailto:MelodyBAH@aol.com] Sent:Thursday,June 16, 2016 1:44 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Cc:steve@vacls.com Subject: Re: SUB201600086- Holloway/Graham-Meyer- BLA Good afternoon, Could you let us know the status of this BLA for this project, the clients are asking us about it. thank you, 6 Sine `tied Melody N. Melody Beisner Commonwealth Land Surveying, LLC 1484 Greenbrier Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 434-973-0513 Fax: 434-973-0872 Cell: 434-962-1997 440 *.J • 'fir/ `s✓ Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday,June 09, 2016 5:28 PM To: Steve Garrett Subject: RE: Shifflett Division Thank you for the resubmission. Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development !.k 44', 46, I. Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From:Steve Garrett [mailto:steve@vacls.com] Sent:Thursday,June 09, 2016 3:13 PM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject:Shifflett Division Please take a look at the addressed comments and hopefully we can get owners signatures Please let me know.... Steve Garrett, LS Commonwealth Land Surveying, LLC 1484 Greenbrier Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 434-973-0513 Fax: 434-973-0872 1 (.0 • Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday,June 03, 2016 10:06 AM To: MelodyBAH@aol.com Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Great 9. Thanks! Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development ' rA'y'xi Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: MelodyBAH@aol.com [mailto:MelodyBAH@aol.com] Sent: Friday,June 03, 2016 10:05 AM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Paty, Steve is out of town until Monday..I will make sure he gets this on Monday, thank you Melody In a message dated 6/3/2016 8:53:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,psaternye(a�albemarle.orq writes: Steve & Melody, As promised here are the 5 notes you sho d add to the SUB201.;1089 Wentland-Shifflett plat in order to cover the "Right of further division o .roposed lots" 4-302 (A) (10)] requirement: • No development rights are being added with Parcel X. • No development rights are being added with Parcel Y. • No development rights are being transferred to Tax M. • Parce 03-65 with Parcel Z. • Lot 1 is assigned one (1)development right and m. - not be furthe •ivided. • The residue of TAX MAP 103-57 is retaining two (')development rig' and may be further divided. 1 (10 Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development ;66 tt,Y,lt A.4 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 2:54 PM To: melodybah@aol.com; Steve Garrett<• eve • vacls.cnm> Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-'hifflett- 2 Lot ' al Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, I chatted with Mr. Shifflett this aft: oon. It turns out he had already _.tten some development rights information from the person who d I es the research here(Francis MacCall). I chatted with Francis, and know he number of development rights that he and Mr. Shifflett discussed. I will draft some wording for yo on the Development Rights note in the next few days and email it to you. Thanks, 2 • Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday,June 06, 2016 4:40 PM To: melodybah@aol.com;Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Subject: RE:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, Attached please find the VDH approval for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development t s k•�"�tl tom,9,�",yy Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday,June 03, 2016 8:54 AM To: melodybah@aol.com; Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Subject: RE:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, As promised here are the 5 notes you should add to the SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett plat in order to cover the "Right of further division of proposed lots" [14-302 (A) (10)] requirement: • No development rights are being added with Parcel X. • No development rights are being added with Parcel Y. • No development rights are being transferred to Tax Map Parcel 103-65 with Parcel Z. • Lot 1 is assigned one(1)development right and may not be further divided. • The residue of TAX MAP 103-57 is retaining two (2)development rights and may be further divided. Thanks, Paty Saternye 2 41.0 Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday,June 20, 2016 9:45 AM To: rgshifflett@gmail.com Subject: FW: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Attachments: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett VDH Approval WITH APPROVED STAMP letter received 6-17-16.pdf Mr. Shifflett, Attached please find a copy of your VDH approval. This is just one of at least two emails I'm planning on forwarding you in reference to the subdivision plat submitted for your property (SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat) Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development r � Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday,June 17, 2016 3:22 PM To: melodybah@aol.com;Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Subject: RE:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Melody & Steve, I sent you the VDH approval on 6/6/16. For some reason they have given me another one, this time with the "Approved" stamp on it. So I thought I would forward it to you, even though it is redundant to the one I previously sent. Please see the attached. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development f 1 1 • salmi \rf Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday,June 02, 2016 10:59 AM To: melodybah@aol.com; Steve Garrett Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Attachments: GWA_Tier2_SUB201600089.pdf Melody and Steve, Attached please find the Tier II Groundwater Assessment that Mr. Shifflett paid the fee for yesterday. This addresses one of the comments. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development �a- X Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Wednesday,June 01, 2016 2:54 PM To: melodybah@aol.com;Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Subject: RE:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, I chatted with Mr. Shifflett this afternoon. It turns out he had already gotten some development rights information from the person who does the research here (Francis MacCall). I chatted with Francis, and know the number of development rights that he and Mr. Shifflett discussed. I will draft some wording for you on the Development Rights note in the next few days and email it to you. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development '4.6 lie 0 Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road 1 411101 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Thursday, May 26, 2016 5:59 PM To: melodybah@aol.com;Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Cc: Bill Fritz<BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: SUB20166'089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, Attached please find the U' DATED 1st round comments for SUB 41600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat. These should be as Steve and I dis.ussed this afternoon. S -ve, I did move the comment about the private streets to the top of the list. So that ill be slightly out of •rder from the previous version you received. Also attached is a scan of the Rural Area code. Stev: had asked me to provide the yard information for the RA Zone. You can find them circled on the •th page • the scan. If you have any question please let me know. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development kms\ Are Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Wednesday, Ma 5, 2016 5:33 PM To: melod bah • aol.'.m Subject:SUB20160S 689 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Melody, Attached please find comment for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat submission. Please let me know if you have any questions. 2 giro/ 'tri Patricia Saternye LA From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 12:07 PM To: melodybah@aol.com; Steve Garrett Subject: RE: SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett - 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Attachments: Private_Street_Maintenance_Agreement_Template (2).doc; Private_Street_Maintenance_Agreement_Template.pdf; subdivision_maintenance_instrument_review_checklist_020614 (002).doc Steve & Melody, One thing I wanted to send to you, for you to forward to whomever will be submitting it, is the template we have for the "Private Street Maintenance Agreement". This template helps the applicant to cover all of the items required for the agreement, and will minimize the possibility of multiple submissions of the document. Also attached please forwarded to whomever will be filling out the "Private Easement Agreement" the checklist that both I and the County Attorney's office will use to make sure all items they need to see in the agreement are there. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Thursday, May 26, 2016 5:59 PM To: melodybah@aol.com;Steve Garrett<steve@vacls.com> Cc: Bill Fritz<BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Steve & Melody, Attached please find the UPDATED 1st round comments for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat. These should be as Steve and I discussed this afternoon. Steve, I did move the comment about the private streets to the top of the list. So that will be slightly out of order from the previous version you received. 1 , Also attached is a scan of the Rural Areas code. Steve had asked me to provide the yard information for the RA Zone. You can find them circled on the 9th page of the scan. If you have any question please let me know. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development G hs ti+ qS' %‘4.4-r." 1- { Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent:Wednesday, May 25, 2016 5:33 PM To: melodybah@aol.com Subject:SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett-2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat Melody, Attached please find comment for SUB201600089 Wentland-Shifflett- 2 Lot Final Subdivision Plat submission. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development r. r,.• yY Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org 2