HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201700058 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2017-12-01Tim Padalino
From: Victoria Fort <vfort@rivanna.org>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2017 12:06 PM
To: Nelson, Amy
Cc: Tim Padalino; cschooley@uvafoundation.com; Keeler, Devin; Alex Morrison
Subject: RE: UVAF Golf - Final Site Plan
Attachments: SP201700009 UVA Indoor Golf Practice Facility
RWSA has reviewed the final site plan for the UVA Foundation - Indoor Golf Practice Facility as prepared by Dewberry
Engineers and dated 11/8/2017 and it appears that our previous comments dated 6/2/2017 were not addressed in this
set. Please see the attached email for my comments. Note that comments related to Sheet 4.05 from the initial site plan
correspond to sheet C4.04 of the final site plan.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Victoria Fort, P.E.
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(P): (434) 977-2970 ext. 205
(F): (434) 295-1146
From: Nelson, Amy [mailto:abnelson@Dewberry.com]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2017 3:49 PM
To: Victoria Fort <vfort@rivanna.org>
Cc: tpadalino@albemarle.org; cschooley@uvafoundation.com; Keeler, Devin <dkeel er@Dewberry.com>
Subject: RE: UVAF Golf - Final Site Plan
Hi Victoria,
Good afternoon! I wanted to check in to see if you had a chance to review the UVAF Golf Facility updated plans, and if
you had any questions. Please let me know if there's anything we can do to help finalize your review.
Amy Nelson, PE, LEED AP BD+C, ENV SP
Project Manager
4805 Lake Brook Drive
Suite 200
Glen Allen, VA 23060-9278
804.290.7928 fax
From: Nelson, Amy
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 11:27 AM
To: vfort@rivanna.org
Cc: tpadalino@albemarle.org; cschooley@uvafoundation.com; dkeeler@Dewberry.com
Subject: UVAF Golf - Final Site Plan
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UVAF Golf Facility Final Resubmission - Engineering.pdf
Hi Victoria,
We spoke awhile back regarding the UVAF Golf Facility plans, and the connection to the RWSA interceptor along the
Birdwood property. While we addressed your previous concerns, the location of the Golf Facility has changed and we
had to resubmit the plans for the new location. The connection to RWSA remains the same as the previous location.
Please find a copy of the most recent plans attached, and let us know if you have any concerns, or if you are ok with the
proposed plan. If you need us to drop off a hard copy, please let me know and I will do so asap.
Amy Nelson, PE, LEED AP BD+C, ENV SP
Project Manager
4805 Lake Brook Drive
Suite 200
Glen Allen, VA 23060-9278
804.290.7928 fax
Visit Dewberry's website at www.dewberry.com
If you've received this email even though it's intended for someone else, then please delete the email, don't share its
contents with others, and don't read its attachments. Thank you.
Tim Padalino
From: Victoria Fort <vfort@rivanna.org>
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 11:54 AM
To: Tim Padalino
Cc: Alex Morrison
Subject: SP201700009 UVA Indoor Golf Practice Facility
Attachments: SEWER 3 - MH_WITH_DROP_CONNECTION_REVISED 10 21 15.pdf
RWSA has reviewed the initial site plan for the UVA Foundation - Indoor Golf Practice Facility as prepared by Dewberry
Engineers and dated 3/31/2017 and has the following comments:
General Plan comments:
1. A new 12" sewer is proposed to serve this facility that will connect to the RWSA Morey Creek Interceptor at
RWSA manhole MRI -MH -57. At full capacity, the addition of this 12" sewer would exceed the available capacity
of the existing 12" RWSA interceptor. Please provide calculations to justify the sizing of the proposed sewer line
as well as the anticipated flows from this facility at full buildout.
2. If anticipated sewer flows will exceed 40,000 gallons per day, a flow capacity certification from RWSA will be
required prior to final site plan approval.
Sheets C1.03, 2.03, 3.03:
1. Label RWSA sewer line as "RWSA 12" VCP Sanitary Sewer"
2. Label RWSA manhole as "MRI -MH -57"
3. Show and label 12" sewer line (manholes are shown)
Sheet 3.11:
1. Label RWSA sewer line as "RWSA 12" VCP Sanitary Sewer"
2. Label RWSA manhole as "MRI -MH -57"
3. Include the following sewer connection notes this sheet:
a. All connections to RWSA manholes shall be watertight and made with a flexible rubber boot.
b. All coring methods, the coring contractor and all materials for construction shall be approved by RWSA
in writing prior to construction.
c. RWSA Engineering Staff shall be present for all cores into the manholes. Contact RWSA Engineering a
minimum of 3 business days in advance to schedule a core of a manhole.
d. Bypass pumping may be required at the sole discretion of RWSA staff. Grouting of the manhole bench
or interior may be required, at the sole discretion of RWSA staff, for a smooth transition of flow.
e. Existing manholes shall be backfilled to original grade to the satisfaction of RWSA.
