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WPO201600075 Plan - Stormwater 2017-11-21
STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (Pursuant to Virginia Regulation 9 VAC 25-880-10) For Staybridge Suites Charlottesville, Virginia Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1700 Willow Lawn Drive, Suite 200 Richmond, Virginia 23230 804-673-3882 November 21, 2017 (Operator's Signature) Date APPROVED ',toe by the Albemarle County Community Deve! pment Department Date__ _a /7 File 2D 60007 lititavo . INTRODUCTION This SWPPP has been prepared for land disturbing activities associated with the construction of Staybridge Suites in Charlottesville, Virginia. This SWPPP includes the elements necessary to comply with the Storm Water General Permit issued by the VDEQ under the VPDES and local governing agency requirements. This SWPPP shall be implemented at the start of construction. Construction phase pollutant sources anticipated at the site are: ® Disturbed(bare) soil, ® Vehicle fuels and lubricants, ® Chemicals associated with building construction, and building materials, ®Asphalt and asphalt pavement waste; chlorine for water line flushing, ® Other pollutants(specify) Without adequate control, there is the potential for each type of pollutant to be transported by stormwater. The project will consist of the following basic activities: ® Site grading, ® Paving work, ® Installation of stormwater management and drainage systems, ® Installation of utilities, ® Other activities: Landscaping Purpose A major goal of pollution prevention efforts during project construction is to control soil and pollutants that originate on the site and prevent them from flowing to surface waters of the Commonwealth. The purpose of this SWPPP is to provide requirements for achieving that goal. A successful pollution prevention program also relies upon careful inspection and adjustments during the construction process to enhance its effectiveness. Scope This SWPPP must be implemented when land disturbing activities begin on the site. This SWPPP will be made available for public inspection upon public request on site during normal business hours for the term of the permit authorization for the site. The SWPPP Construction Site Notice as well as a copy of the DEQ Coverage Letter must be posted conspicuously and readable from a public right of way at the job site. Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 ice, This SWPPP primarily addresses the impact of storm rainfall and runoff on areas of the ground surface disturbed during the construction process. In addition,there are recommendations for controlling other sources of pollution that could accompany the major construction activities. Permit coverage is terminated as of the date the lot is transferred to a new owner, coverage under a new VPDES permit is obtained, or as of the date another Operator assumes control over portions of the site not stabilized. In these situations,coverage under the permit terminates at midnight the date the Notice of Termination(NOT)is filed. Where the Operator seeks to terminate coverage because the site has reached final stabilization,termination will become effective upon concurrence by the VSMP Authority, or after 60 days from the submittal of the NOT, whichever occurs first. Forms required to implement the SWPPP are included in the Appendices to this document. The VPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities prohibits most non-storm water discharges during the construction phase. Allowable non-storm water discharges that may occur during construction on this project,which would therefore be covered by the General Permit, include: 1. Discharges from firefighting activities; 2. Fire hydrant flushing; 3. Water used to wash vehicles or control dust where detergents are not used; 4. Water flowing from potable sources and water line flushing; 5. Water used to control dust; 6. External building wash down which does not use detergents; 7. Runoff from pavement wash down where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed)and where detergents have not been used; 8. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate; 9. Springs and uncontaminated groundwater; 10. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents; 11. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering; and 12. Landscape irrigation. Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 Noe The techniques described in this SWPPP focus on providing control of pollutant discharges with practical approaches that utilize readily available expertise, materials, and equipment. The Operator referred to in this SWPPP is the entity noted on the VSMP registration statement. The Operator and their subcontractor(s) will construct the site development improvements in accordance with the approved plans and this SWPPP. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Described below are the land disturbing construction activities that are the subject of this SWPPP. They are presented in the order(or sequence)they are expected to begin, but each activity will not necessarily be completed before the next begins. Also,these activities could occur in a different order if necessary to maintain adequate erosion and sedimentation control: A. This project consists of improvements associated with a new Staybridge Suites hotel located in Charlottesville, Virginia, at the intersection of Timberwood Boulevard and Laurel Park Lane. The subject site is currently a 2.02 acre graded pad site located on block 8 of the Hollymead Towncenter Master Development Plan Area C. The proposed area of disturbance is 2.08 acres. B. Phase I Sequence of Construction: 1. Notify Albemarle County Erosion and Sediment Control inspector prior to beginning any land disturbance to schedule a pre-construction N,,,. meeting. If the project does not commence for 180 days after the pre- construction meeting of lies dormant for more than 180 days during construction,a new pre-construction meeting must be scheduled before construction can begin again. 2. Install construction entrance as shown on the associated Phase I E&SC plans. Contractor to keep existing roads free of debris and sediment build-up at all times. 3. Install perimeter silt fence and inlet protection as shown on the associated Phase I E&SC plans. 4. Install sediment traps and associated diversion dikes as shown on the associated Phase I E&SC plans. Maintain positive drainage to the trap. 5. Clear and grub areas within limits of disturbance. 6. Land disturbance shall not occur until the installation of these initial erosion and sediment control measures is approved by Albemarle Country Erosion& Sediment Control Inspector. 7. Once demolition is complete and all erosion measures are in place, contractor may begin next phase of construction. .41116•0" Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 Phase II Sequence of Construction: 1. Contractor to inspect and maintain all erosion and sediment control measures and make any necessary repairs/additions before beginning Phase II improvements. 2. Begin rough grading. 3. Install storm sewer and inlet protection. 4. Once rough grading is sufficiently in place to direct runoff toward drainage structures or silt fence,remove sediment trap in coordination with county inspector. 5. Begin installation of retaining walls and utilities. 6. Once the majority of the site is stabilized,the contractor shall contact the County inspector to remove the sediment trap. 7. Pave drive aisles and parking areas. Complete pavement markings and striping. Confirm all accessible routes and parking areas conform to ADA standards. 8. Stabilize all remining non-paved areas with permanent seeding or sod upon completion of fine grading. Install site landscaping.No erosion control measures are to be removed until approved by Albemarle County Public Works department. 