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WPO201500040 Plan - E&S WPO VSMP 2014-10-27
r • • r FINAL PLAN MOORE'S CREEK EROSION & BUFFER PROGRAM 5T" STREET STATION DEVELOPMENT-ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA r ✓ Prepared for: ✓ Glenn Brooks,County Engineer r • Albemarle County,Virginia , Prepared by: r Geo-Environmental Consulting Services, LLC r ' Richmond,Virginia r October 27, 2014 r 7614 Cornwall Road,Richmond,Virginia 23229;804-869-2246;sawemereamail.com tr ,. • • TABLE OF CONTENTS MOORE'S CREEK EROSION AND BUFFER PROFFER REQUIREMENTS 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE EROSION AND BUFFER AREAS 1 CURRENT STREAM BANK CONDITIONS 3 PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR STREAM BANK RESTORATION 6 SEPTEMBER 24,2014 SITE MEETING 6 • FINAL PROJECT PLAN 7 PERMITTING AND FINAL DESIGN 8 SCHEDULE 9 FIGURES • 1. Exhibit B • 2. Moore's Creek Area 2(South Bank) 3. Moore's Creek Area 3(North Bank) 4. Tributary Area 4—Double Box Culvert • 5. Tributary Area 5—Downstream from Box Culvert ATTACHMENTS • Location Figures —Reaches 0 through 5 and T-1 Detail 1.3: Stacked Stone(Modified) Detail 2.7: Branch Layering (Modified) • r r • FINAL PLAN-MOORE'S CREEK EROSION & BUFFER PROGRAM 5T"STREET STATION DEVELOPMENT-ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA ► This plan presents the approach for complying with the Moore's Creek Erosion and Buffer proffer requirements for the 5t"Street Station development. ► MOORE'S CREEK EROSION AND BUFFER PROFFER REQUIREMENTS • Item 7.of the 5th Street—Avon Proffer Statement presents requirements for the Moore's Creek Erosion and Buffer Projects. It states, "The Owner shall complete the erosion and buffer projects for Moore's Creek, above Biscuit Run in the areas depicted on the map attached as Exhibit B, and also in the areas within the Property of the City side of Moore's Creek(the Erosion and Buffer Projects)". Exhibit B is from Albemarle County's Stormwater Action Lists Report for Stormwater Master Plan, prepared by CH2MHIII and dated January,2004. Item 7.states: • "The Erosion and Buffer Projects shall include but not be limited to stream bank restoration and stream channel stabilization in general conformity with The Virginia Stream Restoration and Stabilization Best Management Practices Guide published by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation in 2004 or any subsequent updates or revisions. • The Erosion and Buffer Projects also shall include but not be limited to the installation of new riparian plantings in general conformity with the Riparian Buffers Modification and Mitigation Guidance Manual prepared by the Virginia Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department in September 2003 or any subsequent updates or revisions. • • The Erosion and Buffer Projects'scope shall be subject to all applicable federal and state and local approvals,including the requirements set forth in the DEQ Landfill Work Plan. • The schedule and scope of the Erosion and Buffer Projects shall be submitted and approved with the first final site plan within the Property and shall be completed within three(3)years from the date of the approval of the first final site plan within the Property". r DESCRIPTION OF THE EROSION AND BUFFER AREAS Albemarle County's Water Protection Ordinance requires that riparian buffers be preserved or established along certain water features. For the 5th Street Station project 100-foot wide buffers are required on both sides of Moore's Creek and its tributary (see Exhibit B). Riparian buffers protect water quality, help stabilize stream channels, provide habitat and food for fish and wildlife, reduce sedimentation and erosion, filter pollutants including nitrogen and phosphorus, and moderate stream water temperatures by providing shade. The Buffer Linear Extent shown in Exhibit B along Moore's Creek consists of the following • wooded/vegetated areas: • Upstream of the Bent Creek Road bridge—a distance of approximately 1,000 feet along the north ► and south banks,and • Downstream of the bridge— o A distance of approximately 800 feet along the north bank o A distance of approximately 1,800 feet along the south bank r _ ie r y s . . „ ..at r 1 :Y 4 ' Iia 1 , ..,1 "t 4 , f *i V i M , i , ;. .,,,„, • „:3c mg . 