HomeMy WebLinkAboutCPA201700001 Staff Report 2018-02-06COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Project Name: CPA 2017-00001 Willow Glen
Staff: Rachel Falkenstein, Senior Planner
Industrial Area
Planning Commission Worksession: February 6,
Planning Commission Public Hearing: TBD
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: TBD
Owner/s: Dickerson Ridge LLC and Peery, Barbara A,
Applicant: Dickerson Ridge LLC
and Tammy P Grubb, WA.
c/o Steve Edwards
Tax Map Parcel: 03200-00-00-049BO and portions of
Acreage: 2.8 acres
03200-00-00-04910, 03200-00-00-049J0, and 03200-
Location: On the east side of Dickerson Road,
approximately 1000 feet north of the intersection of
Towncenter Drive and Dickerson Road
Zoning District: PRD
Magisterial District: Rio
Proposal: To amend the Comprehensive Plan land
Comprehensive Plan Designation:
use designation from Urban Density Residential to
Urban Density Residential (in areas around
Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial to allow for the
centers) in the Places29 Development Area
construction of Light Industrial/Flex space.
Use & Character of Property:
Use of Surrounding Properties: The airport
Two existing, currently vacant homes in disrepair,
is west (across Dickerson Road). Existing and
woods and a stream.
proposed residential uses surround the
property on the other three sides.
Factors Favorable:
Factors Unfavorable:
1. The proposed land use change would add
1. The area under consideration is less
additional LI inventory to County and the
than three acres and is not a
Places29 development area and the proposal
significant addition to the LI inventory.
is supported by Economic Development staff.
2. The property is surrounded on three
2. The location across the street from an airport
sides by residential neighborhoods.
is considered an appropriate location for light
3. The use as shown on the proposed
industrial uses.
plan is neither well incorporated with
3. The proposal increases the mix of uses in the
the adjacent residential
neighborhood, nor is it well screened.
4. The proposed change will provide for
4. This proposal contradicts the rationale
additional stream protection, which was not
used in the 2007 Comp Plan
part of the 2007 proposal (though the same
Amendment on this property that
effect could have been achieved through
changed the land use designation
changes in the site plan).
from Industrial to Urban Density
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Planning Commission provide direction on whether or not the
proposed change could be supported and if so, what features need to be addressed with the future
rezoning of this property.
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
STAFF PERSON: Rachel Falkenstein
CPA 201700001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
PROJECT: CPA201700001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
TAX MAP/PARCELS: 03200-00-00-049BO and portions of 03200-00-00-04910, 03200-
00-00-049J0, and 03200-00-00-049F0
LOCATION: On the east side of Dickerson Road, approximately 1000 feet north of the
intersection of Towncenter Drive and Dickerson Road,
PROPOSAL: To amend the Comprehensive Plan designation for approximately 3
acres, from Urban Density Residential - residential (6.01 — 34 units/ acre) and
supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service
uses to Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial which allows commercial, professional office;
research and development, design, testing of prototypes; manufacturing, assembly,
packaging; residential is a secondary use (no maximum density).
ZONING DISTRICT: Planned Residential Development which allows 3 — 34 units/acre
with limited commercial uses and Rural Areas which allows agricultural, forestal, and
fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots)
OVERLAYS: AIA — Airport Impact Area; Steep Slopes Managed
The purpose of this worksession is to evaluate whether this applicant -initiated
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) has merit for consideration as a future CPA to
the Places29 Master Plan. If the Commission believes that merit exists, it should
articulate is expectations for specific elements to be addressed in a future Zoning Map
Amendment (ZMA). This staff report provides analysis on how the proposed change
could meet overall Comprehensive Plan recommendations and would be consistent with
the Neighborhood Model.
The 2.77 acres under review fronts on Dickerson Road directly across from the
Charlottesville -Albemarle Regional Airport. It is partially cleared but has some areas of
woods around a stream which runs along the northern portion of the property. There are
two existing houses on the property, which appear to be vacant (Attachment A).
A portion of this site (1.81 acres) is part of the Willow Glen Planned Residential District
(PRD) that was approved in 2007. One phase of the 23.7 acre PRD low Glen has been
platted for 36 units, 34 of which are built. Phase 1 is to the southeast of the area under
review. The other .96 acres of the site (TMP 32-49B) is zoned RA and was not part of
the original Willow Glen rezoning.
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
The property is surrounded on three sides by existing or proposed residential uses. To
the north are several RA parcels with houses and the community of Deerwood which is
zoned R-4. East and south of the property are undeveloped portions of Willow Glen.