Sheet 4.05:
1. The invert of the proposed new 12" sewer connection into RWSA MRI -MH -57 needs to be constructed within 12
inches of the manhole invert or be installed with a drop connection (see attached detail). Drop connections shall
be ductile iron pipe, backfilled in six inch lifts and compacted by hand tampers.
2. Note that the velocity of sewer flow within the last pipe segment prior to the connection at the RWSA manhole
may not exceed 15 fps. This should be taken into account if the slope of this line is altered to address comment
#1 above.
3. On the profile for Sanitary Sewer "A" this sheet include the following note:
"See RWSA sewer connection notes sheet 3.11"
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Victoria Fort, P.E.
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(P): (434) 977-2970 ext. 205
(F): (434) 295-1146
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Devin M. Keeler, P.E. (dkeeler@dewberry.com)
Mr. Chris Schooley (cschooley@uvafoundation.com)
From: Tim Padalino, AICP – Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: November 15, 2017
Subject: SDP-2017-00058 UVa Golf Facility – Final Site Plan (dated 11/8/2017)
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department of Community
Development (CDD) will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have
been satisfactorily addressed. The following updated comments are those that have been identified at this time;
additional updated comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each
comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. [SP2017-09] Update Special Use Permit Condition notes on Sheet C0.01, per BOS action on 9/13/2017.
A copy of the conditions of approval is included with this review comment letter .
UPDATE: This comment has been partially addressed. Please further revise, as follows:
i. Revise “SP Conditions” heading to reference the correct SP number (SP -2017-00009).
ii. Revise General Note #24 as necessary to reference correct SP number (SP -2017-00009), date
(9/13/2017), and other details contained therein.
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
2. [SP2017-09] The final site plan does not demonstrate compliance with the conditions of approval for SP-
2017-00009. Please revise the plan set to address and resolve the following issues related to the
conditions of approval:
a. Condition #1(e) and Condition #2(b) – Earthen berms must be constructed adjacent to the new
parking lot, as shown on the approved “Illustrative Site Plan” concept plan. Show the topography
and/or contours of the berms on all applicable plan sheets, and provide a berm detail.
[PREVIOUS] UPDATE to comment 2-a: This comment has been partially addressed, through the
addition of a berm on the east side of the parking lot. However, further revisions are necessary to
comply with the SP conditions listed above, as follows:
i. A berm must be constructed adjacent to the west side of the new parking lot, as shown
on the concept plan, to reduce the parking lot’s visibility from Golf Course Drive. Please
add a berm between parking lot and Golf Course Drive to Sheets C3.02 and C3.06.
ii. Please add a berm detail to one of the Construction Details sheets (C5.02 – C5.06).
UPDATE to comment 2-a: This comment has been partially addressed; staff acknowledges
the addition of an earthen berm to the west side of the new parking lot, and the inclusion of
an earthen berm construction detail on Sheet C5.02. However, further revisions are
necessary, as follows:
i. Please resolve discrepancy between Sheets C0.06, C3.02, and C3.06 (which show a
curved berm on the eastern side of parking lot) and Sheet L1.02 (which shows a
straight berm on the eastern side of parking lot). Either design/configuration is
acceptable, but the berms must be shown consistently across all sheets.
ii. Please resolve discrepancy between Sheets C0.06, C3.02, and C3.06 (which do show
a berm on the western side of parking lot) and Sheet L1.02 (which does not show
any berm on the western side of parking lot).
iii. Please revise construction detail (or add corresponding notes) on Sheet C5.02 for
“Earthen Berm” to specify a minimum height of 36 inches (not 18 inches) for the
western berm (between Golf Course Drive and new parking lot). However, the
eastern berm (between Birdwood Pavilion and new parking lot) may be specified
for a minimum height of 18 inches.
b. Condition #1(d) and #2(d) – For the purposes of retaining the trees shown for preservation, show
existing/proposed contours, limits of disturbance, and the location and type of tree protection
measures on all applicable plan sheets.
c. Condition #1(d) and #2(d) – Sheet C2.02 proposes land disturbance within the driplines of the
existing 55” ash tree that is identified for protection and preservation. Please revise the grading as
necessary to ensure that no land disturbance occurs within the driplines of trees that are to be
protected and preserved.
d. Condition #2(d) – A Conservation Plan must be prepared b y a certified arborist for use in
conjunction with the Conservation Plan Checklist on Sheet L1.01 (“Tree Clearing and
Protection”). The contents of Sheet L1.01 appear to have been prepared by a licensed landscape
architect, and not a certified arborist.
