HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201600033 Plan - Other (not approved) Initial Site Plan 2016-05-23LEGEND EXIST NEW DESCRIPTION x 125 TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION x 25 1 SPOT ELEVATION GRASS x 125TWTOP OF WALL ELEVATION EC -3 MATTING x 125 BW BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION 0) BENCHMARK 3; 1 ■ 11 CROSSWALK '/' STORM SEWER RD ROOF DRAIN SEWER LINE 6"W WATER LINE GAS - GAS LINE OHE - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE UGE - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OHT - OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE UGT - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE DRAIN INLET (DI) 0 STORM/SANITARY MANHOLE underground. Care is to be taken to assure their location does not conflict with any other E PLUG 0 W v WATER VALVE & BOX aspects of the proposed site plan amendment. FIRE HYDRANT ,01 WM WATER METER 0-0 SOURCE OF LIGHT POLE -Alk- UTILITY POLE Fu PROPERTY LINE LANDSCAPING CANOPY ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACATED PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK J PARKING SETBACK SANITARY EASEMENT GRADING EASEMENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT WATER EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT TREE LINE FENCE STREAM 12- INTERVAL CONTOUR j,_ oo - INDEX CONTOUR 2 GG -2 STANDARD 6" CURB Cc -6 COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR OLD TRAIL 13LOCr\5 55 205 21 TMP 05 5 EO -0 I -00-000A I .'W'/HITE HALL DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=1,000' OWNER /DEVELOPER FLOOD ZONE W_ 11 iVe, C)TV Tet L 3 CONCRETE PAVEMENT SIDEWALK RIPRAP ASPHALT GRASS W, EC -2 MATTING EC -3 MATTING All water and sanitary sewer services are to be provided by the Albemarle County Service Authority. WETLAND 0) PARKING COUNT 3; 1 ■ 11 CROSSWALK '/' HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE D13 4726 PG 638 (Plot) CG -12 HANDICAP PARKING NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR OLD TRAIL 13LOCr\5 55 205 21 TMP 05 5 EO -0 I -00-000A I .'W'/HITE HALL DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=1,000' OWNER /DEVELOPER FLOOD ZONE W_ 11 iVe, C)TV Tet L 3 CI C2 C3 C4 C5 CG C7 C6 C9 CIO SHEET INDEX A title report was not provided. All easements and Proposed lighting and photometrics will be shown with the final site plan submittal. encumbrances may not be shown on this plan. /1151111111111 Molklow- LA R -M 5 Oft- " Mom i Amn i mr: _Qr-upniii im ow -ft a 'M low low 'MW low E N VW - COVER 5HEET 01,0- �'� V I I 11 Maximum: 4 Stories or 60 A EXISTING Area % V_ rll�e, - 11 � Building 0 SF 0.0% Pavement 0 SF 0.0% FROffff G, SETBACKS Sidewalk 3,309 SF 0.7% fX15TING CONDITION5 DffMO PLAN lock 5: Front: Min.=O' Max=25', Side: Min =O', Rear: Min=O' Impervious area 3,309 SF 0.7% Open space 50J,465 SF 99.j% ,dock 20: Front: Min=5' Max=25', Side: Min=O', Rear: Min=5' rD\ /I fW Total= 506,774 SF (11.6J ac.) 5ITf OVEFIV Block 21: Front: Min=5' Mcx=25', Side: Mini=O', Rear: Min=5' \/O PROPOSED Area % Building 76,886 SF 15.2% FRELIMINAREXISTING USE NARY 51TE PLAN AND UTILITIES Vacant Land Pavement 101,215 SF 20.0% It - Sidewalk 19,025 SF 3.8% 5 0 Impervious area 197,126 SF 39.0% PRELIMINAR, T SITE PLAN AN D UTI LITI f 5 \\,o PROPOSED USE Open space 309,648 SF 61.0% IA �e' .410" Multi -family & Townhome Units Total= 506,774 SF (11.63 cc.) tv PRELIMINARY 51TE PLAN AND UTILITIES S�c - e 0 A '0 qP ��'e 70 1 Bedroom Apartment Units SIGNS a \P 102 2 Bedroom Apartment Units PRELIMINARY GRADING FLAN IV 7 - 2 Bedroom Townhome Units All signs shall conform with the MUTCD Guidelines. - 3 Bedroom Apartment Units ITE TRIP GENERATION - PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1411� 11 P N I 1/ 190 Total Residential Units ITE Code #: 221 AM Peak TPH: 93 PM Peak TPH: 119 RELIMINAR vi GRADING PLAIN 103 16.3 Units Per Acre Density Total Trips Per Day: 1,360 I'\r_\ SIGNATURE BLOCK CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PLANNER (CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FIRE OFFICIAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD UILDING OFFICIAL VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN, 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF 3:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. 7. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CLASS Ill. 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). 10. WORK WITHIN THE LOCAL RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL MUNICIPAL STANDARDS. WORK WITHIN STATE RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. 