HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201700028 Calculations Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2017-08-09 Dewberry
University of Virginia
UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addtion
Revision #1
August 9, 2017
`V •
• •
12.0 i � Dewberry
pNALEVI G 4805 Lake Brook Drive
Glen Allen,Virginia 23060
University of Virginia
One Boar's Head Pointe
Charlottesville,Virginia 22903
• Dewberry. Dewberry Eng newts In 804.290 7927
4805 Lake Brook drive, Su,te 200 804 290 7928 fax
Glen Anen,VA 23060 www_dewberry.corn
UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition
August 09, 2017
Revision #1
00 01 15 List of Drawing Sheets 08/09/2017
Division 02— Existing Conditions
02 41 19 Site Demolition 08/09/2017
Division 03—Concrete
03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete 08/09/2017
Division 31 - Earthwork
31 10 00 Site Preparation: Clearing and Grubbing 08/09/2017
31 20 00 Earth Moving 08/09/2017
31 23 19 Dewatering 08/09/2017
31 25 00 Erosion and Sediment Control 08/09/2017
Division 32— Exterior Improvements
32 12 16 Asphalt Paving 08/09/2017
32 13 13 Concrete Paving 08/09/2017
Division 33— Utilities
33 01 00 Utility Line Testing 08/09/2017
33 05 00 Earthwork: Utilities 08/09/2017
33 05 13 Pre-Cast Concrete: Manholes 08/09/2017
33 05 26 Utility Location and Identification 08/09/2017
rr„ 33 11 00 Potable Water Systems 08/09/2017
33 31 13 Sanitary Sewer/Gravity Piping 08/09/2017
33 41 00 Storm Sewer Piping 08/09/2017
33 63 14 Precast Concrete: Utility Structures 08/09/2017
Appendix A
Beacon Lighting Products— Light Fixture Details 08/09/2017
Dewberry Engineers Inc. Table of Contents
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
f` SECTION 00 01 15
T1.01 Cover Sheet 08/09/2017
C0.01 General Notes 08/09/2017
C0.02 Erosion and Sediment Control Notes 08/09/2017
C0.03 Site Overview 08/09/2017
C0.04 Soils Map 08/09/2017
C1.01 Existing Site Conditions 08/09/2017
C1.02 Existing Site Conditions 08/09/2017
C2.01 Demolition and E&S Control Phase I Plan 08/09/2017
C3.01 Site Plan 08/09/2017
C3.02 Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II Plan 08/09/2017
C3.03 Grading, Drainage, and E&S Control Phase II Plan 08/09/2017
L C3.04 Utility Plan 08/09/2017
C4.01 Utility Profiles 08/09/2017
C4.02 Utility Profiles 08/09/2017
C4.03 Utility Profiles 08/09/2017
C5.01 Erosion & Sediment Control Details 08/09/2017
,e C5.02 Construction Details 08/09/2017
C5.03 Construction Details 08/09/2017
C5.04 Construction Details 08/09/2017
C5.05 Construction Details 08/09/2017
C5.06 Construction Details 08/09/2017
C6.01 SWM Narrative and Calculations 08/09/2017
Imo C6.02 Pre and Post Developed Drainage Area Maps 08/09/2017
C6.03 Water Quality Narrative and Calculations 08/09/2017
C6.04 Pre and Post Developed Land Cover Maps 08/09/2017
C6.05 Runoff Reduction &Storm Structures Map 08/09/2017
C6.06 Water Quantity Narrative and Calculations 08/09/2017
C6.07 Drainage Way Calculations & Narrative 08/09/2017
C6.08 Fire Flow Test Data 08/09/2017
A2.1 Ground Floor Plan 08/09/2017
A2.2 First Floor Plan 08/09/2017
A2.3 Mezzanine Floor Plan 08/09/2017
A4.1 Exterior Elevations 08/09/2017
A4.2 Exterior Elevation and Building Section 08/09/2017
A4.3 Overall Exterior Elevation 08/09/2017
L-1.01 Landscape Planting Plan 08/09/2017
L-1.02 Planting Details 08/09/2017
Dewberry Engineers Inc. List of Drawing Sheets
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
E1.01 Electrical Site Plan 08/09/2017
ireDewberry Engineers Inc. List of Drawing Sheets
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Division 2: Existing Conditions
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
SECTION 02 41 19
its A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. This Section includes demolition and removal of the following:
1. Existing concrete and asphaltic paving within the areas designated for new construction
work shall be completely demolished and all debris removed from the site.
2. Utilities
A. ASSE A10.6-Safety& Health Program Requirements for Demolition Operations
,,. B. NFPA 241 —Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operators
C. Section 01 41 00—Regulatory Requirements
A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site unless in-
,p�„ dicated to be removed and salvaged or recycled.
B. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing construction and deliver them to Owner.
C. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be removed and that are not
otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or recycled.
,,. D. Abandon in Place:Where indicated on the plans, or with written permission of the Owner, con-
tractor may abandon underground utilities in place. Contractor shall confirm with the utility
owner that the utility has been abandoned, emptied, and/or de-energized/de-pressurized. Con-
tractor shall cut the utility and fill conduit with flowable fill (max strength 300 psi concrete). Con-
tractor shall note on the asbuilts the location of all utilities that were abandoned in place.
i •
A. Historic items, relics, and similar objects including, but not limited to, cornerstones and their
contents, commemorative plaques and tablets, antiques, and other items of interest or value to
Owner that may be encountered during building demolition remain Owner's property. Carefully
remove and salvage each item or object in a manner to prevent damage and deliver promptly to
A. Information Submittals
1. Qualification Data for the Demolition Contractor.
2. Health &Safety Plan of the Demolition Contractor indicating compliance with the refer-
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
ence standards listed above.
3. Schedule of Demolition Activities: Indicate detailed sequence of demolition and removal
work, with starting and ending dates for each activity, interruption of utility services, and
locations of temporary protection and means of egress.
4. Pre-demolition Photographs: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site
improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by construction operations.
5. Submit prior to the start of demolition activities.
Imo B. Action Submittals
1. Proposed Protection and Control Measures: Submit statement or drawing that indicates
the measures proposed for use, proposed locations, and proposed time frame for their
operation. Identify options if proposed measures are later determined to be inadequate.
Include measures for the following:
a. Environmental protection.
b. Dust control.
c. Noise control.
air d. Pedestrian Protection or Detour Plan (with customized signage as required)
e. Maintenance of Traffic Plan
2. Landfill Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of hazardous wastes by a landfill facili-
ty licensed to accept hazardous wastes.
A. Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced firm that has specialized in demolition work
similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project.
I"' B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before begin-
ning demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.
C. Standards: Comply with ASSE A10.6 and NFPA 241.
A. Conduct a Pre-Demolition conference at the project site. At a minimum,the meeting shall in-
clude the CM/GC, Demolition Contractor, Architect/Engineer, and Owner.
A. Conduct building demolition so Owner's operations will not be disrupted.
B. Provide not less than 10 days notice to Owner of activities that will affect Owner's operations,
including utility services.
C. Maintain access to existing walkways, exits, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities.
1. Do not close or obstruct walkways, exits, roads, or other occupied or used facilities with-
out written permission from authorities having jurisdiction.
D. Owner assumes no responsibility for structures to be demolished.
E. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far
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ire as practical.
F. Before building demolition, Owner will remove the following items:
1. Not Applicable
G. Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the
H. If materials suspected of containing hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; im-
mediately notify Architect/Engineer and Owner. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner
ire under a separate contract.
I. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site is not permitted.
A. Arrange demolition schedule so as not to interfere with Owner's on-site operations.
B. Contractor shall coordinate with all utility providers in the vicinity.
C. Contractor shall notify Virginia's Miss Utility underground utility location and notification system.
See Section 01 41 00.
A. Demolition limits are not shown on the plan for clarity. Contractor shall demolish concrete side-
walk, curb, gutter, pedestrian paths, and roadway as required to facilitate construction of the
proposed improvements. All existing surfaces have been identified in the survey.
B. Contractor shall be responsible for replacement of all sidewalk, curb, gutter, pedestrian paths,
and roadway. All new work shall be in-kind replacement to match existing conditions.
C. All ancillary damage caused as a result of the construction activity shall also be removed and
replaced to the satisfaction of the owner.
Not Applicable
A. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of
building demolition required.
B. Review Project Record Documents of existing construction provided by Owner. Owner does
I,, not guarantee that existing conditions are same as those indicated in Project Record Docu-
C. Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and salvaged.
D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements are encountered, investigate
and measure the nature and extent of the element. Promptly submit a written report to Owner.
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
E. Perform an engineering survey of condition of site features to determine whether removing any
element might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure or
adjacent structures during construction operations.
F. Verify that hazardous materials have been remediated before proceeding with construction op-
A. Temporary Shoring: Provide and maintain interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or structural
support to preserve stability and prevent unexpected movement or collapse of construction be-
ing demolished.
B. Removed and Salvaged Items: Comply with the following:
1. Clean salvaged items of dirt and demolition debris
2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers.
3. Store items in secure area until delivery to Owner.
4. Transport items to Owner's storage area designated by Owner.
5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage.
A. Existing Facilities: Protect adjacent walkways, loading docks, building entries, and other build-
ing facilities during demolition operations.
B. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling
during demolition. When permitted by Owner, items may be removed to a suitable, protected
storage location during demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after
demolition operations are complete.
r"' C. Existing Utilities: Maintain utility services indicated to remain and protect them against damage
during demolition operations.
D. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving adjacent occupied or operating facilities unless author-
ized in writing by Owner and authorities having jurisdiction.
E. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to Owner and
to authorities having jurisdiction.
1. Provide at least 10 days notice to Owner if shutdown of service is required during
F. Temporary Protection: Erect temporary protection, such as walks, fences, railings, canopies,
and covered passageways,where required by authorities having jurisdiction and as indicated.
G. Protect existing site improvements, appurtenances, and landscaping to remain.
H. Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and
damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain.
I. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people around construction operations area and to
and from occupied portions of adjacent buildings and structures.
- J. Protect walls, windows, roofs, and other adjacent exterior construction that are to remain and
that are exposed to construction operations.
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A. General: Demolish indicated items within limits shown on the drawings. Use methods required
l"' to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows:
1. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. Maintain fire
watch and portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations.
2. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches.
3. Locate construction equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose ex-
cessive loads on supporting walls,floors, or framing.
B. Engineering Surveys: Perform surveys as the Work progresses to detect hazards that may re-
sult from construction activities.
C. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct building demolition and debris-removal opera-
tions to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets,walks,walkways, and other adjacent
occupied and used facilities.
D. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks,walkways, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities
without permission from Owner or building manager and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide
alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having juris-
E. Use water mist and other suitable methods to limit spread of dust and dirt. Comply with govern-
ing environmental-protection regulations. Do not use water when it may damage adjacent con-
r"' struction or create hazardous or objectionable conditions, such as ice, flooding, and pollution.
F. When saw cutting asphalt or concrete surfaces (flatwork)contractor shall utilize a water spray to
minimize dust. Contractor shall collect runoff water and discharge to sanitary sewer. Contrac-
tor shall prevent runoff from saw cutting operations from reaching the storm sewer system and
all bodies of water.
G. When saw cutting concrete walks or curb, contractor shall saw cut at a control joint even if that
means extending limits of demolition beyond what is necessary to construct the improvements.
rr H. Contractor is responsible for measuring concrete scoring patterns/spacing of existing conditions
prior to demolition. Contractor shall also note whether existing joints are tooled or saw cut.
Contractor shall then construct new concrete to match previous scoring patterns unless indicat-
ed otherwise on the plans.
A. Explosives: Use of explosives is not permitted.
A. Below-Grade Areas: Completely fill below-grade areas and voids resulting from building demo-
lition operations with satisfactory soil materials according to backfill requirements in Specifica-
tion Sections "Earthwork: Utilities"and "Earth Moving".
B. General: Promptly repair damage to adjacent construction caused by building demolition opera-
ire C. Where repairs to existing surfaces are required, patch to produce surfaces suitable for new ma-
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
irr D. Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining construction in
a manner thateliminates evidence of patching and refinishing.
E. When restoring concrete sidewalks or driveways, contractor shall match existing joint spacing,
including decorative scoring patterns.
A. General: Separate recyclable demolished materials from other demolished materials to the
maximum extent possible. Separate recyclable materials by type.
it"" B. Provide containers or other storage method approved by Architect for controlling recyclable ma-
terials until they are removed from Project site.
i`. C. Stockpile processed materials on-site without intermixing with other materials. Place, grade,
and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust.
D. Stockpile materials away from demolition area. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees.
E. Store components off the ground and protect from the weather.
F. Transport recyclable materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them.
G. Recycling Incentives: Revenues, savings, rebates, tax credits, and other incentives received for
recycling building demolition materials shall accrue to Contractor.
,,,, A. General: Except for items or materials indicated to be recycled reused, salvaged, reinstalled, or
otherwise indicated to remain Owner's property, remove demolished materials from Project site
and legally dispose of them in an EPA-approved landfill.
B. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site.
C. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and
D. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials.
E. Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them.
A. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by building demoli-
tion operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before building demolition opera-
tions began.
Dewberry Engineers Inc. Site Demolition
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Division 3: Concrete
University of Virginia Foundation Revision#1
UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
SECTION 03 30 00
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
B. For grout injection repairs to shrinkage and stray cracking, see specification section 07 92 00
Joint Sealants and Division 01 Specification for allowance and unit prices.
C. For backer-rod and sealant at top of Expansion Joints, refer to section 07 92 00.
A. This Section specifies cast-in place concrete, including formwork, reinforcement, concrete
materials, mixture design, waterstops, placement procedures, and finishes, for the following
work associated with the construction of the manholes and any other cast-in-place structures:
1. Manhole Walls, Base Slabs, Top Slabs, and Risers
2. Stairs
3. Sidewalks
a,,,, A. Submittal Restrictions: Contractor shall be required to submit anchor bolt epoxy doweling
system and wedge anchors for approval prior to preparing structural steel shop drawings as the
products submitted could alter detailing of structural steel if either is different than Dewberry's
basis of design (Refer to 03 30 00, section 2.9 D &2.9 E).
B. Product Data: For each type of product indicated.
rr C. Design Mixtures: For each concrete mixture. Submit alternate design mixtures when
characteristics of materials, Project conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances
warrant adjustments.
1. Indicate amounts of mixing water to be withheld for later addition at Project site.
D. Steel Reinforcement Shop Drawings: Placing drawings that detail fabrication, bending, and
ir placement. Include bar sizes, lengths, material, grade, bar schedules, stirrup spacing, bent bar
diagrams, bar arrangement, splices and laps, mechanical connections, tie spacing, hoop
spacing, and supports for concrete reinforcement.
E. Formwork Shop Drawings: Prepared by or under the supervision of a qualified professional
engineer detailing fabrication, assembly, and support of formwork.
F. Jointing Plan: Contractor shall prepare and submit a concrete Control/Construction/Expansion
Joint pattern plan. Plan sheets shall include dimensions for all concrete structures/pavement.
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
G. Material Certificates: For each of the following, signed by manufacturers:
1. Cementitious materials.
2. Admixtures.
3. Form materials and form-release agents.
4. Steel reinforcement and accessories.
5. Waterstops.
6. Curing compounds.
7. Bonding agents.
8. Repair materials.
9. Adhesives.
10. Joint filler strips.
H. Field quality-control test and inspection reports.
I. Minutes of Pre-installation conference.
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete
i•• products and that complies with ASTM C 94 requirements for production facilities and
1. Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete
Production Facilities."
B. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency qualified according to ASTM C 1077
and ASTM E 329 for testing indicated.
1. Personnel conducting field tests shall be qualified as ACI Concrete Field Testing
Technician, Grade 1, according to ACI CP-01 or an equivalent certification program.
2. Personnel performing laboratory tests shall be ACI-certified Concrete Strength Testing
Technician and Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Grade I. Testing Agency
laboratory supervisor shall be an ACI-certified Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician -
Grade II.
C. Source Limitations: Obtain each type or class of cementitious material of the same brand from
the same manufacturer's plant, obtain aggregate from one source, and obtain admixtures
through one source from a single manufacturer.
D. ACI Publications: Comply with the following unless modified by requirements in the Contract
1. ACI 301, "Specification for Structural Concrete," Sections 1 through 5.
allit 2. ACI 117, "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials."
E. Concrete Testing Service: Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform material
evaluation tests and to design concrete mixtures.
F. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at project site 3 weeks before beginning work.
1. Before submitting design mixtures, review concrete design mixture and examine
procedures for ensuring quality of concrete materials. Require representatives of each
entity directly concerned with cast-in-place concrete to attend, including the following:
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UVA Squash Facility at Boar's Head Addition August 9,2017
a. Contractor's superintendent
b. Independent testing agency responsible for concrete design mixtures
c. Ready-mix concrete manufacturer
d. Concrete subcontractor
2. Review mix design and mix test results, mixing procedure, placement procedures,
finishing options and procedures, special inspection and testing and inspecting agency
it procedures for field quality control, concrete finishing, cold and hot weather procedures,
curing procedures, construction/contraction/expansion jointing, anchor rod tolerances,
steel reinforcement installation, and concrete repair procedures.
A. Steel Reinforcement: Deliver, store, and handle steel reinforcement to prevent bending and
damage. Avoid damaging coatings on steel reinforcement.
B. Waterstops: Store waterstops under cover to protect from moisture, sunlight, dirt, oil, and other
contaminants. Store waterstops in location within the recommended storage temperature range
specified by the manufacturer.
A. In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to
product selection:
1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be
incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products specified.
2. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers
offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to,
manufacturers specified.
A. Smooth-Formed Finished Concrete: Form-facing panels that will provide continuous, true, and
smooth concrete surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints.
I"r 1. Plywood, metal, or other approved panel materials.
B. Rough-Formed Finished Concrete: Plywood, lumber, metal, or another approved material.
it Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit.
C. Void Forms: Biodegradable paper surface, treated for moisture resistance, structurally sufficient
to support weight of plastic concrete and other superimposed loads.
D. Chamfer Strips: Wood, metal, PVC, or rubber strips, 3/4 by 3/4 inch, minimum.
E. Form-Release Agent: Commercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond with,
stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of
concrete surfaces.
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1. Formulate form-release agent with rust inhibitor for steel form-facing materials.
F. Form Ties: Factory-fabricated, removable or snap-off metal or glass-fiber-reinforced plastic
form ties designed to resist lateral pressure of fresh concrete on forms and to prevent spalling of
concrete on removal.
1. Furnish units that will leave no corrodible metal closer than 1 inch to the plane of exposed
concrete surface.
2. Furnish ties with integral water-barrier plates to walls indicated to receive waterproofing.
A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed bars.
B. Plain Steel Wire: ASTM A 82.
A. Joint Dowel Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, plain-steel bars, cut bars true to length with ends
Ire square and free of burrs.
B. Bar Supports: Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and
fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire reinforcement in place. Manufacture bar supports
from steel wire, plastic, or precast concrete according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice,"
of greater compressive strength than concrete and as follows:
" 1. For concrete surfaces exposed to view where legs of wire bar supports contact forms,
use CRSI Class 1 plastic-protected steel wire or CRSI Class 2 stainless-steel bar
A. Cementitious Material: Use the following cementitious materials, of the same type, brand, and
source, throughout Project:
1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I. Supplement with the following:
a. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C or F.
ire B. Normal-Weight Aggregates: ASTM C 33, Class 4S coarse aggregate or better, graded.
Provide aggregates from a single source.
1. Maximum Coarse-Aggregate Size: 3/4 inch nominal.
2. Fine Aggregate: Free of materials with deleterious reactivity to alkali in cement.
C. Water: ASTM C 94 and potable.
imp •
A. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260.
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B. Chemical Admixtures: Provide admixtures certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other
admixtures and that will not contribute water-soluble chloride ions exceeding those permitted in
hardened concrete. Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride.
1. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A.
2. Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type B.
3. Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type D.
4. High-Range,Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type F.
5. High-Range, Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type G.
6. Plasticizing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 1017, Type II.
7. Color Pigment: As indicated on the drawings for sidewalks and stairs to match existing
site walkway color.
A. Flexible PVC Waterstops: Not Allowed.
B. Self-Expanding Butyl Strip Waterstops: Manufactured half-circular strip, butyl rubber with
sodium bentonite or other hydrophilic polymers, for adhesive bonding to concrete, 3/4 by 3/8
1. Available Products:
a. Colloid Environmental Technologies Company; Volclay Waterstop-RX.
b. Concrete Sealants Inc.; Conseal CS-231.
c. Greenstreak; Swellstop.
d. Henry Company, Sealants Division; Hydro-Flex.
e. JP Specialties, Inc.; Earthshield Type 20.
f. Progress Unlimited, Inc.; Superstop.
g. Carlisle Coatings &Waterproofing, Inc.
C. Extruded Bead Waterstop: Manufactured, high performance, extrudable swelling waterstop
consisting of one-component, polyurethane-based waterstop meeting the following
a. Designed to swell up to 100% in potable water.
b. Product shall be capable of sealing joints with head pressures up to 50 psi (115 ft
c. Elastic to withstand wet/dry cycling
d. Temperature application rage: 50 degrees to 90 degrees
e. Packaged in 20 fl oz tube.
f. Tack free time of 2-3 hours at 73 degrees.
A. Evaporation Retarder: Waterborne, monomolecular film forming, manufactured for application
to fresh concrete.