[PREVIOUS] UPDATE to comments 2-b, 2-c, and 2-d: Revisions are necessary to comply with
the SP conditions listed above in comments 2-b, 2-c, and 2-d, as follows:
i. Add a label to each of the four large trees to be preserved using the corresponding
numbers (#71, #163, #161, and #37) as assigned on the “Birdwood Estate Tree Map”
created 4-25-2011 by Arboristry, on all applicable sheets, including but not limited to:
o C1.02 (“ Existing Site Conditions”)
o C2.02 (“Demolition and E&S Control Phase I Plan”)
o C3.02 (“Site Plan”)
o C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II Plan”)
o L1.01 (“Tree Clearing and Protection”)
o L1.03 (“Landscape Planting Plan”)
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
ii. Revise “Protect Existing ___ Tree (Tree Map #___)” annotation on Sheet 2.02
(“Demolition and E&S Control Phase I Plan”) to include a reference such as “See Sheet
L1.01 for tree protection requirements.”
UPDATE: Please further revise to reference the newly-created “Sheet TP1.01” (not
“Sheet L1.01”).
iii. Add “Protect Existing ___ Tree (Tree Map #___)” annotation on Sheet C3.06 (“Grading,
Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II Plan”) and include a reference such as “See Sheet
L1.01 for tree protection requirements.”
UPDATE: Please further revise to reference the newly-created “Sheet TP1.01” (not
“Sheet L1.01”).
iv. Revise Sheet L1.01 (“Tree Clearing and Protection”) to include the “UVAF Birdwood
Indoor Golf Facility Project – Conservation Tree Care Plan” created 10-10-2017 by
Ar boristry, as follows:
o Remove or modify the “See Civil” reference in the “Tree Protection Zone”
annotation. Include reference to Tree Protection detail(s) on Sheet L1.05 (see
o Include all information contained on the “Conservation Tree Care Plan”
including sections I (“Pre-Construction Preparation”), II (“During
Construction”), and III (“After Construction”) in narrative form (notes).
o Include graphic depictions of the location(s) of all tree protection practices
(including but not necessarily limited to “tree preservation boundaries/fences”),
as may be applicable.
o Specify that the Conservation Tree Care Plan was prepared by Mr. Michael L.
Neal, President – Arboristry, I.S.A. Certified Arborist MA-0042, TCIA
Certified Tree Care Safety Professional #0328, VA Licensed Pesticide Operator
#33588-C. One way to accomplish this would be to insert onto Sheet L1.01 the
Arboristry document signed by Mr. Neal and dated 10-23-2017 (attached).
UPDATE: These comments have been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
v. Add Tree Protection detail(s) to Sheet L1.05 (“Planting Details”) for tree protection
practices and equipment as specified in the “UVAF Birdwood Indoor Golf Facility
Project – Conservation Tree Care Plan” (including but not necessarily limited to “tree
preservation boundaries/fences”).
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
vi. Revise Sheet C0.01 (“General Notes”) to include in the “Plant Protection” section a
reference to the required tree protection information on Sheet L1.01 (“Tree Clearing and
UPDATE: Comment not addressed. Please include a note on Sheet C0.01 as
indicated above which provides reference to the newly-created Sheet TP1.01 for
detailed tree protection requirements.
vii. (Initial Comment 2-b): Staff acknowledges the revisions to Sheet C2.02 which formerly
showed proposed grading and limits of disturbance.
3. [4.12.15(g)] Curb and gutter is required at the edges of parking areas and along travelways. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.15 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator, please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s) as well as in the General Notes (Sheet C0.01), inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
UPDATE: Zoning Administrator and County Engineer approved the requested waiver on 10/03,
inclusive of conditions (attached). Please revise as follows:
i. Add a reference on Sheet C0.01 (“General Notes”) to the waiver request approved with
conditions on 10/03, in accordance with initial review comment 3-b (above).
ii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”), C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II
Plan”), and any other pertinent sheets to include a note which identifies the approved
waiver and which lists the waiver conditions.
iii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”) and C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control
Phase II Plan”) to comply with waiver condition #2 (re: stormwater).
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
4. [4.12.16(c)(1)] The minimum travel way width for two-way traffic is twenty (20) feet. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.16 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator, please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s) as well as in the General Notes (Sheet C0.01), inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
UPDATE: Zoning Administrator and County Engineer approved the requested waiver on 10/03,
inclusive of conditions (attached). Please revise as follows:
i. Add a reference on Sheet C0.01 (“General Notes”) to the waiver request approved with
conditions on 10/03, in accordance with initial review comment 4-b (above).
ii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”), C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II
Plan”), and any other pertinent sheets to include a note which identifies the approved
waiver and which lists the waiver conditions.
iii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”) and C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control
Phase II Plan”) to comply with waiver condition #3 (re: signage).
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
5. [32.6.2(c)] Tree Protection practices are proposed for two existing trees (55” ash and 40” cedar) adjacent
to the parking area. However, the dripline of the existing 55” ash tree is shown inconsistently. For
example, Sheet C1.02 (“Existing Site Conditions”), Sheet C2.02 (“Demolition and E&S Control Phase I
Plan”) and Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”) show a large canopy for the 55” ash, but Sheet L1.01 (“Tree
Clearing and Protection”), Sheet L1.02 (“Landscape Layout Plan”), and Sheet L1.03 (“Landscape
Planting Plan”) show a small canopy for the 55” ash.
