HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201600072 Plat - Submittal (First) Final Site Plan and Comps. 2006-07-26Page 1 of 14 Instrument Control Number 013204 Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record Instruments Cover Sheet-Form A Ili 1111111 111 11 MI111 Doc ID: 003091590014 Type: DEE ILS VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.881 Recorded: 08/03/2008 at 11:09:31 AMFeeAmt: =82.00 Pape 1 of 14 Albemarle County. VA Shelby Marshall Circuit CourtCDateofinstrument [7/28/2006 ] Mei X R Instrument Type: [PM BK3265 P068-81 E P Number of Parcels [ 1] 1 41XNumberofPages [ 7] JE Box for Deed Stamp Only)M City['County CO [Albemarle County PFirst and Second 9rantors T _ I Last Name I First Name I Middle Name or Initial I Suffix J HURT TR CHARLES WM FISHER TR SHIRLEY 3[L First and Second 9rentees I Last Name I First Name Middle Name or Mittel I Suffix I 11 I Grantee Address (Name) NA I Address 1) [NA Address 2) [NA City,state,Zip) [NA VA] INA ] Consideration[0.00 Existing Debt[0.00 Assumption Balance[0.00 Prior Instr.Recorded at:City 0 County® [Albemarle County ] Percent.In this Jurls. [ 100] Book [2918 ] Page [266 ] Instr.No [ Parcel Identification No(PIN) 03200-00-00-041D0&03200-00-00-04600(portions of) Tax Map Num. (M different than PMI) [same Short Property Description Hollymead Town Center Area C&Timberwood Blvd R/W Currant Property Address(Address 1) [ Address 2) [ I City,Stats,Zip) [ I ]I Instrument Prepared by McCallum&Kudravetz PC Recording Paid for by McCallum&Kudravetz PC Return Recording to (Name) McCallum&Kudravetz PC Address 1) [250 E High Street Address 2) [ City,State,Zip) [Charlottesville NA](22902 Customer Case ID 02000.1433 I I t .1 'i . 0 } il t rij7q...•314 ;,,,,r, fi t J + V r ti i rlf1rrliVi , 11 Cover Sheet Page#1 of 2 4ja r . , , , r, Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber:2006-00013204 Seq: 1 isPage2of14 Instrument Control Number Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record Instruments Continuation Cover Sheet Form B U.S 1ILR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.061 T e 0 C Date of Instrument: [7/28/2006 ] A R R 0 Instrument Type: [PM 1 XAAR N N P Number of Parcels [ 1] E T Y x o E Number of Pages [ 7] E R E City El County® [Albemarle County Deed Stamp Only) M Grantors/Grantees/Parcel Continuation Form BP i, ___ Last Name I First Name 1 IWddie Name or Initial I Suffix 01200 [POST OFFICE LAND ][ 1 1 1 FIRST COMMUNITY ][ I I It I DAVIS TR C WILLIAM J[ l 0000 [ IL H I DODO [ II l[ l DODO [ J( I[ I[ 1 0 D [ l[ II It I D D D 0 I it H It 1 00001 1( 1[ l[ 1 D O [ H If IL 1 DODO [ H If IF I 0 00 [ it H H l 0000 ( It II 1[ I 11 IF 11 1 0 0 0 D i I[ II if I 0D0 [ II l[ 1I I Prior Instr.Recorded at:City 0 County [ Percent.In this Juris. [ ] Book [ 1 Page [ I Instr.No [ 1 Parcel identification No(PIN) 1 Tax Map Num. (If different than PIN) [ Short Property Description 1 l Current Property Address(Address 1) [ Address 2) [ City,State,Zip) [ I I I[ I gid WIt'i. , . Oil 1 r i I`!J7•' Cover Sheet Page 0 2 of 2 Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 2 Page 3 of 14 Seed OI320It PREPARED BY: McCAI.0 M&KuIw.v:rz,P.C. PORTION OF TMP#03200-00-00-041D0 250 E.HIGH STRBIT 03200-00-00-04600 CHARLOTfBSVIU.E,VA 22902 434)293-8191 CERTIFICATE OF PLAT THIS CERTIFICATE made this 28 day of July,2006,by CHARLES WM.HURT and SHIRLEY L.FISHER,as TRUSTEES for the POST OFFICE LAND TRUST,pursuant to the terms of a certain land trust agreement dated October 27, 1997; FIRST COMMUNITY BANK,N.A., lienholder,and C.WILLIAM DAVIS,TRUSTEE, WITNES SETH: Attached hereto is a plat of Dominion Development Resources,LLC,dated January 23,2006, last revised June 5, 2006, captioned "Plat Showing Subdivision Of Tax Map 32 Parcel 41D Hollymead Towncenter Area C,Rivanna District Albemarle County,Virginia"(the"Nat"). Charles Wm.Hurt and Shirley L.Fisher,as Trustees for the Post Office Land Trust,are the owners of the real property situated in the County of Albemarle,Virginia,shown and described on the Nat,except for that portion designated as"Area E"containing 0.43 acres as reflected on the Plat, and hereby certify and consent to the recordation of the attached Plat and hereby dedicate to public use all its right,title and interest in and to(i)that area designated on the Plat as"Timberwood Blvd Variable Width Public 11/W"and(ii)that area designated on the Plat as"Meeting Street Variable Width Public 1t/W". First Community Bank,N.A.,as the lienholder under that certain Credit Line Deed of Trust dated February 9,2005,recorded in Deed Book 2918,Page 266 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County,Virginia,and C.Williams Davis,as Trustee under said Deed of trust, join herein to evidence their consent to the recordation of the Plat and the matters set forth therein and the above referenced dedication to public use of the portions of Timberwood Boulevard and Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 3 Page 40114 111111111) Meeting Street as more particularly shown on the Plat. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: ayth A94 Charles Wm. Hurt, as Trustee for the Post Offi .. Trust // jj di tt rley . Ftsher, Trustee for the Post Office Land Trust FIRS r COMMUNITY BANK,N.A. By: Title: Sr. Vice Pres./C I Executive iefigig.)2144 C.William Davis,Trustee COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF P berries e to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisand day of R U , 2006, by Charles Wm.Hurt,as Trustee for the Post Office Land Trust. My commission expires:640 Q 3 l i aoori At!A4.