11, USE SELECT MATERIAL UNDER BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; USE FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL UNDER PARKING AREAS, ROA@S, SIDEWALKS, AND OTHER CONCRETE AND PAVED SURFACES; USE COMMON FILL MATERIAL FOR GENERAL SITE GRADING. PLA(CE MATERIAL IN 6" LIFTS. 12. COMPACT LAYERS OFF FILL TO 95 PERCENT BY MODIFIED PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 1557 BENEATH AND WITHIN 15 FEET OF 83UILDINGS AND BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 698 BENEATH AND WITHIN DETENTION POND EMBANKMENTS, PAVEEMENTS, WALKS, AND ROAD SHOULDERS, INCLUDING AREAS THAT MAY BE USED FOR FUTURE CONSTRUCTION. IN OTHER UNPAVED AREAS, COMPACT 90 PERCENT BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 698. IF THE DENSITY OF THE ADJACENT SOIL. IS MORE THAN THE DENSITY SPECIFIED, THEN COMPACT TO A DENSITY NOT LESS THAN THE DENSITY OF THE ADJACENT SOIL. 13. AREAS ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE PLACED SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED, AND STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL. SOIL MATERIALS SHALL BE FREE OF DEBRIS, ROOTS, WOOD, SCRAP MATERIAL, VEGETATION, REFUSE, SOFT UNSOUND PARTICLES, AND FROZEN DELETERIOUS OR (OBJECTIONAL MATERIALS. THE MAXIMUM PARTICLE DIAMETER SHALL BE ONE-HALF THE LIFT THICKNESS. COMMON FILL MATERIAL SHALLL BE UNCLASSIFIED SOIL MATERIAL WITH THE CHARACTERISTICS REQUIRED TO COMPACT TO THE SOIL DENSITY SPECIFIED FOR THE INTENDED LOCATION. BACKFILL AND FILL MATERIAL: ASTM D 2487. CLASSIFICATION GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, SC WITH A MAXIIMUM ASTM D 4318 LIQUID LIMIT OF 35, MAXIMUM ASTM D 4318 PLASTICITY INDEX OF 12, AND MAXIMUM OF 25 PERCENT BY WEIGlHT PASSING ASTM D 1140, NO. 200 SIEVE. SELECT MATERIAL: ASTM D 2487, CLASSIFICATION GW, GP, SW, SP WITH A MAXIIMUM OF 10 PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING ASTM D 1140, NO, 200 SIEVE. 14. ALL FINISHED GR 'DING, SEEDING AND SODDING SHALL BE DONE IN SUCH A MANNER TO PRECLUDE THE PONDING OF THE WATER ON THE SITE, PARTICULARLY ADJACENT TO THE BUILDINGS OR STORM INLETS. 15. CUT AND PATCH WORK IN EXISITING PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT AND ALBEMARLE COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 16. ALL EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF THIS SITE IN POOR CONDITION OR DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY. 17. IN THE EVENT THAT SUSPECTED CONTAMINATED SOIL, GROUNDWATER, AND OTHER MEDIA ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BASED ON VISUAL, OLFACTORY, OR OTHER EVIDENCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK( IN THE VICINITY OF THE SUSPECT MATERIAL TO AVOID FURTHER SPREADING OF THE MATERIAL, AND SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY SO THAT THE APPROPRIATE TESTING AND SUBSEQUENT ACTION CAN BE TAKEN. WWJ4 1 IQ M 09 OJ4 im 1 1 #4IS I LEGALREFERENCE W, All water and sanitary sewer services are to be provided by the Albemarle County Service Authority. E TMP 055EO-01-00-00OA1 DB 3812 PC 187 D13 4726 PG 638 (Plot) BENCHMARK ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV USGS NAVD88 If feasible, all new service lines for electricity, telephone and cable TV are to be installed underground. Care is to be taken to assure their location does not conflict with any other aspects of the proposed site plan amendment. V,r 4. 'o SOURCE OF . . ...... . . b" Fu BOUNDARY & TOPO LANDSCAPING CANOPY J Proposed landscaping will be shown with the final site plan submittal. Boundary survey information provided by: Roudabush, Cole, & Associates, Inc. X: 914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 229102 CRITICAL SLOPES 0 'M (434) 977-0205 -M? There are preserved slopes shown within this property. Disturbance of the slopes are Topographic survey provided by: allowed per the approved Old Trail Master Plan. See sheet CJ. er 1,§ Mijf�, - -- Old Roudabush, Gale, & Associates, Inc. '?iATERSHED 914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 229102 (434) 977-0205 This site is located within the Lickinghole Creek Watershed. This site is located within a water supply protection area. Proposed development will be subdivided froirn, :X TMP 55E -01-Al. LIGHTING IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOOGLE MAPS CI C2 C3 C4 C5 CG C7 C6 C9 CIO SHEET INDEX A title report was not provided. All easements and Proposed lighting and photometrics will be shown with the final site plan submittal. encumbrances may not be shown on this plan. /1151111111111 Molklow- LA R -M 5 Oft- " Mom i Amn i mr: _Qr-upniii im ow -ft a 'M low low 'MW low E N VW - COVER 5HEET 01,0- �'� V I I 11 Maximum: 4 Stories or 60 A EXISTING Area % V_ rll�e, - 11 � Building 0 SF 0.0% Pavement 0 SF 0.0% FROffff G, SETBACKS Sidewalk 3,309 SF 0.7% fX15TING CONDITION5 DffMO PLAN lock 5: Front: Min.