HomeMy WebLinkAboutBNB201700034 Approval - County 2017-12-201 the A. hPm`3rl' Ct?i 1 n�r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Y -- -> Date Paid AX4 9b.? BNB #'Pzr ;— Application for Bed and Breakfast 0 y''—_5:::75 0 Bed and Breakfast fee5 LA A� OBed and Breakfast Regulations Checklist.�� Wertilication that notice of this application has been provided to the property owner, if owner is different from applicant. A Bed and Breakfast is a use within the Rural Areas zoning district composed of transient lodging provided within a single family dwelling and/or one or more structures that are accessory to the single family dwelling, having not more than five (5) guest rooms in the aggregate, and which also may include rooms for dining and for meetings for use by transient lodging ouests of the bed and breakfast provided that the dining and meeting rooms are accessory to the bed and breakfast use. Project Name: Seth Tax map and parcel: 14.61 Acres 73, 07300-00-00-036CO 07300-00-00-036C1 Parcel B and Lot 1 Physical Street Address: 4189 Dick Woods Rd Charlottesville, VA 22903 /"" ,I, - , A Applicant (who should we contact Street Address Middlebrook Ave i City Staunton Phone Number540-421-5504 sethliskey@gmail.com Owner of Record Seth Street Address Middlebrook Ave this project): Seth Liskey Oly VA Zip Code24401 City Staunton State VA Zip Code 24401 Phone Number540-421-5504 Email sethliskey@gmail.com th ust Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this application action a d�accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature _ wner, Agent Seth Liske) Print Name �:/- ETIVIW Date 540-421-5504 Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 I I/1/2015 Page I or3 BED AND BREAKFAST REGULATIONS C1IECKLIST (ZONING ORDINANCE SECTIONS 5.1.48 Sc 31.5) Each bed and breakfast shall be subject to the following: ❑ SKETCH REQUIREMENTS A sketch plan of the site must be provided with requested items shown in relation to the property lines noting compliance with the setbacks: Show the location of all structures, including guest room locations, used for the Bed and Breakfast in relation to the property lines. Show the location of parking spaces to be used for the dwelling and the Bed and Breakfast. Show the location of the access (ex. The driveway) to all structures to be used for the Be(] and Breakfast. ❑ Show the location, height, and lumens of any existing or proposed lighting to be used for the Be(] and Breakfast. ❑ Show the location of any signs to be used for the Bed and Breakfast. (SEE BELOW FOR SIGNAGE) d Provide a floor plan of each building proposed for the bed and breakfast use. ® Residency. The owner of the parcel or a manager of the bed and breakfast shall reside on the parcel. Rl OWNER will reside on the parcel AND/OR ❑ MANAGER will reside on the parcel ® Nrunber of bed and breakfast uses. Any parcel may have up to two (2) bed and breakfast uses. (Please mark the appropriate boxes below) Is this the 1st or 2nd Bed and Breakfast on this parcel? ® lst Bed and Breakfast or El2nd Bed and Breakfast How many guest rooms will Ell ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 or ® 5 each Bed and Breakfast have? ❑ I ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 or ❑ 5 Guest room: A room which is intended, arranged or designed to be occupied, or which is occupied by one (1) or more guests paying direct or indirect compensation therefor, but in which no provision is made for cooking. ® Required development rights, density and limitation. Each single family dwelling to which a bed and breakfast use is accessory shall comply with the following: (i) on any parcel less than twenty-one (2 1) acres in size, the single family dwelling shall be authorized by a development right as provided in section 10.3; (ii) on any parcel, regardless of size, the single family dwelling shall comply with the permitted density; and (iii) no single family dwelling shall have more than one bed and breakfast use accessory to it. What is the size of the parcel (in acres) that you propose to have a bed and breakfast? 14.61 Acres Ilow many dwellings are on the parcel described above? 