— it/.i No = blic $ Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 4 Page 5 of 14 Overol Soo, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF Ptkher 4g. ,to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this OM day of 2006, by Shirley L.Fisher,as Trustee for the Post Office Land Trust. My commission expires: tpQQ 31 I1 No Public., COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF West Virginia CITY/COUNTY OF Mercer to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 28 day of July ,2006, by Vicki K. Mays its Sr. Vice Pres./City Exec. ,onbehalfof First Community Bank,N.A. t , „•,;•„ • ,•,,• March 17, 2016 OFFICIAL SE& ellognrYPUSLIC MARTHA L flneT SANK, Notaryy PublicPOKUM r= xa "Wm n 11.sae S ATE OF_4;zt_4),,Zia(dt). CITY/COUNTY OF Cl/t/ ,to-wit. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ZeMday of Q 2006, by C.Williams Davis,as Trustee under said Credit Line Deed of Trust. My commission expires: 4i&m..4e '2,20/1 Publi 10c01\E\USER E41e2\REM\R09er\6.0.62 Mice-2011y Mead\1413-cert 91at.doc Mi OFFICIAL SEAT. 1/33/3006 11.69 1W 1, NOTARY PUBUC 51.e 4`,f y STATE OFWEST VIRGINIA l ? fi RITA LTOOFRRMFICENE PAULEY778POS60)(1 auE+Eta..IN 24701 gyd9nENitlonwcYaDeaeWr 12.2811 Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber:2006-00013204 Seq: 5 Page 6 of 14 111 NNIF eeJ.1 moo k 3 a 65 p 5- '1 3 The laAlbdemarlerade Conelisted/ described hereto are Imposed pursuant, adOto BOUNDARY CURVE TAItheAlbemodeCountZoningOrdinanceineffectthisdate,and are not restrictive covenants running with the land and their oppeorance on this plot Is not Intended to impose Them as such. 1.Source of title DB 1661-116 Curv; Radius Tangent Length Delta Chord2. This survey was performed for Virginia Land Company,LLC. 7500 246' 4.91' 3'45'11' 4.91'3. A title report was not furnished for this subdivision. Cl 180.00' 26.96' 53.53 1742'16" 5333'4. This parcel is in o flood plain. 6. This parcel is not In a water supply watershed. C8 91.512', 9.11' 18.11' 1122'15 18.14' 7. This parcel is zoned PO-MC.C9 100.00 62.67 111.96' 64'09 03 106.21' 8. All property corners are monumented as noted.CIO 555.64' 12.92' 25.83' 239'48 25.83' 9. Setbadrs: C11 100.00' 42.24' 79.93' 45'4756' 77.82' Bolding: 30'From Public Street C12 99.50' 11.37', 22.65' 13'02'24_ 22.60' 50'Adjocent Ta Residential District. C13 100.00' 21.81' 42.96' 2436'40' 42.63 Parking: 10'From Public Street C14 107.50' 27.13' 53.16' 2819'55" 52.62' ' 20'Adjacent To Residential District C15 526.58 58,91: 117.33 12'44'0" 117.04' Undisturbed Buffer: 20'Adjacent To Residential District C31 555.64 6.1.3 12.26 11553 12.26 10. The boundary shown hereon is based on o field survey performed C32 563.64' 27.98' 55.91' 5'40'59" 55.88' for the boundary adjustment plat recorded in OB 2125-335. C33 104.50' 129.04' 186.03' 10159'51" 162.42' 11.This survey was performed for Post Office Land Trust. C34 960.50' 13.87' 27.74' 139'17" 27.74' 12. A title report was not furnished. C35 969.50' 86.37' 172.29' 1010'56" 172.07 13.Lot C2,C3,C4,C5,C8,&C9 of TM 32-410 each contain a C36 969.50' 2.26' 4.52' 016'01' 4.52' building site that complies with section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County C39 75.00' 5.59' 11.16' 8'31'30" 11.15' zoning ordinance. C40 245.00' 34.49 68.52' 16'01'29' 68.30' 14. All lots shown hereon will be served by public water and sewer. C41 1030.50' 65.27' 130.36' 714'52" 130.27' t1 15. Zoning: ZMA 01-20,SP 05-032 C43 46.50' 49.17' 75.63' 9311'38" 67.57' 16. Al new drainage easements shown an sheet 4 are hereby dedicated C44 454.00' 192.39' 363.94' 45'55'49" 54.28' to public use. C45 473.58' 51.92' 103.43'. 12'30'46 103.22' 17.Temporory drainor9e easements shall be vacated when permanent C46 197.50' 33.21' ,65.81' 19'05'30' 65.51' : storm sewer system ns completed. 047 520.58' 92.97' 184.00' 2015'05` 183.04' h 18. The common area shall be owned by the Property Owner's C4B 523.50' 91.74 181.63' -19'52'45' 180.72' A Association.C49 ' 32.50' 29.26' 47.64' 8319'08" 4149' h C50 276.00' 45.50' 90.19' 18'43'24` 89.79' E 051 32.50' 29.22' 47.60' 83'54' : 43.46''P AREA SUMMARY FOR TMP 32-410 C52 523.50' 50.72' 101.12' 11'04'01' 100.96' E C53 67.50' 61.85' 100.14' 85'00'00" 91.20' h^ New Blocks 23.93 Acres 654 `766.50' 30.82' 61.60' 4'36'17' 61.59' ,F Common Area 0.20 Acres 655 833.50' 36.33' 72.62' 4'59'31' 72.60' h 056 84.50' 21.43' 41.96' 28'27'31' 41.54' h Public R/W 3.06 Acres C57 177.50' 87.95' '163.32' 52'43'01 157.62' E Future R/W 1.35 Acres C58 297.50' 3454' 68.77' 1314'42' 68.62' A Total 28.54 Acres C59 25.00' 25.00' 39.27' 90'00'00" 35.36' 5 C60 417.50' 30.33' 60.58' 818'40" 60.51' S. C61 -19.50' 18.87 29.99' 88'0711" 27.12' )N C62 . 182.50' 8.55' 17.10' 5'22'02' 17.09' h AREA SUMMARY FOR TMP 32-46 C63 197.50' 13.08' 26.12' 7'34'42" 26.10' C64 29.50' 31.48' 48.25' -93'42'47' 43.05' N C65 60.00' 4.08' 8.15'" 7'46'52" 8.14' E Porcel 46 22.83 Acres C66 25.00' 22.86' '37.03' 84'52'37" 33.74' E Area E 0,43 Acres C67 523.50' 14.47' 28.93' 310'00" 28.93' E Residue 22.40 Acres C68 526.50' y 32.68' 65.27', 7'06'12' 65.23' t= 069 300.00' 69.96' _137.46' 261510" 136.26' E SITE 90 Ill' 4'Q. V1CINTY MAP SCALE: 1"= 2,000' LEGEND IS Iron Rod Set IF Iron Rod Found PF Iron Pipe Found FC Fence Corner FR ere Hydrant PP Power Pole Tel Ped Telephone Pedestal TV Ped Television Pedestal ET Electric Transformer Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber:2006-00013204 Seq: 6 Page 7 of 14 yN' 1'e--C oo k ,39.65 AS- -7,-f ' BOUNDARY STATEMENT OF TITLE TMP 32-410 LINE TABLE The land shown was obtained by Post Office Land Trust,as recorded In Deed Book 1661 Poge 116,end to the best of Course Beorin Distance- my knowledge meets oil the requirements regarding the gplotting of subdivisions. 