=O' Max=25', Side: Min =O', Rear: Min=O' Impervious area 3,309 SF 0.7% Open space 50J,465 SF 99.j% ,dock 20: Front: Min=5' Max=25', Side: Min=O', Rear: Min=5' rD\ /I fW Total= 506,774 SF (11.6J ac.) 5ITf OVEFIV Block 21: Front: Min=5' Mcx=25', Side: Mini=O', Rear: Min=5' \/O PROPOSED Area % Building 76,886 SF 15.2% FRELIMINAREXISTING USE NARY 51TE PLAN AND UTILITIES Vacant Land Pavement 101,215 SF 20.0% It - Sidewalk 19,025 SF 3.8% 5 0 Impervious area 197,126 SF 39.0% PRELIMINAR, T SITE PLAN AN D UTI LITI f 5 \\,o PROPOSED USE Open space 309,648 SF 61.0% IA �e' .410" Multi -family & Townhome Units Total= 506,774 SF (11.63 cc.) tv PRELIMINARY 51TE PLAN AND UTILITIES S�c - e 0 A '0 qP ��'e 70 1 Bedroom Apartment Units SIGNS a \P 102 2 Bedroom Apartment Units PRELIMINARY GRADING FLAN IV 7 - 2 Bedroom Townhome Units All signs shall conform with the MUTCD Guidelines. - 3 Bedroom Apartment Units ITE TRIP GENERATION - PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1411� 11 P N I 1/ 190 Total Residential Units ITE Code #: 221 AM Peak TPH: 93 PM Peak TPH: 119 RELIMINAR vi GRADING PLAIN 103 16.3 Units Per Acre Density Total Trips Per Day: 1,360 I'\r_\ SIGNATURE BLOCK CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PLANNER (CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FIRE OFFICIAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD UILDING OFFICIAL VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN, 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF 3:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. 7. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CLASS Ill. 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). 10. WORK WITHIN THE LOCAL RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL MUNICIPAL STANDARDS. WORK WITHIN STATE RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. 11, USE SELECT MATERIAL UNDER BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; USE FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL UNDER PARKING AREAS, ROA@S, SIDEWALKS, AND OTHER CONCRETE AND PAVED SURFACES; USE COMMON FILL MATERIAL FOR GENERAL SITE GRADING. PLA(CE MATERIAL IN 6" LIFTS. 12. COMPACT LAYERS OFF FILL TO 95 PERCENT BY MODIFIED PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 1557 BENEATH AND WITHIN 15 FEET OF 83UILDINGS AND BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 698 BENEATH AND WITHIN DETENTION POND EMBANKMENTS, PAVEEMENTS, WALKS, AND ROAD SHOULDERS, INCLUDING AREAS THAT MAY BE USED FOR FUTURE CONSTRUCTION. IN OTHER UNPAVED AREAS, COMPACT 90 PERCENT BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 698. IF THE DENSITY OF THE ADJACENT SOIL. IS MORE THAN THE DENSITY SPECIFIED, THEN COMPACT TO A DENSITY NOT LESS THAN THE DENSITY OF THE ADJACENT SOIL. 13. AREAS ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE PLACED SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED, AND STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL. SOIL MATERIALS SHALL BE FREE OF DEBRIS, ROOTS, WOOD, SCRAP MATERIAL, VEGETATION, REFUSE, SOFT UNSOUND PARTICLES, AND FROZEN DELETERIOUS OR (OBJECTIONAL MATERIALS. THE MAXIMUM PARTICLE DIAMETER SHALL BE ONE-HALF THE LIFT THICKNESS. COMMON FILL MATERIAL SHALLL BE UNCLASSIFIED SOIL MATERIAL WITH THE CHARACTERISTICS REQUIRED TO COMPACT TO THE SOIL DENSITY SPECIFIED FOR THE INTENDED LOCATION. BACKFILL AND FILL MATERIAL: ASTM D 2487. CLASSIFICATION GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, SC WITH A MAXIIMUM ASTM D 4318 LIQUID LIMIT OF 35, MAXIMUM ASTM D 4318 PLASTICITY INDEX OF 12, AND MAXIMUM OF 25 PERCENT BY WEIGlHT PASSING ASTM D 1140, NO. 200 SIEVE. SELECT MATERIAL: ASTM D 2487, CLASSIFICATION GW, GP, SW, SP WITH A MAXIIMUM OF 10 PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING ASTM D 1140, NO, 200 SIEVE. 14. ALL FINISHED GR 'DING, SEEDING AND SODDING SHALL BE DONE IN SUCH A MANNER TO PRECLUDE THE PONDING OF THE WATER ON THE SITE, PARTICULARLY ADJACENT TO THE BUILDINGS OR STORM INLETS. 