Please review and address this issue by ensuring the canopies of all existing trees identified for protection
and preservation are depicted accurately and consistently across all sheets.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
6. [] Show existing/proposed contours, limits of clearing, and location and type of tree fencing or
other tree protection measures on the Landscape sheets (L1.01, L1.02, L1.03, and/or L 1.04, as
UPDATE: This comment has been partially addressed. Staff acknowledges the revisions of the
existing/proposed contours and limits of clearing. Other tree protection information has not been
satisfactorily addressed. Please see “UPDATE to comments 2-b, 2-c, and 2-d” (above, page 2).
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
7. [32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(n)] Show the location of any proposed sidewalks or pathway element(s) between the
new parking lot and the proposed facility, as applicable; and add construction details for all proposed
types of pathway elements, as applicable.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
8. [32.6.2(k)] Provide cut sheets for proposed lights (full cutoff lights required), list mounting heights, show
light fixtures on all site plan and landscape sheets. See review comments from Heather McMahon for
additional detailed comments on Lighting Plan issues and requirements.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
9. [32.6.2(e)] Add “TP” (No. 3.38: “Tree Preservation and Protection”) to “Legend” – “Virginia Uniform
Coding System” on Sheet C0.01.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
10. [32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(r)] Provide explanation of “----SD----” symbol contained on Sheet C3.06; and add
that symbol (with label) to “Legend” on Sheet C0.01.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
11. [32.6.2 and 32.5.2] Remove the SWM/VSMP sheets (C6.01 – C6.06 within “Civil” package) from the
final site plan set.
UPDATE: This comment has been partially addressed. Staff acknowledges that the sheets have been
removed. However, the Drawing Index on Sheet T1.01 still shows these sheets as being included. Please
revise Drawing Index to remove Sheets C5.01 and C6.01 – C6.06.
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
12. [32.5.2(n)] Remove the “8’ high chain link construction fencing” and “proposed logging mats, staging,
and stockpile area” from Site Plan (Sheet C3.02), unless it is intended to be a permanent improvement.
Only permanent features should be shown on Site Plan sheets (C3.01 – C3.04); temporary features or
practices should not be shown on the Site Plan sheets (C3.01 – C3.04). Therefore, either the fencing and
hatched rectangle area needs to be removed from Sheet C3.02; or, if the staging/stockpile area is intended
to be a permanent site improvement, then keep it on Sheet C3.02 and also add that element to all other
applicable sheets.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
13. It is recommended (but not required) that the “Project Zoning Data” notes on the Cov er Sheet (T1.01) be
revised or expanded to note that the “proposed building maximum gross square footage” is 14,000 SF.
This would be consistent with the approved plans and legal notice advertisements for SP -2017-00009; and
this would also help to eliminat e any future confusion stemming from the existing note which states that
the “proposed building maximum footprint: 6,710 SF.”
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
14. Final site plan approval(s) must be obtained from all other applicable Site Review Committee members
prior to Community Development granting final site plan approval. Please continue to coordinate directly
with all other applicable review agencies on their review of this final site plan.
UPDATE: Plan review is ongoing. Please contact staff when tentative approvals have been obtained
from all reviewers.
15. The Sheet between C3.08 and C3.09 is incorrectly identified as Sheet “C2.08A.” Please revise to Sheet
UPDATE: This comment has been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you.
16. [Recommendation]: Please review the location of the proposed bicycle rack, which is shown in a location
immediately adjacent to a parking space, and in a location not directly accessible from the access drive.
The bicycle rack is a very positive amenity; please identify if there is a location which would be more
directly accessible from the paved access drive, and which would not be located in such immediate
proximity to a vehicular parking space.
UPDATE: Staff acknowledges that, per Dewberry’s Comment Response letter dated 11/7/2017,
“the bike rack is in [UVA Foundation’s] preferred location.” Thank you for reviewing.
Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at (434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or
tpadalino@albemarle.org for further information or assistance.
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Devin M. Keeler, P.E. (dkeeler@dewberry.com)
Mr. Chris Schooley (cschooley@uvafoundation.com)
From: Tim Padalino, AICP – Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: November 2, 2017
Subject: SDP-2017-00058 UVa Golf Facility – Final Site Plan
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department of Community
Development (CDD) will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have
been satisfactorily addressed. The following updated comments are those that have been identified at this time;
additional updated comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each
comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. [SP2017-09] Update Special Use Permit Condition notes on Sheet C0.01, per BOS action on 9/13/2017.
A copy of the conditions of approval is included with this review comment letter .
UPDATE: This comment has been partially addressed. Please further revise, as follows:
i. Revise “SP Conditions” heading to reference the correct SP number (SP-2017-00009).
ii. Revise General Note #24 as necessary to reference correct SP number (SP-2017-00009), date
(9/13/2017), and other details contained therein.