9. Flush,remove,and dispose sediment from storm drainage system. C. The project site consists of 2.02 acres with a disturbed area of 2.08 acres. D. The pre-development runoff coefficient of the site is 0.23. The runoff coefficient will be increased to 0.76 under post-development conditions. E. Other potential sources of pollution—Vehicle fuels and lubricants. F. The ultimate downstream receiving water body for stormwater runoff from within the limits of disturbance is South Fork Rivanna River. G. The selected erosion and sediment control drawings,grading and drainage drawings, and/or erosion and sediment control narrative provided in Appendix G illustrate/outline the following: 1. Drainage patterns and approximate slopes or contours anticipated after grading activities 2. Areas of soil disturbance and areas of the site which are not to be disturbed. 3. Location of major structural and non-structural controls. Sire Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 4. Location of areas where stabilization practices are expected to occur including types of vegetative cover 5. Surface waters including wetlands 6. Locations where stormwater is discharged to a surface water with an outline of the drainage area for each discharge point. 7. Existing and planned paved areas and buildings 8. Location of permanent stormwater management practices to be used to control pollutants in stormwater after construction activities have been completed 9. Location of all off-site materials,waste,borrow or equipment storage areas covered by the plan, and 10. Location of other potential sources of pollution The actual schedule for implementing pollutant control measures will be determined by project construction progress. Down slope protective measures must always be in place before soil is disturbed. III. SITE DESCRIPTION Included as part of this SWPPP in Appendix G are selected project construction drawings. Please refer to them for detailed site information. Iltar A. Site Location—The subject site is located in Charlottesville,VA,with jurisdiction under Albemarle County at the intersection of Timberwood Boulevard and Laurel Park Lane. The site parcel ID is 03200-00-00-041Q0. The GPIN is 499831935512. This parcel is identified as Block 8 of Hollymead Towncenter Area C plans. The site is bordered by Timberwood Boulevard to the south, Laurel Park Lane to the east and north,and Meeting Street to the west. B. Site Topography and Coverage—Currently,the subject site is a graded pad site located on Block 8 of the Hollymead Towncenter Master Development Plan. The existing elevations range from approximately 572 feet to 604 feet. The existing site is approximately 72%impervious with Type B soils. In its current state,the site drains towards the southeast side of Laurel Park Lane toward existing drainage inlets. The existing drainage network outfalls into a stormwater management facility in Block I of the overall master planned development. The proposed development will maintain these drainage areas. C. Rainfall Information—The average annual rainfall for Charlottesville, Virginia is 43 inches(Monticello weather station,NOAA and NCDC). Fifty nine percent(26 inches) of the annual precipitation occurs between May and October. A rain gauge shall be installed on site to determine if an inspection triggering rainfall event has occurred. An inspection"triggering rainfall event"is rainfall that equals or exceeds one half inch Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 err, (0.5")in a 24-hour period at the construction site. D. Site Soils—The following soils are present on-site according to a web soil survey generated from the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)and Natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS)online database. Soil Type 28C3: Elioak Clay Loam 7 to 15 percent slopes Elioak soils component is on hillslopes,piedmonts. The parent material consists of radium weathered from mica schist.Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate.The natural drainage potential is low. This soil is neither flooded nor ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent.Non-irrigated land capability classification is 4E. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Soil Type 65B: Pacolet Sandy Loam 2 to 7 percent slopes Pacolet soils component is on interfluves, uplands. The parent material consists of radium weathered from granite and gneiss. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is neither flooded nor ponded. There is no zone of +`, water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent.Non-irrigated land capability classification is 2E. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Soil Type 65C:Pacolet Sandy Loam 7 to 15 percent slopes Pacolet soils component is on interfluves,uplands. The parent material consists of radium weathered from granite and gneiss.Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is neither flooded nor ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent.Non-irrigated land capability classification is 4E. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. E. Total Area and Disturbed Area—The project site consists of 2.02 acres with a disturbed area of 2.08 acres. F. Quality of Receiving Surface Waters and/or Wetlands—The proposed drainage of the Staybridge Suites will ultimately drain in to the South Fork Rivanna River Bennett's Creek. The Bennett's Creek is included on the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality 2014 305(b)/303(d)Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report as impaired for Aquatic Life Use. The Aquatic Life use is impaired based on exceedance of criteria for Stare Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 lokre Benthic-Macroinvertebrate Bioassessments. The Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) Waste Load Allocation(WLA)is scheduled to be developed by 2022. To offset these impairments during construction portable sanitary facilities will be utilized on site and regularly serviced by contractor following competition of construction wastewater will be directed to existing public sanitary sewer system. G. Threatened or Endangered Species or their Critical Habitat—The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries' Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service was reviewed for the presence of threatened or endangered species on the site. Four species were identified as threatened or endangered within two miles of the project area including the James spinymussel(Pleurobema collina),tri-colored bat(Perimyotis subflavus),and the Atlantic Pigtoe(Fusconaia masoni). Other potential endangered species within two miles of the project site is the American black Duck(Anas rubripes). Coordination with the proper federal, state, and local agencies should occur if these species are observed during construction or if impacts to these species' habitats will occur. H. Erosion Control Plan—The Erosion and Sediment Control facilities shown on the approved E&S Plans(Appendix G) include a stone construction entrance,temporary sediment trap, associated diversion dikes,and silt fencing as shown on sheets CE-101, CE-102, and CG-501. I. Permanent Stormwater Controls—Runoff from the developed portions of the study area will,where practical, be directed to the existing stormwater management facility in Block 1 of the overall Hollymead Towncenter Master Plan. The regional stormwater management facility is adequate to fully mitigate water quantity requirements and partially mitigate water quality requirements from the proposed development. Stormwater quality and quantity calculations proving the adequacy of this best management practice for meeting regulatory requirements are provided in Appendix I. IV. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND CONTROLS A variety of storm water pollutant controls(Best Management Practices)are recommended for this project. These controls are reflected in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plans enclosed herein as Appendix G. Some controls are intended to function temporarily and will be used as needed for pollutant control during the construction period. These include temporary sediment barriers such as silt fencing, a rock construction entrance, and inlet protection measures. For most disturbed areas,permanent stabilization will be accomplished by covering the soil with pavement,buildings, other improvements, and/or vegetation. A. Erosion and Sediment Controls 1. Short and Long Term Goals—All erosion and sediment control measures have been selected, designed and are to be installed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law and Regulations. The short term goal of construction phase stabilization is to minimize the loss of sediment to adjacent waters during construction. The long term goal is to 144r.' Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 minimize the loss of sediment from the project once constructed by permanent soil stabilization. 2. Soil Stabilization-The purpose of soil stabilization is to prevent soil from leaving the site. In the natural condition, soil is stabilized by existing vegetation. The primary technique to be used at this project for stabilizing site soil will be to provide a protective cover of turf grass,pavement, other improvements, or building over disturbed soil. (a) Temporary Seeding—Stabilization for all areas to remain denuded for a period of fourteen(14)days or longer(for disturbed area draining to impaired waters, Tier III waters or to waters with a TMDL established prior to the issuance of the Construction General Permit), or;thirty(30) days or longer(for all other disturbed areas) shall be initiated within twenty-four(24)hours after construction activity ceases in these areas. The methods for establishing stabilization shall be applied within seven (7)days of initiation. Temporary seeding shall be in conformance with the project plans and/or erosion and sediment control narrative. (b) Permanent Seeding or Sodding- Stabilization for all areas at final grade shall be initiated within twenty-fours(24)hours of completion of the land disturbing activity. The methods for establishing final stabilization shall be applied within seven(7)days of initiation. Except for small level spots, seeded areas shall be protected with mulch. Permanent seeding or Sodding shall be in conformance with the project plans tikaivre erosion and sediment control narrative. (c) Structural Controls—Storm water runoff is to be structurally controlled as depicted on the plan sheets and/or project narrative. Structural controls shall be keyed to land disturbing activities especially on sites with significant topography and shall be completely installed prior to commencement of such land disturbing activities. (d) Final Stabilization—Final stabilization is not considered established until a ground cover is achieved that is uniform,mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion. The Operator shall stabilize all exposed earth areas with permanent vegetation as described in the project plans and/or erosion and sediment control narrative. B. Stormwater Management Controls 1. The following stormwater management controls have been utilized on this project: ❑ Dry ponds ❑ Stormwater retention/detention structures ❑ Flow attenuation from swales and natural depressions 104.+1 Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job #113064001 El Infiltration of site runoff ❑ Bio-retention systems ❑ Stormwater wetlands ❑ Water quality structures ❑ Other measures(Specify) C. Construction Phase"Best Management Practices" Control of sediments has been described previously. Other aspects of this SWPPP are listed below: 1. Dust Control -Construction traffic must enter and exit the site at the stabilized construction entrance. The purpose is to trap dust and mud that would otherwise be carried off-site by construction traffic. Dust control shall be provided by the Operator in compliance with applicable local and state dust control regulations. After construction,the site will be stabilized(as described elsewhere),which will reduce the potential for dust generation. 2. Effluent from de-watering activities must be filtered or passed through an approved sediment trapping device, or both,before being discharged from the site.No contaminated effluent or groundwater may be discharged with stormwater without a separate VPDES discharge permit from the VDEQ. Such permit shall be obtained by the Operator,prior to discharge. 3. Solid Waste Disposal -No solid materials, including building materials,are allowed to be discharged from the site with storm water. All solid waste, including disposable materials incidental to the major construction activities,must be collected,removed from the site and disposed of in a legal manner. The locations of solid waste containers must be shown on the site maps. Substances that have the potential for polluting surface water and/or groundwater must be controlled by whatever means necessary in order to ensure that they are not discharged from the site. As an example, special care must be exercised during equipment fueling and servicing operations. If a spill occurs, it must be contained and disposed of so that it will not flow from the site or enter groundwater,even if this requires removal,treatment,and disposal of soil. In this regard,potentially polluting substances should be handled in a manner consistent with the impact they represent. 4. Sanitary Facilities-All personnel involved with construction activities must comply with state and local sanitary or septic system regulations. Temporary sanitary facilities where provided at the site throughout the construction phase must be utilized by all construction personnel and shall be serviced by a commercial operator when provided. Their location must be shown on the project site maps if installed on Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 Sir?. site. 5. Water Source -Non-storm water components of site discharge must be clean water. Water used for construction,which discharges from the site,must originate from a public water supply or private well approved by the Virginia Department of Health. Water used for construction that does not originate from an approved public supply must not discharge from the site. It is to be retained in ponds until it infiltrates and evaporates. D. Construction Phase "Best Management Practices" During the construction phase,the Operator shall implement the following measures where appropriate: 1. Material resulting from clearing and grubbing shall be stockpiled up slope from adequate sedimentation controls or hauled off-site.All soil stockpile areas shall be annotated on the project plans in Appendix G. 2. All soil stockpile areas shall be maintained sufficiently far from water bodies or wetlands and shall be adequately protected from erosion to preclude migration of sediments into the water bodies or wetlands. 3. The Operator shall designate areas for equipment cleaning, maintenance, and repair. The Operator and subcontractor(s) shall utilize those areas. The areas shall be protected by a temporary perimeter berm *time or silt fencing. 4. Use of detergents for large scale washing is prohibited(i.e.,vehicles, buildings,pavement surfaces, etc.) 5. Chemicals,paints, solvents, fertilizers, and other toxic material must be stored in waterproof containers. Except during application,the contents must be kept locked in trucks or within locked storage facilities. Runoff containing such material must be collected,removed from the site, treated, and disposed at an approved solid waste or chemical disposal facility. 