15. CUT AND PATCH WORK IN EXISITING PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT AND ALBEMARLE COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 16. ALL EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF THIS SITE IN POOR CONDITION OR DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY. 17. IN THE EVENT THAT SUSPECTED CONTAMINATED SOIL, GROUNDWATER, AND OTHER MEDIA ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BASED ON VISUAL, OLFACTORY, OR OTHER EVIDENCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK( IN THE VICINITY OF THE SUSPECT MATERIAL TO AVOID FURTHER SPREADING OF THE MATERIAL, AND SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY SO THAT THE APPROPRIATE TESTING AND SUBSEQUENT ACTION CAN BE TAKEN. PROFFER STAXEMENT site plan applicable to any portion of block 30 or 31. The trail shall be constructed to the County I Housing Development Authority, Farmers Home Administration, or Housing and Urban Development, OLD TRAIL VILLAGE standards for a Class A trail, with a surface of compacted stone dust.. Section 8, whichever comes first (the "Affordable Term"). Date: January 13, 2.016 ZMA 9: ZMA, 2015-00001 Old Trail Village Amendment 43 Tax Map Parcel Nurnbers: 055EO-O 1-00-OOOAI (excluding those portions that lie outside the zoning boundary- for ZNV, 2004-024), 055EO-01-00-00OA2, 055EO-01-00-000A3, 055EO-01-00-00OA4, 055EO- 01-00-00OA5, 055EO-01-3A-00100, 055E0012701000, 055E0012701100, 055EO012701200, 055EO012701300, 055EO012701400, 055EOO12701500, 055BOO12701600, 055EO012701700, 055EO012701800, 055EO012701900, 055EO012702000- 055E0012702100, 055E0012702200, 055E0012702300, 055EO012702400 and 055EO012702500. The Owner of the parcels identified herein above (the "Property") is March Mountain Properties, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company (the "Owner"). This Proffer Statement shall relate to the Code of Development for OW Trail Village, approved as part of ZMA 2004-024, as amended by ZMA 2008-05, as fin-ther amended by, ZNLA, 2014-00004, and as further amended by ZMA 2015-00001, as such Code of Development may be amended from time to time in the fixture in accordance with the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (Ithe "Code of Development"), and to the Application Plan prepared by Timmons Group entitled "Old Trail Village Rezoning ZMA 04-024 General Development Plan," last revised by Roudabush, Gate & Associates vvith a latest revision date of January 14, 2016, and inClUdingany previously approved amendments thereto (the "Application Plan"). The Owner hereby voluntarily proffers that if the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors acts to rezone the Property ns, requested, the Owner shall develop the Property in accord with the following proffers pursuant to Section 15.2-21303 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle Coul,rity Zoning Ordinance. These conditions. are voluntarily proffered as part of the requested rezoning, and the Owner acknowledges that (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning requested. This proffer statement shall supersede and replace in all respects the proffer statements approved by the Board of Supervisor's in connection with ZMA 2004-024, ZMA 2008-05, and ZMA 2014-00004. If rezoning z' application ZMA 20115-00001 is denied, these proffers shall immediately be null and void and of no further force and. effect. 1. Green Soace,• Park Land and Greenway Dedication. The Owner shall devote a minimum of twenty percent (20%4) of the land within the Property to green space as sho-om on sheet 5 of 9 of the General Development Plan. Of this green space land, within five (5) years after the date that ZMA 2004-024 is approved by the Covinty, or within thirty (30) days after the request of the County, whichever is. sooner, the Owner shall dedicate to the County for public use for parks and open space resources and for a greenway, a 25 -acre park, a 10.,8 -acre greenway area, and a 6.7 -acre greenway area, each as further shown on sheet 5 of 9 of the General Development Plan (collectively, the "Park and Greenway Area"). After it is dedicated to Public rise, the Pairk and Greenway Area shall continue to be included in the total area of green space and amenities within the; Property. At the time of the conveyance and dedication, the Park and Greenway Area land will be subject Ito the Architectural and Landscape Standards for Old Trail Village, as provided in the Code of Developmerit. The remaining . green space land within the Property that will not be dedicated to the County for publiic use shall be maintained by