2. [SP2017-09] The final site plan does not demonstrate compliance with the conditions of approval for SP-
2017-00009. Please revise the plan set to address and resolve the following issues related to the
conditions of approval:
a. Condition #1(e) and Condition #2(b) – Earthen berms must be constructed adjacent to the new
parking lot, as shown on the approved “Illustrative Site Plan” concept plan. Show the topography
and/or contours of the berms on all applicable plan sheets, and provide a berm detail.
UPDATE to comment 2-a: This comment has been partially addressed, through the addition
of a berm on the east side of the parking lot. However, further revisions are necessary to
comply with the SP conditions listed above, as follows:
i. A berm must be constructed adjacent to the west side of the new parking lot, as
shown on the concept plan, to reduce the parking lot’s visibility from Golf Course
Drive. Please add a berm between parking lot and Golf Course Drive to Sheets
C3.02 and C3.06.
ii. Please add a berm detail to one of the Construction Details sheets (C5.02 – C5.06).
b. Condition #1(d) and #2(d) – For the purposes of retaining the trees shown for preservation, show
existing/proposed contours, limits of disturbance, and the location and type of tree protection
measures on all applicable plan sheets.
c. Condition #1(d) and #2(d) – Sheet C2.02 proposes land disturbance within the driplines of the
existing 55” ash tree that is identified for protection and preservation. Please revise the grading as
necessary to ensure that no land disturbance occurs within the driplines of trees that are to be
protected and preserved.
d. Condition #2(d) – A Conservation Plan must be prepared by a certified arborist for use in
conjunction with the Conservation Plan Checklist on Sheet L1.01 (“Tree Clearing and
Protection”). The contents of Sheet L1.01 appear to have been prepared by a licensed landscape
architect, and not a certified arborist.
UPDATE to comments 2-b, 2-c, and 2-d: Revisions are necessary to comply with the SP
conditions listed above in comments 2-b, 2-c, and 2-d, as follows:
i. Add a label to each of the four large trees to be preserved using the corresponding
numbers (#71, #163, #161, and #37) as assigned on the “Birdwood Estate Tree
Map” created 4-25-2011 by Arboristry, on all applicable sheets, including but not
limited to:
o C1.02 (“ Existing Site Conditions”)
o C2.02 (“Demolition and E&S Control Phase I Plan”)
o C3.02 (“Site Plan”)
o C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II Plan”)
o L1.01 (“Tree Clearing and Protection”)
o L1.03 (“Landscape Planting Plan”)
ii. Revise “Protect Existing ___ Tree (Tree Map #___)” annotation on Sheet 2.02
(“Demolition and E&S Control Phase I Plan”) to include a reference such as “See
Sheet L1.01 for tree protection requirements.”
iii. Add “Protect Existing ___ Tree (Tree Map #___)” annotation on Sheet C3.06
(“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II Plan”) and include a reference
such as “See Sheet L1.01 for tree protection requirements.”
iv. Revise Sheet L1.01 (“Tree Clearing and Protection”) to include the “UVAF
Birdwood Indoor Golf Facility Project – Conservation Tree Care Plan” created 10-
10-2017 by Arboristry, as follows:
o Remove or modify the “See Civil” reference in the “Tree Protection Zone”
annotation. Include reference to Tree Protection detail(s) on Sheet L1.05
(see below).
o Include all information contained on the “Conservation Tree Care Plan”
including sections I (“Pre-Construction Preparation”), II (“During
Construction”), and III (“After Construction”) in narrative form (notes).
o Include graphic depictions of the location(s) of all tree protection practices
(including but not necessarily limited to “tree preservation
boundaries/fences”), as may be applicable.
o Specify that the Conservation Tree Care Plan was prepared by Mr.
Michael L. Neal, President – Arboristry, I.S.A. Certified Arborist MA-
0042, TCIA Certified Tree Care Safety Professional #0328, VA Licensed
Pesticide Operator #33588-C. One way to accomplish this would be to
insert onto Sheet L1.01 the Arboristry document signed by Mr. Neal and
dated 10-23-2017 (attached).
v. Add Tree Protection detail(s) to Sheet L1.05 (“Planting Details”) for tree protection
practices and equipment as specified in the “UVAF Birdwood Indoor Golf Facility
Project – Conservation Tree Care Plan” (including but not necessarily limited to
“tree preservation boundaries/fences”).
vi. Revise Sheet C0.01 (“General Notes”) to include in the “Plant Protection” section a
reference to the required tree protection information on Sheet L1.01 (“Tree
Clearing and Protection”).
vii. (Initial Comment 2-b): Staff acknowledges the revisions to Sheet C2.02 which
formerly showed proposed grading and limits of disturbance.