B. Moisture-Retaining Cover: ASTM C 171, polyethylene film or white burlap-polyethylene sheet.
C. Water: Potable.
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it D. Clear, Waterborne, Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type 1, Class B,
A. Expansion-and Isolation-Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751, asphalt-saturated cellulosic fiber.
B. Bonding Agent: ASTM C 1059, Type II, non-redispersible, acrylic emulsion or styrene
C. Epoxy Bonding Adhesive: ASTM C 881, two-component epoxy resin, capable of humid curing
and bonding to damp surfaces, of class suitable for application temperature and of grade to suit
requirements, and as follows:
1. Types IV and V, load bearing, for bonding hardened or freshly mixed concrete to
hardened concrete.
D. High-Strength Epoxy Doweling System: Epoxy doweling system shall consist of an injectable
two-part epoxy complying with the requirements of ASTM C881-90, Type IV, Grade 3, Class B
and C except gel times. Epoxy doweling system shall be tested in accordance with ICC
Acceptance Criteria 308 demonstrating compliance with the performance features of ACI 355.2.
The epoxy doweling system shall be installed according to manufacturer's instructions. Design
was based on the Hilti HAS threaded rods with HIT-HY 200 Safe Set System (ICC ESR-3187).
Ira Anchorage design is proprietary by product and is dependent on many variables including
epoxy strength, steel strength, rod size, concrete thickness, embedment depth, bolt spacing,
and concrete edge distances. Dewberry reserves the right to reject the submitted product or
modify the anchorage design if a different product is submitted than that used for design.
1. Available Products:
a. Hilti HIT-HY 200 Epoxy Adhesive Anchoring System (ICC ESR-3187)
b. ITW Red Head EPCON G5 Adhesive Anchoring System (ICC ESR-1137)
c. Powers AC100+Gold Adhesive Anchor System (ICC ESR-2582)
d. Simpson Strong-Tie SET-XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchors (Use of SET-PAC system
not allowed). (ICC ESR-2508)
E. Expansion Wedge Anchors: Expansion Wedge Anchors shall consist of threaded stud bolt
body and integral wedge expander, nut, and washer complying with the requirements of Federal
Specification A-A-1923A, Type 4. Expansion wedge anchors shall be tested in accordance with
ICC Acceptance Criteria 193 demonstrating compliance with the performance features of ACI
tar 355.2. Anchors shall be made of stainless steel in accordance with AISI grade 304. Design
was based on the Hilti Kwik Bolt 3 (ICC ESR-2302). Anchorage design is proprietary by product
and is dependent on many variables including bolt strength, bolt diameter, concrete thickness,
embedment depth, bolt spacing, and concrete edge distances. Dewberry reserves the right to
reject the submitted product or modify the anchorage design if a different product is submitted
than that used for design.
it 1. Available Products:
a. Hilti Kwik Bolt 3 (KB3) Concrete Anchors(ICC ESR-2302)
b. ITW Red Head TRUBOLT Wedge Anchor(ICC ESR-2251)
c. Powers Power-Stud+ SD1/SD2 Anchor(ICC ESR-2818/ESR-2502)
d. Simpson STRONG-BOLT/STRONG-BOLT 2 Wedge Anchor(ICC ESR-1771/ESR-
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A. Prepare design mixtures for each type and strength of concrete, proportioned on the basis of
laboratory trial mixture or field test data, or both, according to ACI 301.
1. Use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed mixture
designs based on laboratory trial mixtures.
B. Cementitious Materials: Limit percentage, by weight, of cementitious materials other than
portland cement in concrete as follows:
1. Fly Ash: 25 percent.
C. Limit water-soluble, chloride-ion content in hardened concrete to 0.15 percent by weight of
D. Admixtures: Use admixtures according to manufacturer's written instructions.
1. Use water-reducing, high-range water-reducing, or plasticizing admixture in concrete, as
required, for placement and workability.
2. Use water-reducing and retarding admixture when required by high temperatures, low
humidity, or other adverse placement conditions.
3. Use water-reducing admixture in pumped concrete and concrete with a water-
cementitious materials ratio below 0.50.
w 4. Color Pigmentation: Include UVA standard color as indicated on the drawings (Soloman
Colors, Inc.#306 Colorflo liquid color(canvas)or approved equal by UVA).
A. Manhole Walls, Base Slabs, Top Slabs, and Risers: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture
as follows:
1. Minimum Compressive Strength at 28 days: 5,000 psi
2. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio: 0.42
Lit 3. Slump Limit: 5 inches, plus or minus 1 inch. 8 inches for concrete with verified slump of
2 to 4 inches before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing
admixture, plus or minus 1 inch.
4. Air Content: 6 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery.
5. Color Pigmentation: Required on walking, visible surfaces (Hatch risers, Stairs,
sidewalks). Match UVA standard color (Soloman Colors, Inc. #306 Colorflo liquid color
(canvas)or approved equal by UVA.
B. Stairs and Sidewalks: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows:
1. Minimum Compressive Strength at 28 days: 4,000 psi
2. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio: 0.50
3. Slump Limit: 5 inches, plus or minus 1 inch. 8 inches for concrete with verified slump of
2 to 4 inches before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing
admixture, plus or minus 1 inch.
4. Air Content: 6 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery.
5. Color Pigmentation: Required on walking surfaces (Stairs, sidewalks). Match UVA
standard color (Soloman Colors, Inc. #306 Colorflo liquid color (canvas) or approved
equal by UVA.
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A. Fabricate steel reinforcement according to CRSI's"Manual of Standard Practice."
it A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C 94,
and furnish batch ticket information.
1. When air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time from
1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F, reduce mixing and
delivery time to 60 minutes.
rr B. Project-Site Mixing: Not allowed.
A. Design, erect, shore, brace, and maintain formwork, according to ACI 301, to support vertical,
lateral, static, and dynamic loads, and construction loads that might be applied, until structure
can support such loads.
B. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of size, shape, alignment,
elevation, and position indicated, within tolerance limits of ACI 117.
C. Limit concrete surface irregularities, designated by ACI 347R as abrupt or gradual, as follows:
1. Class A, 1/8 inch for smooth-formed finished surfaces.
2. Class B, 1/4 inch for rough-formed finished surfaces.
D. Construct forms tight enough to prevent loss of concrete mortar.
E. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete surfaces.
Provide crush or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide
iir top forms for inclined surfaces steeper than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical.
1. Install keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, for easy removal.
2. Do not use rust-stained steel form-facing material.
F. Set edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed strips for slabs to achieve required
elevations and slopes in finished concrete surfaces. Provide and secure units to support screed
strips; use strike-off templates or compacting-type screeds.
G. Provide temporary openings for cleanouts and inspection ports where interior area of formwork
is inaccessible. Close openings with panels tightly fitted to forms and securely braced to
prevent loss of concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings in forms at inconspicuous
H. Chamfer exterior corners and edges of permanently exposed concrete.
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w I. Form openings, chases, offsets, sinkages, keyways, reglets, blocking, screeds, and bulkheads
required in the Work. Determine sizes and locations from trades providing such items.
J. Clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt,
and other debris just before placing concrete.
K. Retighten forms and bracing before placing concrete, as required, to prevent mortar leaks and
ti. maintain proper alignment.
L. Coat contact surfaces of forms with form-release agent, according to manufacturer's written
instructions, before placing reinforcement.
A. Place and secure anchorage devices and other embedded items required for adjoining work
that is attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, templates,
diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded.
A. General: Formwork for sides of walls and similar parts of the Work that does not support weight
of concrete may be removed after cumulatively curing at not less than 50 deg F for 24 hours
after placing concrete, if concrete is hard enough to not be damaged by form-removal
operations and curing and protection operations are maintained.
1. Leave formwork for slabs, and other structural elements that supports weight of concrete
it in place until concrete has achieved at least 75 percent of its 28-day design compressive
2. Remove forms only if shores have been arranged to permit removal of forms without
loosening or disturbing shores.
B. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in the Work. Split, frayed, delaminated, or
otherwise damaged form-facing material will not be acceptable for exposed surfaces. Apply
new form-release agent.
C. When forms are reused, clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten to close joints.
Align and secure joints to avoid offsets. Do not use patched forms for exposed concrete
surfaces unless approved by Engineer.
A. General: Comply with CRSI's"Manual of Standard Practice"for placing reinforcement.
1. Do not cut or puncture vapor retarder. Repair damage and reseal vapor retarder before
placing concrete.
i'"' B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other foreign materials that
would reduce bond to concrete.
(r„ C. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Locate and
support reinforcement with bar supports to maintain minimum concrete cover. Do not tack weld
crossing reinforcing bars.
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D. Set wire ties with ends directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces.
A. General: Construct joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete.
B. Construction Joints: Install so strength and appearance of concrete are not impaired, at
locations indicated or as approved by Engineer.
1. Place joints perpendicular to main reinforcement. Continue reinforcement across
construction joints, unless otherwise indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through
sides of strip placements of floors and slabs.
2. Form keyed joints as indicated. Embed keys at least 1-1/2 inches into concrete.
lir 3. Locate horizontal joints in walls and columns at underside of slabs and at the top of
footings or floor slabs.
4. Space vertical joints in walls as indicated.
ire 5. Use epoxy-bonding adhesive at locations where fresh concrete is placed against
hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. Install in accordance with
manufacturer's written instructions.
C. Doweled Joints: Install dowel bars and support assemblies at joints where indicated. Lubricate
or asphalt coat one-half of dowel length to prevent concrete bonding to one side of joint.
A. Self-Expanding Waterstops: Install in construction joints and at other locations indicated,
according to manufacturer's written instructions, adhesive bonding, mechanically fastening, and
firmly pressing into place. Install in longest lengths practicable.
B. Extruded Bead Waterstops: Install in construction joints and as otherwise indicated on the
drawings. Install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and in continuous
placement as much as practicable.
A. Before placing concrete, verify that installation of formwork, reinforcement, and embedded items
is complete and that required inspections have been performed.
B. Before test sampling and placing concrete, water may be added at Project site, subject to
ilas limitations of ACI 301.
1. Do not add water to concrete after adding high-range water-reducing admixtures to
C. Deposit concrete continuously in one layer or in horizontal layers of such thickness that no new
concrete will be placed on concrete that has hardened enough to cause seams or planes of
weakness. If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as indicated.
Deposit concrete to avoid segregation.
gig 1. Deposit concrete in horizontal layers of depth to not exceed formwork design pressures
and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints.
2. Consolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment according to ACI 301.
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3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators
vertically at uniformly spaced locations to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6
inches into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that
have begun to lose plasticity. At each insertion, limit duration of vibration to time
necessary to consolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other
embedded items without causing mixture constituents to segregate.
D. Deposit and consolidate concrete for floors and slabs in a continuous operation, within limits of
construction joints, until placement of a panel or section is complete.
1. Consolidate concrete during placement operations so concrete is thoroughly worked
around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners.
2. Maintain reinforcement in position on chairs during concrete placement.
3. Screed slab surfaces with a straightedge and strike off to correct elevations.
4. Slope surfaces uniformly to drains where required.
5. Begin initial floating using bull floats or darbies to form a uniform and open-textured
r surface plane, before excess bleedwater appears on the surface. Do not further disturb
slab surfaces before starting finishing operations.
E. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306.1 and as follows. Protect concrete work from
physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low
1. When average high and low temperature is expected to fall below 40 deg F for three
successive days, maintain delivered concrete mixture temperature within the temperature
range required by ACI 301.
2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete
$' on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials.
3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or
chemical accelerators unless otherwise specified and approved in mixture designs.
F. Hot-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 305 and as follows:
1. Maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F at time of placement. Chilled mixing
water or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of
ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is
Contractor's option.
2. Fog-spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep
subgrade uniformly moist without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas.
A. Prepare, clean, and install joint filler according to manufacturer's written instructions. Defer joint
filling until concrete has aged as long as possible. Do not fill joints until construction traffic has
permanently ceased.
B. Remove dirt, debris, saw cuttings, curing compounds, and sealers from joints; leave contact
faces of joint clean and dry.
C. Install joint filler at least 2 inches deep in joints. Overfill joint and trim joint filler flush with top of
joint after hardening.
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A. Rough-Formed Finish: As-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material with tie holes
and defects repaired and patched. Remove fins and other projections that exceed specified
limits on formed-surface irregularities.
1. Apply to concrete surfaces not exposed to public view.
B. Smooth-Formed Finish: As-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material, arranged in
an orderly and symmetrical manner with a minimum of seams. Repair and patch tie holes and
defects. Remove fins and other projections that exceed specified limits on formed-surface
1. Apply to concrete surfaces exposed to public view or to be covered with a coating or
covering material applied directly to concrete.
C. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces
adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent
formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent
unformed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated.
A. General: Comply with ACI 302.1R recommendations for screeding, restraightening, and
finishing operations for concrete surfaces. Do not wet concrete surfaces.
B. Float Finish: Consolidate surface with power-driven floats or by hand floating if area is small or
ita inaccessible to power driven floats. Restraighten, cut down high spots, and fill low spots.
Repeat float passes and restraightening until surface is left with a uniform, smooth, granular
1. Apply float finish to surfaces to receive trowel finish or to be covered with sheet
C. Trowel Finish: After applying float finish, apply first troweling and consolidate concrete by hand
or power-driven trowel. Continue troweling passes and restraighten until surface is free of
trowel marks and uniform in texture and appearance. Grind smooth any surface defects that
would telegraph through applied coatings or floor coverings.
1. Apply a trowel finish to surfaces exposed to view.
D. Broom Finish: Apply a broom finish to exterior concrete sidewalks, steps, ramps, and
elsewhere as indicated.
1. Immediately after float finishing, slightly roughen trafficked surface by brooming with
fiber-bristle broom perpendicular to main traffic route. Coordinate required final finish
with Architect before application.
A. Filling In: Fill in holes and openings left in concrete structures, unless otherwise indicated, after
work of other trades is in place. Mix, place, and cure concrete, as specified, to blend with in-
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iil place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling indicated or required to
complete the Work.
A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot
temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold-weather protection and ACI 301 for hot-weather
protection during curing.
is B. Evaporation Retarder: Apply evaporation retarder to unformed concrete surfaces if hot, dry, or
windy conditions cause moisture loss approaching 0.2 lb/sq. ft. x h before and during finishing
operations. Apply according to manufacturer's written instructions after placing, screeding, and
bull floating or darbying concrete, but before float finishing.
C. Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces, including underside of supported slabs, and
other similar surfaces. If forms remain during curing period, moist cure after loosening forms. If
removing forms before end of curing period, continue curing for the remainder of the curing
D. Unformed Surfaces: Begin curing immediately after finishing concrete. Cure unformed
is surfaces, including top of slabs, and other surfaces.
E. Cure concrete according to ACI 308.1, by one or a combination of the following methods:
1. Moisture-Retaining-Cover Curing: Cover concrete surfaces with moisture-retaining cover
for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width, with sides and ends lapped at
least 12 inches, and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Cure for not less than seven
days. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material
and waterproof tape.
2. Curing Compound: Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or roller
according to manufacturer's written instructions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall
within three hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair
damage during curing period.
a. After curing period has elapsed, remove curing compound without damaging
concrete surfaces by method recommended by curing compound manufacturer.
A. Defective Concrete: Repair and patch defective areas when approved by Engineer. Remove
and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Engineer's approval.
i„ B. Patching Mortar: Mix dry-pack patching mortar, consisting of one part Portland cement to two
and one-half parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 sieve, using only enough water for handling
and placing.
C. Repairing Formed Surfaces: Surface defects include color and texture irregularities, cracks,
spalls, air bubbles, honeycombs, rock pockets, fins and other projections on the surface, and
stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning.
1. Immediately after form removal, cut out honeycombs, rock pockets, and voids more than
1/2 inch in any dimension in solid concrete, but not less than 1 inch in depth. Make
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edges of cuts perpendicular to concrete surface. Clean, dampen with water, and brush-
coat holes and voids with bonding agent. Fill and compact with patching mortar before
bonding agent has dried. Fill form-tie voids with patching mortar or cone plugs secured in
place with bonding agent.
2. Repair defects on surfaces exposed to view by blending white Portland cement and
standard Portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match surrounding
color. Patch a test area at inconspicuous locations to verify mixture and color match
before proceeding with patching. Compact mortar in place and strike off slightly higher
than surrounding surface.
3. Repair defects on concealed formed surfaces that affect concrete's durability and
structural performance as determined by Engineer.
D. Repairing Unformed Surfaces: Test unformed surfaces, such as floors and slabs, for finish and
verify surface tolerances specified for each surface. Correct low and high areas. Test surfaces
sloped to drain for trueness of slope and smoothness; use a sloped template.
1. Repair finished surfaces containing defects. Surface defects include spalls, popouts,
honeycombs, rock pockets, crazing and cracks in excess of 0.01 inch wide or that
penetrate to reinforcement or completely through unreinforced sections regardless of
width, and other objectionable conditions.
2. After concrete has cured at least 14 days, correct high areas by grinding.
3. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes 1 inch or less in diameter,
by cutting out and replacing with fresh concrete. Remove defective areas with clean,
square cuts and expose steel reinforcement with at least a 3/4-inch clearance all around.
Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete and apply bonding agent.
Mix patching concrete of same materials and mixture as original concrete except without
coarse aggregate. Place, compact, and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete.
Cure in same manner as adjacent concrete.
1r 4. Repair random cracks and single holes 1 inch or less in diameter with patching mortar.
Groove top of cracks and cut out holes to sound concrete and clean off dust, dirt, and
loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding agent. Place
patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Compact patching mortar and finish to
match adjacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for at least 72 hours.
E. Perform structural repairs of concrete, subject to Engineer's approval, using epoxy adhesive
and patching mortar.
F. Repair materials and installation not specified above may be used, subject to Engineer's
A. Testing and Inspecting: Owner will engage a special inspector and qualified testing and
inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports.
B. Inspections:
1. Steel reinforcement placement.
i. 2. Verification of use of required design mixture.
3. Concrete placement, including conveying, depositing and consolidating.
4. Curing procedures and maintenance of curing temperature.
hui 5. Verification of concrete strength before removal of shores and forms from beams and
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r■ C. Concrete Tests: Testing of composite samples of fresh concrete obtained according to
ASTM C 172 shall be performed according to the following requirements:
1. Testing Frequency: Obtain one composite sample for each day's pour of each concrete
mixture exceeding 5 cu. yd., but less than 25 cu. yd., plus one set for each additional 50
cu. yd. or fraction thereof.
a. When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five compressive-strength tests
for each concrete mixture, testing shall be conducted from at least five randomly
selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five are used.
2. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test at point of placement for each composite sample, but not
less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mixture. Perform additional tests
when concrete consistency appears to change.
i• 3. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure method, for normal-weight concrete; one test for
each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete
he 4. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1064; one test hourly when air temperature is 40 deg F
and below and when 80 deg F and above, and one test for each composite sample.
5. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C 31.
a. Cast and laboratory cure one set of four standard cylinder specimens for each
composite sample.
6. Compressive-Strength Tests: ASTM C 39; test one laboratory-cured specimen at 7 days
and two specimens at 28 days, and retain one specimen for later testing at 56 days if 28
day strength falls below the required specified strength.
a. A compressive-strength test shall be the average compressive strength from a set
of two specimens obtained from same composite sample and tested at age
7. Strength of each concrete mixture will be satisfactory if every average of any three
consecutive compressive-strength tests equals or exceeds specified compressive
strength and no compressive-strength test value falls below specified compressive
strength by more than 500 psi.
8. Test results shall be reported in writing to Owner, Engineer, concrete manufacturer, and
Contractor within 48 hours of testing. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall contain
Project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete
testing and inspecting agency, location of concrete batch in Work, design compressive
strength at 28 days, concrete mixture proportions and materials, compressive breaking
strength, and type of break for both 7- and 28-day tests.
9. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may
be permitted by Engineer but will not be used as sole basis for approval or rejection of
10. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agency shall make additional tests of concrete
when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other
requirements have not been met, as directed by Engineer. Testing and inspecting
agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders
complying with ASTM C 42 or by other methods as directed by Engineer.
11. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine
compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements.
12. Correct deficiencies in the Work that test reports and inspections indicate does not
comply with the Contract Documents.
13. Structurally inadequate in-place concrete: If in-place concrete is found to be structurally
deficient based on inspection reports, concrete testing, core tests, or other non-
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6 destructive testing, then the rejected in-place concrete shall be repaired, or removed and
replaced, as directed by the owner's representative.
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Division 31 : Earthwork
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SECTION 31 10 00
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. The purpose of this Section is to specify the methods and requirements for site preparation,clearing
ir. and grubbing.
A. Virginia "Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook", latest edition.
A. Deliver materials to, store at the site, and handle in a manner which will maintain the materials in
'their original manufactured or fabricated condition until ready for use.
is Not Applicable.
A. Conduct site clearing operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks,
businesses, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets,
walks or other occupied or used facilities without prior permission from Owner, V.D.O.T., and/or
authorities having jurisdiction.
A. General: Provide temporary fences, barricades, coverings, or other protection to preserve
existing items indicated to remain and to prevent injury or damage to persons or property.
Provide protection for adjacent properties as required.
B. Restoration/Repair: Restore damaged items to condition existing prior to start of WORK.
C. Existing TreesNegetation: Protect existing trees and vegetation adjacent to the actual WORK
area or borrow area from physical damage. Do not store equipment or materials within tree drip
D. Roads and Walks: Keep roads and walks free of dirt and debris at all times.
E. Utility Lines: Protect existing utility lines that are indicated to remain from damage. Notify
ENGINEER immediately of damage to or an encounter with any unknown existing utility lines.
