HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201700043 Application WPO VSMP 2017-08-10 Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSM.P) -r'�.. Application for Albemarle County Project Name: s5u nc_Ar-(noiC_ (The name should be the same as it appears on plans) Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes 0 No 0 Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes 0 No 0 County File Number:1000 0019-141 I ' (to be provided by the County for new applications) The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-401]. For revisions or amendments,please indicate which items are being amended Signatures must be provided for any submission. 0 A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision,NOT TO BE SIGNED BY AN AGENT OR CONSULTANT) By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be complied with,and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon th pr i as required to ensure compliance with the approved plans and permits. 5Q 10115 19 cy 12 pr> N�mcc 5 l gio Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Prope ty Owner r Sign ••+t • er Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence: Print Name (`(\Q}* 1,3 iii L Address 1 23�J` Y� (Q�►G': r ��� City_Lhor{o L(( r State UA Zip Q a9( Daytime Phone(-( - O I O Cs. E-mail 7/1/14.Revised:7/10/14 Page 1.of 2 ❑B. All Fees [Code section 17-208] For new or modified plans;Total acres proposed to be disturbed Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or disturbed Application modification of permit Less than 1 $290 $145 $20 1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200 5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1,700 $250 10 and less than 50 $4,500 $2,250 $300 50 and less than $6,100 $3,050 $450 100 100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700 For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review Variances;$150 Mitigation Plan;$150 ❑ C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form. ❑ D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402. ❑ E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403. ❑ F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404. ❑ G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405. ❑ H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of stream buffers. ❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408. ❑ J. Construction Record Drawings (as-builts)for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the requirements of code section 17-422. Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original signatures. Additional information if not provided on plans and documents: Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent) Print Name �y( h;p. 1M Or+(1 Address ) ? S '`jcaY),nes TY c i4 r- 01 Cityq State UA Zip ,)�9QJ Daytime Phone(gal) �r�� i—41 E-mail P_t,1MQ ()urine_• Coy") *When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's signatures will not be considered valid. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY WPO# Fee Amount$ Date Paid By who? Receipt# P Ck# By: 7/1/14.Revised:7/10/14 Page 2 nf 2 w v Albemarle County ' _. a 7 :i> . . Cou WP( WPO Application Process �� ,,, appli = on nd fee $1,700 (sample fee for site between 5-10 acres, totals$3,650) co •tete ess ch., k (10 days) t pl n co ents (2-4 weeks) • n re ions (*) ('; lime for applicant revisions is pl n co, e 14 (2-4 weeks) highly variable. This averages 3 pl= nevi • 321 -- ,ions (•) revision cycles.Waivers, modification, exceptions, and board approvals pl n co ents(2-4 weeks) extend time significantly.) ions (I) p nap oval (2-4 weeks) storm = - ;nagement maint = greement and re . fee$17 Any pro-rated fees for regional facilitiesP= eck wi easements b• i . req i est need to be paid here (allow 2 weeks) an fee si• atur erifications .122........................_........._ (allow 2 weeks) b d a unt estimated (allow 1 week) b• d ag-r-ment prepared ( b•_+dpo--ed s etY pr vided b•` d agr•ement completed DE., regi .tion review DE regi :tion (1 week) • c• my a •rney approval - pa. it: DEQ fee (allow 1 week) $952 c• ' !ineer approval DE =' ': ce of GCP receip of D A_! Gene -I (3 days) _ Con' 1 • 4.• 'ermit (allow 1 week) pre-co structi in meeting reque-_and • . mit fee $748 pre o str ction meetingv-,,.....-,..1 ,g—......,_...J. actions required by applicant grad g p- it issued _ CI This sample timeline is for Water Protection . start work Ordinanceapplications only. Site Plans, actions required Subdivision Plats, Street Plans,Zoning Map by county Amendmnets, Special Use Permits,and other plans and processes which may affect reviews, approvals,or permits are not shown. 