3. [4.12.15(g)] Curb and gutter is required at the edges of parking areas and along travelways. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.15 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator, please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s) as well as in the General Notes (Sheet C0.01), inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
UPDATE: Zoning Administrator and County Engineer approved the requested waiver on
10/03, inclusive of conditions (attached). Please revise as follows:
i. Add a reference on Sheet C0.01 (“General Notes”) to the waiver request approved
with conditions on 10/03, in accordance with initial review comment 3-b (above).
ii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”), C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control
Phase II Plan”), and any other pertinent sheets to include a note which identifies
the approved waiver and which lists the waiver conditions.
iii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”) and C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control
Phase II Plan”) to comply with waiver condition #2 (re: stormwater).
4. [4.12.16(c)(1)] The minimum travel way width for two-way traffic is twenty (20) feet. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.16 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator, please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s) as well as in the General Notes (Sheet C0.01), inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
UPDATE: Zoning Administrator and County Engineer approved the requested waiver on
10/03, inclusive of conditions (attached). Please revise as follows:
i. Add a reference on Sheet C0.01 (“General Notes”) to the waiver request approved
with conditions on 10/03, in accordance with initial review comment 4-b (above).
ii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”), C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control
Phase II Plan”), and any other pertinent sheets to include a note which identifies
the approved waiver and which lists the waiver conditions.
iii. Revise Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”) and C3.06 (“Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control
Phase II Plan”) to comply with waiver condition #3 (re: signage).
5. [32.6.2(c)] Tree Protection practices are proposed for two existing trees (55” ash and 40” cedar) adjacent
to the parking area. However, the dripline of the existing 55” ash tree is shown inconsistently. For
example, Sheet C1.02 (“Existing Site Conditions”), Sheet C2.02 (“Demolition and E&S Control Phase I
Plan”) and Sheet C3.02 (“Site Plan”) show a large canopy for the 55” ash, but Sheet L1.01 (“Tree
Clearing and Protection”), Sheet L1.02 (“Landscape Layout Plan”), and Sheet L1.03 (“Landscape
Planting Plan”) show a small canopy for the 55” ash.
Please review and address this issue by ensuring the canopies of all existing trees identified for protection
and preservation are depicted accurately and consistently across all sheets.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
6. [] Show existing/proposed contours, limits of clearing, and location and type of tree fencing or
other tree protection measures on the Landscape sheets (L1.01, L1.02, L1.03, and/or L1.04, as
UPDATE: This comment has been partially addressed. Staff acknowledges the revisions of the
existing/proposed contours and limits of clearing. Other tree protection information has not been
satisfactorily addressed. Please see “UPDATE to comments 2-b, 2-c, and 2-d” (above, page 2).
7. [32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(n)] Show the location of any proposed sidewalks or pathway element(s) between the
new parking lot and the proposed facility, as applicable; and add construction details for all proposed
types of pathway elements, as applicable.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
8. [32.6.2(k)] Provide cut sheets for proposed lights (full cutoff lights required), list mounting heights, show
light fixtures on all site plan and landscape sheets. See review comments from Heather Mc Mahon for
additional detailed comments on Lighting Plan issues and requirements.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
9. [32.6.2(e)] Add “TP” (No. 3.38: “Tree Preservation and Protection”) to “Legend” – “Virginia Uniform
Coding System” on Sheet C0.01.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
10. [32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(r)] Provide explanation of “----SD----” symbol contained on Sheet C3.06; and add
that symbol (with label) to “Legend” on Sheet C0.01.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
11. [32.6.2 and 32.5.2] Remove the SWM/VSMP sheets (C6.01 – C6.06 within “Civil” package) from the
final site plan set.
UPDATE: This comment has been partially addressed. Staff acknowledges that the sheets have
been removed. However, the Drawing Index on Sheet T1.01 still shows these sheets as being
included. Please revise Drawing Index to remove Sheets C5.01 and C6.01 – C6.06.
12. [32.5.2(n)] Remove the “8’ high chain link construction fencing” and “proposed logging mats, staging,
and stockpile area” from Site Plan (Sheet C3.02), unless it is intended to be a permanent improvement.
Only permanent features should be shown on Site Plan sheets (C3.01 – C3.04); temporary features or
practices should not be shown on the Site Plan sheets (C3.01 – C3.04). Therefore, either the fencing and
hatched rectangle area needs to be removed from Sheet C3.02; or, if the staging/stockpile area is intended
to be a permanent site improvement, then keep it on Sheet C3.02 and also add that element to all other
applicable sheets.
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
13. It is recommended (but not required) that the “Project Zoning Data” notes on the Cover Sheet (T1.01) be
revised or expanded to note that the “proposed building maximum gross square footage” is 14,000 SF.
This would be consistent with the approved plans and legal notice advertisements for SP -2017-00009; and
this would also help to eliminate any future confusion stemming from the existing note which states that
the “proposed building maximum footprint: 6,710 SF.”
Update: Comment has been satisfactorily addressed.
14. Final site plan approval(s) must be obtained from all other applicable Site Review Committee members
prior to Community Development granting final site plan approval. Please continue to coordinate directly
with all other applicable review agencies on their review of this final site plan.