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iv CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the repairs of damage to existing utility lines that are
indicated or made known to CONTRACTOR prior to start of clearing and grubbing operations.
When utility lines which are to be removed are encountered within the area of operations,
CONTRACTOR shall notify ENGINEER and OWNER and Utility Owner within 7 days time to
minimize interruption of the service.
A. Provide appropriate erosion and sediment control measures for all off-site borrow areas in full
compliance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and regulations of the
local jurisdiction. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for all borrow sites outside of the
Project area.
A. Clearing shall consist of the felling, trimming, and cutting of trees into sections and the
satisfactory disposal of the trees and other vegetation designated for removal, including downed
timber, snags, brush, and rubbish occurring within the areas to be cleared. Cut off flush with or
below the original ground surface trees, stumps, roots, brush, and other vegetation in areas to
be cleared, except for trees and vegetation indicated or directed to be left standing.
CONTRACTOR shall coordinate all clearing with OWNER prior to proceeding.
A. Where indicated or directed by OWNER, trim designated trees or remove designated trees and
stumps and grub roots.
A. Remove and dispose of roots larger than 3 inches in diameter, matted roots, and stumps from
the indicated grubbing areas. Excavate this material together with logs, organic and metallic
debris, brush, and refuse and remove to a depth of not less than 18 inches below the original
soil surface in areas indicated to be grubbed and in areas indicated as construction areas for
this Project. Fill depressions made by grubbing with suitable material and compact in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents to make the new surface conform
with the existing adjacent surface of the ground.
A. Nonsalable Materials: Disposal shall be CONTRACTOR's responsibility.
A. Strip and stockpile topsoiling material and other cleared materials that will be reused in the
A. Remove existing improvements, both above-grade and below-grade to extent indicated or as
otherwise required to permit new construction and provide for proper disposal off-site. Existing
improvements and facilities such as mailboxes, signs, ornamental or decorative items, etc.that
require temporary removal to permit new construction shall be promptly replaced and/or restored
to the location and condition prior to construction. Improvements and facilities that are damaged
by the CONTRACTOR during the course of construction shall be promptly replaced at the
CONTRACTOR's expense.
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A. No salvable items are anticipated for this project.
A. Control air pollution caused by dust and dirt; comply with governing regulations.
A. Fill depressions and voids resulting from site clearing operations. Comply with the requirements
of Specification Section 312000, "Earth Moving."
A. Grade ground surface to conform to required contours and to provide positive surface drainage
away from the WORK or borrow area.
A. Dispose of waste materials, including trash and debris, and excess topsoil, legally off-site.
ire A. Burning of waste materials is prohibited for this project.
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SECTION 31 20 00
�• A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Prior to beginning construction, the Geotechnical Engineer should evaluate the subgrade soils
for suitability based on observations of proofrolling with a loaded dump truck or other method
considered acceptable to the Geotechnical Engineer. Fill meeting the requirements herein shall
then be placed to the grade shown.
A. Section 02 41 19—Site Demolition
B. Section 33 05 00—Earthwork: Utilities
A. Excavation: Removal of material encountered to subgrade elevations and the reuse or disposal
of materials removed.
B. Subgrade: The uppermost surface of an excavation or the top surface of a fill or backfill
immediately below subbase, drainage fill, or topsoil materials.
C. Borrow: Soil material obtained off-site when sufficient approved soil material is not available
from excavations.
D. Subbase Course: The layer placed between the subgrade and surface of a pavement or walk.
E. Design Subgrade: Elevation of bearing for foundations, bottom of porous fill beneath slabs on
grade (4" below bottom of slab), bottom of turn down slabs, and bottom most portion of stairs
and ramps.
F. Drainage Fill: Course of washed granular material supporting slab-on-grade placed to cut off
upward capillary flow of pore water.
G. Unauthorized Excavation: Removing materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or
dimensions without direction by the Engineer. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial
work directed by the Engineer, shall be at the Contractor's expense.
H. Structures: Buildings,footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and
electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below
ground surface.
I. Utilities: Include on-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground
services within building lines.
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A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1
Specification Sections.
B. Test Reports: In addition to test reports required under field quality control, submit the following:
1. Laboratory analysis of each soil material proposed for fill and backfill from on-site and
ri borrow sources.
2. One optimum moisture-maximum density curve for each soil material.
3. Report of actual unconfined compressive strength and/or results of bearing tests of each
stratum tested.
C. Submit excavation support system design and details for trench excavation.
A. Codes and Standards: Perform earthwork complying with requirements of authorities having
jurisdiction. These include, but are not limited to, University of Virginia, City of Charlottesville,
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, and the State of Virginia.
B. Testing and Inspection Service: Owner shall employ a qualified independent geotechnical
engineering testing agency to classify proposed on-site and borrow soils to verify that soils
comply with specified requirements and to perform required field and laboratory testing.
A. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or
others except when permitted in writing by the Engineer and then only after acceptable
temporary utility services have been provided.
1. Provide a minimum 10 day notice to the University and receive written notice to proceed
before interrupting any utility.
to B. Demolish and completely remove from site existing underground utilities indicated to be
removed. If utilities cannot be removed due to existing field conditions they shall be filled with
flowable fill (minimum 300psi)and noted as"Abandoned"on as-built drawings. Coordinate with
utility companies to shutoff services if lines are active.
C. Excavation support system design and details for trench excavation, shall be sealed and signed
by a professional engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, copy of design shall be
filed with ENGINEER.
A. General: Provide approved borrow soil materials from off-site when sufficient approved soil
materials are not available from excavations. Contractor is responsible for locating appropriate
off-site borrow areas.
B. Satisfactory Soil Materials and Engineering Fill: Select material classifying CL, ML, SC, SM, SP,
SW, GC, GM, GP, or GW in accordance with ASTM D 2487. The maximum particle size should
rr. not exceed 4 inches. Fill should be free of debris,waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and any
other deleterious matter. Off-site borrow materials should have a CBR value no less than 6
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C. Backfill and Fill Materials: Satisfactory soil materials.
D. Porous Fill: VDOT#57 stone.
E. Filtering Material: Evenly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel or crushed stone and
natural sand, with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 50
F. Flowable Fill: Comply with ACI 229 (300 psi minimum @ 28 days).
G. Aggregate Base: VDOT 21 B.
A. Medium Duty Geotextile Fabric as follows:
1. Weight: 6.0 oz/sy as per ASTM D-3776-79.
2. Grab Strength: 300 lbs as per ASTM D-4632-86.
3. Grab Elongation: 15% as per ASTM D-4632-86.
4. Trapezoid Tear Strength: 115 lbs as per ASTM D-4533-85.
5. Mullen Burst Strength: 600 psi as per ASTM D-3786-87.
6. Puncture Strength: 145 lbs as per ASTM D-4833-88.
7. Wide Width Strip Tensile: 200x230 lbs/in as per ASTM D-4595-86.
8. Wide Width Strip Elongation: 15x15 %as per ASTM D-4595-86.
9. Thickness: 25 mils as per ASTM D-1777-64.
10. Permittivity: .1 sec(-1)as per ASTM D-4491-85.
11. Water Flow Rate: 9.2 gal/min/sf as per ASTM D-4491-85.
12. Apparent Opening Size: 30-70 U.S. Std Sieve as per ASTM D-4751-87.
13. Ultraviolet Stability: 90% as per ASTM D-4355-84.
A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by
settlement, lateral movement, undermining,washout, and other hazards created by earthwork
B. Protect subgrades and foundation soils against freezing temperatures or frost. Provide
protective insulating materials as necessary.
C. Provide erosion control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of soils and discharge of
soil-bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways.
D. Prior to proceeding with construction, all topsoil and other deleterious, non-soil materials shall be
stripped from proposed construction area. Stripping shall extend at least 5 feet horizontally
beyond building limits, and stripping of unsatisfactory soils shall be as identified by the
Geotechnical Engineer.
E. Subgrades which are to support slabs, pavements, or compacted fill shall be proofrolled using a
Scraper(i.e., Pan)or a loaded dump truck having an axle weight of at least 10 tons to identify
areas of localized soft soil or unsuitable soil. Any soft or unsuitable material encountered during
proofrolling shall be removed and replaced with engineered fill. The Geotechnical Engineer
shall observe all proofrolling operations.
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A. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from entering excavations,from ponding
on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area.
B. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from softening and damage by rain or water
C. Dewatering disposal shall be in accordance with Erosion and Sediment Control permit.
A. Explosives: Do not use explosives.
i„ B. Classified Excavation: See specification Section 330500, "Earthwork: Utilities"for excavation
A. Excavate to indicated elevations and dimensions within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 foot.
Extend excavations a sufficient distance from structures for placing and removing concrete
formwork, installing services and other construction, and for inspections.
1. Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not disturb bottom of excavation.
Excavate by hand to final grade just before placingconcrete reinforcement. Trim bottoms
to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work.
2. Excavation for Mechanical or Electrical Appurtenances: Excavate to elevations and
dimensions indicated within a tolerance o plus or minus 0.10 foot. Do not disturb bottom
of excavations intended for bearing surface.
A. Notify Engineer when excavations have reached required subgrade.
B. When Engineer determines that unforeseen unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation
and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed.
C. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or
construction activities, as directed by the Engineer.
A. Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending indicated bottom
elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering required top
elevation. Lean concrete fill or flowable fill may be used to bring elevations to proper position.
A. Stockpile excavated materials acceptable for backfill and fill soil materials, including acceptable
borrow materials. Stockpile soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape
stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent wind-blown dust.
A. Backfill excavations promptly, but not before completing the following:
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kir 1. Acceptance of construction below finish grade including, where applicable, damp-
proofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation.
2. Surveying locations of underground utilities for record documents.
3. Testing, inspecting, and approval of underground utilities.
4. Concrete form-work removal.
5. Removal of trash and debris from excavation.
6. Removal of temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting.
7. Installing permanent or temporary horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls.
A. Subsurface Drain: Place a layer of filter fabric around perimeter of drainage trench or at footing,
as indicated. Place a 6-inch compacted course of filtering material on filter fabric to support
drainage pipe. After installing and testing, encase drainage pipe in a minimum of 6 inches of
compacted filtering material and wrap in filter fabric, overlapping edges at least 6 inches.
B. Drainage Backfill: Place and compact drainage backfill of filtering material over subsurface
drain, in width indicated, to within 18 inches of final subgrade. Overlay drainage backfill with one
it layer of filter fabric, overlapping edges at least 6 inches.
C. Impervious Fill: Place and compact impervious fill material over drainage backfill to final
its subgrade.
3.10 FILL
A. Preparation: Remove vegetation, topsoil, debris, wet, and unsatisfactory soil materials,
obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to placing fills.
1. Plow strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill
material will bond with existing surface.
B. When subgrade or existing ground surface to receive fill has a density less than that required for
fill, break up ground surface to 8 inches, pulverize, moisture-condition or aerate soil and
recompact to required density.
C. Place fill material in layers to required elevations for each location listed below.
1. Under grass, use satisfactory excavated or borrow soil material.
2. Under walks and pavements, use aggregate base, or satisfactory excavated or borrow
soil material.
3. Under steps and ramps, aggregate base.
4. Under building slabs, use porous fill.
5. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill, aggregate base, or flowable fill.
6. Behind below-grade walls, use engineered fill or porous fill.
A. Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill layer before
compaction to within 3 percent of optimum moisture content.
1. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy,frozen, or contain frost or
2. Remove and replace,or scarify and air-dry satisfactory soil material that is too wet to
i�• compact to specified density.
a. Stockpile or spread and dry removed wet satisfactory soil material.
b. If excavation must remain open overnight or rainfall becomes imminent while the
bearing soils are exposed, place a 1 to 3 inch thick "mud mat"of lean concrete be
placed on the bearing soils before the placement of reinforcing steel.
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A. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 8 inches in loose depth for material
compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for
material compacted by hand-operated tampers.
B. Place backfill and fill materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations. Place
backfill and fill uniformly along the full length of each structure.
C. Percentage of Maximum Dry Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less than the following
percentages of maximum dry density according to ASTM D 698:
ir. 1. Under structures, slabs, and steps compact fill or backfill to 95 percent maximum dry
2. Under lawn compact each layer of backfill or fill material at 90 percent maximum dry
A. General: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free from irregular surface changes.
Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations
1. Provide a smooth transition between existing adjacent grades and hew grades.
2. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to conform to required surface
B. Site Grading: Slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent ponding. Finish
subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances:
1. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Plus or minus 0.10 foot.
2. Walks: Plus or minus 0.10 foot.
C. Grading Inside Building Lines: Finish subgrade to a tolerance of 1/2 inch when tested with a
10-foot straightedge.
A. Under slabs-on-grade, place porous fill course on prepared subgrade.
1. Compact porous fill to required cross sections and thickness.
A. . Testing Agency Services: Allow testing agency to inspect and test each subgrade and each fill
or backfill layer. Do not proceed until test results for previously completed work verify
compliance with requirements.
1. Perform field in-place density tests according to ASTM D 6938, (nuclear method)
provided that calibration curves are periodically checked and adjusted to correlate to tests
performed using ASTM D 1556. With each density calibration check, check the
calibration curves furnished with the moisture gages according to ASTM D 6938.
a. When field in-place density tests are performed using nuclear methods, make
calibration checks of both density and moisture gages at beginning of work, on each
different type of material encountered, and at intervals as directed by the Engineer.
2. Footing Subgrade: The Geotechnical Engineer shall observe all subgrades and
determine suitability to support design loads.
3. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted fill and backfill
,,,, layer, perform at least one field in-place density test for every 2,500 sq.ft. or less of
paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than three tests.
4. Foundation Wall Backfill: In each compacted backfill layer, perform at least one field
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in-place density test for each 100 feet or less of wall length, but no fewer than two tests
along a wall face.
B. When testing agency reports that subgrades, fills, or backfills are below specified density, scarify
and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil to the depth required, recompact and retest
until required density is obtained.
A. Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep
free of trash and debris.
B. Repair and re-establish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed
surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or lose compaction due to subsequent construction
operations or weather conditions.
1. Scarify or remove and replace material to depth directed by the Engineer; reshape and
recompact at optimum moisture content to the required density.
C. Settling: Where settling occurs during the Project correction period, remove finished surfacing,
backfill with additional approved material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing.
1. Restore appearance,quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work,
and eliminate evidence of restoration to the greatest extent possible.
A. Disposal: Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waster material, including unsatisfactory soil,
trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off the Owner's property. Contractor is responsible for
all costs associated with disposal and for all erosion and sediment control measures at off-site
disposal areas.
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SECTION 31 23 19
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
Keep all excavations and site structures free from water during construction.
A. Section 31 25 00— Erosion and Sediment Control
A. Intent: The provisions and intent of the AGREEMENT, including the General Conditions,
Supplemental General Conditions, and other requirements of the Contract Documents apply to the
WORK as specified in this section. WORK related to this Section is described throughout the
A. Dewatering Plan: CONTRACTOR shall submit,for ENGINEER'S review,Drawings and data showing
its proposed plan and required equipment for dewatering of all WORK areas. The Drawings and data
shall include the planned method of dewatering excavations,wells,well points,sumps,collection and
discharge lines,standby units proposed,and protective fills and ditches required for control of ground
water, leachate and surface water.
B. Schedule: The plan for dewatering shall be submitted within 7 days before the start of work.
CONTRACTOR shall furnish such other information as may be required for ENGINEER'S complete
understanding and analysis of the dewatering, grading and excavation plan.
C. Engineer's Approval: If, during the progress of the WORK, it is determined by ENGINEER that the
dewatering system grading and excavation Drawings, text and proposed methodology are
inadequate,or that CONTRACTOR'S plan of construction is inoperative,CONTRACTOR shall,at its
sole expense, furnish, install and operate such additional dewatering equipment and make such
changes in other features of the Dewatering Plan or operation as may be necessary to perform the
WORK in a manner satisfactory to ENGINEER.
Not Applicable
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A. Method: Dewatering can be accomplished by ordinary pumping methods, by the use of underdrains
or deep well points, whichever will produce the above results. In order to assure the continuous
dewatering, duplicate units of the selected system incorporated with emergency power should be
employed so that a reliable operation may be obtained.
B. Location: All site WORK areas shall be dewatered where surface, leachate and/or ground water
flows, if any,will adversely impact construction.
C. Maintenance: All permanent improvements shall be constructed in areas free from water. Construct
and maintain all permanent or temporary slopes, dikes, levees, drainage ditches, sumps, and
observation wells necessary for the removal of water from WORK areas. Design, furnish, install,
maintain,and operate all necessary pumping and other dewatering equipment required for dewatering
the various site WORK areas and for keeping the foundation and other areas free from water from
any and all sources.
D. Schedule: All dewatering shall be performed in advance of grading, excavation and/or filling. The
dewatering shall be accomplished in a manner that will prevent loss of fines from the foundation,will
maintain stability of all excavated slopes and bottoms of excavations,and will permit all construction
operations to be performed in the dry. Dewatering of excavations shall be performed to the extent
required to permit placement of compacted fill materials in the dry and to prevent sloughing of the
excavation side slopes.
E. Requirements: Lower the ground water level a minimum of 3 feet below sub-foundation grade or as
recommended by Geotechnical Engineer prior to sub-foundation preparation and placement of
foundation materials. During the placement and compaction of fill or bedding materials, the water
level at every point within the limits of fills being placed shall be maintained a minimum of 3 feet or
greater or as recommended by Geotechnical Engineer below fill placement level in order that the
required compaction can be achieved.
Where conditions are such that running or standing water occur in the trench bottom or the soil in the
trench bottom displays a"quick"tendency,the water shall be removed by pumps and suitable means
such as well points or previous underdrain bedding until the pipe has been installed and the backfill
has been placed to a sufficient height to prevent pipe flotation.
No installation will be permitted in trenches unless the subgrade is dry. If, in the opinion of the
ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR has failed to obtain an absolutely dry trench bottom by use of all
known methods of trench dewatering, the ENGINEER may then order the CONTRACTOR to
fro excavate below grade and place sufficient selected fill material over the trench bottom. Additional
excavation and fill shall meet the requirements of Section 33 05 00.
A. Contingency: Furnish standby equipment of sufficient size and capacity to insure continuous
operation of the dewatering system. All damage to structures due to a failure of dewatering
equipment shall be repaired by CONTRACTOR at its expense, to the satisfaction of ENGINEER.
CONTRACTOR may consider the use of recharge systems or other methods of protection of existing
ire B. Completion: Dewatering shall be maintained in the WORK areas for as long as is necessary for the
completion of WORK. Upon completion of the dewatering and control of water operation, all
temporary dewatering facilities shall be removed in a manner satisfactory to ENGINEER.
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Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment
trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing
streams or off-site property(MS-16). An adequately sized silt/sediment bag is often used. Be
sure the pumping rate will not overwhelm the bag, forcing muddy water through. Concentrated
runoff(such as dewater pump discharge)shall not flow down denuded slopes unless contained
within an adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume or slope drain (MS-8).
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lirr SECTION 31 25 00
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Compliance: This WORK shall be performed in accordance with the erosion and sediment
control plan of the construction Drawings and the details provided therein, and as described,
detailed and required by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Division of Soil
and Water Conservation in the most recent edition of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control
B. Details: In the event a detailed plan is not shown, CONTRACTOR shall comply with the
requirements of the local authority and provide a plan if required by that authority.
A. Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, latest edition.
A. Temporary Seed Mixture: Provide written notification as to the temporary seed mixture to be
A. Maintain all erosion and sediment control structures to be utilized during the life of the Project in
compliance with the regulations of the Division of Soil and Water Conservation until vegetative
cover is acceptable to the Division's field personnel and approval acceptance is received.
B. The General Contractor shall maintain all Erosion and Sediment Controls while the UVA
Landscape Department is installing plantings, vegetation, grass, mulch, etc.
A. Sediment deposits shall be removed when deposits reach approximately one-half the design
depth of the trap.
A. Measures: Silt fence, straw bales, construction entrance, check dams, temporary vegetation,
and all other items for erosion and sediment control shall be constructed as directed by the
ENGINEER or in the locations shown or designated on the Drawings in accordance with the
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details provided.
B. Schedule: CONTRACTOR shall institute the erosion and sediment control program as a part of
clearing and grubbing, and prior to rough grading. The initial program shall include, however is
not limited to, the installation of silt fences, staked straw bales, diversion ditches and/or gravel
weirs as shown on erosion and sediment control Drawing at the limits of clearing and grubbing
where silt-carrying surface water runoff may be diverted and/or filtered prior to leaving the
disturbed area.
C. Temporary Seeding: Establish temporary cover for erosion control by seeding and/or mulching
graded areas which may otherwise be exposed for a period greater than 30 days. This should
be accomplished as soon as rough grading WORK is done. Begin temporary seeding within 72
hours after earth disturbance.
D. Pipe Outfalls: All pipe outfall areas disturbed by construction shall be protected with non-
erodible materials conforming to the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.
E. Maintenance: All siltation and erosion control devices installed during the course of construction
shall be maintained in proper working order at all times, and shall not be removed until final
stabilization of all disturbed areas or at the direction of the ENGINEER.
A. CONTRACTOR shall maintain a vehicle wash rack or gravel bed at all vehicle egress areas. All
vehicles shall be thoroughly cleaned of mud and silt before leaving the construction site to avoid
tracking mud and silt onto roads, streets, and highways. In the event that tracking does occur,
CONTRACTOR shall immediately clean the street or road of all debris, mud or silt and shall pay
all damages resulting therefrom. A daily survey of the condition of the adjacent streets and
roads shall be made and recorded in the field log along with daily cleanup of the streets of the
tracking from the site onto roads, alleys, parking lots, and highways.