6. All materials used for concrete mixing shall be washed down in a designated area where the corresponding runoff is directed into a leak- proof container or leak-proof settling basin. This concrete wash water shall be properly disposed of off-site. E. Pollution Prevention Awareness SWPPP document shall always be kept on site for the duration of construction. Operator shall discuss procedures for providing awareness for all potential pollution discharge areas, disposal practices and applicable disposal locations of all wastes for all personnel for the duration of the project. These procedures shall be discussed during the pre- construction meeting with the Albemarle County Erosion& Sediment Control Inspector. Staybridge Suites February 15,2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 V. LOCAL PLANS In addition to this SWPPP, construction activities associated with this project must comply with all additional requirements set forth by the Albemarle County Planning Department. VI. INSPECTIONS AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The purpose of site inspections is to assess performance of pollutant controls. The inspections shall be conducted by the Operator's designated E&S inspector. If deficiencies in the erosion and sediment control measures are determined,they shall be recorded on the inspection form by the Operator and corrective action shall be initiated by the Operator within the time frame specified below. Between the time this SWPPP is implemented and final site stabilization is achieved, all disturbed areas and pollutant controls must be inspected the frequency below: At least once every five business days and no later than 48 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 48 hours between business days,the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. Based on these inspections,the Operator shall decide whether it is necessary to modify this SWPPP, add or relocate sediment barriers, or institute other actions required in order to prevent pollutants from leaving the site via storm water runoff The Operator has the duty to repair, modify,maintain,or supplement pollutant control measures and take other actions necessary to ikr„r achieve effective pollutant control The Operator may install a rain gauge at the site to determine site specific rainfall conditions or must provide estimates of rainfall at the project site and provide information as to how the estimates were generated. For purposes of permit compliance, it is strongly recommended that the Operator install a rain gauge at the project site. Examples of particular items to be evaluated during site inspections are listed below. This list is not intended to be comprehensive. During each inspection,the Operator's inspectors must evaluate overall pollutant control system performance, as well as the effectiveness of system components.Additional factors should be considered as appropriate to the circumstances. A. Locations where vehicles enter and exit the site must be inspected for evidence of off-site sediment tracking. A stabilized construction entrance will be constructed where vehicles enter and exit. This entrance will be maintained or supplemented as necessary to prevent sediment from leaving the site on vehicles. Sediment tracked onto public roadways must be shoveled or swept from the roadway and re-deposited on site in a manner that minimizes its offsite release potential. B. Sediment barriers must be inspected and, if necessary,they must be enlarged or cleaned in order to provide additional capacity. All material excavated from behind sediment barriers shall be stockpiled on the up slope side of the barrier. Additional sediment barriers must be constructed as needed. Sediment must be removed from sediment traps *kir' Staybridge Suites February 15,2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 and sediment basins when the design capacity has been reduced by 50%. C. Inspections will evaluate disturbed areas and areas used for storing materials that are exposed to rainfall for evidence of,or the potential for,pollutants entering the drainage system. If necessary,the materials must be covered or original covers must be repaired or supplemented. Also,protective berms must be constructed,if needed, in order to contain runoff from material storage areas. Grassed areas will be inspected to confirm that a healthy stand of grass is maintained. The site has achieved final stabilization when turf grass cover provides permanent stabilization of the soil surface exclusive of areas that have been paved or covered by building(s). Permanent stabilization is not considered established until a ground cover is achieved that is uniform,mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion. D. All discharge points must be inspected to determine whether erosion control measures are effective in preventing impacts to receiving waters. Based on inspection results,any modification necessary to increase effectiveness of this SWPPP to an acceptable level shall be made by the Operator within seven calendar days of the inspection. All modifications to the SWPPP document and approved plan will be noted on the construction plans. The inspection reports must be completed entirely and additional remarks shall be included if needed to fully describe a situation. An important aspect of the inspection report is the description of additional measures that need to be taken to enhance plan effectiveness. The inspection report must identify whether the site was in compliance with the SWPPP at the time of inspection and specifically identify all incidents of non-compliance. Inspection reports will be kept on file by the Operator as an integral part of this SWPPP for at least thirty six months following the month the Notice of Termination is filed with the VDEQ. It is the responsibility of the Operator to ensure the adequacy of site storm water pollutant discharge controls. Physical site conditions,weather conditions or Operator practices may make it necessary to install more structural controls than are shown on the plans. (For example, localized concentrations of runoff could make it necessary to install additional sediment barriers.) Assessing the need for additional controls and implementing them or adjusting existing controls are key aspects of the effectiveness of this SWPPP until the site achieves final stabilization. Should a control fail,be bypassed or otherwise be ineffective in maintaining sediments onsite and releasing sediment offsite the Operator will provide notification to the VDEQ in accordance with Part III. G. of the VPDES Storm Water General Permit, as necessary. If it is determined by the Operator's Inspector that there has been an upset or bypass of the control measures resulting in a release of sediment to State waters,the Operator's Inspector shall report the bypass or upset to the Valley Regional Office of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality(VDEQ)at 540-574-7800 within 24 hours of discovery of the unanticipated bypass or upset. Within five days of making the verbal report to VDEQ, a written report shall be submitted by the Operator containing: • A description of the nature and location of the discharge; • The cause of the discharge; %we Staybridge Suites February 15,2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 • The date on which the discharge occurred; • The length of time that the discharge continued; • The volume of the discharge; • If the discharge is continuing,how long it is expected to continue; • If the discharge is continuing,what the expected total volume of the discharge will be; and • Any steps planned or taken to reduce,eliminate and prevent a recurrence of the present discharge or any future discharges not authorized by