1 I I/1/2015 1'a9e,4oI 3 R1Minirnumt yards. Any accessory structure used for a bed and breakfast use shall comply either with the applicable minimum yard requirements fora primary structure or a lesser yard approved by the zoning administrator that is not less than the minimum yard required for an accessory structure that would otherwise be applicable, if the zoning administrator finds that: (i) the distance between the accessory structure and the closest primary structure on the closest abutting parcel is greater than the applicable minimum yard requirement for a primary structure; and (ii) written consent has been provided by the owner of the abutting lot consenting to the alternative minimum yard. The minimum yard for any parking area shall be twenty-five (25) feet. (SEE SKETCH REQUIREMENTS) ❑ Will there be accessory structures used for guest rooms? ❑ YES or ® NO If YES, then how many accessory structures will be used for guest rooms? _ 10 Parking. In addition to the parking required for a single family dwelling, the number of off-street parking spaces required by section 4.12.6 shall be provided. (SEE SKETCH REQUIREMENTS) # of single family dwellings on the parcel 1 X 2 = 2 # of guest rooms on the parcel 5 X 1 = 5 Total number of parking spaces required for this Bed and Breakfast 7 ❑ Building code, fire and health approvals. Before the zoning administrator approves a zoning clearance under section 31.5, the owner of the parcel or a manager of the bed and breakfast shall obtain approval of the use from the building official, the fire official, and the Virginia Department of Health. Contact Building Official for approval of the use �����C. 434-296-5832 Contact Fire Official for approval of the use �1(so/`' 434-296-5833 �# 3 Contact Virginia Department of Health for approval of the use ✓ 434-972-6219 Ia/I 3 R1 Uses prohibited. Restaurants are prohibited as a use accessory to a bed and breakfast use. ❑ Signage permitted. One freestanding sign limited to 24 square feet, permit required. If sign is 4 square feet or less then no permit is needed. APPROVAL INFORMATION [ Approved as proposed [ ] Approved with conditions [ ] Denied Conditions Zoning Official Date I/1/2015 Page 3 of 3 wunty of tiioemarle - wen - map rage ( of t At, 11 E bI A It L., is GIS-Web COU; NTY \.111t1N1A Searches/Results Site last updated on... GIS-Web - Map CI ifi( fl Rcsnurce Plan Sire mwater Zoning Help Mobile Scale 1" = 46 it 17 46 ft > Google Maps 1, Go ,rvt,;, Save Map as Image 'vl ati Certain Imagery Courtesy of the Commonwealth of Virginia �lOMwinner GIS-Web is optimized for Internet Explorer 8.0+, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari, built Chadevesli ile Top since winner by AppGeo, and maintained by M•n : y Albemarle County's Geographic Data Services (GDS) team. County Home SE.+nth Selection I.•:un<t Select Parcels vl v (show all) IPIN Property Address Owner 07300-00-00-036CO 4189 DICK WOODS RD HERATH, RICHARD A I I i <. > j 1 selected To Mailing Labels To Spreadsheet Parcel Info Owner' Print Parcel ID 07300-00-00-036C0 GPIN 443555896551 Full Property More Info --> Information j Owner Information i Owner HERATH, RICHARD ALAN OR BARBARA TOOTHMAN HERATH f Address 4189 DICK WOODS RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA,22903 i Other Information Primary Prop. 4189 DICK WOODS RD Address Other Address N/A Total Acres 12.61 Subdivision Acreage I Most Recent Assessment Information Year 2017 Assessment Date 04/27/2017 Assessment Reason Reassessment Land Value $301,600 Land Use Value $0 i Improvements Value $881,300 I Total Value $1,182,900 Most Recent Sales History Previous Owner HERATH, RICHARD ALAN & BARBARA TOOTHMAN i Owner HERATH, RICHARD ALAN OR BARBARA Sale Date 04/26/2006 Sale Price $0 Deed Book/Page 3197/724 Validity of Sale (For Invalid Sale Internal Use) Other Parcels... http://gisweb.albemarle.org/Map/Viewer.aspx 9/5/2017 r wa: i<&: snort term rental zoning approval I'age I of I Fwd: RE: short term rental zoning approval Seth liskey [sethliskey@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 1:35 PM To: Liskey,Seth A ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Rebecca Ragsdale" <i7•aPsdale(a)albentarle.org> Date: Jul 19, 2017 2:43 PM Subject: RE: short term rental zoning approval To: "seth liskey" <sethliskeyngmail.com> Cc: You will complete a bed and breakfast application/checklist: http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/ applications/Bed and Breakfast.pdf From: seth liskey [mailto:sethliskey@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 12:06 