0 s .,: ; + »,imitY rt 3 ,- 4 V I 1 t . I + t IFe i y .,, .0, ii.f i i .' .' ....,e v ,u 1 — r ;111 `„) + i W o r lif I !i ' f. E., 1 1.• u 1 cil I;X 0 , W i j i f r Ir. fi z * . ._ El i 1 I 0 i 1 Ela 3 i i r • r • The Erosion Unear Extent shown in Exhibit B along Moore's Creek consists of moderate to steep non- • vegetated stream banks that are eroding.They includes areas: • Downstream of the bridge along the north bank—a distance of approximately 500 feet beginning approximately 400 feet downstream from the bridge. • Downstream of the bridge along the south bank—a distance of approximately 400 feet beginning at the bridge. • The tributary to Moore's Creek—both sides of the tributary channel from the concrete double channel box culvert at the upstream end to the confluence with Moore's Creek; a distance of approximately 1,000 feet. r CURRENT STREAM BANK CONDITIONS Areas requiring stream bank restoration (Exhibit B— Figure 1) have been viewed during two site visits from within the stream channels and along the tops of stream banks. Based on observations during these site visits,restoration appears necessary for the four areas described below. Area 1: North Bank of Moore's Creek,east of the Bridge&South of the Hardee's Restaurant • The Rivanna Trail extends along the top of the north bank of Moore's Creek. • This area is stabilized with rip rap. Tall grass/weeds,brush and some trees occur throughout this area. • • Intermittent flow from a pipe that discharges stormwater from the Hardee's and the adjacent Verizon Maintenance Facility pavements,has created erosion that is migrating northward toward the trail. Stabilization is needed to prevent further erosion. Area 2: South Bank of Moore's Creek,east of the Bridge • Stream banks in this area are approximately 8 to 10 feet high, essentially bare and slope moderately to steeply away from the creek. Erosion results from high stream flow and flow from • a corrugated metal pipe that discharges stormwater onto the slope from upland portions of the • undeveloped property. A portion of this area is shown in Figure 2. Area 3: North Bank of Moore's Creek,east and downstream of the Verizon Maintenance Facility • An approximately 300-foot portion of the 500-foot section of stream bank has been severely • eroded. The banks are approximately 10 to 12 feet high, very steep to vertical and void of vegetation. Large trees have been undercut and lean toward the creek;the guide wires to several electrical power poles are close to the eroded stream bank and at several locations the bare, nearly vertical slopes are only several feet from the Rivanna Service Authority's sanitary sewer • line. A portion of this area is shown in Figure 3. Area 4: Tributary to Moore's Creek—discharge channel for runoff from Interstate 64 • • Stormwater from Interstate 64 flows into the tributary through a concrete box culvert with two • openings, each approximately 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide (Figure 4). The tributary meanders northward through a forested area and eventually discharges into Moore's Creek. Both the east and west banks of the tributary, where eroded, are void of vegetation and consist of approximately 6 to 10 feet high, moderately steep to vertical slope(Figure 5). • -3- 0. r + .x r c '' '.-..,--',",2''.`,•-','-:'''',-..7':: '.',...'':.la'c''''...i'.'''''-'...*::::, ‘.4..'6. yT tt t e W - i - �." ti y �/�4 1; }�� hfi` ' J N Esse } r � , c 4- } Q4.- ^r ill j t -4 • ft„ '. ' ,i' . + • ' - 1� ir '� „ 4. o FIGURE 2 - Moore's Creek Area 2 (South Bank) r i ,, 1 i 1 r i r, 7 - t. -g" , . wa iit 1 I 1 1 FIGURE 3 — Moore's Creek Arca 3 (North Bank) 1 ) 1 v- ., le • Vittetg4A*' *11%. _ / t t Ie+eti r re s 1 �.1 j� i 4 1— / ` `3 A l k "� Yoh1 .141�0 #711i �; (4,4. fd ei ± /. * (r4" ,'.6.1.4/Vt IF 24'4014. ' • FIGURE 4-Tributary Area 4— Double Box Culvert •� I ,, /111 A• 1 1 I x.