this general permit. tiore Slime Staybridge Suites February 15,2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KI-IA Job#113064001 APPENDICES APPENDIX A -AUTHORITY LETTER APPENDIX B - GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (VAR 10)—REGISTRATION STATEMENT STORM WATER GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (VAR10) GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGED OF STORMWATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITES (9VAC25-880) APPENDIX C - OPERATOR CERTIFICATION FORMS APPENDIX D -INSPECTION REPORTS APPENDIX E -NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) FORM APPENDIX F -RECORD OF STABILIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES APPENDIX G - SELECTED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SITE PLAN SHEETS APPENDIX H - SWPPP CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE APPENDIX I - STORMWATER CALCULATIONS Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 APPENDIX A AUTHORITY LETTER Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KIIA Job#113064001 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO SIGN STORMWATER INSPECTION AND OTHER REPORTS Project Title City State I, (Owner contact—this person must be classified as an officer of the company), officer of (insert organization or company name here) and its entities,with the authority over stormwater compliance of all Owner construction related activities, do hereby delegate (insert the name of the delegated individual(s)), of the below listed General Contractor the authority to sign/certify any and all stormwater inspection reports and/or related documents. This authorization includes the authority to sign/certify any and all inspection forms and or associated reports in accordance with the Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES)general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities. %1r✓ Sincerely, (Owner signature) (Date) (Print Name) (Title) General Contractor Company Name Company Contact Business Address Business Phone Number Iw'' Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 `40•✓ GENERAL CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DELEGATION FOR REPORTS GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES I,the undersigned,hereby delegate the Project Superintendent(s)or Compliance Officer(s)of (Company Name) as the authorized signatory for all reports required by this permit and other information requested by the Owner or authorized representative of the Owner in accordance with the provisions of the General Permit. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage this system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my kir✓ knowledge and belief,true accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, Principal or Officer of the General Contractor (Principal or Officer of the General Contractor signature) (Date) (Print Name) (Title) (Company) Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 APPENDIX B VSMP GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (VAR 10) — REGISTRATION STATEMENT ***se STORM WATER GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (VAR10) COVERAGE LETTER (WHEN RECEIVED FROM DEQ) GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (9VAC25-880) Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job #113064001 Registration Statement General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (Please Type or Print All Information) 101✓ 1. Construction Activity Operator: (General permit coverage will be issued to this operator. The Certification in Item#12 must be signed by the appropriate person associated with this operator.) Name: MB Contractors, Inc. Contact: Stephen Bowers Mailing Address: 5001 W. Village Green Drive, Suite 205 City: Midlothian State: VA Zip: 23112 Phone: (804)301-7543 Email address(if available): sbowerst mbcontractors.com Indicate if DEQ may transmit general permit correspondence electronically: Yes® No❑ 2. Existing General Permit Registration Number(for renewals only): 3. Name and Location of the Construction Activity: Name: Staybridge Suites Address(if available): Timberwood Boulevard City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22911 County(if not located within a City): Latitude(decimal degrees): 38.1313 Longitude(decimal degrees):-78.4415 Name and Location of all Off-site Support Activities to be covered under the general permit: Name: Address(if available): City: State: Zip: County(if not located within a City): Latitude(decimal degrees): Longitude(decimal degrees): 4. Status of the Construction Activity(check only one): Federal❑ State❑ Public❑ Private El 11r0 ' 5. Nature of the Construction Activity(e.g.,commercial,industrial,residential,agricultural,oil and gas,etc.): Commercial 6. Name of the Receiving Water(s)and Hydrologic Unit Code(HUC): Name: South Fork Rivanna River Name: HUC: JR08 HUC: 7. If the discharge is through a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System(MS4),the name of the MS4 operator: 8. Estimated Project Start and Completion Date: Start Date(mm/dd/yyyy): 12/15/2017 Completion Date(mm/dd/yyyy): 7/1/2019 9. Total Land Area of Development(to the nearest one-hundredth acre): 2.08 Estimated Area to be Disturbed(to the nearest one-hundredth acre): 2.08 10. Is the area to be disturbed part of a larger common plan of development or sale? Yes❑ No LX 11. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities prior to submitting this Registration Statement. By signing this Registration Statement the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared. 12. Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonm or knowing viola' ns." // •. // Printed Name: Py d/peI Title: 1iG p reSe eaT Signature: Date: i///7 Zd/T (Please sign in I K. This Certification must be signed by the appropriate person associated with the operator identified in Item#1.) 07/2014 Page 1 of 1 Instructions for Completing the Registration Statement General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) GENERAL The entities that are considered operators will commonly consist of the owner or developer of a project(the party with control of project plans A.Coverage Under this General Permit. and specifications)or the general contractor(the party with day to day operational control of the activities at the project site which are Any operator applying for coverage under this general permit who is necessary to ensure compliance with the general permit). required to submit a Registration Statement (see Section B below) must submit a complete Registration Statement to the Department. Provide the legal name(do not use a colloquial name),contact,mailing The Registration Statement serves as a Notice of Intent for coverage address, telephone number, and email address (if available) of the under the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from construction activity operator;general permit coverage will be issued to Construction Activities(VAR10). this operator. Indicate if the Department may transmit general permit correspondence electronically. B.Single-family Detached Residential Structures. Item 2:Existing General Permit Registration Number. Operators with an existing stormwater discharge or proposing a new stormwater discharge associated with the construction of a single- For reapplications only,provide the existing general permit registration family detached residential structure are not required to submit a number for the construction activity. This item does not need to be Registration Statement or the Department of Environmental Quality completed for new construction activities applying for general permit (DEQ)portion of the general permit fee. coverage. Operators of these types of discharges are authorized to discharge Item 3: Name and Location of the Construction Activity under this general