113 _S 5615'44'E ,41.38' 30-0C 114 _N 331'1416'E 68.43 L15 N 27'59'04 E 54.70' Timothy Miler, LS. Dote L16 N 76'$0'14'E 64.7f1' L17 N 33'04'16"E 15.23 OWNER'S APPROVAL 118 S 52'24'17 E 24.68' The division of the land descrbod is with the free consent of and In L19 S 571210"E 37.41' accordance with the desires of the undersigned owner;trustees,or 120 S 56'30'29'E 17.81' proprietors. Any reference to future potential development is to be 121 S 0'46'24"E 10.75' deemed os theoretical only.. An statements affixed to this plat are L22 N 2619'54"W 17.47' true and corn to the best of my •wiedge. 28 S 68'30'54'VI 12.07' jR '. y3t"' o f /•L29 S 67'05'05'W 12.77 C C 130 S 71'46$0"VI 55.41' Owner of TMP 32-410 Dote 1fClos 134 N 39'42'06'W 10.45' , L35 S 38'51'47"W 41.24' To wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged L36 S 65'06'57"W 107.14' bele meme tthis((o..""2.day o f__Z."4.1.7...___iu.1.7._.2006. My commission expires: 4.7_5_51.-F2.0_7 STATEMENT OF TITLE IMP 32-46 The lend shown eros obtained by Tribal Properties LLC,os recorded in Deed Book 2916 Page 656,and to the best of my knowledge meets oil the requirements regarding the. plotting of subdivisions. Tim y Miller, LS. Dote OWNER'S APPROVAL The division of the land descrbed is with the free consent of and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owner, trustees, or EASEMENT LINE TABLE proprietors. Any reference to future potential development is to be deemed as theoretical o ly. All statements affixed to this plot are trug and correct to the best of my knowledge. roc. r 9 Bearing Distance 'Course Bearing Dlslonce Owner o , • 2-46 Date S 38'51'47"E 11.24' E44 S 82'21'03'E 8.38' S 525016'E 49.49' '45 S 73'39'12`E 9.00' To wit: The tore9ee g instrument wos acknowledged S 381 1'47"E 9.94' E46 S 1 '46'33'W 5.62' before me WO 4p._day of.1 _2006. S 243'03'VI 42.13' 47 S 73'39'12"E 9.95' N 73'38'00"YY 8.84' _ _E48-,N 1620'48"C 5 62' i v t! !` S 761509'E 3.62' E49 S 7339'12 E 105.30' 31 S 74'25'22"E 20.59' E50 N 20'5151'E 20.07 My commission expires: t N 29'07'29'E 35.54' E51 N 74'30'12"W 20.00' S orqr59.W, 5.03' E52 N 73'39'12'W 15.10' S 7702'02'E 19.26' E53 N 18'0710'E 22.39' -. N 30'90'45'E 15.29' 54 N 52'55'51"E 6.03'7byDe N 36'30'20'E 44.47' E55 S 37'20'37'E 9.26' N 06'0'51"E' 23.28' E56 N 52'58'16"E 20.00' noted Agent for Albemar a County Dote N 36'30'20"E 27.36' 57-N 37'20'37 W 9.27' Board of Supervisors M7/6 N 06108'51'E _20.74' :E56 N 30.01'26-E 142.91' . N 57'26'10"W 19.99' E58 S 575551"W 77.05' S 7018'48'W 12.13' E59 S 30'01'26"W 20.58' 4 AL T N o~ N 19'42'31"W 31.62' E60 N 59'58'34"W 57.36' 6l N 4621'41"E 285.14' E61 S 3001'26'W mod 4 S 2 24'E 21.56' E62 S 59'58'34'E _57.36' 62'5736"W 11.39' 63 S 30'01'26' VI 108,84' r, ' 1 R. MILLER„ S 4821'41"W 13.92' E64 S 18'0210"W 43.11' CERTIFICATE No. S 41'38'19"E 21.74' , _E65 .S 29'2019'W 37.55' r' 2065rN48'21'41'E 20.00' E66 S 74'25'22"-E 1-14.48' 9.71/-eV / c 4A 2.41•V 57.31 E87 S 74'25'22 rE i 20.59' I,N 48'214-1 E 180' LAND`' S 38'30'54"E 150.66' 4 f 39'53'119'E 49.643'' 9561"W 45.56' S 5PLAT SNOWING SUBDIVISION OFTAXMAP32PARCEL413 433'087 E 6216' , , HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER 3'19"VI 5716°3'~ AREA C 5000'14"E 197.11' RiVANNA DISTRICT,ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 210'20'40" W 24.00'SCALE: NONE SHEET: 1 OF 4 mum"W 201.04' FILE: 32-41D-C2.00 DATE: JANUARY 23, 2006 381014"W 151.39' REV: FEBRUARY 27, 2006 48'21'41'W 24.04' REV: JUNE 5, 2006 77'02' E 1,05' 0701 9"E 5.03' DOMINION DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES, LLC. i72 SOUTH PANTOPS DRIVE 802' ' 003 W 10.00'. 73' CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 2291182'2103"E 0828'2_9'E7„.„ 4.73' _ P: 434.984.1599 1: 434.984.8863 Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 7 Page 8 of 14 1/41110 D-eed Book 3,345 P5.--15- Laurel flt! +, Baptist Church ^tf N Future'Dedication i 0 0.99 Acs TIO 32-41D2 II"MATCTILINE United States Poitai i f.," Z i g Service S. DB 1869-184 Plat ih" DB 2378-427 P+u R1R 6 Zoned Lt D6 28`y3'' 1 dd z Use: Post Office o 2666 , i r ' g4611'33"E IF 45.89 61.13' 36.89 A. 18 488.34• R-18. L=75.77 V L17 L21 t'r N N 1F, u, Y.• 61.0' YOB 4. q. New Variable Width 0%. e. `„^ Access Easement o\ i 6, `,„ R= 7 L=47 L=34.11 • L= 3 58, N 41.7 gg^el r. Nen 12'Qwrdra6 83 Acres L22 0 New Easement y0\ 'dy CB R. r r.r i R= v \ New 35 _ '. r. L- i Access Easement e 9J d 44.• ' 53729'05'f 87.72' p u Block C4 N53'•' '"Area B A Portion of g 'C,"• r 6.74 Acres 10.57 TBP 32-48 0.43 Ace U a Nerdy Dedicated r L=40. 7 t 92 To Public Use N A a erg S. Ca s \ •94' r L= .3 7 .,. .n L=12.34 C49 3 9'06,, L=47. W7 4 '14"W L=47,64 r, 5.24 MR PT S5759'141 N46.33'10":, ROAD 50.01' TMP 32-48 28 8.50 C53 Tribal Properties LLC ei17' 4ISDB2918-856 5§ 89218 L=100.14 V1 DB 2885-298 29 L34 mDB1970-110 o ZonedNYD-2C - u , t tae Use: Vacant 4 Block C3 I 56.51 : Lot A i 1.26 Ass 1 I N52.33'09 41 8.61' ew Accessasement 1 Block CS 9,. e ? 1 Lot B p° I 2.25 Acst. r Q, P r S505338"W Area A E3Z I 1 201.25' __- t 'a Area For\\ --E2Z E3 12,--_ 16 i Future Dedication -N3850'S4• 2/o qq 0.38 Acs 156 26 N43.98' c 1 Access Easement r"'i'3' w M V 2 z Block C3 64.91 Lot B 40 E 2.26 Acs -• 1.37' t TifP 32-41C ^v rXLaurelNall ,,, Reserved ForFutureDedicationTen32P I Baptist Church Lq 0.99 Acs co r 541.3748E 144.10' DB 141859- 1- 21 41-21 MATCHLINE I Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber:2006-00013204 Seq: 8 Page 9 of 14 400# D k3a6 -) ps. -76 I ITm 32 Par 41H1 I Storage Management I, LLC ' DB 1837-111 I DB 1921-423 Zoned: HC IF S37'01'197425.84' Use: Self-Storage 56.56' 4 Tm32Par 41A Nu. T 1T Par TIN, LW a. I IaBlockC94.1; R-90.00' 4.08 Acne 19.29 r 16 CI XII 12.5 11••1854'1 r5'2 • g rcra•n 57326'35"E N50'41' 4'W N o,•iJ y\. st 65' N 800 4 I E ti 4 kisement16 SWY Facility/t 11Nyg" G 6 f OPEN SPACE 1 80Ji a DB 2916-22 f' T72 1 f- dBlv, R/W j S2'Q?4.'W Block Cf afoot Ct u Lot c HOLLYMEAD CORNER LLC Lot B HOLLYMEAD CORNER LW Block Cf l$ r ` .4(414 . TMP 32-41!18 TMP 32-4195 Lot A 1,; 5 6 DB 2916-22 j DB 2816-22 HOLLYMEAD 14A LLC TIS. 364'52'17"E 36.32' .1817' s 1 jk DB 2818-22 S 528'7'2J1 356 . 