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: short term rental zoning approval The property is 4189 Dick Woods Rd On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Rebecca Ragsdale <rra�,isdale((albeivarle.org> wrote: Please refer to this handout for information: http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Zoning Applications/Review steps for Tourist Loding and Bed and Breakfast applications.pdf 11 � 1 �•P �1 ;' �n C� �I,A r a The fee is $108 to the County of Albemarle. You will need to complete and application and checklist. I will need your address to look up the zoning of your property and send you the form. From: seth liskey [mailto:sethliskey@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 3:30 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org> Subject: short term rental zoning approval who do I make the $54 check out to? I just need to sketch the floors available to guests? thanks, Seth http://owa.edwardj ones.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAACmO27fyTWnS5 M... 9/5/2017 PLAT MAP Borrower Seth Liskey File No.: 17-07-034A Property Address 4189 Dick Woods Rd Case No.: City' Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22903 Lender: Blue Ridge Bank 7 C w 637 364 A All 420 rn 7 3- 3® mT 73.36N 347� j '3.3r,i 41 Z5y UICK woocls Kd - Ooogle maps Page 1 of 1 911 f Maps 4189 Dick Woods Rd - I - -- Imagery ©2017 Commonwealth of Virginia, DigitalGlobe, Map data 02017 Google United States 50 ft 4189 Dick Woods Rd Charlottesville, VA 22903 https://www.google.comlmaps/place/4 l 89+Dick+Woods+Rd,+Charlottesville,+VA+22903/... 9/5/2017 FLOORPLAN SKETCH Borrower: Seth Liskey File No.: 17-07-034A Property Address:4189 Dick Woods Rd Case No.: City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22903 Lender: Blue Ridge Bank ZL f V I �� 1 FLOORPLAN SKETCH Borrower: Seth Liskey File No.: 17-07-034A Property Address:4189 Dick Woods Rd Case No.: City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22903 Lender: Blue Ridge Bank _ r is FLOORPLAN SKETCH Borrower: Seth Liskey File No.: 17-07-034A Property Address:4189 Dick Woods Rd _ Case No.: City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22903 Lender: Blue Ridge Bank ti '1 .J f I r `✓ r t r ,l i g J I 4 h �I ri i County of Albemarle 111417 Department of Community Development PH: (434) 296-5832 Date RECEIVED FROM: �./ `� L AMOUNT: '-- '3A'— b ., 308 For: 6 w 0 1 324 510 !31VL3 a. d 1) - 620 e .-? � a ) ` V1 c $ v ec cash and Bycre 0 CD CD a � v 0 m CDD n 3 7o C z m cou r NZ� �o -4 O ,n D i qe N uOD rb Ej Zi m w 0r, m D c � -M i � r 3 O m W Z Z o o W Leah Brumfield From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 5:10 PM To: Leah Brumfield Subject: FW: Exemption from Health Dept. regulations for Vacation Rental Property From: seth liskey [mailto:sethliskey@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:28 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org> Subject: Fwd: Exemption from Health Dept. regulations for Vacation Rental Property Mrs. Ragsdale, Wanted to touch base on where we are with my permit and if there's anything that I can do. Thank you!! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Campbell, Elizabeth (VDH) <ElizabethA.Campbell gvdh.vir ig'nia.gov> Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 12:27 PM Subject: Exemption from Health Dept. regulations for Vacation Rental Property To: seth liskey <sethliskeygggmail.com> Hi Seth, If you are only renting to one party at a time and no food is being served you are exempt from the need for a Virginia Dept of Health tourist establishment permit. Let me know if you have questions or need further information. Thank you, RV fs Environmental Health Techincal Consultant Food Progam Thomas Jefferson Health District 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22902 Food Progam Thomas Jefferson Health District 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: 434-972-6256 From: Seth liskey [mailto:sethliskev@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 10:40 AM To: Campbell, Elizabeth (VDH) <ElizabethA.Campbell@vdh.virginia.gov> Subject: Short-term Rental Mrs. Campbell, I wanted to check on my application to rent my home on the weekends and I stay in the basement. Anything I need to do at this point? Thank you! Seth Liskey 4189 Dick Woods Rd Charlottesville, VA 22903