the Old Trail Owner's Association. The dedication of the Park arid Greenway Area land shall be a fee simple interest in such land. If the Park and Greenway Area land is not dedicated as part of a site plan or subdivision plat, the Owner shall pay the costs of surveying the land and prepai-iing the deed of dedication. The Owner shall construct the trail through the 6.7 -acre Greenway Area, as %hown on sheet 5 of 9 ofthe General Development Plan, within six (61) months after the approval by the County of the first subdivision plat or site plan applicable to any portion of block 30 or 31. I required to fund the Park Master Plan that is retained by the County as provided herein, shall be reftinded to the Owner as provided in paragraph 5 if such funds are not expended within the time provided therein. THE REQUIREMENTS OF TJTIS PARAGRAPH FOUR 1121, -VE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. Cash Proffer for Park Projects_ For each dwelling unit constructed on the Property that is not an Affordable Unit, the Owner shall contribute cash to Albemarle County for funding parks and recreation projects and improvements identified on the County's Capital Improvements Program within the Park and Greeiiwatiy Area in general accord with the Park Master Plan as available, funding allows, as follows: one thousarrid dollars $1,000.00) for each single family detached unit, five hundred dollars ($5(10,00) for each toNwnhouse unit, a.nd two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each multifamily unit. Notwithstanding the terms of this paragraph 5 to the contrary, however, the Owner shall receive a "credit" against the first fifty t1bousand dollars ($50,000.00) that would otherwise be owed to the County pursuant to this paragraph 5, im recognition of the cash proffer referenced in paragraph 4. In the event the cash proffer referenced in p)aragraph 4 is not sufficient to fund the Park Master Plan, the County may apply a portion of the cash pro)ffer described in this paragraph 5 as required to fully fund the Park Master Plan, If the County deterrilinesi it to be a more reasonable use of funds, the County may substitute facilities shown on the Park Master Plran or locate facilities shown on the Park Master Plan elsewhere in the Community of Crozet, The cash c-,ontribution for each dwelling unit shall be paid at the time of the issuance of the building permit for su(ch dwelling unit, unless the timing of the payment is otherwise specified by state law. If the cash contrilbution has not been exhausted by the County for the stated purpose within ten (10) years from the date cof the issuance of the last residential building permit within the Property, all unexpended funds shaIll be refunded to the Owner. 6, Phasing of Re4ail Development. Prior to the issuance of a building pennit for the five hundredth (500`x') dwelling unit wwithin the Property, the aggregate retail space within the Property shall not exceed forty-eight thousand ((48,000) square :fca Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the one thousandth (1,000") dvxc�lling unit within the Property, the aggregate retail space within the Property shall not exceed ninety -.,.,,ix t1housand (96,000) square feet. Prior to the issuance of a building Permit for the one thousand five hundredtth (1,5000`) dwelling unit within the Property, the aggregate retail space within the Property shall not exceecd om hundred forty-four thousand (144,000) square, feet. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for [the two thousandth (2,000'1") dwelling unit with the Property, the aggregate retail space within the Properrty shall not exceed one hundred ninety-two thou sand (1914,000) square feet. Retail space shall not include, office space or any health and fitness facility, 7, 1 Overlot Gradlina Plan, The Owner shall submit an overlot grading plan meeting the requirements of this seection (hereinafter, the "Plan") with the application for each subdivision of the single family detached] and single family attached dwelling units shown on the General Development Z Plan. The Plan shalll show existing and proposed topographic -features to be considered in the development of the prc3posed subdivision. The Plan shall be approved by the County Engineer prior to final approval of the sLubdivision plat. The subdivision shall be graded as shown on the approved Plan. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any dwelling on a lot where the County Engineer has determined the lot is inot graded consistent with the approved grading Plan. The Plan shall satisfy the following: A, The Plan shaall show all proposed streets, building sites, surface drainage, driveways, trails and other features the Couritty, Engineer determines are needed to verify that the Plan satisfies the requirements of this paragraph 7. B. The plan sh2all be drawn to a scale not greater than one (1) inch equals fifty (50) -feet. 4 2. Affordable Rousing, The Owner shall provide affordable housing units equal to fifteen percent (I 59,o) of the total residential units constructed on the Property, in the form of for -sale units; for -rent units. :`accessory unit,.," (as defined in paragraph 2(C)(3) herein), and "carriage units" (Lis defined in paragraph 2(C)(3) herein) and subject to the terms herein ("Affordable Units"). The Affordable Units shall be reasonably interspersed throughout the Property as provided in this paragraph 2, Subject to the requirements of the Application Plan and the Code of Development. If the Owner elects at its option to provide for -sale sin -lo family detached Affordable 1,1nits, such units shall be applied toward the 15% requiremeriLt, Each subdivision plat and site plan for land within the Property shall designate the lots or units, as applicable, that will, subject to the terms and conditions of this proffer, incorporate Affordable Units as described herein, and the aggregate number of such lots or units designated for Affordable Units within each subdivision plat and site plan shall constitute a. minimum of fifteen percent (1,5%) of the lots in such subdivision plat or site plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the Owner may "carry- over" or "Ibank" credits for Affordable Units in the event an individual subdivision plat or site plan designates Affordable Units that in the aggregate exceed the fifteen percent (15%) minimum for such subdivision[ plat or site plan, and such additional Affordable Units may be allocated toward the fifteen percent (151010) minirnum on any future subdivision plat or site plan, provided however, that the maximum number of Affordable Units that may be carried over or banked shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total Uniits on any subdivision plat or site plan. The; Owner shall convey the responsibility of constructing the Affordable Units to the subsequent (.owners of llots within the, Property and such subsequent owner/builder shall succeed to the duties of the Owner undier this paragraph 3A, and the, tens "Owner" shall refer to Stich subsequent mvvnedbu I Ider. Such subse(quent o'wrier/bUilder shall create Affordable Units affordable to households with incomes less than eighty, percent (90%) of the area median income such that housing costs consisting of principal, interest, read estate taxes and homeowners insurance {PITT) do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the gross household income, A. For -Sale Affordable Units. All. purchases of the for -sale Affordable Units shall be approved by the Albemarle County Housing Office or its designee. The subsequent owner/builder shall provide the County or itts designee a period of ninety (90) days to identify and prequalify an eligible purchaser for the Affordable ]Units. 'The ninety (90) -day period shall commence upon written notice from the their -current owner/buildler that the Affordable Unit(s) will be available for sale. If the County or its designee does not provide a quialified purchase during this ninety (90) -day period, the then -current owner/builder shall have the right to ,sell the Affordable Unit(s) without any restriction on sales price or income of the purchaser(s), and such Affordable Unit(s) shall be counted toward the satisfaction of this paragraph 2. This requirement shall apply only to the first sale of each of the for -sale Affordable Units, B. Yor-Rent Affordable Units. (1). Rental hates. 