55' 1 2811.05' L___J 40'Access l r. I11I Eosemdit !! t,,00 L..—. i D8 2916-22 i "g 1 I i Block C2 II I t 3.03 Acs TMP 32-439 TARCET 1 r CORPORATION 1 Ea As cemeas $ i I DB 2678-264 DB 2789-125DB2916-2233yZoned PD-MC 40r ' Cl$ INI Use: Vacant rvp1TH OF0Exist. 30'1 y. 1. Access a,./.c 1A 48 Easement; z 1%0 DB 2678-1425 Y R. MILLER> TV 32-43 CERTIFICATE No. HOLLYMEAD TOWN , 2065 te ! CENTER, LLC DB 2878-264 P i o6 DB 2789-125 r% : LAND Zoned PDMC Use: Vacant PLAT SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF TAX MAP 32 PARCEL 41D HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER i s AREA C RJVANNA DISTRICT,ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1' - 100' SHEET: 2 OF 4 1 FILE: 32-419-C2.DWC DATE: JANUARY 23, 2006 lS REV: FEBRUARY 27, 2006 REV: JUNE 6, 2006 DOMINION DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES, LLC. 172 SOUTH PANTOPS DRIVE 100 0 100 200 300 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22911 P: 434.984.1599 F: 434.984.8863 1,1, 1'04SCALE; 1" F 100' 9I Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 9 Page 10 of 14 cccl nook 3a 4s PS. i 11c'"e` w " 0.99 Am TNP 32-41D2 United Slates Postal Z Service DB 1869-184 Plat DiDB 2378-427 1 X2666-29W99 52'30';8"w UZoned: LI Use: Post Office pg 26g6- 3 28.03 xistin g Sewer Easement D8 3137-127 1 New 14'X10 r• \ Water Easement 3.52 \\ \TYP.) V. L=114.96 4. \;` 4\\ ,.14 4 322.18 s New 20' ewient \\\ Easeme Water Sewer Easement \ \ 41„.,b,l New 24'X18' New 10'X7' \ \ y ',\.Water Easement Water Easement\\\\, /\.\\\TIP.) 609'42'33N .4•4.• •E 3.91 Water Easemen New 10120 1.5'Water\\,•Ar. ,,\; 1482 ' moi?``Easement \•\ p11117 i.1, New 2TX 0' Block 83°acres \\\ 33.18 Water Ea -ment 63.24 • 6 EL=182.6218262 36.57' New 18'X7 \ 46 y Water Easement\ ,. , y v 4 ,• 4• 32.01 Cj!54.7: N,/,_______1222_,L../ 41 Block C4 153.216.74 Acres A New 10'X20' Water Easement TMP 32-46 liTribalPropertiesLLC DB 2916-656 g' d DB 2685-296 EDB1970-110 Zoned:NND-EC I Use: Vacant Block C3 Lot A 1.25 Acs Block C3 Lot B 2.25 Are New Sanitary Easement 1 s 23 Block C3 Lot B 2.25 Acs Tm 32 Pe HN-Acqui DB 659- DB 141-26 i Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 10 Page 11 of 14 411)ecemi 1L 301 4.5 P5. 18 Ilint32 Par OBIStorageManagementLLLC . DB 1837-111 1 DB 1921-423 Zoned: HC Use: Self-Storage 20.00' 1 Tm 32 Par 41A N52'55'51"E Tint 32 Par 41D1 TMLIC 46.97' N14 ' N7319'12'W f TIR(' LLC 20.22' 92.33'1BlockC9 4.08 Ames 14,a. no 19.92'"r ' 10x20'Son. r, 6 Sewer Easement o4NewZO'Water 48 06 2916-22 Easement-'may(*- tst1A %. 141 175.14' 7 /4E42 E 54293'41"E 161.89' e3409 SWM Facility1 1 OPEN SPACE I 1 Ire, r 66 l DB 2916-22 j I t Blvd c i 1PublicR/11 iBlock Cl Block Cl IHOLLYMEAD CORNER LLC Lot B 1 TMP 32-4196 I HOLLYMBAD CORNER LLC Block Cl DR 2916-22 1 TMP 32-4135 Lot A DB 2916-22 HOLLYMEAD CORNER LLC t 10'Water t TMP 32-4194 Easement \ 1 DB 2818-22 DB 2916-22 20'Sm.Sewer Easement L_ 1 08 2916-22 20'Waterr - Easementnt22 1 L08i L___ IBlockC2 3. 933 Acs I r--- I -------1----------^-------- 20'Utility--II Easement I I TN?32-431) D8 2678-405 I TARGET I I CORPORATION DB 2678-264 I DB 2789-125 t1Zoned: PD-AIC IUserVacant TMP 32- LLC43 NOLLYNRAD TOWN CENTER, DB 2878-264 t DB 2789-125 Zoned. PDMC Use: Vacant PLAT SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF N op`/ TAX MAP 32 PARCEL 413 HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER 1 cz AREA C 1 Y R. MUER RIVANNA DISTRICT,ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA DERIVE/OE No. SCALE: 1" = 100' SHEET: 3 OF 4 y B o 2065 Se FILE: 32-41D-C2.DWC DATE: JANUARY 23, 2006 1 jl 9- D REV: FEBRUARY 27, 62006 REV: JUNE 5, 2006 X LAND Xi' e DOMINION DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES, LW. 172 SOUTH PANTOPS DRIVE 100 0 100 200 300 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22911 f aaea n ar • _ annseeeeraeee sere P: 434.984.1599 F: 434.984.8863 `'1.`q 0` SCALE: 1" = 100' Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 11 f f Page 12 of 14 I Deed -Book 3a(,S -P 5.-19 4 MOM 10.99 Acs 714P 52-41D2, United States Postal 1 ServiceiDB1659-184 Plat 1 I M w DB 2378-427 pax. Zoned L1 2g c`,$ Use: Post Office D8 2686 3g Dg GPS A i New 20'X25' ainoge Easement Nett 60'X10' Drew ainageage-.,-..._.••••'' .a Drainage Easement ' 34'14" s rs i Block C5 2.63 Acres iri 328481 p \\ 125.17 i! 3 83.39 Bk C4 El. . kit,.."... sS87'40'`1'E 6.74 Acres cd 97.53 4.. New Drainage 6499 " Storm dater Na errwnt S5652'33" . r Easement S41'17.42"E f 22.78' d Maintenance Easement New N. i 128.59' i SWM Facility 2 j Drainage 9.45 t/ if Easement i S3 45" ` I 1 m 17.00 S19'42'31"E/ 85.59' f8pi elNew DrainoPUP32-46 EasemaiTrttalPropertiesLLC It I DB 2916-666 i DB 2685-298 N i DD 1970-110 i Zane&NND-BC 1 Use: Vacant Block C3 1 Lot A R=600.00' 1 1.25 Acs 1:-.-F. New 20'X10'L= 215.85 __' .._._.._ Y.._.ti.._. 1 Drainage Easement Black C3 l 2911914"E N26:39117.9117.-1.-i 5Y0T51•W 17.23 N28 39 27.911.--..- i_._.•_. N- 104.60' 298.81' New Drainage Easement New Temporary 377.73 42'32'4W Drainage Easement 56.11 o Block C3 Lot B 2.25 Acs m US State Plane - VA South New Drainage Easement Description Northing lasting 20 74n 32 Po GPS A 3936305.81898 11499491.13280 NDBA659- DB 659- GPS 8 3935461.00750 11500542.83341 DB 141-26 GP$ C 3934986.12677 11499481.07314 1 WS 0 GPS D 3935095.77238 11498865.33754 1 Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 12 Page 13 of 14 1m/ 4 ? ok3abspa. 