1 July 2014 ,i, Albemarle Cr. Intl '1 McIntire Development Department Road Charlottesville.VA22902-4596 *11110' '101109 41 '4Planning Appy anon Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax (434)972-4126 PARCEL/OWNER INFORMATION TMP 076OO-00-00-O52O0 Owner(s): FORGE FARM LLC Application# WP"O2OI 700104 3 PROPERTY INFORiMATION Legal Description j ACREAGE Magisterial Dist Samuel Miller Land Use Primary Residential -- Single—family (incl. modular homes Current AFD Not in A/F District E Current Zoning Primary R4 Residential El APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 1179 SUNSET AVENUE EXT CHARLDTTESVILLE,22903 Entered By Application Type Water Protection Ordinances ] y Martin ud e _ 'it/572017 2017 Project Sunset Overlook Townhomes-VSMP Received Date 06/05/17 Received Date Final Submittal Date Total Fees 145 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 145 Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Applicatia Comment Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 06/05/17 Stormwater Ma nt/BNIP Ilan O6/0s/17 APPLICANT/CONTACT INFORMATION CantactT Name Address G t State Zip Phone PhoneCeil Baa i4 �, « "7"'"-*:':'*4' 11. ....,.., a ........I ...t. .93 ...... ..........:; F`rx�er,Certact SCOTT COLLINS-COLLINS ENGINEERING ?00 GARRETT ST.,STE.K CHA.ARLOTTESt+ILL ?290 4342933?19.. Signature of Contractor orAuthorized Agent Date DocuSign Envelope ID:7C8EC2AC-206B- -8406-5E30837F5BC3 of,� Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Application for Albemarle County Project Name: SUNSET OVERLOOK TOWNHOMES-E&S PLAN (The name should be the same as it appears on plans) Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes 0 No Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes 0 No WI County File Number: (to be provided by the County for new applications) The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-401]. For revisions or amendments,please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any submission. ® A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision, NOT TO BE SIGNED BY AN AGENT OR CONSULTANT) By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be complied with,and T have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure compliance with the approved plans and permits. r—DoeuSigned by: 76-52 FORGE FARM, LLC itI 4rtw 15tavUn, 5/26/2017 Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signatute-efiewaterecs4sa.._ Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence: Print Name FORGE FARM, LLC Address 195 RIVERBEND DRIVE City CHARLOTTESVILLE State VA Zip 22911 Daytime Phone( ) E-mail 7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14,1/7/14 Page 1 of 2 ll B. All Fees [Code section 17-208] For new or modified plans; Total acres proposed to b ,disturbed 0.61 AC Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or disturbed Application modification of permit Less than l $290 $145 $20 1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200 5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1,700 $250 10 and less than 50 $4,500 $2,250 $300 50 and less than 100 $6,100 $3,050 $450 100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700 For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review Variances;$150(per request) Mitigation Plan;$150 I C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form. O D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402. ❑ E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403. ® F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404. ® G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405. ❑ H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of stream buffers. ❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408. ❑ J. Construction Record Drawings (as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the requirements of code section 17-422. Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original signatures. Additional information if not provided on plans and documents: Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent) Print Name SCOTT COLLINS-COLLINS ENGINEERING Address 200 GARRETT STREET, SUITE K City CHARLOTTESVILLE State VA Zip 22902 Daytime Phone(434) 293-3719 E-mail scoff@collins-engineering.com *When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's signatures will not be considered valid. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY WPO# Fee Amount$ l J Date Paid L 7/ O By who? A);q/ 1-1j 44 d'J Receipt# f oma. (Ck# LOViff By.2 7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 2 of 2 Soo, Section 9 - Signed Certification CERTIFICATION "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Operator Name: ►'h,r S Company: WV / F/1/C_ Title: P Signature: sr 11 Data: 2 Y • / 7 10.00 'two Section 10 - Delegation of Authority Delegation of Authority I, Olt* h. / (name), hereby designate the person or specifically described position below to be a duly authorized representative for the purpose of overseeing compliance with environmental requirements, including the Construction General Permit,at the 5v,4 S.-f Ovt{/eok' 7 L4115 construction site. The designee is authorized to sign any reports,stormwater pollution prevention plans and all other documents required by the permit. A,J I 1/e (name of person or position) •I4A. i 1 t4 N —Pnc (company) /'PSS Se.'i,ua/c (address) #esIll) a).70/ (city,state,zip) 1311 3. 7 17// (phone) By signing this authorization, I confirm that I meet the requirements to make such a designation as set forth in the Construction General Permit (CGP), and that the designee above meets the definition of a "duly authorized representative". Operator Name: IQ? r/on+Yf Company: /V UE/ k,c Title: V Signature: _ ,— gprig01111." Date: it r