UPDATE: Plan review is ongoing. Please contact staff when tentative approvals have been obtained
from all reviewers.
15. The Sheet between C3.08 and C3.09 is incorrectly identified as Sheet “C2.08A.” Please revise to
Sheet “C3.08A.”
16. [Recommendation]: Please review the location of the proposed bicycle rack, which is shown in a
location immediately adjacent to a parking space, and in a location not directly accessible from the
access drive. The bicycle rack is a very positive amenity; please identify if there is a location which
would be more directly accessible from the paved access drive, and which would not be located in
such immediate proximity to a vehicular parking space.
Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at (434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or
tpadalino@albemarle.org for further information or assistance.
I:\DEPT\Community Development\Planning Division\Tim Padalino\Current Dev
Review\ACTIVE\SDP201700058 UVA Golf Indoor FINAL\Certfied Arborist_Cover
Letter_2017.10.23.docx Revised: 9/20/2017
October 23, 2017
UVA Foundation
Attn: Annette Tamblyn
P.O.Box 400218
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Dear Ms. Tamblyn,
As a record for The County of Albemarle and your records. The Conservation Tree Care
Plan for UVAF Birdwood Indoor Golf Facility Project, created on 10.10.2017 and
submitted to you on 10.13.2017 was created and prepared by Michael L. Neal.
Michael L. Neal
I. S.A. Certified Arborist MA-0042
TCIA Certified Tree Care Safety Professional #0328
BS Landscape Horticulture, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
VA Licensed Pesticide Operator #33588-C
Member, TCIA and ISA
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
Devin M. Keeler, P.E. (dkeelerkdewberr3�.com)
Mr. Chris Schooley (cschooleyguvefoundation.com)
Tim Padalino, AICP — Senior Planner
Planning Services
September 29, 2017
SDP -2017-00058 UVa Golf Facility — Final Site Plan
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department of Community
Development (CDD) will recommend approve of the plan referred to above when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed. The following comments are those that have been identified at this time; additional
comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each comment is preceded by the
applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. [SP2017-09] Update Special Use Permit Condition notes on sheet C0.01, per BOS action on 9/13/2017. A
copy of the conditions of approval is included with this review comment letter.
2. [SP2017-09] The final site plan does not demonstrate compliance with the conditions of approval for SP -
2017 -00009. Please revise the plan set to address and resolve the following issues related to the
conditions of approval:
a. Condition #I (e) and Condition #2(b) — Earthen berms must be constructed adjacent to the new
parking lot, as shown on the approved "Illustrative Site Plan" concept plan. Show the topography
and/or contours of the berms on all applicable plan sheets, and provide a berm detail.
b. Condition #I (d) and #2(d) — For the purposes of retaining the trees shown for preservation, show
existing/proposed contours, limits of disturbance, and the location and type of tree protection
measures on all applicable plan sheets.
c. Condition #1(d) and #2(d) — Sheet C2.02 proposes land disturbance within the driplines of the
existing 55" ash tree that is identified for protection and preservation. Please revise the grading as
necessary to ensure that no land disturbance occurs within the driplines of trees that are to be
protected and preserved.
d. Condition #2(d) — A Conservation Plan must be prepared by a certified arborist for use in
conjunction with the Conservation Plan Checklist on Sheet L1.01 ("Tree Clearing and
Protection"). The contents of Sheet L1.01 appear to have been prepared by a licensed landscape
architect, and not a certified arborist.
3. [4.12.15(g)] Curb and gutter is required at the edges of parking areas and along travelways. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.15 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator, please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s) as well as in the General Notes (Sheet C0.01), inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
4. [4.12.16(c)(1)] The minimum travel way width for two-way traffic is twenty (20) feet. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.16 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator, please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s) as well as in the General Notes (Sheet C0.01), inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
[32.6.2(c)] Tree Protection practices are proposed for two existing trees (55" ash and 40" cedar) adjacent
to the parking area. However, the dripline of the existing 55" ash tree is shown inconsistently. For
example, Sheet C1.02 ("Existing Site Conditions"), Sheet C2.02 ("Demolition and E&S Control Phase I
Plan") and Sheet C3.02 ("Site Plan") show a large canopy for the 55" ash, but Sheet L1.01 ("Tree
Clearing and Protection"), Sheet L1.02 ("Landscape Layout Plan"), and Sheet L1.03 ("Landscape
Planting Plan") show a small canopy for the 55" ash.
Please review and address this issue by ensuring the canopies of all existing trees identified for protection
and preservation are depicted accurately and consistently across all sheets.
6. [] Show existing/proposed contours, limits of clearing, and location and type of tree fencing or
other tree protection measures on the Landscape sheets (L1.01, L1.02, L1.03, and/or L1.04, as
7. [32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(n)] Show the location of any proposed sidewalks or pathway element(s) between the
new parking lot and the proposed facility, as applicable; and add construction details for all proposed
types of pathway elements, as applicable.