8O I'm 32 Par 41111 Storage Management I, LW 1 DB1837-f11 DB 1921-423 Zoned HC Use: Self-Storage CPS g I'm 32Par 41A 1 Tint 332K ar 1Df TIKI, LLC Block C9 4.08 Acres I t i Ra 2 A 5'x20' Dronoge m. ,, DB Easement 5 5'x20' co DB 2916-22 r Are, V DB 2916-22/ t SIH Facility/1 i i OPEN SPACE 1 I es r Pimbenooed Blvd I Variable R/ 11PublicR/I grey(5X20' Bock C1 Ea ent Lot C Block Cf HOLLYMEAD CORNER LLC I Loi B TMP 32-4136 HOLLYMEAD CORNER LLC Block Cf TMP 32-4105 Lot A DB 2916-22 I DB 2916-22 HOLLYMEAD CORNER LLC TMP 32-4134 1 ague 10)(18 i5' D8 2916-22 Drainaseme L - r 1 1 Block C2 I 3.93 Acs TMP 32-43D 1 TARGET CORPORATION I DB 2678-264 DB 2789-125 1{Zoned PD-MC Use: Vacant TMP 32-43 HOLLYMEAD TOWN 1 CENTER, LW DB 2678-264 B 2789-126 I DZoned• PDMC Use: Vacant 1 y PLAT SHOWING SUBDiSION OFjr; iy TAX MAP 32 PARCEL 41D kI a + HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER YR.+ u> AREA C GRIMM2RIVANNA DISTRICT,ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRCINIA 1 4%/7-11'0(1 SCALE: 1' = 100' SHEET: 4 OF 44 /7 X1'0/ FILE: 32-410-C2.DWC DATE: JANUARY 23, 2006 MY w4.0 LANG• REV: FEBRUARY 27, 2006 Mm• REV: JUNE 5, 2006 100 0 100 200 300 DOMINION DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES, LLC a a a • • e 172 SOUTH PANTOPS DRIVE Y a a — _ 0 h CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22911 SCAf. :t " = 1 IDi Book: 3265 Page: 68 FileNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 13 Page 14 of 14 411111110 01.1114 RECORDED IN CLERKS OFFICE OF ALBEMARLE ON August 03,2005 AT 11:06:31 AM 0.00 GRANTOR TAX PD AS REQUIRED BY VA CODE 588.1-802 STATE:$0.00 LOCAL:$0.00 ALBEMARLE T ,VA 7ECIRCUITCOT Book: 3265 Page: 68 FiieNumber: 2006-00013204 Seq: 14 fir.. rl COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 VSMP Permit plan review Project: CVS(Rio&29N)—VSMP Project File Number: WPO201500059 Plan preparer: Ashley Cooper/Cooper Planning, 1499 Lanetown Rd/Crozet,VA 2293 acooper@,cooper-planning.com];'Ryan Perkins/Kimley-Horn Assoc., 1700 Willow Lawn Dr-Suite 200,Richmond,VA 23230[Ryan.Perkins(a,kimley- hom.com I Owner or rep.: 29 Rio XROAD LLC,455 2"d St,SE,5'h Floor,Charlottesville,VA 22902 Paul Sprouse/The Rebkee Company,5871 City View Drive Midlothian,VA psprouse@rebkee.com Plan received date: 24 Aug 2015 Date of comments:13 Oct 2015 Reviewer: John Anderson A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain(1) a PPP,(2)an ESCP,(3)a SWMP,and(4)any TMDL measures necessary. SWPPP—It may be difficult to reference comments;pg.#with revisions would help. Initial Site Plan comment(#37)recommending Attached SWPPP template would simplify.) 1. I_A.—"The operator will file a complete registration statement for coverage under a VPDES General Permit for storm water discharges from construction activities with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality at least 15 days prior to commencement..." This is not the process. Please call to discuss. Reference to fee is incorrect. —Ref.Albemarle County Code 17-208. 2. I.B.—"Land disturbing activities cannot commence until verification of coverage is received by the Operator,"is partial reference to land clearing prerequisites. Land disturbance contingent upon a series of review approvals. Ref. 17-417. 3. Provide signed General VPDES Permit Registration.-17-401.C. 4. I.F.—List and identify individual/s by name—ref.VAR10 Part II.F.1./Part II.A.4.d.—May list Kimley-Horn technical personnel,until a contractor is selected. 5. LH.—Include copy of General Permit with SWPPP. Ref. Attached l'7-p.SWPPP template/Sec. 11. 6. I.K.—If SWPPP to be revised,recommend replace spiral binder with 3-ring binder. 7. II—Introduction:"This SWPPP has been prepared for land disturbing activities associated with the construction of Rio Road in Albemarle County,VA,"is inaccurate. It is prepared for CVS site. Revise. 8. II/Scope—"Where the Operator seeks to terminate coverage because the site has reached final stabilization, termination will become effective upon concurrence by the VSMP Authority,or after 60 days from the submittal of the NOT[Notice],whichever occurs first." This is partial representation of conditions found at VARIO Part I.F.(2) There is risk terminating a VPDES permit without concurrence of local program authority. Ref.VAR 10 Part I.F.1./2./3. for complete description of VPDES permit termination process. 9. II/Scope—"Allowable non-storm water discharges that may occur during construction on this project,which would therefore be covered by the General Permit,include: 3.Water used to wash vehicles or control dust Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 5 where detergents are not used." True,if wash waters are collected/detained and do not reach receiving streams. 10. II/Scope—"The Operator referred to in this SWPPP is the entity noted on the VSMP registration statement."Provide Registration statement. Identify operator. 11. Ill,Project Description,B.Sequence of Construction: Schedule an on-site pre-construction meeting." This is inconsistent with local program authority procedure. Preconstruction meetings are held at Albemarle County Office building—please revise. 12. III.B:—"Upon demolition of the parking lot and curb and gutter a diversion dike should be installed parallel with Route 29 to maintain positive drainage to the inlet shown to remain." Ref.ESC Plan comments 7./8. Revise SWPPP Seq.of Construction accordingly. 13. III.B.—"Once phase I measures are in place and functioning properly,clearing within the limits of disturbance shown in phase ii can commence. Demolish buildings,asphalt,concrete and curb and gutter." Delete second sentence. Demolition has occurred with phase I. 14. III.C.—"The project site consists of 1.535 acres with a disturbed area of 1.69 acres." Project site cannot be less than disturbed area. Revise. 