The land use designation for this property is Urban Density residential, which was the
result of both a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) and Zoning Map Amendment
(ZMA) in 2007. The applicant's proposal (see Attachment B) is for an
Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial designation on property shown currently shown for
Urban Density Residential to allow industrial service uses on the property. (See Overlay
Exhibit `B' in Attachment B.) The requested change is speculative as the applicant has
not identified any users at this time. The applicant states an intention to build and
design space specific to prospective future users.
The proposed concept plan (Attachment C) shows a conceptual design for the proposed
industrial/flex space, specifically approximately 50,000 square feet of flex space
occupying four separate two-story buildings with an entrance on Dickerson Road. The
area requested for redesignation (and ultimately rezoning) shows parking in front of the
proposed structures along Dickerson Road and a retaining wall separating the
residential part of the development from the industrial portion. There is a separate
entrance proposed for the industrial portion of the site, so that the industrial traffic will
not share roads with the residential portion. Loading space is provided behind the
proposed buildings, adjacent to future residential areas in Willow Glen. The proposed
industrial area is disconnected from the residential area.
The applicant's justification for the change in use is primarily due to changing market
conditions. The applicant states that due to the financial recession and housing crisis of
2008, Willow Glen has not been able to fully develop. The applicant also states that
there is now a market for the "service sector" type of industry that is currently not being
met in the County. He describes service industries as those that provide both goods and
services. He offers a John Deere dealership as an example, which both sells tractors
and offers landscaping services to local businesses, institutions and homeowners.
Additionally, the applicant states an intention use sensitive design such that the use is
compatible with the surrounding residential community. He feels that since he owns
both properties he will be able to design the industrial and residential uses to be
compatible with one another and to also provide a live/work opportunity for the
residents. The applicant feels that this approach will make the community more
supportive of the proposed change in use.
CPA2006-00003 and ZMA200600019 were approved on October 10, 2007.
Existing and recommended land use designations at that time were different than the
designation desired by the applicant. Consideration of this change occurred during final
development of the Places29 Master Plan. The process included work sessions on the
CPA prior to consideration of the ZMA.
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
Staff did not support the redesignation of industrial to residential use in this area. Staff
asserted that an industrial designation should be retained on the property because of
the location of the property across the street from the airport, the need for industrial land
in the County's inventory, the difficulty in redesignating non -industrial land to an
industrial classification or zoning, and the fact that the mobile home park was expected
to convert to industrial land when or if it was ever vacated.
The applicant, however, made a case that provision of four different housing types and
32% affordable or workforce housing units served a greater public benefit. The applicant
also argued that it is unreasonable to have an industrially designated property
surrounded on three sides by residential. The Planning Commission and Board agreed
to the change. During the 2011 update the Places29 Master Plan was changed to
reflect an Urban Density Residential land use designation.
The application plan for ZMA200600019 showed an integrated plan for housing and
amenities. The applicant proffered to provide 15% of the units to meet the County's
affordable housing standards. During the rezoning, the applicant asked the Board for
reduced proffer amounts for the affordable units but the Board felt it was necessary to
retain the cash proffers in full for all the units beyond the 15% required affordable units.
For this reason, the applicant did not include any proffers relating to the additional
affordable units, though four housing types were still shown on the application plan.
SDP200800086 — A final site plan was approved for whole site; only 1 phase (34 units)
has been built.
Comprehensive Plan
This proposal has been reviewed based on the current Comprehensive Plan policy and
the Places 29 Master Plan last updated in 2011.
Land Use Designation:
This site is designated as Urban Density Residential in areas around centers in the
Places29 Master Plan. Urban Density Residential calls for primarily residential uses with
a density of 6.01 - 34 units per acre. Secondary uses can include small amounts of
retail, commercial and office uses that are intended to draw most of their clientele from
the surrounding neighborhoods.
The proposed land use designation for the 2.77 acres is Office/R&D/Flex/Light
Industrial. Primary uses include office uses, research and development, light
manufacturing, storage and distribution. Retail is intended to be incidental to the primary
uses and auto commercial sales and services are permitted as long as the use does not
adversely impact neighboring uses. Residential uses are also allowed as secondary
uses. A change of land use designation does not preclude future residential use of the
The Places29 Master Plan emphasizes the importance of compatibility with residential
uses when Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses are located adjacent to dwellings.
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
Noise, truck traffic, vibrations, and fumes should be avoided. Office and research and
development uses are described as having the least impact on residential
Economic Development
The Comprehensive Plan and County's Strategic Plan speak to the importance of
economic development. Relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan are provided
Strategy 1 a: Promote new employment activities in the Development Areas and encourage
developers of commercial and industrial projects to incorporate the Neighborhood Model
Strategy 3a: Continue to use the 2012 Target Industry Study to guide decisions for economic
development. (Target industries are Bioscience and Medical Devices, Business & Financial Services,
Information Technology and Defense & Security, and Agribusiness and Food Processing. Complementary
targets are Health Services, Arts, Design, and Sports & Media)
Objective 4: Ensure that there is sufficient land to accommodate future business and industrial
growth, and plan for infrastructure to serve employment areas where these businesses are
Strategy 4b: Encourage development of business and industrial uses in the Development Areas on
appropriately zoned land and consider proactively rezoning land to allow for light industrial uses
that have been identified on master plans.