„• r xA �: ; " , 1 } ' A'4' r - * r • •v " :;4^- } FIGURE 5 -Tributary Area 5, Downstream from Box Culvert I i 1 r r • r • ' PREUMINARY PLAN FOR STREAM BANK RESTORATION Two methods of stream bank restoration were preliminarily discussed with the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and presented in an April 29, 2014 Preliminary Plan for the Moore's Creek Erosion& Buffer Plan. They were: • Placing a geosynthetic membrane—Class I Rip Rap blanket along the base of eroded, moderate to steep stream banks to a height of approximately 6 feet above normal flow. The remaining portion of the slope would be stabilized with live stakes and plantings. • Placing rock gabions in areas where eroded stream banks are essentially vertical.It is impractical to flatten the slopes by grading due to adjacent utilities(power poles and sewer lines).The rock gabions would be similar to those used downstream in the basal portion of the Living Wall that was constructed along the closed Avon landfill. The following restoration methods were preliminarily planned for the four areas: • Area 1—extending the stormwater discharge pipe approximately 10 feet and placing rip rap in the eroded portion of the channel. • Area 2—constructing geosynthetic membrane—Class I Rip Rap blankets to approximately 6 feet above normal stream flow, possible local flattening of slopes above the rip rap by grading and setting live stakes/plantings above the rip rap. • Area 3 — constructing stacked rock gabions along the vertically eroded banks; geosynthetic membrane—Class I Rip Rap blankets with live stakes/plantings may be used locally. Unstable trees with exposed roots should be removed. • Area 4—constructing geosynthetic membrane—Class I Rip Rap blankets to approximately 3 to 4 feet above the stream bed, flattening of slopes above the rip rap by grading, and setting live stakes/plantings above the rip rap. r SEPTEMBER 24,2014 SITE MEETING On September 24,2014 a site meeting was held to view the proffered buffer and stream bank restoration areas along Moore's Creek and to discuss Albemarle County's expectations. The following persons were present: 1. Albemarle County—Glenn Brooks,Greg Hudson,Repp Glaettu 2. City of Charlottesville—Dan Sweet 3. Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority—Victoria Fort,E.I.T 4. Owner/Developer's Representatives—Dan Tucker,Lance Koth,P.E.,Steve Werner • Locations for the proffered buffer and stream bank restoration areas are shown on the 7 attached figures (Reaches 0—5 and T-1). The figures also show the location of the Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority's two emergency stream bank repair areas along Moore's Creek(Reaches 0 and 2). • -6- • • FINAL PROJECT PLAN Based on the site discussions,information provided by Dan Sweet and further review of documents listed in the County's proffer statement(Riparian Buffers Modification& Mitigation Guidance Manual and The • Virginia Stream Restoration and Stabilization Best Management Practices Guide), revisions to the April 29, 2014 Preliminary Plan, Moore's Creek Erosion & Buffer Program have been made. The revisions include: 1. Repairing the failed basin and pipe outfalls located immediately upstream of the bridge on the north bank of Moore's Creek. • 1. Performing a field assessment of the plant species present in the buffer areas. This is necessary for the removal and replanting of proffered buffer areas overgrown with invasive vines. 2. Replacing the previously proposed stream bank restoration methods along Moore's Creek with a • vegetated stacked stone/live soil lifts system. • 3. For the tributary receiving storm water flow from Interstate 64,retaining the previously proposed geotextile fabric — Class I rip rap blankets with live stakes/plantings, but including live branch layering within the rip rap in addition to the live stakes and plantings above the rip rap. • Additional information regarding the buffer assessment and vegetated stacked stone/live soil lifts system is presented below. Field Assessment of Buffer Areas The field buffer assessment will be performed to identify the types of vegetation present in the proffered areas. The assessment will consist of two tasks. Task 1: For invasive species, a walking survey will be conducted to survey the species and density of • invasive species within the buffer areas. For the purpose of this survey, invasive species are those found • in the list authored by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Natural Heritage Division and titled "Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia"dated September 2009.The survey will be conducted by using a "loop and swoop" methodology,where circular perimeters are walked