15. III.G.9: [The selected erosion and sediment control drawings,grading and drainage drawings,and/or erosion and sediment control narrative provided in Appendix G illustrate/outline the following:]9. Location of all off-site materials,waste,borrow or equipment storage areas covered by the plan." This statement is inaccurate. Drawings/Appendix G[Appendix contains reference to 3 plan sheets;this could be accomplished with direct reference to plan sheets in body of SWPPP]do not outline items listed. Revise. 16. IV.Site Description:—"Included as part of this SWPPP in Appendix G are selected project construction drawings. Please refer to them for detailed site information." Reference to drawings is insufficient: Provide 11"x 17"Exhibit. (Recommend ESC Plan as template.) Show solid/non-hazardous waste dumpster;sanitary facilities(port-a-john);solvent-paint storage;concrete wash-out;on-site fuel storage. DEQ,during periodic inspections of active projects,instructs on importance of an Exhibit that shows location of these features. All should drain to containment. For example,silt fence downstream of port-a- john. Concrete wash-out,dumpster draining to trapping device(lined,in case of concrete wash-out). On- site fuel storage berm with 10m1 liner,sized to hold fuel volume+2 yr.storm event. .PDF samples available. Exhibit is not intended as a detailed design,but to show containment and locations which may change over time. Exhibit is a construction aid and resource protection/inspection management tool. 17. IV.C.Rainfall information—Locate rain gauge on SWPPP Exhibit/initial location. Contractor is free to change location,if change is noted on Exhibit. 18. IV.F.Threatened or Endangered Species or their Critical Habitat—Obtain T&E species clearance/project approval as required from applicable state(VDGIF/DEQ)or federal agencies(USFWS). 19. IV.G.—ESC Plan:"...include a temporary stone construction entrance." Revise to read paved entrance. 20. IV.H.—Permanent stormwater controls—Ref.SWM Plan comment item#4—Revise SWPPP at this location accordingly. Furnish evidence. Provide details that constitute a SWM Plan. 21. IV.H.—Reference to Appendix I(as with Appendix G)is reference to plan sheets better accomplished directly,with text. Tv and Tc calculations are provided(CG-301). Quantity calculations are absent,not provided. Revise text for accuracy. 22. V.C.—Please title this portion of SWPPP `Construction Phase"Best Management Practices"Pollution Prevention Practices,' for local/state DEQ inspector benefit. DEQ looks for PPP section of SWPPP. —Ref. county template,Sec. 6. 23. VII—"The Operator may install a rain gauge at the site..."This statement is inconsistent with IV.C.(#17, above). Revise. 24. VII—"All modifications to the SWPPP document and approved plan will be noted on the construction plans."Revise to read"will be noted on the SWPPP Exhibit." 25. VII—"If it is determined ...that there has been an upset or bypass of the control measures resulting in a release of sediment to State waters,the Operator's Inspector shall report the bypass or upset to the Albemarle County Department of Community Development..."Revise to include State notification. — VARIO,Part 11I.I.1./2. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 5 26. VII—"Within five days of making the verbal report to the County,a written report shall ..."Revise to include State notification. NOTE: The reports required in Part Ill G, H and I shall be made to the department and the VSMP authority.Reports may be made by telephone,email,or by fax. For reports outside normal working hours, leaving a recorded message shall fulfill the immediate reporting requirement. For emergencies, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management maintains a 24-hour telephone service at 1-800-468- 8892. 27. Appendix B—Provide General VPDES Permit Registration Statement. 28. Appendix C—Provide Signed Certification—Kimley-Horn qualified personnel/CVS official may sign. 29. Appendix I—(header)appears with SWPPP Construction Site Notice(Appendix H)—please revise. B. VSMP:SWPPP:Stormwater Management Plan(WPO201500059) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved for reasons provided in comments below.The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. 1. Please remove sheets:CS-101,CS-501,CP-101,CP-102,CP-501,CL-101,CL-102,CT-500,CT-501. 2. Revise Title to include: WP0201500059/VSMP. Delete`Final Site Plan'in plan set Title. 3. CE-101:Explain label"Ex.Detention system to be removed." (Green box,image below) There is no mention of an existing detention system in SWM Narrative,CG-301. If an existing detention system is being removed(despite lack of existing detail),a SWM plan typically requires Narrative that addresses Q2/QIo increase,if there is any increase. SWM plans do not have a regulatory option of removing detention without due consideration. Assurance that VDOT Rt.29 interchange project has been designed with(post- developed)CVS site runoff in drainage capacity calculations requires supporting documentation. 4. 