'The initial net rent for each for -rent Affordable Unit shall not exceed the then -current and applicable maximum net rent fate approved by the County Housing Office. In each Subsequent calendar year, the monthly net rent for each for -rent Affordable Unit may be increased up to three percent (3%), l or purpose of this proffer statement, the term "net rent" means that the rent does not include tenaait-paid utilities. The requirement that the rents for such for -rent Affordable Units may not exceed the imaximum rent established in this paragraph 213 shall apply for a period of five (5) years following the date the certificate of occupancy is issued by, the County for each for -rent Affordable Unit, or until the units are sold as low or moderate cost units qualifying as, such under either the Virginia I Z:� 6 C. All proposed arading, shall be shown with contour intervals not greater than two (2) feet. All concentrated) surface drainage over lots shall be clearly shown with the proposed grading. All proposed grading shall/ be shown to assure that surface drainage can provide adequate relief from flooding of dwellings in[ the event a stormsewer fails, D. Graded slopes or lots proposed to be planted with turf grasses (lawns) shall not exceed a gradient of t1hree (3) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall (3:1). Steeper slopes shall be vegetated with low maintenance vegetation as determined to be appropriate by the County's prcigram authority in its approval of an erosion and sediment control Plan for the land disturbing activity. Thiese steeper slopes shall not exceed a gradient of two (22) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall (2:1), unless the County Engineer finds that the grading recommendations for steeper slopes have adequately addressed the impacts, E. Surface drainage may flow across up to Three (3) lots before being collected in a storm sewer of directed to a drainage way outside of the lots, F. No surface drainage across a residential lot shall have more that) one-half (1/2) acre of land draining to it'. G. All drainage from streets shall be carried across lots in a storm sewer to a point beyond the fear of the building site. ll. INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. T_ 1. The Plan shall demonstrate that an area. at least ten (10) feet in width, or to the lot line if it is less than (10) feet, from the portion of the structure facing the street, has grades no steeper than ten (10) percent adjacent to possible earances to dwellings that will not be served by a stairway, , This grad ' ed area also shall extend from the entrances to the driveways or walkways connecting the dwelling to the street.. J. Any requireincat of this condition may be waived bV the County Engineer by submitting a waiver request with the preliminary plat. If such a request is made, it shall include: (i) ajustification for the request contained in a certified engineer's report, (ii) a vicinity map Showing a larger street network at a scale no smaller than one (1) inch equals six hundred (600) feet; (iii) a conceptual plan at a scale no smaller than one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet showing surveyed boundaries of the property; (iv) topography C� _ _ of the property at five (5) foot intervals for the property being subdivided and on abutting lands to a distance of five hundred (500) feet from the boundary line or a lesser distance determined to be sufficient by the agent; (v) the locations of streams, stream buffers, steep slopes, floodptains, known wetlands; and (vi) the proposed layout of streets and lots., unit types, uses, and location of parking, as applicable. In reviewing a waiver request, the County Engineer shall consider whether the alternative proposed by the Owner satisfies the purpose of the requirement to be waived to at least an equivalent degree. In approving a waiver, the County Engineer shall find that requiring compliance with the requirement of this condition would not forward the purposes of the County's Subdivision and Water Protection Ordinances or otherwise serve the public interest; and granting the waiver would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the Project, and to the land adjacent thereto, K. The Owner may request that the Plan be amended at any time. All amendments shall be subject to the review and approval by the County Engineer. L. In the event that the County adopts overlot grading regulations after the date ZMA 2004- 024 is approved, any requirement rement of those regulations that is less restrictive than any requirement of this 0 (2). Conveyance of Interest. All deeds conveying any interest in the for -rent Affordable Units during the Affordable Tenn shall contain language reciting that such unit is subject to the; terms of this paragraph 2. In addition, all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any for -rent Affordable Unit, or any part thereof during the Affordable Term shall contain a complete and full disiclosure of the restrictions and controls established by thisp g3t aria—aph 213, At least thirty (30) days prior to Ithe conveyance of any