The proposed change would increase the land area available for employment activities.
It does not appear to be targeting one of the preferred industries or incorporate
important principles of the Neighborhood Model (see later in the report).
The County's Strategic Plan incorporates these goals:
Thriving Development Areas
Attract quality employment, commercial, and high density residential uses into development areas by providing
services and infrastructure that encourage redevelopment and private investment while protecting the quality of
Economic Prosperity
Foster an environment that stimulates diversified job creation, capital investments, and tax revenues that support
community goals
It is not clear how the industrial area will protect the quality of the remainder of the
Willow Glen neighborhood except by keeping traffic separate. The provision of 2.77
acres of additional industrial land will help foster an environment for job creation in a
small way.
Review of Requests for Comprehensive Plan Amendments
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
Requests for comprehensive plan amendments are reviewed at a higher level of policy
than zoning map amendments which require a fair amount of detail. All CPA requests
are reviewed as follows:
A. Any proposed change in the Land Use Map will be evaluated for protection of
the health, safety, and welfare of the general public rather than the proprietary
interests of an individual.
Issues of health, safety, and welfare generally relate to capacity of utilities, such as
water and sewer, and infrastructure, such as roads to serve an area. The site is served
by public water and sewer. Upgrades may be required depending on projected levels of
use and will be determined with the review of construction plans.
The level of traffic to be added to Dickerson Road is not known at this time. The
applicant will need to provide warrants to determine if turn lanes are needed. A separate
entrance from the Willow Glen residential area will help to minimize conflicts and keep
truck traffic out of the neighborhood. However, staff believes that the uses should be
limited to those that can be more compatible with the neighborhood and not require a
separate entrance.
B. The merit of Comprehensive Plan amendment requests shall be largely
determined by the fulfillment of support to the "Goals and Objectives" specified
in the Comprehensive Plan.
The Comprehensive Plan supports economic development expansions primarily in the
Development Areas and in accord with the Neighborhood Model. As mentioned in the
previous section the request supports economic development objectives of the Plan.
Neighborhood Model analysis is provided below.
Neighborhood Model Analysis
The property fronts Dickerson Road which contains no curb,
gutter, sidewalks or street trees at this location. A sidewalk is
shown on the plan at the main entry drive to the Willow Glen
development. This principle is not met.
The addition of nonresidential uses to the neighborhood would
result in a mixture of use; however, the uses aren't really
Mixture of Uses
integrated into the same neighborhood. Loading areas adjacent
to the residential area should be minimal and well screened if
they are essential. In theory this principle is met, but not in
Several centers are nearby, including Hollymead Town Center
and the Airport. This principle is met.
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
The proposed change from Urban Density Residential to
Office/R&D/Light Industrial, as shown on the plan, removes
housing from a portion of the development. In isolation, this
Mixture of Housing
principle is not applicable. However, the concept plan for the
Types and
remainder of Willow Glen is now shown with only two housing
types, single family detached and townhouses. If developed as
shown, in combination with Phase 1, 75 /o will be townhouses. At
least 15% of the total will meet affordability standards of the
County. It will be important to ensure that a mixture of housing
types still exists if the Willow Glen PRD is amended.
The area shown for Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial is not
interconnected to the rest of Willow Glen. The applicant has said
Streets and
that the separation is deliberate so that traffic for the industrial is
not comingled with the residential use. A restriction on the types
of uses allowed in the changed area could provide opportunities
for interconnections and better compatibility within the
Multi -modal
No information has been provided to assess whether this
principle is met. This information is not essential for the CPA but
would be important for a subsequent ZMA.
Parks, Recreational
For the 2.77 acres under consideration for redesignation, this
Amenities, and Open
principle is not applicable. Parks and amenities for the remainder
of the Willow Glen development are unaffected by the proposed
Buildings and Space
No information is provided to assess whether this principle is
of Human Scale
Relegated Parking
Parking is shown on the concept plan in front of the buildings
that face Dickerson Road. This principle is not met.
There are two existing vacant houses on the property that will be
redeveloped. This principle is met.
Grading information hasn't been provided for the 2.77 acres;
Respecting Terrain
however, a retaining wall is shown between the proposed
and Careful Grading
industrial area and the adjacent townhomes. It is not known
and Re -grading of
whether this principle met because the height of the retaining
wall is unknown. The applicant has committed to retaining the
stream adjacent to the site, rather than piping it, as was shown in
the 2007 application plan.