12-Aug 2015 Kimley»Horn response letter:"There is an existing detention system serving the corner parcel, however,no details or specifics on the system have been able to be located. Per discussions with VDOT the detention system can be removed as no control for the site is modeled in the calculations for the storm drain along Route 29."Please provide additional details. CG-301:(SWM Assumptions/Notes)"Design plans for VDOT's grade separated interchange are underway and the proposed improvements are slated for construction prior to commencing CVS construction. As part of VDOT's work they will be responsible for modifying the storm network in Route 29 to handle the roadway improvements as well as convey drainage from the adjacent parcels. As a result,VDOT will have provided an adequate outfall to the subject site capable of satisfying the state's channel and flood protection criteria." This statement requires support. Provide quantitative design data that supports this statement. Similarly,support Narrative/SW Quantity: Channel protection and flood protection criteria are met as VDOT has accounted for the sites imperviousness as part of their design for the Route 29/Rio Road grade separated interchange,"and"VDOT has analyzed the storm network in Route 29 and verified capacity up to the subject site." If VDOT has accounted for the site's imperviousness and if impervious area is set to decrease under the proposed development,then whether existing detention is removed or not is beside the point(circumstance sufficient to address item#3). Provide water quantity compliance demonstration per 9VAC25-870-66(document VDOT design,provide analysis,etc.). These statements do not of themselves ensure proposed development is compliant. Given removal of existing detention,it appears possible(if not likely)that post-developed Q2/Qlo may increase,which,absent specific evidence of VDOT allowance in interchange design,is non- compliant. 5. CG-301:Evidence of purchase of nutrient credits from Wildwood Farm is required prior to VSMP Approval. [Applicant response:Noted. This does not alleviate need for evidence of purchase. Approval requires evidence of purchase.] 6. CG-301:Redevelopment worksheet Ac.=1.54. Revise to LOD Ac.=1.69. Post-developed land cover must include Acreage disturbed,at a minimum. ills Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 5 C. VSMP:SWPPP:Erosion Control Plan(WPO201500059) Virginia Code§62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is disapproved for reasons provided in comments below.The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 7. CE-101:Provide RW diversion(yellow line)leading to sediment trap(red box);image,below: r ' L 4: ;t I (I w"aro",,, nroto ox,° o 4.E lsAucommEr roo P } xP p RAM.s OK As vonimr caaneucnw1 s I y1 oosmc vrt y.—k A K uwoLEaz 10 Mi.r 7//'//j UM twavo. y y NRA¢10 rtzr NO OCKPILE AREA ti //,.... Z. )` '01.1r wNati o OTECinn0+a I swncur Mt(ix)IP F NECESSARY) L., .r 1 0 MI , Y,. ARRwc"" • ' 1. IP `a. I- I y. , (40,10W) I 1' ' to o'et snm ,: ro K RE1' T rt cCMTRACTM TO PROTECT Me ... ,,,,4„;_,J,— 1.1/4101 tallAS TO I imw-lm- —__ 1- ,, nom- SEMINOLE-TRAIL ROUTE 49) VARIABLE WOMN 4/4 oB. r7n -Co 75 — nII 401 PG 171 Demolish,construct,stabilize upslope areas;place stone aggregate base prior to removing sediment trap. Demolish remnant pavement at entrance to Rt.29 ramp as a Phase II ESC item. Place remaining aggregate stone prior to paving. Other sequences may work,but this site cannot be opened to 1.69 Ac.draining to the existing inlet and pipe(to remain). The grades don't work. Entire open site draining to inlet(to remain)is impractical. Proposed design cannot be approved. Design and recommended sequence have been reviewed by the County Engineer. A sediment trap is not a recommendation. It is a requirement. 8. CE-101:Revise Note 5—Proximity to U.S.Rt.29 makes diversion dike parallel with Rt.29 impractical. This design cannot be approved. Dike failure this close to Rt.29 has severe impact potential. Also,ref. VESCH,p.111-33,Design Criteria, 1."The drainage area shall be no greater than 1 Ac." 9. CG-101:Indicate storm inlet drain`F'/`D'drainage divide—show as dash,etc. Provide Phase 11 E&S Plan measures that protect Rt.29;for example,diversion dike parallel with Rt.29 ramp,as proposed with Phase I E&S. Add sequence of construction notes to preserve existing storm inlets closest to Rte.29 as long as possible. These convey runoff offsite. Once existing inlets are demolished,provide sequence that provides adequate ESC measures at points of entry to storm lines A to V1,and X2 to V4. Furnish detail/s for ESC measure/s that capture and filter runoff during construction. Runoff to Rte.29 is impermissible. 10. CG-101:Phase Il probable construction sequence—Delete Note 2(demolition complete). Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays,should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Plan review staff available at 434-296-5832(-x3069)should you have questions. Process: After approval,plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms,which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature Iwo Svarti Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 5 information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees. After bonding and agreements are complete,county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time,the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing,this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application,they will issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county. After DEQ coverage is issued,via the coverage letter,the County can hold a pre-construction conference.Applicants will need to request a pre-construction conference by completing a form,and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber,and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff,and upon approval,a pre-construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre-construction conference,should everything proceed satisfactorily,a joint VSMP and grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; http://www.albemarle.org/deptforms.asp?department=cdengwpo Thank you-434.296-5832—x3069 Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 5 C. VSMP:SWPPP:Erosion Control Plan(WPO201500059) Virginia Code§62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is disapproved for reasons provided in comments below.The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 7. CE-101:Provide RW diversion(yellow line)leading to sediment trap(red box);image,below: I' I s 1- 1 -..