then the given circle is • bisected twice on the X and Y axis of the circle. In addition, linear visual surveys will be taken in areas • where it appears the invasive colonies are monotypic or uniform.An Invasive Species Survey Report will be provided citing the findings and suggested control measures. Maps will be included that show the densities and locations of the observed invasive species. • Task 2: For buffer establishment and restoration planting, existing site characteristics, vegetation and • land use will be assessed in order to choose the best method of buffer establishment and using the • appropriate plantings.This will be done simultaneously with the Invasive Species Survey.Vegetation plots will consist of a 30' x 30' area assessing all layers of vegetation and percentage of density. The initial findings will report the areas where a native forest community is observed,and no buffer establishment, • plantings,or invasive species control will be necessary.The remaining areas will consist of identifying the percentages of existing shrub/sapling,subcanopy,and overstory densities. The findings will be presented in a Buffer Establishment Plan. Plantings will be in accordance with the Buffer Mitigation Plan prepared by Bohler Engineering. r , • -7- • Vegetated Stacked Stone/Live Soil Lifts System Turbulence and high velocity flows within Moore's Creek make it necessary to construct a "hard armor" system into the lower portion of the restored stream bank systems to restrict erosion. A system of vegetated stacked stone and live soil lifts is planned. The vegetated stacked stone portion is conceptually shown on modified Detail 1.3 — Stacked Stone (attached). The size of the stacked stone will be similar to that being used by the Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority at the Authority's two stream bank restoration sites along Moore's Creek. The height of the vegetated stacked stone will vary based on location, but at a minimum will be at the 2 year storm level • based on a HEC_RAS model for the creek. Live branches will be set along the top of each row of stacked stone and extend into the soil/growing media backfill behind the stone and into the stream bank. The • backfill will be contained within filter fabric. Areas requiring restoration above the vegetated stacked stone will be consist of live soil lifts. This is • conceptually shown in modified Detail 2.7—Branch Layering(attached). Each layer of soil/growing media backfill will be contained within filter fabric and live branches will be placed on the surface of each lift. PERMITTING AND FINAL DESIGN The vegetated stacked stone/live soil lift system presented for the Moore's Creek and tributary restoration program are both conceptual. Detailed engineering plans will be prepared based on Albemarle County and Corps comments. The plans will be prepared in a manner that allows for in-field modifications during construction,subject to the design engineer's approval,if unforeseen conditions are encountered. This approach was used for the Avon Landfill Living Wall project downstream and proved to be quite successful. Prior to preparing engineering plans for the stream bank restoration program,one or more meetings may • be held with the Corps — Albemarle Field Office to discuss the proposed restoration program. Modifications to the program may be required based on discussions with the Corps. Any required modifications will be discussed with Albemarle County before they are finalized. Stream bank restoration activities will require a Joint Permit issued by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC). The Joint Permit Application (JPA) process will begin as the engineering plans are • being prepared. Once the plans are approved by Albemarle County, they will be included with the JPA and submitted to the VMRC,who in turn will submit copies to the Corps and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Several rounds of review comments and JPA revisions are likely before permit approval. The permitting process should be similar to that for the Avon Landfill Living Wall project. It will consist of completing and submitting a permit application to the VMRC that includes: • A completed application form with narrative and figures describing the planned