Clear Boundaries
This principle is not applicable.
with the Rural Area
Should the Planning Commission wish to move forward with a Comp Plan amendment,
staff recommends that Neighborhood Model issues identified above be resolved. The
relationship between the use and the adjacent residential areas should be more
compatible so that the entire development can be fully integrated. The wording of a CPA
can establish the expectation for this compatibility and the methods for integration can
be considered as part of a rezoning.
Additionally, it would be expected in a rezoning (and subsequent site plan) that a
sidewalk and streetscape improvements be constructed along Dickerson Road.
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
Provision of relegated parking and ways in which buildings address the street should
also be part of rezoning plan.
C. A primary purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map is to
facilitate the coordination of improvements to the transportation network and the
expansion of public utilities in an economical, efficient and judicious manner...
No Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be considered in areas where roads
are non -tolerable or utilities are inadequate unless the improvement of those
facilities is included in the Comprehensive Plan amendment proposal.
The property is in a Development Area, on a parcel served by public utilities. Dickerson
Road appears to have adequate capacity to handle this use. As mentioned previously,
warrants will be required with the site plan to determine the need for turn lanes on
Dickerson Road. Curb and gutter, street trees and a sidewalk along the east side of
Dickerson Road will be required when the site develops.
D. Proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be evaluated for general
compliance with adopted County plans, policies, studies and ordinances and to
determine if corresponding changes are necessary.
As mentioned previously this use supports economic development goals of the
Comprehensive Plan; however, it does not appear that the applicant is pursuing only
target industries for the site.
Also as mentioned previously, staff has concerns with the compatibility of the use with
the adjacent neighborhoods and compliance with Neighborhood Model guidelines.
While it is possible for Office/R&D/Flex/LI uses to be compatible with residential uses,
the form demonstrated on the concept plan does not effectively integrate the two uses.
E. Except as otherwise provided, the following conditions may be considered in
the evaluation of a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan.
1. Change in circumstance had occurred;
2. Updated information is available;
3. Subsequent portions of the Comprehensive Plan have been adopted or
developed, or
4. A portion of the Plan is incorrect or not feasible; or
5. The preparation of the Plan as required by the Code of Virginia was
incomplete or incorrect information was employed.
The applicant has said that market conditions have changed such that housing
demands are not as strong as they were in 2007. Staff is not convinced that
housing demands have changed; however, if Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial
property is now marketable, there may be justification for the change.
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
Summary and Recommendation:
Staff has identified the following factors for consideration.
Factors Favorable:
1. The proposed land use change would add additional LI inventory to County and
the Places29 development area and the proposal is supported by Economic
Development staff.
2. The location across the street from an airport is considered an appropriate
location for light industrial uses.
3. The proposal increases the mix of uses in the area.
The proposed change will provide for additional stream protection, which was not
part of the 2007 proposal (though the same effect could have been achieved through
changes in the site plan).
Factors Unfavorable:
1. The area under consideration is less than three acres and is not a significant
addition to the LI inventory.
2. The property is surrounded on three sides by residential neighborhoods.
3. The use as shown on the proposed plan is neither well incorporated with the
adjacent residential neighborhood, nor is it well screened.
4. This proposal contradicts the rationale used in the 2007 Comp Plan Amendment on
this property that changed the land use designation from Industrial to Urban Density
Staff believes there is merit to considering a CPA for this area under certain conditions.
Staff recommends the CPA should set an expectation for the following:
1. Compatibility of uses, which may mean limiting the site to only Office and R&D uses,
but not Light Industrial uses
2. Design considerations for compatibility, including screening of loading/storage areas
from adjacent residences and interconnected streets/pedestrian facilities
3. Streetscape expectations for Dickerson Road including relegated parking
4. While it technically is not part of this CPA, staff believes it is pertinent to have a
discussion on the appropriateness of different dwelling unit types for the remaining
residential portion of the Willow Glen development
If the Commission agrees the proposal has merit, then it is asked to provide guidance
on the expectations for the CPA and subsequent ZMA. Staff is looking for guidance and
discussion on the topics listed above as well as any other issues that the Commission
believes should be addressed with this proposal.
Should the commission wish to pursue a CPA for the property, staff recommends that
the Commission adopt the attached resolution of intent to amend the Comprehensive
Plan to change the land use on Tax Map Parcel 03200-00-00-049BO and portions of
03200-00-00-04910, 03200-00-00-049J0, and 03200-00-00-049FO (as shown in
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018
Attachment B) from Urban Density Residential to Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial (ROI
to be provided as an additional attachment during the meeting).
A — Location Map
B — Narrative and proposed CPA map
C — Concept plan Concept plan
D — Resolution of Intent (to be provided during the meeting)
CPA2017-00001 Willow Glen Industrial Area
Planning Commission February 6, 2018