- 0I— iimi ;Ji I r,..,: An nuro umRn romK MRlilI LJIJ'ARN omo »N — Lrill Cr µ RAO n qua i,.NwaRu•. o i try-///. I . rx,,.. V.o ENSUREroam£ ' rOCKPILE AREA1 - 'Y K er Z.s I* uNr_roracr ANp n west molCCtpn IS '' SAWCUT un[(TMIPFNECESSARY) l R,1 Yy I I.. o ttuairnNa in: k k y y=,7,; 4 i 0.CT.011E11101 10 E RDROt1O k STORM PIO i b L 1113.0.41TO.ar•CC_ l i J '—cwn.clTo PROTECT Mr s-- ——1I,.__. -.--_mun 0oRua.c cel clwR..INCITwmIC 11E- TO 1. 111 SERI rOtE—'I'RA1L (ROUTE- 49) -7""7--, ol----vARIABLE WIDTH Rm n R 430 PG 171 Demolish,construct,stabilize upslope areas;place stone aggregate base prior to removing sediment trap.Demolish remnant pavement at entrance to Rt.29 ramp as a Phase II ESC item. Place remaining aggregate stone prior to paving. Other sequences may work,but this site cannot be opened to 1.69 Ac.draining to the existing inlet and pipe(to remain). The grades don't work. Entire open site draining to inlet(to remain) is impractical. Proposed design cannot be approved. Design and recommended sequence have been reviewed by the County Engineer. A sediment trap is not a recommendation. It is a requirement.8. CE-101:Revise Note 5–Proximity to U.S.Rt.29 makes diversion dike parallel with Rt.29 impractical.This design cannot be approved. Dike failure this close to Rt.29 has severe impact potential. Also, ref.VESCH,p.III-33,Design Criteria, 1."The drainage area shall be no greater than 1 Ac."9. CG-101: Indicate storm inlet drain`F'/`D'drainage divide–show as dash,etc. Provide Phase II E&S Plan measures that protect Rt.29;for example,diversion dike parallel with Rt.29 ramp,as proposed with Phase I E&S. Add sequence of construction notes to preserve existing storm inlets closest to Rte.29 as long as possible. These convey runoff offsite. Once existing inlets are demolished,provide sequence that provides adequate ESC measures at points of entry to storm lines A to VI,and X2 to V4. Furnish detail/s for ESC measure/s that capture and filter runoff during construction. Runoff to Rte.29 is impermissible.10. CG-101:Phase Il probable construction sequence–Delete Note 2(demolition complete).Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays,should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Plan review staff available at 434-296-5832(-x3069)should you have questions. Process:After approval,plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms,which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash,certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms.Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and Johnathan Newberry From: Cameron Langille Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 5:28 PM To: Johnathan Newberry Subject: SDP201600072 Staybridge Suites Draft Final Comments Hi JT, Sorry again for not adding you to the reviewer list when I entered this application into County View. I've gone over the initial site plan comments for the project,SDP201600047, and also looked at their Lighting Plan and Landscape Plan to see if they addressed everything per the final site plan checklist. I have drafted some comments below which I am sending just so you have them in case you haven't reviewed this project yet.As always, I understand if some of these may not be things we require for a final site plan. Please let me know how I am doing. Perhaps we can arrange a time to look at the plan together and these comments in the next few days.They are due out on 12/21/2016,which is next Wednesday. I'll follow up with you more tomorrow on this one. o Lt - .l s c 10 o,,,-SLw4 1 1. General comment-please update the vicinity map on Sheet CA-001 to reflect the current existing conditions roadways)surrounding the subject property. 2. 4.17.4(a)-On Sheet CL-101, please provide a cut-sheet/spec detail for the FLD-EDG-25-SA-02-E-XX-XX-700 model light demonstrating that it is a full-cutoff fixture and complies with all other applicable lighting standards. 3. 32.6.2-Please show the locations and dimensions of easements for all proposed seer and water facilities,yand state whether the easements will be publicly or privately maintained. c C.k V Msec 4. show the locations and dimensions of easements for storm drainage facilities. pK C.1,e t a 1 5. of the back-to-back parking lot lights conflict with the canopy areas of required trees for parking lot landscaping. Please adjust the tree or light pole locations to separate these features.C,19-tD\ 6. 32.7.9-On Sheet CP-101, please update the shrubs section of the plant schedule as follows: 31 IB shrubs are shown on the drawings, not 32. 28 PL shrubs are shown on the drawings, not 29. J7. 32.7.9-The general Landscape Calculations at the top of Sheet CP-101 state that 8 Acer rubrum trees are provided under the Tree Canopy section. However, only 5 are shown on the drawings, as is stated in the Plant Schedule further down the page. Please amend the Landscape Calculations table. p(8. provide a detailed quantity list of which plants are being counted toward the tree canopy coverage shown for the parking lot landscaping calculation (4,748.72 sq.ft.). 4 9. on the 103 parking spaces provided, 11 interior parking area trees are required, not 10. Please amend the Landscape Calculation on Sheet CP-101 to reflect the required amount. I just checked County View and Jay and Derek are the only two others who have reviewed the final site plan so far. Both of them had no objections. Cameron Cameron Langille Senior Planner Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Ph: 434-296-5832 ext. 3432 blangille albemarle.orq 1