A. Stormwater structures which will receive runoff from the construction shall be protected from the
buildup of mud or silt as outlined by the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or as
directed by ENGINEER.
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Division 32: Exterior Improvements
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to SECTION 32 12 16
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for repairing asphalt concrete pavement and preparing
subgrade in those areas where improvements are proposed as shown on the plans.
A. Codes and Standards: Comply with Virginia Department of Transportation standard
specifications "Road and Bridge Specifications", latest edition.
A. Weather Limitations: Apply prime and tack coats when ambient temperature is above 50
degrees F. (10 degrees C), and when temperature has not been below 35 degrees F. (1 degree
C.)for 12 hours immediately prior to application. Do not apply when base is wet or contains an
excess of moisture.
B. Construct asphalt concrete surface course when atmospheric temperature is above 40 degrees
F. (4 degrees C.), and when base is dry. Base course may be placed when air temperature is
above 30 degrees F. (-1 degree C.)and rising.
C. Grade Control: Establish and maintain required lines and elevations.
A. Asphalt concrete paving and base course as shown on drawings. Contractor shall match
los existing pavement for repairs. Contractor shall incorporate a pea gravel surface where
necessary to match existing pavement.
B. General: Use locally available materials and gradations which exhibit a satisfactory record of
previous installations. Materials shall meet requirements of VDOT"Road and Bridge
ire C. Pavement-Marking Paint: Alkyd-resin type, ready mixed, complying with FS TT-P-115, Type I,
or AASHTO M-248, Type N, Color: White.
Materials placement shall be in accordance with VDOT"Road and Bridge Specifications."
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fir A. Remove loose material from compacted subgrade surface immediately before applying
herbicide treatment or prime coat. Proof roll prepared subgrade surface to check for unstable
areas and areas requiring additional compaction under the observation of the Geotechnical
Engineer. Notify Owner of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not begin paving work until deficient
subgrade areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving.
A. Place asphalt concrete mixture on prepared surface, spread and strike-off. Place inaccessible
and small areas by hand. Place each course to required grade, cross-section, and compacted
B. Joints: Make joints between old and new pavements, or between successive days'work, to
ensure continuous bond between adjoining work. Construction joints to have same texture,
density and smoothness as other sections of asphalt concrete course. Clean contact surfaces
and apply tack coat. Place asphalt within 24 hours of applying tack coat.
A. Begin rolling when mixture will bear roller weight without excessive displacement. Compact
mixture with hot hand tampers or vibrating plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers.
B. Patching: Remove and replace paving areas mixed with foreign materials and defective areas.
Cut-out such areas and fill with fresh, hot asphalt concrete. Compact by rolling to maximum
surface density and smoothness.
C. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and
D. Erect barricades to protect paving from traffic until mixture has cooled enough not to become
A. Test in-place asphalt concrete courses for compliance with requirements for thickness,
air compaction, and surface smoothness. Test in-place base course for compliance with
requirements for thickness and compaction. Repair or remove and replace unacceptable paving
as directed by Architect.
A. Open Pavement Cuts:All open cuts through pavement on existing dedicated street shall be
replaced with:
- 10" VDOT 21 B material + 3" BM-25.0 base + 2" SM-9.5 surface course for
- 6" VDOT 21B material + 3" BM-25.0 base + 1.5" SM-9.5 surface course for
it Driveways, Service Roadways, and Parking Areas
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its SECTION 32 13 13
A. Section Includes concrete walkways.
A. Where differences between building codes, state laws, local ordinances, industry stand-
ards, utility company regulations and the Contract Documents occur, the most stringent
shall govern. The Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative in writing
of any such difference.
B. Should the Contractor perform any work that does not comply with local codes, laws and
ordinances, industry standards or other governing regulations, the Work shall be cor-
rected on noncompliance deficiencies with the Contractor bearing all costs.
C. Codes and Standards: Comply with Virginia Department of Transportation standard
specifications "Road and Bridge Specifications", latest edition.
D. Specifications listed below are included by reference and are hereby incorporated into
the Contract Documents.
1. University of Virginia; Facilities Design Guidelines
2. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions, Sup-
r, plemental General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification sections, apply to
work of this section.
3. American Concrete Institute (ACI)
k'" 4. National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA)
A. Cementitious Materials: Portland cement alone or in combination with one or more of
blended hydraulic cement, fly ash and other pozzolans, and ground granulated blast-
furnace slag.
A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated.
B. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of product, ingredient, or admixture
requiring color selection.
C. Other Action Submittals:
rr 1. Design Mixtures: For each concrete paving mixture. Include alternate design
mixtures when characteristics of materials, Project conditions, weather, test
results, or other circumstances warrant adjustments.
rrr 2. Concrete Color
D. Qualification Data: For qualified testing agency.
E. Material Certificates: For the following, from manufacturer:
1. Cernentitious materials.
2. Admixtures.
3. Curing compounds.
4. Applied finish materials.
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5. Bonding agent or epoxy adhesive.
6. Joint fillers.
F. Field quality-control reports.
A. Detectable Warning Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and
approved by manufacturer of stamped concrete paving systems.
B. Ready-Mix-Concrete Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing
ready-mixed concrete products and that complies with ASTM C 94/C 94M requirements
for production facilities and equipment.
1. Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed
Concrete Production Facilities" (Quality Control Manual - Section 3, "Plant
Certification Checklist").
C. Testing Agency Qualifications: Qualified according to ASTM C 1077 and ASTM E 329
for testing indicated.
1. Personnel conducting field tests shall be qualified as ACI Concrete Field Testing
Technician, Grade 1, according to ACI CP-1 or an equivalent certification
D. Concrete Testing Service: Engage a qualified testing agency to perform material
evaluation tests and to design concrete mixtures.
IreE. ACI Publications: Comply with ACI 301 unless otherwise indicated.
F. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under sample submittals and to
demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution.
1. Build mockups of full-thickness sections of concrete paving to demonstrate typical
joints; surface finish, texture, and color; curing; and standard of workmanship.
2. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract
it Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such
deviations in writing.
3. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time
ir. of Substantial Completion.
G. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site.
1. Review methods and procedures related to concrete paving, including but not
limited to, the following:
a. Concrete mixture design.
b. Quality control of concrete materials and concrete paving construction
2. Require representatives of each entity directly concerned with concrete paving to
attend, including the following:
a. Contractor's superintendent.
b. Independent testing agency responsible for concrete design mixtures.
c. Ready-mix concrete manufacturer.
d. Concrete paving subcontractor.
e. Manufacturer's representative of stamped concrete paving system used for
detectable warnings.
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A. Traffic Control: Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other
construction activities.
A. Form Materials: Plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood, or other approved panel-type
materials to provide full-depth, continuous, straight, and smooth exposed surfaces.
1. Use flexible or uniformly curved forms for curves with a radius of 100 feet or less.
Do not use notched and bent forms.
B. Form-Release Agent: Commercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond
with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and that will not impair subsequent
v treatments of concrete surfaces.
A. Cementitious Material: Use the following cementitious materials, of same type, brand,
and source throughout Project:
1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, gray Portland cement Type I:
a. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C.
B. Normal-Weight Aggregates: ASTM C 33, Class 4S uniformly graded. Provide
aggregates from a single source with documented service-record data of at least 10
years' satisfactory service in similar paving applications and service conditions using
similar aggregates and cementitious materials.
1. Maximum Coarse-Aggregate Size: 1 inch nominal.
2. Fine Aggregate: Free of materials with deleterious reactivity to alkali in cement.
C. Exposed Aggregate: Selected, hard, and durable; washed; free of materials with
deleterious reactivity to cement or that cause staining; from a single source, with gap-
graded coarse aggregate as follows:
1. Aggregate Sizes: 1/2 to 3/4 inch nominal.
it 2. Aggregate Source, Shape, and Color: Free of materials with deleterious reactivity
to alkali in cement.
D. Water: Potable and complying with ASTM C 94/C 94M.
E. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260.
F. Chemical Admixtures: Admixtures certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other
admixtures and to contain not more than 0.1 percent water-soluble chloride ions by
mass of cementitious material.
1. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type A.
wr 2. Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type B.
3. Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type D.
4. High-Range, Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type F.
5. High-Range, Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M,
Type G.
6. Plasticizing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 1017/C 1017M, Type II.
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rru G. Concrete Color: Concrete shall have integral color as indicated on the plans. Concrete
with integral color shall include air entrainment, brown sand, and Soloman Colors, Inc.
#306 Colorflow Liquid Color (Canvas) at a rate of 6.4 lbs liquid color per cubic yard of
concrete or approved equal by Owner. Brown sand under concrete shall have a
consistent color throughout the project. Contractor shall match color of existing adjacent
A. Absorptive Cover: AASHTO M 182, Class 3, burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf,
weighing approximately 9 oz./sq. yd. dry.
be B. Moisture-Retaining Cover: ASTM C 171, polyethylene film or white burlap-polyethylene
C. Water: Potable.
l"' D. Evaporation Retarder: Waterborne, monomolecular, film forming, manufactured for
application to fresh concrete.
E. Clear, Waterborne, Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type 1,
ow Class B, dissipating.
F. White, Waterborne, Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type 2,
Class B, dissipating.
A. Joint Fillers: ASTM D 1751, asphalt-saturated cellulosic fiber in preformed strips.
B. Bonding Agent: ASTM C 1059, Type II, non-redispersible, acrylic emulsion or styrene
C. Epoxy Bonding Adhesive: ASTM C 881/C 881M, two-component epoxy resin capable of
b" humid curing and bonding to damp surfaces; of class suitable for application
temperature, of grade complying with requirements, and of the following types:
1. Types I and II, non-load bearing for bonding hardened or freshly mixed concrete
to hardened concrete.
D. Chemical Surface Retarder: Water-soluble, liquid, set retarder with color dye, for
horizontal concrete surface application, capable of temporarily delaying final hardening
of concrete to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch.
iw A. Detectable Warning Stamp: Semirigid polyurethane mats with formed underside
capable of imprinting detectable warning pattern on plastic concrete; perforated with a
vent hole at each dome.
ism 1. Size of Stamp: One piece matching detectable warning area shown on Drawings.
B. Liquid Release Agent: Manufacturer's standard, clear, evaporating formulation
designed to facilitate release of stamp mats.
A. Prepare design mixtures, proportioned according to ACI 301 for each type and strength
of normal-weight concrete, and as determined by either laboratory trial mixtures or field
1. Use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed
concrete design mixtures for the trial batch method.
B. Proportion mixtures to provide normal-weight concrete with the following properties:
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time 1. Compressive Strength (28 Days): 3000 psi for concrete sidewalks.
2. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio at Point of Placement: 0.45.
3. Slump Limit: 5 inches plus or minus 1 inch.
C. Add air-entraining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in normal-weight
concrete at point of placement having an air content as follows:
1. Air Content: 4-1/2 percent plus or minus 1.5 percent for 1-1/2-inch nominal
maximum aggregate size.
D. Chemical Admixtures: Use admixtures according to manufacturer's written instructions.
1" 1. Use high-range, water-reducing and retarding admixture in concrete as required
for placement and workability.
2. Use water-reducing and retarding admixture when required by high temperatures,
low humidity, or other adverse placement conditions.
E. Cementitious Materials: Limit percentage, by weight, of cementitious materials other
than Portland cement in concrete as follows:
1. Fly Ash or Pozzolan: 25 percent.
A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, and mix concrete materials and concrete
according to ASTM C 94/C 94M and ASTM C 1116/C 1116M. Furnish batch certificates
for each batch discharged and used in the Work.
1. When air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F reduce mixing and delivery
time from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F,
reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes.
B. Project-Site Mixing: Not allowed.
A. Examine exposed subgrades and subbase surfaces for compliance with requirements
for dimensional, grading, and elevation tolerances.
B. Proof-roll prepared subbase surface below concrete paving to identify soft pockets and
areas of excess yielding.
1. Completely proof-roll subbase in one direction and repeat in perpendicular
direction. Limit vehicle speed to 3 mph.
2. Proof-roll with a pneumatic-tired and loaded, 10-wheel, tandem-axle dump truck
weighing not less than 15 tons or similar piece of equipment.
3. Correct subbase with soft spots and areas of pumping or rutting exceeding depth
of 1/2 inch according to requirements in Section 312000 "Earth Moving."
C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Imo A. Remove loose material from compacted subbase surface immediately before placing
ifr A. Set, brace, and secure edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed guides to
required lines, grades, and elevations. Install forms to allow continuous progress of
work and so forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement.
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B. Clean forms after each use and coat with form-release agent to ensure separation from
concrete without damage.
A. General: Form construction, isolation, and contraction joints and tool edges true to line,
with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. Construct transverse joints at
right angles to centerline unless otherwise indicated.
i"' 1. When joining existing paving, place transverse joints to align with previously
placed joints unless otherwise indicated.
B. Construction Joints: Set construction joints at side and end terminations of paving and
at locations where paving operations are stopped for more than one-half hour unless
paving terminates at isolation joints.
1. Continue steel reinforcement across construction joints unless otherwise
indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of paving strips unless
otherwise indicated.
2. Provide tie bars at sides of paving strips where indicated.
3. Butt Joints: Use epoxy bonding adhesive at joint locations where fresh concrete is
placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces.
tiro 4. Keyed Joints: Provide preformed keyway-section forms or bulkhead forms with
keys unless otherwise indicated. Embed keys at least 1-1/2 inches into concrete.
C. Isolation Joints: Form isolation joints of preformed joint-filler strips abutting concrete
curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, other fixed objects, and where
1. Locate expansion joints at intervals of 30 feet unless otherwise indicated.
2. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint.
3. Terminate joint filler 1/4 inch below finished surface if joint sealant is indicated.
imp 4. Place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete surface if joint sealant is not
5. Furnish joint fillers in one-piece lengths. Where more than one length is required,
Ilr lace or clip joint-filler sections together.
6. During concrete placement, protect top edge of joint filler with metal, plastic, or
other temporary preformed cap. Remove protective cap after concrete has been
placed on both sides of joint.
D. Contraction Joints: Form weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into
areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-fourth
rr of the concrete thickness, as follows to match jointing of existing adjacent concrete
1. Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial floating by grooving and
rw finishing each edge of joint with grooving tool to a 1/4-inch radius. Repeat
grooving of contraction joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate grooving-
tool marks on concrete surfaces.
it 2. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with
shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch wide joints into
concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface
and before developing random contraction cracks.
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r. E. Edging: After initial floating, tool edges of paving, gutters, curbs, and joints in concrete
with an edging tool to a 1/4-inch radius. Repeat tooling of edges after applying surface
finishes. Eliminate edging-tool marks on concrete surfaces.
A. Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation and items to be
embedded or cast-in.
B. Remove snow, ice, or frost from subbase surface before placing concrete. Do not place
concrete on frozen surfaces.
C. Moisten subbase to provide a uniform dampened condition at time concrete is placed.
Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until they are at required
finish elevation and alignment.
D. Comply with ACI 301 requirements for measuring, mixing, transporting, and placing
E. Do not add water to concrete during delivery or at Project site. Do not add water to
fresh concrete after testing.
F. Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse joints. Do
not push or drag concrete into place or use vibrators to move concrete into place.
rir G. Consolidate concrete according to ACI 301 by mechanical vibrating equipment
supplemented by hand spading, rodding, or tamping.
1. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an
err internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies or side forms. Use
only square-faced shovels for hand spreading and consolidation. Consolidate
with care to prevent dislocating joint devices.
6 H. Screed paving surface with a straightedge and strike off.
I. Commence initial floating using bull floats or darbies to impart an open-textured and
uniform surface plane before excess moisture or bleed water appear on the surface.
it Do not further disturb concrete surfaces before beginning finishing operations or
spreading surface treatments.
J. Slip-Form Paving: Use design mixture for automatic machine placement. Produce
W.r paving to required thickness, lines, grades, finish, and jointing.
1. Compact subbase and prepare subgrade of sufficient width to prevent
displacement of slip-form paving machine during operations.
K. Cold-Weather Placement: Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced
strength that could be caused by frost, freezing, or low temperatures. Comply with
ACI 306.1 and the following:
1. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40 deg F uniformly
heat water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete mixture
temperature of not less than 50 deg F and not more than 80 deg F at point of
i`. placement.
2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow.
3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents
l` or chemical accelerators unless otherwise specified and approved in design
L. Hot-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 301 and as follows when hot-weather
conditions exist:
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1. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F
at time of placement. Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to control
• temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated in total amount of
mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option.
2. Cover steel reinforcement with water-soaked burlap so steel temperature will not
exceed ambient air temperature immediately before embedding in concrete.
3. Fog-spray forms and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade
moisture uniform without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas.
A. General: Do not add water to concrete surfaces during finishing operations.
B. Float Finish: Begin the second floating operation when bleed-water sheen has
disappeared and concrete surface has stiffened sufficiently to permit operations. Float
surface with power-driven floats or by hand floating if area is small or inaccessible to
power units. Finish surfaces to true planes. Cut down high spots and fill low spots.
Refloat surface immediately to uniform granular texture.
1. Burlap Finish: Drag a seamless strip of damp burlap across float-finished
concrete, perpendicular to line of traffic, to provide a uniform, gritty texture.
2. Medium-to-Fine-Textured Broom Finish: Draw a soft-bristle broom across float-
finished concrete surface perpendicular to line of traffic to provide a uniform, fine-
line texture.
3. Medium-to-Coarse-Textured Broom Finish: Provide a coarse finish by striating
float-finished concrete surface 1/16 to 1/8 inch deep with a stiff-bristled broom,
perpendicular to line of traffic.
A. Blockouts: Form blockouts in concrete for installation of detectable paving units
specified on drawings.
it 1. Tolerance for Opening Size: Plus 1/4 inch (6 mm), no minus.
B. Stamped Detectable Warnings: Install stamped detectable warnings as part of a
continuous concrete paving placement and according to stamp-mat manufacturer's
written instructions.
1. Before using stamp mats, verify that the vent holes are unobstructed.
2. Apply liquid release agent to the concrete surface and the stamp mat.
3. Stamping: While initially finished concrete is plastic accurately align and place
stamp mats in sequence. Uniformly load, gently vibrate, and press mats into
concrete to produce imprint pattern on concrete surface. Load and tamp mats
directly perpendicular to the stamp-mat surface to prevent distortion in shape of
domes. Press and tamp until mortar begins to come through all of the vent holes.
Gently remove stamp mats.
4. Trimming: After 24 hours, cut off the tips of mortar formed by the vent holes.
5. Remove residual release agent according to manufacturer's written instructions,
but no fewer than three days after stamping concrete. High-pressure-wash
surface and joint patterns, taking care not to damage stamped concrete. Control,
collect, and legally dispose of runoff.
A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or
hot temperatures.
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irr B. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold-weather protection.
C. Evaporation Retarder: Apply evaporation retarder to concrete surfaces if hot, dry, or
windy conditions cause moisture loss approaching 0.2 lb/sq. ft. x h before and during
IMO finishing operations. Apply according to manufacturer's written instructions after placing,
screeding, and bull floating or darbying concrete but before float finishing.
D. Begin curing after finishing concrete but not before free water has disappeared from
concrete surface.
E. Curing Methods: Cure concrete by moisture curing, moisture-retaining-cover curing,
curing compound or a combination of these as follows:
i"' 1. Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not less than seven days
with the following materials:
a. Water.
b. Continuous water-fog spray.
c. Absorptive cover, water saturated and kept continuously wet. Cover
concrete surfaces and edges with 12-inch lap over adjacent absorptive
2. Moisture-Retaining-Cover Curing: Cover concrete surfaces with moisture-
retaining cover, placed in widest practicable width, with sides and ends lapped at
least 12 inches and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair
any holes or tears occurring during installation or curing period using cover
material and waterproof tape.
3. Curing Compound: Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or
roller according to manufacturer's written instructions. Recoat areas that have
been subjected to heavy rainfall within three hours after initial application.
Maintain continuity of coating, and repair damage during curing period.
frr A. Comply with tolerances in ACI 117 and as follows:
1. Elevation: 1/4 inch.
2. Thickness: Plus 3/8 inch, minus 1/4 inch,
3. Surface: Gap below 10-foot long, unleveled straightedge not to exceed 1/4 inch.
4. Alignment of Tie-Bar End Relative to Line Perpendicular to Paving Edge: 1/2 inch
per 12 inches of tie bar.
5. Lateral Alignment and Spacing of Dowels: 1 inch.
6. Vertical Alignment of Dowels: 1/4 inch.
7. Alignment of Dowel-Bar End Relative to Line Perpendicular to Paving Edge: 1/4
inch per 12 inches of dowel.
8. Joint Spacing: 3 inches.
9. Contraction Joint Depth: Plus 1/4 inch, no minus.
low 10. Joint Width: Plus 1/8 inch, no minus.
A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform tests and
toe inspections.
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B. Strength of each concrete mixture will be satisfactory if average of any three
consecutive compressive-strength tests equals or exceeds specified compressive
strength and no compressive-strength test value falls below specified compressive
strength by more than 500 psi.
C. Test results shall be reported in writing to Architect, concrete manufacturer, and
Contractor within 48 hours of testing. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall
contain Project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of
concrete testing and inspecting agency, location of concrete batch in Work, design
compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mixture proportions and materials,
compressive breaking strength, and type of break for both 7- and 28-day tests.
D. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device
may be permitted by Architect but will not be used as sole basis for approval or rejection
of concrete.
E. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agency shall make additional tests of concrete
when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other
requirements have not been met, as directed by Architect.
F. Concrete paving will be considered defective if it does not pass tests and inspections.
G. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to
determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements.
H. Prepare test and inspection reports.
"" A. Remove and replace concrete paving that is broken, damaged, or defective or that does
not comply with requirements in this Section. Remove work in complete sections from
joint to joint unless otherwise approved by Architect.
B. Drill test cores, where directed by Architect, when necessary to determine magnitude of
cracks or defective areas. Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory paving areas with
portland cement concrete bonded to paving with epoxy adhesive.
C. Protect concrete paving from damage. Exclude traffic from paving for at least 14 days
after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain paving as clean as
possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur.
ire D. Maintain concrete paving free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material.
Sweep paving not more than two days before date scheduled for Substantial Completion
i. END OF SECTION 32 13 13
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Division 33: Utilities
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SECTION 33 01 00
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions,Supplemental General
Conditions, and Division 01 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
A. The purpose of this Section is to specify the methods and requirements for testing and quality
assurance of utility lines. Seventy-Two (72) hours notice to the OWNER is required prior to
undertaking any tests.
A. Virginia Water Works Regulations, latest revision
B. Virginia Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations, latest revision
C. American Waterworks Association Standards, latest revision
D. International Plumbing Code-610
ikiNo A. Quality assurance testing shall be done in the presence of the OWNER and ENGINEER or his
is. 1.5 FEES
A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all costs associated with testing.
Not Applicable
A. All testing and flushing will be performed in accordance with the current revision of ANSI/AWWA
C600-93, IPC-610 and NFPA 13. The Contractor shall provide the Owner or Owner's
Representative with 72 hours notice prior to undertaking any tests.
B. Pressure Test:After the pipe has been laid,all newly laid pipe or any valved section thereof shall be
subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of at least 200 psi.
ire Test Pressure Restrictions. Test pressures shall:
1. Not exceed pipe or thrust restraint design pressure;
2. Be of at least 2-hour duration;
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3. Not exceed twice the rated pressure of the valves or hydrants when the pressure boundary of
the test section includes closed gate valves or hydrants;
4. Not exceed the rated pressure of the valve.
a. Pressurization: Each valved section of pipe shall be filled with water slowly and the
specified test pressure shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a
manner satisfactory to the Owner or Owner's Representative. The water and container
used to pump up the line to be tested shall be properly disinfected.
b. Air Removal:Before applying the specified test pressure,air shall be expelled completely
from the pipe,valves, and hydrants.
c. Examination: All exposed pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and joints shall be examined
carefully during the test. Any damaged or defective pipe,fittings,valves,or hydrants that
are discovered following the pressure test shall be repaired or replaced with sound
material and the test shall be repeated until it is satisfactory to the Owner or Owner's
5. Leakage will not be accepted during waterline testing.
6. Testing must be completed prior to connection with the existing system.
A. General -All domestic waterlines shall be disinfected prior to being placed in operation. Prior to
disinfection all waterlines shall be flushed unless the tablet method of disinfection is used. All valves
and hydrants shall be operated during this operation. Flushing velocities shall not be less than 2.5
ft./sec. If ductile iron pipe is being used,the water used to disinfect the waterline should not remain
in contact with the waterline for more than 24 hours.
B. Methods of Chlorine Application
1. Continuous Feed Method - Potable water shall be introduced into the pipe line at a constant
flow rate. Chlorine shall be added at a constant rate to this flow so that the chlorine
concentration in the water so that the chlorine concentration in the water in the pipe is at least
50 mg/I. The chlorinated water shall remain in the pipe line at least 24 hours, after which,the
chlorine concentration in the water shall be at least 10 mg/I. All valves and appurtenances
shall be operated while the chlorinated water remains in the pipe line.
yr 2. Slug Method-Potable water shall be introduced into the pipe line at a constant flow rate. This
water shall receive a chlorine dosage which will result in a chlorine concentration of 100 mg/I in
a"slug"otthe water. The chlorine shall be added long enough to insure that all portions of the
pipe are exposed to the 100 mg/I chlorine solution for at least 3 hours. The chlorine residual
shall be checked at regular intervals not to exceed 2,000 feet to insure that adequate
disinfection is occurring. As the chlorinated water passes valves and appurtenances,they shall
be operated to insure disinfection of these appurtenances.
rr 3. Tablet Method -This method shall not be used if non-potable water or foreign material have
entered the lines or if the water temperature is below 5°C(41°F). The tablets shall be placed in
each pipe section and in all appurtenances. Enough tablets shall be used to insure that a
chlorine concentration of 25 mg/I is provided in the water. They shall be attached by an
adhesive to the top of the pipe sections and crushed or rubbed in all appurtenances. The
adhesive shall be approved by the Engineer. The velocity of the potable water in the pipe line
shall be less than 1 ft./sec. The water shall remain in contact with the pipe for 24 hours. All
valves and appurtenances shall be operated while the chlorinated water is in the pipe.
C. Final Flushing -After the required retention period, the heavily chlorinated water shall be flushed
from the pipe lines using potable water and discharged to a sanitary sewer manhole.
D. Testing-after the lines have been flushed to NFPA Standards,the waterlines shall be tested in the
following methods:
1. All chlorine residual determinations shall be made using only those methods approved by the
Virginia Department of Health. One approved method is the DPD Kit method.
2. Two water samples for bacteriological analysis must be collected at least 24 hours apart and
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tie analyzed by a certified laboratory. The results of these samples must indicate no
contamination before the pipe,tanks or equipment can be utilized as part of the waterworks. If
contamination is indicated,then the disinfection procedure must be repeated. Samples shall
be collected at regular intervals, not exceeding 2,000 feet throughout the length of pipeline.
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Iw I
Pipe Minimum Length for Time for Specification Time for
y„ Diameter Time Minimum Longer Length (L)Shown (min:sec)
(in.) (min:sec) Time (ft) Length 100' 150' 200' 250'
am 4 3:46 597 .380 L 3:46 3:46 3:46 3:46
6 5:40 398 .854 L 5:40 5:40 5:40 5:40
8 7:34 298 1.520 L 7:34 7:34 7:34 7:34
iim 10 9:26 239 2.374 L 9:26 9:26 9:26 9:53
12 11:20 199 3.418 L 11:20 11:20 11:24 14:15
15 14:10 159 5.342 L 14:10 14:10 17:48 22:15
6 18 17:00 133 7.692 L 17:00 19:13 25:38 32:03
21 19:50 114 10.470 L 19:50 26:10 34:54 43:37
24 22:40 99 13.674 L 22:47 34:11 45:34 56:58
27 25:30 88 17.306 L 28:51 43:16 57:41 72:07
30 28:20 80 21.366 L 35:37 53:25 71:13 89:02
r 33 31:10 72 25.852 L 43:05 64:38 86:10 107:43
36 34:00 66 30.768 L 51:17 76:55 102:34 128:12
Pipe Minimum Length for Time for Specification Time for
Diameter Time Minimum Longer Length (L)Shown (min:sec)
(in.) (min:sec) Time (ft) Length 300' 350' 400' 450'
4 3:46 597 .380 L 3:46 3:46 3:46 3:46
i4. 6 5:40 398 .854 L 5:40 5:40 5:42 6:24
8 7:34 298 1.520 L 7:36 8:52 10:08 11:24
10 9:26 239 2.374 L 11:52 13:51 15:49 17:48
lift 12 11:20 199 3.418 L 17:05 19:56 22:47 25:38
15 14:10 159 5.342 L 26:42 31:09 35:36 40:04
18 17:00 133 7.692 L 38:27 44:52 51:16 57:41
21 19:50 114 10.470 L 52:21 61:00 69:48 78:31
24 22:40 99 13.674 L 68:22 79:46 91:10 102:33
`„ 27 25:30 88 17.306 L 86:32 100:57 115:22 129:48
030 28:20 80 21.366 L 106:57 124:38 142:26 160:15
33 31:10 72 25.852 L 129:16 150:43 172:21 193:53
lie 36 34:00 66 30.768 L 153:50 179:29 205:07 230:46
The minimum acceptable time durations are shown on Table I. If the elapsed time to drop 1 psi is less
than that shown on Table I, then the air loss shall be considered excessive and the section of pipe has
its failed the test.
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w 3. Testing of Manholes and Structures
All new manholes and structures shall be tested by vacuum testing.
a. Vacuum Test: Manholes and Structures shall be vacuum tested as follows:
All vacuum testing shall be performed prior to backfilling around all manholes and
All pipe openings shall be plugged by pneumatic or mechanical plugs and braced to
sustain 10"mercury vacuum. The rim to cone joint shall be tested on all manholes. No
one shall be inside the manhole during testing. The test shall be at 10 in. mercury.
Installation and operation of vacuum equipment and indicating devices shall be in
accordance with equipment specifications for which performance information has been
provided by the manufacturer.
Minimum Time to hold 1 in. Mercury Drop
MH Dia. MH Height Hg Time (Minimum)
4' 10'or less 1 in. 1 min. 0 sec.
4' 10-15' 1 in. 1 min. 15 sec.
4' 15-25' 1 in. 1 min. 30 sec.
For manholes five feet in diameter, add an additional 15 seconds and for manholes six
feet in diameter, add an additional 30 seconds to the time requirements for four-foot
diameter manholes.
If a manhole joint mastic is completely pulled out during the vacuum test, the manhole
shall be disassembled and the mastic replaced.
E. Deflection Test for PVC Gravity Pipe: All PVC pipe with a stiffness of 200 psi or greater may be
excluded from the deflection test (Manufacturer shall certify stiffness in excess of 200 psi).
Deflection tests shall be a test on installation and be performed no sooner that 30 days after final full
backfill has been placed. The CONTRACTOR shall test the pipe for deflection by means of a GO-
NO-GO mandrel to assure that a deflection of 5 percent has not been exceeded. The mandrel,one
for each size pipe, shall be a nine arm mandrel,with proving ring, sized at 5 percent less than the
ASTM dimension for the pipe in accordance with TABLE II.
The mandrel shall be pulled through the sewer line manually. Ten percent of all sewer line shall be
tested at locations specified by the ENGINEER. Should any of the 10% fail the test, it shall be
corrected until it does pass the test, at the CONTRACTOR's expense. Additional sewer shall be
tested at the discretion of the ENGINEER, and any sewer not passing the test shall be corrected
until it does pass the test.
Nominal PVC-SDR 35
Diameter ASTM D3034
(inches) L(inches) D (inches)
8 8 7.50
10 10 9.33
12 12 11.16
15 15 13.60
18 18 16.60
L = Mandrel Arm Length
D = I.D. of Proving Ring
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F. The test shall be made only under the supervision of the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall
provide all equipment and perform all work required for the purposes. In case any section under
test shows leakage in excess of the allowable amount, the CONTRACTOR shall make such
repairs to the line as are required to bring the loss within the stipulated limits.
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SECTION 33 05 00
Its A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor and equipment for excavation, installation, backfill,
and testing of all utility lines and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and specified
v herein. This section specifies excavation and backfill for all underground utilities.
A. Section 02 41 19—Site Demolition
B. Section 31 20 00—Earth Moving
A. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)
B. VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications
C. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations (OSHA)
A. Submit Excavation support system design and details for trench excavation. Excavation
support system shall be signed and sealed by a Virginia Licensed Professional Engineer.
imp A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for coordinating all excavations with the following:
All planned excavations on University property require a University"Request for Excavation
Permit", shall be completed and submitted to the CAM and the Utilities Department within two
+"' hours of contacting MISS UTILITY. The University's"Request for Excavation Permit" notifies
only the University of planned excavation and does not result in notification of MISS UTILITY.
The University is a subscriber to the"MISS UTILITY" underground utility location and notification
system. In addition to University and MISS UTILITY requirements, the City of Charlottesville
(434-971-3320) also requires that requests for excavation permits be submitted for City
maintained streets or sidewalks. Any excavation of state roads requires notification and
a"" coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). All planned excavations
require notification of MISS UTILITY per state and federal regulations. It is the responsibility of
the contractor, to notify MISS UTILITY at 1-800-552-7001 of the planned excavation and at 1-
800-552-3120 to obtain subsequent verification that utilities have been marked.
Excavation shall not proceed without a University Excavation Permit and the completion of the
above requirements.
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r■. A. Standards: Testing of backfill material shall comply with the following standards.
ASTM D6938 Standard Test Methods for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-
Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).
ASTM D698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using
Standard Effort(12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)).
B. Excavation support system design and details for trench excavation, shall be sealed and signed
by a professional engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, copy of design shall be
filed with ENGINEER.
A. All new pipe installed shall use crushed aggregate or sand to meet the requirements of
Aggregate Standard size No.10 as defined by VDOT standard specifications or sand,for pipe
bedding. All new piping in paved area shall use backfill to meet the requirements of Aggregate
Standard size No.21A or No.21 B or sand, as defined by VDOT standard specifications. All new
pipe shall be backfilled in accordance with Section 31 20 00—Earth Moving.
A. General: All excavation shall be performed in accordance with the current VOSH and OSHA
guidelines and all other regulatory authorities having jurisdiction. Provide adequate equipment to
comply with VOSH and OSHA regulations. All excavation shall be open-cut type except where
otherwise shown on the Drawings. The slope of the sides of the excavation shall be kept as nearly
vertical as possible consistent with the types of materials encountered. A clear area shall be
maintained a sufficient distance back from the top edge of the excavation to avoid overloading
which may cause slides, cave-ins or shifting of the pipe. All damage to pipes or structures
occurring through settlements, heaving,water or earth pressures,slides,cave-ins or other causes
shall be repaired by CONTRACTOR at its expense. CONTRACTOR has the option of shoring,
including sheet piling,which shall be installed during excavation where required for the protection of
workmen, banks, roadways and adjacent paving, structures, and utilities or as directed by
B. Excavation Classification: Excavation will be classified as Common Excavation or Rock
Excavation in accordance with the following definitions or will be designated as classified.
C. Common Excavation shall be defined as the excavation of all materials that can be excavated,
transported and unloaded by the use of heavy ripping equipment and wheel tractor-scrapers
with pusher tractors or that can be excavated and dumped in place or loaded onto hauling
equipment by means of excavators having a rated capacity of one cubic yard and equipped with
attachments (such as shovel, bucket, backhoe, dragline or clam shell)appropriate to the
character of the materials, and the site conditions. Common Earth Excavation includes
removal and disposal of pavements and other obstructions visible to ground surface,
underground structures and utilities indicated to be demolished and removed, material of any
classification indicated in data on subsurface conditions, and other materials encountered that
are not classified as rock excavation.
D. Rock Excavation shall be defined as any material in beds, ledges, unstratified masses, and
f✓ conglomerate deposits and boulders of rock material exceeding 1 cu. yd. that cannot be
removed by rock excavating equipment equivalent to late-model, track mounted hydraulic
excavator; equipped with a 42-inch wide, short-tip-radius rock bucket; rated at not less than
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120-hp flywheel power with bucket-curling force not less than 25,000 lbf and stick-crowd force
of not less than 18,700 lbf; measured according to SAE J-1179, without systematic drilling, ram
hammering or ripping (blasting not permitted).
E. Protection: Protect existing structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities in
areas of work. Barricade open excavations and provide warning lights. Maintain service
to/from existing homes, businesses, and facilities.
F. Shoring or Sheeting: Shoring or sheeting shall be removed as the WORK progresses, unless
left in place by written order of ENGINEER. Sheeting or shoring to remain after completion of
the project shall be cut a minimum of 1' below finished grade.
G. Trench Excavation: CONTRACTOR shall comply with all local, state and federal guidelines
when excavating trenches. The width of the trench at and below the top of the pipe shall not
exceed the outside diameter of the pipe plus 24 inches, except the minimum trench width shall
be 36 inches in all cases. The width of the trench above the top of the pipe may be as wide as
necessary for sheeting and bracing and the proper performance of the WORK.
H. Sidewalls: The sidewalls of pipe trenches shall be as nearly vertical as practicable to a point
above the top of the pipe.
iroI. Over-excavation: Trenches shall be excavated to the design grade of the pipe to provide
uniform bearing and support along the entire length of pipe. Care shall be taken not to over
excavate. Over excavation of otherwise suitable material shall be replaced with suitable
material as directed by ENGINEER. The cost of such fill shall be borne by CONTRACTOR.
J. Rock: Where the bottom of the pipe trench occurs in rock, the rock shall be excavated to a
minimum of 6 inches for pipes 24-inches in diameter and smaller and 9 inches for pipes 30-
w inches in diameter and larger, below the trench depth indicated on the Drawings or specified
elsewhere. Over depths in rock excavation and unauthorized over depths shall be backfilled
with VDOT No. 10 crushed stone or gravel at CONTRACTOR'S expense.
Ilr K. Unsuitable Material: Whenever wet or otherwise unsuitable material, which is incapable of
properly supporting the pipe, is encountered in the trench bottom, such material shall be over-
excavated to a depth necessary to allow for construction of stable pipe bedding. The trench
Ike shall be backfilled with suitable materials to proper grade. The CONTRACTOR shall notify
ENGINEER immediately when such conditions are encountered and the ENGINEER will
determine the amount of over-excavation required.
L. Disposal: All excavated material being disposed of off site shall be done legally.
A. Operation: CONTRACTOR shall keep trenches backfilled on a daily basis. Prior to the end of
the working day, each trench will be completely backfilled. All backfill shall be brought up
equally along each side of the pipe in such manner as to avoid displacement of or damage to
the pipe.
B. Material: Shall conform to PART 2—PRODUCTS above.
C. No fill shall be placed until the subgrade has been checked and approved by the Geotechnical
Engineer, and in no case shall fill be placed on a subgrade that is muddy, frozen, or that
contains frost.
D. Disposal of Unsatisfactory Material: When, in the opinion of ENGINEER,the excavated
material is not satisfactory for use as backfill, the material shall be disposed of offsite legally.
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Select material shall be brought in by CONTRACTOR.
E. Compaction:
1. VDOT No. 10 Stone Bedding Material or sand shall be brought up in layers not exceeding
3 inches in compacted depth for the full length of pipe. Each layer shall be thoroughly
compacted by mechanical tampers or hammers.
2. Compaction of pipe backfill shall conform to the requirements of Section 312000—Earth
+.� Moving.
F. Testing: The backfill shall be tested to insure that the required density is being achieved.
OWNER is responsible for costs associated with testing. ENGINEER shall select the depth at
which the test is to be taken. Backfill not compacted to the required density shall be removed,
recompacted, and retested at CONTRACTOR'S expense until the requirements are met.
G. Excess Disposal: Excess material shall be disposed of on site or off site legally at the
discretion of the OWNER.
H. Settlement: All backfilled areas where settlement occurs shall be filled and maintained during
a"' the life of the Project and for a period of 1 year following the date of final acceptance of all
I. Hazards: When the CONTRACTOR is notified by ENGINEER or OWNER that all backfill
presents a hazard, CONTRACTOR shall correct such hazardous condition at once.
A. Availability: Where satisfactory materials are not available in sufficient quantity from required
excavations, suitable materials shall be obtained from approved off-site borrow areas.
B. Placement: Borrow material shall be placed and compacted only when approved by
ENGINEER and a Licensed Geotechnical Engineer.
C. Payment: No separate payment will be made for furnishing and placing approved borrow
material. Compensation in full is included in the agreed to price paid for this Project.
A. Not Applicable.
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iW SECTION 33 0513
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
A. This work entails providing materials and installation of pre-cast Sanitary, and Storm Sewer
manholes and appurtenances, including appropriate penetrations for piping, grouting the inverts,
sealing the pipe penetrations and joints, and application of an epoxy liner.
A. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications
B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
C. American Concrete Institute(ACI)
A. Submit Shop Drawings signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer including
dimensions, reinforcing, and material Specifications.
A. CONTRACTOR shall notify the UVA Utilities inspector prior to construction of all manholes.
B. Manholes shall be manufactured and designed by the precast supplier in accordance with ASTM
C890 for HS 20 loading and in accordance with the latest ACI, Standard 318, Building Code,
ASTM C 478, and ACI 350.
C. Standard manhole frame and cover shall be as specified on the drawings with a minimum 24"
clear opening.
D. Iron castings shall conform to the standard Specifications for Gray Iron Castings ASTM
Specification A 48, Class 30S.
A. CONTRACTOR shall provide an area on-site for off-loading and storage of pre-cast structures
delivered to the site. The surface on which the structures are placed shall not cause eccentric
loadings which may damage the items. Prior, and during installation, precast structures will be
moved utilizing equipment of sufficient capacity to safely move and place such structures. Any
damage to pre-cast structure shall be reported to the ENGINEER for determination as to its
ability to meet its intended use. Any structure damaged such that it cannot be used as intended,
will be rejected by the ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR shall replace in-kind at its sole expense.
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ir. .
A. The use of bricks to raise manhole frame and covers to final grade is prohibited.
B. Do not grout the manhole frame in place.
A. Precast Manhole: Unless authorized by ENGINEER, manholes will be of the precast concrete
type as shown on the Drawings. Manholes shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest
ACI Building Code, Chapter 13, for Class A,Air-Entrained Concrete. Pre-cast manholes shall
conform to ASTM C-478. Manholes shall be 4 foot diameter, unless otherwise noted on the
tiro Drawings. Manholes shall be delivered to site with bitumastic waterproofing on exterior.