permit immediately upon the general permit's Information. effective date of July 1,2014. Provide the official name,street address(if available),city or county(if C.To Apply for Permit Coverage. not located within a City)of the construction activity. Also,provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees of the approximate center of 1. New Construction Activities. Any operator proposing a new the construction activity(e.g.,N 37.5000,W 77.5000). stormwater discharge from construction activities shall submit a complete Registration Statement to the Department prior to the Name and Location of Off-site Support Activity Information. commencement of land disturbance, unless exempted by Section B above. Any operator proposing a new stormwater discharge from This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from construction activities in response to a public emergency where the support activities (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment related work requires immediate authorization to avoid imminent staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal endangerment to human health or the environment is immediately areas, borrow areas) located on-site or off-site provided that (i) the authorized to discharge under this general permit and must submit a support activity is directly related to a construction activity that is complete Registration Statement to the Department no later than 30 required to have general permit coverage;(ii)the support activity is not days after commencing land disturbance; documentation to a commercial operation, nor does it serve multiple unrelated Skorl substantiate the occurrence of the public emergency must construction activities by different operators; (iii) the support activity accompany the Registration Statement. does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity it supports; (iv) the support activity is identified in the registration 2. Existing Construction Activities. Any operator that was statement at the time of general permit coverage; (v) appropriate authorized to discharge under the general permit issued in 2009, control measures are identified in a SWPPP and implemented to and who intends to continue coverage under this general permit, address the discharges from the support activity areas; and (vi) all shall submit a complete Registration Statement to the Department applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the on or before June 1,2014,unless exempted by Section B above, support activity. D.Where to Submit Registration Statements. Provide the official name,street address(if available),City and County (if not located within a City) of all off-site support activities to be All Registration Statements should be submitted to: covered under this general permit. Also, provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees of the approximate center of the off-site Department of Environmental Quality support activities (e.g., N 37.5000, W 77.5000). Also, if an off-site Office of Stormwater Management,10th Floor support activity is going to be covered under this general permit the P.O.Box 1105 total land area of the off-site support activity and the estimated area to Richmond,VA 23218 be disturbed by the off-site support activity need to be included in Item #9. LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS Item 4:Status of the Construction Activity. Item 1:Construction Activity Operator Information. Indicate the appropriate status (Federal, State, Public, or Private)of "Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity the construction activity. subject to the Storrnwater Management Act and regulations. In the context of stormwater associated with a large or small construction Item 5:Nature of the Construction Activity. activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria:(i)the person has Provide a brief description of the construction activity, such as direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, commercial,residential,agricultural,oil and gas,etc.This list is not all including the ability to make modifications to those plans and inclusive. specifications or (ii) the person has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance Item 6:Receiving Waters(s)and HUC information. with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions(i.e.,they are authorized to Provide the name of the receiving water(s)and corresponding HUC for direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the all stormwater discharges including any stormwater discharges from t, stormwater pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit off-site support activities to be covered under this general permit. conditions). Hydrologic Unit Code or HUC is a watershed unit established in the most recent version of Virginia's 6th order national watershed boundary dataset. 07/2014 Page 1 of 2 assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with Item 7:MS4 Information. corporate procedures. If stormwater is discharged through a municipal separate storm sewer b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or system(MS4),provide the name of the MS4 operator.The name of the the proprietor,respectively. MS4 operator is generally the Town, City,County, Institute or Federal facility where the construction activity is located. c.For a municipality,state,federal,or other public agency:by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes Item 8: Construction Activity Start and Completion Date of this part,a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: Information. (i)The chief executive officer of the agency,or Provide the estimated start date(month/day/year)of the construction activity. Provide the estimated completion date (month/day/year) of (ii)A senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall the construction activity. operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. Item 9:Construction Activity Area Information. Provide the total area (to the nearest one-hundredth acre) of the development (i.e.., the total acreage of the larger common plan of development or sale). Include the total acreage of any off-site support activity to be covered under this general permit. Provide the estimated area(to the nearest one-hundredth acre)to be disturbed by the construction activity. Include the estimated area of land disturbance that will occur at any off-site support activity to be covered under this general permit. Item 10:Common Plan of Development or Sale Information. Indicate if the area to be disturbed by the construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or sale.Larger common plan of development or sale is defined as a contiguous area where separate and distinct construction may be taking place at different times on different schedules. Plan is broadly defined as any announcement or documentation, including a sign, public notice or hearing, sales pitch, advertisement, drawing, permit application, zoning request, etc., or physical demarcation such as boundary signs, lot stakes, or surveyor markings indicating that construction activities may occur. Item 11:Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP). 