interest in any for -rent Affordable Unit during the Affordable Term, the then- curi-ent owner shall notify the County in writing of the conveyance and provide the name, address and telephone number of the potential grantee, and state that the requirements of this paragraph 213(2) have been satisfied. (3). Reporting Rental Rates. During the Affordable Tenn, within thirty (30) days of each rental or lease term for each for -rent Affordable Unit, the then -current owner shall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Office a. copy of the rental or lease agreement for each such Affordable Unit rented that shows the rental rate for such Affordable Unit and the term of the rental or lease agreement. In addition, during the Affordable Term, the then -current Owner shall provide to the County, if requested, any, reports, copies of rental or lease agreements, or other data pertaining to rental rates as the County may reasonably require. C_ Mixture of Types of Affordable Uni4s. No more than fifty percent (50%) of the Affordable Units may be accessory units and/or carriage units. For purposes of this proffer statement, "accessory units" shall mean Accessory Apartments as defined in the Albemarle County Code, Chapter 18, Section 3. 1, and as regulated by the Albemarle County Code, Chapter 18, Section 5.1.34, and a unit within a two- family dwelling as a two4amily dwelling is defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. For the purposes of this proffer statement, "carriage units' shall mean any separate, independent, accessory dwelling unit detached from, but located on the same parcel as the structure of anti clearly subc)rdiriate to a single family detached dwelling as distinguished from a duplex or other two-family C7 dweilling. I Cash Proffer for School Projects. For each dwelling unit constructed on the Property that is not an Affordable Unit, the Owner shall contribute cash to Albemarle County for funding school projects withiin the Community of Crozet and shown on the County's Capital Improvements Program, as follows: one itbousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each single family detached unit, five hundred dollars ($500.00) for eachi townhouse unit, and two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each multifamily unit'. The cash contiribution for each dwelling unit shall be paid at the time of the issuance of the building permit for such dwellling unit, unless the timing of the payment is otherwise specified by state law. If the cash contiribution has not been exhausted by the County for the stated purposes within ten (10) years from the date of the issuance of the last residential building permit within the Property, all unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 4. Cash Proffer for Part: Master Man. Within one (1) year after the date that ZMA 2004-024 is approved, or within thirty (3 30) days after the request by the County, whichever is sooner, the Owner shall make a cash contribution to the County in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for the purp(ose of funding a master plan for the 25 -acre park land shown on sheet 5 of 9 of the General Development Plan (the "Park -Master Plan"). If the Park Master Plan is completed for less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), any remaining funds may be retained by the County and used to fund park's and recreation projects and improvements as described in paragraph 5. If such case contribution, is not expended for the Park Master Plan within two (2) years from the date of the contribution, all unex1pended funds shall be refunded to the Owner; provided that any portion of the cash contribution note 3 paragraph 7 shall supersede, the corresponding requirement of this paragraph, subject to tire approval of the 1))irector of the Department of Community Development. 8. Construction of School Connections. The Owner shall construct the pathway connections to the schools, shown as "Pathway 'Connection to Schools,"' and "Road and Sidewalk Connection to Schools" on sheet 5 of 9 of the General Development Plan, within six (6)tnoaths after the approval by the County of the first subdivision plat or site plan applicable to any portion of a block that either includes or is adjacent to any such connection. WITNESS the following signature: 0 '_905985_11.& Cc N,L4,RCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES, L.L.C. By: Printed Name: Title:: I JUSTIN imp > L i c. 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