B. Gaskets:All gaskets shall be flexible neoprene rubber and conform to the requirements of
ASTM C443. Manhole section gaskets shall be of the 0-Ring gasket type with butyl rope mastic
be applied to the joint adjacent to the outside wall and grout applied on the inside wall as shown on
the drawings.
j"„ C. Manhole Frame and Cover: The manhole frame and cover shall conform to the requirements
of:ASTM A47, Grade 32510 for malleable castings, ASTM A48 Class 30S for gray iron castings,
ASTM A536, Grade 60-40-18 for ductile iron castings,ASTM A27, Grade 65-35 for carbon steel
castings, and ASTM A296, Grade CA-15 for Chromium alloy steel castings. Tolerances,
workmanship, and strength requirements for castings shall conform to FS RR-F-621. All testing
shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer or representative.
D. Pipe Connections: All manholes shall have factory installed flexible connections for all pipe
penetrations, and service laterals shall enter the sewerage system at manholes.
E. Inverts: The use of precast inverts is encouraged, however no additional compensation will be
afforded the CONTRACTOR for replacements of bases caused by line relocation to avoid
existing utilities or structures. Field constructed inverts shall be shaped in accordance with
VDOT IS-1 Detail.
F. Manhole Step: All manholes shall have a factory installed step designed so their foot cannot
slide off the end. General dimensions shall be 12 inches wide (min.) uniformly spaced from 12
inches minimum to 16 inches maximum. Step shall be of the cast-in-place or grouted type
manufactured and coated, and installed in accordance with the latest O.S.H.A. Regulations.
G. Openings for Pipe: Shall be precast and supplied with a flexible connection boot. The boot shall
be of neoprene secured to the manhole by a water tight compression ring seal to provide a
flexible joint. The joint shall be of neoprene rubber. The boot shall be installed in accordance
with the manufacturing instructions. Grout: Grout for inverts,joints, and other repairs, shall be a
self-bonding, non-shrink, high strength cement mortar with a set time of 60 seconds or less.
r Grout shall conform with ASTM C150 and ASTM C144. All joints, lift holes, inlets, and outlets to
be sealed and non-shrink grouted inside and out.
H. Interior Coating: The interior of sanitary manholes shall have an epoxy sealant with either
Sikagard 62 High-Build Protective Coating, Cor+Gard® Protective Coating or Raven 405
Protective Coating, or approved equal. Sealant shall be field applied.
i`. I. Exterior Coating: Bitumastic waterproofing (Coal Tar Epoxy)
J. Elastomeric Adhesive/Sealant: one part advanced polyurethane elastomeric sealant/adhesive
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(Sikaflex-11 FC or equal).
air A. The exterior of all manholes shall be coated in the bitumastic waterproofing prior to delivery to
the site.
A. Manholes shall be placed on a properly compacted foundation after review and approval by
ENGINEER and in conformance with the manufacturers recommended practices. Prior to
backfilling, the Contractor shall seal all joints, lift holes, inlets, and outlets with non-shrink
grouted inside and out. Once grout has cured, field apply bitumastic over the new grout and
overlap adjacent manhole sections by a minimum of 6-inches.
A. Manholes shall be of watertight construction. In streets, manhole tops shall be set by the road
grade. A maximum of 12 inches of adjustment rings may be used to reach grade. In
easements a minimum of 2 inches, maximum of 24 inches of manhole shall be above grade,
with ground sloping away from the manhole for a distance of 3'from the center of the cover. No
adjustment rings shall be used to reach this elevation. All lift rings shall be removed and all lift
holes sealed. Inverts shall be installed in a workmanlike manner, providing a smooth flow line
without obstructions in accordance with the Drawings.
A. After the manhole has been installed and prior to completion, the Contractor shall field apply
non-shrink grout per the manufacturer's instructions at all joints and pick holes and coat with
bitumastic waterproofing per the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the manufacturer's
recommendation for number of coats to ensure quality control and complete coverage of the
epoxy protective coating to the interior of the manhole. Surface preparation and application shall
be in accordance with manufacture's specifications.
it A. Testing of manholes shall be in accordance with Section 330100- Utility Line Testing.
A. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for legal disposal of all existing manholes that are replaced.
rr END OF SECTION 33 05 13
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SECTION 33 05 26
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
A. The purpose of this Section is to specify the requirements for utility location tape and buried
detection wire. In general, all utility pipelines shall be marked by appropriately marked metallic
tape 12 to 24 inches above the conduit. Buried detection wire shall be buried just above conduit.
A. Code of Virginia
A. Product Data: For each type of manufactured material and product indicated.
A. The tape or wire shall be installed at the same time as the pipeline.
A. Polyethylene plastic and metallic core or metallic-faced, acid-and alkali-resistant, polyethylene
plastic warning tape manufactured specifically for warning and identification of buried utility lines.
Provide tape on rolls, 3 inch minimum width, color coded as specified below for the intended
utility with warning and identification imprinted ira bold black letters continuously over the entire
tape length. Warning and identification to read, "CAUTION, BURIED (intended service) LINE
BELOW"or similar wording. Color and printing shall be permanent, unaffected by moisture or
Warning Tape Color Codes
Red: Electric
Yellow: Gas, Oil; Dangerous Materials
Blue: Water
Green: Sewer
Purple: Storm
B. Warning Tape for Metallic Piping: Acid and alkali-resistant polyethylene plastic tape conforming
to the width, color, and printing requirements specified above. Minimum thickness of tape shall
be 0.003 inch. Tape shall have a minimum strength of 1500 psi otherwise, and 1250 psi
crosswise, with a maximum 350 percent elongation.
C. Detectable Warning Tape for Non-Metallic Piping: Polyethylene plastictape conforming to the
width, color and printing requirements specified above. Minimum thickness of the tape shall be
0.004 inch. Tape shall have a minimum strength of 1500 psi lengthwise and 1250 psi
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crosswise. Tape shall be manufactured with integral wires,foil backing, or other means of
enabling detection by a metal detector when tape is buried up to 3 feet deep. Encase metallic
element of the tape in a protective jacket or provide with other means of corrosion protection.
Color coded tape shall be installed flat with color side up to 12 inches to 24 inches over all
installed utility lines including main line and service lateral or service connection.
A. Detection wire shall be insulated single strand, solid copper with a minimum of 12 AWG for a
buried depth of less than 4 feet and 4 AWG for a buried depth greater than or equal to 4 feet.
Detection wire shall be buried directly above non-metallic piping at a distance not to exceed
twelve(12) inches above the top of pipe. The wire shall extend continuously and unbroken,
from point of access to point of access. The ends of the wire shall terminate with a minimum of
three (3)feet of wire, coiled, remaining accessible in each tank structure, fire hydrants and
inside. The wire shall be exposed at the connection between contact A&b until the connection
can be made to the wire by the last contractor to make the pipe connection.
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SECTION 3311 00
Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
ire A. Extent of potable water systems work is indicated on drawings and by
requirements of this Section.
B. Refer to Division 2 Section, "Earthwork for Utilities", for excavation and backfill
required for potable water systems, not work of this Section.
A. Manufacturer's qualifications: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of potable
water systems materials and products, of types and sizes required, whose
Se' products have been in satisfactory use in similar service.
B. Codes and Standards:
1. The Virginia Department of Health Waterworks Regulations.
2. American WaterWorks Association (AWWA)
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation
instructions for potable water system piping and products, in accordance with
requirements of Division 1.
B. Record drawings: At project closeout, submit record drawings of installed
potable water system piping and products, in accordance with requirements of
Division 1.
C. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data and parts lists for potable water
system materials and products. Include this data, product data, shop drawings,
and record drawings in maintenance manual; in accordance with requirements
of Division 1.
Refer to Section 02798— Utility Location and Identification.
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2.2 PIPE
All pipe shall be approved by the Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA). Unless
otherwise approved in writing by the ACSA, all water mains and distribution lines shall be
of the material herein listed. The ACSA reserves the right to select the type and/or class
material which shall be used from the following:
ii• A. Ductile Iron Pipe:
1. Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally cast pipe manufactured in accordance
with AWWA/ANSI C151/A21.51-02 or current revision. The joints shall be
rubber gasket push-on type, unless mechanical joints are specified on the
plans, in accordance with AWWA/ANSI C111/A21.11-00 or current revision.
The pipe shall have an interior cement mortar lining in accordance with
AWWA/ANSI C104/A21.4-03 or current revision, and an exterior asphaltic
coating in accordance with AWWA/ANSI C151/A21.51-02 or current revision.
Pipe 8-inches and smaller shall have a minimum wall thickness of 0.31-inch.
Pipe 10-inches and larger shall have a minimum wall thickness of 0.34-inch.
Pipe shall be manufactured by Griffin Pipe Products, Inc., U.S. Pipe &
Foundry Co., Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Co., American Cast Iron Pipe
Co., or equal.
2. Exposed pipe and fittings shall have flanged joints conforming to the
requirements of AWWA C115. Bolts shall be high strength cast iron having
ism an ultimate tensile strength of 75,000 psi and a minimum yield point of
45,000 psi.
3. A minimum of 5% of the pipe furnished shall be gauged for roundness full
length and so marked. Pressure class of pipe shall be increased if the
specific installation warrants it.
I" 4. Products:
a. Griffin Pipe Products, Inc.
b. U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co.
c. Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Co.
d. American Cast Iron Pipe Co.
,,, B. Copper Pipe:
1. All piping 2 inches and smaller shall be copper pipe
2. All copper pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM B88. Copper pipe
for exterior use shall be soft type K.
C. Galvanized Pipe:
r" 1. Galvanized steel pipe shall conform to ASTM A-102-77, or current
revision, Schedule 40 or 80.
ion 2. Galvanized pipe shall not be used below ground except for blow-off
assemblies and where exposed to the atmosphere. Galvanized pipe shall
not be used under wet conditions in any event except where approved by
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the Albemarle County Service Authority.
A. Restrained push-on joints shall be provided as indicated on the plans.
'` B. Restrained push-on joints fittings shall be non-mechanical type consisting of
ductile iron locking segments inserted through slots in the bell face to provide a
positive axial lock between the bell interior surface and a retainer weld bead on
lir the spigot end of the pipe. The joints shall be rubber gasket as per
ANSI/AWWA Specification C1111A21.11, flexible-restrained push-on type.
A. DIP Pipe
1. All fittings for DIP Pipe shall be compatible with the pipe specified herein
meeting the specifications as included in the above pipe specifications
and per AWWA/ANSI C110/A21.10-03 or current revision, or
AWWA/ANSI C1531A21.53 or current revision. All fittings shall have an
interior cement mortar lining in accordance with AWWA/ANSI
C1041A21.4-03 or current revision and an exterior asphaltic coating in
accordance with AWWA/ANSI C151/A21.51-02 or current revision.
Fittings shall be manufactured by Tyler(with D.I. T-bolts or Corten steel
bolts), Standard International (with Corten steel bolts), Union Foundry Co.,
Star Pipe Products, or equal.
2. DIP in buildings, tanks, and to a point 5 feet outside these premises shall
ilm be flange fitted unless mechanical joints are shown on the Drawings.
3. Gaskets shall be of heavy section and high durometer, single molded, in
accordance with AWWA/ANSI C111/A21.11-00 or current revision.
Lubricant used to facilitate assembly of joints shall be a non-toxic,
tasteless, odorless grease that will not support bacteria.
4. Products
a. Tyler: with D.I. T-Bolts or Corten steel bolts
b. Standard International: with Corten steel bolts
c. Union Foundry Co.
d. Star Pipe Products
B. Copper Pipe
1. Fittings for exterior use shall be standard water works flare or
compression fittings of brass for flared copper pipe and conforming to
ANSI B16.26.
C. Galvanized Pipe
1. Fittings for galvanized steel pipe shall be galvanized malleable iron in
accordance with ASTM A-120-77 or current revision.
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A. Gate valves 2-inch and smaller shall be inside screw, solid bronze, tapered seat,
double disc construction, and rated for 200 psi working pressure. Gate valves
shall be manufactured by U.S. Pipe (Metroseal 250 resilient seated gate valve,
4" and larger), American Flow Control (Series 2500 resilient wedge valve, 2" and
larger), Kennedy(Ken-Seal II resilient wedge gate valve, 4" and larger), Mueller
(Series 2360 resilient wedge gate valve), American AVK (Series 45 resilient
wedge gate valve), or equal.
B. Gate valves shall be double disc type or resilient seated wedge type. The
double disc type shall be parallel seat, bronze mounted type with non-rising
stems in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C500-02. The resilient seated type shall
be non-rising stern, fully encapsulated wedge in accordance with ANSI/AWWA
C509-01. Gate valves 14-inches and larger shall be designed for a working
pressure of no less than 150 psi and a test pressure of 300 psi. Gate valves 4-
inches to 12-inches shall be designed for a working pressure of no less than 120
psi and a test pressure of 400 psi test pressure.
C. Gate valves shall be one make and shall open by a counter-clockwise rotation of
the valve stem with a 2-inch square operating nut. The operating nut shall be no
greater than 3-feet below finished ground. Operating nuts placed greater than 3
feet below finished ground shall be equipped with approvied operating nut
extensions to meet the minimum depth requirement. The valve shall have an
two unobstructed water way when fully opened equal in diameter to the nominal
valve size. Gate valves installed in access vaults, pumping stations, etc. shall be
equipped with handwheels indicating the direction of turn to open or close the
valve. Gate valves shall have one "0" ring above and one "0" ring below the
stem thrust collar. The thrust collar shall be lubricated with oil to assure positive
operation in opening and closing.
A. The Contractor shall furnish and install cast iron valve boxes for all buried valves
at the locations shown on the Drawings. Valve boxes shall be screw type
adjustable cast iron, HS-20 rated, suitable for use under heavy traffic, with 5 '/4
inch inside diameter and flared base. Covers shall be marked "WATER" and
ro bases shall be the round type. Valve boxes shall be coated with bituminous
paint on both sides. All valves deeper than 4 feet shall have valve stem
extenders pinned at the valve. All valves shall be capable of being operated by
a 48 inch valve wrench. All valve boxes shall be placed so as not to transmit
shock or stress to other valve and shall be centered and plumb over the
operating nut of the valve. Valve boxes shall be manufactured by Bingham &
Taylor(Fig. No. 4906, genuine Buffalo style with standard cover; extensions—
Fig. No. 4905-X), Capital Foundry(cast iron screw type Pattern No. 3101-
3107/3112/3151-52, standard cover with 1-1/2" lip), East Jordan Iron Works
(8550 Series, Two Piece Screw Type with 6800 Valve Box Drop Lids), or equal.
Valve Box Risers shall be manufactured by East Jordan Iron Works (8500, lock-
in set screw required), Acheson (valve box adjusting rings, AVAR-10 through
AVAR-40), or equal.
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A. Hydrants shall be manufactured in accordance with the most current revision of
ANSI/AWWA C502-05 and shall be approved by the National Board of Fire
Underwriters. Hydrants shall have 6-inch barrel with 5.25-inch clear opening
through the valve and shall be provided with a 4.5-inch pumper connection and
(2)2.5-inch ID hose connections. Fire Hydrants shall be manufactured by M&H
(Model 129), Kennedy(Guardian Model No. K-81A), Clow Medallion, or equal.
B. Fire hydrants shall be installed in such a manner as to provide the proper fire
protection as approved by the County's fire prevention officer to all structures
and no hydrant shall be more than 800 feet from any other hydrant measured
along the centerline of the public right-of-way, private road, or other applicable
access route. Generally, fire hydrants shall be placed no closer than 40 feet nor
further away than 400 feet from all major structures.
C. Fire hydrants shall be installed in areas where weep holes are above the
prevailing groundwater table. Design elevations and the location of drainage
structures shall be used to ensure the weep holes of the hydrant are not subject
to groundwater immersion. If, during the course of construction, groundwater is
observed in the trench, the fire hydrant shall be moved to higher ground and the
separation between fire hydrants will be adjusted accordingly. If fire hydrants
cannot be placed above groundwater, the weep holes shall be plugged and the
hydrant shall be pumped dry.
D. Hydrants shall be of the frost-proof and non-flooding type which will not flood in
case the barrel or valve stem is damaged, with orifices for draining the hydrant
when the valve is closed. A safety flange shall be provided so that the barrel will
not break if struck by a vehicle or other object, and the hydrant can be repaired
without digging. Hydrants shall have a 42-inch minimum bury and be designed
for 150 psi working pressure and 300 psi hydrostatic pressure. All working parts
shall be bronze to bronze. All hydrants shall open counterclockwise and be
preceded in the line by a gate valve. The pumper connection shall face the
roadway. Fire hydrants shall have a moisture-proof chamber around operating
threads filled with USDA H-1 food grade oil or grease which shall lubricate the
v E. Hydrants shall be set plumb with the invert of the pumper connection 18-inches
above grade. The maximum number of allowable hydrant risers for each hydrant
is 2. Unless the hydrant location is specifically indicated otherwise, it shall be
located so that the center is not less than 2-feet nor more than 10-feet from the
back of the curb of the adjacent street, with the pumper connection facing the
street, unless otherwise directed by the fire official. The connecting pipe will
have the same depth of cover as the distribution mains. The base and back of
the hydrant, opposite the pipe connection, shall be firmly blocked against the
vertical face of the trench with cast-in-place concrete to prevent the hydrant from
blowing off the line. If the character of the soil is such that in the opinion of the
int Authority the hydrant cannot be securely blocked, bridle rods and rod collars
and/or a pipe type bracing shall be used. Bridle rods and rod collars shall not be
less than 3/4-inch stock and shall be protected by a coat of bituminous paint.
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Not less than 7-cubic feet of broken stone shall be placed around the base of the
hydrant to ensure drainage. The backfill around hydrants shall be thoroughly
compacted to grade line. Hydrants and valves shall have the interiors cleaned of
all foreign matter before installation. Stuffing boxes shall be tightened and the
hydrant or valve shall be inspected in open and closed positions, to see that all
parts are in working condition. Bags shall be tied securely over all fire hydrants
ire as soon as they are installed. These bags shall not be removed until approved
by the Authority. Each new fire hydrant shall be freshly painted. Paint for hydrant
shall be Devoe DP 58106 (Safety Red BAR-OX Alkyd Industrial Gloss Enamel).
%. Paint for caps shall be Axon Products, Inc. Silver-White 1440 Alert.
F. The threads on the 4.5-inch pumper(steamer) connection and on the operating
nut shall be National Standard threads. The threads on the hose connections
shall be Albemarle County Service Authority standard thread (Charlottesville
thread), 3 21/64"female, 3 9/32" male, eight threads per inch (Gauge 8-322)
except for the Scottsville service area which are National Standard threads. All
threads shall be thoroughly lubricated with a food grade lubricant. All of the male
connections shall have caps and chains. The cap nuts and the operating nut
shall be 1 1/2" Pentagon and shall open counterclockwise.
A. Provisions shall be made for blow-offs by means of a regular blow-off assembly
or hydrant assembly, as may be directed by the Albemarle County Service
Authority. All pipe work for the hydrant blow-off assemblies shall conform in all
respects to applicable portions of these specifications and to the plans. Blow-off
assemblies shall not be connected directly to any storm drain or sanitary sewer
systems. Blow-off assemblies shall be placed behind the curb, and shall be
required at all dead-ends.
B. Dead-end Blow-Off Assemblies (Type A) shall be installed as shown on the plans
and in accordance with the following specifications:
1. Blow-off lines shall be 2-inch diameter galvanized or brass pipe. A PVC
nipple shall be provided at the end of the assembly with a PVC threaded
cap. The threads between the nipple and the cap shall be lubricated
before installation to allow removal when needed.
2. Gate valves and boxes shall be of the type described in the applicable
sections of these specifications.
3. If the grade allows, a 2-inch diameter drain pipe shall be properly installed
in the meter box.
C. In-line Blow-Off Assemblies (Type B) shall be located at major low points in the
system as determined by the ACSA.
• A. Approved automatic air relief valves shall be installed at the high points in the
system. Each assembly shall consist of a riser pipe, gate valve, fittings, and a
lo" precast concrete manhole cone section, or approved equal. Manhole cone
section shall include frame and cover with the word "WATER" cast on it.
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Manhole cone section, frame, and cover shall be HS-20 rated for heavy duty
traffic. The riser shall be soft Type K copper pipe. Fittings shall be brass or
bronze. Gate valves shall be of the type described in this Section. A 1-inch
diameter air relief valve shall be used on lines smaller than 12-inches in
diameter. A 2-inch diameter air relief valve shall be used on lines equal to or
larger than 12- inches in diameter. Air relief valves shall be manufactured by
fie APCO (Model No. 143C: 1", 145C: 2" combination air release valve), CLA-VAL
(Model No. 361-CAV: 1", 362-CAV: 2" combination air release valve), Crispin
(Model No. UL10: 1", UL20: 2" universal air release valve), ARI Valve (Model D-
040 combination air release valve: 1", 2"), or equal.
B. If the grade allows, a 2-inch drain pipe shall be properly installed in the cone
,p section of the manhole.
C. Air relief valve assemblies shall not be connected directly to any storm drain or
sanitary sewer systems.
A. Water service laterals are to be soft Type "K" copper tubing, installed at a
minimum depth of 36-inches from the main line to a meter setting below finished
grade. Detached single family and attached single family residential service
laterals shall be 1-inch in diameter. Attached single family residential service
laterals can also be grouped into a dual service with a shared 1-inch diameter
service line. Water service laterals for 1-inch and 2-inch meter installations shall
be 2-inch in diameter. Water service laterals larger than 1" diameter, crossing
under existing roadways, shall be installed in sleeves of appropriate size and
material, as approved by the Albemarle County Service. Meter boxes with meter
as yokes or coppersetters are to be installed at the end of each service lateral and
are to be constructed in such a manner as to prevent conflict with proposed
finished grading or other proposed construction such as driveways, drainage
ditches, etc. All water service laterals must be well referenced for future location
per detail.