8. [32.6.2(k)] Provide cut sheets for proposed lights (full cutoff lights required), list mounting heights, show
light fixtures on all site plan and landscape sheets. See review comments from Heather McMahon for
additional detailed comments on Lighting Plan issues and requirements.
9. [32.6.2(e)] Add "TP" (No. 3.38: "Tree Preservation and Protection") to "Legend" — "Virginia Uniform
Coding System" on Sheet C0.01.
10. [32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(r)] Provide explanation of "----SD----" symbol contained on Sheet C3.06; and add
that symbol (with label) to "Legend" on Sheet C0.01.
11. [32.6.2 and 32.5.2] Remove the SWM/VSMP sheets (C6.01 — C6.06 within "Civil" package) from the
final site plan set.
12. [32.5.2(n)] Remove the "8' high chain link construction fencing" and "proposed logging mats, staging,
and stockpile area" from Site Plan (Sheet C3.02), unless it is intended to be a permanent improvement.
Only permanent features should be shown on Site Plan sheets (C3.01 — C3.04); temporary features or
practices should not be shown on the Site Plan sheets (C3.01 — C3.04). Therefore, either the fencing and
hatched rectangle area needs to be removed from Sheet C3.02; or, if the staging/stockpile area is intended
to be a permanent site improvement, then keep it on Sheet C3.02 and also add that element to all other
applicable sheets.
13. It is recommended (but not required) that the "Project Zoning Data" notes on the Cover Sheet (T1.01) be
revised or expanded to note that the "proposed building maximum gross square footage" is 14,000 SF.
This would be consistent with the approved plans and legal notice advertisements for SP -2017-00009; and
this would also help to eliminate any future confusion stemming from the existing note which states that
the "proposed building maximum footprint: 6,710 SF."
14. Final site plan approval(s) must be obtained from all other applicable Site Review Committee members
prior to Community Development granting final site plan approval. Please continue to coordinate directly
with all other applicable review agencies on their review of this final site plan.
Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at (434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or
tpadalinokalbemarle.org for further information or assistance.
Recommended Conditions of Approval for SP201700009
PC Recommendations (August 8, 7:0) + Community Development and County Attorney's Office
Development of the indoor golf course facility shall be in general accord with the plan entitled,
"Illustrative Site Plan — Parking Option C" prepared by the University of Virginia Foundation dated
August 21, 2017 and as modified by staff, as determined by the Director of Planning and the
Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord, development and use shall reflect the following
major elements as shown on the plan:
a. Building location, orientation, and mass;
b. Parking lot location;
c. Installation of new landscaping for screening purposes;
d. Retention of trees shown for preservation; and
e. Earthen berms adjacent to the new parking lot.
Minor modifications to the plan that do not otherwise conflict with the elements listed above may
be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, as determined by the Zoning
2. Design and development of the improvements shown on the Illustrative Site Plan for the indoor
golf facility shall be subject to the following, as determined by the Planning Director or designee:
a. Placement of the parking lot within the "bowl" created by the existing terrain in a way that
minimizes grading of the slope to the north of the new parking lot, which is to be preserved
for its screening effect;
b. Construction of earthen berms adjacent to the parking lot which are compatible with
existing topographic variation and which further reduce the visibility of the parking lot and
parked cars from Golf Course Drive;
c. Approved planting plan and planting schedule which, at minimum, include:
i. New landscaping materials planted in naturalistic or informal arrangements which are
consistent and compatible with the existing landscape in terms of character, density,
and species;
ii. A meadow or similar grass landscape along Golf Course Drive; and
iii. The use of native plant materials; and
d. Submittal of a conservation plan prepared by a certified arborist to preserve trees identified
for preservation, including the treatment of all ash trees (species Fraxinus) that are to be
preserved for protection against the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis), to be used in
conjunction with the conservation checklist described in Condition 6. If all reasonable
alternatives for preservation have been explored, and such trees cannot be retained due to
the health of the tree as determined by the certified arborist, removal may occur.
3. Ingress and egress along Birdwood Drive shall be restricted, to the satisfaction of the Zoning
Administrator, to only those residences served by Birdwood Drive and shall not be used as an
access to the indoor golf practice facility.
4. Any new construction at the existing golf course facility and site other than the site improvements
shown on the Illustrative Site Plan referenced in Condition #1 or on the Preliminary Plan for
Birdwood Golf Course approved with SP 199600053, except for minor changes (such as
additional practice tees, modifications of greens and other changes that do not require a site
plan), shall require an amended special use permit.
5. The owner shall continue to implement an Integrated Pest Management/Nutrient Management
Plan to reduce adverse water quality impacts.
6. Prior to any land disturbing activity on the site, the conservation plan and checklist, the landscape
plan, and the grading plan shall be approved by the County Engineer and the Director of Planning
or their designees.