11.18.0 A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities(VAR10)prior to submitting this Registration Statement. By signing this Registration Statement the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared. Item 12:Certification. A properly authorized individual associated with the operator identified in Item 1 of the Registration Statement is responsible for certifying and signing the Registration Statement. Please sign the Registration Statement in INK. State statutes provide for severe penalties for submitting false information on the Registration Statement. State regulations require that the Registration Statement be signed as follows: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this part,a responsible corporate officer means: (i) A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy-making or decision-making functions for the corporation,or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management decisions that govem the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations;the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been 07/2014 Page 2 of 2 'Site APPENDIX C CERTIFICATION FORMS 4111181 Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 OPERATOR CERTIFICATIONS Project Name: Project Location: The contractor and subcontractor(s)that will implement the pollutant control measures described in the SWPPP must be identified below. Each must sign a statement certifying that they understand the VPDES general permit authorizing storm water discharges during construction. These statements must be maintained in the SWPPP file on site. Operator or subcontractor implementing the SWPPP: Business Name Business Address Business Telephone Number *Oor"'' Activities operator or subcontractor responsible for: CERTIFICATION: "I certify under penalty of law that I understand the terms and conditions of the VPDES General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities(VAR 10)and the SWPPP that authorizes storm water discharges associated with land disturbing activities from the construction site identified as part of this certification." Signature Date Printed Name ‘41ry Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 itiwe APPENDIX D INSPECTION REPORT 111111''' Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Location: Contractor: Anticipated Completion Date: Inspection Date: Inspector: Inspector's Qualifications: SITE CONDITIONS: POLLUTANT CONTROL IN EFFECTIVE LOCATION OF Non Conformance CONFORMANCE Construction Entrance YES/NO/NA YES/NO/NA Sediment Barriers YES/NO/NA YES/NO/NA Storage/Disposal Areas YES/NO/NA YES/NO/NA Sediment Traps YES/NO/NA YES/NO/NA Check Dams YES/NO/NA YES/NO/NA Inlet Protection YES/NO/NA YES/NO/NA VIOLATIONS NOTED: (Explain each"NO"circled above) Nitre REMEDIAL ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN: • • • COMMENTS: Based on the results of the inspection,necessary control modifications shall be implemented within 7 calendar days. This report shall be kept on file by the General Contractor as part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for at least 3 years from the date of completion and submission of the Notice of Termination. Certification Statement "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name: Address: Phone: Date: (Authorized Signature) 441✓ Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 sloe APPENDIX E NOTICE OF TERMINATION Two copies of the Notice of Termination shall be completed by the Operator when construction activities that disturb site soil have been completed and the site has achieved final stabilization. In addition, a list of permanent stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) installed on site must be prepared. For each permanent BMP,the following information must be submitted: name of the BMP (i.e. Permanent Wet Pond 1; Hydrodynamic Separator 1; Oil Water Separator 1; Permanent Seeded Area, etc.),the site acreage treated by the BMP,the name of the water body receiving runoff treated by the BMP and the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code(HUC) of the receiving water body receiving runoff treated by the BMP. One NOT shall be forwarded to the Project Owner. The other NOT shall be sent via registered or certified Nitre mail, with return receipt requested, to the following address: Department of Environmental Quality Office of Stormwater Permits, 10th Floor P.O. Box 1105 Richmond, VA 23218 Permit coverage is terminated as of the date the lot is transferred to a new owner,coverage under a new VPDES permit is obtained,or as of the date another Operator assumes control over portions of the site not stabilized. In these situations, coverage under the permit terminated at midnight the date the Notice of Termination(NOT)is filed. Where the Operator seeks to terminate coverage because the site has reached final stabilization,termination will become effective upon concurrence by the VSMP Authority, or after 60 days from the submittal of the NOT have passes,whichever occurs first. rr Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 APPENDIX F RECORD OF STABILIZATION AND slow CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES Nine Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job #113064001 SITE STABILIZATION and CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES A record of dates when land disturbing activities occur,when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site,and when stabilization measures are initiated shall be maintained by the Operator until final site stabilization is achieved and the Notice of Termination is filed. The dates can be entered in the following form,or on a different form. LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES Description of Activity: Begin(date): Site Contractor: Location: End(date): Description of Activity: Begin(date): Site Contractor: Location: End(date): +' Description of Activity: Begin(date): Site Contractor: Location: End(date): Description of Activity: Begin(date): Site Contractor: Location: End(date): Description of Activity: Begin(date): Site Contractor: Location: End(date): "' Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 APPENDIX G SELECTED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SITE PLAN SHEETS soave Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 11.00 4•11d 4 Plotted BYPorekh,Shelley Sheet Set Kha Layout:CE-101 DEMOLITION AND PHASE I E&SC PLAN November 20,2017 06:21:18pm K:\RIC_CIV\113084001 -Staybridge Suites CNlle\CAD\PlanSheets\CE-101 DEMOLITION AND PHASE I E&SC PLAN.dw9 This document,together with the concepts and designs presented herein,as an Instrument of service Is Intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared.Reuse of and Improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kenley-Horn and Associates.Inc.shall be without liability to Kimisy-Mom and Associates.Inc. ei ¢O'gg5'nNmssN S g i — —_ =oNc1 Nt _ lith n ___ ,--� 1.6*G9 69 os,o)BLS 89 'Ed S9l£ '8'0 ` '1 0 N� p 8g W. 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WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM _ ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA CHECKED BY BJB n>n0 No. REVISIONS I DATE BY • iik NO° ‘41.104 11111110 Plotted BtnParekh,Shelley Sheet Set:Kha Layout:CE-501 EROSION&SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS November 20,2017 06:21:48pm K:\RIC_CIV\113064001 -Staybrldge Suite.Csllle\CAD\PlanSheetACE-501 EROSION&SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS.dwg This document.together with the concepts and deelgne presentee herein,ae an metniment of serMce.Is Intended only iat the speclllc purpose and clIent tar which it was prepared.Reuse of and Improper rtllance on this document without written authorizctlon and adaptation by Kimley-Ham and Aesoclatee•Inc.shall be without Ibbllity to Kimley-Hato and Associate,,Inc. 1 $888"` n� 3R gy willig o; go<2lim 1pix o c 8 liggp=- 80 " "> Foov WO a 1 ����� N T ��� in8 . �m F� �g-ILLABm`� $��" Fm g � o � ; � �m � �Ap I " 1 i Eu Ilt o mo R i a 4m,ig19F,PEARVg!, N-n .1 ,`m=sm22`z OR ailgm I y gg4 P mo mssgli p$ . 1I, ) xt : lqg mr , ,1 1,JI 1k N1g '^ :I i:meg 14. g y>e; o t- l _ fJF . 