A. Corporation stops shall be furnished of sufficient size with quarter bend
couplings, and shall be installed approximately 45° below the top of pipe in
accordance with applicable standards and specifications. All corporations shall
have ball style valves and have a pressure rating of 300 psi. Corporation stops
shall be manufactured by Mueller(Catalog No. B-25000), Ford (Model No.
FB600-4), McDonald (Model 4701 B), or equal.
" A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which potable water system's
materials and products are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until
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unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the
Refer to Section 02798.
A. General
1. Installation of pipe, fittings, valves, and associated appurtenances shall be
ifs in accordance with the requirements of the following specifications:
Ductile Iron Pipe -ANSI/AWWA C600
2. Every precaution shall be taken to insure that the entire length of pipe is
supported evenly with the joints mated securely together. Pipe bedding
shall be as specified by the pipe manufacturer.
B. Handling
1. All materials shall be shipped, unloaded, and stored in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendations. All materials shall be handled in
such a manner as to avoid damage to the material. When such damage
it cannot be repaired to the Engineer's satisfaction, the item shall be
replaced at the Contractor's expense. The interior of all pipe and
accessories shall be kept free from dirt and foreign matter at all times.
C. Trench Preparation
1. Trench preparation shall be in accordance with Section 02270 - Earthwork
for Utilities.
D. Dewatering
1. Dewatering shall be in accordance with Section 02140 - Dewatering.
it E. Placement
1. Installation of all piping, fittings, valves, and appurtenances shall be to the
lines, grades and locations shown on the Contract Drawings. All pipe,
fittings, and accessories shall be carefully lowered into the trench using
suitable equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to pipe
fittings. Under no circumstances shall pipe or accessories be dropped or
dumped into the trench. The pipe or accessories shall be inspected for
defects prior to lowering into the trench. Any foreign matter or dirt shall be
removed from the interior of pipe before lowering into position in the
trench. For waterlines, if dirt that, in the opinion of the Engineer or his
designee, will not be removed by the flushing operation enters the pipe,
the interior of the pipe shall be cleaned and swabbed as necessary, with a
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5 percent hypochlorite disinfecting solution.
2. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering
the pipe while it is being placed in the line. If the pipe-laying crew cannot
put the pipe in the trench and in place without getting earth into the pipe,
the Engineer may require that before lowering the pipe into the trench, a
heavy tightly woven canvas bag of suitable size be placed over each end
left there until the connection is to be made to the adjacent pipe. During
laying operations, no debris, tools, clothing, or other materials shall be
Jr. placed in the pipe. When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of
pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other means approved by the
Engineer. This provision shall apply during any suspense of work such as
the noon hour as well as overnight. If water is in the trench, the seal shall
remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry.
3. The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall be
done in a neat and workmanlike manner, without damage to the pipe so
as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. Care shall
be taken to avoid damaging the lining of the pipe. Flame cutting of iron
pipe with oxyacetylene torch shall not be permitted.
F. Deflection of Pipe
1. Pipe Deflection: Wherever it is necessary to deflect the pipe from a
straight line, either in vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid obstructions or
to plumb the line for valve installation, or where long radius curves are
permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that required
for satisfactory jointing of the pipes, as specified by the manufacturer.
The following table shall be used as a guideline. In no case shall these
limits be exceeded.
Longitudinal Deflection of Ductile Iron Pipe
Min. Allow.
Pipe Per 18' Length Offset per 18' Offset per 20'
1. Size Radius (ft) Length (in.) Length (in.)
4 205 19 21
6 205 19 21
8 205 19 21
10 205 19 21
12 205 19 21
G. Valve, Fittings, and Fire Hydrants
1. Installation of valves, fittings and hydrants shall be done as per the details
ii• on the Contract Drawings.
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A. General
l` 1. All pipe, valves, fittings, and appurtenances shall be tested and inspected
for water-tightness and soundness before being accepted in accordance
with the requirements specified herein and as directed by the Engineer.
2. All testing shall be done in the presence of the Engineer or his
representative. Contractor shall provide all equipment and perform all
`r work required for the purposes. In case any section under test shows
leakage in excess of the allowable amount, the Contractor shall make
such repairs to the line as are required to bring the loss within the
stipulated limits. The first mile or 20% of the total quantity, whichever is
less, of waterline shall be tested prior to proceeding with the project.
Thereafter, line testing shall be done in increments of one mile or 20% of
the total quantity, whichever is less.
3. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with testing.
Reinspection fees are charged for retesting when initial tests fail. Contact
the Albemarle County Service Authority for current rate schedules.
All testing will be performed in accordance with the ANSI/AWWA C600-05
or current revision. The contractor shall provide the Albemarle County
Service Authority with 48 hours notice prior to undertaking any tests.
B. Pressure Testing
1. After the pipe has been laid, all newly laid pipe or any valved section
thereof shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of at least 200 psi.
2. Test Pressure Restrictions.
Test pressures shall:
" a. Not exceed pipe or thrust restraint design pressure;
b. Be of at least 2-hour duration;
c. Not vary by more than +/-5 psi;
d. Not exceed twice the rated pressure of the valves or hydrants when
the pressure boundary of the test section includes closed gate valves
or hydrants;
11116 e. Not exceed the rated pressure of the valve.
3. Pressurization
a. Each valved section of pipe shall be filled with water slowly and the
specified test pressure shall be applied by means of a pump con-
nected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the ACSA. The water
l" and container used to pump up the line to be tested shall be properly
4. Air Removal
a. Before applying the specified test pressure, air shall be expelled
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completely from the pipe, valves, and hydrants.
5. Examination.
a. All exposed pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and joints shall be
examined carefully during the test. Any damaged or defective pipe,
fittings, valves, or hydrants that are discovered following the
pressure test shall be repaired or replaced with sound material and
the test shall be repeated until it is satisfactory to the Authority.
C. Leakage
k„ 1. A leakage test shall be conducted concurrently with the pressure test.
2. Leakage defined
a. Leakage shall be defined as the quantity of water that must be
supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any valved section thereof, to
maintain pressure within 5 psi of the specified test pressure after the
r"" air in the pipeline has been expelled and the pipe has been filled with
lbw 3. Allowable leakage
a. No pipe installation will be accepted if the leakage is greater than
that determined by the following formula:
L = S * D * 1:110.51
L = Allowable leakage, in gallons per hour
S = Length of line under test, in feet
D = Nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches
P =Average test pressure, in pounds per square inch (gauge)
b. When testing against closed metal-seated valves, an additional
leakage per closed valve of 0.0078 gal./hr./in. of nominal valve size
shall be allowed.When hydrants are in the test section,the test shall
be made against the closed hydrant valve.
4. Acceptance of Installation
a. Acceptance shall be determined on the basis of allowable leakage. If
any test of pipe laid discloses leakage greater than the allowable
amount, the contractor shall, at his own expense, locate and repair
the defective material until the leakage is within the specified
allowance. All visible leaks are to be repaired regardless of the
amount of leakage.
D. Disinfection
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1. General -All waterlines shall be disinfected prior to being placed in
operation. Prior to disinfection all waterlines shall be flushed unless the
tablet method of disinfection is used. All valves and hydrants shall be
operated during this operation. Flushing velocities shall not be less than
2.5 ft/sec. If ductile iron pipe is being used, the water used to flush the
waterline should not remain in contact with the waterline for more than 24
hours. Waterlines shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C651-
05 or current revision.
2. Continuous Feed Method - Potable water shall be introduced into the pipe
line at a constant flow rate and protected by an approved backflow
prevention device. Chlorine shall be added at a constant rate to this flow
so that the chlorine concentration in the water in the so that the chlorine
concentration in the water in the pipe is at least 50 mg/I. The chlorinated
water shall remain in the pipe line at least 24 hours, after which, the
Ito chlorine concentration in the water shall be at least 10 mg/I. All valves
and appurtenances shall be operated while the chlorinated water remains
in the pipe line.
i"' 3. Tablet Method - This method shall not be used if non-potable water or
foreign material have entered the lines or if the water temperature is below
5°C (41°F). Tablets of calcium hypochlorite, containing 70 percent
a++ available chlorine by weight, shall be placed in each pipe section and in all
appurtenances. Enough tablets shall be used to insure that a chlorine
concentration of 50 mg/I is provided in the water. They shall be attached
by a food grade adhesive to the top of the pipe sections and crushed or
rubbed in all appurtenances. The adhesive shall be approved by the
Engineer. The velocity of the potable water in the pipe line shall be less
than 1 ft./sec. The water shall remain in contact with the pipe for 24 hours
and shall have a minimum concentration of 25 mg/I. All valves and
appurtenances shall be operated while the chlorinated water is in the pipe.
a. Schedule of Maximum Flow Rates
Pipe Diameter Flow Rate I Pipe Diameter } Flow Rate
4" 40 GPM 14" 500 GPM
6" 90 GPM 16" 600 GPM
8" 160 GPM 18" 800 GPM
10" 260 GPM 20" 1000 GPM j
12" 350 GPM 24" 1400 GPM
b. Number of Hypochlorite Tablets of 5-G Required for Dose of 50
mg/I (based on three and three-quarters grams of 70% available
chlorine per tablet):
Joint Length Diameterin Pipe
(ft) )__
j I 2 ;� 4 6 8 ( 10 12
13 or less i 1 1 2 2 3 5
18 1 1 2 ; 3 5 6
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20 1 1 ( 2 _ 3 5 ` 7
30 I 1 j 2 3 5 7 ; 10
40 1 1 i .._2 4 6 9 I 14
c. Grams of HTH Powder required for Dose of 50 mg/I (based on
65% available chlorine in HTH powder):
Joint Diameter of Pipe
Length (ft) 2 4 6 8 ; 10 12
13 0.6 2.5 5.56 9.88 15.45 22.24_
18 0.85 2.5 ! 7.69 13.69 ' 21.39 30.80
kir h� 20 I 0.95 3.8 8.56 ; 15.21 23.76 . 34.22
30 1.43 ' 5.7 ! 12.83 22.81i 35.65 r 51.33
40 1.90 I 7.6 17.11 _ 30.42 47.53 68.44
4. Disinfection shall include hydrants and other special pipe, taps and fittings
used at connections to existing piping. These shall be thoroughly
disinfected before installation. Excavation for such connections shall be
kept free from water until the connection is completed and great care shall
iri be exercised to prevent contamination of the pipe and connection fittings.
5. Connections - The inside of the existing pipe within three (3)feet of point
of connection shall be disinfected by spraying with a solution containing
not less than 200 mg/I of chlorine immediately before connection is made.
On completion of disinfection the piping shall be flushed thoroughly with
potable water, and samples shall be taken and tested by a recognized
testing laboratory. The water shall be proven safe for human consumption
before acceptance of disinfection. Should the samples show the water is
unsafe, the piping shall be disinfected until satisfactory tests are obtained.
6. Final Flushing - After the retention period, the main shall be flushed with
potable water until the water leaving the system shows a chlorine
;„O concentration of less than 1 mg/I or no higher than that prevailing in the water
used for flushing. Water with a chlorine concentration greater than 2.0 mg/I
shall either be dechlorinated or the high chlorine water shall be discharged
directly to sanitary sewer line.
7. Testing -After the lines have been flushed, the waterlines shall be tested
in the following methods:
a. All chlorine residual determinations shall be made using only those
methods approved by the Virginia Department of Health. One
approved method is the DPD Kit method.
b. Two water samples for bacteriological analysis must be collected
at least 24 hours apart and analyzed by a certified laboratory. The
results of these samples must indicate no contamination before
the pipe, tanks or equipment can be utilized as part of the
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waterworks. If contamination is indicated, then the disinfection
procedure must be repeated. Samples shall be collected at
regular intervals, not exceeding 2,000 feet throughout the length of
pipe line.
8. It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure their operations do not
contaminate the public water supply. If at any time, the water in the existing
system becomes contaminated,they shall be held financially accountable for
any corrective action taken by the ACSA,as well as for cost of defending and
settlement of all claims resulting from their negligence, including, but not
limited to, costs and attorney's fees.
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SECTION 33 31 13
This WORK shall consist of constructing all sewerage structures in accordance with these
Specifications and in conformance with lines,grades,and details shown on the Drawings. In
executing the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall comply with recommendations for conservation
of soil,water, and related natural resources. Materials for drainage pipe shall be as shown
on Drawings.
Intent: The provisions and intent of the AGREEMENT, including the General Conditions,
sis Supplemental Conditions, and other requirements of the Contract Documents apply to the
WORK as specified in this Section. WORK related to this Section is described throughout
the Specifications.
A. American Society for Testing Methods (ASTM)
B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
C. American Waterworks Association (AWWA)
D. Virginia Department Of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications
All pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation as a
minimum standard. Where two (2) different types of pipe are to be connected, the
connection method and type of materials shall be a standard construction practice,
submitted to ENGINEER in writing for approval.
Submit manufacturer's cutsheets for piping, gaskets and lubricants to be installed.
A. Design Control: All quantities shown on Drawings are estimated. ENGINEER will
provide location and benchmark controls as shown on the Drawings. Benchmark
locations shown are approximate. CONTRACTOR should use B.M. (benchmark)
description to locate.
B. Field Control: CONTRACTOR will be responsible for establishing field controls for
construction purposes.
C. Quality Control: CONTRACTOR shall provide a level on the site at all times to be
used by OWNER and/or ENGINEER for checking grade.
D. Locations of Items Shown on Drawings:The exact locations of all utility poles, brace
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poles, guy wires, signs, and buried utilities are unknown and may not be shown on
the Drawings. Existing utility locations shown on the Drawings may indicate conflicts
with the utility company's (power, telephones, gas, cable, etc.) property or
equipment. All such conflicts may not be indicated on the Drawings.
E. Field Verification: It is the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to field locate and verify
items impacting or impacted by the construction and to contact the utility company
prior to the start of excavation near existing underground utilities.
F. Utility Notification: CONTRACTOR shall notify the utility company of its intent to
k" construct the Project and inquire as to the possibility of such conflicts occurring with
the utility's property or equipment. CONTRACTOR shall request the utility to field
locate and mark existing underground utilities.
G. Conflicts: CONTRACTOR shall notify ENGINEER of conflicts prior to the start of
excavation. In the event CONTRACTOR requests work to be done by the utility, it
shall be responsible for providing a written authorization to the utility stating the
nature of the work required and CONTRACTOR will reimburse the utility company for
their work. This work shall be included in the price for the pipe and no additional
compensation will be allowed for temporary construction items required of the utility
by OWNER. It shall be the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to fix utilities damaged
during construction at no additional charge OWNER.
r"' H. Resetting Monuments: It is CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to replace property
corners damaged at no additional charge. A surveyor licensed in the
Commonwealth of Virginia shall accomplish resetting of monuments.
I. Paving Verification: CONTRACTOR is responsible for identifying paved, concrete,
and unpaved roads and parking lots. All property disturbed shall be restored to its
original condition including fences, underground structures, etc.
A. Pipe: All pipes shall be shipped, unloaded and stored in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendation. Any pipe damaged while hauling or otherwise
determined to be unsuitable for use will be rejected, marked rejected, and removed
from the WORK area within 5 workingdays. All
y pipes shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation as a minimum standard.
imp B. Gaskets: Rubber gaskets shall be stored in a cool place and protected from light,
sunlight, heat, oil, or grease until installed. Any gaskets showing signs of checking,
weathering, or other deterioration will be rejected and removed from the site within 5
iis working days.
2.1 PIPE
Unless otherwise approved in writing by the ACSA, all sanitary sewer lines shall be of the
material herein listed. The ACSA reserves the right to select the type and/or class material
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which shall be used from the following list:
A. Ductile Iron Pipe & Fittings: Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally cast pipe
manufactured in accordance with AWWA/ANSI C151/A21.51-02,or current revision.
Thickness Class 50, 51, or 52,as conditions require. All ductile iron pipe shall have
a cement mortar lining in accordance with AWWA/ANSI C104/A21.4-03, or current
revision, and an exterior asphaltic coating in accordance with AWWA/ANSI
C151/A21.51-02, or current revision. Ductile iron pipe shall be manufactured by
Griffin Pipe Products Co., U.S. Pipe and Foundry Co.,Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe
Co., or approved equal.
Fittings shall be standard mechanical joint fittings in accordance with AWWA/ANSI
C110/A21.10-03, or current revision, or AWWA/ANSI C153/A21.52, or current
revision and AWWA/ANSI C111/A21.11-00, or current revision. All fittings shall be
cement mortar lined inside in accordance with AWWA/ANSI C104/A21.4-03, or
current revision, and an exterior asphaltic coating in accordance with AWWA/ANSI
C151/A21.51-02, or current revision.
No cast iron soil pipe shall be used as a public sewer.
B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe: PVC gravity sewer pipe shall be manufactured of
compounds conforming to ASTM D-1784-81, or current revision. Pipe and fittings
shall meet and/or exceed all of the requirements of ASTM Specification D-3034-89
PSM SDR 35, or current revision, for heavy wall PVC.
PVC pipe shall be installed in strict conformance with ASTM Designation D-2321-89,
or current revision. PVC pipe shall be shipped and stored so that warping of pipe
does not occur. PVC pipe to be stored outside should be covered to protect it
against the sun's rays, per manufacturer's published recommendation.
Certificates of compliance with applicable ASTM designations and strength
classifications covering the pipe,joints, gaskets, and fittings will be required directly
from the pipe manufacturer as deemed necessary by ACSA.
A. Joints: Joints of ductile iron and plastic pipe shall conform to the manufacturer's
published recommendations and specifications.
tog Joints in sewer pipe shall conform to the following:
1. Ductile Iron: Mechanical or push-on joints in accordance with AWWA/ANSI
rr. C111/A21.11-00, or current revision,or approved rubber gasket type joint to
lock against displacement.
bit 2. PVC Pipe: PVC pipe shall be joined by bell and spigot type connections.
The pipe joint shall be tightly sealed against infiltration and exfiltration by
means of a locked-in rubber sealing ring conforming to ASTM D-3212-89,or
current revision. The connection shall also permit the thermal expansion or
contraction of the pipe.
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B. Deformation: Rubber gaskets shall be the 0-ring type, made of neoprene. The
gasket shall not be stretched more than 20 percent when placed on the spigot of the
Imo pipe. The gasket shall be of such size that,when the joint is off-center sufficiently to
cause the outer surface of the tongue end of the pipe and the inner surface of the
groove end of the adjacent pipe to come into contact at some portion of their
periphery,the deformation in the stretched rubber gasket will not exceed 50 percent
at the point of contact. At the diametrically opposite point across the pipe, the
deformation will not be less than 20 percent of the normal diameter or thickness of
the gasket before deformation. The gasket shall be the sole element depended
its upon to make the joint watertight.
A. Gaskets for sewer pipe and fittings shall be vulcanized natural or vulcanized
synthetic rubber free or porous areas, foreign material or visible defects. Rubber
r,,,, gaskets shall conform to all applicable provisions of AWWA C111-00, or current
B. Gaskets shall be protected from exposure to excessive heat, cold, direct sunlight,
ozone (from electric motors and equipment), oil, grease, or other contaminants.
A. A sewer service lateral shall be required for each customer and/or lot as shown on
the Drawings, unless otherwise approved by the ACSA. Sewer service laterals shall
be constructed to the property line and sealed until said sewer lateral is put in use.
In no case shall the lateral be less than four(4) inches inside diameter.
B. All service lateral stub-outs shall be marked with a pressure treated 2x4 piece of
lumber no less than four(4)feet in length. The 2x4 shall extend approximately two
(2) feet above grade and shall be painted green. The depth to the service lateral
ant shall be noted on the 2x4. Alternate markers may be approved by ACSA.
Refer to Section 02798— Utility Location and Identification.
2.6 MATERIAkis
A. Material Testing: All materials used shall be tested according to the latest ASTM
Specification. Copies of test reports and manufacturers certification shall be
r. provided to ENGINEER for all material delivered to the job.
B. Material Stamps: All material delivered to the job shall be stamped showing class,
date made and manufacture.
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aim 3.1 GENERAL
All sanitary sewer lines and associated appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with
ant the requirement of Section 02270—"Earthwork for Utilities", and tested in accordance with
the requirements of Section 02990—"Sewer System Testing".
A. Lubrications: In making rubber gasketed joints, the gasket and the socket shall be
lubricated with an approved rubber gasket lubricant.
B. Placing: The gasket shall be stretched over the spigot and placed accurately in
.' position. The spigot end shall be carefully entered in the socket of the preceding
pipe so as to avoid displacement of the gasket, and the pipe shall be drawn or
pushed home fully compressing the gasket.
C. Adjustments: Adjustments line and grade shall be made in such a manner that the
compressed rubber gasket will not be disturbed.
D. Seating Verification: Before the proceeding with backfilling the joint shall be felt
completely around to determine whether the gasket is in its proper position. If the
gasket can be felt out of place,the pipe shall be withdrawn and the gasket examined
for cuts or breaks. If the gasket has been damaged, it shall be replaced with a new
one before the pipe is replaced.
A. Installation: All pipe from the main sewer line to the property line shall be laid in a
ego straight line and to minimum grade of not less than one-quarter inch per foot. The
minimum depth of cover shall be three(3)feet over the sewer service lateral, unless
otherwise approved by ACSA.
When it becomes necessary to connect to an existing sewer main, a saddle or
manhole will be required at the point of connection. Saddles shall be approved by
ACSA, prior to installation.