activities. • Pians/specifications prepared by a Professional Engineer licensed in Virginia. • An in-stream mussel survey. • Surveys for threatened and endangered species,and historic resources. • -8- • r The use construction equipment(loaders)may not be necessary in Moore's Creek or the tributary,since the work areas are generally accessible from the top of the stream banks. However,work in Area 3 will require access from the Rivanna Service Authority's utility easement, which includes the Rivanna Trail. For safety reasons,access along the trail in Area 3 will probably have to be prohibited during construction. r SCHEDULE A proposed schedule for the above activities is presented below. This schedule is subject to change based on County and regulatory agency reviews. 10/28/14 Owner/developer representatives meeting with the Corps(Vinny Pero)and DEQ (Eric Millard) 10/20-10/31/14 Complete the field buffer assessment 11/3—11/17/14 Complete the buffer assessment report and submit to the County 11/3—12/31/14 Prepare engineering plans for stream bank restoration and one review meeting with the Corps, begin preparing the JPA 11/18—12/18/14 County review of the buffer assessment report 12/8—12/12/14 Owner/developer meeting to review draft design plans with the Corps 1/9/15 Submit the engineering plans for stream bank restoration to the County 1/12—3/12/15 County review of the engineering plans 3/13—3/27/15 Final revisions to the engineering plans based on County review comments, resubmittal to the County r 4/10/15 County approval of the engineering plans 4/17/15 Submit JPA to VMRC The Erosion and Buffer Projects will be completed within three(3)years from the date of the approval of the first final site plan within the Property,as required by proffer item 7. -9- W• ,71.ime ---• # W ( 0 8 0ZZ hi et IV _ _- 4' O v x _ ... —. m 4]m W w co YZ. 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II 1 1 1 \ 1 , \ it ,r1,U2,p_ 1 i i i ``\ Iy ,\ i t , Q W.... 1 I t \ , 1 \ 1 1 \ 1 i 0,W Q �x 1 i 1 1, . 1 1 1 1 \ 11 -ID ID N ~ 1 1 \�� I \ 1\ ' 1 Npl� Z I 1 1 \ \\ ... i, 1 \ , \ \ \ 0 ' O Z i i K\ .x i i 1 1 = J 1 1 ' 1 i r w %1 4 Z I I I .R 1 f1 I 1 { ` r 1 i 1 I 1 ''` i ''`L `l'I 1 iii, ► / > I I \ • 1 I 0 § if I Xg ` t\ 'I I `#%y I I i yy� I t I I I y) ,• , 1 Lj 1 I /.,'/.---"-- r I I t I I / 8 „. ' The Virginia Stream Restoration & Stabilization Best Management Practices Guide DETAIL 1 . 3: STACKED STONE (MODIFIED) r DEFINITION SKETCH r tOW Backfill Slope Angle (2h:1v Or Flatter But 10-ft moi' Greater Than 5% 1 Max. Height a Q,=Inclination Of Wall From Horizontal or To lh:4v) r i 2:1 i Existing Bankline , Topsoil (Depth Shall Be Sufficient kp/ l To Support Stabilizing Vegetation) Live Soil Lifts V \ Rocks Shall Be Angular And Have A 5%/a Min. 2:1 Max.�� ,..*NA ��h Minimum Width Equal The Vertical Height Of Thee Wall Degree Of Setback Shall - --- -- iAvit`t.l -' :lig Depend On Design Slope -�k:IPA0-2,-.!���'�i Live Branch c !: � • !� ;. �- Filter Fabric g 3.,14.1-10,V Existin � , . Streambank ` • ..: �, ..:St six, Stream Bed ''' 1.'101,' gii�p l..;':•�1 ' Stable Cut Face • Invert ':(` '�:!' r �`�� ~ Soil T: V. Footer Stone At Or Below • •7 % Stream Bed Invert Large Stone_ See '1 ' Practice 1.5: Rock Filter Fabric Toe Revetment Below Scour Depth SECTION Ilk 2nd Tier Of Stones illrijosimalliarilla.. LIP . 01,1m -- ------___ _ `. 1st Tier �/ , ' Of Stones c o t� Face of Stacked Stone ° gbill`0 Wall should Be Relatively °9 0o0 Min. 3�� Smooth o0 � Toe of Setback Flow Bank O Transition Using Practice 1.7: Riprap Apated From PLAN Maryland's Waterway Construction Guidelines BANK PROTECTION GUIDELINES DECEMBER 2003 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION RECREATION The Virginia Stream Restoration & Stabilization Best Management Practices Guide DETAIL 2. 7 : BRANCH LAYERING (MODIFIED) , Existing Stream Bank Stabilize W/ Practice 2.3: Natural Fiber Mattini For Slopes Greater Than 3:1 Use Straw Or 1��,. Straw/Jute Matting for Slopes Less Than 3:1 ��, sv Proposed Grade Live Soil Lifts 411141 �ro�,,,�' r; Filter Fabric 0-15° 6"-12" � Undisturbed Soil • Provide Toe Protection As Determined By Hydraulic Analysis SECTION Source KCI Technologies BANK STABILIZATION GUIDELINES DECEMBER 2003 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION RECREATION