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CI m LTD HOSPITALITY CONTROL DESGNED BY SMP 4 §� 1700 WILLOW LAWN DR,SUITE 200•RICHMOND•VA 23230 A DRAWN BY SMP C' 1� PHONE 804-673-3882 DETAILS r�ea ,� WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA CHECKED BY RJB PIO No. RENSIONS DATE BY APPENDIX H SWPPP CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE AND SITE SPECIFIC VPDES PERMIT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE VIRGINIA DEQ The SWPPP Construction Site Notice must be completed and be made weather proof by lamination or other means by the Operator and prominently posted by the Operator in a manner so as to be readable from a public right of way at the job site. The size of the SWPPP Construction Site Notice shall not be less than 8.5" x 11". The project-specific VSMP Permit Authorization for the construction site shall be made weather-proof by lamination or other means by the Operator and prominently posted by the Operator with the SWPPP Construction Site Notice. Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 SWPPP CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR THE VPDES GENERAL PERMIT Project Name: Staybridge Suites Site Operator Information: Name Office Phone Number Cell Phone Number VPDES General Permit Authorization Number tatioe and SWPPP Location Include number obtained from DEQ Coverage Verification Note actual location of updated SWPPP book on site Project Description: The project site consists of 2.02 acres with a disturbed area of 2.08 acres. The ultimate outfall of this site is the South Fork Rivanna River. Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KFIA Job#113064001 APPENDIX I " • STORMWATER CALCULATIONS Staybridge Suites February 15, 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan KHA Job#113064001 ‘1111111 %ad '*441101 Plotted 8y.Parekh,Shelley Sheet Set:Kha Layout:CG-100 GRADING PLAN November 20,2017 06:22.40pm K:\RIC_CIV\113064001 -Staybridge Suites CvIlle\CAD\PlanSheets\CG-100 GRADING PLAN.dwq This document.together with the concepts and designs presented heroin.as an instrument of service,Is Intended only for the specific purpose and client for which It was prepared.Reuse of and Improper reliance on this document wlthaut written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates.Inc.shall be without IlabNlty to Klmley-Horn and Associates.Inc. 1N I .og9SnN` 80 04 �— 'ONOO-Bl ,A 1 oQ s'0"1\ N = ,9= ` Lfi 595 ��n0)Z0�g�o'N"' '01100 I % (,$ ' r'n'y 99'Dd 098£ 'B'0 00 `% v 4 (M/8 F{IO A •avA) N �\q , 1' r?','Q2IVd�In08 QOOH2L�SyYIL u AV .i? z m mfn 11 't I t t 11 11 i � i b a m plo � -c __ —T, b- , E R-i/ •,-I' - , Ittly 7`ate .+b l _ 40I HLA N �� � '.`�"-r—�, ,•- r4 ar. 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CI Flr Ca 3 S $ :5 8� ;4rAn m z R y m I N y N 0 gra KHA PROJECT CO 1 ADDRESSED COUNTY COMMENTS 11/2'1/17 o� STAYBRIDGE SUITES 130�G�' ( ! \ Y —MASTERDRAINAGE 06/12/2017 KimleyHorn LTD HOSPITALITY AREA MAP r wp ” ©2017 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES,INC. Q m DESIGNED BY SMP A g 1700 N1LLOW LAWN OR,SUITE 200,RICHMOND,VA 23230 77 DRAWN BY SMP Cs'e ' ♦�` PHONE: 804-673-3882 ,,7, �o.[O� WWW,KIMLEY-HORN.COM _ ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA CHECKED BY BJB aR z No. REVISIONS DATE BY SSW' `r Plotted By.Parekh,Shelley Sheet Set Kho Layout:CG-102 DRAINAGE AREA MAP November 20 2017 06:24:08pm K:\RIC_CIV\113064001 -Staytridge Suites Cuille\CAD\PlanSheets\CG-102 DRAINAGE AREA MAP.dwq ''. Rile document,together with the co cepts and designs presented heroin,oe on Instrument of eerolce.Is intended only far the specific purpose orb client for which It w a prepared.Reuse of orb Improper reliance or this document without written authorixollOr and adoptollor by Nunley-Horn antl Associates,Inc.shall be without Ilobllily to Klmley-Horn and Associates.Inc. 3 1 ov vov ovggvo vvv n„n 1 aP ar,>w"w"Gcum-,H Paaoor,- ".C .o ^m _3 � 0 �®----- v aw�kma7os a oorasarc 1' 217 '11 ti ` m ,xrx "-000 ^a ^ � n . 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DESIGNED BY SMP .e 'rrtrtrtSSSSr��???j���—i�111p. 1700 WILLOW LAWN DR,SUITE 200,RICHMOND,VA 23230 N A DRAWN BY SMP O \C PHONE: 504-673-3862 'rl.e`�y17,00+ WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM _ ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA CHECKED 8Y BJB _`,R No. REVISIONS DATE BY iiik j Plotted ByParekh,Shelley Sheet Set:Kha Layout:CO-103 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN November 20,2017 06:24:38pm K:\RIC_CIV\113064001 -Staybridge Suites Cville\CAD\PlanSheets\CG-103 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN.dwg This document,together with the concepts and designs presented herein.a.an Instrument of service,Is Intended only for the specific purpose and client for which It was prepared.Reuse of and Improper reliance on this document without written outhorizatAn and adaptation by Klmley-Hom and Associates.Inc.shall be without liability to Kimisy-Horn and Associate..Inc. _ _,_ El \\ O 99'Od ON% VA) (A1/9LuaIM•avn) A371208. aooAiyaum \\ .L013Zt M,£0.9£.LLN O AA e ����� ��.�wo�.��a�������sar► �rc�a����J�� O, � __ c`♦I — - + —♦ ,KSIMIM.-.c..7..73sara.awwww•7e4 IFa—11 4 + • a • /♦ ; • ♦. , , 4..4P , i+1444,•••444P« ia .•a♦1+10 + 41 • •♦4/ 1 -A =�' • • o • 1, ,•,1, @ _ . • L- ♦1111 «11 -_ \ \III '`" � ♦I�i♦i1i++i+i•+i1+i1+i •+i; 7 , . ♦+i ♦ a• ♦ i+i+i+ ♦i«i+,1y1i,•", !„‘\\ ��� ' 1 .,!",:--;,:, ,-,_ �,♦+1♦«I+O+1♦111+♦•1+�R1�1�IO11♦O'�j�114 i T #.+�1�••�y1�•,�1�+11w:+•1,�+II�I+f�11111�11,11,1• ► I ' x :,'. 11♦II�i+1+1 +1+1+•+1+11.1.111♦1«I•I«I•+1 +•�> r r•�j I,+♦,11�L 1,If,11,+f,1.1+1♦+11+♦,+«11+•1+•1+♦111+1♦,, ,,1•,1..1.,1.;, l .Lyylyy.,1.y..1..y,1..1..1«,;.,1. \ CO I _ i ++++•1•+W44 • 1 •4124/4•41P•1444/4•4144W0.4414.•• I• y•1. 0 \ .•�. +/,+i,+i,1i,�► I ++I+Ii+i1i+�1•Iih1.1«I.1.+►.�.1 • ♦ ♦ ♦ . / +i1+i♦♦.4,4.4 F+•++«+i• it 011+1•+•1.1.1 "1•+•yy r •,i+« ♦1«1.1 •,• 1 ♦.�♦.•.�+_• 1 ♦ YI ® ( ,1,1,111,+111,+1�11�+ - '- -' ---r- �� 1.1, j I� I . ,1,11y♦y1,11y1,•Iy1y1 11� I I / ('1/' / .+•11+11.1•+«I♦1•y '1: Fy�f, I ,, +1+♦1+,111►111C+,11,1111`,,1111.,Ii .+" 1,11,+0111111+11�11.11�11jrO+11111•' ►11'^ ,' ,+�., 11.1111,111.11.11«.1111111', ill`•1•Iy.11♦Iyy«y1.1•y1•••«♦+1 (7 c . //) r ' �� �I ,ii 1 / % •,/4,0000•44,444044.00044." ♦,1.111,1♦111,1♦,•11♦•10+,♦••+�•�1• 4/ X111•1-•.•«�1�11+,1�1w•....411♦ •'*144..1 j ° i 1 I l.. i ." •�1,•+•1•♦••111./1. ♦♦•11�•4 ♦ •.• .,+y,♦1011,�1,j000«+11 j11,.1, � c . i 'I — - ,.,•1 r•�i0,1+1111♦1+x•+110«•+1•♦+«I}II i 0S / I. _ _ / ---- �_v,i1j+.,1«,+141,+1,+1,+�jr►+� 'Jr.;v`c'on. r, i I ' I / _ 1 - _ ,J1+111,1•,11,1•,«•+1'�� U r �I1 f �. I e r R ♦ . 1 / f r r L i�1,+1,+1•+1•+1+111' �4 f r I I '� 1 �+'j,«1+«41,•1> 1�L� �- c n r / (r w c r �Q-1..��_�� 1.. �« 1 ,1111•,01«1111/ Lr� ..-_I ,b F� // / o • . 1.,1♦11•,1•, 1 i I •l I li �\I r j 1,« ♦ •• ' t Ippr « « r 1 ' �+�r11, , i ,x:.,14,l1♦1411 ,f/ % I/ ,«, iIi' I1•11•� / ! — • - I te ��Ii�1 J Jr Il1 / 1 / /i ••***Pot i lkIllie 'woe Ned Plotted By.Parekh,Shelley Sheet Set:Rho Layout:CC-501 STORM SEWER PROFILES November 20,2017 06:25:35pm K:\RIC_CIV\113064001 -Staybridge Suites Cville\CAD\PlanSheets\CC-501 STORM SEWER PROFILES.dwq This document,together with the concepts and designs presented herein,as an Instrument of service.le Intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared.Reuse of and Improper reliance on this document wllhout written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates.Inc.shall be without!lability to Kimley-Horn and'i Associates,Inc. +O N CV O # 1 N W § + Oo Ln +m OC N . O O N O _, O 08(15"INLINE DRAIN) O oo = RIM: 599.0 06 0I-28,L=6' - INV OUT:59 50 \ •+••, •.•• , `°'T 18"MIN. O \ RIM: 592.57 .:."i' SEPARATION \ INV IN:589.36 A 4- 1 \ INV OUT:589.26 A c., 111111MINIA 07 15"INLINE!DRAIN) \ f $ oKRIM: 599.28 \� v � INV IN:59j.95 -7 INV OUTA93.85g 1----.11 ; u m v / o \ O /JA# oNo:Z. ,$. / o o m \ 03 MH 1, D=48" : o // o � - •", •.•0 05 DI-3B,L=6' LBL RIM: 590.78 / RIM: 597.91 ••0 M N INV IN:585.51 • INV IN:585.51 • I / INV IN:590.68 O _ INV OUT:585.41 • // INV OUT:590.58 73 om tA 8 / N18"MIN. 7a 0 SEPARATION "0 0 04 DI-3C, L=6' x RIM: 592.96 r �. 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