B. Inspection: All in-line wyes/tees or saddles shall be left exposed for visual inspection
by the ACSA, so that measurements to the nearest downstream manhole can be
A. All property disturbed shall be restored to original condition including fences,
driveways, underground structures, etc., on private and public property. During
construction the WORK area shall be kept in an orderly and neat condition. All
WORK within 500 feet of the forward progress shall be complete with the exception
of testing.
1" B. CONTRACTORS forward progress that is subject to being suspended if, in the
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opinion of ENGINEER, the above requirement is not met. CONTRACTOR shall
receive no consideration for time extension or compensation for production time lost
while not in compliance with requirements for cleanup.
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SECTION 33 41 00
is A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplemental
General Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Work under this section shall consist of providing all labor, plant facilities, materials, tools,
equipment, shop drawings and supervision necessary and required to install all of the storm
+`. drainage facilities, including piping, fittings, structures, bedding, and backfilling, as specified in
accordance with the contract documents.
A. Section 33 05 00—Earthwork: Utilities
A. American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM)
1. A185—Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain,for Concrete Reinforcement
2. A615—Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
3. C76—Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
4. C478—Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections
5. C913—Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures
6. C1479— Installation of Reinforced Concrete Pipe
7. C990-01A — Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Pre-
formed Flexible Joint Sealants
8. D2321 — Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewer/Gravity-Flow Applications
9. D3034—Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings
10. D3212—Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Elastomeric Seals
11. F477—Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets)for Joining Plastic Pipe
12. F794—Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Profile Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on Con-
trolled Inside Diameter
13. F949 — Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe With a Smooth Interior and
B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
1. M198 — Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe Using Flexible Watertight
2. M252—Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Tubing
3. M294—Corrugated Polyehtylene Pipe.
4. M199—Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections
C. American Water Works Association (AWWA)
`„s 1. C110—Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings, 3 in through 48 in (75 mm through 1200 mm),
for Water and Other Liquids (revision of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-93)
2. C111 —Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings
3. C151 —Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water
D. American Concrete Institute(ACI)
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1. 301 —Structural Concrete for Buildings, Specifications for
2. 318—Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete
A. Accurately record as-built locations of pipe runs, connections, catch basins, cleanouts, top ele-
vations and invert elevations.
B. Identify and describe unexpected variations of subsurface conditions and location of any utilities
A. All costs related to reinspection due to failures shall be paid for by the Contractor at no addi-
6 tional expense to the Owner. Owner reserves the right to direct any inspection that is deemed
necessary. Contractor shall provide free access to site for inspection activities.
A. Removal/Relocation of Existing Utilities: The contractor shall be responsible for removal and/or
relocation of existing utilities,whether shown or not shown on the drawings, at locations where
conflicts occur with proposed storm drainage improvements at no additional cost to the owner.
A. The General Contractor and the Subcontractor shall execute the conformance submittal(s)for
materials within this section.
A. Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP)
1. ASTM C76, Class III unless otherwise noted on drawings; and,
2. Butyl mastic sealant shall meet the requirements of ASTM C990-01a or AASHTO M198
for Type B flexible plastic gaskets.
B. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe(PVC)
1. Pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM D1784, and 1785 for Schedule 40 pipe; and,
2. PVC pipe shall be joined by solvent weld joint type connections. The pipe joints shall be
tightly sealed against infiltration and exfiltration.
ire 3. Maximum permitted diameter of 12 inches.
C. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP)
1. Pipe shall meet the requirements of AWWA C151; and,
2. Fittings shall meet the requirements of AWWA C110 with rubber gaskets conforming to
SectioAWWA C111.
rs D. High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Smooth Interior
1. HDPE shall be dual wall, smooth interior type pipe.
2. Pipe and fittings shall conform to AASHTO M252 and M294;
3. Rubber gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477 with joints conforming to
ASTM D3212; and,
4. Maximum permitted diameter of 24 inches.
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E. Subdrains
1. Shall be perforated PVC Schedule 40 or HDPE; and,
2. PVC pipe shall be limited to pipe diameters less than 12-inches; and,
3. PVC pipe shall be joined by solvent weld joint type connections. The pipe joints shall be
tightly sealed against infiltration and exfiltration.
4. HDPE Pipe shall be limited to diameters less than 12 inches.
A. Structures:
1. Precast Concrete Drainage Structures;
2. Heavy-duty traffic rated (HS-20) conforming to ASTM C478, ASTM C913 and ASTM
B. Steps
1. Shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M199 for design, materials, and dimensions;
110 2. Built into the walls of all structures over 3 feet 6 inches in height; and,
3. Steps shall be 16 inches on center with lowest step being no more than 16 inches from
the bottom.
ii" C. Reinforcement
1. Deformed reinforcing bars, grade 40 or 60, meeting the requirements of ASTM A615;
2. Wire fabric meeting the requirements of ASTM A185.
D. All joints in precast structures shall be patched inside and out with non-shrink grout. See spec
33 05 13"Pre-Cast Concrete: Manholes"for grout requirements.
E. All precast structures shall have entire outside coated with bitumastic.
F. All manholes shall be provided with flexible neoprene rubber boots on all pipe penetrations.
A. Installation shall be in accordance with the details and at locations shown on the drawings.
B. All Cleanouts shall have a concrete apron as shown on the details.
A. Where the foundation material is found to be of poor supporting value or of rock, the Owner may
make minor adjustments in the location of the pipe to provide a more suitable foundation.
Where this is not practical, the foundation shall be conditioned by removing the existing founda-
tion material by undercutting to the depth as directed by the geotechnical engineer and backfill-
ing with either a suitable local material secured from unclassified excavation or borrow excava-
tion at the nearest accessible location along the project, or foundation conditioning material
consisting of crushed stone or gravel or a combination of sand and crushed stone or gravel ap-
proved by geotechnical engineer as being suitable for the purpose intended. The selection of
air the type of backfill material to be used for foundation conditioning will be made by the geotech-
nical engineer.
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A. No concrete or masonry shall be placed when the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit,
or when indications are for lower temperatures within 24 hours, unless protection of concrete
and masonry is approved by the Owner. Damage to the structure because of freezing shall be
corrected by the Contractor at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the Owner.
B. Concrete shall conform to ACI 301 and applicable referenced specifications and shall have a 28
day compressive strength of 4,000 psi.
A. Dura-coated cast iron body with promenade frame and heavy-duty, heel-proof grate with com-
ic bined membrane flashing clamp/gravel guard. Drain shall be 12"square with a grate open ar-
ea equal to 44 sq. in.
B. The drain shall be able to connect to pipes 10-inches in diameter or smaller.
C. Drains shall be set in concrete for stabilization. No concrete shall be visible from surface unless
otherwise noted in the construction drawings.
A. Dura-coated cast iron body with promenade frame and heavy-duty, heel-proof grate with com-
bined membrane flashing clamp/gravel guard. Drain shall be 18"square.
B. The structure shall be 4,000 psi. precast 2' x 2' square inside dimension and 4' tall max. Inlet
err shaping shall be installed per VDOT Detail IS-1.
C. Storm connections shall contain a flexible boot connector
A. The Contractor shall install all drainage structures and pipe in the locations shown on the draw-
ings and/or as approved by the Owner. Pipe shall be of the type and sizes specified on the
drawings and shall be laid accurately to line and grade. Structures shall be accurately located
and properly oriented.
br B. Excavation and Backfill—The provisions in Section 33 05 00, "Earthwork: Utilities"shall govern
all work under this Section.
C. Storage and Handling of Pipe—All pipe shall be protected against impact, shock and free fall,
air and only equipment of sufficient capacity and proper design shall be used in the handling of the
pipe. Storage of pipe on the job shall be in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recom-
D. Damage to Pipe
1. Pipe which is defective from any cause, including damage caused by handling, and de-
termined by the Owner as unrepairable, shall be unacceptable for installation and shall
be replaced at no cost to the Owner and as directed by the Owner; and,
2. Pipe that is damaged or disturbed through any cause prior to acceptance of the work,
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shall be repaired realigned or replaced as directed by the Owner, at the Contractor's ex-
E. Manholes, catch basins and drain inlets shall be constructed as soon as the pipe laying reaches
ar` the location of the structures. Should the Contractor continue his pipe laying without making
provisions for completion of the structures, the Owner shall have the authority to stop the pipe
laying operations until the structure is completed.
F. Any structure, which is mislocated or oriented improperly, shall be removed and re-built in its
proper location, alignment and orientation at the Contractor's expense.
A. Bedding material, when required, shall be in accordance with Section 330500, "Earthwork: Utili-
ties"for work described within this Section.
irs A. Comply with Section 33 05 00, "Earthwork: Utilities"
B. Laying Pipe
1. Unloading and Handling: All pipes shall be unloaded and handled with reasonable care.
Pipes shall not be rolled or dragged over gravel or rock during handling. The Contractor
shall take necessary precautions to ensure the method used in lifting or placing the pipe
does not induce stress fatigue in the pipe and the lifting device used uniformly distributes
the weight of the pipe along its axis or circumference;
2. Each length of pipe shall be inspected for defects and cracks before carefully lowered in-
to the trench. Any damaged or any pipe that has had its grade disturbed after laying shall
be removed and replaced. Bituminous coated pipe shall be handled with special care
and repair of damaged coating shall conform with AASHTO M190;
3. Lay pipe on prepared foundation starting at the downgrade end according to line and
grade with the necessary drainage structures, fittings, bends and appurtenances as
lie shown on the drawings. Rigid pipes shall be laid with the bell or groove ends upgrade
with the spigot or tongue fully inserted. Flexible pipes shall be laid with the inside circum-
ferential laps pointing downstream and with the longitudinal laps at the side or quarter
row points. Reinforced concrete pipe shall be installed in accordance with ASTM C1479.
HDPE pipes shall be installed in accordance with pipe manufacture's installation guide-
lines for heavy duty drainage applications and ASTM D2321; and,
4. Pipe sections shall be firmly joined together with appropriate gaskets or bands.
A. Pre-cast Drainage Structures
1. Structure units shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to
form a sound structural unit.
2. Patch joints of pre-cast pieces from inside and outside with non-shrink grout and finish
3. Waterproof from outside with bituminous coating per the manufacturer recommendations.
Coal Tar Epoxy shall have a minimum dry film thickness of 16 millimeters (22 milimeters
wet). Apply a minimum of two coats of bituminous coating. Each coat to be 8-10 millime-
i"" ters thick (dry thickness).
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4. Minimum Drop Inlet size is 2'x2'for up to 4' depth and minimum 4' inside dimensions for
depths over 4' per modified VDOT DI-1, both with minimum grate size of 24".
B. Fittings and Connections
1. Pipe connections shall be made so that the pipe is flush with the inside wall of the drain-
age structure, and shall be grouted as necessary to make smooth and uniform surfaces
on the inside of the structure. Boxes to have bottoms filled with concrete to provide a
bench between pipe inverts.
2. Flexible boots shall be used for all pipe connections.
C. Frames, Grates and Hoods
1. Shall be set to grade in accordance with the drawings;
2. Firmly embedded in mortar approximately 1 inch thick and aligned to fit the top section of
the structure; and,
3. Concrete set in mortar used to adjust the frame to finished grade shall be limited to no
more than four courses for pre-cast structures and have a minimum wall thickness of 8".
4. Shall be HS 20 rated and installed with 24" minimum clear opening.
D. Interface with Existing Facilities
1. Compliance with Facility Owner Requirements: Connections made into existing drainage
facilities shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Owner of the fa-
r cility, and all pipes shall be cut flush with wall of structure. Pipe connections to existing
structures shall be made through the installation of a wall sleeve and grout, and then the
use of a flexible boot connector. The Contractor will be required to comply with all such
requirements, including securing of all required permits, and paying the costs thereof.
The cost of making the connections in accordance with the requirements of the Owner of
the existing facility shall be included in the Contract Sum; and,
2. Requirements: The Contractor shall make all required connections of the proposed
i,,, drainage facilities into existing drainage facilities, where and as shown on the Drawings
and/or as approved by the Owner.
A. Construction within the public right-of-way shall conform to all requirements of the regulatory au-
thority having jurisdiction.
A. General: The Contractor shall alter, reconstruct and/or convert existing structures where and as
shown on the drawings, and/or as approved by the Owner. In general, alterations shall be per-
formed with the same type of material used in the original construction unless otherwise indicat-
ed on the drawings or approved by the Owner.
B. Damage to Existing Installations: The Contractor shall exercise extreme care during such alter-
ation, reconstruction and/or conversions so as not to damage any portions of the structure
and/or pipe shown to remain. Any such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own
expense and to the satisfaction of the Owner.
A. The Site Contractor shall install roof downspout leaders as provided on the drawings to within 5
feet of building limits. If work by others is complete then the Contractor shall complete the con-
nection. If future connections will be required by others, Contractor shall install plugging and
ire material apparatus as necessary to protect and mark his work.
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wr B. All piping connections shall utilize a prefabricated fittings or drainage structure.
C. A cleanout shall be installed on the roof downspout leaders as provided on the drawings.
A. Prior to backfill, contractor shall have the UVA Geospatial Resource Center(GRC) locate the
utility and related appurtenances as constructed with GPS equipment.
B. UVA GRC requires 5 day notice to schedule as-built survey.
A. Place cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318 and ACI 350R.
lir A. The Contractor shall maintain all pipe installations and drainage structures in a condition such
that they will function continuously and shall be kept clean of silt, debris and other foreign matter
from the pipe and drainage structure is installed until the project is accepted.
A. Upon completion of the work and before final acceptance by the Owner, the entire drainage sys-
tem shall be subject to a final inspection in the presence of the Owner and/or Site Engineer. The
work shall not be considered as complete until all requirements for line, grade, cleanliness, and
workmanship have been completed.
it B. Storm Sewer Pipe Testing: Storm sewer pipes and structures shall be visually inspected by the
CONTRACTOR and testing agency of the OWNER prior to backfilling.
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SECTION 33 63 14
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, and
Supplemental General Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
ihe A. This Section specifies the construction and installation of underground precast concrete utility
structures, including heating hot water pipe box culvert (tunnels).
A. Underground precast concrete utility structures shall be adequately designed to support HS-20
highway loading and the amount of backfill indicated on drawings. Underground precast
structures shall be designed to resist hydrostatic uplift forces using the assumption that
groundwater level could reach ground surface elevation. Underground precast structures shall
be watertight with zero leakage and openings shall be coordinated to prevent the necessity of
field adjustments. Tunnel will be monitored for leakage for 1 year as part of the warranty period.
Contractor shall be responsible for injection grout or other methods at no cost to owner should
water infiltration be observed. Underground precast structure walls, top slab, and base slab
shall have a minimum thickness of 8 inches (concrete construction tolerance: -0", +3/8").
A. Submittal Restrictions: Subsequent submittal changes after the initial submittal shall be clouded.
Unclouded changes will not be considered part of the construction documents.
B. Product Data: For each type of manufactured material and product indicated.
C. Design Mixes: For each concrete mix. Include alternate mix designs when characteristics of
materials, project conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant adjustments.
Indicate amounts of mix water to be withheld for later addition at Project site.
I kw D. Precast Concrete Utility Structure Shop Drawings: Details of structure dimensions, elevations,
reinforcing, and openings. Include special reinforcement required for openings.
E. Lay Schedule: Manufacturer shall provide a detailed layout drawing showing all precast
structures and the order they shall be installed in the field.
F. Structural Calculations: Structural analysis and design calculations for precast concrete utility
structures signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer responsible for its design.
Design shall consider the following:
a. Loads indicated in the General Structural Notes of the Construction Drawings.
b. Vertical and lateral pressures induced by soil loads (For depth of tunnel cover,
refer to the Civil tunnel profile shown on the Construction Drawings).
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rrr c. HS-20-44 Traffic Loading in addition to earth pressures.
d. Future piping as indicated on the structural drawings.
e. Thermal expansion through control and/or expansion joints.
G. Concrete Compressive Strength: Concrete 28-day compression strength test results for
precast concrete structure.
H. Material Certificates: Signed by manufacturers certifying that each of the following items
complies with requirements:
1. Cementitious materials and aggregates.
2. Steel reinforcement and reinforcement accessories.
3. Admixtures.
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing precast concrete structures.
Manufacturer's precast plant shall be certified tin the Prestressed Concrete Institute's (PCI)
Plant Certification Program or the National Precast Concrete Association's (NCPA) Plant
Certification Program.
B. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to
practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering
services of the kind indicated.
C. Publications: Comply with the following, unless more stringent provisions are indicated:
ire 1. ACI 301, "Specification for Structural Concrete."
2. ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete".
3. ASTM C 891, "Standard Practice for Installation of Underground Precast Concrete Utility
A. Deliver, store, and handle precast concrete utility structures in accordance with ASTM C 891
and the manufacturer's recommendation using methods that will prevent damage to the
components and their joint surfaces.
A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed.
B. Plain-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, as drawn.
A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I.
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B. Normal-Weight Aggregate: ASTM C 33, uniformly graded.
C. Water: Potable and complying with ASTM C 94.
A. General: Admixtures certified by manufacturer to contain not more than 0.1 percent water-
soluble chloride ions by mass of cementitious material and to be compatible with other
admixtures and cementitious materials. Do not use admixtures containing calcium chloride.
B. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260.
A. , Lift Loops: Lift loops shall be ASTM A 416 steel strand.
B. Flexible Joint Sealants: Flexible joint sealants shall be butyl rubber based conforming to
Federal Specifications SS-S-210A, AASHTO M-198, Type B — Butyl Rubber and suitable for
application temperatures between 10 and 100 degrees F.
C. Joint Sealant: Waterproofing sealant shall be used at all joints between precast conduit base
and precast covers and at joints between adjacent precast concrete sections and building. The
sealants shall be butyl resin or one part polyurethane. Polyurethane sealants shall be equal to
Sikaswell S and butyl resin sealants shall be equal to Conseal.
D. Waterproofing Membrane: A waterproofing membrane shall be installed over the entire top and
I"" sides of all precast concrete utility structures. The membrane shall continue to the face the
proposed structure and/or building to seal the joint between the utility structures and building.
See specification section 071326, "Self-Adhering Sheet Waterproofing" for materials and
E. Drains in Precast Box Culvert(Tunnels): Provide mild slope from side walls to tunnel centerline.
Do not provide"keyway"type drains in Precast Box Culvert(Tunnels).
A. Concrete shall conform to ASTM C 478, shall be normal-weight, and shall be proportioned as
1. Compressive Strength (28 Days): 5,000 psi, minimum.
2. Cement: Type I, ASTM C-150. Minimum of 564 pounds per cubic yard.
3. Air Content: 4 percent minimum.
i" A. Concrete finish:
1. As-cast, smooth form finish.
2. Remove fins, patch tie holes and imperfections.
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B. Label Units in accordance with the Lay Schedule Submittal. Labels shall be painted on the
inside the tunnel wall to verify precast units were installed in the proper sequence in accordance
with the Lay schedule.
C. Manufacturer shall physically test all shiplap joint connections between adjacent precast units at
the manufacturing facility. Manufacturer shall verify each joint can be properly installed and will
meet field installation tolerances before being shipped to the project site.
D. Overlap between precast units shall be 8-inches minimum (length of the shiplap joint overlap).
A. Install precast units in conformance with:
1. The Shop Drawings reviewed by the Engineer.
2. The manufacturer's recommendations.
B. Precast structures shall be installed on a firm stabilized foundation so prepared to prevent
settlement and misalignment. A minimum layer of compacted 12 inch VDOT 21B stone shall be
used as a base.
A. Installation Tolerances of Precast Units shall be:
1. Horizontal: ±1" from project alignment centerline as indicated on plan sheet C-3.00 -
Tunnel Layout and Dimension Plan.
,, 2. Vertical: ±1" from tunnel profile centerline as indicated on plan sheet C-4.01 & C-4.02 —
Utility Tunnel Profiles.
3. Tolerances shall be determined to be acceptable based on the inside walls and floors of
the tunnel.
B. Contractor shall employ a land surveyor(LS) licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia to verify
the tunnel has been installed within the specified tolerances above.
1. The LS shall locate each individual precast unit, verify, and report each unit has been
installed within the specified tolerances above.
2. Contractor shall issue a drawing, signed and sealed, to verify tolerances were achieved.
Drawing shall note the deviation from the design centerline/elevation of each precast unit.
3. This drawing shall be issued to the University and NE within 36 hours of a precast unit
being set in its final location.
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Appendix A: Beacon Lighting Products
Light Fixture Details
Date: Jul 7 2017 Page 1/1
A"' Transmittal
VIRGI Lighting Virginia-Central
rr. O4RNO 400 G2 Southlake Blvd.
Richmond VA 23236
Phone: (804) 379-7777
From: Shawn Nadeau
Project UVA Squash Facility at Boars Head
Quote# LV- CENTRAL17-23373
Location Charlottesville VA
it Contact:
0 Drawings 0 Specifications Other:
❑ Prints 0 Information
❑ Plans 0 Submittals
❑ Prior Approval ❑ Resubmittal for Approval 0 Record
❑ Approval ❑ Corrections Bids due on:
❑ Approval as Submitted 0 Your Use Other:
❑ Approval as Noted 0 Review and Comment
Type MFG Part
D2 Beacon Products URBCAP-21/24NB-55/4K/UNV/T2/
D3 Beacon Products URBCAP-21/24NB-55/4K/UNVIT3/
D4 Beacon Products URBCAP-21/24NB-55/4K/UNV/T4/
D5 Beacon Products URBCAP-21/24NB-55/4K/UNV/T5R/
ARM Beacon Products AA-371S/5/B/P/XX
POLE Beacon Products RSA-B-S-16-50-B-OT-XX
BASE Beacon Products MERS/5/XX